About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. John, I thought the Low Countries were more densely populated too, but apparently they have been surpassed by England (not including Scotland or Wales, not the island of Britain as a whole, nor the U.K. as a whole) and not counting very small densely populated “city-state” countries such as Singapore.

  2. EDL is missing the mark when they focus on Muslims, and so will LOS if they protest Muslims here. Our people don’t need any more confusion.

  3. Hell’s Angels and other Biker groups will be counter protesting the Muslim March in DC. There’s a constituency for you.

    They were denied a permit to counter protest the Muslims. So it’ll get ugly. That’s a ready made constituency for the LOS. After the cops batter them for daring to stand up to our Islamic chums, they may be receptive to a bit of nationalistic reorientation.

  4. On population density. That’s the result of unconstrained development around London. It’s probably manipulated to artificially drive up house prices.

  5. Mosin Nagant says:
    “EDL is missing the mark when they focus on Muslims”

    That might be so, but we all need a common point to get the conversation going, at the moment it’s Muslims. TJQ is just too divisive to get the average John Doe talking about race, as is race-mixing etc. So long as people are getting together and talking about race and about the rights of White English people, other topics should develop over time, given the right encouragement.

  6. Very well said Captain John!

    Just one minor point.

    Hell’s Angels and other Bikers when they are on our side are biker “clubs”, not “gangs”.

    Gangs are bad, White groups acting collectively in any way for White causes, that’s good.

    It’s time to join clubs, “groups” of tough, but good White people.

  7. Non-whites tribal instincts. Not raised to believe in Santa Clause and fairy tales whites instill small pox in early childhood. We are taught to obey, no matter how big of a lie is.

  8. Chris – I completely agree with you on your assessments of the English. The EDL is controlled opposition. The BNP has become enfeebled and dissipated, and the UKIP are Jew licking SWPL’S.

    England is owned and operated by Zionism Inc. They OWN England, and ways far worse than even here. They have DESTROYED England.

    England is DEAD.

  9. The flaw of the EDL is this weird connection to Pamela Geller.

    But, here’s the thing, they are pointing out that the UK is being colonized by African and South Asian Muslims. It’s not the worst thing in the world. The BNP isnt much use as the idea of a British nation is slightly fictional. Sure, there is a British State, but England is the main nationality contained within it. Leaving Syria alone for example. That’s the EDL position. The Syrian war is a proxy war for Israeli benefit. Robinson has quite eloquently stated at that march– No attack on Syria!

  10. Denise, Agree 100%.

    About 75 years ago, Hitler made England an offer which it rejected. The outcome speaks for itself.

    Never should have trusted Jews.

  11. Bikers as a political sub-culture are highly over-rated. Gramps on his Harley, is still gramps on his Harley. It’s sort of like these people with handicap parking permits dangling from their rear view mirror. Another politically over-rated subculture of whiners.

    I think most folks have had it with Moslem immigration, and it really needs stopped, otherwise it will be as big, and in all probability a bigger problem than we have with those other Semite monotheists the Jews.

  12. I stopped watching the video as soon as I saw that one EDL guy holding up the Israeli flag. It says everything that I need to know about that group. Not worth wasting my time on.

  13. It’s actually quite interesting in the second half. The UAF are interviewed.
    The EDL attract quite a colourful set of opponents. It’s worth watching the retarded Muslim at the middle point of the video and the twat at the end who has a very special message about everyone getting along. what about simply knowing a man by the enemies he has?

  14. “It’s worth watching the retarded Muslim at the middle point of the video”

    Too funny. Great comedy relief in MSM.

  15. “Missing the mark by focusing on Muslim.” Nonsense! The Allah shouters have been the number one historical menace to the West since they stormed out of Arabia 1400 hundred years ago. Other menaces such as the Huns and the Mongols have come and gone, but the Muslims have remained to vex us. Pay no attention to those who want you to concentrate solely on the Jews. The Jews will conspire with the Muslims, and people who want cheap labor, like the Tyson exec, but when it comes to armed aggression, either in the form of an army, guerrilla warfare, or creating violent no-go neighborhoods, it’s the Muslims who have the pride of place in waging war against us. Take them out first, and the Jews and the Tyson types will lose their battering ram against us.

  16. “The Allah shouters have been the number one historical menace to the West since they stormed out of Arabia 1400 hundred years ago.”

    So saith a twenty-first century Crusader. They never learn.

  17. To the blissfully uninformed: the various wars and battles against the Muslim armies and navies kept Europe free from Muslim tyranny for centuries. We have better hope there are “21 Century Crusaders” around, or your sons will be eunuchs in a Muslim court, your daughters sex slaves in a harem, and your head will be in a heap outside a city gate.

  18. “it’s the Muslims who have the pride of place in waging war against us. Take them out first, and the Jews and the Tyson types will lose their battering ram against us.”

    You don’t mean that literally (take the Muslims out first) do you ? That would be a sidetrack leading to a complete derailing.

  19. If the war in Iraq had been fought under the banner of St George, St Patrick or St Andrew etc etc and had been designed to settle millions of whites in Iraq to replace the Arabs there, then it might have been worth it. Adjudicating and refereeing between factions of Muslims whilst Christians perish in the crossfire is a waste of cash.

  20. The Muslims, not the Jews, are the biggest military threat to our civilization. The Jews are only a threat when they have powerful patronage and freedom of movement from the Goyim. When that patronage is removed, they’re powerless. The Muzzies however, have shown themselves to be quite capable on their own, needing no outside patronage. How anyone with a knowledge of Western history can miss this, is beyond my comprehension.

  21. Stephen E Dalton says:

    ‘The Muslims, not the Jews, are the biggest military threat to our civilization.’

    The Muzzies have a big bark but a little bite in relation to the worlds armaments.

    The Israelis on the other hand are a powerhouse. American weapons and a storehouse of NUKES estimated between 100-400. Many claim a minimum of 200 with delivery systems.

    You think they would be unwilling to use them? Some jews are chomping at the bit.

    The good Rabbi lets the cat out of the bag. You wouldn’t believe me if I told you. So, read it yourself.


    ‘Islamization of Europe a good thing’

    Rabbi Baruch Efrati believes Jews should ‘rejoice at the fact that Europe is paying for what it did to us for hundreds of years by losing its identity.’ He praises Islam for promoting modesty, respect for God

    As concerns grow over the increasing number of Muslims in Europe, it appears not everyone is bothered by the issue, including an Israeli rabbi who even welcomes the phenomenon.
    Rabbi Baruch Efrati, a yeshiva head and community rabbi in the West Bank settlement of Efrat, believes that the Islamization of Europe is actually a good thing.

    “With the help of God, the gentiles there will adopt a healthier life with a lot of modesty and integrity, and not like the hypocritical Christianity which appears pure but is fundamentally corrupt,” he explained.

    Rabbi Efrati was asked to discuss the issue by an oriental studies student, who inquired on Judaism’s stand toward the process Europe has been going through in recent years.
    Following the election of a hijab-wearing Muslim woman as the mayor of the Bosnian city of Visoko for the first time in continent’s history, the student asked the rabbi on the Kipa website: “How do we fight the Islamization of Europe and return it to the hands of Christians and moderates?”

    Efrati wrote in response that the Islamization of Europe was better than a Christian Europe for ethical and theological reasons – as a punishment against Christians for persecuting the Jews and the fact that Christianity, as opposed to Islam, is considered “idolatry” from a halachic point of view.

    “Jews should rejoice at the fact that Christian Europe is losing its identity as a punishment for what it did to us for the hundreds of years were in exile there,” the rabbi explained as the ethical reason for favoring Muslims, quoting shocking descriptions from the Rishonim literature (written by leading rabbis who lived during the 11th to 15th centuries) about pogroms and mass murders committed by Christians against Jews.

    “We will never forgive Europe’s Christians for slaughtering millions of our children, women and elderly… Not just in the recent Holocaust, but throughout the generations, in a consistent manner which characterizes all factions of hypocritical Christianity…

    “A now, Europe is losing its identity in favor of another people and another religion, and there will be no remnants and survivors from the impurity of Christianity, which shed a lot of blood it won’t be able to atone for.”

    ‘Islam a relatively honest religion’

    The theological reason, according to Rabbi Efrati, is that Christianity – which he sees as idolatry – has a tendency to “destroy normal life and abstain from it on the one hand, while losing modesty on the other hand,” as it “ranges between radical monasticism to radical Western licentiousness.”

    Islam, the rabbi added, is “a religion which misjudges its prophets but is relatively honest. It educates a bit more for a stable life of marriage and creation, where there is certain modesty and respect for God.”

    Efrati ruled, therefore, that “even if we are in a major war with the region’s Arabs over the Land of Israel, Islam is still much better as a gentile culture than Christianity.”
    He added, however, that Jews must pray that the Islamization of most of Europe will not harm the people of Israel.

  22. “The Muslims, not the Jews, are the biggest military threat to our civilization (…) quite capable on their own, needing no outside patronage.”

    You are a true Crusader, like another Catholic, William Keller who writes to advocate more war.

  23. Islam is one of Europe’s oldest and most formidable enemies, but history moves forward not backward. Right now, in the present, Jews are our worst enemy. We can’t solve the Muslim until we solve the Jew. It’s akin to trying to cross the river before you build the bridge; it’s an exercise in futility. This is basic.

    As Andrew Hamilton at CC observed, Jews, with a few pro-Zionist exceptions like Geller, calculate they can flood Europe and America with Muslims without harming Jewish interests. It’s a damn shame this point still has to be made at this late hour, but Stephen Dalton and his ilk never take a break from spreading misleading information.

  24. “Rabbi Baruch Efrati believes Jews should ‘rejoice at the fact that Europe is paying for what it did to us for hundreds of years by losing its identity.’”

    This is why Jews are so dangerous, this is how they think. They believe in visiting punishment on present day Christians many scores of generations removed from their ancestors who “persecuted” Jews in the past.
    and he goes on with:
    ““We will never forgive Europe’s Christians for slaughtering millions of our children, women and elderly… Not just in the recent Holocaust, but throughout the generations” – as if today’s White gentiles (they say “Christians” to evade the obvious race hatred they bear toward us) were somehow responsible for what happened to their ancestors.
    Remember that the Jews motto is : “Never to forgive, never to forget”. It is as if they function as a single organism throughout history with a single eons-spanning memory. This kind of hatred is inhuman, it is insane.

  25. On the Rabbi Efrati,

    Of course this is why Jews tend to demand accommodation in Christian territory and appear to prefer loving among Christians if they get the chance.

  26. To all the above who claim I don’t know what I’m talking about: lose your knee-jerk Anti-Catholicism and your Jews as superhuman menaces memes. If it wasn’t for Catholic armed forces fighting the various Muslim forces that invaded Europe from time to time, you would be bowing to Mecca instead of praying to Jesus Christ. As for the constant slamming of the Crusades, those wars were the response of Christian Europe to centuries of Muslim aggression. Most historically literate people, who have not allowed religious hatred and prejudice to cloud their minds know this, but I’m afraid that it doesn’t apply to some people on this post.

    As Jack Ryan has said many times, the Jews are not superhuman. Indeed, their history shows that they have to suck up to what ever king, dictator, emperor, or government in the Goy world to gain any power that they have had in the past or the future. Israel may have 400 nukes, but their government only exist because of American support. The Zionist enclave would crumble overnight without that support, nukes or no nukes.

  27. Lew says:

    ‘Islam is one of Europe’s oldest and most formidable enemies, but history moves forward not backward. Right now, in the present, Jews are our worst enemy. We can’t solve the Muslim until we solve the Jew.’

    Well said, Lew.

    Lew says: ‘As Andrew Hamilton at CC observed, Jews, with a few pro-Zionist exceptions like Geller, calculate they can flood Europe and America with Muslims without harming Jewish interests.’

    Pam Geller? At the end of the day … she is what she is … a jew.


    ‘Pam Geller says, “If Iran attacks, Israel should nuke Europe”

    Pam Geller is a darling of Fox News and the Republican Party. Apparently, suggesting that Israel should murder millions of Europeans is a “mainstream” notion.

    Ted Pike reports:

    Radical Jewish anti-Islamic activist and Fox News regular Pamela Geller said on her blog in 2010: “And I pray dearly that in the ungodly event that Tehran or its jihadi proxies (Hez’Ballah, Hamas, etc.) target Israel with a nuke, that she retaliate with everything she has at Tehran, Mecca, Medina……not to mention Europe.

    They exterminated all their Jews, but that wasn’t enough.

    These monsters then went on to import the next generation of Jew-killers.”

    By “Jew-killers,” she means Muslims: “This new hatred comes from Muslim immigrants. The Jewish people are afraid now.”

    Geller shares a similar view with Israeli advocates of “The Samson Option”: if Israel is to be destroyed by nuclear attack, it should destroy the whole world by unloading its entire nuclear arsenal upon it.

    Ideas like this will get you cozy with GOP leadership?’

  28. Re: “knee-jerk Anti-Catholicism and your Jews as superhuman menaces meme”:

    It is the rational, historically-, factually-based position against Romanism — and no one here believes that Talmudism is superhuman, but we have only noted that it is essentially anti-Christian, and thus, anti-white.

  29. At the end of the day that’s the problem with the EDL’s close affiliation with Geller. The Samson option. It’s not that different from the attitude expressed by either … Well I’ll not go there today.

    At the end of the day Geller is not that different from Spector.

  30. Middle age guys have a love of wheels. Grown up kids with toys. I used to like fancy cars and motorcycle in my early years. But, I’ve grown out of it. To me, the most important thing in life is the family, community, nation, and kin.

  31. When did you come to our country”

    – On Friday I said.

    “Where did you visit in our country?”

    – In London

    “And what was the meaning of your trip, pleasure or business?”

    – Pleasure

    “So, what did you do in London?”

    – Met some friends and went to some pubs.

    “Did you stay with your friends or in a hotel?”

    – In a hotel.

    “What else did you do in London?”

    – Just looked around and visited some pubs for a good beer.

    The other police officer asked me then:

    “Did you join the march they had yesterday?”

    – So that is why you stopped me *grin* ?

    “Yes, your T-shirt got us interested”

    – I knew it

    “Hod did the march go?”

    – Excellent, very peaceful march.

    Then I told them that EDL is not violent, that it is the hooligans who sometimes

    cause the troubles, but the EDL cannot restrict or totally control who participate their demos.

    “So you are from Finland. How many of you came from Finland?”

    – Just me, nobody else.

    “So, you are the ambassador of Finland ?”

    – I guess you can say so.

    “Ok..is it ok that we take a photo of your passport ? We are not giving

    this info to anyone, the photo just stays on my laptop.”

    – Sure, go ahead.

    – I asked if I am allowed to come back to the country, now that they know

    I participated the rally.

    “Of course you are welcome to visit again. As long as you also follow

    the text on the back of your T-shirt. This is a free country.”

    – I am glad to hear that.

    “Thank you for your time Sir. Have a safe trip back to Finland”

    T-shirt with a Mugabe face and a fist blood dripping phase their attention .PC State trained dogs

  32. Does the EDL explicitly promote a mostly male membership, or does that just happen de facto, or is it their policy for the just the men to do the marching?

    I don’t trust any pro-White movement that flies a Jewish flag, but at least some contribution to authentic activism may come out of it.

    I wonder how differently the EDL would be perceived if they had more women marching? Would it be better for them or not, given that the rap against them is that they’re soccer (football?) hooligans. OTOH, maybe the muslims need to see that White men will not be silenced or repressed as men.

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