Nelson Mandela Dies

South Africa

Now that the terrorist Nelson Mandela is dead, it should be interesting to see what happens next in South Africa:

Note: If we don’t start standing up for ourselves soon, this will be our fate in South Carolina and the rest of the Deep South. We don’t have to look any further than our own history to imagine what The Prostrate State: South Carolina Under Negro Government will be like either.

Let this be an incentive to show up and stand together with us in Greenville this weekend. Especially if you live in the Palmetto State.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I noticed a strange thing on the footage. The Bantu were actually dancing. They are such a counter intuitive race ain’t they? Imagine the Irish in Boston dancing after JFK’s assassination? Or Conseratards after Reagan died?

    What are these Bantu thinking about as they jigg?

  2. At last the scumbag has finally died. Now the media will heap praises upon the commie terrorist bastard. Nobody will mention the thousands of whites already murdered by the ANC. Nobody will mention Mandela singing kill the Boer. Or the ongoing genocide of whites.

  3. Captain John,

    They are dancing and salivating because huge cauldrons of boiling Afrikaners are right around the corner.

  4. I know believe me, when they start bongo bongo and hear dat thump-a-thump in their walnut size noggin, they are readying for the warpath.

  5. Rest in peace to the great and long-suffering freedom fighter for the South African people and all oppressed people. The Bantu are dancing in order to celebrate the fact that Mandela led such an honorable and memorable life. Comparing the death of a 95-year-old comatose patient to the Kennedy assassination is ludicrous.

  6. On Mandela. He was arrested in a car that had fuses and explosives. He was the Bantu Bomber.

  7. TMT–Episode #202.5 — Old nigger Finally Croaks, Millions of whiggers To Follow — 5 Dec 13
    Time: December 5, 2013 10:00 PM EST/9:00 PM CST

    The big news for tonight is that the terrorist-nigger Nelson Mandela croaked off finally. What remains to be asked is how long before a modern-day Santo Domingo / Haiti? The [d]ruling whiggers of ZOG/Babylon were glad that when the old criminal got turned loose that he didn’t start a pogrom against South African whiggers right away, preferring to use what remained behind to use because niggers can’t produce anything and let the little niggers/kaffirs engage in the failed-state looting and raping of the little whiggers. As went Haiti, so will go Detroit and South Africa.

    The South African whiggers, both English and Dutch, knew what niggers were like. They had self-support in their economy — they used the German process to make their own diesel and gasoline from coal — and could have held out against sanctions forever. They were developing their own nuclear weapons, in fact. But they allowed their crooked politicians to sell them out and they voted to die twenty years ago. Their death sentence was written up then and will likely soon be carried out, like that of Joseph Paul Franklin. They will soon enough get what they voted for.

    On December 6, 2005, while I was being illegally sent to the NutHouse, this Newton County pig shoved me into a curb, breaking five of my front teeth. The Newton County Sheriff’s Department covered this matter up with deceit. So who to blame for regime criminals being regime criminals? Might as well blame niggers for being niggers and jews for being jews.

    What everyone, especially whiggers, forget is that as life becomes more and more unsustainable, that it won’t be sustained. Rather a Great Collapse will occur and pretty much most of the seven billion hue-mans will die in that Collapse. The bowel Movement that this show concentrates upon has nothing to do with reality. In fact, most of the bowel Movement is compromised and in bed with ZOG/Babylon and the jews.

    What we have is not a nigger, or gook or beaner or even jew problem. What we have is a whigger problem. And that problem — and all problems — shall be solved by The Great Tribulation in which over 90% of the whigger population, and almost all of the mamzers and jews are exterminated. My dream is no more than ten million ex-whigger survivors ruled over by The Ten Thousand Warlords.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

  8. “Rest in peace to the great and long-suffering freedom fighter for the South African people and all oppressed people. ”

    Oh Pigrot… the only South Africans, are the Boer.

    The Niggers all came from other countries to suck at the teat of the White Man’s altruistic largesse. They didn’t count on calvinists with cojones, and it took the entire world strangling them, to even raise such a scumbag as ManDULLard to anything approaching prominence.

    Now, (as Cambria continues to say each week) the antichrist religion will ‘canonize’ one of their own, and he will sit on a pedastal in the hearts and minds of the unregenerate- Whites and Blacks, who refuse to bow the knee to YHWH God, and his incarnate Son, the Last Adam, and the Blood Brother to Christendom’s people.

  9. Excerpts from an article setting the record straight!

    by Matthew Heimbach

    Ding Dong Mandela’s Dead

    Today at the age of ninety five the butcher of Church Street has breathed his last breath on this Earth. Finally after generations of being the mastermind behind the destruction of the nation of South Africa and the demographic destruction of the Afrikaner people, Nelson Mandela is finally dead. Throughout his many years he has flooded the streets of South Africa with blood, tears with the support of International Communism. Praised by the Left around the world as a “pacifist”, Mandela ordered bombings, beatings, and countless acts of horror to be perpetrated to advance his war against the Whites of Rhodesia and South Africa. There are few greater myths of the modern age than the alleged Sainthood of Nelson Mandela. Mandela was a communist, a murderer, a terrorist, and a thug, and he will not be missed by anyone except for Leftists and fools.

    The list of Mandela’s crimes is astonishingly long. Offered freedom in exchange for renouncing violence, Mandela instead decided to spend twenty seven years in prison on the principle of keeping violence at the forefront of his campaign to destroy South Africa. A list of just some of his crimes that he was indicted for is telling of his character. (snip)

    What resulted in South Africa under the communist backed African National Congress instead of a multicultural paradise has become a land in which white citizens have been placed under animalistic attacks. The Plaas Moordeor “Farm murders” has resulted in the slaughter of thousands of white farmers based purely on the color of their skin. The barbaric culture of this “new” South Africa places it as one of the most dangerous places in the world. The danger to women of being sexually assaulted is staggering “One in four men in South Africa have admitted to rape and many confess to attacking more than one victim”. The women of South Africa now have a higher chance of being raped than learning how to read. Murder rates following the end of apartheid are also some of the highest in the world especially in comparison to the United States. “ Interpol recorded the per capita murder rate in the USA as 6 per 100 000, while in South Africa it was 59 per 100 000.”

    On top of the record high crime rates, South Africa is currently in a state of “functional decay” according to experts. “30% of roads are in a bad or very bad condition… the average age of the locomotives is 35 years..the country’s water purification works show that some 56% of the 821 plants are either in a critical situation or do not function properly. This implies that millions of liters of sewage waste – not treated or purified – are dumped in rivers and streams.”
    South Africa’s prison system has the second highest percentage of prisoners per capita of any nation. This is unsurprising considering South Africa having the highest percentage of “assaults, rapes, and murders with firearms in the world.” Rape, sodomy, drugs, and the nearly 20 percent HIV infection rate in the civilian population has resulted in 41.4 percent of inmates having AIDS or HIV.

    In South Africa in this age of rampant self inflicted disease (AIDS), murder, rape, and deplorable conditions for infrastructure how could it get any worse? If you are an Afrikaner you not only face the threats of South African society at large, you are facing the very extermination of your people. The Afrikaner language of Afrikaans, culture, and people are being driven to the brink of oblivion, with hardly a dissenting voice coming from the leadership of South Africa. This silence is not due to the government not caring about the plight of Afrikaners, it is due to the fact they are the ones who have orchestrated the systematic slaughter of the white minority. (snip)

  10. Nelson Mandela was the figurehead of the Bolshevik Revolution in South African. He was a Communist Party member and under Party discipline. His handler, the Jew Joe Slovo organized the ANC’s version of the Stern Gang. This was a Jew operation from the git go. Genociding Whites and grinding Blacks down to Communist oppression was always on the cards.

    Here is a picture of the cadre in Russia – probably at Lumumba U where they train all the revotionaries for the violent overthrow of governments. Scroll down

  11. Happy Day. Enemy is dead just like when Ted Kennedy died of brain cancer tumor…Martin Lindsetdt is 100 percent right—On Terrible Tommy Metzger on White Aryan Resitance he has a little article about White Marches. The only thing that works is Lone Wolf Tactical Concept. Anyway–it was a sad day when De Klerk sold out and South Africa fell–but now Mandela is gone. He was put in power by England and USA. What has happened to South Africa and Santo Domingo will come to the USA. Most White Whiggers will die just like Martin Lindstedt says. If you are smart you will be getting ready for what will happen in the future. The ones that dont–will die.. James P. Wickstrom on his site says Mandela has been dead since June/July. They had to prolong his death announcement so they could build an airiport for wotld VIPS and get ready for Mandela funeral…. Yeah right–he was a great man like JFK–bull crap… anyway like Robert E. Miles use to say—Keep The Hoods and be invisible…

  12. Apart from Pigrot, Lindstedt, and this comment from John Thomas, this is perhaps the only site I have located, that tells the Truth about the Nigger Mandela.

    Heimbach’s article should be plastered all over ‘comment’ sites wherever this ‘xenos’ is lauded as a ‘humanitarian’- hell, even as a HUMAN!

    Truly, the world has gone mad, to laud such a criminal, murderer, and agitator for the realms of Satania.

  13. I just looked for the reaction on Two atypical comments describe it:

    ‘Today 12:11 AM #75 “James Madison” Join Date: Feb 2008 Posts:4,254 “I predict this will draw the self-hating whites out of the woodwork.”‘
    ‘Today 06:15 AM #76 “69360” Join Date: Aug 2011 Location: Maine Posts: 6,494
    “I’ve noticed an epidemic of white guilt.”‘

  14. I think the pastor is right. It’s basically what he calls a whigger problem, what I call a White traitor problem. Our genocide could not be foisted on us without the consent and cooperation of traitors within our own ranks. Mandela was a no good bastard but only a tool for our destruction. He could have been taken out many years ago.

  15. The Zuma Palace with improved highways leading to it is still under construction:

    ‘Grandiose palaces were once common for African leaders, a habit they picked up from the colonizing kings of Europe. Mobutu Sese-Seko had opulent mansions dotted across Zaire, as Congo was then known, and was said to insist that the runways built next to each one be long enough to accommodate the Concorde, should he wish to charter the supersonic jet for a quick shopping trip to Paris or Brussels (…) Houphouët-Boigny, whose velvet-gloved iron fist ruled over Ivory Coast from its independence until his death three decades later, built a basilica larger than Saint Peter’s in Rome amid the dense jungle of his hometown as a tribute to his pious mother. But South Africa, which cast off white rule less than two decades ago, was supposed to be different (…) Nelson Mandela, the country’s first post-apartheid president, has the refined and occasionally opulent tastes of a nobleman, which he is, being part of the royal family of his Xhosa clan. After being released from prison in 1990, he did not return to his modest home in the black township of Soweto, instead choosing to settle in Houghton, a wealthy white suburb of Johannesburg. But the sprawling compound (…) is tiny compared with Mr. Zuma’s spread in Nkandla. Some of Zuma’s neighbors say he has earned the right to live in luxury.’

  16. The people down there need to stage a rebellion. It’s risky but it needs to be done.

  17. ‘It’s basically what he calls a whigger problem’

    ‘Mainstream WN’ blames ‘the foolish nature of whites’ for their decline, denies sin and apostasy, and overlooks or excuses Antichrist deceivers.

    • Re: Mosin

      Aside from the communists, the Quakers were the biggest White supporters of the Civil Rights Movement. Their own leveling theology led them to advocate abolition and racial equality.

  18. Snowhitey: I agree with you..we need Necklacing in DC! Get the matches , gas and tires…– Fr. John;..Martin Lindstedt is right about Whiggers…You better be preparing for the future—Whiggers will die by the millions…and if your smart you will be ready…Martin Lindstedt is right in his teaching about Babylon The Third and Final and its Implosion…Also about Whiggers, Mamzers, Melungeons, Anglo Metrizos, Red Niggers, Bluie Gum Niggers and being right with Yahweh in a safe place with family and friends–and the 10000 Warlords Program. Terrible Tommy Metzger is right and so is Louis Beam and Alex Curtis on Lone Wolf and David Tate on Long Live The Cause. Richard Kelly Hoskins in his Vigilantes of Christendom has best write on South Africa… Chapter 7 South Afrina Meets the Establishment…

  19. Hunter, a rabbi of the Northeast puns that: ‘Some of my best Jews are Friends’. Modern mainstream Quakerism is ANTI-Christian, only indirectly related to that seventeenth century manifestation of historically Celtic ethnic Christian tendencies in George Fox et al contra Rome and the Calvinists.

    Re: ‘Their own leveling theology led them to advocate abolition and racial equality’:

    Seventeenth century Quakers in the Caribbean (Barbados in particular) kept large numbers of African slaves on their plantations (all in good standing, visited by George Fox) and treated both horses and African slaves more humanely than many non-Quaker planters.

    • Yeah … those Quakers in the Caribbean who owned slaves were later condemned by their fellow Quakers. It was Quakers in Britain who started the anti-slavery movement and who glorified blacks like Olaudah Equiano.

  20. ‘Levelling’, maligned by slave-minded and elitist lovers of tyranny, is a normal tendency among Nordic freemen.

  21. Right ‘levelling’ is not concerned with making the unequal ‘equal’. Tyranny restricts the liberty of the better to make them serve the worse, and continuation of apostasy makes everything worse and worse.

  22. Those derisively called ‘levellers’ were NEVER in favour of abolishing private property or ‘equalising’ everyone, but rather called for national independence and protection of all Englishmen’s property FROM the robbing foreign tyranny of ‘THE NORMAN YOKE’: They were a more popular movement in their day than the Tea Party and White Nationalism combined. One third of all Londoners signed a ‘leveller’ petition, and the majority of soldiers in many regiments carried the ‘leveller’ message in print next to their hearts.

  23. The Levellers wrote the People’s Charter. Free Speech, Right to a firearm… Basically identical to the bill of rights. Their leaders were gunned down in Burford’s Churchyard with Oliver Cromwell overseeing the deed.

  24. ‘The House of Stuart wasn’t very Norman anymore’

    True. Nevertheless that’s what they called it: ‘the Norman yoke’.

    Hunter wrote: ‘those Quakers in the Caribbean who owned slaves were later condemned by their fellow Quakers’

    Founder George Fox visited them, and had no problem with it. However, many RANTERS and other EXTREME heretics joined the Quakers in the second generation when the persecution ended, shifting the focus from personal sin to ‘social issues’ began.

  25. ‘Their leaders were gunned down in Burford’s Churchyard with Oliver Cromwell overseeing the deed’

    John, it is common to confuse the Diggers or ‘True Levellers’, who were radically egalitarian, with the popular movement called ‘Levellers’ that was entirely (excuse the pun:) level-leaded.

  26. Hunter wrote: ‘Leveling = Pennsylvania repealing it’s anti-miscegenation law in 1780’ and ‘The only reason blacks lost citizenship in Pennsylvania in the 1830s was…outvoting the Quakers’

    The majority of Quakers had begun giving up control of government in the 1760s, leaving it in the hands of other groups. (Note that I’m not advocating Quakerism here, only correcting what appears simplistic or misleading generalisation.) Furthermore, miscegenation with Indians and other races was less common, at least in the eastern part of the state, than in many other areas under anti-miscegenation laws. The repeal doesn’t seem to have been caused by a desire to miscegenate freely, nor to have caused any increase in miscegenation. The original Welsh Quaker and German settler stocks seem to have preserved themselves here better than the Irish and Ulster Scots who are thoroughly mixed with Meds and other races today.

  27. ‘entirely (excuse the pun:) level-leaded’ should have been:

    ‘entirely (excuse the pun:) level-HEADED’

    I didn’t review before posting, again.

  28. I’m sure the phrase had a certain resonance back then. I think Norman was a synonym for aristocratic cavaliers. The current Tory party are not Irish Catholic outlaws operating in Connaught.

  29. Rudell: I recall that is past on Occidental Dissent some one called you JUDELL. Forgot who it was–maybe Fr. John? But whoever it was – was mad at you. I am no young stud but I have did some wild things when younger — alot of things that took cahonies…Got me in trouble and alot of febbie Visits…Lone Wolf Tactical Concept and Leaderless Resistance of Louis Beam is best route today…

  30. Only a race war and the elimination or removal of every black in America will save our people. After that is achieved, then we will have to deal with the Chinese whom are the next biggest threat. Now, if we do not act within this next period of ten years to manifest this reality, our people will be murdered in the tens of millions and driven out of America, but to where? Antarctica is the only place left for us to be safe from the JEWS and their army of satanic non-White Communist murderers and thugs.

  31. “maybe Fr. John?”

    “Fr.” John is some sort of defrocked RC priest who has started his own religion (always a strong indicator of lunacy.) As far as I know he has no congregation.

  32. “The current Tory party are not Irish Catholic outlaws operating in Connaught.”

    At the rate David Cameron is going in managing the coalition government, they will soon be a bunch of Old Etonians in the Loyal Opposition.

  33. From a VNN post

    You literally can’t flip through the pages of the “anti-apartheid” movement’s history without being poked in the eye by the big shylock nose in the living room :

    All six “whites” arrested at the Rivonia trial were Jews!
    A few you left out. Here’s more.

    Arrested were:

    Walter Sisulu

    Govan Mbeki

    Raymond Mhlaba

    Andrew Mlangeni

    Elias Motsoaledi, trade union and ANC member

    Ahmed Kathrada

    Billy Nair

    Denis Goldberg, a Cape Town engineer and leader of the Congress of Democrats.

    Lionel “Rusty” Bernstein, architect and member of the South African Communist Party

    Bob Hepple

    Arthur Goldreich

    Harold Wolpe, prominent attorney and activist

    James “Jimmy” Kantor, brother-in-law of Harold Wolpe

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