About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “McCabe was a liar and an apostate from Christianity. Nobody but hardcore infidels takes him seriously.”

    Read my foregoing comment that was in held moderation for many hours, along with yours. I did caution Brutus on using the Rationalists Encyclopaedia, and the “One-Evil” website is worse. Nevertheless it is impossible to find the truth using Roman Propaganda.

  2. Dark as the times are, Stephen, the end will vindicate Christ the King, the holy faith, the Church and all its doctrine. In the end, the objective, historical consequences of apostasy, rejection, denial and Babel building will be plain to even the most oppisitional mind. The entire delusional system and its lies will be laid bare – the lies with which the anti-Christs have deceived the nations they have Revolutionized will be laid bare. Lies like: man is his own god and decides for himself his own good and evil, propositional liberty and franternity against Christ, against the Church, against nature and, of course , impossible equality.

    The consequences for the entire delusional system will be severe and everyone will suffer the revealing of these lies and their social outworking. The process can not be arrested at one of the more congenial, transitional phases.

    We are in the midst of a great trial and by God’s grace you write well, Stephen and think as a Roman Catholic should think in this debate. I hope you proceed.

  3. Re: “the end will vindicate Christ the King, the holy faith, the Church and all its doctrine. In the end, the objective, historical consequences of apostasy, rejection, denial and Babel building will be plain to even the most oppisitional mind. The entire delusional system and its lies will be laid bare – the lies with which the anti-Christs have deceived the nations”:

    Lynda, to the contrary, it is the fall of Babylon, the Whore church of Babylon, and her harlot daughter-churches — your FALSE “catholic church” (!) and all its imitators — that will finally vindicate Christ and His true catholic Church, the woman hidden in the wilderness who fled from your persecution.

    Rudel, note that it was the Roman Catholic Proud Globalist Race Traitor who brought up religion on this chicken thread — and when Dalton joined, Brutus responded (“you must get most of your information from the Catholic Encyclopedia, Dalton…it is pure Catholic propaganda”) with some factual history that negated the propaganda, leading to further assaults.

    Lew, there isn’t nearly ENOUGH of anti- here, against the danger of the Crypto-“catholicism” of Dalton. Let Southrons beware. Keep your future independent republic free of its control or influence!

    John, good link relevant to the thread topic.

  4. Lew, while I have some Jewish ancestors, I don’t practice any religious or secular form of Judaism. I consider myself Scot-Irish by culture and ethnicity, and Catholic by religion. As I have stated before, I have no use for the Talmud or the synagogue.

  5. Back to the thread topic: Traditional farmers and their friends and relatives are very opposed to the “animal rights” movement, and any mention of animal cruelty will alienate these most wise and capable white people. Rather focus on WHO IS BEHIND the “population displacement” and other evils.

  6. Read your Bible, Mosin – the children of the Woman clothed with the sun flee into the wilderness at the time of the Apocalypse because of the rise of Red Dragon – that is the Revolution in its global, totalitarian, Communist phase. We are now living in these times.

    Our Lord’s Church, the kingdom order of nations, is the City on the hill. It can not be hid. It is established, visible, it has organisational structure and a clear historic record of opposition to the enemies of God, our Lord’s Church and humanity. Some of that opposition takes the form of the arms of the Christian nation state against invaders and seditionists.

    In the South, you are now in contention with the enemies of God, our Lord’s Church (those who hold the faith of the Church – very few) and indeed humanity. If you are going to try and combat this with the rights of man to be his own god – all the errors of JudeoMasonry – we’ll see how this plays.

    But of this sad time, our Lady stated at La Salette: “the Church will be in eclipse” or Biblically “in the wilderness”. So it is.

    When Stalin – a champion of the Red Dragon took away the rights of the Ukranians (a nation state of Roman Catholics and Orthodox) to farm their land – what resulted? The Holdomor. Millions of dead. Who opposed this?

    Why, the evil Roman Catholic Church of course. The Church published Divini Redemptoris against the Communists, against this atrocity and sent priests and religious into JudeoCommunist nations to help, raised milions of dollars for those missions throughout the West, held First Friday and First Saturday vigils of prayer for those sufferring under that terrible yoke.

    And your shining light ecclesia did what exactly?

  7. Most traditional farmers don’t operate like the factory mega-farms. They hate these businesses because of the air and water pollution the megas bring to their areas. They would probably be happy as all get out to expose the animal cruelty that occurs in these operations.

  8. Mosin Nagant says:
    September 22, 2013 at 4:58 am
    Back to the thread topic: Traditional farmers and their friends and relatives are very opposed to the “animal rights” movement, and any mention of animal cruelty will alienate these most wise and capable white people. Rather focus on WHO IS BEHIND the “population displacement” and other evils.

    Jack replies:

    The propaganda target is a filthy rich agribusiness CEO who is flooding Middle Tennessee with Somalian Muslim savages, low wage workers, replacing Southerners from this beautiful part of the South. In addition, his agribusiness (largest agribusiness in the USA) also engaged in animal cruelty long associated with large pig, chicken factories – it ain’t White family farms we’re targeting.

    Read Upton Sinclair’s “The Jungle” – it’s long been a very popular progressive cause to oppose low wages, terrible working conditions and animal cruelty for White workers in large agribusinesses. And regular White folks loath and despise impersonal, filthy rich corporations. HueyLong became the most powerful, popular leader in the South fighting for “little man” White Southerners against Standard Oil (also worked to keep Blacks in their place).

    This $7.8 million a year Tyson CEO is the perfect propaganda enemy.

    We would have to be complete idiots not to target him and his kind….

    Complete idiots…. Losers…. Misfits…Societal drop outs…people who just can’t seem to communicate with sane regular White folks… People that try to argue that mass 3rd world Muslim immigration really isn’t that bad and any minor problems like the Muslims raping our girls and making Muslim no go zones for Whites is caused by too much government regulation of the economy – all to be solved when some sincere, race denying 85 year old libertarian loon is elected President of the United States, restores the original intent of the Constitution and somehow manages alchemy to turn millions of Somalian Muslims, Latrino gang bangers and the entire Underclass Black populations of Detroit, Chicago, Birmingham and even Haiti, turn all these non Whites in to good Americans like them…

    Americans who believe in

    Less government
    Lower taxes
    More personal responsibility

    Yep, that will work.

  9. “Rudel, note that it was the Roman Catholic Proud Globalist Race Traitor who brought up religion on this chicken thread “

    Don’t even skim PGRT’s or “Fr.” John’s posts. Result? Problem solved. Unfortunately I find myself starting to do this with you Mosin.

  10. “it ain’t White family farms we’re targeting”

    Of course you aren’t — and I’m not warning against targeting Tyson, and other corporations as such, but only said be careful about the animal cruelty, because traditional white farmers and their conservative communities are sensitive to the very SUGGESTION of “animal rights”, that threatens our right to farm. Some of us have already experienced dangerous, litigious city people coming out to look at what we do and suggesting or demanding we change things they know nothing about. “Animal rights” hurts traditional farmers much more than mega-corporate factory farms that can afford to defend themselves — or quickly re-tool, for fully automated “cage free” poultry production for example. Of course, traditional family farmers are an aging, dying breed, but not yet expendable, not fully replaceable by the hipster organics who do say they long to see their mega-corporate farm competition eliminated.

  11. Lynda, I believe you are sincere, though I think sincerely deluded. But rather than argue, I will pray for your understanding. I apologise for over-iteration of my own understanding, and harshness, on this blog. I remain “open-minded” enough to appreciate, or understand, your ideas — and if you are like some of my sincerely “Romanist” friends and neighbours, we would get along very well in person, as good neighbours, living morally similar lives in accord with Scripture, though entirely different soteriologically and ecclesiologically.

  12. Re: “85 year old loon”:

    Jack, you rarely fail to include an attack on the only candidate who focused on The Bankers and denounced their endless wars, and recognised the right of the people to nullify unjust laws and our right to secede from the Union.

    I’m not a Constitution worshipper, Jack. I believe a white national republic NEEDS a constitution, but understand that the present constitution was too vague or flawed from the beginning and makes the Federal government much too powerful over the states.

  13. Yes, Mosin, we will have to agree to differ soteriologically and eschatologically.

    In a patriot line-up of hellspawn arrayed against God, against our Lord, His Church, against the Southern and American Whites and against the family farm, I am sure we could both walk down the line and point out each one of the SOBs.

  14. “I am sure we could both walk down the line and point out each one of the SOBs.”

    Yes, and I’m sure that your auto de fe would quickly follow.

  15. The money-lenders, land monopolists, and those who were growing rich by importing and employing Chinese laborers were against me, and did all in their power to kill both the movement and myself… My only crime seems to have been that I opposed the Mongolization of my state in the inter-est of our own people and their civilization.”

    Denis Kearney, founder and leader of the Workingmen’s Party in California in the 19th Century

  16. You are a riot Jewdel. The Catholic nation states of a baptised nation gave the death penalty to those found guilty of sedition, treason and subversion of the state and its order, the Church, and you squall like a scalded cat.

    Probably it has never occurred to you that post the Revolution (inaugurated 1789) the Judeo-masonic republics in which there is no separation between synagogue and state routinely meet out the death penalty, conduct genocides, finance world wars, organise police states and gulags, set up torture centres where people can be detained for years merely on suspicion of stuff Jews and their mason overseers don’t like.

    After their Bolshevik Revolution, who cares that Spain made a public example of Jews practising Judaism in defiance of the Christian nation state and its laws.

  17. “you squall like a scalded cat.”

    Calmly asserting that you intend to impose an auto de fe (something which you subsequently confirm) is hardly squalling like a “scalded cat.” It is simply unmasking your totalitarian, tyrannical, and murderous papist views.

    You’d best be prepared to die trying in the highly unlikely case that you try to impose your views IRL.

    “Probably it has never occurred to you that post the Revolution (inaugurated 1789) the Judeo-masonic republics in which there is no separation between synagogue and state routinely meet out the death penalty, conduct genocides, finance world wars, organise police states and gulags, set up torture centres where people can be detained for years merely on suspicion of stuff Jews and their mason overseers don’t like.”

    And this is different, exactly how, from the preceding 1500 years of mass genocides like the 30 Years War, burnings at the stake, pogroms against non-existent “witches”, and non-stop baronial and dynastic wars and Crusades?

    Religious nutcases like yourself and your Prot foes is why I remain an adherent to the profound ideas of Thomas Hobbes.

  18. My mom told me stories about how her grandparents had chickens. Yes, of course they ate them. But the chickens got to wander about, they had a hen house and some hounds that guarded them and kept other dogs and animals away, they got bedding and straw to make their nests with to lay eggs too. They weren’t crammed in wire cages from the time they were hatched.

    Agribusiness is about building up concentrated capital and damaging self-sufficiency and the economic power of labor. Cramming animals in wire cages like the worst of Asians do? That’s no sweat off their back, and by doing so they can scale up profits and crush free range and local farmers.

  19. I wonder where the Pope stands on this issue?

    Interesting article to chew on. The comments directed toward his Papal Bull are encouraging to say the least.


    Reuters – 8 hours ago

    By Philip Pullella

    VATICAN CITY (Reuters) – Pope Francis urged countries on Tuesday to welcome and respect migrants and refugees and not treat them as “pawns on the chessboard of humanity”.

    Francis, who has made the defense of the poor and vulnerable a cornerstone of his papacy, said in a message for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees that there should be a change in attitude on the part of host countries.

    “Migrants and refugees are not pawns on the chessboard of humanity,” he said in the message, which is sent to government and international institutions such as the United Nations.

    “They are children, women and men who leave or who are forced to leave their homes for various reasons, who share a legitimate desire for knowing and having, but above all for being more.”

    He also repeated his condemnation of “slave labor” and trafficking, developing his criticism of a “throwaway culture”.

    Francis has often used the term to denounce a modern society where people who are not productive, such as the elderly, are neglected and cast off as if they were objects no longer useful.

    Immigration is a divisive issue in Europe and beyond. France’s far-right National Front, which has an anti-immigrant policy, has been buoyed by improving poll numbers.

    Italy’s first black minister, Cecile Kyenge, who was born in Africa, has been the butt of racist comments from the anti-immigrant Northern League because she supports automatic citizenship for immigrant children born in Italy.

    The steady flow of refugee boats is a also hot issue in Australia, polarizing voters this month’s election.

    The pope, whose own ancestors left Italy for Argentina in the early 20th century and lived through the Great Depression, called for “the elimination of prejudices and presuppositions” in the approach to migration.

    “Not infrequently, the arrival of migrants, displaced persons, asylum-seekers and refugees gives rise to suspicion and hostility. There is a fear that society will become less secure, that identity and culture will be lost, that competition for jobs will become stiffer and even that criminal activity will increase,” he said.


    In his message, Francis decried companies and businesses that exploited migrants and refugees, many of whom work for low day wages in agriculture and in illegal factories in Italy and elsewhere in Europe.

    “Particularly disturbing are those situations where migration is not only involuntary, but actually set in motion by various forms of human trafficking and enslavement. Nowadays, ‘slave labor’ is common currency,” he said.

    In July, Francis chose Lampedusa, the tiny island off Sicily that has been the first port of safety for untold thousands of migrants crossing by sea from North Africa seeking a better life in Europe, as the place for his first trip outside Rome to draw attention to the plight of refugees.

    “A change of attitude towards migrants and refugees is needed on the part of everyone, moving away from attitudes of defensiveness and fear, indifference and marginalization – all typical of a throwaway culture – towards attitudes based on a culture of encounter, the only culture capable of building a better, more just and fraternal world,” he said in the message.

    Earlier this month, when he visited a refugee center in Rome, Francis said disused church buildings should be used to house asylum-seekers.

    Francis has been a frequent critic of globalization and on Sunday made one of his strongest attacks on the global economic system, saying it could not longer be based “on a god called money”.

    In his message on Tuesday, Francis said migrants and refugees were also suffering from the effects of globalization.

    “Development cannot be reduced to economic growth alone, often attained without a thought for the poor and the vulnerable,” he said in the message.

  20. “Earlier this month, when he visited a refugee center in Rome, Francis said disused church buildings should be used to house asylum-seekers.”

    Harboring Terrorism.

  21. “Earlier this month, when he visited a refugee center in Rome, Francis said disused church buildings should be used to house asylum-seekers.”

    Vatican City was shelter of swindler list black market and terrorists in ww2 axis were hunting them down. And the pope granted them safe aven when the war was in favor of the allies.-something never changes.

  22. The Pope’s talk is a mixture of good and bad ideas.

    In his favor, he’s against the exploitation of laboring people and globalization, especially immigrants. Not in his favor, is that he doesn’t understand the impact uncontrolled immigration, especially of people not from the same ethnic stock, has on the nation and the economy.

  23. “The Pope’s talk is a mixture of good and bad ideas.” He has not renounced infallibility yet, has he? The Devil’s talk is also a mixture of truth and lies.

    The “mixed”-talking Pope wants formal “judging” of homosexuals and adulterers to stop and immigrant invaders everywhere to be fully assisted.

    “It is simply unmasking your totalitarian, tyrannical, and murderous papist views (…) And this is different, exactly how, from the preceding 1500 years of mass genocides like the 30 Years War, burnings at the stake, pogroms against non-existent witches, and non-stop baronial and dynastic wars and Crusades?”

    You’re speaking my language, Rudel. But I have decided not to join in, this time, like I did when Brutus brought it up.

  24. “I have decided not to join in”

    It’s just as well as I hold the Judaic subcults of Christianity known as Calvinism and Reformed Protestantism equally responsible for our woes during the last 500 years..

  25. Stephen E Dalton says:

    ‘Not in his favor, is that he doesn’t understand the impact uncontrolled immigration, especially of people not from the same ethnic stock, has on the nation and the economy.’

    He understands the situation quite well.

    He is in favor of third world browns and blacks flooding into White countries. Why? He knows Whites have been reduced to less 10% of the world’s population and tht blacks and browns are multiplying like rabbits.

    In fact, Whites have left the Catholic Church in droves over the past several decades. Why do you think he and the Catholic Bishops and Priests in this country are doing everything in their power to flood the USA with Mexicans and Latin Americans?

    All those empty pews that were previously filled with crackas need to be filled with browns who are mostly Catholics.

    In addition, the pedophile Priests need a steady influx of boys to satisfy their perversions.

    Interesting how no one cares about the lower and middle class Whites who have been taxed to death to support minorities who take their jobs and dispossess them of their rights, lands and livelihood.

    Not to mention the incredible amounts of crimes committed by hoardes of darkies.

    Sanctuary cities and churches springing up all over like weeds. Who benefits? Not Whitey.

  26. I see the usual gang of knee-jerk Anti-Catholics have decided to give us their two-cents worth again. I thought we were discussing Tyson Chicken gentlemen. The Catholic Church is totally irrelevant to this thread. And Mosin, instead of attacking other people’s faiths, why don’t you promote your own? As Rudel has pointed out, what’s your church? For someone with such a strident, bigoted, hateful feelings about my faith, I find it strange you refuse to tell us what church you belong to. Come on, Mosin, owe up!

  27. Oh, and BTW, I see that both liberal and conservative Protestants are also taking in these third-worlders too, so the shoe is on your feet too, boys.

  28. “As Rudel has pointed out, what’s your church?”

    I’ve never asked Mosin what his denomination is. I have asked “Fr.” John about his theological and preaching credentials and which have not been forthcoming.

  29. “The Catholic Church is totally irrelevant to this thread.”

    How so? It is in fact particularly apposite as the Catholic Church has been in the forefront of open borders and amnesty for our mestizo invaders.

    This makes you a bald-faced liar.

  30. ‘To your tents, O Jewdel’

    Your hatred of Whtite Christian W civilization, its foundation the Church, its sovereign nation states of baptised populations will certainly get you some extra swill rations in the FEMA camp of the ZOG Leviathan state. You might even get recognition of prior learning credit in re-ed for having read Hobbes own blueprint.

    I confidently predict that ZOG Leviathan state, its foundation the synagogue, and its sovereign echelon nation – Jews, its masonic order for the slave goyim tier under Talmudic Law will bestow an existence even more nasty, brutish and short to the goyim than Hobbes idea of pre-social contractual state of nature, hunting, foraging, nomadic lifestyles. Somalia anyone?

    I sure mr and mrs Section 8 Somalia will be able to help the Whites with their lifestyle options under ZOG.

  31. “I confidently predict that ZOG Leviathan state, its foundation the synagogue, and its sovereign echelon nation – Jews, its masonic order for the slave goyim tier under Talmudic Law will bestow an existence even more nasty, brutish and short to the goyim than Hobbes idea of pre-social contractual state of nature, hunting, foraging, nomadic lifestyles.”

    On the contrary. Hobbes Leviathan resembles Huxley’s Brave New World more and more every day.

  32. “Your hatred of Whtite Christian W civilization, its foundation the Church, its sovereign nation states of baptised populations”

    For the record I am a baptized Lutheran and adding to that, I consider Bach’s Mass in B Minor and the rose window at Notre Dame (and all of Chartres) cathedral to be a few of the many signal achievements of “White Christian civilization” as you put it.

    I also consider the Bible to be written by men alone, Jesus to have dubious claim to have actually existed, the scientific method to be superior to the superstitions of revealed truth, and ancient Greek ethics to be superior to Judaic law (including the New Testament.)

  33. Re: “strident, bigoted, hateful feelings about my faith”:

    But I wonder, after nearly a decade in the Armstrong cult (for what reason?) whether Roman Catholicism is your faith, or a better opportunity? “Conversos” are often the most enthusiastic groupists of all, and apparently the most intolerant of all other groups.

    Furthermore, learning forbidden historical facts about Romanism is not bigotry — and disagreeing, even stridently, with many of the views and actions of some of your claimed-to-be-infallible Popes and other denominational leaders is not hate.

  34. I’m pretty sure that the Jesus in Mark is pretty much spot on.

    Faithhealer, magician, doctor…slightly failed revolutionary, sarcastic witty storyteller.

  35. There were dozens of would-be Jewish messiahs running around Roman-ruled Palestine. The Four Evangelists wrote about Jesus over a half-century after the fact. I’m pretty sure he is just an amalgam of different wishful thinking stories about them. There is absolutely no contemporaneous written record of Jesus whatsoever.

  36. Rudel you are violating OD’s comment guidelines.

    This post is about Tyson Food’s terrible cruelty to animals, bad wages policy for local White workers in Tennessee and Tyson flooding Middle Tennessee with low wage Somalian Muslim workers.

    OK, so WTF are you posting comments speculating that Jesus never existed?

  37. Agnostic/atheistic expressions won’t be popular with most white southerner readers, who are said to be more Christian and conservative than whites north of the Line.

    Rudel, I appreciate natural science and rational inquiry though. I’m not a mystic.

  38. Mosin, when I was growing up, I had no knowledge that my family had some Jewish ancestry. That ignorance continued until I started to research my family history when I was in my late forties.

    When I was in Armstrong’s Judaizing cult, I was in my twenties, I believed in the British-Israelism they taught, but I dropped it two years after I left, because I could not honestly prove it was true. I also left behind any other Judaizing practices too, because even through I was Protestant at the time, I found out about the Talmud, and I wanted nothing to do with anything Jewish.

    To imply that I converted to Catholicism because it was a “better opportunity” is a damn lie on your part. I converted to the Catholic faith because I believed in it. At the time I converted, I had no knowledge of “converso” ancestry. Heck, I didn’t even know I was Scot-Irish either. When I found out about the Jewish ancestry, years after I converted to Catholicism, my reaction was, “Hmmm, that’s interesting.” That was it. I had no desire to be Pro-Jewish because of this discovery, since I had no desire to embrace the Talmud, let alone Christian Zionism.

    Now, let’s talk chicken again.

  39. Of course you like Bach, Jewdel.

    Greek ethics, the rose window of Chartres – and don’t forget Bauhaus, the gherkin and Wagner – the whole mash-up – is streamlined as prolefeed through the American edjewmacation process. In Western Civ 101 it all just circles the drain of the young goyim minds voided of reality and the most basic tools for the exercise of reason based upon the classical model of non-contradiction in terms.

    The entire Christian West reasons on the classical basis of non-contradiction – btw.

    You and ‘Greek ethics’ would be a case in point. You think maybe they didn’t discuss the ethics of war and politics at the Lyceum? Alexander was a student of Aristotle. He raised the sword against the known world in order to establish a Leviathan state of Greek civilization with himself as sovereign. That’s OK according to you and ‘Greek ethics’.

    But let the sovereign Christian nation state of a baptised population established upon the Church raise the sword against invasion from without and against sedition, treason, heresy undermining both ordo and state from within – oooh, that’s very bad, that’s Romanism, that’s not good ‘Greek ethics’ – as if Aristotle was not read and discussed throughout the Christian West for over a thousand years.

    You are a whack-job, Jewdel. Your ethics are the ethics of the Macedonian Left of the Revolutionary Era.

  40. “WTF are you posting comments speculating that Jesus never existed?”

    Because other posters have commented about religion. There are a core group who ALWAYS turn the conversation to religion. I rebut them when I see fit.

  41. ” You think maybe they didn’t discuss the ethics of war and politics at the Lyceum?”

    Not at all. They invented ethics you booby, and I don’t see any particular cessation of war in the Christian era.

    Bauhaus sucks and there isn’t much Christianity to it at all while Chartres most certainly is Christian. And I doubt that you have ever even been to Notre Dame or you wouldn’t be putting it down so glibly.

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