The Logic of Street Demonstrations


In the article below, I have conveniently summarized in one place why the League of the South has spent so much time on street demonstrations, and what all these street demonstrations are supposed to accomplish:

What's the point of street demonstrations?
What’s the point of street demonstrations?

1.) Violate The Taboos – As things stand today, it is taboo in America for a White Southerner to be explicitly pro-White, pro-South, and pro-Christian, to support Southern independence from Washington, to unabashedly advance this position in the public sphere, and to advocate on behalf of our own interests as an ethnic minority.

By taking to the streets on a regular basis, we are demonstrating that we are no longer going to observe these taboos or acknowledge their legitimacy in the South. We believe our cause is moral and just, that our demographic displacement is an immoral assault on the birthright of future generations, and we invite our fellow Southerners to publicly violate the reigning taboos and join our movement.

Just as in the days of Jim Crow, the reigning taboos will only crumble under pressure when a sufficient number of White Southerners are willing to publicly rise up and stand together against them. We are taking the initiative, working toward a new normal where violating the reigning taboos has become commonplace, and making it easier in the process for those less bold than ourselves to step forward.

We’ve done this five times now in Uvalda & Vidalia, GA, Murfreesboro & Shelbyville, TN, Atlanta, GA, Greer & Traveler’s Rest, SC, and Tallahassee, FL. We can point to our street demonstrations as proof that the taboos can be challenged at little cost. There’s no reason why our movement has to be contained to the internet when we can operate with impunity here in the real world.

The power of our enemies like the SPLC has been wildly exaggerated and routine street demonstrations are a means to puncture this misconception. In Tallahassee, a black reporter asked Dr. Hill what he thinks about the League of the South being labeled “a bunch of racists.” His response illustrates our attitude, “So what? I’m standing up for my people – white Southern people – no one else.”

So what? We’re standing up for our people. It is the right thing to do. It is what we ought to do. We should have started doing it a long time ago. The fear of sticking our necks out has long been one of our worst enemies.

2.) Raising Our Profile – There are millions of White Southerners out there who are already thinking along the same lines.

We know from the polling data that millions of White Southerners are upset like we are about issues like immigration, multiculturalism, gay marriage, abortion, cultural degeneracy, the spiraling national debt, black crime, affirmative action, gun control, endless foreign wars and entanglements, the seemingly endless growth of the federal government, the unsustainable welfare state, and so on.

We know that millions of White Southerners have little confidence in the political class, the Democrats and Gee-Oh-Pee, and national institutions in Washington. There are already millions of White Southerners who are openly supportive of secession, who already believe that America is beyond reform and cannot be salvaged, plus millions more who are on the verge of throwing in the towel on reform and need only a small push to throw their support behind the cause of Southern independence.

Street demonstrations are a way to push ourselves to the forefront of this larger cultural angst, identify ourselves with it, and agitate it. So when our people go looking for trouble, we want to have already established our reputation as the South’s most notorious group of troublemaking secessionists.

3.) Defining Our Image – The League sees itself as an advocacy group for the survival, well-being, and independence of the Southern people.

For about 15 years though, the League was known more for avoiding racial controversy and “telling the truth about history” than political activism. The outside perception of the League as a “Neo-Confederate group,” a group of reborn Johnny Rebs who live in the past and who are primarily concerned with defending Confederate memory, rather than a vibrant Southern Nationalist activist organization, which is oriented toward the present and future of our people and motivated by contemporary threats to our existence still hasn’t fully caught up with recent changes.

Street demonstrations are a way to define our own identity and recast our image as a social movement. When the SPLC publishes scurrilous articles that insinuate we are a violent organization composed of retrograde Neo-Nazis and Klansmen, we can respond by rolling hours of tape on YouTube of dozens of peaceful demonstrations about immigration, gay marriage, and other social issues attended by polite, friendly, well dressed, ordinary Southerners who share the concerns of our neighbors on these issues.

These street demonstrations are the public face of the League of the South. The way in which we present ourselves when in the public eye undermines media stereotypes and caricatures. The videos and images from our rallies attract new people to our cause. The silent sympathizer can see what we are doing and conclude that we are the kind of organization that he or she would feel comfortable in joining.

4.) Building Social Capital – The anonymous relationships which are formed in cyberspace on the basis of abstract ideas are notoriously fragile.

By holding street demonstrations, we are giving our people something constructive to do in the real world on a regular basis, which builds relationships, trust, and solidarity within our organization which makes it stronger over time. Among other things, it makes it harder for trolls and the opposition to use the internet to disrupt our group.

5.) Real World Social Networks – It is not enough to “educate” our people with abstract ideas on the internet. Street demonstrations are a useful entry point for converts into our budding real world social networks.

In order for an individual to take the next step in the conversion process beyond the embrace of abstract ideas, real world social networks are needed to validate and affirm the new belief system of the convert. Quite often, the convert is exchanging one value system and social network for a more agreeable and intellectually consistent one. Thus, real world social networks provide a critical milieu for exploring taboo ideas with the support and fellowship of likeminded people, which enables converts to overcome the deterrent of social stigma in their area.

6.) Self-Regulation – The anonymity of the internet is a paradise for trolls and other disruptive individuals who would harm our organization. By taking our movement into the streets, we are erecting a massive barrier to malcontents who flourish on the internet but stick out like sore thumbs in a high trust environment where our activists can be measured by their deeds rather than by a rhetorical commitment to our cause.

7.) Gaining Publicity – As our street demonstrations grow in number and frequency, our movement will garner more publicity from the mass media.

As things stand today, the mainstream media prefers to ignore us when possible or defame us when we can’t be ignored in order to keep us marginalized and unknown to our target audience. Generally speaking, it is better to be defamed than ignored and the publicity the League is receiving has been trending upwards over the last year as a direct result of our street demonstrations, not all of which has been negative.

It’s reasonable to assume that as the League becomes associated in the public mind with opposition to changing demographics in the South, particularly in the minds of mainstream journalists, we will be sought out more often by the media whenever stories are written about the issue. Just last month, I was sought out by HBO to participate in a documentary on the failure of Alabama’s immigration law, HB 56.

The League is also starting to put up SECEDE billboards in heavily trafficked areas in conjunction with our street demonstrations – the first billboard is already up in Tallahassee, FL and two more billboards will soon be unveiled in Alabama and Georgia. These billboards directly expose thousands of commuters to our core message and force the mainstream media to acknowledge our movement.

There’s also a social media trail on YouTube of our street demonstrations and conferences, which discredits slanderous mischaracterizations of our movement as a bunch of buffoons and cartoon characters, which can be accessed anyone in their pajamas in the comfort of their own home who want to learn more about our organization.

8.) Making a Sacrifice – Human beings are born with an overwhelming desire to believe in something and White Southerners have traditionally believed in Americanism, liberty and equality, that kind of stuff. Southern Nationalism can become the focal point of such a desire by offering them a cause, a new creed to follow that appeals to White Southerners who have lost their faith in Americanism.

Street demonstrations are rituals to perform, a small sacrifice that a convert can make to advance Southern Nationalism, which allows them to demonstrate both fidelity to our cause and come away feeling more committed to our people than before. These events are a practical outlet for giving structure to our movement.

9.) Gaining Experience – Every time the League holds a street demonstration we gain more practical experience with hosting these events. We can see what works and what doesn’t. We can try new things like putting up billboards.

10.) Sparking Imitators – Just as a breeze can blow across a fire and ignite other areas, the street demonstrations that we have been doing in GA, TN, SC, and FL can spark activism in other parts of the South. That’s already true in our own case because we ourselves have been directly inspired by groups like Vlaams Belang overseas.

We followed the controversy over The Mantra billboard in Harrison, AK as well as the secession billboard in Missouri and decided to put up our own SECEDE billboard in Florida. We followed the media firestorm that was ignited when the Virginia Flaggers raised a Confederate Battle Flag on a lot just south of Richmond.

If a tactic is perceived to work, it will spread. There’s a possibility that White Nationalists in other parts of the United States might be inspired by our example, launch their own street demonstrations, and start getting better organized. They might even decide to shift their focus away from the poisonous environment of the internet, which brings out the worst in our people, and back toward the real world, which tends to bring out the best in our people, for the some of the same reasons delineated above.

Whenever we gather in the real world for a demonstration, I have noticed that it always lifts our spirits. I’ve seen lots of people feed off the positive energy of other people and come away from our events with a new outlook. It’s exactly the opposite on the internet where long term exposure to all the negative energy of curmudgeons in cyberspace tends to make people more cynical, alienated, and defeatist over time. In particular, I think this unhealthy environment is repulsive to women, and goes a long away toward explaining their absence in anonymous movements based on the internet.


The logic of street demonstrations isn’t a road map to our long range goal of secession and creating a Southern nation-state. It’s a practical guide to how we can become marginally more powerful than we are now.

There’s no reason why we can’t attract more people to our cause, get better organized, cultivate new leaders, raise more money, and become more influential over time – these five things, numbers, organization, leadership, money, and influence, are the components of political power, and as we accumulate more power, we will be in a better position to offset the power of other groups whose agenda is hostile toward our own.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. My fellow Ameicans to the South, You are not the only ones who feel this way, Here in the NW feel the same. Why can’t we be proud to be white. Why is it such a taboo. In my life i am a true believer of all men are Equal. but yet it dose not see so much. I was not there in the 50’s-60’s I was born in the 70’s i grew up in the 80’s made my carreer in the 90’s and yes things are not equal, but it is not the white man who get all the special treatment. This i find disterbing as well as wondering at times why still is it this way?

  2. Lots of good political logic to the actions of the League of the South, and it may grow into something much bigger!

  3. Well done, Hunter. You’ve laid out a very logical argument about why we’re doing what we are these days.

    To PoliticalVigalantie……
    No offense, sir, but we of the South are NOT ‘americans’ – not any more, not as that term is defined by our conquerors and occupiers in Washington City. We are NOT like them. We do NOT want to be joined in any kind of association with them. It must now, and for ever more be us, Southrons, against them – multicultural, radical egalitarian, atheist, meddling, hateful, arrogant, marxist/socialist ‘americans’.

  4. I only devote time to spaces where activism is a component. Otherwise it’s hot air.

    Most on the internet know there is a problem and therefore have some idea what the nature of it is.

    But a movement only moves when it grows, which requires activism. Until you’ve gone out and tried to communicate with ‘the people,’ all you’re doing is cyber circle jerking.

  5. This is an excellent manifesto, Hunter. You should spread it far and wide.

    One quibble: There are already millions of White Southerners who are openly supportive of secession

    Really? Millions? The South is a huge place, with more than 100 million people, so I suppose that it’s theoretically possible. With this many people, there must be roughly 100,000 elected officials at all levels throughout the South. Is there a single elected official (mayor, city councillor, sheriff, county commissioner, etc.) that you know of that is openly supportive of Southern secession? I’m not suggesting that there isn’t one, just that I’ve never heard of him/her.

    In other secessionist news, 89% of Venetians voted for independence from Italy in a non-binding referendum. This vote only happened because the province of Veneto is ruled by the separatist Lega Nord, underscoring the importance of getting secessionists elected to all levels of government. I guess the next step will be to prepare the ground for a binding referendum on independence, possibly along with other northern provinces like Lombardy and Piedmont. If they can keep building on this momentum, then maybe Padania will become the world’s newest independent nation.

  6. God bless our proud kinsmen in the beloved South….

    Ok, Tonight I am in San Diego, fleeing Chicago in March, so I can’t exactly claim that I am a true blue Southern Gent fighting for asouthern independence, but, what the heck… I love the South. I was very hindered the League of the asouth allowed me to attend their demo in middle Tennessee last year, as long as I kept my mouth shut and just held our great signs.


    God bless all the true sons and daughters of the South!

  7. I participated in the white man march on March 15, held a banner over I-20 in northwest Ga. This is going to take place on the third Saturday of every month from now on. I’m looking for proud people who will come stand by me as I oppose the genocide of my race (the white race). If you are in my area (northwest Ga) and want to join me on April 19, you can contact me at

  8. I was very hindered the League of the asouth allowed me to attend their demo in middle Tennessee last year, as long as I kept my mouth shut and just held our great signs.

    That’s probably for the best, considering the extremely rude things you were saying about Southern nationalists at SNN the other day, including suggesting that one female poster there has an “addiction” to black thugs. I don’t know why people like you are tolerated in our circles.

  9. I’m going to be participating in counter protesting the counter protest to May Day in DC. Should be fun.

  10. How about having petition signature tables outside of food stores greenpeace volunteers did this to me yesterday. It’s good practice to meet and greet . Outside gets e- mail addresses and face to face converts. Mormon LDS Missionaries area great model for us.

  11. My comment mentioned above suggested a bright, young Southern person spend less time watching Black SEC football players/thugs and more time reading American Renaissance.

    That’s constructive criticism.

  12. Well said.

    I think, from the individual’s point of view (at least mine), an important reason for participating in demonstrations is this:

    Nothing will be accomplished without organization. The smallest act of organization, the quantum of resistance, to coin a phrase, is just to turn up. If you can’t do that, then you might as well go home and pull the covers over your head, because you’re never going to do anything effective.

    Once enough people are turning up, reliably, we can start to think about actually getting to work at solutions.

    I say “we”, though I’m not a Southerner; but I support your cause, and in general the cause of White men. We’re all in the same boat. I am currently a legal permanent resident of no country, having recently abandoned the detroitus of my former homeland, South Africa, which officially died twenty years ago. Hence my new handle.

    I will be at the family and marriage demonstration in Richmond, VA, on 5th April. I urge any who can get there to attend, and bring your family and friends; for all the reasons enumerated in this article, plus, it’s a good cause. And I suspect we’ll find yet another reason to take part in these functions:

    It’s fun.

  13. Mr. Thomey: I can respect your point of view. When I think of contemporary America, I too feel revulsion. Nevertheless, I think it is a mistake not to identify ourselves as Americans.

    The fact of the matter is that the South stands out as American as the rest of the country becomes less American. The original Americans were Protestant Anglo-Saxons and Celts, passionate believers in limited government. We haven’t left America. The rest of America has left us. Our Confederate ancestors had no problem with America. After all their country was the CSA. The “A” didn’t stand for Albania.

    As a practical consideration, most Southerners strongly identify as Americans, and we will get nowhere with them if we start badmouthing America. Our position should be that we are the real Americans, held captive by the U.S. Empire.

  14. My comment mentioned above suggested a bright, young Southern person spend less time watching Black SEC football players/thugs and more time reading American Renaissance.

    That’s constructive criticism.

    With a spin like that, you ought to be a politician. Hilarious! I’m not normally interested in internet drama, but I’ve had enough of your lies. He is only one of several of your insulting and demeaning posts towards that female Southern nationalist:

    “Michael Isner Jewish CEO of Disney Inc. wants to contact you about being the next Brtiney Speers Southern air head Mouskateer who will morph in to White trash celebrity ….”

    You ought to have no place in Southern nationalism. You’re not a Southerner and you look at Southerners with typical Yankee contempt. I don’t care how much money you spend on billboards.

  15. Our position should be that we are the real Americans, held captive by the U.S. Empire.

    When did “American” ever have any meaning at all? It was never a national identity. It was always something that was shared with our Northern neighbours. If we want to build a nationalistic movement, then we will need a solid foundation. A foundation built on a mistake from the past – us adopting the American identity – is not a solid foundation.

    The Confederacy continued the American tradition but the Confederacy was not led by radical nationalists. It was conservative. Let’s learn from the mistakes of the past and create the kind of society that is best for our people.

  16. If you can’t do that, then you might as well go home and pull the covers over your head, because you’re never going to do anything effective.

    Let’s encourage Southerners to get active without belittling them. A lot of people are scared because of the taboos. It’s not a fear based in fact because there is nothing to be scared of. Just one good demonstration would break the ice for most of our sympathisers who have doubts about attending. I remember my first activism 15 years ago. It took me a while to get out there and do it and I imagined the thought police showing up at any second. Then a little ways into it, I realised there’s nothing to it! Let’s nudge people, not mock them.

    Other than that, I appreciate your support and look forward to meeting you in Richmond. Southrons and Boers have a lot in common.

  17. Last year, there were two SEC games on while I was in Tennessee. Georgia played Missouri while we were in Murfreesboro & Shelbyville. Auburn played Tennessee at the CofCC board meeting.

  18. LLD,

    I encourage Solid Southern people to turn of the TV Jew took, stop worshipping Black SEC football and Basketball players, stop wasting their lives watching anti White, anti Southern Jewish movies and TV show and instead, educate themselves about positive Suthern history, Suthern culture racial realities.

    And yeah, Britney Spears is a very bad role model for a young Southern woman.

  19. Jack Ryan,

    It’s not your job to encourage Southerners to do anything. If you want to make a difference, encourage your own people to stop supporting Obama.

    You are the only one in the discussion at SNN or in this one here who is talking about Britney Spears, watching Jewish TV shows and movies, or worshipping black athletes. Quit trying to spin your behaviour into constructive criticism.

  20. There was a PPP poll a while back that showed over 40 percent of Georgia Republicans supported secession.

    I remember that. Was that in the wake of Obama’s re-election? It would be interesting to see if there is sustained support for secession, or if that was a one-time blip. Maybe the LoS should invest in some push-polling; it would be quite the propaganda coup to show that significant numbers of conservatives in various Southern states are consistently supportive of secession.

    It would be interesting to see how that particular question was phrased to those Georgia Republicans. My guess is that many more people would be supportive of the more ‘respectable’ option of state secession rather than Southern regional secession, tainted as it is by association with the politically incorrect Confederacy.

    My question still stands: Is there any elected official at any level anywhere in the South who openly supports secession, whether state or regional?

    Here’s an article with a bit more detail about the Venetian referendum:

    A couple of things stand out. One, it’s always easier work for independence within a consolidated polity, such as Quebec, Scotland, Catalonia, Flanders or, in this case, Veneto. It’s much more difficult to try weld together a group of 6 or 7 or 8 regions, as the Lega Nord is trying to do to create an independent Padania, or as the LoS is trying to do with who knows how many states to create an independent Dixie. But if you’re looking for a successful political model to emulate, with a lot of parallels between the multi-state secessionist movements of Northern Italy and the Southern US, then the Lega Nord and the Padanian nationalist movement in general are a good place to start.

    Two, the referendum on Venetian independence also asked 3 other questions; should an independent Veneto join NATO, the EU and the eurozone? On all 3 questions the Venetians voted yes. This is not surprising; the Big 4 Western independence movements (Quebec, Scotland, Catalonia and Flanders) all want to remain in NATO, three of them want to remain in the EU while Quebec wants a joint parliament with the rest of Canada, and two of them want to retain the euro while Scotland wants to keep the British pound and Quebec the Canadian dollar.

    The lesson here for Southern nationalists is that in the event of secession the people will want to retain very close political, economic and military ties with the remaining states, including freedom of movement and a common currency. Nobody wants a bad divorce.

  21. The demonstrations may serve a purpose, but 1) not everyone can do it and 2) they are not enough. You have to bring this to a person-to-person, face-to-face part of everyday lifestyle. You have to organize people to do more than vote and sign petitions. You have to teach them to support businesses, buy products, promote allies, attend churches and schools that advance this cause. Furthermore you have to convince them to boycott businesses that support your enemies. Above all, you have to find the way to get Gannett out of your communities and take control of your local media. Jack Ryan is right: turn off the fucking TV, stay away from Hollywood movies, drop the football and basketball that drive billions of dollars into the hand of people whose interests are diametrically opposed to yours.

  22. Long Live Dixie says:

    “When did “American” ever have any meaning at all? It was never a national identity. It was always something that was shared with our Northern neighbours. If we want to build a nationalistic movement, then we will need a solid foundation. A foundation built on a mistake from the past – us adopting the American identity – is not a solid foundation.

    The Confederacy continued the American tradition but the Confederacy was not led by radical nationalists. It was conservative. Let’s learn from the mistakes of the past and create the kind of society that is best for our people.”

    With all due and sincere respect, without ‘America’ there simply was no South. To survive at all we needed to ally with one another, or have you forgotten the Revolutionary War? Do you think either side could have won on its own?

  23. Australia has a national identity, without having a violent split with the motherland.

    One thing that Americans don’t realize is that you have more trouble getting a visa to the EU (and vice versa) than a nigger in Lampedusa or Cueta or an Arab in Athens.

    The violent split’s a Fugging disaster.

  24. With all due and sincere respect, without ‘America’ there simply was no South. To survive at all we needed to ally with one another, or have you forgotten the Revolutionary War? Do you think either side could have won on its own?

    The Revolutionary War was a huge mistake for the South. It united us with the North and split us from the Caribbean. It solidified Enlightenment ideals that took a few generations to fall away. It also gave us the multi-national American identity that is so detrimental now to Southern independence.

    The South would have been fine as part of the British Empire for another hundred years. A Southern identity would still have emerged and we would have become independent in due time. We also would likely have much of the British Caribbean now as part of our land. The US, assuming it became independent, would not have invaded in 1861. Britain never tried to annihilate our people.

  25. Hunter,

    Can you ban this troll Long Live Dixie?

    He’s not contributing anything useful, doesn’t show up to LOS protests and do the necessary meet and greet. Instead, he endlessly rags, belittles those of us who are putting our time and money in the work of the Southern people.

    He’s strongly anti education, just want to rag . You know this type.

  26. Re: ‘it split us from the Caribbean (…) We also would likely have much of the Caribbean as part of our land’:

    LLD, why bemoan the loss of the Caribbean experience, when the mostly ‘Med’ and African population of THE CARIBBEAN IS COMING TO YOU! Florida and much of the Southeast is becoming ‘La Florida’ again. Much of your land will be part of the Caribbean soon — and we all know the Golden Circle is the greatest civilisation, because slavery ‘creates immense wealth’. We all know it was rich, and we are still being enriched by it!

  27. LLD summarise very well above a SN perspective on the Revolutionary War and early US history. I agree with his points.

    Mosin Nagant, your comment above is not helpful. It contributes nothing positive. You seem to either totally misunderstand the GC concept or else be out to purposefully confuse people about what it is.

  28. Can you ban this troll Long Live Dixie?

    He’s not contributing anything useful, doesn’t show up to LOS protests and do the necessary meet and greet. Instead, he endlessly rags, belittles those of us who are putting our time and money in the work of the Southern people.

    He’s strongly anti education, just want to rag . You know this type.

    Jack Ryan,

    Why do you continue lying? I told you at SNN that I have attended a League demonstration and am going to the Richmond demonstration. I also told you that I have $95 worth of League literature rolled, rubber-banded, and ready to be distributed. You replied to that post, so I know you read it. Now here, only a week later, you claim that I never show up to League demonstrations or do anything in real life. You are a liar. You lied about insulting Southerners at SNN and you lied about my offline activities. You are nothing but a source of division and you are not a Southern nationalist.

    It’s actually astounding that you have the nerve to say that I belittle Southern activists considering that you went to SNN and badgered one of the female members there by calling her “white trash” an “airhead” and having an “addiction” to black thugs.

  29. Can you ban this troll Long Live Dixie?

    BTW, this type of drama and division is pretty much inevitable by inviting loudmouthed Northerners like Jack Ryan into our cause. I don’t know what other SNs are thinking. First, he tries to turn Southern nationalism into universalistic white nationalism. Then, he insults and belittles Southern nationalists at SNN. Now, he calls for my expulsion for not agreeing with him. The only thing more unbelievable than his arrogance is that any SN takes him seriously. Our numbers may be small right now, but that doesn’t mean we need to start looking to obnoxious outsiders like Jack Ryan to boost us up. If anything, he probably repels more Southerners than he attracts.

  30. Hunter W writes

    “6.) Self-Regulation – The anonymity of the internet is a paradise for trolls and other disruptive individuals who would harm our organization. By taking our movement into the streets, we are erecting a massive barrier to malcontents who flourish on the internet but stick out like sore thumbs in a high trust environment where our activists can be measured by their deeds rather than by a rhetorical commitment to our cause.”

    JR replies:

    Strongly agree. We have bright, hard working activists who can and do hit the streets, take effective billboard and newspaper adverts, who do contribute to effective political campaigns. (What were primary results in challenges to Lindsey Graham, Lamar Alexander?). Internet talk, chatting is worse than cheap. There is a real world out there, real people, our kind of people.

  31. So, your only reply is to continue your lie that I do nothing offline? Classic. You also continue to gloss over your extremely rude language towards SNs at the SNN blog.

  32. ‘You seem to either totally misunderstand the GC concept or else be out to purposefully confuse people about what it is’:

    Palmetto, I do understand where you’re coming from, and Hunter’s thesis — but I have my own, different opinion of the value of ‘Golden Circle’ culture, and African slavery (though I’m the opposite of an abolitionist). I don’t intend to conflate and confuse anyone about our two differing viewpoints, hence my stark statements. I also don’t rejoice in seeing the southern states invaded (as my comment might seem to imply) and I strongly favour if not directly support (fully occupied here) your movement for southern secession!

  33. Jack Ryan, why do you think your quote below is an appropriate way to talk to SNs? You talk about people using the internet anonymously, so I wonder if you would use this language to someone face to face. Do you think the SN movement has enough people, particularly women, that you can go around the internet insulting them like this? Needless to say, everything you mention below is a Straw Man. The female SN this rant is directed towards has never talked of liking any of the things (black basketball players, Hannah Montana, etc.) you accuse her of liking. She is one of SNN’s most solidly racialist and Jew-aware members. Here is what Jack Ryan thinks of SNs. He sure presents a different face here at OD, doesn’t he?

    I’m a teacher.

    You have a homework assignment.

    Watch the Andy Griffith Show episode “the stranger” and report here what it was about, how it relates to events today.

    It’s 25 minutes long, so you will have to put aside modern distractions like tattooed SEC Black thugs dunking basketballs, Hanana Montana gone bad videos, Weinstein Brothers movies Django Unchained inciting Blacks to murder Southern Whites, all Whites – oh lisping South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham has something to say…

  34. Did she do the homework assignment. – watch review the 25 minute Andy Griffith Show “the Stranger”?

    She said that she had gone to the Americsn Renaissance web site for the first time.

    The reality is that most of our people are a bit lazy, yeah watch too much bad TV, bad Hollywood movies and yeah, worship Black SEC football thugs – try to promote hockey, NHL hockey, international hockey. nHl hockey sores rather well in the South, no reason White Southerners can’t move away from Black SEC football to White SEC hockey. Why doesn’t the University of Alabama have a college hockey team?

  35. I dont see college football as a big problem.

    Here’s why: the vast majority of racialists and White Nationalists who I know won’t engage in activism, not because they are going to miss SEC football games, but because they are certain that doing so will cost them their friends, family, livelihoods and so on, once ZOG sees them and writes about them in an SPLC blog post.

  36. Even if you like SEC football, there’s no reason why you can’t watch a replay of the game, TiVo the game, or follow updates with a smart phone. Auburn played Missouri for the SEC championship the day of the Greenville demonstration.

  37. Going forward, I believe EVERY white dissident group should take a group photo performing the QUENELLE gesture at its public events, including protests, conferences like Amren, everywhere. Everyone put a big smile on their face, and do the QUENELLE. It would be nice FU to the establishment but put forth in a fun, amusing way. Then, post the photo on your web sites, Twitter and Facebook. It might go unnoticed, or, if done consistently and often enough, might generate viral attention. Tweet the QUENELLE group photo to nationalist, secessionist and identitarian groups in Europe. Show some symbolic solidarity with our friends in Europe who hate the status quo, bourgeois culture and want something different too just like we do. They will know their ideas are reaching across the Atlantic and they have support in America they may not realize they have. It’s possible we may get a symbolic show of solidarity from them in return. Somebody in Ukaine waved the CBF. Although the QUENELLE was devised by a black man from France and is often used by leftist hipster types, nationalists have been known to use it, too.

    National Front founder Jean-Marie Le Pen was pictured making the gesture.[20]-

  38. She said that she had gone to the Americsn Renaissance web site for the first time.

    So what? AmRen is designed for people who have limited racial knowledge. It is an introductory course to racialism. I can say that AmRen contributed nothing to my awakening years ago.

    AmRen does not have a Southern point of view. Most of its readers are racial moderates and many are against Southern nationalism. AmRen is a place where the mixed-race philo-Semite Geert Wilders is popular.

    The Southern nationalist you chose to insult repeatedly is already a racialist – so proof positive that someone can be a racialist without reading AmRen. What grounds do you have to call someone white trash, lazy, or anything else on account of not visiting the AmRen website?

    The reality is that most of our people are a bit lazy, yeah watch too much bad TV, bad Hollywood movies and yeah, worship Black SEC football thugs . . ..

    A totally irrelevant rant. You clearly have issues. You continue to repeat these things as though they apply to the SN you insulted.

    You have ignored my questions and refused to man up when called out on your lies. You are a hypocrite through and through. I have wasted enough time on you.

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