About Hunter Wallace 12407 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Besides graffiti, there is the roadside cross. Setting up roadside crosses to memorialise auto accident deaths is being punished and the crosses are being removed quickly in many states. Roadside crosses with a message about the millions of casualties of the unjust, unconstitutional, Talmudic wars might be more effective than handing out “leaflets” that are mostly thrown away. People are deluged with papers every day. An artistic roadside cross display is much more eye catching.

  2. Compose a ballad of the Syrian war, set to a good white tune. It is hard to resist listening to good live music that tells a story.

  3. Occigent says:

    ‘Here’s how it works out.

    1. The American people say no.
    2. Assad’s secret Holocaust Denial Special Forces Squad releases Nerve Gas at the Rose Bowl.
    3. The American people say yes.’

    Quite possible.

    I would not rule out something along those lines happening much sooner, say around 9-11- 13?

    If evidence is produced/manufactured implicating Assad’s secret Holocaust Denial Nazi Special Forces Squad the outrage and subsequent actions would be unimaginable.

  4. There is still time to deify the black bastard. MLK is quite clearly a new American god.

  5. There’s nothing any of us can do to stop this, these wars will stop when America is a bankrupt hasbeen superpower like Britian was in the 1950s or Russia was the 1990s. This scenario may come sooner then we think if war breaks out Iran could get involved and stop oil from leaving the Persian Gulf if Russia and China dump all their dollar assests America’s economy will collapse and we will no longer hold reserve currency status, America will be bankrupt and unable to fight foreign wars. The question is when the ruling class sees their status as rulers of the world fading away will they lose their collective minds and launch an all out nuclear war on …..everybody.

  6. Perception is reality. Congress must perceive that there is a massive backlash. The way to create this perception is to make LOUD NOISES. Flood the comment sections, and flood the telephones. If you have a platform, use it to your advantage. Rallies would be nice too, but it takes money and time to organize those, and both are in short supply.

    As Sam suggested, a false flag operation might be on the horizon. The powers that be know the Joker’s line all to well: “Madness is like gravity, all it takes is a little push.”

  7. “Russia and China dump all their dollar assests America’s economy will collapse and we will no longer hold reserve currency status, America will be bankrupt and unable to fight foreign wars.”

    Just paper flowing back and forth.

    The end is near.U.S. seized to be a world pulpit. eratic and dangerous resort to nuclear as the demography collapse of that of USSR.

  8. “The end is near.U.S. seized to be a world pulpit. eratic and dangerous resort to nuclear as the demography collapse of that of USSR.”

    @GPrune- Not sure I entirely understand what you were trying to say. It is noteworthy that the USA now has below 50% population of the historically dominant group, whites. I believe in the book Civil War II Thomas Chittum mentioned that for the USSR, before it collapsed, had dropped to being 50-60% Russian with the other percentage made up by minority groups/non-Russian nationalities. Something to keep in mind.

  9. “There’s nothing any of us can do to stop this”

    Although that’s not true as the UK vote showed, it’s not primarily about stopping an attack. It’s about using the situation to make people lose faith in the ruling elite. In this case over a foreign lobby controlling US foreign policy and swapping Israeli casualties for American ones.

    Stopping an attack is just a bonus.

  10. Just got off the phone with Congressman Sensenbrenner’s office. I unloaded on the Syrian situation. The man I spoke with said the Congressman will release a statement shortly in opposition to the war.

  11. http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/357594/representative-matt-salmon-syria-authorization-will-fail-20-votes-jonathan-strong

    Arizona congressman Matt Salmon’s constituents have called his office 500 times about Syria, he tells National Review Online in an interview, but only two callers have expressed support for intervening there. “This is not hyperbole!” he says emphatically.

    And Salmon himself is firmly against authorizing a strike. “I don’t see any national-security imperative for our country at all. Both sides in this equation are bad actors.” He also notes that Obama has been unable to form an international coalition and hasn’t laid out an overall objective for a missile strike. “Other than saving face for the president, I don’t understand what we would be doing,” he says.

    Further, Salmon doubts the intervention will be brief. “Nobody believes this is going to be a couple surgical strikes,” he says. (snip)

  12. Liberal Left Jews and others admitting that we were/are right about avoiding these pointless foreign wars… But we’re still RACISTS…

    Racist peace pacifists….

    Also racist animal rights activists, environmentalists….

    Racist living wage for poultry workers…

    Those RACISTS are turning Socialists!

    Racists Socialists… Artists, vegetarians, socialist workers parties….


    (Anybody know someone that fits this bill?)

  13. • Secret deal places no legal limits on use of data by Israelis
    • Only official US government communications protected

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