Southern Nationalism Is Growing Up


Gregory Hood has written a new article at Amren on the evolution of the League of the South and Southern Nationalism:

“Two years ago, I concluded that Southern nationalists were still trapped in the rhetoric and mindset of Beltway conservatism. However, Southern nationalism must not be ignored by any serious white advocate. The South is the one region of the country where there is a real cultural identity and a self-conscious white constituency motivated to fight in defense of white interests and eventual political independence.

The challenge is making the transition from an implicitly white movement based around abstract ideas to explicit white advocacy grounded in defending the interests of a specific people. This transition is usually where American movements fall short. …”

Note: It is worth noting that some of the groundbreaking articles about this new direction were published here at OD in 2010 and 2011 in debates about cultural geography, the strengths and weaknesses of White Nationalism, and specifically in response to Harold Covington’s Northwest Front.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. @gokart-mozart “How are you going to pull off independence with such a large black population?” This is one of the main problems.
    States’ rights and white supremacy are niche marketing strategies. States’ rights and county-by-county self determination might have wide appeal. The mestizos and Asians are also problems.
    “A lower culture has invaded a higher culture, and all the pitiful political correctness of our establishment mentalities is not going to be able to cover it up if our Republican quislings in Washington grant amnesty to the silent 15 million illegals lurking in back of the invasion. With amnesty will come the next wave, which will be 30 million, then 60 million, then death of the America that the Founders envisioned. Keynesian economics and liberal multi-culturalism have done this to us …” “Keynes, Orwell, and the Great Erasure of Whiteness” by Nelson Hultberg, Alternative Right – A Magazine of Radical Traditionalism
    When the current system collapses there might a states’ rights solution with cracker town counties, nigger town counties, zebra town counties (race-mixing, pot-smoking liberals), and pueblo español counties (for Hispanics).

  2. Denise, I did a short web search on Pelosi. I was unable to find any hard proof she was from a Marrano family, but I did find out these facts. Her mom’s maiden name was Lombardi. Lombard was sometimes a nickname for a Jewish banker, so she might be Jewish on her moms side. Her husband is indeed Jewish. So are her grandchildren. And she is a knee jerk supporter of Israel. so Nan is solidly in Camp Hebrew.

  3. Good comment, gokart-mozart. I appreciate your “ties to kith and kin”. Please tell us more about any true conservatism that exists in New England. Many are of the opinion here that even original settler-stock New Englanders are an entirely “different people” — even though they are Anglo-Celts from England, like the Southrons consider themselves.

  4. John Bonaccorsi wrote: “the power of the Jews is (…) a stance–toward learning, culture, achievement, prosperousness. Do you really think you can go through life watching football and delighting in drunkenness and then, when you’re on the verge of extinction, save yourselves by imitating liberal activism? Such activism is a fruit of power, not its roots.”

    Good comment. They not only tend to have more than average intelligence, but don’t waste time drinking and watching football and Nascar, and playing games online. They are “driven” to compete with, rob and destroy all competition in real life. They are also marked by opposition to Christianity, which is their fatal mistake, because they ignore or oppose the true God.

    Imitation of liberal activism will not work like magic any more than it did for the Tea Party. The vast majority of whites are still conditioned by LIBERALISM, and not prepared to react positively to THIS stimulus. In my opinion, many more whites need to be informed properly, and sufficiently, before they will rise en masse to join the protests. The hard road of patience and hard work must be taken to developing the “critical mass” required — and a return to Christianity is MOST vitally important. No true independence without true repentance.

  5. “Nan is solidly in Camp Hebrew”

    Nan is in Camp Rome, Vatican City, Tel Aviv, City of London, District of Columbia, Jekyll Island….

  6. Gokart,

    Thanks for the head’s up I know there are excellent Northern Whites – but we are absolutely overwhelmed by the Joo Worshipping go along to get along paycheck whores. Any supporters I may have – and WE NEED to support EACH OTHER – must understand this.

    The reason I advocate the Southern Nationalists to ignore Northern Whites is BECAUSE they do NOT have to convince their fellow Dixians that allowing Nigras to run loose, and gain power, is a bad idea. Surely YOU must have had plenty of experiences trying to warn your fellow Yankee Whites about the dangers of non-Whites. How to the majority react? With horror, at our “racism”.

    You know this is true.

    Southerners are being subjected to intense propaganda, and social/economic pressures now. But the hard core Southern Whites have already been literally tested by racial fire – and have passed.

    Yankees – no. Our road is going to be a very long hard one. YOU must know how rock solid STUBBORN Yankees are, when it comes to any challenge to their deranged, fallacious “moral rectitude”. They’ll kill us all to avoid admitting that THEY are WRONG.

    I’m just the messenger – don’t hate on me.

  7. I’m going to challenge this claim.

    The Germans rebounded from armageddon. They drink all day, everyday. They watch sports and participate in sports no end. They also waste a lot of time partying like mad things. They are not terribly sophisticated for the most part. Quite without humor.

    They are also fantastically wealthy and control much of the world economy. Indeed southern Europe is their fiefdom and playground. A jumped up eyetie cannot quite wrap his head around this, I know, but there you are. Explain the German ability to rebound from repeated catastrophe and still maintain excessive drinking habits.

  8. Re: Pelosi – there is no self–proclaimed racial status – but there was none with Lyndon and Ladybird Johnson, either. They were Marrano Jews as well.

  9. Good, sk.

    Note my previous comments suggesting roadside crosses and roadside graffiti (with due respect for private property). Leaflets and emails are too often ignored. Nearly everyone is deluged with paper and electronics. Bumper stickers and T-shirts are noticed more, but can appear commercial. A banner like that, hung above a highway at someone’s personal risk is much more meaningful.

  10. Good, sk.

    Note my previous comments suggesting roadside crosses and roadside graffiti (with due respect for private property). Leaflets and emails are too often ignored. Nearly everyone is deluged with paper and electronics. Bumper stickers and T-shirts are noticed more, but can appear commercial. A banner like that, hung above a highway at someone’s personal risk is much more meaningful.

  11. You Roman Catholics are delusional. Pelosi regularly speaks from the pulpit of Roman Catholic churches in California, and Pelosi regularly holds political meetings in Roman Catholic churches in California.

    Boehner is another Roman Catholic piece of work. What kind of a guy lets his daughter marry a non-White foreign criminal? Maybe the son-in-law is Catholic too? LOL.

  12. Nancy says she is “an ardent, practicing Catholic” who cherishes pilgrimages to the Rome and meetings with the Pope: “It is with great joy that my husband, Paul, and I met with his Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI today. In our conversation, I had the opportunity to praise the Church’s leadership in fighting poverty, hunger and global warming, as well as the Holy Father’s dedication to religious freedom and his upcoming trip and message to Israel. I was proud to show his Holiness a photograph of my family’s papal visit in the 1950s, as well as a recent picture of our children and grandchildren.”

  13. “a jumped up eyetie”

    John, what happened to your English? I had to consult the Urban Dictionary to learn that expression means something like: “an arrogant Italian”.

  14. Remember, Rome is universal. Opposed to regional, local, ethnic Christianity. Dominator and union of the world. All roads must lead to it, all peoples acknowledge it.

  15. Taharqo.

    Last Pharoah, and last of the “25th Dynasty”. Attacked Assryria, got beaten, fell from power and expelled by his Assyrian conquerors.

    Inconceivable outcome but funny to think about. Taharqo was black, just like O.

  16. 313Chris, I gave an answer deserving of the question, especially given everything we have posted and said over the last year. I’ll also allow my answer to stand for your question.

  17. Re: gokart

    1.) The South has always had a large black population.

    2.) The South has been an independent nation.

    3.) The whiteness of New England is irrelevant because those people are usually more opposed to us than the blacks.

  18. “They are concentrated in the cities now, not in the South.”

    – Huh? So Atlanta and Little Rock and Birmingham are no longer part of the South?

  19. Sure.

    Like I said, the blacks are concentrated in the cities now, not in any region of the country. I’ve said a million times now that 56% of them live in the South and around 44% of them live in the North and West.

    BTW, the blacks were concentrated as contraband by the US Army, so now they are American citizens and a US problem.

  20. To all concerned: Pelosi is a heretic. She can brag about her “Catholic” faith all she wants to, but her actions show she’s not practicing the Catholic faith. The fact that she can talk in Catholic venue’s only shows she’s supported by other rebellious clergy and lay Catholics. And finally, Pope BXVI reception of Nan’s brood proves nothing except he received them. He’s a head of state, so he receives all kinds of politicians, even Protestant ones, I’m told. To the best of my knowledge, he never approved of her politics or her perversion of the Catholic faith.

    BTW Denise, I’ve heard that about LBJ and Ladybird too. I believe you’re right.

  21. A Catholic is someone who embraces all tenets of the Traditional Catholic faith, therefore aligning themselves with Logos, or revealed Truth. We don’t allow someone to decide on the fly what the Faith is. The entire world could conceivably align itself with a misconceived notion of Catholicism and call itself Catholic. But if it was in error it would not be Catholic.

    The problem with the Catholic Church is that it is no longer Catholic.

  22. “her actions show she’s not practicing the Catholic faith”

    She doesn’t do as Simon SAYS, but as he DOES:

    “Pope Innocent III (1198-1216) (…) claimed to be ‘Vicar of Christ,’ ‘Vicar of God,’ and ‘Supreme Sovereign over the Church and the World.’ He claimed the right to depose Kings and Princes; and that ‘All things on earth and in Heaven and in Hell — are subject to the Vicar of Christ’ (…) He ordered two Crusades, decreed Transubstantiation, confirmed Confession to priests, declared Papal Infallibility,
    forbade the reading of the Bible in the vernacular, ordered the extermination of heretics, instituted the Inquisition, and ordered the Massacre of the Albigenses!” Now
    WHO’S a heretic?

    Southron nation-builders, note well, and beware the influence and control!

  23. Do we want Christ to reign over the world? Do we believe in a God of reason? Do we believe Truth is eternal? Than we want the Father of our Church to declare his Supremacy over the world and the Faithful, in Christ’s name.

    Or do we believe God sent His only Son so we could argue amongst each other while being governed by Satan and his spawn?

  24. The Pope wrote a nice letter to the G20 to get them to cease the war drums over Syria.

    There’s also the novelty of the Peace of God, Mosin. In the context of Islamic aggression against Christendom and Rome remaining as the single standing Patriarchate it’s not a surprise that they demanded a bit of unity, belated unity that the Crusades provided.

  25. The mentality of some Northern Whites really is bizarre to me. For instance, they talk about Whites in general being a nation (which is clearly false; races are not nations, they are broad biological categories of humans) and talk online about White nationalism. But when Southern nationalists go out and do something some Northern Whites insult us and begin asking questions about the Blacks and Mexicans who live in the South. lol I don’t see where WN have done much of anything in a long time except for complain online or attack SNs. Of course, this is not all WNs – some are good people (such as Dalton, who I believe has strong family ties to the South, and Jack Ryan) and support us. But others just hate the South, it seems. And many seem to never be able to get over the fact that there are a large number of Blacks who live in the South – somehow missing the complete sewer that is much of New York City, Chicago, Detroit and elsewhere. If and when WNs in the North actually get active and do something you won’t find me asking them ‘But what about all the Blacks in New York City, Philadelphia and Chicago?’ If and when they do something positive I’ll cheer them. BTW, when is that going to happen? When are they going to begin organising in the real world and doing something? I see Whites in Russia, Greece, Germany, France, Sweden and now here in Dixie doing things – and I hear criticism of them by the likes of 313Chris, NYYankees and Sean. What about Whites such as these nay-sayers in the North? When are they going to do something?

  26. Even Michael Hoffman, a passionate critic of the Church, recently began to call himself Catholic. Why? Because it means at the very least we believe that God wants us to throw in TOGETHER. To believe in ONE TRUTH. Do we all disagree? Of course. But we don’t take our disagreement to the level that we start believing in our own God.

    If your spiritual presumption is that you differ, you foster dissonance, and you will be governed by those with a more seamless garment, a more complete propaganda. That is, the Jews. If your spiritual presumption is that we shall agree there is one God and His meaning can (and should) be discerned for all (in the name of peace, stability, protection of the innocent, protection from the Jew, Truth, and love of God), than you are Catholic.

    Your first presumption is dissonance Mosin, not Truth. There is no time for dissonance anymore. It is time to build.

  27. Has anyone ever thought about hosting rallies where we can pay people to listen to race realists talk about issues like the demise of Detroit? We could also give away prizes to people who are engaged and ask questions. We could tell them what AmRen is really about instead of letting them learn about the website from propaganda spread by the MSM.

    I’m thinking about doing something like this someday. After I get my masters degree I’ll probably make over $75,000 so I’ll have a lot of money to devote to worthy causes like white nationalism.

  28. Mosin Nagant says:

    “Pope Innocent III (1198-1216) (…) claimed to be ‘Vicar of Christ,’ ‘Vicar of God,’ and ‘Supreme Sovereign over the Church and the World.’ He claimed the right to depose Kings and Princes; and that ‘All things on earth and in Heaven and in Hell — are subject to the Vicar of Christ’ (…) He ordered two Crusades, decreed Transubstantiation, confirmed Confession to priests, declared Papal Infallibility,
    forbade the reading of the Bible in the vernacular, ordered the extermination of heretics, instituted the Inquisition, and ordered the Massacre of the Albigenses!” Now
    WHO’S a heretic?’

    Pope Innocent (Ha!) was just one in a long line of psychopaths claiming some such BS as Papal succession.

    Vicar of Christ?

    More like Devil incarnate!

    That would be the day before I would prostrate myself before any arrogant, deceived man or woman in any organization claiming to represent God and having authority over my eternal soul in any way shape or form.

  29. Explain the German ability to rebound from repeated catastrophe and still maintain excessive drinking habits.

    The Germans are being destroyed, along with the rest of Europe.

  30. But you’ll certainly bow to your boss and he to his boss as your employer seeks to make a go of it in this world. You’ll agree to their definitions of quality work, of profit and loss, of hours and of a myriad of countless other details that make the organization function. If you were to define these things for yourself, your organization would crumble, you would be out of a job, and would have engaged in a completely meaningless enterprise.

    Your boss is therefore more reasonable than your God.

  31. Occigent says:

    ‘But you’ll certainly bow to your boss and he to his boss as your employer seeks to make a go of it in this world. ‘

    Your blowing smoke. What the heck does working for an employer have to do with the subject at hand?

    I never had to confess my sins to him to obtain absolution or suffer eternal damnation nor did I have to get baptized to avoid burning in purgatory, limbo, hell or whatever is in fashion today. And I certainly would have no need to implore him for the last rites (more scare tactics) if on my death bed.

    And he certainly would not have the authority to steal my home and possessions, have me tortured, pulled apart on a rack, eviscerated, burned at the stake, have my eyes gouged out or pour hot lead down my throat for being a heretic.

    All in the Name of Christ.

  32. GonerWithTheWind says:
    @John Bonaccorsi: “… the power of the Jews is a product of the rearing of each one of them …” NO! The blank slate/liberal rearing hypothesis is mostly wrong. IQ is 60 to 70% heritable. …

    For once, Bonaccorsi seems right. What has made the genes “heritable” is that the torah based jewish culture (very much like what they hate about the old protestants) teach a value of lifelong self-improvement and learning. Scholarship is valued, and NOT JUST FOR THE ELITE. Everybody is supposed to learn. The synagogue is called a “shul” (ie, school). You LEARN there.

    In fact, having taken both their classes and catholic classes, to compare, I will back Bonaccorsi on this. Inherent in catholicism, by contrast, is a true dumbing down of the average common people, always looking to their “betters,” their “elites,” their “saints,” getting things explained to them, read for them, interpreted for them.

    In jewish culture, marrying SMART is the highest value. People who study Bible (and they actually read it) are called scholars. In a synagogue, while being monetarily successful is applauded, the “poor scholar” who is smart and learning is supported (people with money will actually give them money). Their average people are supposed to be smart, learned, at least that is a value.

    The highest value in the jew classes was intelligence. The highest value in the catholic classes was whipping oneself, pretty much. Being a “do-gooder.”

    Sorry to say, but jewish culture is DESTINED to turn out smarter people across the board (not just an elite at the top). And it is from centuries of VALUING that.

    Stephen Dalton says the jews made us (we protestants)—- That’s a complete lie in my educated opinion; however, if it were true—- at least we were made by the SMART group, lol

  33. And yes, BonoC— many haven’t studied more objectively long enough to look at the various cultures with a purer eye.

    Or they just aren’t that strong in themselves—- willing to go into those environments, look at those people, catholic or jew—- with only an eye to what they can take, what they can use, what they can appropriate, in terms of ideas and culture, for themselves and their own people

  34. @Hunter

    “ now they are American citizens and a US problem.”

    – Except that the vast majority of them live in “Dixie”, with scores more migrating back from Northern cities every year, and you self-styled “Southern people” have neither the numbers or the muscle to do a damn thing about it and you never will. A US problem? Not from where I stand.

  35. —- Hey, maybe Steve Dalton is right—- My own family valued INTELLIGENCE, not always having other people (fat elites) doing your own critical thinking for you. Valued not living on the public dime (warfare-welfare paychecks), valued actually BEING ABLE TO READ, and actually reading history and the bible, valued good looks, hated do-gooderism, and much more—- guess according to Steve Dalton that would make us jews, LOL!!!

  36. “we want the Father of our Church to declare his Supremacy over the world”

    YOU want it, but WE will not allow “the father” (Pope) of your denomination to exert his “supremacy” over US.

    Don’t you ever grasp the lesson of the story of Babel? God wants the nations, languages, peoples of the world to be separate, not united. Your universalism will fail.

  37. @dixiegirl
    “Sorry to say, but jewish culture is DESTINED to turn out smarter people across the board (not just an elite at the top).”

    Muslim madrassas are the same as Jewish shul. Learning to memorise the bible or koran while rocking back and forth and mumbling like a retard doesn’t make a tribe of people smarter. What makes a tribe of people smarter over time is the smarter people in a population having more kids than the dumber people in a population.

    Jews bribed the church c. 400 AD to give them a monopoly on money-lending so for roughly 900 years from that point until the expulsion of the Jews from Western Europe c. 1300 AD Jews had their own little ecosystem where the smarter ones had more kids than the dumber ones. At the same time selecting solely on brains instead of a combination of brains, brawn, health and looks is what made them ugly and physically unhealthy which is where a large part of their hatred for White people comes from imo.

    Jews like to push this scholar line as an alternative as they like to pretend they weren’t all money-lenders during the middle ages (because money-lending provides a logical explanation for anti-semitism).

  38. “Am I America’s only white man who realizes that the power of the Jews is a product of the rearing of each one of them, from the moment of his or her birth? It’s a stance–toward learning, culture, achievement, prosperousness.”

    The power of the Jews comes from their culture of victimhood and paranoia. It makes them operate as a tight group and this gives them an advantage over peoples who are less cohesive and nepotistic.

    White people are vastly more creative, innovative and productive than Jews – without even trying most of the time. Unfortunately White people developed high trust societies which although a good thing in themselves are extremely vulnerable to parasitic infiltration by cohesive and nepotistic groups.

    The proof of who is right will be seen in the coming decades. If my analysis is correct then Jews will get pushed out of many of their niches over the next few decades by East and South Asians who are not as ethnically nepotistic as Jews but much more so than White people and who will gradually have a big numbers advantage over the Jews.

  39. “Don’t you ever grasp the lesson of the story of Babel? God wants the nations, languages, peoples of the world to be separate, not united. Your universalism will fail.”

    Universalism of the Truth of Christ didn’t always mean all people are the same. I am deeply ashamed of the Catholic Church for its desire to break down and mix different cultures and backgrounds. Ethnic dioceses were once the norm.

    DixieGirl, you never directly answered my question as to whether modern Protestants who are against the Constitutional right to abortion are fighting against the founding Protestants who fought for separation of Church and state. Are they destroying what generational Americans built?

    However valid all of your criticisms of the Church are, and they are valid, the truth remains that you are all living with the idea that Christ believed above all that a divided house could stand. I don’t think Christ believed that.

    And if you all hadn’t left the Church, you could have steered it your way. That’s how things are supposed to work. Glacial change protects the poor and the innocent. Instability (a la Orwell’s 1984) is a consummate method of control and grinds the poor and innocent into dirt.

  40. “Am I America’s only white man who realizes that the power of the Jews is a product of the rearing of each one of them, from the moment of his or her birth? It’s a stance–toward learning, culture, achievement, prosperousness.”

    No, I see this is the case. An excellent example of this learning is the recent video of Wiener arguing with a fellow Jew in the deli. They learn this shit from birth, from their “holy” books. It is torture for the children but they know how to dialogue and win arguments. I saw this in law school. The Jews were insanely good at it. I was like a deer in the headlights and these Jews, even from the first day, could argue like bastards. It’s their religious education. And it’s as if all the goyim schooling is programmed to make sure you never learn how to do it:

    This is normal life for the Jews, and it’s impressive, I think. How many times do you see whites arguing like this?

  41. “And if you all hadn’t left the Church, you could have steered it your way.”

    Nonsense. Martin Luther had no intention of leaving the Church. It was the Church which branded him a heretic.

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