About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Sam,

    I won’t. Dalton is revealing his TruJu status with EVERY post. It’s clumsy, and it’s sad. They’re sunk before they’re begun. Talk about infiltrators. Stillborn as it were.

  2. Billy, I don’t know who you are, but congrats for being a voice of sanity on this post and on this blog!

  3. “Billy” must be one of Dalton’s Sthpecial Buddies.

    Dixie – you are obsessed with Catholics. You are carrying outdated European rivalries around. You obviously haven’t really spent much time around our Very Special Hebrew Friends, have you?

    You will. They South is just beginning to arise, after being crushed in the Rothschild’s Cotton War. That can’t be permitted. They’re COMING for you.

    You’ll find out. Good luck, dear.

  4. Dixie, I don’t think you are obsessed with Catholics (Romanists) or that you support an outdated rivalry. In fact, you have said you simply ‘ARE NOT ONE’ (no more than you are Jewish) — and you simply dislike the imposition of Latinism (or Romanism), and ‘Latin’ genetics, on our indigenous white settler population and culture.

    Note that Talmudism and Romanism are ‘intertwined’ — not only very recently but historically, and that it is impossible to oppose one while admiring and serving the other.

  5. I believe DixieGirl (I miswrote ‘Dixie’ above) said she has taken both RC and Jewish religious classes, and that she understands and is ‘able to appreciate’ what she does not accept.

  6. I don’t think anyone here is trying to hold Jews blameless for our terrible predicament. God knows, they’re not. The problem with Naming is that it’s a proven failed tactic for winning over White and normal folks. Unfortunately, it’s very hard or impossible to convince Jew obsessives of this.

  7. more of the same,
    I certainly will not agree that it’s “a proven failed tactic” to convince Whites and normal people, as you phrase it, re the Jew issue by naming the Jew. And it’s much more than not holding them blameless. I maintain that they are the drivers of just about all the problems we face. By naming them, we get folks who were starting to wake up and sense the truth the courage to mentally connect the dots. By not naming the Jew, they are effectively given cover for their actions!

  8. Hugh, most pro-Whites or WN’s have been using this tactic for decades. Where is the proof of its success or how many more decades of Naming are necessary to make it work?

    OTOH, calling our enemies “anti-White” covers a multitude of evil doers, Jews included, and makes it much easier for you to get White and normal folks to “connect the dots”.

  9. more of the same, you hit the nail right on the head. The Jew obsessives are basically pathological nutcases. They have convinced themselves the Jew is the root of all evil in the world, so every thing wrong that happens to them, their communities, or their countries is the fault of the Jews. The vast majority of normal, white people are wise enough to see that what causes evil things to happen can’t be narrowed down to one cause or one group of people. The leaders of the Southern Nationalist movements need to clamp down on these people so they don’t become what the general public thinks is the typical member of our cause.

  10. Pope Francis is being quoted by Reuters as saying, the Jews are the “big brothers” of the Roman Catholics.

    As DixieGirl has highlighted, we tend to forget that the Roman Catholic Vatican like Israel is a foreign power with alliances’ and a foreign policy. If you look at the last 2000 years of history the Roman Catholic church has made all kinds of alliances, and political deals in Europe, the Near East, and the Americas.

  11. Mosin – Whites are “Show Me” types.

    If Dixie took “religion” classes at ANY Marxist indoctrination center aka American School – she has not been taught one single word of truth.

    She’s not going to learn a thing until she learns it from direct experience. And she IS going to learn.

    FYI – I just discovered that the Common Core curricula, fresh Anti White poison being shoves down American childrens’ throats, is yet another Jew Think.

    David Coleman is a Jew. A Marxist Jew.

    I didn’t need to be told that.

    More of the same – you couldn’t be MORE wrong. The reason the naming the Jew has been a “failed tactic” is because Whites had it really good, for decades. While the Kosher Serpent was slithering around the edges, getting it’s hordes of baby vipers in place.

    Naming the Jew – now more than EVER. The rest of the world is TALKING about it.

    Snap out of it.

  12. Lew – that’s exactly correct. Dalton has snagged Ryan. He showed up a few times – he can apparently come and go at will. I can’t. I have responsibilities – for now. The OD has their “handler” now. He’s tossed a few shekels their way. So has OcciJew. More than I sent, because I sent what I CAN send.

    Now – Dalton’s posts REEK of Marxist cant, tactics, and classic Marxist accusations and slurs. The insanity thing is the most tired stunt they have. FYI – they have 4x the genetic diseases of any other Race, usually resulting in lunacy and cretinism. Michael Savage Weiner’s little dead brother was a cretin. So the accusations of insanity are especially amusing.

    I’m also noticing a rather……oh….how shall I express this….Joe Biden recently thanks Jews, in person, for working tirelessly to advance homosexual “rights”.

    Catch my drift? I’m not trying to start, or rather, flare up, a flame war. I’m just writing a few observations.

  13. Jews have plenty of dupes and volunteers with free time who are happy to spread their cant for free, but a lot Jews get paid to do this, or they fund people to do it.

  14. Thank you to the sane voices here.

    Denise, when you degrade people’s learning when you do not agree with them, it’s you who, ultimately, are going to look bad.

    Just b/c I don’t agree with you, I am “outdated,” just like the commies who shriek “it’s 2014 dumbo!” Just b/c I don’t agree with you, I must have gone to some dumb marxist school (well, didn’t WE ALL do that, lol)

    Shaming tactics are DO NOT WORK on me.

    I (and my family) have been called wannabe-aristocrats, hillbilly rednecks, blue eyed mutants, throwbacks, etc, etc— NONE OF IT having any connection to our own personal reality, but certainly exposing what is in the minds of the speakers every time.

    Had “religious” classes IN A CATHOLIC SCHOOL if you read past posts, THEN went to “conversion” classes AT CATHOLIC CHURCH. Also, studied with Jews IN THEIR ENVIRONMENT. (Orthodox, ultra-orthodox and Reform, thank you).

    I did this BECAUSE I AM NEITHER ONE OF THEM, and am actually CURIOUS ABOUT OTHER HUMANS AND WHAT THEY BELIEVE, as well as concerned about how both sets of foreigners have affected what used to be a country that offered a better life for OUR children in the past (the u.s.)

    I am a Northwest European non-jew, non-catholic. From such a standpoint, I feel I am, perhaps, THE BEST ABLE to judge with fairness who is doing what to whom.

    AND EVEN IF I HAD ABSOLUTELY NONE OF my various ‘educational’ influences, which many do not have benefit of, I would still have a right to have AN OPINION.

    My only point with the Vatican Trade Organization (and its many alliances through history with Jews), is that The VTO has vast wealth, AN EMBASSY IN MY COUNTRY, a code that says its servants (“catholics”) MUST BE LOYAL TO THE catholic (ideological) NATION, which we know is a “nation” because of its EMBASSY IN MY COUNTRY, as well as its political embassies around the world.

    That embassy did not exist until Reagan, just as The President of the VTO (pope) did not visit the U.S. until 1965, in world history. And as we know, that era brought many things that greatly upset the happiness and welfare of the Generational American Citizens, including the Hart-Cellar Act (a catholic-jewish COALITION act) which stated it was to CHANGE THE DEMOGRAPHIC of the American Nation, (so that the descendants of the founders, the WHITE Northwest European non-catholics-non-jews would no longer be the MAJORITY in the country that their historical relatives founded).

    Now, that sounds a bit White Genocidal to (badly-educated behind the times) me.

    It’s nothing personal. But I feel morally obligated to make this point, as the constitution states in its preamble it was created “…to ensure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity.”

    At some point, just blaming jews for people like Madonna, Lady Gaga, Tarantino (etc) DOES NOT WORK.

    If the catholic GOD IS REALLY so weak that Jews just tell them all what to do every five minutes, (the way so many catholics keep telling the world on websites, refusing to take responsibility for their own psy-opsy behaviors, hiding behind the cry “jews make me do it,” then it would seem the jews do have a better God than them, lol.

    (I worship a little different version of God, altogether, from either of those people)

    At the moment, the Jews have their own LANDED nation (Israel). Catholics have their own LANDED nation (Vatican City).

    The Americans USED TO HAVE their own LANDED nation.

    We, too, had our own banks, spies, landed, stolen property taken by violent conquest, slaves, and everything else under the sun.

    Difference is, we didn’t call it a “church.”

  15. Dixie- I’m NOT trying to shame you. I really like your posts. But I’ve garnered you really haven’t ever dealt with the Tribe, up close and personal. You haven’t really seen them in action.

    I have.

    You will find out for yourself. They are COMING for Dixie. It’s not behind the scenes, this time.

    I’m not happy about any of this. Believe me.

  16. Re: Elgar

    The CofCC just had its annual board meeting in Nashville. Nothing has changed. The same people who have been running the group for the past 25 to 30 years were there.

  17. To add— It’s amazing that the Latter-day “u.s.” people have so very little in their constricted hearts for the Ethnic Descendants of the u.s. founders. Their conditioning has been very thorough, whether they are taught, religiously, that they are “chosenites” or “possessors of the only real church.” Or just angry about their “victimhood” at the hands of “evil wasps.”

    All that concerns me is the Genocidal energy behind what has been done.

    As surely as Jews have used black grievances, the White Latins have used the brown grievances of the south americans.

    What this has to do with Northwest European non-jew non-catholics, is ONLY that they have been put forward more than most as the scapegoat, both north and south, but more the south. (It has endangered them and their families physically, psychologically, spiritually, emotionally, morally).

    In a just universe, it might even be said that the others are just getting what they deserve. What they set up, in the hopes of taking power away from the Americans.

    At any rate, it’s a bad thing for everyone now, all around.

  18. Denise,

    I’m sorry but you’re really arrogant.

    I have known TONS OF JEWS, just like I’ve known TONS of catholics. Spent much of my life in big cities in the northeast. You could not be more wrong.

    I’ve seen enough that I can make a distinction between genuine atheist communist party jews from europe and simple religious jews. Just like I make a distinction between peasants paying the vatican and wanting to believe in jesus, and the vatican hardware.

    Fact remains, catholic classes still TEACH (even to this day) that they “Unified Europe” by wiping out my VERY WHITE family members. To destroy us brings “sainthood.”

    This is not the teaching of yesteryear. But is happening NOW. Just as the harboring of the IRA has happened very recently.

    Frankly, I have not heard of Jew synagogues hiding the IRA.

    Again, it’s nothing personal. But at least understand what goes through the UNVOICED minds of so MANY MANY Americans.

    The catholics are very sly in never “Owning their own power.” Until they do. And that is very scary. Not the simple people who just want to believe in jesus, but their Ideological (very wealthy) NATION.

    I’ve know many many jews and catholics. In fact, HALF MY LIFE has been spent in environments where they are the radical majorities.

  19. Anyway—

    I’m not trying to convince anyone. Just feel morally obligated to say something more balanced and real about how what used to be my country wound up in this mess.

    That can never be discerned until the Ethnic Group of the Founders (pejoratively named “wasps”) begin to speak for themselves again.

  20. “Who funds/promotes Gaga, Madonna, Tarantino?”

    Stupid teenagers who buy their record and see his movies. Although I’m personally A-OK with Gaga as long as she does this sort of material!

  21. “(pejoratively named “wasps”)”

    There was nothing WASPy about the Pennsylvania Dutch. They built those other non-WASPs, the Scotch-Irish indentured servants, the rifles they needed to colonize “Kentucky.”

  22. If you have a sprog on the way, make sure that the wife is having fun with it. Make sure you are paying attention to the day to day stuff and the passage of time. You don’t get to replay these moments.

    You only get to have a few kids. The day to day stuff needs to be done right.
    I recommend a movie btw: About Time. Saw it last night, it’s about family, about sons and fathers. Well worth the theatre price.

  23. Lew,

    Even if EVERY SINGLE catholic was bought-and-paid for by JEWS, that still leaves the question: what of THEIR OWN power?

    Is their God so weak, they can’t say no? Why are they so weak they can’t reject evil? This, FOR THEM, should be their focus. What is wrong WITH THEM that they can’t reject evil?

    Um… You’re responsible FOR YOURSELF.

    “DON’T FOLLOW A MULTITUDE TO DO EVIL.” (Deuteronomy somewhere, I think)

  24. Rudel,

    I have both PA Dutch AND Ulster Scots in my family tree, (as well as some “waspy wasps, as you put it).

    And you’re wrong, imo. PA Dutch and Ulster ARE INDEED WASPS.

    They are, also, Northwest European non-jew, non-catholics, and have more in common with each other than not. I have friends among all those groups—from baptists, to episcopalians, to methodists, (even know some Amish), presbyterians, and so on. Know plenty of old German stock, too.

    “Wasp” means White Anglo-S protestant as you know.

    That is all. It means Northwest European non-catholic, non-jew—- and there’s a bunch of them in the country where they once existed as such, not to be defamed, or as public scapegoats, and so on

  25. One more thing never said—

    Many Northern Euro non-catholic, non-jew, who catholics often call “liberal” simply because they are not “Empire Christians” are taught a code about killing. The code is this: it’s ok to do for THREE REASONS (land, as you need a place to LIVE, Food as you need to eat, and self-defense.).

    This is one reason they will sometimes privilege the jews. The jews are doing some of their horrors FOR A HOMELAND (at least this is what they say).

    The NW Euro non-catholic, non-jew Code mentioned is why that Meme about “homeland” worked in the u.s..

    Many feel differently about war for “empire” alone, such as the ‘catholic christianity’ was the justification for, for rome. (And many have no desire to live in the “home country” of such an empire, as those get turned into refugee camps, as has occurred).

    Many will not have children in such a place.

  26. I didn’t know you ever lived in cities and the Northeast at all, DixieGirl! Would you say that experience served to INCREASE your sense of white ethnic and southern regional identity? Many rural white people seem to have lost their sense of identity by living in a cosmopolitan setting for years.

    Re: ‘I can make a distinction between genuine atheist communist party jews from europe and simple religious jews. Just like I make a distinction between peasants paying the vatican and wanting to believe in jesus, and the vatican hardware’:

    Yet there must be continua, along which the decisions are made to draw lines to distinguish the good ones from bad ones, or the relatively harmless ones from the clearly harmful ones — and aren’t the whole systems (cultural, economic, religious) that they ALL belong to or represent wrong or evil in themselves? — and aren’t there common denominators of common, shared, genetics to consider, especially in the former case?

    Regarding ‘Madonna, Lady Gaga, Tarantino, etc.’ ( http://jewishfaces.com/ ), can anyone suggest names for a similar list of similarly influential ‘WASP’ faces?

  27. Mosin, those articles and videos that you posted confirmed what I always thought of you: you’re full of it!

  28. “can anyone suggest names for a similar list of similarly influential ‘WASP’ faces?”

    Whites in showbiz? There are scads of them, many of whom are conservative in their politics too.

  29. Rudel, if those white entertainers are conservative in their politics they are not similarly influential in the sense I meant. What I was asking for, rhetorically, is a similar list of names of EVIL influencers who are white.

  30. Mosin,
    Contrary to what Stephen E. Dalton posted, I very much appreciated the links you provided. Sort of reinforces the reason we are in a descending moral spiral as the Jews control 100% of the “entertainment” media, which they use very cleverly to destroy us.

  31. I’m OD’s handler now!!!??? I’ve met both Hunter and Jack, and they wouldn’t allow me to ‘handle’ them for one minute! Besides, where would I get that kind of money to pay them off? I’m a retired factory worker on a fixed income. Denise is a perfect example of what happens when you adopt the paranoid world view of one group of people, (Jews, Catholics, Martians, Satanists, whatever) being behind all the evil in the world.

  32. This anti-Catholicism is so small minded and offensive.

    If you read Vigilant Citizen, basically the Alex Jones of pop culture whose tag line is “symbols rule the world, not words or laws,” you would know that Gaga’s materials are packed with Judeo-Masonic, Occult, Satanic and Kabbalah symbolism. Like the Jews who run Hollywood, the woman is pure Satanism and anti-Christian to the core. This includes anti-Catholic too. Trying to link Gaga to Catholicism is bizarre.

    As for Tarantino, he is a product of JEWS not Catholics. I’d love to hear your explanation for why Tarantino’s filth always gets financing and wall-to-wall promotion from Hollywood and the Traditionalist Catholic Mel Gibson does not if Jews are in league with Catholics?

  33. “What I was asking for, rhetorically, is a similar list of names of EVIL influencers who are white.”

    The whole PETA/gay rights crowd of mostly White women like Charlize Theron and Alexandra Paul. What’s your point exactly, that Hollywood Whites have a broad range of views?

  34. Denise, Lew, Hugh, and anyone who supports a real movement, check out vikingbitch’s blog if you have any interest in exchanging info. I know the mods and could email you or vice versa.

    It’s a waste of time to cast pearls before swine. I mean no disrespect here to Hunter, even as I don’t agree with the slant he takes on things.

    And our people and civilization don’t have time, so there’s just no point in trying to deal with functionally insane and corrupt people. They say insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while yielding the same results.

    Lew said it perfectly; our struggle is reflected in the recent Va election. It is very clear where OD and CofCC stands, which is definitely not on the side of the white middle class.

    I look forward to meeting true White Liberationists.

  35. RE: Virginia and voting patterns.

    Twenty percent of the electorate turned out to be African-American. That’s exactly the same percentage it was in 2012. [McAuliffe] needed that. [McAuliffe]lost white voters almost as decisively as the president did.

    The other thing is — and kind of a bookend to it, what Dante was talking about — Terry McAuliffe lost voters who made between $30,000 and $200,000. He overwhelmingly won voters who — 11 percent of the voters who earn less than $30,000, who are mostly minority, mainly minority.

    But among voters earning over $200,000 in Virginia, who are 11 percent of the electorate, Terry McAuliffe won them 55 to 39.


  36. NYYankees,
    Thanks for the referral. I’ll certainly check out that blog. And your comment about the pearls and swine was great.

  37. Lew says:

    ‘RE: Virginia and voting patterns.’

    Mark Belling was talking bout this race last week. The Republican had a ten point advantage with married women. The unmarried women overwhelmingly voted for the Democrat.

    They feel that having to pay for their own birth control measures is part of the war on women. They want more government goodies from Uncle (Sugar Daddy) Sam.

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