About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Are you for real Countenance? Glenn Miller was talking about the “jewish problem” long before he even met Alex. See Miller’s “White Patriot Party” years on youtube for yourself. Alex was born in 1966 so would be in his early teens when all this was going on, right?

    @Hunter: I have long been an admirer of yours, but witnessing the manner in which you have set upon Alex since this terrible incident (and permitted others to follow suit) has been quite the off-putting experience.

  2. Why is that?

    Alex has told me countless times over the course of 10 years that the Jews ought to be exterminated. He went on Israeli television and said it. He says it in his VNN Forum signature in every post. Ever since he came back, Alex hasn’t exhibited the slightest trace of sympathy or remorse for what happened to the victims and their families.

    The same people who come over here and say that Alex’s rhetoric had nothing to do with this shooting would be the first to blame someone like Tim Wise or Noel Ignatiev if one of their unstable followers popped off. In fact, they already blame the SPLC for the Floyd Corkins shooting without batting an eye at the idea that he was under their influence.

    I understand that Alex wants to shift the blame for this … to me and Greg Johnson. He’s the one who collects the nuttiest people who blow through White Nationalism like potted plants in his greenhouse of fanaticism and nurtures them for years and years with genocidal rhetoric until they get so angry that they become mass murderers.

    He’s the one, not me, not Greg Johnson, who is undermining White Nationalism and the First Amendment. Even before the was revealed that Glenn Miller was the Kansas shooter, I had said earlier that afternoon that his identity on VNN Forum would be revealed by the end of the evening.

  3. This is the eternal issue.

    A handful of your own fly off the handle and it’s big. A massive slow grinding apocalypse in every major city and it’s just background local news.

    At the St Louis Basilica on Friday the city brought down the hammer on a cannon or priest or deacon, TV trucks everywhere. Kiddie Fiddler. Obviously timed for maximum shame for the church. Dirty judicial/administrative/ media collusion.

    What the fuck can anyone do if they pay attention to the news and accept the discourse they promote as the reality?

    Easter Service was petty good anyway. I enjoyed it.

  4. As I have shown above via youtube, Glenn Miller was talking some straight on jew-truth long before he and Alex even met. Perhaps you ought to hold Miller responsible for his influence on Alex since the blame game is on?

    Alex has told me countless times over the course of 10 years that the Jews ought to be exterminated.

    Indeed. And during these numerous conversations did you by chance ask how and why he’d arrived at this conclusion?

    As for this :

    I understand that Alex wants to shift the blame for this … to me and Greg Johnson. He’s the one who collects the nuttiest people who blow through White Nationalism like potted plants in his greenhouse of fanaticism and nurtures them for years and years with genocidal rhetoric until they get so angry that they become mass murderers.

    Please. All I saw said about yourself and Johnson (besides the usual smear exchanges you all seem to enjoy) was that others ought to note how quickly the two of you set out to paint Alex as some kind of evil mastermind when when you could have done…..otherwise.
    But you know that.

    Ps: Could we have a list of the “mass murderers” you allege Alex Linder has “nurtured”?

  5. Mary says:

    ‘Are you for real Countenance? Glenn Miller was talking about the “jewish problem” long before he even met Alex. See Miller’s “White Patriot Party” years on youtube for yourself. Alex was born in 1966 so would be in his early teens when all this was going on, right?’


    Everyone is well aware of this.

    His petty, unscrupulous detractors/enemies are using the Frazier incident to have Linder financially destroyed, jailed or killed by the authorities or vengeance seekers.

    Total lack of integrity.

    Hunter Wallace says:

    ‘Why is that?

    Alex has told me countless times over the course of 10 years that the Jews ought to be exterminated.’

    So what??

    A lot of people have said the same thing!

    Rounder has been on the scene long before Linder showed up.

    To suggest that Rounder was somehow influenced by Linder to do what he did is absolutely insane — considering Rounder’s well known history, rhetoric and many decades of activism.

  6. 1.) There’s a difference between “naming the Jew,” which can be found in some form on almost any pro-White website, and exterminationism, which is VNN’s hallmark.

    2.) He’s explained his reasoning countless times – the Jews have been expelled 110 times and will come back.

    3.) I’ve fought more viciously with Greg Johnson over the years than I ever have with Alex.

    4.) Greg is right that Alex says “exterminate the Jews” because he wants to influence others. He’s being irresponsible. He’s preaching to people who are already unhinged.

    5.) Joe Snuffy and James von Brunn:


  7. Re: Sam

    1.) Bullshit.

    I’ve always told Alex for 10 years now that preaching “exterminate the Jews” was irresponsible and immoral and that sooner or later some nut at VNN Forum would act on his crazy rhetoric.

    In this case, I really do get to say “I told you so.”

    2.) So what?

    Miller drove three hours across Missouri to go to Kansas for the sole purpose of killing Jews. If you believe that during that car ride he wasn’t trying to rationalize his actions, you are deceiving yourself.

    3.) Rounder himself has told me for years now how impressed and influenced he has been by Alex’s brilliance.

    4.) While it is true that Rounder has been around for years, VNN has cultivated a reputation for exterminationism, so much so that I was wondering who the shooter was on VNN even before the news broke that it was Rounder.

  8. http://vnnforum.com/showthread.php?t=96437

    Uh, what? That’s a link to Rounder (Glenn Miller) doing what he always does/did, supporting those he deemed worthy of support. Notice there are no other posters on that thread, and no “nurturing of mass murderers” by Linder taking place at all.

    **You never seemed to mind when Rounder supported your own efforts, which to his credit, he always did.

  9. He’s writing letters to James von Brunn and Joseph Paul Franklin. It’s not something that caught my eye at the time, but in hindsight he was impressed with mass murderers and was thinking about becoming one himself.

  10. Sam saysHis petty, unscrupulous detractors/enemies are using the Frazier incident to have Linder financially destroyed, jailed or killed by the authorities or vengeance seekers. Total lack of integrity.

    It certainly looks that way. Or maybe it was just blind fear induced panic of being somehow linked to Miller themselves that has them scrambling to hang it all on Alex/VNN 😉
    Either way it’s been an eye-opening experience to see it play out as it has.

  11. I agree.

    It has been an eye opening experience. I have told Alex for 10 years now that something like this would happen. He was irresponsibly preaching “exterminate the Jews” to the most mentally unstable people in White Nationalism. It was bound to happen at some point. I haven’t seen anything from Alex that suggests he has any sympathy for the victims.

    This kind of shit is on the same level as the leader of a club of pyromaniacs telling his followers to start forest fires … and then expressing shock when one of his followers strikes a match and pours the gasoline.

    In 2010, I decided that I had seen enough of White Nationalism. I’ve been happily involved in Southern Nationalism for several years now. I don’t have to worry about nuts like Kevin Harpham, Bill White, James von Brunn, Craig Cobb, and Glenn Miller – and whoever comes down the pike next – wrecking the public image and reputation of our movement and spoiling everything positive we are trying to do.

  12. I quit logging in to VNN when I realized Miller was running a thread on behalf of Joseph Paul Franklin. This was shortly before Franklin’s execution. With so many topics to talk about why Franklin? Miller had to be pretty fucked up for the thought of starting a thread for Franklin to even cross his mind.

    Whether Anders Breivik is a terrorist, a hero or something else, perhaps a white version of Nelson Mandela in his younger days, is a question that might be worth discussing. There is some truth to that old cliche that one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter. There are more than enough mitigating factors to make a case that Breivik was justified and had no other choice. But Franklin was just another version of John Wayne Gacy or Ted Bundy. Miller either wasn’t discerning enough to realize this or he just didn’t care.

  13. My take on it is that many have become white nationalists because it was the most anti social and anarchic thing they could think of. And they will fight to the death to keep it that way.

  14. I’m normally not that conspiratorially minded, but I have to wonder if Linder is a government agent. What better way to discredit WN than to have someone raving about exterminating Jews who gathers old losers and criminals around himself? And this is not even taking into consideration his Jewish appearance and surname.

  15. Ryan

    Eight days ago, I would have rolled my eyes at such a theory.

    But here we are, a week later. The only two sources that will say the names Alex Linder and Vanguard News Network are Occidental Dissent and the $outhern Poverty Law ¢enter. Everyone else avoids them like the plague.

    There has to be a reason for that.

    Linder has to be some sort of asset for the other side.

  16. Hunter Wallace says:

    ‘The same people who come over here and say that Alex’s rhetoric had nothing to do with this shooting would be the first to blame someone like Tim Wise or Noel Ignatiev if one of their unstable followers popped off.’

    Example does not fit the situation.

    The relationship between Linder and Miller was not of leader-follower, master-disciple or teacher-student.

    Both were on the same level advocating similar views. Same agenda, same rhetoric.

    One did not indoctrinate the other!

    In fact, Rounder was on the scene long before anyone heard of Alex.

    It is absurd to say Linder’s rhetoric was the impetus for Miller’s actions.

    It’s not like Rounder slapped his forehead one day after listening to a Linder broadcast and said to himself, ‘Gosh darn it, why didn’t I ever think of eliminating those GD kikes?’ ‘ Oh, Glory Day!’

    It would be just as ridiculous to claim Ignatiev was influenced by Wise or that Wise was influenced by Ignatiev if either of them had popped off and killed people.

    Both sing from the same hymnal.

    Rounder alone is responsible for his actions and the blame rests solely on his shoulders.

  17. The adoration for Miller on this thread by some foolish people is appalling. The man was nothing but vicious drunk who became a spree killer. His betrayal and informing on white activists years ago, and his desire to be a great leader is typical behavior for the inflated ego of an alcohol addict. If the more sane readers of OD wish to understand how alcohol abuse can warp a man’s thinking and actions, read “The Hidden History Of Alcoholism” by James Graham. You will get an outstanding education on how alcohol abuse has shaped politics, literature, and personal relationships in world history.

  18. Who the hell expressed “adoration for Miller”, Dalton?
    No one as far as I can see so, so drop the hysterics.

    @Lew, almost all posters on, those threads including both mods, mocked Rounder incessantly for his admiration of JPF, so you’re hardly alone in feeling that way.

  19. Mary, have you read all the comments and stories about Miller? Many have expressed sympathy and admiration for the man. My comment is meant to bring people down to earth about the legend that’s already being built up around him. The Southern Nationalists need to know what really motivates a loser like Miller, so we can avoid his mistakes.

  20. Stephen E Dalton says:
    April 21, 2014 at 6:28 am
    The adoration for Miller on this thread by some foolish people is appalling.

    Just give the BS a rest, won’t you?

  21. @ countenance, I’ve only read one article about WN sites and Miller in the MSM: it was aimed at Stormfront, using the SPLC’s “100 murders” statistic even though it admitted that Miller was banned there. It mentioned another site but didn’t even name VNN.

  22. Mary Alex Linder’s VNN is so clearly counter productive, that it might as well be funded, run by the ADL, Southern Poverty Law Center, Eric Holder’s Justice Department.

    VNN promotes drunks, loons, crazy people, FBI informants and various combinations of the the three to rant and rave, shout crazy, violent nonsense that encourages completely negative people like Glen Miller to invade Jewish health centers and murder White Catholic grandparents and children.

    The Weinstein Brothers and Norman Lear could not make up an anti Whiye Hollywood script to make American White Nationalists look worse.

    The Alex Linder types have been around a long time looking to prevent any effective activism on behalf of our people, culture.

  23. Hunter,

    Joseph Paul Franklin actually targeted worthy targets – hard core porn merchants who publish inter racial hard core porn.

  24. Mary, you and the other Pro-Miller fools are the ones who are having mental bowel movements about Miller, not me.
    Jack, Franky may have targeted “worthy targets”, but his actions are used to demonize us in the mass media.

  25. Ryan says:
    April 21, 2014 at 2:38 pm

    “@ countenance, I’ve only read one article about WN sites and Miller in the MSM: it was aimed at Stormfront, using the SPLC’s “100 murders” statistic even though it admitted that Miller was banned there. It mentioned another site but didn’t even name VNN.”

    Yes. Our enemy is telling us something, when they do that. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out.

  26. Stephen E Dalton

    Nontroversy. Like I said in another OD thread on Thursday, I put in a call to Clevenger, hoping he would call me back. And he did on Friday. I gave him some PR advice on how to make this nontroversy go away, and he seems to have interpreted my advice as good.

    All he has to do to make this go away is not to comment on the matter, keep on not commenting about the matter, and if he’s pressed, say that the issue is a non-story or a closed matter. Sure, the left wing kooks will make noise, but left wing kooks always make noise. The incumbent thing here is not to fuel the nontroversy by making an issue of it yourself.

  27. Hunter Wallace says:
    April 21, 2014 at 12:47 am

    ‘I understand that Alex wants to shift the blame for this … to me and Greg Johnson.’

    I missed this line yesterday.

    That would be pretty low of him to do that if true.

    What exactly did he say? Where can it be found? Which thread? His site or somewhere else?

    I’d like to read it in context.

  28. Countenance,

    I’m surprised that Dalston missed my post on Clevenger.
    Are there two Dalstons working the same script?

    Our earlier exchange on the mayor of Marionville was hard to miss.

  29. Brad and I have very different agendas. He is moving toward Southern nationalism, and my task is creating a North American New Right, the goal of which is to lay the metapolitical foundations for a White Republic or Republics in North America and contribute whatever we can intellectually to similar struggles by whites around the world.

    We both, however, agree upon the necessity of distinguishing our projects from old school White Nationalism, which is too abstract for Brad’s taste and too anti-intellectual and beholden to “Old Right” thinking for my purposes.

    We also agree on the urgent necessity of distinguishing ourselves from the kind of White Nationalism represented by Glenn Miller and Alex Linder, because we do differ from these people profoundly, and it is important for the success of our projects not to be confused with genocide enthusiasts and spree-killers.

    That said, I still have some respect for Alex Linder and wish him well. The old VNN was my favorite WN site, and I wrote for it from December of 2001 to December of 2003, when I stepped away from it because I thought that Alex’s association with Bill White was a sign of poor judgment. I think VNN Forum is a horrible waste of Linder’s talents, and I have urged him to shut it down, stop trading props and insults with juvenile retards, and focus on writing opinion pieces, reviews, and books, which is how I think he can do the most good.

    I had my say on Miller’s killing spree at Counter-Currents (http://www.counter-currents.com/2014/04/on-the-necessity-of-a-new-right/). I went to VNN Form (from which I am now, sadly, banned) to ask Alex to comment because I thought he was handling the whole thing very badly, e.g., trying to change the subject to black-on-white crime (as opposed to Miller-on-white crime), instead of just telling us what he thought of Miller’s acts.

    Alex and the tard chorus at VNN, of course, claimed that I was trying to get Alex to incriminate himself so he could be thrown in jail, which is stupid, because there is nothing incriminating about him commenting on whether Miller’s actions are good or bad for whites. I don’t have the power to do away with the First Amendment guys.

    If I were Alex, I would simply have stated why I liked Miller, what he had done for VNN and the larger cause, then express dismay for his stupid acts and sympathy for the victims and their families.

    Then it occurred to me that Linder might very well have done that, if Miller were dead. But Miller is very much alive, and maybe Alex does not want to comment on Miller’s crimes because he is afraid that Miller might retaliate, perhaps by incriminating Linder himself. Not that I think that Linder did anything criminal, but maybe he fears that Miller would simply lie to avenge himself.

    Maybe I have lived a charmed life, but before my involvement in the WN world, I never encountered people who would avenge themselves for slights through campaigns of vilification, some of them lasting years.

    For instance, Sam Dickson has been telling people since 2010 that when I moved out of an apartment I rented from him in Atlanta in June of 2009, I put “meat in the walls” to avenge myself on him. It apparently took a long time for the meat to rot, however, because I rented another apartment from him until the end of 2009 and remained in his employ at The Occidental Quarterly until April 23, 2010. Only then, 10 months later, did the meat go bad. Well something was rotten in Atlanta.

    Jonathan Bowden got such a laugh out of this story that he agreed to paint a portrait of Sam called “Meat in the Walls,” a portrait that he promised with grow younger and more beautiful with the passage of time. This is a silly example, of course, because nobody is foolish enough to take such a story seriously, but it gives you a sense of the crazed dishonesty unleashed by wounded narcissism. As I learned in 2009, Linder himself is not above such behavior when he loses an argument.

    So maybe Linder’s roaring silence about Miller is not necessarily a sign of bad judgment or lack or maturity or a guilty conscience or legal culpability. It might just be a sign that Linder is afraid to call Miller out lest Miller bring Linder and VNN down with him.

    Thus my recommendation is simply to state one’s differences of principle with Linder. Beyond that, lay off.

  30. Speaking of movement frauds, I recently learned that an aspiring leader in the movement – someone who is planning to viciously attack Kyle Hunt tonight on his radio show, who styles himself as a National Socialist – has 5 multiracial children and was writing all kinds of crazy anti-racist nonsense a few years ago.

  31. Greg Johnson

    Our enemies stole one institution after another after another from under our noses without even firing a shot. We should study how they did it then replicate. Think: The Fabian-Frankfurt Schools.

    This is why, in spite of the fact that the question doesn’t go to our core central concerns, I was happy for the (initial) win that we (or “we”) had in the Bundy ranch saga. Why? It’s not that we won, it’s why we won. “Our” side used and won the public relations war, and strangely, neither the Feds nor their sycophants much showed up to the PR front. I think Cliven Bundy would be dead right now if someone from the Kosher Republic didn’t rescue the Harry Reid documents and push them up the conveyor belt to Alex Jones and then Matt Drudge.

    Why do you think I took it on myself to give Clevenger a call when I first heard about the media trying to stir up a nontroversy, to give him off-label PR advice?

  32. Stephen Dalton, you make me laugh. You make the false statement about this thread being filled with people “adoring Miller”, and when I call you out on it, you first deny it in gentle tones, but then the claws come out when I don’t swallow yer bull. Amusing. Oh and charactering me as “pro-Miller” is just more of the same baseless bunk.
    Amusing too is the way some people imagine themselves as being so “above” the many posters at VNN. Simply put? They wish. VNN has a lot of great material and good people. I don’t agree with them all, I don’t have to in order to appreciate what’s there. I can still see the good, and of course, most of that good is to be found in Alex’s writings.
    That’s why I find portions of Greg’s post almost moving in a sense, as he expresses an admiration for Alex still, something I know Alex has mentioned numerous times about Greg and his talents as well. He has also praised Hunter’s talent’s (even if the praise was hidden in piles of criticism, lol, it’s still there ;)). It’s obvious the three of you are all brilliant and gifted men in your own ways.
    But the way you both seemed to seize, (even eagerly seize) this horrible event as an “opportunity” to unfairly attack him really bothered me, so I said something about it. And that is all.

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