SPLC Infiltrator Used Racial Slurs In Uvalda



Here’s a new twist on the Uvalda rally:

Note: I never got the chance to speak to Keegan Hankes in Uvalda. I don’t remember anyone on our side of the street using racial slurs either. We spent most of our time talking about how hot it was that afternoon.

“‘…barely whispered racial slurs were heard frequently by this reporter, and concealed firearms weren’t concealed very well.’ Well, I remember Keegan as the ONLY ONE using said slurs, referring to a small gathering of Black people who stood a ways off observing our rally as ‘spooks’ and ‘niggers’, saying he was glad the chief of police had ‘dealt with them’ when the chief went over to chat with their group. He then launched (this was after our dinner) into a diatribe about how Blacks were destroying Chicago, where his ‘Left-leaning’ parents had sent him for schooling. In short, every time race came up in the conversations I heard, it was because Keegan Hankes brought it up. Beware the most overtly antagonistic members of any such rallies in the future: they are usually moles.”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Keegan looks to be a White Race Traitor. It’s tragic that he hates his own kind so thoroughly. He’s obviously mentally ill. Well -he’s outed himself as a sick degenerate racial defective.

    He will be hoisted on his own petard, one day. Good riddance to very bad rubbish.

  2. There’s something “funny”, ’round the eyes. on that Keehan Creature. Something “off”. He’s got John Boehner Eyes…..eewwww….

  3. SPLC was up to their eyeballs in Elohim City and the OKC bombing, along with the FBI. For all intents and purposes, the SPLC is a spying wing of DHS.

  4. Palmetto, it’s what Chris does most frequently. I indifferently hope it’s not what he does best.

    Though the National Question Sean presents is obviously valid. Yet we all know the score and so I’m not much interested in giving our enemies boarding hooks before the ship even sails.

  5. Can the League of the South sue the SPLC for this?

    Their paid operative used offensive language against residents of Uvalda in an attempt to defame you and distort your pro-jobs immigration moratorium message.

    Perhaps a representative from the League of the South can return to Uvalda and explain to the local Black community that it was an employee of the SPLC, not a member of the League of the South, who used the “n-word” to describe members of their community.

  6. The motto of the Mossad, should give you a clue as to the identity of ANYONE that starts race-baiting rhetoric when cameras/reporters are around.

    “By way of deception shalt thou wage war.”

    Contrast that with the Christian motto:

    Let your yes be yes, and your no, no.”

    Which one upholds the law of God?
    Simple answer.

  7. Since all the Jews & Co. do is either give money to White haters or endlessly harass and try to frame Whites, I think we might learn to fight back. Since so many people refuse to act in person in the north, at least we might consider getting together a hate monitoring group that could use the internet to both monitor our haters, who come in various stripes, and update the faithful.

    Why are we so passive and reactive, just sitting around here commiserating? We should start our own hate watch groups; focus on the ‘legitimate’ perps so as not to waste time and to wield the most impact. We could then organize Twitter campaigns and such. One problem with Whites is we like to be independent, forward thinking and creatively positive. But in the context it just renders us essentially passive, easy prey. I know southerners who don’t like me maybe are trying to act not just complain; I’m just suggesting something the seemingly timid northerners might try.

  8. I agree with Trad Youth the climate isn’t right for a mosque protest. Now might be the time for pro-Southern, anti-war, anti-GOP and anti-Jew protest in front of Lindsey Graham’s office.

  9. [I]313Chris says:

    September 5, 2013 at 11:22 pm

    “Not very slick was he?”

    – When the mark is an outfit like the LoS, I imagine one need not be.[/I]

    Hill & Co. are still convinced that they can discredit the left by exposing their hypocrisy. They haven’t learned anything from the last 50 years, like that proving them wrong doesn’t do squat so long as ‘conservatives’ (the LOS, for example) are so affected by name-calling. They’re still operating by their enemies’ rules.

    Real men would [I]expect[/I] infiltrators to show up. Then they would either catch and dispense with them BEFOREHAND or they wouldn’t fret over their using words that are no longer allowed.

  10. My take would be to get the spy to lift all the boxes, clean the cars, polish the shoes, do the ironing. Possibly send the spy to go get coffees and also humiliatingly have him go buy tampons or something. Make it as much like yard work as possible. Accidentally drop a soda in the lap etc etc…Once you know what they are up to make em suffer a bit.

    Good sport. Treat him like the fresher “fags” at Eton or a Frat applicant.

  11. Hunter Wallace says:

    ‘There’s no way any of us could have known that guy was the infiltrator.’

    I agree.

    Criticism directed towards your group in that regard is unwarranted.

  12. Hunter Wallace says:

    September 6, 2013 at 3:06 am

    There’s no way any of us could have known that guy was the infiltrator.

    In the first place, if the invitation to participate is open to all then why would you not suspect foul play? I assume you know how your enemies operate, or do you?

    Secondly but more importantly, how can anyone expect to make progress against an overwhelmingly powerful enemy by playing his own word games? It’s silly!

    The mistake Hill & Co. make is worrying about the tender ears of their fellow citizens. What their fellow citizens yearn to hear is stark truth spoke by determined men.

    Think for a minute how sissy it comes off, PROTESTING one’s displacement (while courteously minding one’s language, of course!).

  13. Protesting your own ‘displacement’, is in itself an admission that, in your very own eyes, you lack the legitimate status as the masters of your own existence. You’re essentially begging for intervention from a higher authority.

  14. 1.) Exactly.

    It was a public protest. It was open to anyone to show up and participate. The same is true of the OD comment section.

    2.) We fully expected the SPLC to have someone there, but we initially thought it was someone else.

    3.) What do you mean by word games?

    4.) Are you one of these determined men? If so, where have you been? Does anyone know you?

    5.) We just wanted the SPLC’s own supporters to know how they operate. Nigger is used in the comments here all the time.

    6.) How sissy is to whine on the internet and give orders behind an anonymous pseudonym?

  15. Go ahead, HW, attack the messenger. But consider what I’ve told you.

    1.) ?
    3.)When white men starting worrying about racial epithets they had surrendered.
    4.)I could be anyone. So consider my words.
    5.)The SPLC’s supporters aren’t going to be convinced by ANYTHING you show them. You MUST know this.
    6.)See #4.

  16. “Sean says:
    September 6, 2013 at 4:06 am
    Hill is a lunatic with mental issues.”

    That’s a redundant statement. It’s also petulant and reminds me of a paragraph on SPLC. Is Hill increasingly radicalized over the years too, Sean?

  17. “Is Hill increasingly radicalized over the years too, Sean?”

    – No, Hill has been fully batshit since the 1970’s.

  18. The enemy plays dirty tricks, because they are serious about winning. Politics is war and there are no rules in war.

  19. Bill Yancey says:
    September 6, 2013 at 4:25 am

    “5.)The SPLC’s supporters aren’t going to be convinced by ANYTHING you show them. You MUST know this.”

    The SPLC and its supporters are anti-White. They aren’t in a position to judge anyone.

  20. @Hunter Wallace: “… we have already voted for Republicans who passed immigration laws. That didn’t work.” Lincoln and Grant were Republicans weren’t they? Either we are equal to niggers or we are not equal to niggers. If we are not equal to niggers we need to reject democracy (or at least universal suffrage democracy).
    “Kill Japs, Kill Japs, Kill More Japs!” – Fleet Admiral William ‘Bull’ Halsey http://www.wwiidogtags.com/blog/wwii-quotes/jan-2/
    Should Halsey have said, “Follow orders, perform your patriotic duty, and treat the Japanese soldiers with Christian chivalry”? Maybe it would have boosted morale by getting a laugh.
    “… how can a fantastic menagerie ever be a contest among equals?”
    http://www.newyorker.com/arts/critics/atlarge/2013/09/09/130909crat_atlarge_gladwell Malcolm Gladwell: Do Genetic Advantages Make Sports Unfair? : The New Yorker
    Think, think, think, and develop a winning strategy. All is fair in love and war, and everything is love, war, or irrelevance.

  21. Notice in that video Ron Paul says he “has no idea” what she is talking about and “doesn’t know anything about their theology”, and he even suggests she has him on the show “to bash Catholics”. That reminds me of his Taqqiya-like approach in appealing to Hispanic Democrat voters speaking about the immigration invasion. However he has always been forthright and correct on the unconstitutionality of the “Fed”, and on the need to end the endless wars and all federal welfare and assistance programs (which attract and support the Invaders), and affirming state and local rights to nullify unjust laws, and even to secede from the Union. No other Presidential candidate dares to speak to racialist groups.

  22. @ Hill & Co. are still convinced that they can discredit the left by exposing their hypocrisy. They haven’t learned anything from the last 50 years, like that proving them wrong doesn’t do squat…

    Pointing out hypocrisy is more than “proving people wrong.” It’s a weapon that undercuts the moral high ground. It’s a certain kind of wrong that shows the person is immoral. They are not wrong, they are immoral.

  23. I noticed yesterday that the Georgia State White Student Union’s site had been taken down or deleted from WordPress. The name had changed to Atlanta Area WSU, but I’m certain the site’s been deleted.

    Does anyone have any info?

  24. Hunter Wallace says:
    September 6, 2013 at 4:17 am
    If memory serves, Ron Paul was saying that the Border Patrol is the equivalent of the Gestapo.”

    Jack Responds:

    Yes, crazed race denying Libertarian loon Ron Paul did say that. I take pride in outing Ron Paul and virtually all Libertarian true believers as immigration traitors. Here was Ron Paul back in 1988 lecturing some concerned Southern California regular White guy that unrestricted third world immigration to California and the US was really a good thing and any minor problems associated with this immigration/White genoicide invasion was caused by too much border security, government regulation of free labor markets!

    What &$&@ loon!

    Here’s the link.

    Ron Paul supporters/enablers should have rubbed Ron Paul’s nose in dog poo after making these insane, open borders immigration comments in 1988.


  25. @Hunter

    You, should shop this infiltrator story to the Southern newspapers in the form of an op-ed.

    As DixieGirl says, they are not only wrong, they are immoral!

  26. “Porter says:

    September 6, 2013 at 12:34 am

    I certainly have no desire to join an organization where one may be exposed to indelicate language.”


  27. Yancey’s right, about playing by Hebe Rules. Screw ’em .

    FYI – It is the right time to protest Islam – or anything else. The KIKES are completely behind the push for war. It’s really no other group. Americans, of all Races, are completely AGAINST this outrage, for a host of reasons. “We can’t afford it, not again, freaking Islime, Syria did not do a thing TO us, WTF?” – whatever reason you want to get behind.

    Jew Puppet ONegro and the Kikes pulling the strings are getting their yarmulkes handed to ’em. Capitalize on this wondrous turn of events!!! Fill the holes in, for the clueless…..USDE the almost 100% popularity of this latest scam.

    USE it.

  28. You are all doing great! My hope is that you stay on message. God knows there are so many existential threats to Southern culture and heritage, but right now the wolf closest to the sled is immigration. The mosque is just the symptom, the virus is the traitors in Tennessee that brought them–protest Purdue, make it personal for the owner or president of the firm, protest outside his house, call him out as a traitor, make it embarrassing for his entire family. That’s exactly what the left does with much success. Protesting the mosque gets you nowhere. Also, attack some of the treasonous churches and non-profits with smear campaigns and protests. Call them out as anti-white and anti-Southern.

  29. That is not a “Yankee”: “William S. Penn (born 1949) is a mixed-race Nez Perce author and English professor at Michigan State. His work explores the issues his father faced coming to terms with his Indian heritage. [. . .] William S. Penn is an urban mixed-blood Nez Perce. Born and raised in the West, he has lived in many different regions of the United States, as well as in England. He was educated at the University of California at Davis and at Syracuse University. ”

    This is a Yankee: http://racehist.blogspot.com/2013/09/an-actual-yankee-politician.html

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