Southern Nationalism Is Growing Up


Gregory Hood has written a new article at Amren on the evolution of the League of the South and Southern Nationalism:

“Two years ago, I concluded that Southern nationalists were still trapped in the rhetoric and mindset of Beltway conservatism. However, Southern nationalism must not be ignored by any serious white advocate. The South is the one region of the country where there is a real cultural identity and a self-conscious white constituency motivated to fight in defense of white interests and eventual political independence.

The challenge is making the transition from an implicitly white movement based around abstract ideas to explicit white advocacy grounded in defending the interests of a specific people. This transition is usually where American movements fall short. …”

Note: It is worth noting that some of the groundbreaking articles about this new direction were published here at OD in 2010 and 2011 in debates about cultural geography, the strengths and weaknesses of White Nationalism, and specifically in response to Harold Covington’s Northwest Front.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. You’ll find a few people critical of SN or at least the new direction of flag of SN at AmRen. Everyone be sure to also comment there.

  2. Hunter up-voted Question Diversity’s comment accusing some posters on Amren of being ‘jew obsessed cranks,’ in reaction to no provocation on the topic. Something about this overall issue of southern nationalism growing up…

    I’m here as a Yankee to tell you’all that this insistence on ‘Negro-obsessive crankiness’ will fail with the northerners, and that without each other we will all fail, whether we like it or not. We are not so obsessively invested in the nature of blacks, and never will be, in the way you southerners sometimes seem to be. We are capable of obsessing over our own survival, and we generally know who’s obsessed with our destruction. Hint: it’s not simply the ‘colored folks.’

    Grow up southerners.

  3. NY Yankees, your comment is exactly what I would expect for someone with your name. You come on here to insult us and claim that ‘without each other we will all fail.’ Sounds like rhetoric you got from Lincoln. lol No one I know cares about NYC. We just don’t care. Y’all can do anything you’d like up there and we wouldn’t care. Just keep it to yourselves and leave us alone.

  4. Southerners such as Palmetto are too stupid to see the big picture and recognize the real power structure that is flooding the south with third worlders.

  5. NYYankees

    Say “black” to the average white American, and he or she will think of crime and dysfunction. You have a chance.

    Say “Jew” to the average American and he or she will think Hitler, death camps, gas chambers, holocaust. It’s a PR disaster and an organizational dead end.

  6. Yes, Sean, I’m too stupid to see the big picture. Thanks to pointing this out. Please preach to me a bit about the ‘truth’ of our situation. After all, I just don’t get it. Glad that we ignorant hicks have enlightened people such as you to tell us what we should believe and know.

  7. Nothing is going to happen until you separate the Catholic army from its Jew leadership. Nothing. North or South.

    I guess everyone noticed that as soon as Roman Catholic political leader John Boehner decided to join forces with Roman Catholic political leader Nancy Pelosi— opposition to an attack on Syria collapsed!

    I don’t doubt that both of these Catholics Boehner & Pelosi, along with Catholic half Jew Kerry, Joe Biden, Dick Durbin, ad infinitum, need Jew money and Jew media, but, that doesn’t explain it all. Simple hatred of White Protestant Americans, and the nation we founded, is looking like an answer too.

    I know, some of you Catholics can’t accept it…but, your co-religionists and their Jew allies do hate us.

    Btw, Remember this: In case of nuclear war, put your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye.

  8. Countenance is another one who seems to think we “have a chance” by taking the way of least resistance — bypassing “PR disaster” and focusing instead on The Muslim Threat, and the Africans, who “run America”.

  9. Re: NY Yankee

    We don’t have the time to wait on Northerners to get their act together. The best thing we can do for them anyway is to take the initiative and set a positive example for them to emulate.

  10. Mosin Nagant

    Sure, because George Wallace put himself on the verge of the Presidency by yammering on about “TEH JOOOOOOOOOOOOZ~!1”

    What has happened to David Duke’s political career since he started obsessing about the Js? I’ll give you a hint: It’s one of those ceramic things that you can flush.

  11. For the record, there’s a clear difference between being “Jew-wise” and “Jew-obsessed.” We’re fully aware that Organized Jewry is attacking us, but a much bigger problem is getting our own people to overcome their fear, laziness, and apathy and show up at our events.

    • The SPLC and ADL have both attacked me twice over Uvalda. They even published Palmetto Patriot’s photo under their “Extremism & Terrorism” section. That hasn’t deterred either of us though.

      At the end of the day, all they got is the scare words, and if you aren’t afraid of being called names by the opposition, there really isn’t much that they can do to you.

  12. “We don’t have the time to wait on Northerners (…) The best thing we can do for them anyway is to take the initiative.”

    “We don’t have time” may be correct, or indicate lack of patience, — even recklessness, like the sixties radicals’ slogan: “Act now, analyse later”. I think we have not yet reached “critical mass” — when enough of our people are informed properly and motivated to take action together.

  13. Hunter and Mike – keep doing what you are doing. EFF the nay-sayers. You are fine. Keep going.

    If the Hebes are screeching about you – you are doing something right.

    Re: Syria – if they try to mandate a draft – DON’T GO. Your land is Dixie (I know you know this). Your Volk will hide and protect you. The Joo worshippers can go die for Isra Hell.

  14. Earl – you know Kerry’s a Kike – but so is Pelosi. That hag is a Crypto. The Catholic Church is a total front for the Hebes now.

    Re: Naming the Jew is a loser – not so much, anymore. This whole Syria outrage is pulling up all kinds of rocks, everywhere. Their mask is totally slipping.

    I am Behind Enemy Lines, in YankeeLand., and from this perspective, I proclaim – don’t wait for ANY Damned Yankees to wake up. Yankees are paycheck whores, willin apparachiks, RETARDS, and trash-obsessed BITCHES.

    Pay them no heed.

    All I want is:

    1) To see the Kikes face Global Expulsion

    2) To be in charges of Eternal Punishment, in Hell, for Kikes, Yankees, and White Race Traitors.

  15. “a much bigger problem is getting our own people to overcome their fear, laziness, and apathy and show up at our events”

    Our people need to be INFORMED properly, more than anything else. The Tea Party set out to inform and awaken, but was controlled and prevented from advancing “into all truth” and was distracted by heavy schedules of activities and meetings and by internal group politics and personalities, and drained thoroughly by group overhead and travel costs and time.

  16. Also we must live the life of true white liberty, before we preach it, and as we preach it. Repentance before independence. Christ first, last, all in all.

  17. There is no necessary connection between being “informed” and acting on that information after being educated.

    The vast majority of these people are just going to sit on the internet and chat with each other every day.

  18. The Tea Party was also channeled away from, even banned and prevented from truly learning and informing. Most never noticed, being distracted, kept so busy with group activities. Their massive protests have been mostly ignored by the mainstream press and the government officials they expected to influence. Critical mass can never be achieved with their method. Critical mass has not yet developed.

  19. “WN…is 100 percent arguing on the internet.”

    I understand that is overstatement. Some of us not only vote in elections, but we also participate in government, and inform and learn from others directly, in real life. Someday these mostly anonymous internet communications will cease, but face to face communications and real political activity will continue.

  20. Earl Butz, Protestantism was encouraged and financed by Jews and their money men. Read “Jewish Influence On Christian Reform Movements” by Louis I Newman. He brags about the way the Jews have manipulated the Protestants from day one. The Jews may have a great deal of influence in the RCC now, but the Church will throw them off and out as we have always done.

    Denise, I don’t know if Pelosi is Jewish, but I’ve heard she knows Yiddish rather well. so there’s a 50/50 chance she’s a bagel nosher.

  21. The Tea Party Movement is so far not a success not because some mysterious cigar muncher on the top floor of a skyscraper swooped down like an eagle to mess with it, compromise it or coopt it. Its problem is that it came to the game flawed. The TPM is basically warmed over Reaganism with a hard baked right-libertarian edge.

    I will credit them for organizing against the Gang Bangers of Eight bill and the traitors that voted for it.

  22. Pelosi is a Crypto. Her kids married Yids. Her hubby is from a Marrano family. Research Nancy’s daddy. Read up on his grand passions In life.

  23. @PalmettoPatriot

    He asked a sincere question, and you dodged it. I’d like to know about that myself — does “Southern people” include all those Southern niggers, the majority of whom have been residents of the South at least as long as your ancestors, in who’s name you claim cultural distinction? And since you people are claiming places like Oklahoma as “the South” because it’s residents are descended from former Southerners, then would that logic not make any of Detroit’s remaining niggers “Southern people” as well?

  24. To the SN people – keep dpoing what you’re doing.

    “WN” will only get anywhere as an alliance of separate geographical nationalisms with local roots and that implies each variation will be different and tailored for a specific people.

  25. “Palmetto, does that include all of the millions of niggers down there?”

    A people are related by blood and culture.

    nb There is absolutely no requirement to play fair with people who are waging a war of stealth genocide against you. You don’t have to be clear and unambiguous if you don’t want especially if an ambiguous answer annoys them. If they don’t like it, good, keep repeating it until they lose their temper.

    In war always cheat.

  26. @RobRoySimmons: ‘You destroy the effect of the pejorative word “racist” you will own the world.’ This is an essential insight.
    Bigot! Hate monger! Racist! Anti-semite! (Sounds good to me.)
    “Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two makes four. If that is granted, all else follows.” — George Orwell
    “When I first read 1984 as a kid, I must admit that I did not understand this quote. But over the years I have realized this is the core concept of freedom. Freedom is being able to state what is true and what is real. If we can no longer speak the truth because of religious or ideological constraints, then we are no longer free. As such, conservatives are not the enemy of the Left – reality is the enemy.” – RamZPaul 3 X 4 = 12 (RamZPaul) YouTube
    4 essential truths:
    Black people have lower IQs and smaller brains than non-black people.
    Transfer of wealth from Whites to non-whites is a form of genocide.
    Open borders in White countries cause elimination of White people.
    Jews manipulate and exploit non-Jews.

  27. Wow. You have a flag, t-shirts–now if only you had some money.

    Am I America’s only white man who realizes that the power of the Jews is a product of the rearing of each one of them, from the moment of his or her birth? It’s a stance–toward learning, culture, achievement, prosperousness. Do you really think you can go through life watching football and delighting in drunkenness and then, when you’re on the verge of extinction, save yourselves by imitating liberal activism? Such activism is a fruit of power, not its roots. You’re cargo cultists, mistaking effect for cause.

  28. @John Bonaccorsi: “… the power of the Jews is a product of the rearing of each one of them …” NO! The blank slate/liberal rearing hypothesis is mostly wrong. IQ is 60 to 70% heritable. Niggas gonna nig. Jews gonna jew. Jews are high IQ genetically-engineered parasites. Two thousand years of jewing have a create cultural and genetic legacy but it’s mostly genetic. Kill Jews or be killed by them.

  29. You, GonerWithTheWind, are like too many white men–incapable of pausing, incapable of considering, incapable of listening.

  30. You are not equipped to remark how the world works, GonerWithTheWind. You know nothing of the subject.

  31. John B. wrote: “Am I America’s only white man who realizes that the power of the Jews is a product of the rearing of each one of them, from the moment of his or her birth? It’s a stance–toward learning, culture, achievement, prosperousness.”

    These are Jewish stances toward learning, culture, achievement, and prosperousness, yes. For a large segment of the Euro-descended White population, they are also White stances–more so in the past generation than in the present, when the very air we breathe is thick with the ubiquitous presence and pressures of Jews and things Jewish; it closes in and shuts down.

    There is a fifth differentiating Jewish stance that imbues all the rest, and that’s their stance toward Others. Because everything that they do, they are doing specifically in competition with Others–to beat others, to replace others, to do whatever it takes to get for themselves that which accrued to or was created by non-Jewish Whites. Toward that goal, shared among all Jews, they work collectively, as one; every success is rewarded; every failure capitalized on.

    He who has a Why to live for can bear almost any How.” Nietzsche

    Jews have a Why — to beat the Others. To destroy the Others. Especially the beautiful, intelligent Whites.

  32. I’m a Yankee, born and bred. I live in Northern New England, and I would never live anywhere else (kith and kin, and all that). I would not go so far as NY Yankees, but I do have a serious question for SNs, maybe somebody can help me out.

    A map of majority ethnicity by county shows that most of the “original seven” free Southern States have black pluralities in at least 3/4 of their counties. By contrast, I live in a 99% white town, a 98% white county, in a 94% white State (and the 6% non- are highly concentrated).

    How are you going to pull off independence with such a large black population?

    And Denise: That was nasty. You have many supporters in Yankeeland.

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