Busy Weekend


The SN movement has matured to the point where I spent Friday afternoon hanging out with friends visiting Alabama, all day Saturday at the League’s Alabama State Conference plotting the Montgomery rally against the SPLC, and now I should hopefully be meeting one of our readers in Tuscaloosa on Sunday.

Next weekend, we are traveling to Richmond, VA to meet up with our comrades there for a demonstration. It’s been quite a change of pace over the previous 12 years.

Note: There has been a change in mindset since Uvalda where Paul Bridges was run out of town.

No one cares about the SPLC anymore. There’s no reason to hide out and stay closeted on the internet and focus on “spreading ideas.” The internet is being used as an organizing, fundraising, and communication tool, not as an alternative reality.


About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. We’ll said.

    Let’s work on improving real world skills, real world leaders, activists.

    Let’s get better at:

    PR/Press relations
    Organizing successful events – women like to do things, wear things, be seen with other people etc.

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