Selma City Council Agrees To Settlement

Selma loses court battle over Nathan Bedford Forrest monument


Here’s some good news for a change: the Selma City Council has approved a settlement in a lawsuit over the theft of the bust of Nathan Bedford Forrest in Live Oak Cemetary.

KTK Mining sued the Selma City Council when it suspended the company’s building permit after construction began to replace the bust and add additional security features to the site.

A group of black protestors attempted to stop construction on the monument. As part of the settlement, the United Daughters of the Confederacy got the deed to Confederate Circle and KTK Mining will receive $100,000 in damages:

“Randolph said he felt the city was giving up too much in the settlement.

“We are giving them a deed to the land and $50,000 and I just think that is too much,” he said.

With the settlement approved, city attorney Jimmy Nunn said the lawsuit is effectively over.

Had the settlement not been approved, Nunn said the city faced much larger consequences, including paying nearly $300,000 in attorney’s fees. .”

Update: Even better, Rose Sanders was arrested at the Selma City Council meeting. Sanders is a well known and hated figure among the White community.

Note: In hindsight, I see this as a missed opportunity.

The theft of the Forrest monument, the actions of the Selma City Council, the black protestors, and the polarization it generated in the community would have been a good occasion for the League or the CofCC to get involved.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. That’s who I wrote in on my 2012 presidential ballot: Nathan Bedford Forrest–not Rose Sanders. He ran a spare campaign, though I was confident his interred remains would work harder to advance our interests than either of the primary party candidates.

  2. In 1965 my grandparents lived by this cemetery. I don’t remember seeing many blacks of course I was very young and may simply not remember well. I can remeber playing safely in neighborhood.

    It is a dangerous place for white people now.

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