Rivers of Blood: The Maine Connection

Somali women and their children walk through downtown Lewiston, Maine.
Somali women and their children walk through downtown Lewiston, Maine.


While the League of the South is focused on Southern Demographic Displacement in Middle Tennessee, it is important to keep in mind that this effort by the US federal government to destroy the social fabric of homogeneous areas with displaced foreign refugees is hardly confined to the South.

As we saw in the previous article, the undisputed capital of Somali-America is the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area, which is now home to over 80,000 Somalian refugees thanks to the same alliance between the US State Department, the cheap labor lobby, and leftwing churches. VDARE.com has written extensively about the Somali colonization of Maine and Minnesota.

Lewiston, Maine has been a center of “Northern Demographic Displacement” by Somalian refugees for well over a decade now. From 2001 to 2013, anywhere from 3,000 and 6,000 Somalian and Bantu refugees arrived in Lewiston, mostly through secondary migration, which has declined from 95.7 percent White to 86.6 percent White.

Yesterday, we learned that the Somalian terrorist group al-Shabab, which was behind the deadly Kenya Mall Attack, is boasting on Twitter that one of their jihadists was a 22-year-old refugee from Portland, Maine:

“That list that has since been deleted. But on that list is a man allegedly from Maine, a 22 year old refugee who was listed as once living in an apartment complex here in Portland, Maine. But until we can confirm the validity of that list, we will not release the name of the person from Maine on that list.

Darryl Dotson lives in that same apartment complex, which we are not identifying at this time. He says “I think it’s scary. I have two kids that live with me and didn’t know it until I put one and one together on the news yesterday and seen the reporters out here.”

Portland, Maine is a city of 62,214 people. There are only 38,592 people in Lewiston. There are 20,105 people in Shelbyville and 108,755 in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. If quaint New England burgs like Portland and Lewiston, Maine can become breeding grounds for jihad in less than ten years, why not Shelbyville and Murfreesboro, Tennessee?

In Erick Stakelbeck’s The Terrorist Next Door, we are reminded that what the US State Department is doing in Shelbyville, Tennessee and Lewiston, Maine is part of a much larger problem in the West:

“Over the past twenty years, the Somali population in the United States, Canada, and Europe has gone from virtually zero to being one of the fastest growing immigrant blocs in the West. Their numbers are steadily increasing in far-flug places that, like in the case of Shelbyville, may surprise you. For example, it is no great shock that there are, according to some estimates, up to 250,000 Somalis living in the Islamo-asylum haven of Great Britain, a country that seems hell bent on committing national suicide. But who would have predicted back in 1993 that more than 50,000 Somalis would  settle in Sweden? Or that more than 25,000 Somalis would lay down roots in Norway, and another 20,000 in the Netherlands? How about close to 17,000 Somalis living in Denmark?

It seems that frigid, remote Scandinavia – where suicidal, open-door immigration policies for Muslims are every bit as prevalent as in Great Britain – suits warm-blooded Somalis just fine. The same goes for Canada, where close to 40,000 Somalis currently reside (although unofficial estimates place that number much higher).  And it doesn’t get more far flung than Australia, yet some 20,000 Somalis have settled Down Under in recent years, with 10,000 alone living in Melbourne, a city that boasts one of the world’s largest concentrations of Somalis outside of Africa.”

From Shelbyville to Stockholm and Minneapolis to Melbourne, Western governments are displacing their own populations with “refugees” from the Third World. The people who live in these areas – who have been demonized by the liberal media, and long before the League of the South decided to come to town – were never given the chance to vote on the destruction of their traditional way of life.

When “Rivers of Blood” come to Middle Tennessee (like it came to Boston in April and Woolwich in May before it was exported from Maine and Minnesota to Nairobi in September), it will only be because we weren’t vigilant enough in stopping the local leftists who are transplanting jihad in our midst.

Note: According to USA Today, there might be as many as 100,000 Somalian Muslims in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area now.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Don’t overlook the Bantus, the former slaves of the Somalis: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Somali_and_Bantu_migration_to_Maine

    Also: “In October 2002, then-Mayor Laurier T. Raymond wrote an open letter addressed to leaders of the Somali community, predicting a negative impact on the city’s social services and requesting that they discourage further relocation to Lewiston. The letter angered some persons and prompted some community leaders and residents to speak out against the mayor, drawing national attention. Demonstrations were held in Lewiston, both by those who supported the immigrants’ presence and those who opposed it. IN JANUARY 2003, A SMALL WHITE SUPREMACIST GROUP DEMONSTRATED (…) PROMPTING A SIMULTANEOUS COUNTER-DEMONSTRATION OF ABOUT 4,000 PEOPLE (…) and the organization of the “Many and One Coalition”. ONLY 32 ATTENDED THE RALLY BY THE WHITE SUPREMACIST GROUP (…) In 2006, a severed frozen pig’s head was thrown into a Lewiston mosque while the faithful were praying. This was considered very offensive by the town’s Muslim community (…) The culprit admitted to the act and claimed it to be a joke. He later committed suicide.”

  2. I was one of the Lewiston speakers in 2003. When they said that “only 32 attended the ‘supremacists’ rally” they are being very disingenuous. That’s how many people were allowed into the National Guard armory by the police. We had a bunch of comrades out among the anti protestors. One of them found me afterwards at a Burger King along the highway while I was driving home and I’ve been friends with him since. He told me that there were many pro-whites besides him among the crowd outside and they almost got in fights with the antis many times but the cops kept order and separated the groups when they were going to fight.

    It’s funny that this issue is coming back, 10 years later. Get the movie, “The Letter”


    The movie editor juxtaposes Hitler making a speech while I am reciting a poem, “Make My Word a Crime.” And then they end the scene with a guy in a ridiculous CoTC outfit with a beret siegheiling and saying “white power” which was lame. Whatcha gonna do, though. My 15 minutes of fame.

    Anyway, the Somali thing is ironically going to make things worse for liberals. Here’s why:

    Liberals are ultimately people who like comfort and don’t want to do honest labor. So non-whites are a scam for them to suck taxpayer money to provide services to the minority underprivileged communities.

    Hey, it’s better than having to do a real job! Liberalism is a huge patronage scam.

    They see Somalis as profit centers of the patronage scam. Every Somali represents 10,000 (or whatever) in Paychex to Paychex Liberalz. Baby and chil’rren Somalis represent more because they need all those baby and children extra special Paychex Liberal Services.

    But eventually the Patrons don’t have monies for the Patronage Scam any more. Oh! It’s those evil, mean conservatives who are refusing to share! How dare you not pay our Paychex to provide needed services to the million Somalis we imported! You mean stingy bastards!

    That’s what the Liberalz are going to think and say when the cuts really come but good, but the fact is going to be that the government and American society is comprehensively broke.

    And those Somalis, along with everyone else, are going to be on their own. Do you comprehend this nightmarish scenario? Without Liberalz Services, the Somalis will have to resort to becoming Land Pirates just to survive. Arrgh, it looks like a dark horde of Bantu Land Pirates just ahead and a little starboard, captain!

    So it’s going to be like “Whites in Indian country” again, except the “Indians” will be lots of different tribes — Hispanics, African-Americans, Muslims. And Whites will also become savage tribes as well. Savage Aryan tribes . . . with a historical memory.

    Savage tribes who will remember who it was who brought all these alien tribes to our soil, and turned a functioning, strong country into a multiracial empire and then a series of contested territories and “no-go zones,”

    Savage White tribes who are going to blame Liberalz for destroying the country and making life hell for normal White people. The Liberalz claim they were building a multiracial utopia that only conservative white racists won’t like, but they are actually building the most anti-liberal social construct ever — a territory of warring tribes.

    Having a territory of warring tribes is successful at weakening the host (White American) people for about a generation or two, and then the host people themselves become a warring tribe. And we shall identify, they name and shame, the people who turned the USA from a functioning country into a clusterfuck of warring tribes and no-go zones and ethnic and liberalz patronage scams.

    So this is our transition from citizens of a country to blood brothers of the White Warring Tribe, or one of the many White Warring Tribes. This will be the worst nightmare imaginable for todays liberalz cheering on white displacement.

  3. “Somalis have to be the lowest form of human.”

    Not the lowest, Lew. Notice they have some Arabic features (like dark Dravidian-Indian Miss America has Aryan-Indian features) — and they are able to enslave the more purely negroid Bantus. The Pygmies are probably the bottom of the African hierarchy.

  4. “When “Rivers of Blood” come to Middle Tennessee (like it came to Boston in April and Woolwich in May before it was exported from Maine and Minnesota to Nairobi in September), it will only be because we weren’t vigilant enough in stopping the local leftists who are transplanting jihad in our midst.”

    JR responds:

    But, remember, it’s not just “Leftists” binging in Somalian Muslim savages, there are the cheap labor Conservatives, Libertarian loons, immigration romanticists pandering to the tribe in Neo Avon garb or well, just the tribe. Also, assorted resentful people like that underpaid reporter on the Shelbyvile newspaper, nobody reads him and he knows it – he hates Mayberry, wants it changed or destroyed in any way, including bringing in Somalians.

    No, our enemies are not confined to bad Leftists.

  5. Well, here seems like a good place to ask some questions about the southern movement, given that at some point something’s gotta give up here in the north, and someone has to start a northern movement.

    What is the relationship between Occidental Dissent, and the Southern League, and the Southern Nationalist Network? How are these groups related to one another?

    Also, is SPLC right in it’s recent assertion that the Southern League accepts jews as members?

  6. Northern demographic displacement – gotta love it ! Minnesota, what poetic justice ! Let ten million Mexicans in and ship them to MN and New England !
    Sorry boys, English speakers just don’t have it anymore, be gone in a few more generations (re, Anglo Saxons) along with their Gaulish and Scandinavian look alikes. Only the Slavs and Central Europeans down to Greece still have the stones to survive.

  7. Capture the moral highground and then help your fellow Southerners up, give them a hand.

    I know you fine folks are academics and intellectuals, but put a damper on that wonkery BS. You know Bob Whitaker changed Reagan’s campaign strategy from Buckleyesque ideological/theological wonkery to flattering the vox populi and basically as all governments doing he was offering a protection service from the evil left.

  8. ” Only the Slavs and Central Europeans down to Greece still have the stones to survive.”

    Agreed! And language like this;
    “From Shelbyville to Stockholm and Minneapolis to Melbourne, Western governments are displacing their own populations with “refugees” from the Third World.” constitutes an unwillingness to recognize the real political force behind the move to destroy Western Civilization. Better it were that the sentence should read;
    “Western governments, in the name of Jewish political interests, are displacing their own populations with “refugees” from the Third World”. That would be less disingenuous and more realistic than trying to put forth the idea that Western governments are, with no prodding from a powerful and incredibly wealthy special interest group, in collusion with one another to destroy Western Civilization.

  9. arghh! ; typo: the first sentence in my post above should read:
    “shows an unwillingness to recognize the real political force….”

  10. The new displacer residents will be much more politically reliable voters than the displacee’s would be. Look at UK, they practically replaced 25% of their population so Labor could stay in power for a pretty much of an eternity. So what if there’s not really and England anymore. Incumbency trumps all.

    Am sure the plan is to pretty much replace us all. To the genii behind this plan that
    is much more humane than flat out killing us & They are oh so Humane. They borrowed
    a play from the Laborite playbook & it’s working as good over here as it did in UK.

    Come now, good fellows, this proves that ethnic cleansing need not be a bloody affair
    especially when you are dealing with sheep & we displacee’s are nothing if we are not
    sheep. This has been demonstrated time & time again over the last 50 – 60 years (or more)

  11. Cracker, don’t be so willing to watch the best and brightest of the White Race be destroyed by the sons of Satan, and their African stepinfetchits.

    Ever hear of John Donne’s ‘No Man is an Island?’

    Everything you have written, HW, is correct. The Accursed Nigger Hagarenes are EVERYWHERE in Minnesota. Given Section 8 housing, they are increasing via the demographic time bomb known as fecund nigger births, in the very best areas of the Twin Cities metro. It was the Somalian contingent and the race/sex denying queers, who helped elect Race/Religion TRAITOR, Keith Ellison.

    And don’t think that you can escape to ND, or someplace like that. The recent town that was ‘appalled’ that ‘white supremacists’ were coming to ‘take over’ the town in Nowhere, ND, got EVERY LIBERAL ON THE BANDWAGON, to stop ANY expression of White Pride.

    Unless you are willing to come and help us, why should we care if you can’t help yourselves? And that is EXACTLY where the Jews and the Niggers (both are groups that think about the ‘group identity’ far more than the White Man) want us to be…..

  12. The very best thing that could happen is for the vast majority of whites become very uncomfortable – physically, financially, and otherwise. Until whites have a reason to live beyond their childish amusements and comforts, nothing will change. Fortunately, those that despise us are creating the exact conditions necessary for whites to either fight or die. Niggers are entirely too stupid and arrogant to understand that they will be the first one’s sacrificed in the cleansing….by those that told them they were on their side! It’s hilarious.

  13. If America had patriotic leadership as in the country where I reside, the immigration laws would permit the granting of citizenship as frequently as here. In twelve years, I have not heard of any immigrant granted citizenship.

  14. Mosin:

    Do you honestly believe that Somalis are most advanced than other sub-Saharan African nations? Are Nigerians, Ghanaians, Kenyans, and Botswanans “lower” than Somalis in your opinion?

  15. “Do you honestly believe that Somalis are most advanced”

    No. They’re not the lowest either. I noted only that they sport some Arabic features due to centuries of mixing, and they are able to dominate more purely Negroid groups, such as the Bantus that are counted among the Somalian “refugees”. However Somalis are not “advanced”. No sub-Saharan Africans are “advanced”.

  16. with all due respect, the “News and Jews” crew is totally myopic (and that makes them look dumb.) As if “naming the jew” is somehow the whole of what’s going on, (lol!)

    MANY groups and interests are fighting for hegemony—- zionist jews are just one of the MANY groups. If you harp only on them, you look stupid, which is probably the main reason “wn” never gains traction. It’s a big wide world out there.

  17. Musashi, when gloves do come off historically, and the executioner’s little black hood gets thrown back so everyone can finally see the face behind, it’s very true that the proxy populations are cast aside, after having been put out front to “fight,” usually unwittingly and just by manipulating their innate grievances (and everybody has those).

    Generational Americans have been silently pissed off for a long time, their role just to pay for everything until they die off (the countdown to their demise is given in media all the time)—- so they would make a good population to “use.”

    Surely there’s another country out there who could use Generational Americans, and wouldn’t mind their intelligence, their culture, their do-it-yourself energy, their wit, their creativity, their proven track record of toughing it and stick-to-it-ness.

  18. Musashi wrote:

    The very best thing that could happen is for the vast majority of whites become very uncomfortable – physically, financially, and otherwise. Until whites have a reason to live beyond their childish amusements and comforts, nothing will change.

    You are exactly right, Musashi.

  19. Somalis are probably the reason our ancestors lashed a few logs together and got the 200 members of their tribe across the Gulf of Tears. You want a reason for the Out Of Africa event? Monkeys with hand grenades. The ancestors of Europeans, Asians were quite clearly running (in fact sailing) the fuck away from these savage assholes. Now the predators have been flown into our homelands by simpering liberals and their masters in the “tribe”.

  20. “and they are able to dominate more purely Negroid groups”

    Somalis are less advanced than the average “pure” sub-Saharan African country. Countries like Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana, and Botswana are far more advanced than Somalia, both in terms of wealth and average level of education.

    Also, the sharp features of Somalis are not necessarily all due to mixing. There is some evidence that features like that may have originated in the Horn of Africa to begin with and spread from there to the Middle East tens of thousands of years ago.

  21. “Surely there’s another country out there who could use Generational Americans, and wouldn’t mind their intelligence, their culture, their do-it-yourself energy, their wit, their creativity, their proven track record of toughing it and stick-to-it-ness.”

    Sounds like you are making the argument for generational yankees to move on down South. Hahahahahahahahahaha!

  22. “There is some evidence that features like that may have originated in the Horn of Africa to begin with and spread from there to the Middle East tens of thousands of years ago.”

    Tens of thousands of years??? I’ll start to believe that when you are able to quote a reliable source.

  23. “Somalis are less advanced than the average pure sub-Saharan African country. Countries like Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana, and Botswana are far more advanced than Somalia, both in terms of wealth and average level of education.”

    The Italian colony didn’t have the advantage of the British colonial background of those other states you mentioned. It is also more arid and poorly endowed and much more Islamic than those others you mentioned.

    “Also, the sharp features of Somalis are not necessarily all due to mixing. There is some evidence that features like that may have originated in the Horn of Africa to begin with and spread from there to the Middle East tens of thousands of years ago.”

    Interesting, but you know that sharp-featured Arabs and other Semites (including Jews) visited and settled along the coast of East Africa over many centuries.

  24. “The Italian colony didn’t have the advantage of the British colonial background of those other states you mentioned. It is also more arid and poorly endowed and much more Islamic than those others you mentioned.”

    Ah, so you agree the average intelligence and level of cultural advancement in a country depends on environmental factors and not just genetic factors?

  25. I DO NOT agree on environmental improvement of native intelligence, but I do agree there are advantages of contact with examples of superiour culture, good governance, etc. Natural resources such as gold, diamonds, oil, soil and climate suitable for important cash crops all increase the chance of beneficial contact. Then there are the humanitarian assistants, missionaries, etc. — all helping to create a veneer of civilisation….

    EC, your comments are intelligent and informative.

  26. Assuming the Somali mutts in Africa are not just CIA contractors, these mutts have said they can strike in ‘Murika. If they actually think this and are not just reading a script written by the ‘Murika’s empire protection racket three letter agency of some sort then I give them kudos for strategic thinking. Since the evil left is trying to include muslims in their large patronage protection racket the left will be stuck defending mooslim atrocities committed on ‘Murikan soil.

    So far the left is winning by being able to stifle the mooslim debate by distraction and PC enforcement, but don’t count on this working forever. Then if this is true ‘Murika’s politics will grow divisive, and if there really is a al-quaeda this would fit in their goal of taking the American empire down.

  27. To the negrophobic crowd who think ‘bantus and news’ is where it’s at, and that naming the ‘bantu’ will somehow open the door to white liberation, I say you look myopic and dumb. (This is in obvious response to a poster’s assertions on this thread).

    To name jewish orchestration is to name the orchestrators of the MultiCult in general, not all of whom are jews, but of which zionism/judaism is the biggest fulcrum.

    I’d go so far as to say that in the north, there is little to zero chance that naming the ‘negro’ as opposed to just the politics of the Black Caucus, Inc., will do anything but undermine White Liberation. We see the politics behind things and tend to be cultural realists, not racial ones. Southerners seem to want to fixate on racialism instead of calling out the political dynamics – and that means calling out the jews. The southerners’ need to indulge their bullying is at odds with the survival instincts any self-respecting northern white has.

  28. Re: “To the negrophobic crowd who think ‘bantus and news’ is where it’s at, and that naming the ‘bantu’ will somehow open the door to white liberation, I say you look myopic and dumb (…) To name jewish orchestration is to name the orchestrators of the MultiCult in general”:

    Correct, NYY. The same goes for the “Black run” notion.

  29. “The southerners’ need to indulge their bullying”

    Hence the popularity of the “Black run” meme.

    “the negrophobic crowd” may be the same as the Islamophobic crowd, the same easily distracted, constantly sidetracked crowd that always fails to name the orchestrators.

  30. Ghana is probably the most civilized black country.

    Somalia is at the opposite end of the spectrum but Nigeria and Congo are the worst. The
    Arab colonized north coast of Africa is a shithole for other reasons.

  31. With Nigeria, it’s important to distinguish between the Islamic population concentrated in the North and the Christian population concentrated in the South. The latter is significantly more advanced than the former. Islamic resentment of Christian prosperity in Nigeria has been one of the contributors to Boko Haram terrorism.

  32. No, John, I haven’t been there, but I’ve always had an interest in world history and geography. I don’t think the level of the native intelligence, of the dozens of tribes of the Gold Coast with their dozens of distinct languages, has increased. Rather their present good fortune is the result of the “legacy of British colonial rule” ( mentioned here http://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/country_information/ ) and excellent conditions for the production of cocoa and hydroelectricity — and the gold mining, and soon to be oil production.

  33. MANY groups and interests are fighting for hegemony—- zionist jews are just one of the MANY groups. If you harp only on them, you look stupid, which is probably the main reason “wn” never gains traction. It’s a big wide world out there.

    Sigh, DG, you are a multiculti just like all my liberal neighbors up here in MN. Truly, once one realizes that the Deicides are the CONTROLLERS of all anti-white agitprop, the scales fall from one’s eyes, and you encounter your own “Damascus Road” experience. Having worked for the Yidim for over eight years, seeing and reading, and hearing Shabbat after Shabbat their Racial Supremacist mythology [cf. John 8:44, Rev. 2:8,9, Heb. 13:10], I can honestly tell you, yes, the Jews are the taproot for all ‘Anti-White’ rhetoric.

    I would advise you to watch this video, and realize that, in this case, you are the baloon head on the right. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXoyEhHbnCU&feature=player_embedded

    EC- while your statement “With Nigeria, it’s important to distinguish between the Islamic population concentrated in the North and the Christian population concentrated in the South. The latter is significantly more advanced than the former. Islamic resentment of Christian prosperity in Nigeria has been one of the contributors to Boko Haram terrorism…” is correct in its second part, the first part is rather shaky. A ‘christian population’ can only be White Europeans. Devotees of the ‘White Man’s Religion’ African Anglicans, Presbyterians, and other European-derived sects, they may be. But ‘Christian populations’? This is rougly the theological equivalent of a ‘proposition nation.’ And we know how well THAT idea has worked among the One World Faction…. to our detriment.

  34. DG- and HW- Perhaps you don’t know how deep the depravity was, prior to Hitler’s rise. Or who was behind it all.


    Here’s some insights. And why Gay Somalis, can, and do, exist-
    while Somali Minnnesota jihadists exist right alongside them. http://dailycaller.com/2013/09/23/somali-american-leader-i-tried-to-warn-america-about-homegrown-radicalization/

    It’s all about the ‘pincers strategy’ of the Bolsheviks, DG- most of whom were Yids, ethnically. Divert attention away from US (Jews) and we can live in peace, even as we destroy the civilization around us.

    Which is why they were kicked out of every country in Europe, sometimes twice… for good reason.

  35. I’m a Mainer. The misery is this: nobody likes the damned Somalis, they’re repulsive enough that even the worthless Bluebloods admit it. Yet still: nobody is willing to squeeze them. God forbid, we polite New Englanders treat them differently, quit pretending we “want” them here.

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