About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Tommy was arrested again. I suspect that he is going to be assassinated by a Muslim at some point, that or the state will attempt to get rid of him.

    That’s how you do a Demo though. Take the banner through your opponent’s neighborhood and force the cops to reveal who they really work for.

    One thing that is interesting about the Demo: 11 EDL were arrested and about 100 UAF Communist/Muslims were also arrested. The left is by far the more violent group.

  2. They can certainly put massive numbers of Whites in the streets, can’t argue with that success.

    I do wish someone would teach their leader anti-White. Its painful watching him repeat he’s not racist in interviews. If he called them anti-White, he could turn the tables so easily, but he won’t.

  3. The British and Whites in general, are terrified of one word. Watch Tommy twist in interviews and you’ll see the truth of it

  4. Alex, you are correct about ‘anti-White’ an their leaders denying they are ‘racist’ or ‘anti-Semetic.’ Pathetic. Also, when they march with various other flags mixed in with the English flag it dilutes their message. I like certain things about them and any sort of resurgent ethno-nationalism there is good. They are certainly much larger than our own movement at the moment. We are moving towards a more disciplined, on-message approach. We learned a lot from Uvalda and will improve in Murfreesboro. And I’m sure we will learn there and improve for the demonstration after that.

  5. I suppose the EDL are better than nothing butcthey are more a civic nationalist group than ethnonationalist.

    To me, this is just another diversion from real nationalism based on kinship. They simply peel off people who might otherwise find their way to ethnonationalism. In a way they are not unlike ‘our’ tea party which is just controlled opposition, or a dead-end because they get stuck in the thicket of trying to avoid charges of “racism.”

    And above all, they are not English for the most part; they should use the umbrella term ”British” because that would be more honest. There are honest-to-goodness English nationalists in the UK though they are still few and are not given a voice because English ethnicity is being denied away in favor of the catch-all civic term ”British.”

  6. I dunno. Isn’t ANY awareness of your racial/cultural differences, better than passively sitting on your rump, doing nothing?

    May God rise up men in the mould of St. George, King Arthur, and Harold Godwinson to direct the English to rout the Hagarene.

  7. Also, when they march with various other flags mixed in with the English flag it dilutes their message.

    But aren’t you diluting your own message by using an unknown, homemade flag at your protests? Everyone knows that the Confederate battle flag has been the undisputed symbol of Southern nationalism for the past 150 years, yet you’ve banned the CBF from your protests and unilaterally replaced it with a made-up flag of your own choosing. It makes it seem like you’re trying to take personal control of the entire Southern nationalist movement, and judging by the comments on Gregory Hood’s article on SN at Amren, a lot of Southern patriots feel the same way.

    This is a self-inflicted controversy that is probably not going to go away for you. I can sort of understand why you’d want to ban the CBF from your rallies, not wanting to be instantly dismissed as racist rabble by mainstream society. But why would you replace it with a self-incriminating white nationalist flag? Your own vexillological explanation for the flag’s colours make that perfectly clear: white for European heritage and black for nationalism.

    No European country uses white to represent the skin colour of its citizens, that’s something that African countries do with black on their flags. And since when does black represent nationalism? The colours of Greek nationalism are blue and white, Spanish nationalism red and yellow, Italian nationalism red, white and green, and so forth. Black generally represents fascism and/or National Socialism, ideologies that I’m going to guess aren’t that appealing to the Southern conservatives that you’re trying to attract to your movement. The ADL and $PLC might not have cottoned on to your WN colour scheme just yet, but give them time.

    And that other flag that you chose to fly at Uvalda, the white one with the red star, that made a great pairing with your WN flag: two utterly obscure flags, completely unknown and meaningless to 99% of the population. Yes, I realize that it’s a Georgia secession flag from 1861, but how many Georgians actually know that? And why would you choose to fly a long-forgotten flag rather than the official, legal flag of Georgia in 2013? You know, the one based on the Stars and Bars, introduced by a Republican governor and overwhelmingly approved in a referendum, mostly by white conservative voters? When you fly fringe flags, you look like fringe characters.

    OK, I realize that I’m pissing into the wind here. You seem fully committed to your new flag despite the multiple objections. Fair enough. But I would strongly advise you to bring the Tennessee flag to your next protest: the actual 2013 flag of Tennessee, not some obscure TN flag from 150 years ago. Just about every nationalist/secessionist movement in the world uses the official flag of their respective states/provinces/regions/proto-nations. They have taken ownership of these national symbols and by doing so it makes them look mainstream and respectable and even more popular than their numbers might otherwise suggest. Y’all should do the same.

  8. A sign of the times: http://www.kval.com/news/local/Sign-slung-over-I-5-in-metro-area-222420621.html

    Homemade roadside banners, graffiti and roadside crosses versus slick commercial-looking signs, flags, bumper stickers, literature — which is more interesting and eye attracting?

    I have always liked this Pennsylvania revolutionary war flag (of the Pennsylvania riflemen) the best of all, which says “Dominari Nolo” (I will not be dominated!): http://www.1stcontinentalregiment.org/docs/Flag-2.pdf Down with the Tyranny!

  9. Tommy is a little to close to the very Jewish Pamela Geller to be credible. But the EDL is a Good.

  10. “No European country uses white to represent the skin colour of its citizens, that’s something that African countries do with black on their flags. And since when does black represent nationalism?”

    I can think of several European flags with black and white areas, and Palmetto’s flag most closely resembles the black and white, but uprightly-crossed, flag of Kernow: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Piran's_Flag (We are going to visit a Cornish museum this afternoon. Many Cornish people, as well as Welsh people, settled in this area.)

  11. “The left is by far the more violent group.”

    Guy, Tommy, got hit in the face by an anti, he gets arrested, instead.

    Cops now days enforcement of third worlds.

  12. In my humble and unsolicited opinion, when you protest Southern displacement, you should protest the CAUSE of the displacement from here on out. One reason Georgia was effective was because you targeted the CAUSE, a traitor.

    Lindsey Graham, most Southern Republicans, and Jewish groups, are the top leaders in Southern displacement. Lindsey Graham is passionate protecting liver-eating, Christian-beheading Salafists in Syria and Jews in Israel, but he does not care that Southerners are being displaced by Muslims and Hispanic invaders. In fact, Graham supports it.

    You will NEVER do better for a PUBLIC face of anti-white, anti-Southern, anti-Christian, treasonous, Satanic evil than Lindsey Graham and his Jewish sponsors. You might even convince a few Southern, Republican-supporting conservatives to wake the fuck up.

    That said, recognizing that it’s your time, money, effort and names on the line, I will support whatever decision you may make. But I don’t see how you can get a message across about Islam in this climate.

  13. The EDL are a very good model for what Hunter is doing. The English are a stateless nation. Similarly the separatist Southerner is a man without a country. Of course not everything translates to local concerns, yet I suspect it will resonate with local whites to point out that Muslims are steadily repopulating Midwestern and Southern cities. You certainly need to get the people who have independently
    Noticed the trend in your own camp before other groups snatch up the constituency from you.

  14. British Movie V for Vendetta written by Wachowski Brothers Author of Matrix, another con job in in recerse enforce the Leftist lesbian and gay interracial and the handicapps with their slogan” smash” the rural Right white heterosexual able body male.

  15. I just emailed you a video of the clashes on the streets there. There is a great segment at the end where the UAF counter demo people are interviewed. What you need on the next demo is a counter demo. This gets you news coverage like nothing else.

  16. Tommy is a neocon tool, at least in part. That’s why he won’t use the word anti-white. TCP hate that, as they know it doesn’t include them in the true hearts of the white masses. They fund him; they use him.

    Tyrants always turn the working people against one another so as to divide labor and remain rich. TCP have tried to foment the race wars in this country, with their founding and funding of the NAACP, ADL and SPLC. They attempt to control the whole dialogue, always playing both sides so that neither gets enough power to unseat them.

    I’d love to love Tommy, but I happen to have a brain. I just hope that the southern white rights and national movement doesn’t get seduced or lulled by TCP manipulations. Fight for your people, your nation – not their privilege.

  17. The only difference between the SN flag and the Alabama state flag is the black stripes.

    Yes, and that’s the difference between a well-known, well-respected 118 year-old legal and official flag of an actual place, and an unknown, homemade, self-incriminating white nationalist flag purporting to be the new emblem of Southern nationalism.

    The Georgia state flag was adopted a few years ago. It is not even the real Georgia state flag.

    Actually it *is* the real Georgia state flag, the 8th one in Georgia’s history. It was proposed by Republican lawmakers in 2003 and approved in a referendum in 2004 by 73.1% of the voters. And you can bet that most of that 73.1% were white conservatives, considering that the flag’s design is based on that of the first official Confederate flag.

    What’s more, the flag was approved by 78.2% of the voters in Montgomery County, home of Uvalda. So bringing the ‘real’ Georgia state flag to Uvalda should have been a no-brainer, a simple show of respect for the people there. When you’re in their town and in their state, you should fly their flag–a flag that the citizens of Montgomery County and Georgia as a whole overwhelmingly support. But instead you flew your own flag, not theirs.

  18. @PalmettoPatriot

    “..you are correct about ‘anti-White’ an their leaders denying they are ‘racist’ or ‘anti-Semetic’. Pathetic.”

    – But isn’t exactly the same thing your “movement” is doing? You keep repeating over and over again that this whole thing is about “independence for the Southern People” but you repeatedly refuse to specify, in explicit terms, exactly who is “Southern”. We all know damn well that you mean white, Anglo-Celtic, Protestant Christians who have a verifiable ancestry that stretches back to at least the Civil War. And that’s perfectly fine, but none of you have the balls to say it in public, so frightened are you of the potential stigma.

    Hell, Michael, even that half-stoned Thom Hartmann posed that very question to you when you appeared on his show, and you sandbagged and he made you look the fool for it.

  19. Whenever I think of the English people I just laugh to myself.
    When the young soldier was practically beheaded in broad daylight, the English people actually engaged in conversation with the blood soaked killer.
    The English police took over twenty minutes to even show up. A truly defeated people.

  20. Some may not like me here, as a yankee, but I don’t come on to troll. I sincerely care about the movement and can identify myself to the admins on here if necessary; other pro-white activists know me personally who can verify my authentic identity and passion.

    But this Sean person above just comes on and harasses people and you let him? He seems here to troll and disrupt, not contribute.

  21. I don’t think anyone cares about you here, NYYankee.
    I wouldn’t worry about it if I were you and if you have a problem with my posts, too bad.

  22. Re: jeppo

    1.) No, I don’t think so.

    In Starke, FL, the Confederate battle flag was used in July, and their protest down there about the atheist monument became a story about the Confederate battle flag and its connection to slavery.

    2.) The Virginia Flaggers are currently embroiled in a much larger controversy over their plans to raise the Confederate battle flag just south of Richmond:


    3.) The current Georgia state flag was adopted in 2004 as a compromise after years of controversy. It replaced the flag that Roy Barnes had imposed on the state. Most of the people in Georgia voted for the latest flag only because they opposed the Barnes flag.

    4.) If we had used the Confederate battle flag or the old Georgia state flag in Uvalda, the protest would have become about the flag, and the message about immigration would have been lost.

  23. Oh seriously, Hunter? Who the hell still even remembers Mitt Romney?

    You people are the ones who still can’t get over the frigging Civil War (!) Talk about living in the past..!

  24. On the beheading, more like a car crash and a hacking…

    Anyway, one thing that happened is that a French woman jumped up and started talking to the ape. If anyone did actually feel like rushing the machete wielder that broad was standing in the way. The cops shot them after the woman stepped away.

  25. Btw Sean, would you have pulled a Kbar on the Jihadi and dropped the blade, as you did in Mexico?

  26. White person is attacked by the anti’s. It’s an assault to all. Dilemma white folks must come to grips or perish.

  27. Paul Ryan and John McCain are still around shilling for amnesty.

    So is the Palmetto Princess, Lindsey Graham. Not to mention shilling for yet another Middle Eastern war. Lew had a good suggestion: you guys should protest that traitor. Show up at his office with flags (South Carolina) and signs (‘No war’, ‘No amnesty’) and don’t let up the pressure until he’s voted out of office. That might be the best single thing you could do for the South right now.

  28. Marching right into an enemy enclave and carrying out a demo is a pretty good tactic.
    It forces the police to show their hand, provokes leftists into a counter demo and discourages the darks. So long as you keep a disciplined formation you’ll get your opponents arrested for assault, affray, GBH, vandalism etc etc. if the cops arrest the ringleaders of the counter demo you’ve knocked out a few of their brain trust for good.

  29. Not being a politico, I just don’t get some of the WORDS. Like “anti-fascist” which seems kind of like “racist” or something.

    I mean, take the U.S. Indian Reservations. That’s Nationalist, isn’t it? The acknowledgement of the biblical sense of the indians as a “nation,” a PEOPLE, (whether one should pay taxes for it or not is another matter.)

    Other groups complain AS GROUPS. So, aren’t they nationalist (secretly?)

    Idk, so a lot of these things just don’t make sense.

    Fascist should mean what Mussolini SAID— Militarist Corporatism (and you can OBVIOUSLY have Multicultural (multi-racial) Fascism then.

    Since Fascism is not the hitler shows on t.v., but a reality of a system, you can have Multi-cultuarl Fascism.

    Only t.v. shows made fascism mean “Race.” Fascism can be multi-cult. Fascism and Socialism, communism, etc, are just code words for who controls the dough collected from the labor of the populations. Right?

  30. DixieGirl – La Raza means the race, contrary to Keith Olberman’s protestations….yeah, remember him?

    The jews and their obsessive zionism (two things which can’t truly be totally separated) are the biggest patriot groups around, yet they get away without being called domestic terrorists or hate groups, etc. They’ll say their nation is not a state when confronted on the fact that they’re a nationalism. It’s a distinction without a difference, but word games pretty much define their whole act.

    Many blacks speak about black power and are overtly nationalistic.

    Just pointing out how outrageous the double standard is when it comes to how Whites are construed. Many in the south don’t know that orthodox jews have formed settlements that take federal and state monies and monopolize them to house their huge families. They feel they have the right to ‘repopulate’ at the euroopean taxpayer’s expense. They manage to get the buildings designed specifically for very large families, so that they can deny apartments (in shockingly posh facilities considering they’re public housing) to other races of homeless. They pull rackets to suck off public money all over the northeast. Google Lakewood NJ homeless for one example.

    All Whites want is to have their own homeland to support themselves; we’re not looking to suck off anyone else, but we’re criminalized.

  31. I like/support Tommy Robinson/EDL.

    Anyone who has the balls to openly parade in the street for our people/history/culture and gets attacked by Antifa, Reds, the guardian newspaper, the Iron Heal corrupt powers that be – they have my support/respect.

    Anti White Jews, Cultural Marxists, Neo Cons, “The Tribe” hate them just as much as if they were NS.

    Stiff upper lip my Brit mates.

  32. Jeppo, we’re going to use the State flag of TN as well as the SN flag in Murfreesboro.

    I understand where you and some others are coming from with regards to the flag. But it worked it Uvalda. And it has generated a ton of excitement in SN circles. That is not an exaggeration. I know some of the heritage folks don’t like it because it’s not an official flag of the CSA. But we’re not about bringing back the CSA. We’re a nationalist movement for our people’s survival, well-being and independence. I don’t plan on using the CBF unless we are specifically protesting the removal of the CBF from a building, park or something like that. For our overtly political demonstrations we’ll pick a local/State flag and pair it with the SN flag. I’m convinced this will work. Those who oppose this strategy are perfectly free to organise their own groups and do their own demonstrations. In fact, I encourage them to do so. Don’t complain that I am not following your strategy – put your strategy into action if you are convinced it is right.

  33. England’s white working class are a tough street fighting bunch ,hardened by years of soccer hooligan brawling. I expect there will be a violent resistance to the Muslim invaders very soon. At least the Brit whites have groups like the BNP ,NF and EDL representing their interests. We have nothing like that here.

  34. “England’s white working class are a tough street fighting bunch, hardened by years of soccer hooligan brawling.”

    – No, England’s white working class are cowardly welfare-recipient pussies who stand paralyzed and watch while niggers decapitate white British soldiers in open public.

    “I expect there will be a violent resistance to the Muslim invaders very soon.”

    – Really? And when exactly is “very soon”? I bet my life that they don’t do shit. Ever. In a decade or two, most of England will look like Karachi and the rest will look like Soweto. And the last whites will have long since emigrated to Australia or Canada.

    “At least the Brit whites have groups like BNP, NF and EDL..”

    – …who have not ever and will not ever accomplish shit.

    “We have nothing like that here.”

    – We don’t need it. We have more lawyers in our country than anywhere on the planet. Get a good lawyer, and learn how work the system to your own benefit — instead of crying like a helpless child about, for example, how “wrong it is” that someone is “displacing you.”

  35. Re: “Get a good lawyer, and learn how work the system to your own benefit”:

    Lawyers are the priestly class of the rat race society of our time, the priests of the rat race religion of getting ahead of others. The legislature and much of the executive and of course the judicial branch of the Tyranny is made up of lawyers. Like the class of Mercenaries that enforce the law, they are legion and growing in numbers. The phone book of the District of Columbia, one of the most (un)holy cities of the religion, or system, is composed largely of lawyers’ phone numbers. Poor people cannot afford “good” legal “help”. The Law is for the rich and privileged (including privileged “minorities” and most women) NOT for poor (and middle class, what’s left of it) white males.

    A new southern republic will become a new tyranny if the practice of law is not very severely restricted. Lawyers are mostly liars, lying priests in the service of Mammon. No offense intended if someone who reads this is an exception.

  36. “Many in the south don’t know that orthodox jews have formed settlements THAT TAKE federal and state monies AND MONOPOLIZE monopolize them to house their huge families. They feel they have the right to ‘repopulate’ at the european taxpayer’s expense. THEY MANAGE TO GET the buildings designed specifically for very large families, so that THEY CAN DENY apartments (in shockingly posh facilities considering they’re public housing) to other races of homeless. THEY PULL RACKETS TO SUCK OFF public money all over the northeast. Google Lakewood NJ homeless for one example.” (My capitalization)

    “They” manage to out-lawyer all other groups, and they are more attracted and more of them belong to the Priesthood (of Law) than any other group. They are the most consistent practitioners of the rat race religion of getting ahead of others. or “working the system to your own benefit”, and the Italians may be next.

  37. England now the most densely populated country (with a few small exceptions such as Singapore and Vatican City), more people per square mile than China and India:


    If it couldn’t feed itself before, it will become even more a land of dependency, and the lovely green environment will turn brown and gray.

  38. America has historically followed the trends set by England in philosophy, religion, music, etc. Will our land be next to become the most densely and diversely populated and environmentally strained?

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