About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Rudel,

    Your thesis reminds me of Reza Aslan’s thesis in Zealot and in A.N. Wilson’s Jesus. Less so Wilson’s.

    Neither argue the historicity of his existence though. Just the accuracy and fidelity of the written accounts. I’m certain he existed. Not so sure about the divinity stuff though.

    Now about those Somalicoons. Let’s limit their infestation in America and Europe.

  2. “To imply that I converted to Catholicism because it was a better opportunity is a damn lie on your part. I converted to the Catholic faith because I believed in it. At the time I converted, I had no knowledge of converso ancestry.”

    I asked a question. I could not know the answer. But for a highly intelligent person to spend years attached to that absurd cult, then later decide to join and become an enthusiastic proponent of Romanism, which is plainly heretical or unbiblical, and historically evil, is a pattern of behaviour I have observed before. Someone who grew up in Romanism with their family and community is more likely to be sincere and innocent in their attachment. I think, than someone who should know better who deliberately chooses to join them. The Whore of Babylon (along with its imitator daughters) is a known, proven enemy, dangerous for the southern independence movement and all of us.

  3. Jewdel – you are as thick as two planks with another banged on for good measure. It is immaterial who invented ethics as a philosophical inquiry. My question is rhetorical and presupposes that yes – of course the Greeks discussed war, politics and the ethics of war at the Lyceum. If they invented ethics, then the answer is still yes.

    And why would there be a cessation of war in the Christian era – Christian nations were invaded many times by Vandals, Goths, Visigoths, Ostragoths, Muslims?

  4. Mosin, your “Whore Of Babylon” meme is an outdated Reformation Era slander and libel. The women in Revelation 17 is a city not a Church. The city is Jerusalem, which stands in for the the apostate Jews and their Talmudic cult. Anyone reading the Old and New Testament, especially the words of Christ to the the Pharisee’s, without any Anti-Catholic bigotry nor hatred, can see that it’s the Jews who are held responsible for the blood of the martyr’s, not the Catholic Church.

    Your comment that “I asked a question. I could not know the answer” is so true. You are a hateful bigot who will probably never know anything except your own prejudgments. In my life, I was forced to look beyond my own Anti-Catholic feelings and look at what Jewish, Catholic, and Protestant history had to say. The Jews, I was already aware of, except I didn’t know the tremendous influence they had on shaping Protestantism until about ten years ago. Protestantism real history proved to be, as far as I was concerned, a mish-mash of conflicting beliefs, so how could anyone know the truth if every man was his own interpreter of the faith? In Catholicism, we don’t have to worry about that every man for himself problem. We have a teaching authority that lays down the faith in a cut and dry fashion that doesn’t leave us in the dark on what our historical beliefs are.

    One last word, Mosin. I will not have my loyalty to this cause questioned by a hater like you. My family has been a Southern one for most of its known history. We fought to free this country from the British. One of my ancestors even gave money to buy arms for our side. In honor of their efforts, I’m willing to use my resources to preserve what they helped win. Other than carp on OD, wth have you ever done to help? Heck, even Denise, whom I’ve had some tussles with, is far more committed to the cause than you are man.

  5. Stephen,

    Please ignore trolls.

    Mosin consistently violates OD’s comment guidelines going off on hobby horse Judeo X’tian theological hairsplitting, flame wars. Mosin isn’t contributing anything positive to OD, Southern nationalism, he simply hangs out here and trolls.

    I wish we had full time moderators like Amren, ones who could ban IP addresses of trolls.

    As it stands now, please ignore trolls.

  6. “And why would there be a cessation of war in the Christian era – Christian nations were invaded many times by Vandals, Goths, Visigoths, Ostragoths, Muslims?”

    As I already pointed out and you chose to willfully ignore, Christianized medieval barons during the High Middle Ages were in constant conflict with one another. During the era of “divine right” of kings and then especially during the Reformation it all cranked up another notch violence-wise e.g. The Thirty Years War. This was entirely White Christian upon White Christian violence.

    Quit side stepping my comments, it’s dishonest.

  7. JR, it will be hard to ignore his asinine remarks, but since talking to him is like talking to a brick wall, I won’t bother with him anymore. Hopefully, he will make himself so obnoxious, he will be blocked for good.

  8. Jewdel – barons are always in conflict with one another. Ho-hum. Under a Catholic charter like Magna Charta there did exist a basis upon which the conflict of barons couls be limited because that document limited the traditional royal perogative of the monarch.

    The barons, King John and the Church (all bishops and abbots) settled it with Magna Charta and this was ratified by the pope. And they settled it again in Scotland with the Declaration of Arbroath. King Henry – against Magna Charta and the Church claimed the Supremacy and seized all the property of the Church (Dissolution of the monasteries), made himself ‘the Supreme by so called divine right’, removed England from the foundations of Magna Charta and the Christendom, went against the law of the Church and slapped England under penal law. I think that about covers it.

    Once the supremacy was up for grabs, the barons fought the monarch for the supremacy and later the Parliamentarians got Jew loans from Amsterdam to fight Charles I for it. Later the Supremacy went to The Crown of the Judaic Imperium est on the sq mi of The City in London. And they got a Jew Bank on top of the whole mess to monetize the national debt of the Parliamentarians.

    And further down the track The Crown est the greatest money trust in the world in the USofA Inc.

    It is clear to me Jewdel that you have no capacity to reason on the basis of historical facts. You have no capacity to reason on the basis of non-contradiction in terms – the Greek legacy which you claim to be championing here.

    I think your mother is calling you to get off the computer, come out of the basement, wash the dishes and walk the shit-zu.

  9. “Whore Of Babylon meme is an outdated Reformation Era slander and libel”

    Neither slander nor libel, The Whore is a classic, accurate LABEL for Romanism drawn from the Apocalypse, and the related Biblical expression “Come out of her” may also be applied perfectly to Romanism. Don’t forget the “harlot daughters” of the Whore, another brilliantly accurate meme. Who are the daughters?

    I have always been (since my teens, at least) a preterist and classical amillennial interpreter, so I am well aware that the intended city of seven hills might have been Jersualem http://www.askelm.com/prophecy/p000201.htm rather than Rome, or “seven-hilled” Babylon itself — IF any particular city was literally meant; and of course I know that Jews were the instigators of the Deicide and of persecutions and martyrdom at least up to the time when Apocalypse was written.

    Re: “We have a teaching authority that lays down the faith in a cut and dry fashion”: You also have an extremely wealthy, essentially criminal organisation (especially at the top) that has gone for many centuries mostly unpunished for its crimes, and teaches deadly errors that can hardly be questioned without earning the “hater” and “bigot” labels from enthusiasts or propagandists such as you.

    Jack thinks comments concerning Christian doctrine and history are silly irrelevant “hobby horse”-ing, or else “trolling”.

    Everyone who will not be a yes man and financial contributor may yet be identified as a “troll”.

    Re: “One last word, Mosin”: I might have written my last words here, but I doubt you are finished. Campaign for my banning or silencing then, but even if you succeed you cannot change the truth.

  10. Incidentally, the link in my previous comment appeared in a search for “Jerusalem seven hills”, and I don’t endorse or agree with the source, something called “A.S.K.”

  11. “I think that about covers it.”

    Only for England. And I’m the one lecturing YOU on the historical facts. You would be well advised to shut your trap and listen instead of parroting back to me what I’ve already said; particularly when I make the distinction between the achievements of Christian culture and those that are not. The cathedral at Chartres is not some Judaic plot as you seem to believe.

    As for the principle of non-contradiction: it’s a quite useful logical tool but in the final analysis reality finally comes down to a matter of probabilities. God is dead. Get over it.

  12. Re: “The women in Revelation 17 is a city not a Church. The city is Jerusalem”:

    Possibly, but Jesuits and other Roman propagandists absolutely insist on it, that this could NEVER refer to Rome: “that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth (…) all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies (…) The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble, (…) cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and souls of men
    that great city (…) wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness!” What city that “sits on seven hills” was greater and richer than Rome at that time, and even today, what organisation is wealthier (mostly well hidden wealth) than the “church” that sits on one of the hills? Perhaps the writer did not intend any city in particular, but it is obvious why you cannot accept the possibility it could refer to your faith’s headquarters’ location.

  13. “As for the principle of non-contradiction”

    “A is A” was Ayn Rand’s motto, of she who cannot be contradicted. Jesuits also use Logic (or should I write: logical sophistry?) very effectively to delude their followers.

  14. I agree, Rudel. I appreciate formal logic, scientific method, and all natural sciences, as well as applications such as medicine.

  15. Who would parrot any of your Jew mind-warp back at you Jewdel.?

    Not only can you not acknowledge basic historical facts of matter, you can not reason on the classical basis of your so called ‘Greek ethics’. Ha Ha. Add to that – you can not even read.

    I hope you and yours have happy plans for Kwanza and the holidays this year.

  16. Mosin, the application of non-contradiction in terms is the difference between sense and non-sense; clear statements of historical facts of matter and Jewdelspeak; plain English declarative sentences and Ebonics. Surely you would have learned this your freshman year in high school at the latest.

    It does not matter if Ayn Rand, Jesuits, Martin Luther, Trotsky or Lucifer himself may have employed the principle of classical reason in order to speak sense (not necessarly truth – but sense – as in a communication that can be proven valid or disproven).

    Validity in argument depends upon principles regardless of who employs them.

    Argument ad hominem – from the man – is not valid. This is not from the ‘Whore of Babylon’ – this from Socrates – that great foe of fallacy in reasoning and esp the use of rhetoric vs argument.

    Put it another way – a complete horse’s anus such as Jewdel can announce “the sun is shining” this does not make it dark outside.

    Since you are supposed to be so Biblical why not base your ideas on a principle like this: –
    “know this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.”
    II Peter 2:20 RSV

    There is over 1,000 years of Christian Fathers, doctors, Councils, bishops (prior to Marin Luther) in line with this the scripture who affirm that the sacred text of the New Covenant is interpreted by the living source of the authority within the Church. This is an authority descending from the Apostles. Only the Prots have their sectarian, inDUHvidual interpretations of the scripture and its many prophecies.

    So in terms of classical reasoning, this history of the Church’s tradition with regard to interpretation of the prophecies of scripture does not contradict the Biblical principle.

    Your ideas, on the otherhand (your soteriology and eschatology) being formed by sectarian private interpreters, inDUHvidual nutters, heretics and demogogues outside the living source of authority in the Church naturally contradict this principle.

    Think about it.

    And just to make life interesting – the tradition cited above (Fathers, doctors etc) does interpret Babylon as a code for Rome. The NT was written under the fierce persecution of the synagogue and Roman authorities. This is both Biblical and historical fact. Babylon of Ur of the Chaldees is prophetically the head of the beast system of empires that would come down through and dominate this aion. Rome was the fourth, iron beast – the beast of which on of its heads – St John writes “one now is”. So, it would make sense to refer to Rome as Babylon. And it was the rise of the Church as God’s kingdom order of baptised nations which chained that fourth beast – for 1,000 years.

    The fact that the Judaic Revolutionary Era (beginning with its Protestant revolutions against baptised nations founded upon the Church) has now succeeded in destroying that Christendom of nations (in the West) and does not change the meaning of historical facts.

    And in infiltrating, seizing the highest offices of the Church, overturning the Chair of Peter in Rome, and setting up its abomination that makes desolate in Rome, the Judeo-Masonic Revolution has inaugurated the 8th world empire descending from the Rome of St John’s day. This is shaping up very fast.

    The foundation of the Chair of Peter, however, can not be removed as the Rock is set upon our Lord, Himself, the chief cornerstone and foundation of His Church.

    When our Lady spoke at La Salette (in the 19th century) she stated unequivocably – “Rome will lose the faith (apostasize) and become the seat of the Anti-Christ”. In other words – the 8th head of the Roman beast. And wouldn’t you know it, the new, one world ecumenical religon of all faiths and creeds under the Sanhedrin (now seated in Jerusalem) is being cobbled together from its base in Rome; it is being led by those who have seized the papacy in Rome and the whole meshugganeh is now emerging through the papal bi-lateral commissions with all Protestant denominations and all other organised religions. The oversight of this doomed effort comes from the formal agreement with the Sanhedrin (under Nostra Aetate, Vatican II) and the subverted, highest offices of the post conciliar Vatican II Church now in occupation of Roman Catholic infrastructure worldwide.

    Anyone who seriously wishes to learn about this can follow it on Maurice Pinay’s website.

  17. I appreciate formal logic, scientific method, and all natural sciences, as well as applications such as medicine.

    I’m not a believer but I think religion’s best arguments for the existence of God are based on natural law. Indeed our earliest ancestors assigned deities to the elements of the natural world.

  18. “Mosin, the application of non-contradiction in terms is the difference between sense and non-sense; clear statements of historical facts of matter and Jewdelspeak (…) Surely you would have learned this your freshman year in high school at the latest.”

    Lynda, I am indeed aware of non-contradiction, and logical fallacies and sophism. I studied logic, rhetoric and philosophy in college and graduate school, and it is always my intention to communicate clearly and accurately. I haven’t really “gone ad hominem” in any of my comments here. I hate no man, but only deadly error that must be exposed and alarm raised against. Those who don’t take Christianity seriously may call it “hobby horse” or “trolling”.

    Re: “When our Lady spoke at La Salette (in the 19th century) she stated unequivocably – “Rome will lose the faith (apostasize) and become the seat of the Anti-Christ”. In other words – the 8th head of the Roman beast. And wouldn’t you know it, the new, one world ecumenical religon of all faiths and creeds under the Sanhedrin (now seated in Jerusalem) is being cobbled together from its base in Rome; it is being led by those who have seized the papacy in Rome and the whole meshugganeh is now emerging through the papal bi-lateral commissions with all Protestant denominations and all other organised religions”:

    The problem predates the nineteenth century, and I believe that the Mary who bore Jesus the only begotten Son of God doesn’t appear to or communicate with anyone on earth. But otherwise, your understanding of Babylon (Rome) and its Protestant daughter-imitators seems VERY much like mine!

    The Gospel of Christ is not a hobby horse and is never irrelevant to the Occidental Dissent blog, for there is no other sure foundation for the southern independence movement or any of us.

  19. “the sacred text of the New Covenant is interpreted by the living source of the authority within the Church. This is an authority descending from the Apostles. Only the Prots have their sectarian, inDUHvidual interpretations of the scripture”

    I agree in so far that the Holy Spirit guides the Church through the ages in all truth, but it does not “descend from the Apostles” but comes from the Father (not “and the Son”) — and BOTH Prots and Romans have their sectarian, heretical interpretations and corruptions….

  20. No one but a complete heretic or infidel would ever refer to the Holy Spirit as ‘it’ – Mosin, whether they accept the Filioque or not.

    Looking back over these posts, it would seem your participation on this messageboard is both your day and night job.

    May the ‘force’ be with you.

  21. Note that “IT” also referred to the “authority” that you said “that descends from the Apostles”. I was trying to say, in yet another too HASTILY COMPOSED comment, that AUTHORITY comes/descends not from men but comes from the Father — that the Holy Spirit is sent by/comes from, the Father — and I do normally write HE, when referring to the Spirit, and it is my habit to capitalise references to the Deity, though I occasionally fail to do so. I pass the computer too often when I’m working, and I dash these things off sometimes without reviewing. This is one of only three blogs I normally write on, so I really don’t write that much. Finally, not only the Spirit but also the Word testify, and we don’t follow a supposed unbroken chain (supposedly from the Apostle Peter) of supposedly infallible “Vicars of Christ”.

    Be sure I won’t be reading or writing here for at least the next few hours, Lynda. You truly a firebrand for Rome, NOT “on meds”. Others here who may truly BE infidels cannot appreciate your message and fervency. At least we both agree on the essentials of the faith, I hope, and that true southern independence and cultural revival depends on a true revival of Christianity.

  22. @ Lynda:

    I carried my Greek New Testament this morning and was thinking of your issue of neuter terminology. I noted that the Holy Spirit is called “it” (“itself” rather than “Himself”) in the original language of Romans 8:26 — and was translated so in the excellent King James Bible — while the translators of most modern versions “took the liberty” (since the Greek word “pneuma” is neuter gender) to render it “Himself” !

    The translators of the King James Bible were not infidels because they faithfully translated the pronoun.

    I also noted that Jesus Christ, Himself, used neuter terminology for the Deity in at least one instance: In John, chapter four, He said to the Samaritan woman: “Ye worship ye know not WHAT (NOT ‘Whom’) but we know WHAT (NOT ‘Whom’) we worship” and in the following verse it appears that the referent of WHAT is: The Father!

    Lynda, be assured it really is my habit to refer to the Deity with masculine pronouns and capitals. Occasional failure to do so is usually insufficient evidence for a charge of heresy or infidelity and burning at the stake.

    Once more, thank you, Hunter, for respecting Christian free speech and discussion on this blog. But what else would one expect of a southern cultural blog? Christianity is always relevant to politics.

  23. I give you the benefit of the doubt, Mosin, that you intended to refer to the Apostolic Succession and not the Holy Spirit.

    The Fathers of the Church, such as St Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna, martyred for the faith was in the patriachal succession of St John the Evangelist, according to his writing. The Apostles passed on this Spiritual succession as the Fathers themselves bear witness. The succession is indeed pneuma (taking the neuter pronoun) – which in the Biblical Greek pneuma / spirit takes the neuter pronoun.

    The Holy Spirit, against the rules of the Greek grammar takes the masculine pronoun. As in John 14 which must be translated He (of the Holy Spirit) will teach you all things. The Grk is ekeinos (masc singulr demonstrative) not ekeino (neuter demonstrative – which would agree with the Grk pneuma.

    Ho Paracleto , the Paraclete is masculine. The Holy Spirit is a Person and must always take the personal pronoun.

    The Christian faith which worships in Spirit and in truth knows the eternal Father through the Son and the living source of authority proceeding from Himself and the Spirit of Truth that He communicated to His Apostles – he who hears you, hears Me; whatever you bind on earth is bound in heaven etc.. Even apart from the Fathers of the Church who claimed the succession, the fact that the Apostles created the threefold ecclesial hierarchy of the Church to succeed them is clear from scripture alone.

    The Church, our Lord’s Kingdom order for all nations is both monarchical and patriarchal, hierarchical, priestly and prophetic – reflecting in the ecclesial hierarchy the threefold epiphanic relationship of Christ to the Church: prophet, priest and king.

    The Church is an order not a democracy. It is the Kingdom order for all nations/ethne as ethne.

    The Church therefore commissioned to make disciples of all nations/ethne that they be regenerated in baptism and established upon the ordo of the Church. In museums all over Europe are paintings that depict the baptism of specific nations by their patron saint, a bishop with an Apostolic mandate from Rome – such as St Patrick or St Boniface. These paintings depict the founding of Christian nations and their state upon the ordo of the Church.

    Nations as nations are to be built up in law and government on the teaching and doctrine of the Church. Their baptised populations are to live in the sacramental life of Christ and communicate in the body and blood of our Lord’s one eternal sacrifice for sins that is re-presented through the priestly office of the Church to all generations until the end of time. St Edward the Confessor, King of England was wont to spend hours upon his knees in devotion to the Corpus Christi before he was to give judgements at court.

    For this Divine order now to be in eclipse with the Chair of Peter overturned in Rome and its hierarchy in the hands of the declared enemies of the Church who spew forth Masonic errors for the damnation of souls is more than a cross for those of the faith. It is a sign for the apostates and those who reject Christ the King that their condemnation is at hand. And is a tragedy for nations (especially the apostate nations of the former Christendom) and indeed the entire world.

    These apostates, naturalists, materialists, inDUHviduals, futurists and freebooters think they can defeat the forces of Anti-Christ by some kind of power from the people movement or from the barrel of a gun or a better money scam or an info revolution. They think they can sort out the mystery of iniquity by means of the Masonic errors of the Revolutionary Era, the rights of man and impossible equality, more knowledge and technics. And in despite of ccomplete failure on all fronts, the one thing these anti-Christs all agree upon is their hatred of the Church, the patrimony and Spiritual legacy of the West. What they really despise is not the enemies of God and man but the Church and the inerrant instructions of the Church given by the Holy Spirit through the living source of authority descending from the Apostles through many successors. Nations have been told how to deal with errors and forces of the Revolutionary Era – great documents like The Syllabus of Errors, Pascendi, Quas Primas, Divini Redemptoris etc – but the apostates, hell bent on getting their slice of damnation and taking as many with them as possible – have no use for any of it.

    But our Lord stated: “All authority in heaven and earth is given to me.” And “those who believe not will be condemned.” Now we see the concrete nature of that condemnation so far – Jew world order and Satandom on earth.

  24. Lynda, I agree with much of what you expressed so clearly, but I believe your faith is still misplaced in “the Chair of Saint Peter” as it WAS in the centuries BEFORE you now recognise it is “in the hands of the declared enemies of the Church who spew forth Masonic errors for the damnation of souls”. I believe it was almost always occupied by enemies of the Church. Note that I allow for some sincere and innocent exceptions, which many will not; and I agree that the Gospel pertains to various peoples and nations and is “catholic” (universal) in that sense, although it is actually manifested on earth in the form of local congregations with unique national or ethnic ministries, memberships and characteristics — and languages (but though there are and will be, as God intended in the lesson of the story of the Tower of Babel, many languages, yet the languages of the Scriptures belong to all). May the churches of God always be led by the Spirit and Word and SPIRITUAL successors of the Apostles (the “succession” of the Church through the ages is not really a carnal but a spiritual succession) and never be bound by Anti-Christ Sauron and his ring of false faith in Man-in-the-place-of-God “Vicar of Christ” rule. Southerners need southern ethnic Christianity, not southern submission to Roman inherently-corrupt and corrupting universalism.

    Nevertheless I like traditional Catholics, when it comes to how we live out the faith.

  25. Lynda, bravo for your defense of the holy faith. I wouldn’t waste anymore time with this man though. He has drank the cup of Anti-Catholic hatred way too many times and is absolutely besotted by it. Just ignore this bigoted fool who doesn’t understand that the Catholic faith rebuilt Western civilization from the ruins of the pagan one that preceded it.

  26. “ignore this bigoted fool who doesn’t understand that the Catholic faith rebuilt Western civilization from the ruins of the pagan one that preceded it.”

    Lynda (sic) doesn’t believe in “Western” civilization. She has recently stated that it is a Talmudic myth perpetrated by a corrupt academia.

  27. Lynda was only speaking about our civilization as it is today, not as it was before the birth of modernity in the 16th century.

  28. “Lynda was only speaking about our civilization as it is today, not as it was before the birth of modernity in the 16th century.”

    No she didn’t. She specifically included Gothic cathedrals.

  29. Re: “He has drank the cup of Anti-Catholic hatred way too many times”:

    That is “Jesuit-speak” for any objective historical study of Romanism without the “guidance” of Romanist propagandists — sounding similar to Talmudist-speak about “Anti-Semitic hatred”.

    Don’t dare to defame or appear to defame criminal denominations that are too big to fail, or you will surely be defamed yourself, perhaps even martyred. Babylon WILL fall, but its greatest days may yet lie ahead, before it falls in the end. Let the South (and the white North, etc.) beware, and prepare!

  30. The synagogue and Judeo-Masonry (the declared enemies of the Church), the organised forces of anti-Christ have always been about the business of infiltration and subversion of the Church. For Roman Catholics this should be axiomatic. For rubes, newbies and proles and protestants this may be a revelatory idea. Gee. Who would have thought? For those who will start objecting to this ‘Romanist propaganda’ – please see the Book of Jude. St Jude covers this in some detail (Jude 3): “For admission has now been secretly gained…”

    And over the course of the centuries, the highest offices of the Church have been subject to this great debate between those who legitimately hold both the holy faith and an office of stewardship (however humble) over the sacred deposit of faith and the enemies of the Church seeking to gain office that they might destroy that faith and work the ruin of the Church from within.

    Sometimes the infiltrators / subverters gained the upper hand. There have been some 40 anti-papacies recognised by the Church over the last 2,000 years. But, according to our Lord’s promise the gates of hell (namely the heresies) could not prevail within the Church – these networks were constantly identified, weeded out and beaten back.

    In the twentieth century, the great Pope St Pius X penned his instruction Pascendi Dominci Gregis to alert the Roman Catholic faithful on the tremendous inroads the organised forces of ecclesial Masonry had made in its work of infiltration and subversion in the highest offices of the Church – extinguishing entire lines of Apostolic Succession and building their enabling networks within “the very arteries and veins of the Church”.. They were following the standing instructions of the Alte Vendita. And, of course, they were practising the rites of the fallen Archangel – namely sodomy and the violation of innocents. But in the days of Pope Pius X – if this was discovered, there was no ‘in house’ cover-up; if the stewards of the Church were to discover, these traitors were bound over to the temporal power of the state and removed from ecclesiastical office.

    Today, of course, it requires a sex crime tab of at least 6 billion and at least an Archdiocese in liquidation to score a cardinal’s hat.

    Those who hate the Church and its hierarchical organisation (clearly set out in scripture, acknowledged by the ante Nicene Fathers and ratified in the first seven Ecumenical Councils – notably Chalcedon) are completely blind to the operation of the forces of anti-Christ covertly organised to infiltrate and work the ruin of the Church from within. Thus, they can not see the great Christian victories where prayer, penance, reparation beat back time and again the achievements of those whom St Jude nails in his Apostolic Letter. How many times has our Lady rallied the Roman Catholic faithful to get these forces removed? On the last Day, we will know.

    In their assinity, the reprobates and heretics would not see a penny’s worth of difference between The Syllabus of Errors and Gaudium et Spes. They would condemn the Chair of Peter for infallibly teaching the Christian world and giving light to all nations through the power of the Holy Spirit promised to the Apostles and descending to their successors. They would reject an instruction like the Syllabus of Errors (Pope Pius IX) which names and demonstrates that liberalism and all liberal ideologies of impossible social equality are deliberately contrived by the enemies of the Church, not just for the ruin of the Church, but for the ruin of nations and indeed humanity. They would reject it simply because it comes from the See of Peter and is infallible Catholic dogma.

    Therefore they would not discern any difference between teaching that is, on the one hand, in continuity with the ordinary, constant magisterium of what the Church has always and everywhere taught (specifically applied to a modernist crisis such as liberalism) and on the other hand, a flaming Modernist and liberal document replete with Masonic errors (infallibly condemned many times by the Petrine Offfice) like Gaudium et Spes (Vatican Council II) – which as Fr Ratzinger (a peritus of Karl Rahner SJ at the Council) lauded as a ‘counter syllabus of errors’.

    The true Syllabus of Errors (Quanta Cura) issued by Pope Pius IX which condemns liberalism IN ITS PREMISES is an infallible statement completely in line with the the tradition of the Church in scripture, Apostolic teaching, the Fathers, the Councils. The Chair of Peter, promised the help of the Holy Spirit, to exercise the “cutody of the Vine (to quote the Council of Chalcedon) does not need to wait and see how liberalism plays out in the ruin of nations. The Chair does not need to await the harvest of poisoned fruits in order to conclude ‘Oh Lord save us, that liberalism has turned out to be terrible stuff’. No. No. The seed of liberalism was known by the Chair of Peter from the beginning of liberalism. By the power of the promised Holy Spirit, the popes discerned the rot when liberalism was fair in flower and all the anti-Christs were professing it in the most humanitarian and progressive terms and all the Masonic republics were infatuated with it and all judaized academies were teaching it as the highest ethics of tolerance and fraternity and anyone who didn’t profess it was obviously wrong-headed or a papist; now that would be a hater, a racist and anti-semite.

    The truth about liberalism was condemned by the great Pope Pius IX (oh and this is really not going to be popular with the proles, so I will say it) – liberalism was infallibly condemned . And those who were promulgating these errors were “bound on earth and in heaven” under the anathema of Pope Pius IX and his predessors that will stand at the judgement of nations and individuals.

    By contrast Gaudium et Spes ( a piece of Vatican II Masonic tripe) calls for a new world order in line with all the tenets of liberalism. In line with this Communist crap (again infallibly condemned by the Church in Divini Redemptoris) – Paul VI addresses the General Assembly of the UN (which enshrines every liberal plank of the Communist Manifesto in its Charter) and calls that Satandom “the last great hope for mankind.”

    A greater blasphemy and betrayal of the Kingship of the Lord Jesus could hardly be conceived. But this would not even register as a blip on the protestant radar.
    They would not see any difference between The Syllabus of Errors and Gaudium et Spes. Rome was ever thus, they would opine.

    Rome was not ever thus. The fact that Rome would apostasize from the faith in the latter times of the world and the Chair of Peter be overturned by the declared enemies of the Church has been long foreseen by the Western Church. Cardinal Manning wrote about this in The Clear and Present Crisis of the Holy See in 1860 when Garibaldi’s forces (trained by the Grand Orient or Red Masonry) plunged Italy into a bloodbath, ‘unified’ all the Italian prinipalities and city states of the peninsula as a republic and threw a Jew bank down on top of it. Indeed, in that work, the great defender of faith, Cardinal Manning, goes back to the W ante Nicene Fathers and states that in the latter times of the world the organised forces of anti-Christ would (for a time) gain the highest of offices of the Church according to the strategy outlined in the Book of Jude. Clearly the events of 1860 (and having read our Lady’s even more prescient words in the statement she made a decade earlier at La Salette) caused this great prince of the Church to discern that Garibaldi’s bloodbath presaged exactly that event. And Pope St Pius X confirmed it in the twentieth century.

    The Roman Catholic Church is now in eclipse as our Lady of La Salette foretold. Her words are exact. In an eclipse we do not see the sun; just as now we do not see the Church and its Petrine Office. But the corona (the ordinary constant magisterium of what the Church has always and everywhere infallibly taught through the Petrine Office) reveals the occulting object absolutely. And under the shadow, the legions of the organised forces of anti-Christ everywhere advance to the ruin of all nations and their states – as Pope Pius IX, Pope Leo XIII, Pope St Pius X, Pope Pius XI and Pope Pius XII all clearly and infallibly foresaw and taught.

  31. Re: “Jesuit-speak” and “Talmudist-speak”, and “Anti-Romanist hate” and “Anti-Semitic hate”:

    Jesuits and Talmudists have similarities, and even shared genetics. Ignacio De Loyola himself descended from wealthy Marrano stock and from a youth engaged in “Crypto” activities, for which his concurrent lifelong dedication to the cult of Rome was perfect cover — and also provided the perfect opportunity — to found the most evil and brutal order in the history of Romanism, featuring perhaps the world’s most elaborate and effective intelligence system (spying internally, within the order, as well as externally) — all controlled by a secretly Jewish, Crypto, inner-party Jesuit leadership.

  32. “They would reject it simply because it comes from the See of Peter and is infallible Catholic dogma.”

    Some really WOULD reject it on that basis, Lynda, but I allow that Roman Catholics may be right with God as well as be in error. I intend to read “The Syllabus of Errors” of Pope Pius IX now with an open mind, and perhaps share my impression here. Thank you for the informative comment.

  33. It took the Catholic Church almost 1900 years to come up with the papal “infallibility” wheeze. Sounds like a desperate attempt to keep the faithful proles on board an obviously sinking ship. The Church is dying because no one in their right mind believes any of those Talmudic Iron Age myths anymore.

  34. “The Church is dying because no one in their right mind believes any of those Talmudic Iron Age myths anymore.”

    A huge overstatement. Do you really believe that among millions of church attenders there are not many who TRULY believe (as well as practice) at least the essentials of the faith? There were ALWAYS scoffers, atheists and secret doubters. It didn’t require the advancement of natural science to create doubt or disbelief. People do not come to the Light because their deeds are evil, but “he that willeth to do His will shall know of the doctrine”.

    Not a “desperate attempt” because LONG before they claimed “infallibility” formally, for centuries they had already been claiming universal authority over all other popes, churches and peoples.

  35. Rudel, I’m afraid you got us Catholics confused with the Jews. We don’t believe in the Talmud or iron age myths. We believe the Jesus is God incarnate and that he rose from the dead.

  36. “We believe the Jesus is God incarnate and that he rose from the dead.”

    Sure he did according to the mythologists who wrote the the Gospels 60 years after the supposed event. There are no contemporary accounts about Jesus, only writings that show there were dozens of religious zealots running around Palestine claiming to be the messiah. The Four Evangelists only syncretized these myriad Jewish folk myths.

    Nobody rises from the dead.

  37. Rudel, you are wrong about the Gospels being written 60 years after Jesus death and resurrection. Mark was written 10 years afterward, Matthew 6 years afterward, Luke 24 years afterward, and John’s gospel 63 years afterward.

    As for your claim the dead don’t rise, Paul says all of the apostles, (including him,) saw Christ after he arose from the dead. In addition, 500 other people saw him too. These people, Jew and Gentile, were willing to put their lives on the line for something they knew was true. Nobody does that for something that they know is a lie or a fraud.

  38. Mark was penned in about 70AD. It was probably written because Jerusalem and the records there were destroyed in the Roman sack. Everything Paul wrote was from before the temple sacking. Paul was in a conflict with James and Peter over how to move the group forward. This was all written down and accounts for activities within a few years of the Crucifix. The historicity of it all is quite a compelling. Mark is quite a compelling and vivid text. It’s spare, terse, witty, quick paced, crude at times, primitive and the words jump off the page.

  39. It reads like the notes from a bunch of old fogies sitting around with wine and beer recalling their old master.

  40. Gospel authorship dates are not known exactly, but I believe the order and approximate dates given above are correct. The extant non-canonical “gospels” such as Thomas all appeared later than the genuine accounts of Jesus.

    The pseudopigraphical “Protoevangelium of James” that appeared late in the second century is of interest to Romanists, since it contains some of the earliest claims of the purity of Mary.

  41. ” It’s spare, terse, witty, quick paced, crude at times, primitive and the words jump off the page.”

    In the Authorized Version they do. Most of the newer English translations eg. “Good News” are mind-numbingly quotidian compared to the King James.

  42. Clarification of “the purity of Mary” phrase, in my previous comment: That apocryphal “infancy gospel” expresses the extra-Biblical tradition that Joseph was a widower with children from his previous marriage, who were Jesus’ only siblings, and Mary had no other children — whereas the Scripture itself only says (or the Greek euphemism “young woman” in the context clearly implies) that Mary was virginal when Joseph married her.

    John, I agree on the superiourity of the King James style, never been equaled — and yet it is very literal (although compromises were made with language related to the monarchy and state church) and also accurate, for the scholarship of its time. Not a study Bible, but the best every day reading Bible.

  43. Further clarification, of the “Greek euphemism”: For example, Aristotle: “Take thee a ‘young woman’ to wife, and teach her the ways of discretion” — implies the virginal condition. The Septuagint translators used the Greek “parthenos” (virgin) for the original Hebrew “almah” (young woman, or virgin), considering the context of a miraculous sign.

  44. Yet another “gospel”: The “Gospel of the Nativity of Mary” tells a story of Mary’s grandmother’s seven marriages. Six husbands were dispatched by God for feeling lust in the procreative act, but the seventh was able to do so inertly, feeling nothing, and thus succeeded in procreate Anne the mother of Mary. According to the same tradition (echoing popular pagan goddess legends and highbrow gnostic thinking) the lustlessly-conceived Mary gave birth to Jesus without losing her virginity, the hymen remaining intact. But I think we have enough with FOUR canonical gospels, and the rest of the Canon, to work out our salvation and make our calling and election sure.

  45. “Not a study Bible, but the best every day reading Bible.”

    Too faint praise that. It is one of the towering works of English Literature.

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