About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. In the anti-libertarian future utopia, “if there’s more welfare than you think there should be, or if tax rates are a little higher than you think they should be” — it may indicate that the rootless cosmopolitans are still active!

  2. it may indicate that the rootless cosmopolitans are still active!

    Or, alternatively, it may indicate that we’re living in a sane, rational, sensible ethnostate.

  3. This may sound ideological (it really isn’t, just commonsensical): but it will never become sane or sensible while the Bankers, lawyers and “insurance” industry are allowed to ply their evil trades.

  4. Who says I want banksters, lawyers and insurance industry knaves (the treachery of that industry is one of the most underrated around) to have the run of the joint? Mind you, there are some libertarians who would let them.

  5. @countenance

    I don’t need to be invited to “our” coming ethnostate. My ancestors created the first one, which they paid for in blood. If it comes to it I will also.

    Yes, I totally disagree with controlling “substances”, and victimless crimes and wasting money on freeloaders who should be supported by their families. Law enforcement is the toolbox of tyrants. As is always true, culture is the center of all this, not government. We spend a fortune jailing people who don’t deserve to be there and who have cause noone harm.

    People could leave their front-doors unlocked in the 50’s and not get burglarized, because of CULTURE. People with bars on their windows get burglarized today, DESPITE the idiotic government and it’s mountain of worthless and cringe-worthy “laws”.

    Read a damn book. Here’s a starter:


    Most people commit FELONY crimes on a regular basis without realizing it because there are so many overblown statutes that they cannot be accounted for and sometimes not even categorized.

    Government is the reason these “refugees” are all over the place, and the average Joe can’t run them out. It’s the reason homos “marry”, and it’s the reason feminists control the workplace. What we want is based on normal, natural human instincts and feelings. Remove the “authority” and these things FIX THEMSELVES. Why make this difficult?

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