Live Thread: Southern Demographic Displacement Rally (Uvalda, GA)


Here are some early photos from the League of the South’s “Southern Demographic Displacement” rally in Uvalda and Vidalia, GA:

Update: SNN is posting photos and videos of the Uvalda and Vidalia protests.

Note: We’re back in the hotel now resting after a very successful protest in Uvalda and Vidalia.










Sea of Hate (Part II)

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “- Except that YOU AREN’T a real a priest, Orthodox or otherwise. You’re just a mentally-disturbed person on the internet who invented a fake religion.”

    Ha ha, Chris, I’d let you talk to my bishop, and the members of my congregation, but I am forbidden in Scriptures to let an unbeliever (who hasn’t even started writing his own thoughts, on his own blog) to ‘lead men astray.’

    So, unless you put up, shut up. God judge between me and thee.

  2. “you must agree it is equally possible for one to convert to both Eastern Orthodoxy and white nationalism, at least for a while. Perhaps no 100% Gentile could do what he does quite the way he does it, and one man’s view of “a silly clown act” might be another’s irresistibly intriguing introduction to Christian WN.”

    Oh, Mosin, I agree. That’s what bothers me the most. Why is it, only the Yid can speak against the Yid, and be considered a ‘valid witness’ – it’s just another form of Jewish Supremacism in action. Why is everyone else (witness pagans like 666Christophobe) able to critique falsely a man of God, and be given legitimacy, but no [sic] ‘goy’ can discuss the jews?

    But, the saddest part of Br. Nate’s charade is that he PRETENDED to be a monk, and possibly a cleric as well. The Orthodox have a ‘holy fool’ tradition, and Nate knows of this- or perhaps not. He is quite intelligent, I don’t fault him for that. But why is it, ( to permit the analogy) only a Communist can denounce communism, when Celtic McCarthy’s (such as myself, or Joe Cortina, who ALSO was led astray by Nate) or Ezra Pounds, cannot?

    That is my beef with Nate. Not his desire to be Christian, not even his desire to ‘give up’ his Jewishness- it is the lie that he has done so, when he has NOT.
    Thus my comments.

  3. Speaking of the South, Jindal just penned an op-ed where he lectures (whites only) to move beyond race.

    You could simply ask the question why these worthies never lecture non-whites. The LoS has to move beyond being a vanity play by intellectuals and actually being the public servants Mr. Hill has written about.

    So what are you going to do about these bastards who lecture whites about race? Pen a long dissertation on flags or something or actually liberate whites from the hatred their government and its allies impose upon them.

  4. Nice event. Too bad you didn’t draw a big crowd.

    You really need an advance man in the area a few days before an event passing out & posting flyers, putting up signs, visiting with people etc. You need advertisements in local papers—which are cheap in rural areas & small towns & a published schedule of events & list of speakers.

    You don’t need to publish the particulars on the internet until a day or two before the event if at all—that way the kooks like the SPLC & ADL are in the dark.

  5. John B writes:

    “So how do the other Beatles feel about your bringing Yoko to the recording sessions, Mr. Wallace?”

    JR replies:

    What about Linda McCartney playing the tambourine ? 🙂

    I think we should go with the idea that our various forms of our “movement” is fraternal, one has to socialize, find a mate somewhere else, and mainstream churches are no longer places to find a compatible mate, more like a place to get in to an argument about Civil Rights, Gay rights, White privilege ect.

  6. Home run presentations by the Georgia chapter leader, PP and Dr. Michael Hill.

    You come across like salt-of-the-Earth men who normal people can’t help but like. Just good decent people.

    A lot of people in the South, and probably outside the South too, are hungry this message: preservation, autonomy, being left alone, keeping our customs and traditions, keeping what our ancestors built, and moral denunciation of the FILTH that want to take it away.

    I suspect this message would play VERY well in Louisiana’s fishing communities, rural Louisiana, and the conservative parishes and suburbs.

    Great job.

  7. Fr John, regarding listening only to Talmudists denounce Talmudism, reminds me of evangelical churches that are thrilled to receive a new minister who “did” drugs and fornications, even homosexual acts, and then “was delivered from all that” — and they will listen to him, or her, but not to a pastor who was brought up in a strict Christian home with no drinking, no pornography, etc.

    Re: “the saddest part of Br. Nate’s charade is that he PRETENDED to be a monk”:
    I agree. We must all tell ALL the truth and NOTHING but truth, or even the truth that we do tell may well be doubted, even retributed — even the most tyrannical mis-governments still exist to some extent for the punishment of liars and other evildoers, and praise of them that do well. So Kapner needs to ‘fess up, and soon, or lose his witness entirely.

  8. Here’s a slogan you can borrow from Welsh nationalists in their demonstrations to preserve the remains of their country:

    “Conservation, not colonisation”

    Nearly everyone likes “conservation”, including those who are NOT conservative. This demographic “replacement” is a colonisation by non-indigenous peoples.

  9. Asking for our own conservation does appear “weak”. But we ARE in a weak position and it is perhaps the strongest appeal.

  10. I don’t know what Brother Kapner has to do with the LOS or CofCC?

    Anyway, as a Protestant I don’t see where the comic Brother Kapner does any harm. He is a “real” Russian Orthodox brother, and the Russian Orthodox church leadership is, on the record, not too happy with Brother Kapner. But, as is usually the case, I’m sure Brother Kapner brings in the money, so he is tolerated by the Russian Orthodox.

  11. “So, unless you put up, shut up. God judge between me and thee.”

    And from which particular seminary or college did you receive your degree in theology Fr. John?

  12. Good suggestions Earle.

    I also advise a mix of “paid media” and earned media. Too many Conservatives don’t know the difference, or expect the MSM to give us lots of positive free publicity, they won’t.

    I have done PR campaigns, where we purchase full page adverts in the local newspaper, then use press releases including the local paid advert to generate free, earned media. Lots of local, small town media just like the attention, as few read their newspapers.

    Try to be like a fight promoter trying to get a buzz going.

  13. Hello Detractors!! How helpful you are….talking aobut “leaving the woman at home”. Riiiighhhhht. ‘Cause having cute, well-dressed, adorable young White women around HURTS “The Movement”. The presence of a cute, well-dressed young White female DOES NOT signal to OTHER cute, presentable, functional, healthy young White females that these White Southern Gentleman are functional, and safe to be around, and desirable. Nope. Not at all. Just have the steeley-eyed, grim, SCARY dudes around. Cause THAT WORKS SO WELL – and has worked SO WELL for decades.

    Steve – the slogan is FINE.

    The LoS own property, and has members, and does things.

    I pay attention to and support those who do concrete things in the REAL world.

  14. Re: Kapner – WE can still USE him. Something along the lines of “He’s nuts – but he tells the truth. The truth of the Madman. See how living among Racial Supremacist Zionist Jews drives one of their own bonkers? Se what he’s been driven to…”, etc?

    The IMPORTANT thing is to get the truth out.

  15. How about paying for a advert in the town paper, thanking locals for your stay and listening to League of the South concerns?

    Always spread a little cash to local merchants and solicited donations.

    We want the reputation of being good for local businesses.

  16. John Bonaccorsi, Philadelphia says:
    August 25, 2013 at 7:10 pm
    Denise — don’t you have something to do in the kitchen?

    JR replies:

    These sentiments sound better in German…

    Kinder, Küche, Kirche,_K%25C3%25BCche,_Kirche

    The idea behind this German movement was/is that women should stop mouthing off about politics, messing with a man’s world and instead should concentrate on

    Children, kitchen, church

    Since most of our American churches are now pro queer, pro 3rd world immigration, anti all things healthy, traditional and White, maybe we should just make it:

    Kinder, Kuche

  17. One would THINK that we want to give the impression of being good for every-one – except women.

    It’s really IMPORTANT to leave women OUT of the equation.

    That way – the Hebes can entreat them to go out with Negroes, and spawn more Obamas. Which is what they’ve been doing, via media and advertising, and have been pretty successful at this gambit, for decades.

    Le’ts just tell women to shut up and cook. DO NOT include White women!!!! DO NOT show them, by having White, smiling, well-dressed females around in the first place, that White women have any stake in White Survival at all. IGNORE White women and tell them to shut up and go away.

    We MUST continue being as successful as we have been, in raising White awareness. by driving women away. Yes! THAT WILL WORK!!!

    • Everyone who was at the League protest in Uvalda and Vidalia were perplexed that this is even an issue on the internet. The subject came up several times while we were drinking. The men who were there were unanimously in favor of more women showing up at our events.

  18. “make it: Kinder, Kuche”

    Rather reverse the order: “KIRCHE (first things first!), kinder, kuche”

    Never reject or abandon “Kirche” — rather find or establish (with God’s help) a RIGHT Kirche!

  19. Sounds like a great event, simple, positive, thanks to all the brave men and woman who worked so hard to make this a success.

    Let’s write some personal follow up thank you notes to locals.

    Greta job everyone.

  20. I have a strong suspicion that you all spent more time drinking than protesting, would I be correct?
    Also, having your woman with you is not a good idea. Other people seeing women during a protest will just laugh. It comes across as weak.

    • No, the protest in Uvalda started around 10 AM and lasted to around 12PM, and the protest in Vidalia began around 2 PM and lasted to around 4 PM. We used all the time we were given under the permit.

      • We’ve been over this before.

        WN has a serious problem attracting and involving women in the movement. SN doesn’t have this problem. There is a consensus that women should join the League of the South and are welcome to participate in our events.

  21. The subject came up several times while we were drinking.

    Hmm. I guess that means it came up quite a bit.

  22. Hunter Wallace says:
    “Palmetto Patriot bought an advertisement in the Vidalia Advance but it was rejected.”

    How about you place an add in the newspapers, advertising a normal website and on the day the newspaper hits the streets, change the website to advertise your Pro Southern rally?

  23. @ John Bonaccorsi, of Philadelphia: Thanks for joining in. Do you agree that William Penn’s colony stood head and shoulders above the other twelve, being founded intentionally as a Theocracy, and a much better one theologically and Biblically than the Calvinistic Massachusetts Bay colony? It has been contended here that this made it very vulnerable to race-mixing, yet that didn’t happen as much as in other colonies established for slavery or profit-making. What do you think?

  24. More such events are needed, north and south of the Line. Great trees grow from small seeds and seedlings.

    FOR white ethnic conservation, AGAINST the colonisation, ethnic cleansing and replacement!

  25. Seeing the video, I thought Michael Hill gave a decent speech.

    I give the more militant Southerners on here a hard time, and I re-affirm that as a Northerner I do not and will not accept responsibility for the Southern states’ modern day woes, but nevertheless Michael Hill and that other guy from Georgia, Ed Wolf, seemed like good people and I wish them success with their cause.

  26. Women are irrelevant in any movement.

    Any man that follows a woman is not a man, and women don’t respect men who grovel to women.

  27. @ Simmon… So what are you going to do about these bastards who lecture whites about race?

    It’s strange, like nobody went to a Good School. In Good Schools they taught everybody that nobody had the RIGHT to SPEAK FOR others, from an ethnic group. Speaking FOR another ethnic group is a power over them! If you are not white, you cannot speak FOR THEM, b/c you are not them, and you don’t really know them (except from another point of view), so you would only be INTERPRETING what you think, from that other point of view.

    Speaking FOR or ABOUT other groups is a colonial attitude, (bad, bad, bad).

    How could this Jindal person have gone to Brown and Harvard, yet not LEARNED such a basic rule?

  28. @ The idea behind this German movement was/is that women should stop mouthing off about politics, messing with a man’s world and instead should concentrate on
    Children, kitchen, church

    Your lips to God’s ears. The Gentler sex, if out of the work place and not bombarded with corruptions rife in the work world, may perhaps stay human enough to raise the same. Not to mention the fact that when the draft returns, it’s mothers who will be drafted. A nightmare for children.

  29. Women attract women. Period. The presence of women tells other women that a milieu is “safe”.

    WN deficits in PR and social skills holds WN back more than ANYTHING.

  30. Re: “We used all the time we were given under the permit”:

    Two hours! The idea that someone must seek PERMISSION to speak out publicly in nonviolent protest in a public square is wrong. Why not use a few extra minutes or a few extra hours than “allowed”, because it is your RIGHT!

    Talk about northerners being obsessively submissive to RULES!

    However, it was very well done! Bravo! More of this!

  31. Do you agree that William Penn’s colony stood head and shoulders above the other twelve, being founded intentionally as a Theocracy, and a much better one theologically and Biblically than the Calvinistic Massachusetts Bay colony?

    Mosin — you know much more about this subject and probably all other historical subjects than I do. I will mention one thing that seems not to get as much attention as it should: Pennsylvania, I think, is the only one of those thirteen colonies in which there was never–ever–proscription of a religious sect. Maybe I’m wrong about that; but if that’s true, it’s a remarkable testament to the force of William Penn’s character. The sectarian strife that was throughout Europe and that came therefrom to the other twelve colonies seems not to have been able to pass through the filter of his personality, not even scores of years after he was dead. I wonder whether the forbidding of an establishment of religion–a forbidding that seems to have kept the United States pretty peaceful, religiously–would have entered the Constitution if that document had been drafted in a place other than Philadelphia.

    Years ago, I heard a lecture from a man who was–and maybe still is–a law professor, here in Philadelphia. He himself was from the Midwest (German surname), but he spoke very admiringly of William Penn, whom he described as, to his knowledge, the only historical figure who’d declined to mistreat others the way they’d mistreated him. I guess he meant that Penn, who’d been jailed for his Quakerism, could have compromised his religious principles and turned Pennsylvania into some kind of officially-Quaker state, but he simply would not do that. I think one of Penn’s descendants came under intense pressure to proscribe Catholicism in the 1700’s, when the Penns still had the proprietorship of the state; but in the end, he simply did not do it. (By comparison: one of Lord Baltimore’s descendants, in Maryland, finally caved, I think.)

    Even the so-called nativist or anti-Catholic riots of Philadelphia in the mid-1800s don’t count as a counter-example. In the first place, the government quashed those pretty quickly, I’m pretty sure. In the second place, I think the “Protestant” who stirred up the first riot was a convert–a Jew; moreover, he wasn’t Pennsylvanian. He was from the South; in fact, I think he’d been a second to Jefferson Davis in a duel–something like that. That kind of belligerence strikes me as un-Pennsylvanian. Out along the Pennsylvania Turnpike–between here (Philadelphia) and Harrisburg, I’ve seen an anti-abortion billboard that shows a child doing something simple, climbing a fence or something, next to the Biblical quote, “Before I knit you in the womb, I knew you” (if I have that wording right). It’s so gentle it almost brings a tear to my eye.

    Compare William Penn with that Methodist preacher–can’t think of his name–who compromised on slavery once he himself had settled in Georgia; and who’s that New Englander who wrote “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”? That title gives me the creeps. Was William Penn ever associated with something so harsh? I doubt it.

    Penn just seems to have been a rare figure. If there’d been a William Penn at the founding of the South or of New England–preferably, both–there probably wouldn’t have been a Civil War.

  32. Thanks for your comment, John Bonaccorsi. Here is a useful timeline for you:

    Penn held that the general moral/spiritual condition of a people is what is MOST important: “Government seems to me a part of religion itself, a thing sacred in its institution and end (…) And government is free to the people under it, whatever be the frame, where the laws rule and the people are a party to those laws; and more than this is tyranny, oligarchy, or confusion (…) As governments are made and moved by men, so by them they are ruined too. Wherefore governments rather depend upon men than men upon governments. Let men be good, and the government cannot be bad. If it be ill, they will cure it. But if men be bad, let the government be ever so good, they will endeavor to warp and spoil it to their turn.”

  33. Thanks for that link, Mosin. I’ve been compiling family history that, involves, naturally some history of Pennsylvania as a whole. Very helpful.

  34. It is true that the Puritans of New England were even more intolerant of religious nonconformity than the English monarchy in the fatherland — burnings at the stake, hangings of “heretics” that would have included nearly forty Quakers had not the King of England intervened — in complete contrast to the policy of the Quakers of “New Wales” (Penn preferred to call his colony “New Wales”) — and it is clear that the major impetus to Lincoln’s War against the southern states came from the violently intolerant spirit of New England.

    Here is another useful link, John B.:

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