November 23: Stand With Tom Watson Rally (Atlanta, GA)


Ever since I heard about this, the removal of the Tom Watson statue in Georgia has been stuck in my craw. I’ve decided to do something about it.

Tom Watson Rally


Gov. Nathan Deal of Georgia recently issued an executive order authorizing the removal of the Tom Watson statue from its traditional place on the grounds of the Georgia State Capitol in Atlanta.

Gov. Deal claims that the removal of the statue is only a “safety issue” and was caused by an ongoing renovation project, but the GBA has orders not to restore the Tom Watson statue to its proper historic place, and have cited the “prohibitive costs” of doing so.

In reality, the removal of the Tom Watson statue from the Georgia State Capitol is part of a well organized leftwing agitation campaign to remove the monument which includes a petition on that has gathered nearly 1,000 signatures. The ADL has issued a press release praising Gov. Nathan Deal for acting to remove the Tom Watson statue which has “offended” them for so many years.

State Rep. Tyrone Brooks, the president of the Georgia Association of Elected Black Officials, is “elated” by the removal of the Tom Watson statue, and has said he would like to see the statues of Sen. Richard Russell, Gov. Eugene Talmadge, and Confederate General John B. Gordon also removed from the grounds of the Georgia State Capitol, as well as all the other statues which he considers offensive.

Rep. Brooks has linked the removal of the Tom Watson statue to the NAACP’s victory in the removal of the 1956 Georgia State Flag. He believes that it is “a sign of progress” and that Gov. Deal has decided that it is time to “begin to remove the old racist artifacts” from the grounds of the Georgia State Capitol.

Rep. Brooks hopes that these “old racist artifacts” will be replaced by African-American, Native American, and Asian American monuments which represent “the Georgia of today” rather than “yesterday.”

These “old racist artifacts” include the statues of Sen. Richard Russell, Gov. Eugene and Herman Talmadge, Sen. Benjamin Hill, Gen. John B. Gordon, Gov. Joseph Brown, as well as the busts of Margaret Mitchell and James Oglethrope, the founder of the colony of Georgia.

The removal of the Tom Watson statue is an abject capitulation to political correctness and a heinous assault on our Southern heritage. It sets a dangerous precedent and will only embolden the American Taliban to attack other historical monuments in Georgia.

These people must be opposed.

Dress Code:

Please come prepared to make a positive first impression on your fellow citizens at a public demonstration. If in doubt, dress like you would when going to church.


Seeing as how I have no flags, I suggest you bring your own. Since this is a Georgia heritage event, I would like us to use the Georgia State Flag, the Georgia Secession Flag, the SN activism flag, or the 1956 Georgia State Flag.


We are going have these professionally made. We should be able to provide the signs, but it is unclear how long it take to get these made. Check back for updates.

Update: Here’s one of the signs we are going to use for the League of the South. I need someone with graphic design skills to make a similar one for the CofCC. I would like to see both groups working together against our common enemy.

Stand With Tom Watson (League of the South)

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Deal has decided that it is time to “begin to remove the old racist artifacts”

    Oh yeah. Well there goes Tyrone Brooks and the Georgia Association of Black elected officials. The replacement should be the Georgia Association of White Elected Officials.

  2. Maybe good to use: “It’s wrong to replace HIM.”
    It’s wrong to replace US.

    That was an effective slogan you had going. Stay on the message maybe, with a twist

  3. lol @ They tore down a statue of Watson And put up an MLK lot.

    Idk about your town. You can’t even figure out to get anywhere anymore due to all the mlk named streets.

    Maybe maps should be printed of one’s town, but with all the streets named MLK to make a point. And traffic jams, showing how impractical

  4. @ Hunter

    You should remind the SCV that Tom Watson’s father was a Confederate veteran who lost everything:

    The Civil War and Reconstruction profoundly disturbed Watson’s boyhood. His father was twice wounded; two of his uncles returned from the war incurably injured or sick. Watson’s beloved grandfather suffered a debilitating stroke in 1863 and soon died. The chaos of Reconstruction and the general economic collapse of the postwar South eventually left the Watsons destitute. In 1873, after losing the family plantation and a succession of smaller farms, they moved to nearby Augusta where John S. Watson found work operating a boarding house and saloon. The contrast between antebellum agrarian life and degrading urban existence forever marked Tom Watson’s worldview.

  5. Good comment, Earl — explaining how Tom was on the side of the small family farmer at the bottom of the food chain who was and still is being bled, and eaten, by the Elite.

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