About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Wish I had made plans to attend the meeting, though it would have to be the “member portion” as I’m not on the board. Hunter, you must know the “behind the scenes” stuff. I certainly do. It’s not pretty. And ps., I support the “dissidents”!

  2. Hugh – bless you. I am truly sorry to say this – but the CoCC will crash and burn. I’m not happy about this, but it’s true. It will be a slow descent. The Sheeny Greed element has won out over the Aryan Spirit, for now. Real Aryans will leave, or drift away, on realization that they are being skinned.

    It’s sad,

  3. Denise,

    Can I ask what is happening at CofCC?

    Also, OT, but regarding Ryan’s censorship of those excellent comments by you and NYYankees, I posted this here.

  4. Posting the censored (deleted) comments under the heading ‘Sweet Land of Liberty’ is so fitting. Nothing remotely libertarian (lower case ‘l’) about this constant censorship.

    I know what it’s about, won’t comment here.

  5. Yes, Denise, it is over for the CofCC. How quickly the demise occurs will relate in part to how interconnected the members are. The word will get out as to what is going on and the collapse could occur fairly quickly unless it is artificially kept alive by some “Tribal” benefactor. And yes, it is very sad. I fondly remember when I was first introduced to the organization. Lots of individual efforts went into the CofCC. The comradeire meant everything! We need a Great Purge.

  6. Lew, this probably is not the place to discuss the CofCC internal issues. But to close on a positive note, it is fixable. Whether or not that will happen is the question.

  7. Lew – Hugh is 110% about things being fixable. I believe in Hunter, and I believe in most of the membership. I do know the behind the scenes stuff, and the players. So does Hugh. There are some internal issues, and a tad of woefully misplaced loyalty.

    If you trust me, write to me on my blog. I can get you info.

  8. Phew. Ryan is on a Purge Mission. See how even 1% Jew can corrupt, and corrupt absolutely?

    It’s tragic. I’m just glad I got this last post though.

    Should Hunter become unduly influenced by JR – and I do get banned – it was lovely, all of you.

    XXX and OOO,

  9. Hugh, it’s obvious you and several others are trying to stir up trouble because most of us don’t care to ride your damn hobby horses. Well, as far as I’m concerned, all of you can ride your nags away from here, and as y’all go, kindly pick up your steeds road apples!

  10. “My Jewdar is 110% accurate”. Big whoop! Everybody else has been saying the same thing for years dearie, so no wonder your ‘Jewdar’ is so on target. BTW, if your senses are soooo hyper, you shouldn’t have slandered the Tinley Park folks. I knew one of them, my buddy Tom Stuart, so I know your description of them was incredibly vile. BTW, I noticed you never replied to Tom’s defense of himself and the TP’ers. Afraid your lies can’t stand up to the truth?

  11. Replying to my last post was the following:

    Stephen E Dalton says:
    November 9, 2013 at 8:46 pm
    Hugh, it’s obvious you and several others are trying to stir up trouble because most of us don’t care to ride your damn hobby horses. Well, as far as I’m concerned, all of you can ride your nags away from here, and as y’all go, kindly pick up your steeds road apples!

    No Stephen, it is not obvious…that several of us are trying to stir up trouble. And hopefully you are in a very small group of like minded people. As a very bright individual told me today, Western Civilization is indeed hanging in the balance. It’s survival is very much in question. And that same small but immensely powerful “Tribe”, appears at every turn to try to destroy everything that is good about Western Civilization. Note the Tribe reference is mine, not the bright individual I was speaking with. Stephen, that’s what we are about. And any enemy of Western Civilization, is an enemy of mine. Stephen, you do know genocide of White folks is one of the goals here that the Tribe is seeking, or perhaps you are a low information type and not aware of that goal?

  12. Replying to my last post was the following:

    Stephen E Dalton says:
    November 9, 2013 at 8:46 pm
    Hugh, it’s obvious you and several others are trying to stir up trouble because most of us don’t care to ride your damn hobby horses. Well, as far as I’m concerned, all of you can ride your nags away from here, and as y’all go, kindly pick up your steeds road apples!

    No Stephen, it is not obvious…that several of us are trying to stir up trouble. And hopefully you are in a very small group of like minded people. As a very bright individual told me today, Western Civilization is indeed hanging in the balance. It’s survival is very much in question. And that same small but immensely powerful “Tribe”, appears at every turn to try to destroy everything that is good about Western Civilization. Note the Tribe reference is mine, not the bright individual I was speaking with. Stephen, that’s what we are about. And any enemy of Western Civilization, is an enemy of mine. Stephen, you do know genocide of White folks is one of the goals here that the Tribe is seeking, or perhaps you are a low information type and not aware of that goal?

  13. Re: Everyone

    Jack has always had moderation powers on his own threads. I’m not sure what has been deleted. I’ve distracted by the pregnancy and on the road for the past two days.

  14. Hugh, I’m very much aware of the Jewish threat. However to center this whole movement on Jew hating is insane. Like JR and PP say, we have to focus on our faith, values, culture, and folks to save ourselves. To focus entirely upon our foes is to lose sight of ourselves and our cause. If you want to do that, you might as well become a Jew.

  15. Hellllooooo,

    We, as White Advocates, MUST freely and fearlessly discuss and proclaim the elements that have led to our dispossession and destruction. Do dent the horrific influence and malic that Jews exert, now that they hold positions of global power – THAT is truly insane.

    I know that evil/foolish/greedy Gentiles have helped the Tribe, every step of the way. It’s been an uneven process, that’s taken hundreds of years. I simply don’t know how any sane or intelligent person can dent that Jews are in charge, now though. How many name and examples does one need? We woll NOT be able to Save Our Race WITHOUT dealing with Jewry, Inc. They will not willingly let go of the grip they have on our collective throats. NO. They will not. They are trying to clamp down even harder. They know we all have arrived at the end game, now. The Hour IS Now.

    So get up to speed, fellas. There is a Global Chorus growing, and growing FAST, re: Der ewige Jude.

    • I didn’t see any Jews here.

      It was the same people who have always been here: Renee, Gordon and Linda, Kyle, Tom Pierce, Bill Lord, Earl Holt, James Edwards, etc. Sid was here and spoke, but it was as uneventful as the 2013 conference. I didn’t attend the private session because I am not a board member.

  16. Hunter,

    The comments were on my thread noting that American Renaissance had published my write up of our/my successful immigration control activism in Middle Tenn. I was justifiably proud that Jared Taylor published my article and the response/comments at Amren were very positive, supportive of our/my successes in Tenn.

    Then, we had many negative comments here at OD that Jared Taylor and I were complete failures, traitors because Mr Taylor and I don’t rant and rave about THE JOOOOZ every waking moment, plus Mr. Taylor and I are somehow “elitists” who look down on working class White Americans because we have dress standards, standards about swearing, farting, that sort of thing.

    Yeah, I deleted some comments on one of my posts – just didn’t want to put up with a lot of pointless negativity on a post that was 100% positive.

    We/I worked very hard on winning modest success in Tennessee. Some people don’t like to hear good news about hard working activists having success, they would rather be negative , say “we’re doomed, the Joooz control everything, so what’s the point? ”

    You know, same old, same old.

  17. Hunter – I am really sorry to hear Renee is going through that. It’s fairly common, though. If she is traveling with you. even though she’s young – it’s going to make her feel worse. Just give her my best. I’m sure every-one is taking good care of her. I hope she discovers a method that works for her, re: pregnancy nausea.

    There is a cold going ’round all over the Nation. from what I am gathering. It ought not last too long. Just go easy on the partying. Newt whiskey will help the symptoms. Just don’t get too tired out. Snuggle up with yer honey, and yer baby in waiting. And good luck. The CoCC thing will play out in due time.

    Ragnarok goes live in 2014. Make sure you and yours are safe and sound. All the nonsense will evaporate soon enough, when Hel break loose next year.

  18. If you are referring to the Eric Weigel resignation, I never saw the letter that has circulated around the internet. I’ve also never met him. The only thing that I know about him is that he is friends with Sebastian Ronin.

  19. Denise,

    How about doing some effective, LOCAL activism against the tribe in your local area, in the real world instead of hanging out on the Internet and ragging on successful activists like Jared Taylor and me?

    Promote positive movies, music and pop culture to White youth in your area instead of the locals consuming rap music, porn and anti White Hollywood movies.

    You might also consider working with local Liberal Middle Eastern peace groups opposing Zionist mistreatment of Palestinians and opposing new Neo Conservative Jew wars against Syria, Iran. You’re going to have to modify your language a bit to effectively work with these White Liberals, but the end result would be..

    Effectively opposing evil policies of the tribe.

    On the other hand, you could do the same old, same old – hang out on the Internet, be a negative nay sayer, slander successful activists for not spending every waking moment ranting and raving about…..


  20. Jack Ryan,
    I think we need both approaches in tandem. Certainly we should celebrate our successes! And you are doing some fine work! But Jack, we are at war, without question. And our enemy has not lost sight of their goals. They work continually to undermine us. They attack us on all fronts, without ceasing. We can not relax until the threats have been eliminated!

  21. I’m glad you are having fun. I miss seeing those folks. Cheers!!!

    (I’m hearing both sit the best for every-ones of the story. You must know why. I want the best for every-one. The egoism of WN is our very worst Tragic Flaw).

    Thanks for not banning me!

    FYI – Tell Jack I’m happy that he’s finally found his True Love.

  22. @ Jack

    I noticed those two conservative Irish Roman Catholic Senators Democrat Bob Casey & Republican Pat Toomey both voted for the Employment Non Discrimination Act (ENDA). The ENDA gives homosexuality the standing of a religion, and criminalizes those who object to homosexuality on religious grounds!

    Those two good Catholic lads were joined by Roman Catholic & Italian stallion Joe Manchin of WV. That’s starters. LOL.

    The Catholics are as bad or worse than the damn Jews!

  23. Oh – since this post is Hunter’s thread – I don’t consider Taylor to be an effective activist at all.

    Quite the opposite.

    To restate the facts, in the post you deleted, Taylor used to have his conferences broadcast on CNN. Now – he had to move to TN, where the SF conferences went off w/ out a hitch, in terms of putting them on, because he got totally routed on his home turf. He Big Jew pals – who he ALWAYS has at his conferences, including the Shadow Conference, where-in his formerly adoring actual White Fans were EXCLUDED – well his JooPals did help at all.

    Not a successful record at all.

  24. Earl – considering that the Rothschilds – you know – Jews – control the Vatican finances, and the last 2 Popes, prior to Frances, were blood Jews – Catholicism is like Hillel Lite these days.

  25. Jews aren’t running things…..they have no power over events…they are not innately malicious, greedy and evil…nothing to see and hear…move along….

  26. No one should ‘hang out on the internet’ (hang out on this blog) who doesn’t happen to agree fully with the current thoughts of the current main supporters, or cannot appear to be their ‘yes men’, or ‘yes women’, should stay OFF this blog, and keep themselves occupied elsewhere ‘doing local activism’ ?

    The expression of any incongruent opinions and facts (otherwise known as ‘riding hobby horses’) will no longer be allowed here ?

  27. Censor our speech and belittle our thoughts. One sure way to ‘get the Celt up’ in certain people who have it in us.

  28. Good comment, Earl. CofCC had better purge any enemies within, and recognise who the enemies are. No compromises with heresy or sin. No middle ground. Build our fellowship of true conservatism on the ONLY solid foundation.

  29. Denise, you say you’re active. Well, got any videos or photos of your activities? The video and still cameras took plenty of pictures of me holding a sign in Murphybouro and Shelbyville . Can we please see yours, or is it just a big put on by a hobby horse rider?

  30. Smart move Jack to delete the post. Its not censorship, if they’re the bring nothing to the table but negativity. You all are doing good work, keep it up. Holy smokes we’re all aware of the jews. One doesn’t have to blame evevy chipped nail on them. If one didn’t know better they would think NY Yankee and Denise ( no offence Mrs. Denise, I know your not) were Jews trolling the site storing up trouble portraying stereotypical anti Semite talking points.

  31. Denise has not been authorized to talk about it but I can say this much: Jewz have seized total control of the Council of Conservative Citizens right down to the nut sac. It’s over. Between the take-over and the infiltration of the League of the South by crypto-Nazis, there may well be only one uncorrupted pro-white organization left: the Northwest Front. Even now, Chairman Covington is arranging for the mass influx, preparing temporary shelters, dining halls, and emergency assistance.

    We’ll keep you posted on this channel.

  32. Yes, Earl— the vatican trade org scares me every bit as much as the jews, with their huge statist military crap, and endless “christian teachings” (i.e., catechism) about how great white genocide is (destroying evil “heretics” throughout europe who were too bright and had errant white thoughts “heresies”). It’s not a “church,” it is a country, or a Trade org. You can’t be trade org and a church.

    I just never get these “wn’s” who go on and on about jews, as if they are the only organized political faction in the whole entire world. It just seems myopic!

  33. Stephen E Dalton says:

    ‘Denise, you say you’re active. Well, got any videos or photos of your activities?

    Don’t take the bait, Denise!

  34. Not sure I get it. What is the deal with the C of CC? What is all the controversy about? Can some, preferably sane, give me a run down?

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