About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I don’t know if it’s me or the chicken but I can barely eat the stuff any more. Chicken used to taste delicious now it taste disgusting.

  2. “Chicken used to taste delicious now it taste disgusting.”

    Our free range hens take a long time to cook tender, but they taste like chicken “used to”. Commercial meat chickens are breeders’ monstrosities — over-fleshed, too thin-boned and sparsely feathered — designed to live only a few months walking back and forth between the feeder and the waterer.

    You vote every day with your choice of food, for either the traditional farm or global corporate industrial “agriculture”.

  3. We see this every day here in Rockingham County Virginia. In the heat of summer the smell is almost unbearable. These animals suffer from the time they are hatched and Im near to becoming a vegetarian because of it. What you see in that picture is the result of the love of money. I hope that man from tyson has plenty of time in hell to think about what he not only did to these animals but also to the Southern people he shoved aside in pursuit of the almighty buck.

  4. Mosin, it’s the ” I can’t stand the smell of pig poop” mindset, not the kosher mindset slipping out. I haven’t kept kosher since I left the Judaizing sects back in 1983. The first thing I did was to buy and eat a couple of pork chops. Christian liberty never tasted sooooo good!

  5. I used to own a commercial contract poultry operation and what I saw was absolutely shocking. In 8 weeks, the newly hatched chick becomes on average a 6.5 to 7 pound bird. They are denied natural sunlight and packed with steroids, growth hormones, and antibiotics. The growers are treated like absolute garbage (my company tried to bankrupt me because I married a woman who had a high paying job) and the sheer brutality of loading the grown birds into the cages you see on the truck in the picture is enough to make you sick to your stomach. I personally now will only eat free range organic chicken.

  6. Send the hacks of the American Farm Bureau to hell with Tyson execs. I get their magazine because of insurance and when they do their pig farming propaganda pieces where they send city kids to the country to pet pigs they never send the kids to confinement outfits. Instead the city kids are taken to a sparsely populated pig pen with clean straw and then a photo is taken and then a nice write up by nice white people about how “‘Murikan farmers just like ma and pa used to be are feeding the world.”

    A sow confinement building is so loud at feeding time you have to wear ear plugs and then muffs over them so as to not suffer hearing loss. Thank god I am not a fucking moron reactionary who has to reflexively support “free enterprise.” Hint; a small 5000 pig confinement outfit puts out more raw sewage than a town of 5000, but the sewage treatment is basically spreading or injecting raw sewage into some farm field with no treatment (not the worst way to dispose of it but still, and cattle feeding lots are way worse they shit on the bare ground which then goes straight to the creek or into the aquifer, enjoy)

    CAFO operators are looters, sorry the socialist fucks have this one right.

  7. Since I am now in rant mode, one more short story. A town I know of deep in flyover country has some cattle feedlots on the high ground close to the little city. So after years of concentrating the shit and piss on the same ground all that made it into the town’s well water. When nitrates concentrate in water they can cause what is called Blue Baby Syndrome and so the town with help from the other tax slaves in this fine country had to drill wells nearly 10 miles away and then build a pipeline to the town. And yes the cattle are still there, maybe a dozen white kids have jobs mistreating feeder cattle in shit lots and then they are trucked up to Beef Inc where former Somali pirates dissect them while they dream of raping the pretty white girls that live in the towns where “Ma and pa farmer who are salt of the Earth provide “food” for the world.”

    ‘Murika Fuck Yeah!

  8. Dixieman says:
    September 19, 2013 at 2:02 pm
    I used to own a commercial contract poultry operation and what I saw was absolutely shocking. In 8 weeks, the newly hatched chick becomes on average a 6.5 to 7 pound bird. They are denied natural sunlight and packed with steroids, growth hormones, and antibiotics. The growers are treated like absolute garbage (my company tried to bankrupt me because I married a woman who had a high paying job) and the sheer brutality of loading the grown birds into the cages you see on the truck in the picture is enough to make you sick to your stomach. I personally now will only eat free range organic chicken.”

    Jack replies:

    Very well said. Try to network with others in your local area who feel the same, they’re going to seem “hippie” but so was the Bohemian artist AH. These humane to animal types will be 90% White. Finesse the racial angle a bit, but hammer corrupt, animal abusing, selfish rich ass h&$@ like this $7.8 million a year Tyson CEO who floods Middle Tennessee with Somalians.

  9. Nothing moves without the truck drives which are the backbone of transportation-commerce fast moving economy. . These guys earn up to 5k a week transporting goods. I suppose Jimmy Hoffa had too much control of truck driver unions threaten the economy. But they keep on trucking to oblivion.

  10. Very informative and learnèd discussion. This sickens me, especially knowing that consumers and nearly the whole media gives them a pass (from their perspective, it is best to build the economy on “jobs Americans won’t do”).

    You vote every day with your choice of food, for either the traditional farm or global corporate industrial “agriculture”.

    A favorite restaurant of mine offers grass-fed beef. This article has me in the mood to stop by again and support them once more.

  11. “CAFO operators are looters, sorry the socialist fucks have this one right.”

    The four or so talking points allowed in the left-right paradigm (gay, pro-con, abortion pro or con, feminist pro or con, racist pro or con, etc…) is very well put together, in that virtually no one agrees truly with the points across the board. Any intelligent person is totally grossed out by what’s in the food, but supposedly that goes in the “left” category. Whoever put together the joke of “left versus right” (in a country where that whole dumbed down conversation would once have been impossible) was one smart social engineer (sadly)

  12. Very true DixieGirl. And that’s why I’m here; to make sure that others besides racialists can offer people a place to land when they get out of the left-right paradigm. As you probably know from your time around the Catholic Church, we Catholics also have problems with this; look up Consistent Life Ethic.

  13. I buy nearly everything from Whole Foods and have for years. It would be nice to know if the quality is better or if I’m just getting ripped off. Between the chickens and Monsanto’s Genetically Modifed Franken Foods it’s enough to make you want to eat only food you grow yourself.

  14. Tyson is into far worse forms of animal cruelty and disgusting food practices than trucking hot fowls in close confinement.

    Their chicken meat is Halal. And they even have a range that is slaughtered glatt kosher – probably in Mexico. I’m not sure they can torture animals prior to dispatching them (ie kosher slaughter is even worse than Halal) in the US – yet. But it’s coming.


    Goyim and Dhimmis should jack-up and refuse to pay either the Halal or kosher tax.
    They should not buy any of these products – esp if it carries a Halal certificiation or a K or a U.

  15. @PGRT

    One of the worst offenders in this chicken-pig water & sewage mess was a German Catholic immigrant from Bavaria. He was chased through the courts by various state & federal agencies about a dozen years ago. He finally fled back to Germany, leaving his daughter in charge of his fowl (pun intended) empire. LOL.

    Maybe, some one remembers the guys name? Anyway he came to the United States and went nuts…

  16. Proud Globalist,

    You’re just nuts. Catholics have done in more christians than anyone else. You seem not to have read any my posts, as anyone would tell you I don’t think the RC is even a church (in the way most humans experience religion, but rather a Trade Organization with secular embassies around the world, obviously brutal, oppressive radically Genocidal history, complete with sex scandal, bank scandal, psycho leadership, (see Innocent the III, etc.). There are dumbed down people who often can’t read who really don’t know anything about the history. You seem one of them.

    You ARE deep in the left-right paradigm, a tool for it, and seem to not even know it

    You’re offering the “alternative” of the RC.

    Why are you so into Genocide?

  17. Lew,

    I think some of it is probably better… But look around a WF at the endless aisles of processed goods that could easily be made “from scratch.” They have a whole aisle of just pancake mixes. Apparently, there are people who would actually buy “pancake mix” b/c they are too indoctrinated to just add baking powders to flour. (Chocolate section, packaged cookies, candied yogurts.

    Most of their “almond milk” and soy drinks are generously laced with cane. Because it says “cane sugar” it is not better than sugar, for heaven’s sake.

    And same with bread. Why would anyone ever buy bread?

    The meat is probably better, and often their counters do tell you more specifically where the fish came from (but you’re usually eating “previously frozen” if you buy that). Still, you can get east coast, local, etc., especially if worried about fukishima fish. On that, they ship almost exclusively, seems like, from washington and california.

    Local food co-ops can be good. And growing the things that are worst for holding pesticides, like berries

  18. PG, think you shared once that your family has pretty much lived off the “welfare” end of things (schoolteaching, etc.), not the warfare end.

    Did you have any talents at all? Any creativity? Any generative desires? Not just living off others creativity, or socializing people into feeling guilty or bad, or full of false shame (so they would give you their creative talents because, presumably, you didn’t have any?)

    Didn’t you have things inside you, juice for creating (other than hungry mouths for others to feed?)

    I imagine you’ve hurt many people by needing to take from them the fruits of the gifts God gave THEM.

    IN REAL christianity, taking what God gives people is called THEFT. And it’s a sin. Clearly, you don’t have a christian background

  19. “Because it says “cane sugar” it is not better than sugar, for heaven’s sake.”

    They may have identical metabolic effect but cane sugar indisputably tastes better than beet sugar and high fructose corn syrup.

  20. “And same with bread. Why would anyone ever buy bread?”

    It’s a guy thing. I can handle biscuits and pancakes but while home made bread tastes wonderful, it’s a time consuming pain in the ass to make. And when it gets to yummy thin layer pastries it is an order of magnitude easier than making bread to buy croissants or baklavas and such at the store.

    This is by no means an attempt to discourage women from baking early and often.

  21. Well, I see Dixiegirl has to drag her Anti-Catholicism into this thread. We’re talking about Tyson Chicken for Pete’s sake! Catholicism has nothing to do with this at all. But since DG has brought this up, I’ll deal with it.

    “The Catholics done in more Christians than anyone else.” The last time I looked, it was pagans like the Huns, the Vandals, Mongols, Muslim Arabs and Turks, Nazi’s and Jewish and Gentile communists that have done in more Christians than anyone else.

    “Sex Scandals”. Every religion in the world has it share of those, DG. They even had them in the Holy Bible. So, maybe I should not read that ‘disgusting’ book, no?

    “Bank scandal”. See the above.

    “Genocidal history”. Fighting back against people like the heretical Cathars and Albigensians who were subverting families and parts of whole nations like France by teaching that oaths and vows were non-binding, thus destroying marriages and families and political unity in nations is genocide? Damn, that’s a new one on me!

    “Psycho history”. Innocent III ordered a crusade against the Albigensian heretics for the reasons mentioned above. He wasn’t going to allow these scumbags to continue to destroy a Catholic people with their twisted ideas about sex and politics. He only did this after the Church spent twenty years trying to use sweet reason to bring these deluded fools around.

    “There are dumbed down people”. Judging by the complete lack of knowledge you have shown, i’m afraid you’re a part of that crowd.

  22. I just ordered a Black Soldier Fly Biopod to raise Black Soldier fly larvae to trade to a local farmer in exchange for eggs.

    Even if you don’t want to raise chickens yourself, you can raise BSF larvae so the local farmer who has the chickens can buy less Monsanto feed and get some protein rich, squirming BSF maggots from you. I don’t have first hand knowledge of this, but accoridng to people writing about it, chickens love them some BSF larvae more than just about anything.

    BSF need only fruit or vegetables, and the process produces rich animal protein in the form of eggs or chicken meat.

    Here’s the biopod:


    If you don’t have enough fruit/vegetable waste, post on Craigslist and at your local farm supply store a request for veggie compost and rotted fruit/vegetables. people will be glad to give you their waste for free if they know it’s going to help local, sustainable agriculture.

    Will update on my efforts at rearing BSF. This has potential, as the big problem of raising chickens is buying feed. Recycling local veg/fruit waste into protein rich chicken feed can make raising chickens more sustainable and more profitable to all involved.

  23. Steven,

    That was not aimed at you, but Proud Globalist who brought it up first—- he believes his Global Theocracy is the answer for all americans. I would imagine you do not agree with that. He also believes many things not all catholics would agree with at all.

  24. Stephen Dalton writes:

    ” We’re talking about Tyson Chicken for Pete’s sake!”

    Jack Ryan replies:

    Well said.

    I just got the go ahead from Nashville billboard advertising agency to approve my very strong advert against the $7.8 million a year, animal abusing, low wage Somalian Muslim slave importing scum CEO of Tyson Foods. OK, so let’s focus our rifle fire on this filthy rich as@ &$@$ CEO and not waste time on theological hair splitting.

    I’m giving it my best shot.

  25. I’m not a Catholic basher, but you must get most of your information from the Catholic Encyclopedia, Dalton. That is less than an accurate version of the Cathar and Albigensian slaughter. In fact, it is pure Catholic propaganda. Next you will be telling us about how righteous the de Medici’s were, and how glorious was the 13th century.

  26. “Albigensians, Massacre of the (1211-15).

    J. McCabe, Rationalists Encyclopaedia

    The extent to which historical truths of great social importance are suppressed in our time is illustrated by the fact that there is not a single work available in the English language on this most shameful chapter of the history of the Middle Ages. It is painfully evaded in English and American historical literature, and the incredible meanness with which Catholic writers defend it is finding its way into standard works of reference. It occurred in what is held to be the finest period of the Middle Ages, and was ordered and directed by the greatest of the Popes, Innocent III. At least 100,000 men, women, and children, but probably a quarter of a million or more, who defied Rome were brutally slaughtered, and the most prosperous and most enlightened area in Europe was devastated. To speak of them as the Albigensians (people of Albi) is misleading, for Albi and its region were only the central part of the principality of Toulouse, 200 miles in width, with hundreds of towns and cities, which the heretics dominated. The influence of the brilliant civilization of the Spanish Arabs had, through the liberal Christians of Barcelona, who were friendly with them, extended to the south of France in the eleventh century, while the remainder of Europe was still almost entirely squalid and ignorant. The Papal Legates complained that 1,000 cities and towns were lost to Rome. Innocent III declares in one of his letters (Luchaire, p. 146) that his “Crusaders” captured 500 towns and castles, while his 220,000 soldiers took several years to exterminate the heretics, so that the number of victims can be vaguely appreciated. But here we can describe only the nature of the heresy and the behaviour of the Pope.
    The modern Catholic plea, which the Protestant historian H. C. Lea (History of the Inquisition, 1906, Ch. III) has singularly admitted, is that the doctrines of the Albigensians would, if generally accepted, have ruined the structure of civilization. The Encyclopaedia Britannica and the new Encyclopaedia Americana, in paltry notices (probably written by Catholics) of the historic outrage, make the – for works of their standing – scandalous misstatement that the Albigensian clergy released their followers from all moral obligations. This is, presumably, what would, in their view, have led to social ruin. One might briefly reply that the province, instead of facing social ruin, was admittedly the most prosperous in Christian Europe; that Pope Innocent III said nothing about moral licence or social interests; and that according to all authorities the Albigensians were the sternest critics of the vices of the Christian clergy. But the most painful aspect of this mean modern apology for a ghastly massacre is that the one authority alleged, P. Alphandéry, does not give it the least support. In the most serious attempt that has been made to understand the ideas and conduct of the heretics (Les idées morales chez les héterodoxes Latins au début du XIII siècle, 1903, in Vol. XVI of the Bibliothèque des Hautes Études) he shows that (as all admit) the conduct of the initiated or esoteric members (perfecti) of the sect was “ascetic to the point of cruelty,” and that they merely permitted the great body of their adherents to live ordinary, but decent, human lives. It is ironic that the code of the initiated heretics which is now assailed was just that which in Christendom made saints of the few monks and nuns who observed it – strict celibacy, fasting, etc. – and in the case of the Albigensians it was logically based upon a belief, borrowed from ancient Persia through the Manichæans , that the devil had created the body (and all matter). They rejected the Old Testament and the Incarnation, which gave Jesus a material body. They had bishops (some say a Pope), churches, and nuns, and the Pope’s legates reported to Rome that the Church was in danger of perishing, so widely had the heresy spread. The hundreds of thousands of ordinary members seem to have known little about the esoteric doctrines of “the perfect” and to have been alienated from the Roman Church by its corruption. No one denounces this comprehensive corruption more strongly than the Pope himself, and the highest authority on contemporary France, Prof. Luchaire, gives us an appalling picture of morals at the time in his Social France at the Time of Philip Augustus (Engl. trans. 1912).
    The most powerful missionaries having failed to make any impression in Provence, Innocent called for what he described as a Crusade. It is not disputed that greed for loot was the chief impulse of the 20,000 knights and 200,000 footmen who marched south under Simon de Montfort, a poor noble who coveted, and got, the principality. In an extant letter (XI, 232) the Pope instructed his Legates to disarm the Count of Toulouse by lying, and to the end he treated that prince with the gravest injustice. As the “Crusaders” slew 20,000 (including babes in arms) in the first city they took – it is here that the Monk-Legate is reported to have said, “Slay all, the Lord will know his own,” which is at least what they did – and the slaughter continued for three years, its monstrous proportions may be imagined. H. C. Lea’s account (History of the Inquisition, Chs. III and IV) and the article in the Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics are the best in English, though a full and accurate study is greatly needed. The third volume of Prof. Luchaire’s Innocent III (6 vols., 1904-8, not translated) is nearest to an adequate account. The R.P.A. has a work in course of production.”


    “Cathari, The.

    J. McCabe, Rationalists Encyclopaedia

    One large body in the revolt against Rome which spread over North Italy, France, and Germany in the twelfth century, after the reawakening of the mind of Europe, consisted of Evangelical Christians of strict life who were known as the Cathari (the Greek for “pure”). The name is wrongly extended to the Albigensians, only the select minority or inner circle of whom were ascetic, and other rebels. It properly means Christians who abhorred the corruption of the Church and its perversion of the teaching of the Gospels. They were for the most part annihilated in the truculent persecutions inaugurated by Innocent III. [See also Waldensians.]

    Innocent III (1160-1216), Pope.

    J. McCabe, Rationalists Encyclopaedia

    From the Catholic point of view Innocent, of noble family and thorough religious sincerity, was the greatest of the Popes; and his career illustrates the fact that the virtuous Popes generally did more harm than the vicious and were quite unscrupulous in the means they employed. On the lines traced by Gregory VII he carried the power of the Papacy to its height, claiming supreme dominion in secular as well as religious matters. No one questions that he sought this power in order that the Popes could enforce virtue upon the world, but the thirteenth century – he was elected in 1198-proved to be one of the most immoral in history , and the Church secured no advance whatever in social justice. His extant letters (in Migne), which number more than 5,000, repeatedly bemoan the corruption of the age. For the failure of his moral campaign the pious unscrupulousness of many of his own major acts was largely responsible. His first act was to crush the century-old attempt of the Romans to win secular self-government. He next induced the Emperor’s widow, Constance, a priest-ridden weakling, to make Sicily a fief of the Papacy and nominate him guardian of her boy, Frederic II , with a fee of £30,000 a year; and at her death he encouraged, if he did not invite (as is affirmed in the contemporary Chronique d’Ernoul, Ch. XXX), a French adventurer to seize Frederic’s Sicilian throne and a German to seize his Empire. He made the appalling excuse that an oath of loyalty to an infant (his engagement to protect Frederic’s rights) was not binding (Epp. X, 8). His diplomatic relations with England (see the special study of these, E. Gutschow’s Innocent III und England, 1904) and France were not much more scrupulous, and it was he who incited and most unjustly directed the ghastly Albigensian Massacre . We have the letter (Ep., XI, 232) in which he instructs his Legate to trap Raymond of Toulouse by a lie. It was he who had the chief part in developing the sale of indulgences, and he was the virtual founder of the Inquisition. The Crusade he summoned ended in a revolting sack of Christian Constantinople, and he promised to overlook the savagery of his Crusaders if they could secure the submission of the Greek Church to Rome. In the end he could not even plead that he left the world better than he had found it. Milman’s treatment of this Pope in his History of Latin Christianity is sound, but the chief work in English is C. H. C. Pine-Gordon’s Innocent the Great (1907), which should be corrected by Prof. Luchaire’s monumental Innocent III (6 vols., 1904-8). McCabe’s Crises in the History of the Papacy (1916) has a long chapter on Innocent (Ch. IX) with the evidence.”


    McCabe has several books. He uses primary documents–i.e., contemporary letters, memos, documents, historians, etc., to make his case and show how “modern historians” and apologists distort history. McCabe shows the techniques “historians” use: Long pages devoted to irrelevant information, e.g., artwork and minor actions and incidents, while ignoring or giving only a few lines to highly important events and details. Praising to high heaven some single act of a pope or king, etc., while totally ignoring their treachery, vices, and generally defective character. Continuous citing of themselves [modern historians] for references, third and forth hand sources decades or centuries after the fact instead of primary and contemporary ones.

  27. The French crown was more important than the church with that one. Nobles loyal to Paris were set up in Dukedoms and Baronial manors that had been loyal to Aragon.

  28. Indiana, is the cross-road of America. I’ve never seen so many trucks trailers in my life spans hundreds of miles in four direction.

  29. Yes Stephen, I take the blame for DG bringinging up Catholicism. Your defense of the faith on this board is great.
    DixieGirl, again apologies for not answering your questions last week because of the great Discuss meltdown. As for today’s questions, what exactly do you mean by creative? I am a musician; is that enough? Admittedly I’m not great at manual labor.
    Ironically, as you may know one of my parents came from a Catholic family; the other from a Protestant family. My Protestant side of the family has been much more attached to the welfare state.

  30. Stephen E Dalton, the Albigensians / Cathars were teaching that oaths and vows were non-binding – thus subverting and wrecking the nation state of France. Interesting. The legal definition of this is sedition. Now where have we seen this type of behaviour before – if one may put the rhetorical question..

    Short answer – throughout all European history.

    The nullification of all vows is a religious doctrine – from the Talmud. That is Kol Nidre. So, in the South of France – this religious enclave in the Midhi operating against both state and Church was a crypto Jewish population and attempting to give their Talmudism and their operations a Christian veneer.

    France at the time dealt with this by means of a crusade.

    America is in the same situation with the same tribe that is embedded throughout and believes in the nullification of all vows, is subverting the entire state (which it owns bought and paid for with its banking scam) and is currently engaged in the creation of a police state for the goyim. Did I mention their wall to wall support for another forgeign war – and another bloodbath?

    The policies of that Tribal Collective feature on this website as ‘population replacement’ of the White Southron demographic. A better word would be ethnic cleansing by population replacement.

    American whites choose not to deal with this. And Southrons are going to deal with it by means of a black X flag and rallies. Let’s see how you go.

  31. “how glorious was the 13th century”

    It was in fact glorious. The final century of the High Middle Ages and the Medieval Warm Period. Whites were rich enough to go on a series of Crusades against the Arabs. Grapes grew as far north as England. The archaeological remains show Whites to be of tall height and with good teeth.

    It all went to shit in the 14th century when it started to get wet & cold, the bubonic plague arrived, and we entered the Little Ice Age. Europeans lost both height and health and saw an increase in violence.

  32. “Yes Stephen, I take the blame for DG bringing up Catholicism. Your defense of the faith on this board is great.”

    But it is RIGHT to “bring up” the heretical sect of the Pope of Rome, rather than ignore its deadly influence — and Dalton’s defense of the “faith” in the foregoing comments is nothing but Roman Propaganda boilerplate. Thanks, Brutus, for working your way to the truth of this matter, around the roadblocks of Romanist obfuscation of history.

  33. We need to hammer home the truth about Romanism, as well as the truth about Talmudism. The Papal elites did all they could to cover their tracks, allowing only THEIR version of history to be written or survive, yet the truth comes out centuries later. Whites of the South, and also of the North, and East and West, all need to shake ourselves free of the control and influence of these evil “religions”.

  34. Kievsky, thanks for the good, informative comment. Have any studies been done of the quality, flavour, etc. of chicken meat produced by a maggot diet? Type of feed consumed determines flavour. For example, pigs fed mostly corn or mostly chestnuts or mostly fish scraps have three very different tastes.

  35. The cathars were suspiciously eastern. I’m not surprised that the King located in Paris decided to hammer the shit out of them.

    One thing that is interesting in case is the role of Simon de Montfort the elder. His son effectively made England into a parliamentary republic while he keep the king in check. De Montfort was the fellow who said “kill them all God will know his own.” this should be done with blacks at least.

  36. Lynda, thanks for backing me up about the Cathars and the Albigensians. It’s amazing the willful ignorance some people display about these gnostic nutcases. Foo, even Protestant historians like McGoldrick acknowledge the Catholic records about these folks are accurate. And strangely enough, certain people who are so hot to detect Jewish chicanery, failed to know about their collaboration with these sects.

    Brutus, McCabe was an apostate Catholic priest turned atheist who ended up denying every doctrine of Christianity. Nothing an apostate says will sway me.

    Mosin, you should be crap faced for congratulating Brutus for ‘working his way to the truth’ via McCabe. McCabe was a liar and an apostate from Christianity. Nobody but hardcore infidels takes him seriously.

    Now, lets get back to talking turkey, er chicken!

  37. The Catholic nation state of France, ruled by its Davidic monarchy, which conducted crusades against Muslim invasion of the West and against the Judaic subversion in the South of France (St Iraneus of Lyon wrote against them in the 2nd century) was founded upon the Church.

    It did not just arise as a tribal collective and become a Christian nation by popular vote as a result of Jesus loves me movement.

    The Church is God’s kingdom order for all nations. As in “Go and make disciples of all nations” and those who reject this Gospel of the Kingdom will be “condemned” – pertains to nations as nations, as well as individuals.

    The government of nations is to be built up on the social reign of Christ the King of all nations (“the government will be upon His shoulder”) through the Evangel, baptism, regeneration. They are to be founded as nation states upon the ordo of the Church. It is the Church which ordains for them temporal government – anoints kings, ratifies the delegation of temporal authority like parliaments – as in the Magna Charta, Declaration of Arbroath, etc.

    Arguably the most democratic institution that ever existed upon the face of the earth was the Breton Parliament which was established by and guaranteed by the French monarchy for the self-government of the Breton people. Naturally it was liquidated at the time of the French Revolution by the Judaics and their Jacobin proxies of the Grand Orient (along with Brittainy and the Vendee).

    The France of which Stephen speaks was baptised as a nation by St Remigius in the 5th century. It was founded as a nation state upon the Christ Law of the Church – as were all other European nations, baptised as nations. The White race is the only race that was baptised in its nations.

    The Council of Chalcedon gives the See of Rome and the Petrine Office: “the custody of the Vine” , that is the Church – merely reaffirming scripture and Apostolic teaching. The Council of Chalcedon was once recognized in the Christian East and it was ratified in all succeeding Western councils – right up to Vatican I.

    The nations that conducted crusades did so under the authority of Rome. It was the papacy that called for crusades, that called for the arms of its Christendom against Muslim invasions, Judaic subversion, and instituted prohibitions against usury and so forth. The fact that the papacy has at times passed into the hands of the enemies of the Church (and there have been some 40 recognized anti-popes) does not change what the See of Rome is fundamentally or the historical recognition of its Petrine authority – by Fathers, doctors, councils, saints, the Christendom and the Western nations founded as nation states upon it.

    The fact that the Church itself has now been infiltrated, subverted, its property liquidated and its organisation retooled for the NWO, the papacy and all the hierarchy now wall to wall masonry and every Christian nation state overthrown (both throne and altar) – by its enemies, the enemies of God, the Church, every nation and all humanity – none of this reality changes what the foundation of the Rock, the Petrine Office, was established to be, nor does it change its historic recognition by the Christian nation states of the West.

    Most certainly, it does not change the promise of Christ that the gates of hell will not prevail.

    The fact that this promise would now appear to be empty to those who have not the faith and the enemies of Christ now riding high on the Jew banks is indeed a cross for the remnant Catholic population – but it is sign for those who hate the Church.

    The Gospel of the Kingdom was to be preached to all nations. Those who did not believe will be condemned when the end comes. And the end (in the sense of the end understood as the objective consequences of the outworking of a process) is now come.

    Obviously the naturalists, the seculars, the in-DUH-vidualists, those who believe all the Masonic errors of the Revolutionary Era, do not get this – although the Divine Chastisement is at hand. No nation (as a nation) today holds the faith given to the Apostles, no nation has been able to withstand the power of the Judaic Revolution to remove it as a Christian nation state from its foundation.

    Today, in the aftermath, the Western social wreckage of the Judaic Revolutionary Era (formally inagurated 1789 A.D.) is engaged in the mad rush to legislate all the errors of the 1789 EnDarkment against the social teaching of the Church. Especially is this seen in the rush to degrade public morals as low possible and by all means. Sweden has now caved into the demands of their Somali cultural enrichers and decided it is OK to masturbate in public – with the proviso that the men do not aim at anyone. Good luck with enforcing that.

    And here’s the clincher, except for a few Muslim nations, all are owned ( bought and paid for) by Jew banks with usury (consistently forbidden by the social doctrine of the Church and re-iterated throughout the centuries) being the basis of the global economy – including the BRICs.

    If that is not condemnation – then nothing is. And I opine, there will be worse in the dregs. WW III for Jew World Order is moves forward, the creation of the police state throughout all W nations, ethnic cleansing of all White nations (the new Palestinians) by ‘population replacement’. Signs of the times.

    Happy Rosh HaShonnah. For all the anti-Christs frequenting this messageboard who hate the Church, the Petrine Office, who oppose the reign of Christ the King of all nations – any hope that the severities will be sweetened will prove unfounded.

  38. Brutus, regarding your “Rationalists Enclopaedia” quotation above, a Hereward Saxon comment I corrected on another site yesterday referred to a “One-Evil” http://one-evil.org/content/almanac_evil_0130.html source that contains some relevant, useful facts — as well as many lies and exaggerations, since the site is a “gnostic” and likely Talmudic design to confuse. We shouldn’t rely on gnostic and radical atheist rationalist sources for facts on Romanism, yet “fas est et ab hoste doceri” (even from an enemy it is right to learn).

  39. “All fowl in the wild consume maggots”

    I know. I wonder how the meat quality of poultry raised to slaugher on a diet consisting of mostly insect protein compares to that raised on mostly corn, oats and wheat. I know pork is profoundly affected by diet.

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