About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Re: Spelunkstein

    I’m not surprised it happened, only that it was Rounder who did it, who I had dismissed as a blowhard, and that it took so long.

    I’ve told Alex Linder for years now that it would happen. In fact, I outlined just such a hypothetical scenario – could you exterminate a Jewish child or teenager – in the debates that I had with him on the Jim Giles show in 2012.

    Scroll down to #467 to #469:


  2. “Psychos are being coddled as in the case of Stormfront, and in the case of VNN they are being encouraged. Yes psychos will always exist, but do we have to give them a place at the table?”

    Not only are you giving them a place at the table:

    1) You bought the food.
    2) You bought the table and utensils.
    3) You prepared the food.
    4) You made the plate.
    5) You served the meal.

    And after they’re done eating and the crap themselves for gorging on the feast you prepared, you kick them out of your house and tell them never to come back while they sit crying on your front porch with soiled shorts.

  3. That’s the problem Brad, you like playing footsies under the table until someone spills a glass of milk, then you take your toys and run home. The “movement” is full of Glenn Millers.

    If you were smart you’d get out of the swamp now.

  4. Re: Spelunkstein

    1.) Spelunkstein’s slanderous and unsubstantiated article, which was revised multiple times from the original, can be found here:


    2.) The person who busted the amplifier at the VA Flaggers event, who claimed to be DanielZ on Stormfront, was not at our protest, and Spelunkstein has no evidence he was there. He was not recognized by one of our people who had been at our event and who later showed up at the VA Flaggers event. This person called and told us that some random biker had stopped and smashed the amplifier.

    3.) Here’s what you said:

    We’re talking about how you making sick jokes about homosexuals to other people who probably hate homosexuals just as much as you do might one day drive them to act out on their inner desire to murder homosexuals.

    Again, you have reached the point where you are just making shit up now because you have nothing else to go on, and that reflects on your credibility.

  5. I never said he was there Brad. For the last time, no proof has been uncovered that your event and the busted amp or the KKK are related. That doesn’t mean they aren’t. It is legitimate to ask whether or not someone was there after the person indicates their plans to be there.

    Again, I asked legitimate questions that we still don’t have all of the answers to. Perhaps we never will, so we will just call it an unsettled matter for now. They are legitimate questions, and you’re afraid to acknowledge them as such. Apparently, because asking legitimate questions can be painful when they are being asked about you or something related to you. I am actually going to remove the post as a courtesy to you as it seems to have struck a nerve.

    “We’re talking about how you making sick jokes about homosexuals to other people who probably hate homosexuals just as much as you do might one day drive them to act out on their inner desire to murder homosexuals.”

    “Again, you have reached the point where you are just making shit up now because you have nothing else to go on, and that reflects on your credibility.”

    So now I’m making up what you said in the video you shot and posted yourself? I may have speculated on how much you or other people hate homosexuals, but you did crack a joke about homosexuals and AIDS, IMO, because AIDS is a funny, laughing matter to you. Would you agree? If not, why would you make the comment that you did? What purpose did it serve or was it supposed to serve?

    Do you not agree that a person that is mentally unstable could listen to someone such as yourself repeating over and over how bad homosexuals are, over an extended period of time and could one day crack and decide to do something about the problem? You don’t see any correlation between that and Glenn Miller? Is what I just laid out any different than your fortune telling on Glenn?

  6. Re: Spelunkstein

    There are people in the “movement” who want to ignore Alex Linder’s “exterminate the Jews” rhetoric and who say it is not their problem so long as it is kept off Stormfront and contained over at VNN Forum. They want to avoid “board wars” with VNN Forum and avoid confrontation with Linder.

  7. If your website was shown to have been a breeding ground for informants and people that have gone on to commit serious crimes, all while your Svengali of Extermination goads people into action, how much of an interest would authorities have in opening the hood and taking a really thorough look at all the mechanisms at work? If authorities didn’t already have complete access to everything on VNN, then you can take it to the bank that they soon will.

    How does Linder keep his nose clean after all these years? Paid or not, someone is sure getting something beneficial out of his online existence.

  8. No, I would not.

    Obviously, I was being sarcastic, and the whole point of the video was to mock the threat posed by “anti-fa” – the only threat that I saw was the possibility that one of them might have AIDS, which occurred to me because of their bizarre behavior on the sidewalk.

  9. C’mon Brad, even you don’t believe that. You’ve never met one person in your life who has AIDS that acted that way, just be honest Brad. You were just cracking what you thought was a funny joke and representing the League of the South like a fine Southern gentleman. We get it, in retrospect it’s not as funny as you probably once felt it was.

    What you are attempting to do is put the problem in a tiny box, when in reality the problem is a huge box. The huge box has a name, it’s called White Nationalism. You don’t have anything to worry about though, because you’re not a part of that.

    Now that’s what I call sarcasm.

  10. Do you not agree that a person that is mentally unstable could listen to someone such as yourself repeating over and over how bad homosexuals are, over an extended period of time and could one day crack and decide to do something about the problem?

    How does someone talking about what they perceive as the negative aspects of homosexuality compare to someone who bases their entire website around the negatives of Jews and incessantly claims that Jews must be exterminated? There’s really no comparison.

  11. I don’t think Jackson Adkins was at the LOSer rally, and we are not even sure he is DanielZ.

    BUT, there is a connection between the VA Flaggers and the LOS crowd, and Brad I don’t think you can deny it.

    There is a plethora of photos of Shane Long being cozy with Susan Hathaway and Karen Cooper.

    And we all know there is more of a connection than that!

    Also, Ron Doggett? Really? You do know his history and his close ties with Glenn Miller and yet you have no problem opening your door to him at your rally.

    *tsk* *tsk*

  12. Re: Spelunkstein

    No, I went over there, looked them over, and the only threat that I perceived coming from them, in the event of a confrontation (remember, “anti-fa” are known for this, see what happened to the Matts in Indiana), which I obviously considered extremely unlikely, was the possibility that one of them might have AIDS.

    I will never know how you derived from that comment the preposterous idea that I was inciting someone to murder homosexuals by laughing at a bunch of weird lesbians banging a tambourine on a sidewalk while shouting obscenities at me.

    Once again, you have nothing much here to go on, and now you are losing credibility by filling in the blanks with insinuations and “possibilities” which are derived from your own imagination. By going that route, you are casting a shadow on your credibility as a source.

  13. Yes, two of our people went over to the VA Flaggers event, and neither recognized the “random biker” who destroyed the amplifier. I had planned to go over there myself, but I had already seen Goad Gatsby was at the Active RVA event, so I didn’t see the point.

  14. From what I know of Ron Doggett, he’s a White Nationalist and a EURO activist, and I have no problem with that. These are public events and anyone is free to show up and support our message.

  15. The person who I am most concerned about is Jordan Jereb. He’s a juvenile and it shows in the immature things he posts on Facebook. My attitude toward him is that he is just a kid and one that could benefit from adult supervision.

  16. I never derived that. I derived that a person who makes himself out to be a leader and who is constantly harping on how bad homosexuals are, when they likely don’t affect your life in any way, could potentially inspire a follower in the future to do something drastic.

    I never claimed you support the murder of homosexuals. OD is full of a lot of different things you and other people have said about a range of topics over a number of years. I’m just hoping that you don’t unintentionally become the next great inspiration. I really hope that you don’t.

  17. Brad- Doggett will be okay by you until he does a Glenn Miller move, ( which has a high probability) and then you’ll throw him under the bus and pretend you never had anything to do with him.

    And Miller would have been welcome in your little curb line up as well if he showed up?

    At what point do you draw the line at the dangerous loons who are attracted to this movement or yours?

    So now you want to kill people because of who they want to have relationships with?

    Layne Lawless is a lesbian, would you like to see someone shoot and kill her because she is gay?

  18. “Meanwhile, the genuises at VNN Forum – taking advantage of being in the public eye – are putting on quite a show for the SPLC:”

    From our old friend 313Chris:

    ““313Chris” wrote, “Despite the thousands of years of destruction the Jew has repeatedly visited on the Aryan race, when someone finally gives a few of them a little lead karma, it’s not just murder, but a hate crime.””

    Hahahahahaha! What a douche.

  19. To be clear Brads not called for the death of gays too my knowledge. It’s gotten confused because of how Brad characterized my comments.

  20. Alex Linder murdered Reat Griffin Underwood, William Corporon and Terri LeManno. The blood of the little boy, the grandfather and the mother is on Alex Linder and the ‘White Nationalist Movement,’ an anonymous group of Internet cowards and now accomplices to murder. If Linder doesn’t kill himself it’s a good sign he is in point of fact a police informant.

    You anonymous posters disgust me. You are pieces of human shit.

  21. “For the last time, no proof has been uncovered that your event and the busted amp or the KKK are related. That doesn’t mean they aren’t.”

    And there is no evidence aliens didn’t build the pyramids. You can’t disprove a negative.

    After the South secedes, its first action should be to pursue a genetic engineering program to weed out intellectual lightweights such as yourself. No more breeding morons please.

  22. “The blood of the little boy, the grandfather and the mother is on Alex Linder and the ‘White Nationalist Movement,’ an anonymous group of Internet cowards and now accomplices to murder.”

    True. WNism is a plague that attracts crazies and mental defects. Thus, the need for SNism.

  23. “For the last time, no proof has been uncovered that your event and the busted amp or the KKK are related. That doesn’t mean they aren’t.”

    This logical example of argumentum ad ignorantiam is a fallacy along the lines of questions like “When did you stop beating your wife.”

    You need to take a course in clear thinking although we really know you are just a weaselly Jew trying to smear people with false allegationss.

  24. Lamp,

    That’s crazy.

    I disapprove of gay marriage. I consider homosexuality to be a sinful, immoral lifestyle which spreads disease and which ought to be stigmatized, but it hardly follows that I endorse exterminating people for that reason.

  25. Brad- well, good, I really would hate to see you go off that deep end.

    You are one of the few from this insane movement with a lick of sense and a brain. Falling down that call for mass genocide rabbit hole is not something I expect from you, let’s try to keep it that way, hmm?

  26. “You’ve never met one person in your life who has AIDS that acted that way”

    Riiiiiiight. Well I have. Ever heaard of the group Act Up? They were notorious for spitting, kicking, and slapping people who were opposed to their right to pollute the blood supply with the HIV virus. They were “bitch slappers”par excellence. Or should that be “bitchy” slappers? LOL

  27. Hey Rudel,

    I wonder where Stonelifter is now enjoying his Czech utopia. I reckon he found his happy place.

  28. The current consensus is that Haiti basically incubated the HIV virus and a combination of infected plasma/blood and gay sex tourism cruising for black meat set up the US for the 1970s-1980s epidemic.

    Given the voodoo rituals Down in Haiti there is an intersection of homosexuality, gay race fetish, heretical catholic-pagan syncretism and PC guilt.

    Plus the blood bank scandals and you can even claim vampirism.

  29. The intersectionality of the Haitians in the disease is mind boggling. The US press won’t touch it with ten foot barge pole.

  30. “So now you want to kill people because of who they want to have relationships with?”

    There is a big difference between covert acts of buggery in private, which were never seriously subject to much enforcement as long as people didn’t do it in the street and scare the horses, and homosexual marriage whose main raison d’être is just to get some lazy non-working bums medical and pensions benefits, homosexual adoption the main effect being to proselytize children into the homosexual lifestyle and subject them to pedophilia from their purported caregivers, and LGBTQIXYZ “rights” which boils down to letting men into women’s bathrooms as some sort of natural right.

    Quit hiding behind the smoke screen of equal rights when your real agenda is anti-family, anti-hetero, homosexual advocacy and the PC attack on free speech for those who disagree with you, including it seems, accusations of murderous intent.

  31. “Given the voodoo rituals Down in Haiti there is an intersection of homosexuality, gay race fetish, heretical catholic-pagan syncretism and PC guilt.”

    Not to mention lack of hygiene and poor medical care. The reason that AIDS is so widespread among blacks is that in the West they are disproportionate users of used infected needles. In places like Brazil, Haiti, and Africa there is a widespread and untreated epidemic of venereal disease which leaves open sores in and on the mouth, on the genitals, and around the anuses and torn colon walls of both sexes. This makes for an easy vector for spreading the disease.

  32. Rudel- stop whining like a bitch.

    What people do with their own lives has zero effect on you except to give you one more thing to obsess about.

    I honestly don’t give a shit how you view others, you can even ramble on about it in public like a sandwich sign loon who carries on about the end of world.

    I don’t jump in until people start calling for genocide of those who don’t fit into their narrow little world.

    You want to go all Linder/Miller and call for murder, you become an issue.

  33. Really, Greg?

    So if Miller killed “Jewish leaders” that would be okay?

    What makes your movement such a concern is not your cockeyed opinions, it’s your blood lust.

    3/4 of the rhetoric of your movement is discussion on “who should be killed”.

    And you wonder why the Glenn Miller types happen…

  34. @ Greg Johnson

    Dr. William Pierce was totally against most of the tactics that you ascribe to him in your attack on what you characterize as the Old Right. He was however very much in favor of propagating a war of ideas which he did effectively through through his American Dissident Voices radio broadcasts, leafletting and banner campaigns by local units, promotion of various white ethnic festivals, publications such as National Vanguard Magazine, and not least of all the excellent and well stocked mail/web order bookstore that the National Alliance long ran.

  35. Greg has been called out here multiple times for publishing James J. O’Meara’s bizarre material, but we’re focused now on building our own movement in the South.

  36. Look at Alan Dershowitz and his obsession about Amanda Knox.

    That’s pure fucking genocide. He practically dropped the same contemptuous viciousness at the OJ trial as he does now when he attempts to drag Amanda Knox back to Italy to play patsy for a black rapist/murderer.

    Rudy Guede is as guilty as OJ Simpson.
    The Dershowitzes of the world live in an alternate reality.

  37. Liberty Lamp did you not read the comments and research about the intersection of blackness/gayness/medical exploitation/voodoo ritual that incubated the disease in Haiti and vectored it into the US at epidemic levels?

    There was nothing natural or perhaps flu-like bout HIV spreading. It was behavioral and required a combo of taboo behaviors to spread at all.

  38. Capt John- there are a slew of bad diseases that can be spread all kinds of ways. Heck, you can die from eating a Jack in the Box hamburger!

    If you don’t want to engage in various kinds of sex, I respect that, your own sexual activities are your own business.

    If your sexual activities are only between you and your wife, and it is what makes your life complete, that is a beautiful thing.

    I am in an monogamous relationship with an opposite sex partner as well, I am not about to rally against hetro relationships.

    Yet, what other people do with their private sex lives is none of our business.

    Haiti is a bad mess, much of it is due to the inhumane colonization of the island, diseases are on a list of many issues there.

  39. “And you wonder why the Glenn Miller types happen…” – Because he didn’t have a strong social network to keep him from going down this road. Were employment stronger, and were youth employment stronger, among other things, the obvious effect of that would be that people would have less time to post on the internets, idle hands and all that.

  40. Here you see a man who successfully acquitted a psychopathic murderer for beheading a white girl, attempt to stitch up another white girl because he can’t fathom, fathom for the life of him, why a black guy would ever rape and murder a Jewish girl in Italy.


    Dershowitz’s self deception and evident hostility to whites screams itself.

    Note the rather sinister headline. If Obama deports her to Italy! Dershowitz might as well grow fangs.

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