Richmond Anti-Fa’s Perspective


The anti-fa have posted a video shot from their perspective. In photos on the Active-RVA website, you can see the street gyrator with the black hair and megaphone next to the blonde tambourine lesbian and the boy in the brown jacket holding the Anti-Fascist Action banner who kept looking down at the ground and away from us.

There’s no evidence that we were “outnumbered” by anti-fa in Richmond. Quite the opposite. In total, there were 30 to 35 people at our event, and several of them had left early (there are photos of them on SNN) before we took the group photo at the end of the demonstration at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. OTOH, the obscenities that were shouted by the anti-fa can be heard in the video that I shot with my smartphone.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. On the topic of marriage and sodomy, have a look at the travails of Mozilla, since firing their CEO for having contributed $1000 to the Proposition 8 campaign in California.

    It looks like the gloves are coming off, and it’s open war now. Things are about to get ugly. To anybody who’s homosexual and in the closet, my advice would be to stay there.

    From the link, a small sample of nearly 40000 (and growing fast) comments:

    coexist if you agree with me.

    42 seconds ago

    uninstaller due to your company policies

    44 seconds ago

    My problem is that Mozilla is choosing to punish individuals for personal opinions that are unrelated to the business of developing and coding software products. That is your business, is it not? I couldn’t quite tell since you appear to now be functioning as a politcal action committee and a draconian unit of the thought police. I am uninstalling all of your products from my PC’s today. Good bye, Mozilla.

    50 seconds ago

    I am writing this to inform you of my intention to stop using your products starting with my mobile device. I believe in free speech. I am for traditional marriage and the right to this opinion. I do not wish ill against homosexuals…just preservation of free speech.

    55 seconds ago

    I do not care about your sexual persuasion, but when you trample on the 1st Amendment rights of another person you have gone too far. You are worse than obama in ignoring and trampling on the rights of citizens under the U.S. Constitution. Used Fire Fox for years, but no more. I am switching to another carrier. I hope you go out of business.

  2. Borrowing from the BUGSers, the spokesman of the group is what they like to call the local political correctness officer: “every zip code has one”.

    She has surrounded herself with the psychologically needy who chant and gyrate as she directs.

  3. “”….Why do these whites hate their race?…””

    Because of one nasty genetic combination. Google “liberal gene”. And get rid from firefox if you have one. Damn geystapo or brownholeNKVD. Let their search engine be only for perverts searching child porn or other progressive stuff. I wrote the same on their page too but it was deleted…:D

    BTW, Hungary,s homophobic prime minister Victor Orban and Jobbik, who changed constitution to make homosexual marriage illegal, won yesterday parlamentary elections again with 2/3 landslide. European leftist media is speechless, elections are barely reported. So times are changing.

  4. “BTW, Hungary’s homophobic prime minister Victor Orban and Jobbik, who changed constitution to make homosexual marriage illegal, won yesterday parlamentary elections again with 2/3 landslide. European leftist media is speechless, elections are barely reported. So times are changing.”


  5. Wow, now I see why the local press didn’t really show that much of the counter protest in action. They look like a really goofy flock of birds. Yet these are the faces of the movement that can force resignations of powerful people from major businesses, like Mozilla.

  6. The notion of “white power” is itself a sham.

    These morons are similar to East Prussian communist women greeting the Red Army.

    Some Mongolian is still going to take what he wants, rape you and then stick a bayonet in your guts, Comrade. It won’t matter how “Right On” you are about race and class.

  7. @Juri,

    Thanks for the tip. Here’s an article about the Hungarian election results:

    Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban Monday savoured a decisive election victory that gives him almost free rein during four more years in power, even as the far-right made fresh gains.

    “Voters said yes to our new legal system, including our new constitution, to a new economic model based on work, and to a government led by a popular European party,” the pugnacious Orban, 50, proclaimed a day after the vote.

    With 99 percent of votes counted, Orban’s Fidesz party was on 44.5 percent, far ahead of the fractious opposition centre-left alliance led by Attila Mesterhazy at 26.0 percent.

    In third place, the far-right Jobbik party made strong gains to take a 20.5 percent share, up from 16.7 percent in the last election in 2010.

    If confirmed, this would mean Fidesz narrowly retained its commanding two-thirds majority in parliament, giving Orban a legislative carte blanche for another four years.

    Wow. Election results don’t get much better than that: the rightwing Fidesz gets a two-thirds majority in parliament and legislative carte blanche for 4 more years, while the extreme right Jobbik gains nearly 4 points with more than 20% of the vote. Hungary über alles.

    Ahead of European elections next month, where far-right parties are widely expected to score big, the other winner of the night was Jobbik.

    “This confirms that honest politics bears fruit,” said leader Gabor Vona, describing his party as the “most successful radical nationalist party in the European Union”.

    Formerly known for its anti-Roma and anti-Semitic tendencies, Jobbik — already the third-largest group in the outgoing parliament — tried to rebrand itself ahead of the election.

    European Jewish Congress president Moshe Kantor warned that Jobbik’s performance was a “dark day” for Hungary that gives Europe’s far-right a “strong tailwind” ahead of May’s EU vote.

    When the president of the European Jewish Congress claims that it is a “dark day”, then you know for sure that it’s in fact a great victory for the forces of righteousness.

    He called on European leaders and voters to deliver “a strong message… to show these racists and xenophobes that hate has no place on our continent”.

    Memo to Moshe: it’s not your continent.

  8. Jeppo,

    The Jews are quite capable of co opting any/all fascist party groups that appear in Eastern Europe. They did a brilliant job taking over Austria under the banner of Austrofascism.

  9. @ Logan Smith, the question will be posed all over the country in regards to what Brad and LLD did: why *do* these whites hate their race?!

    Get it? A bunch of white lesbians juxtaposed against a bunch of evil ‘white male’ ‘crackers.’ Translation: degenerate (southern and by implication, northern) white men hate gays, women (even their own cute little white girls who are being victimized all over the place), and blacks. Add on some hispanics…

  10. Now for the bad news. It looks like the nationalist and separatist Parti Québécois is going to lose today’s election in Quebec. The PQ are the governing party and called an early election on the basis of strong poll numbers over the winter. However, this campaign has been an utter disaster for them and it looks like the Liberals are set to win a majority. Here are the final projections from this poll aggregator website:

    The PQ were riding a wave of popularity over their Charter of Values, which I’ve written about here before, and thought they could convert their minority government into a majority. The Charter would ban the wearing of any overt religious symbols (headscarves, hijabs, turbans, kippahs etc.) from all public sector workers, including doctors, nurses, cops, daycare workers and so forth.

    This was an excellent nationalistic proposal designed to assert the rights of the majority over those of hostile religious minorities, specifically Muslims, Jews and Sikhs. The PQ were also planning to reduce immigration levels (Quebec controls its own immigration policy) and had mused about banning halal/kosher slaughter and circumcision.

    These moves were part of the formerly leftwing PQ’s shift to the right, from a bland civic nationalism towards a more robust ethnic nationalism. They’ve also moved to the right economically, personified by their recruitment of Pierre Karl Peladeau, a billionaire media magnate, who, amongst other holdings, owns Sun News, the Canadian equivalent of Fox News.

    But, alas, this is when their campaign started to go off the rails. When PKP announced that he would be PQ candidate, he said he was getting into politics to create an independent Quebec for his children. For the next couple of days PQ leader Pauline Marois mused about what an independent Quebec would look like. This went down like a lead balloon with the Quebec electorate; only about 30% of Quebecers want to secede and the rest really don’t want to hear *any* talk about independence or referendums right now.

    So instead of attracting the support of former CAQ voters (a conservative nationalist, but not separatist party), as the PQ’s shift to right was designed to do, the CAQ supporters left in droves for the Liberals so as to avoid any possible independence referendum. Plus, disgruntled leftists unhappy with the PQ’s move to the right drifted over to the QS (a loony-left separatist party). Now the CAQ have clawed their way back up somewhat at the PQ’s expense, so Marois and the PQ are looking at a massive, unprecedented defeat tonight.

    This is a case of putting the cart before the horse. Instead of focusing laser-like on a popular issue like the Charter of Values, the PQ went off message by talking about an unpopular issue like a referendum on independence, which is, after all, their raison d’être. They changed the topic from nationalism to separatism and are now on the verge of losing on both issues. The Liberals, the party of Quebec’s racial, religious and linguistic minorities, will almost certainly win this election, having it handed to them on a platter by the PQ’s bumbling. Chalk one up for the bad guys.

    I don’t know if there are any lessons here for Southern nationalists, other than soft-pedal secession and instead focus on issues that can gain more political traction in the here and now. But I think there is a specific lesson here for European nationalists in the run-up to next month’s European Parliament elections: tone down your threats to leave the EU and/or the eurozone, both very divisive topics, and focus instead on reducing immigration, an issue with broad popular support. Put nationalism before separatism.

  11. Uh, Brad, you and Dan, and Courtney, and Matt Parrott and all the race realists and southern and white nationalists, neo-KKK, naziswhoneverkilled6millionpeople, etc. are the ones who have been living through the internet for years.

    It’s addled your brains. Or perhaps they were already deep fried.

  12. Unlike WN, we don’t have a problem with women in our movement. There are always women at our events, especially married women with children, and more are joining us at each event.

  13. Or maybe that’s the key – the internet and it’s mirages allow you to live in the past, as that’s what any pro-White who immolates themselves over social issues is, a has been and an endangered species.

    ‘Southrons’ always look back, never forward. What you’ll find in the continuing present is that proud whites who live in the south won’t be going back with you.

    This gives me no satisfaction to say. If anything, it’s sad. Your inability to reckon with reality will only make things worse for most of those you purport to defend.

  14. So, we are “immolating” ourselves over social issues?

    Let me get this straight: we should ignore popular issues like gay marriage and federal tyranny and focus our attention instead on impotently moaning about Jewish conspiracies on the internet?

    No thanks. I don’t think that works. I’ve been watching WNs do that for 13 years now.

  15. I’m sure that our message – the federal government is imposing homosexual marriage on the South against the will of the Southern people – is one that resonates with millions of ordinary people. The same is true of our message on immigration and changing demographics.

  16. “NYYankees is living in an alternative reality.” Her hang up about the profession of psychiatry being some kind of conspiracy to control our minds points to them.

  17. Dalton, your obsession with screaming ‘mentally ill!’ every time someone disagrees with you would be tedious if it weren’t the tactic Diversity Cult increasingly uses to disarm and eventually genocide.

    Brad you’re right on your second point, but the strong likelihood is your miss on the first will cancel it out.

    People don’t care about what people do in the privacy of their own bedrooms. They care about Channon Christian and Melissa McLaughlin and so many others, and what’s becoming of what was once our country.

    How about putting aside the issues that will inevitably divide for some time till basic safety is guaranteed. Pick your battles better and you’ll win the war.

  18. Logan,

    I’ve repeatedly told them to join the CofCC and organize similar events in other parts of the United States rather than waste our time here with pointless arguing in the comments. Even with 35 people in Richmond, we still got our message out and through the media blockade.

    Instead of whining on the internet, we are focusing our attention on recruiting, organizing, and turning out more people next time. There’s no reason why people who are just pro-White and who live in the North and West can’t be doing this through the CofCC. Unlike the impotent whining and bellyaching which is easily ignored, that would be beneficial to the WN movement.

  19. Brad, focus on federal tyranny and immigration and changing demographics. Pretty much all whites agree on that; I’ll sort of extrapolate on what I know and say that’s true for not just up north but also down south as well. There is no moral justification whatsoever for how whites are being dispossessed or ‘displaced.’ Diversity Cult simply cannot win that debate.

    So they lead you into these traps, using gay marriage to drive the real goal – anti-white. That’s what the lesbians did to you in Richmond, especially when you decided to engage them.

    Their leader said on her version, ‘It’s human rights. There’s nothing more to say.’

    They won this little skirmish. I was down in Virginia and I don’t think most support getting into these standoffs with the gays. Even if there’s sympathy for your side on this issue, there will always be more for the other when it’s pitted as a black and white issue.

    Don’t let them win the war. The decent people of the South deserve better than demagoguery from either direction.

    They deserve freedom and a future.

  20. Hunter- first rule with aberrosexuals. DOCUMENT EVERYTHING.

    Show them as the perverted, weird, socially diseased scum they are, and then count heads.

    If you remain civil, hetero, Christian, white, and normal, you will gain adherents.
    May you prosper in this endeavor.

  21. Brad, CofCC propagates jewish lies about us.

    You don’t seem to get it. A CofCC demonstration would attract a bunch of flies up here.

    It’s just so odd that southerners keep telling us to butt out of their business while they’re educating us on what goes on up here. I’ll never understand the hubris.

  22. No thanks. I don’t think that works. I’ve been watching WNs do that for 13 years now.

    This is a salient point. I think that it is a good thing for the South to see itself as a nation. The problem is that for whatever reason the nationalism that is expressing itself in Europe is forbidden in the US. I also wonder what the purpose of an independent Scotland is. The population is extremely small. It’ll be tethered to Brussels or to Westminster either way it goes.

    Would Dixie actually be independent? Or a basket case fuck up like Ukraine or for that matter Ireland? Or would it enjoy the success of Czechs or Finland?

    On the whole it should lift a tyranny off the back of white people. Yet one worries about the example of the bust up of Austria-Hungary.

  23. I can assure you that millions of Southerners DO CARE about preserving core cultural institutions like marriage and the nuclear family. What’s more, I can promise you that taking on this issue earns us good will with the Southern people.

    Just this weekend, I was asked by a relative of mine what I was doing in Richmond. This relative is a youth minister. When I told him that I had traveled all the way to Virginia to defend the traditional definition of Christian marriage from federal tyranny and showed him the ABC news clip, every negative thing that the opposition had said about the League and Council went up in a cloud of smoke.

  24. Fr. John+,

    I just addressed that through internal channels this evening.

    Henceforth, whenever we encounter “anti-fa” in the streets of a Southern state, we are going to film every silly thing they say and do, and we are going to take that footage and chop it up in a film studio – this is another practical project we are working on which could be financed through donations – to make YouTube videos about them to DEFINE THEIR IMAGE.

  25. Re: NYYankees

    There were two women in Richmond who drove 10 hours from New York to be at our demonstration. Again, there is no reason why what we are doing with the League in the South can’t be done in the North and West through the CofCC. It’s going to start happening there soon.

  26. @NYYankees

    “People don’t care about what people do in the privacy of their own bedrooms. “

    It’s way past that at this point. We’re not talking about not enforcing consensual sodomy laws here. No government was really doing that before any way as long as queers didn’t do it in the street and scare the horses.

    What is happening now is degenerate public sex, men using women’s bathrooms, homosexuals adopting children, and same sex couples being granted legal marriage by judicial fiat, usually so some non-working bum can get free medical and retirement benefits.

    Religion aside, the government passed contractual marriage laws first and foremost for the financial protection of mothers and children so that they would have some legal recourse for support in case of abandonment by irresponsible fathers. To see faggots claiming a right to marriage and legal adoption is a sick joke.

  27. Hunter, I wasn’t talking about WNationalism, I just meant being pro-White in general. Yankee made it seem like protecting and being proud of your race was a bad thing. I was just wondering why that would be the case.

  28. HW, I had the same experience here. A couple family members heard about what we did and saw the news report. They were openly excited and supportive. This made their opinion of the LS go way up.

  29. The entire characterization of the homosexual agenda as maintaining the privacy of what goes on in the bedroom is outdated. Just ask Brendan Eich, the former CEO of Mozilla. As for most people not caring about homosexual ‘marriage’; most referendums and state legislatures, particularly in the South, say otherwise. Those are the most important polls. Homosexual ‘marriage’ is also a wedge issue for the left’s coalition. It isn’t a wedge issue on the right. The numbers of people who are pro-white and pro-homosexual are minuscule.

  30. Logan Smith,

    NYYankees is a white woman in her late 30s or early 40s who spits all over Christianity (she once explicitly advocated for the “separation of church and state” on this blog), and who fancies herself the Susan B. Anthony of White advocacy (in other words, she’s a feminist who thinks she has the proverbial “Answer” to the salvation of the White Race). She thinks Jared Taylor is a ZOG agent (among others) and actively discourages the already-converted from attending Amren conferences. Say what you will about Amren, but discouraging the few who are already converted from attending a once a year opportunity to network with each other is supremely counterproductive.

  31. Okay, people let’s get real here. Lots of people up here retain a rigorous skepticism about the pro-White and think most of it could be jew-manipulated. Anyone wonder why Jim Rizoli has nothing to do with CofCC? Or Kyle Hunt and his associates…? Etc. etc. There are southerners who hold these views as well, although it’s not as prevalent down there.

    Dan Poole I’ve been stumped by how to even attempt to correct the constant stream of distortions spewing from you. So I’ve sort of decided not to bother as you’re so out of the park I wouldn’t know where to start…

    But in the future I would strongly advise you in your midwestern appropriation of southern supremacy (and all who are not natives of the northeast) to take a chill pill when it comes to addressing issues going on in the northeast, like the Barbaro case, your recent assertion that anglo-celts elected de Blasio (there are very few who live in NYC and that’s been so for decades), and so on. You’ve basically bombed out on every issue you’ve engaged related to the northeast. And you have such bile for us (not that you even know who, where or what we are) that it’s not clear why you bother.

  32. As long as Amren lies overtly about the Jewish Reality as opposed to ‘Question,’ it’s really not accomplishing much. Further, I’ve never told people to not go, that’s not my place to do, although I have made my disdain of it’s agenda and format known.

    Amren is also extremely classist which repels and demoralizes pretty much everyone who 1) has an IQ under, say, 125 2) anyone who doesn’t inhabit the upper middle class.

    It’s lowest moment in my observation was when a 15 year old girl in California was lured to be gang raped by around 20 hispanic men. She was beaten and peed on, had cigarettes put out on her body, and gang raped. Whites were only around 1% of the student body (it happened after a high school dance) but somehow a bunch of grown men on Amren were claiming this young girl ‘deserved it.’

    Totally civil comments about the Israeli Lobby get deleted on there but a bunch of race realist grown men gang up with a bunch of hispanic animals against a 15 year old girl.

    It seems best for the yankee-haters to stay out of our territory. Somehow I doubt that will happen…

  33. ‘NYYankees is a white woman in her late 30s or early 40s who spits all over Christianity’:

    I hadn’t noticed that. You might exaggerate? Let her explain. Her comments seem to be sensible and accurate.

  34. “Amren is also extremely classist which repels and demoralizes pretty much everyone who 1) has an IQ under, say, 125 2) anyone who doesn’t inhabit the upper middle class.”

    This is a bad thing?

  35. Anyone under 125 might not contribute much, and they deserve a challenge rather than ‘talking down to’. Regarding ‘class’ snobbery: There are many good, bright white people in deep poverty who need helping up not looking down on. But they won’t afford to travel to Amren.

  36. NYYankees,

    “And you have such bile for us (not that you even know who, where or what we are) that it’s not clear why you bother.”

    Here’s just one snapshot of who you people are:

    I have a little story, something that happened in my life that just blew my mind. I’ve told this before, so to my longer-suffering readers, please indulge me.

    This was, oh, 1990. Down South. A wedding. At the morning-after breakfast on Sunday, the groom’s father got up and gave a little speech and suggested that everyone introduce themselves. So he said my name is such-and-such, and then—tapping his wife solicitously on the shoulder—introduced his wife and spoke for her as she beamed up at him. And so it went, around the Dixie half of the room, men standing and speaking, solicitously tapping, wives remaining seated and silently beaming.

    Those of us in the Yankee half of the room stared at each other in disbelief. Are they putting us on? This is how these people live? In short order, as I counted noses, it became clear that the first Northern couple who would seize the floor would be my parents. Mom before Dad. I studied them to see if they were whispering to each other, to talk about what to do. They did not.

    But sure enough, when the crucial moment came, Mom shot right up and introduced herself, saying what she did. Dad followed her. And every Yankee couple followed their lead. It was just as emphatic a display of our warring outlooks and values systems as I’d ever been exposed to. And I still think of that day on weeks like this, when Republicans trot out to cable television to talk about women, because it still explains a lot, I think.

    White people in the Northern USA, particularly the Northeast, believe in all manifestations of equality, from race to gender to everything else. They’ve believed in it since the founding of this country. Egalitarianism is part and parcel of who they are and what they are. Because equality is evil…

    …that means Yankees are evil. *no sarcasm*

    I bother with you people because as a Midwesterner who lives in an age when my race (the White race) and my faith (Christianity) are being systematically exterminated and purged, I have a moral duty to call out my fellow Yanks who’ve done more than any non-white to exterminate those two pillars of my identity. I don’t fancy myself with delusions that all 200 million White Americans “are in this together,” because we’re NOT. Nor SHOULD we be. The different cultures and genetic predispositions of White people in this country are incompatible.

  37. Dan darling, I could take you even in the throes of ‘mid-life.’ How’s that for inequality? My trashy yank family boasts world famous athletes on both sides…

    He he he…

    Wanna know what’s even funnier? My yankee men find that sexy 😉

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