About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hunter Wallace says:
    April 21, 2014 at 7:51 pm
    I don’t want to publicize that here because it is just a distraction from what we are doing, but this guy thrives on bashing other WNs on his radio program.

    I think Carolyn Yeager covered this one already 😉

  2. countenance, the Bundy people did a video which Kyle Hunt posted on WMM site in which they claim the whole thing was a larger set up, in that only 20 guys of some department were sent to stand off against the 500 well armed militia. The SWAT team was waiting way behind them, and the men in the video think it was a trap, and that the militia was being set up to fire (and kill) the 20 sacrifices so that the Feds could then have justification for total invasion and takeover.

    This is not my theory, folks, although I still wonder why no one attempted to answer my questions about Miller. They’re excellent questions and the Bundy militia’s reflection after the confrontation confirms the need for rigorous skepticism.

    countenance your observations about Linder’s absence in the post-mortem seem astute.

    I still want to know why there weren’t any ambulances, scenes of the schoolyard or details about how Miller was apprehended, etc. It just seems too weird, how the mother and daughter of the victim was also the only ‘witness.’

    Too much weird stuff.

  3. NYYankees

    Our (or “our”) PR win in the Bundy ranch question had more to do with politically stripping Harry Reid naked. At the ranch site itself, the PR win had to do with a zillion cameras pointing at the BLM and the Feds and its bullying tactics. There are lots of people and groups and hangers-on who are riding in to claim they had something to do with “our” win, but that’s just a matter of success having a thousand fathers while losers are orphans.

  4. Alex is not being unfair attacked.

    He’s advocated exterminating the Jews for over 10 years to people who are already booted off other websites for being dangerous and mentally unbalanced. That’s wildly irresponsible. What’s more, he wouldn’t say those things if he wasn’t trying to influence those people, and he has described lone wolf killers like James von Brunn as “martyrs” on his website.

  5. Because of people like Alex Linder, there are people like Greg who are going to conclude that they can accomplish more on their own than they could by affiliation with the WN movement.

  6. I like how Alex Linder and his followers represent themselves as White Nationalists. … 99% of White people – remember the fiasco that happened in Leith where Craig Cobb arrived in town and alienated everyone – after being exposed to those nuts and their great ideas think to themselves, “I sure wouldn’t want people like that moving into my neighborhood.”

  7. countenance you got that right, –


    As for one reason the MSM ignored Linder, it might be so because our Dear Friends (SPLC, etc.) are afraid that exposing the higher level of ‘white awareness’ for lack of a better word (I don’t want to group all elements of pro-White together) will only backfire on them. The world is blowing up with anti-white violence, and whites all over the country might actually find out that there is discussion of this epidemic online. Even though Linder isn’t one I’d recommend, if the curious checked out his blog they might find out about other sites. Or simply start googling words to find sites advocating for whites.

    It’s sort of incredible that we’re at a point in our history where a homicidal nut (if he is indeed is one) like Miller could actually be good advertising.

  8. NYYankees

    But that’s my point. The mainline media are mentioning the other people and sources and sites and movements. Leonard Zeskind, in his op-ed in the Kansas City Star, named a lot of them/us.

    Except for Linder and VNN.

  9. There’s Somethang About Rabbi Linder

    Well, I didn’t get this backup comment approved at Greg’s place:

    I doubt Linder is a Jew. He just has the misfortune of looking like one. Pastor Lindstedt, and only the good Pastor, has special dispensation from me to express Christian Identity ideas and use colorful epithets in our comment threads, because he’s so damn funny.


    So here goes, now that both Hunter and Greg have been duly banned over at Rabbi Linder’s Greater Free Range Colostomy Bag & ZOGtard Corral / TraitorGlenn Miller News Nutwerk:


    Rabbi Linder’s biggest problem isn’t that Linder looks like a jew or certainly acts like a self-loathing jew. Linder’s biggest problem is his own self-loathing jew ass-hole. Crohns — or jew ass-GAIDS — is Nature’s way of saying that every so often a jew’s own asshole rises up in Rebellion — like Lucifer did against YHWH — against being attached to a jew asshole, especially one like Linder.

    Once you understand this fact, then everything about Linder becomes obvious.

    By the way, did I forget to tell you about the time I went to Billy Roper’s “Anti-Brown v. Board of Edjewmacation” Rally in Topeka Kansas back in May 2004? I went there to see Pastor Butler before he croaked off. I called it “Billy Roper’s “See Pastor Butler Before He Croaks Off Tour”.” And there I met not only Pastor Butler and Billy Roper but the federal informant Rick Spring, and a bunch of deep-woods DSCI I already knew from around here. Plus Craig “Corn” Cobb and Ron Doggett and a passel of skinheads. CornCobb is actually nuttier in real life. And Rabbi Linder. Who looks initially like an Aryan jewboy of the Ashkenazi sub-species, but has the most furtive mannerisms I’ve ever seen in a bowel-Movement figure, sort of like a rat wanting to run off into a corner to eat some stolen cheese or piss on some corn meant to feed White people just for the hell of it.

    One of Rabbi Linder’s favorite tricks is to ask some camera-man if he is a jew. And on that May day in Topeka, Linder asked, right in front of me and Ben Vinyard, if this little dark Swiss guy from the European film crew doing a documentary if he was a jew. The little dark Swiss guy two-thirds of Linder’s size said, “Ja, Ja.” Linder looked like that jewboy — Linder, not the little dark Swiss guy — was about to shit a brick. And this was back before Rabbi Linder developed jew ass-GAIDS, and was more able to shit a brick too. I was kicked back and enjoying that because even back then I didn’t like Linder or the way Linder was going ass-to-mouth with TraitorGlenn Miller. I spent 19 months in Germany in a nuclear missile battalion and knew Germans are invariably polite and saying “ja-ja” is their way of saying “uhhhh.” Ben Vinyard, Billy Roper’s right-hand man at the time took pity on Linder because I sure as hell wasn’t and asked the little dark Swiss guy if he was a jew. The little dark Swiss guy said “Keine jew, Keine jew” which meant “Not a jew, not a jew.” (Not Kleine jew, which means “little jew”).

    I need to get my video footage of that day up on jewtube.

    Linder immediately looked relieved. But then again, Linder does that sort of thing like two years ago in Kirksville when some grease-ball jew wop was on the filming crew. Linder asked that wop if he was a jew too. Linder always acts as if he is scared of being denounced as a Member in Bad Standing of the “Tuatha De Heeb” by the other jewboys.

    Occam’s Razor says that there is a simple reason for Linder’s behavior. The simplest reason is the correct one:

    Alex Linder is a jew.

    For a doctor, you sure don’t know how to diagnose an animal, especially a diseased or mis-begotten one. You must not be a doctor of veterinary medicine. Or know how to fix a jewboy’s colostomy bag.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Doctor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt MD (Mad Dog)
    Director of the St. Gustavus Adolphus Clinic of 1630 Swedish Homeopathy, Granby Missouri
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

  10. Yes Hunter, you have said it over and over, but I (and others) feel you have unfairly attacked him, and needlessly so.

    But anyways….

    Hunter Wallace says:
    April 21, 2014 at 11:12 pm
    Because of people like Alex Linder, there are people like Greg who are going to conclude that they can accomplish more on their own than they could by affiliation with the WN movement.

    Why does this bother you? I mean, would Greg be a welcome ally to the LOS?
    I doubt it , and we all know why 😉

  11. Pastor Lindstedt,

    I did not see the above comment come through, but since you have posted it here, I will answer it here.

    1. We don’t know if Linder has Crohns or some other inflammation of his bowels.
    2. Crohns is not necessarily a Jewish affliction if he has it.
    3. Linder’s furtive mannerisms and fear of Jews are all too common in these circles. Honestly, I sympathize with him. If only he were more afraid of people like Bill White, Craig Cobb, and Glenn Miller.

    I never met anyone who had been to jail before getting involved in White Nationalism. I never met a pathological liar, a hateful crank, a bipolar psychotic, or a malignant narcissist before getting involved in White Nationalism. Overall, it has been a positive experience, but the lows are far lower than anything I had ever seen before.

  12. Mary,

    The League of the South is a Southern Nationalist organization, and although I have lived in the South for 1/3 of my life and think that the South has the best literature in America, the only indigenous genuinely Right-wing metapolitical tradition in America (the Southern Agrarians), and one of the best regional cuisines in the US (Charleston and thereabouts), I am not a Southerner. My paternal line settled in Jamestown 400 years ago, and some of my best friends are Southerners, but I grew up in the West, and my sensibilities are entirely West Coast. It should go without saying, however, that I wish Southern Nationalists the best, and I hope to see a sovereign Southern Nation in my lifetime.

  13. Pastor, I do think it is a pity I was banned at VNN Forum. I seldom commented there, and I probably would not have commented on Glenn Miller if it had occurred to me beforehand that Alex would not want to say anything to upset Miller, given Miller’s history of testifying against his comrades in exchange for Federal favors. I think we need to sympathize with Alex’s predicament. For all we know, Miller is braiding a noose of lies for Linder right now.

  14. Alex Linder has an autoimmune illness called Ulcerative colitis:

    Ulcerative colitis may affect as many as 700,000 Americans. Men and Women are equally likely to be affected, and most people are diagnosed in their mid-30s. The disease can occur at any age and older men are more likely to be diagnosed than older women.
    While ulcerative colitis tends to run in families, researchers have been unable to establish a clear pattern of inheritance. Studies show that up to 20 percent of people with ulcerative colitis will also have a close relative with the disease. The disease is more common among white people of European origin and among people of Jewish heritage.

    **funny how they distinguish between whites and jews huh 😉


    Autoimmune illnesses are a real drag, as anyone who has one knows.
    He’s been very open and honest about his which I find pretty brave.

  15. Ok, discussing Alex Linder’s obscure disease and spreading some conspiracy theory that this proves he’s part Jewish, that’s beyond weird and violates OD’s comment guidelines.

    Crap like this is another reason not to go off the deep end and drop out of mainstream society to hang out exclusively with dysfunctional nut case WN loons.

  16. Greg, if you sincerely feel that way why not communicate it to Linder directly? By posting it openly you risk having the logic you outlined play into Miller’s calculations – surely you don’t want that to occur, do you? I’m sure everyone can understand if you regret the catty way you pestered Linder with your question – seeing in the incident an ideal opportunity to distinguish your outfit from VNN – but this seems a dubious way to make amends.

  17. the Bundy people did a video which Kyle Hunt posted on WMM site in which they claim the whole thing was a larger set up

    There you go again…

    Is there anything at all in this world according to you that truly is just the way it seems?

  18. I know the moon landing happened, even as I also know they had a staged hoax set up to use if they’d failed (I know someone who worked for NASA). I highly suspect that Aurora happened, although I haven’t researched it. I conclude this because a) it wouldn’t have been too hard to do, unlike Sandy Hook b) Alex Teves’ father and girlfriend struck me as 100% authentic, and it would be extremely unlikely that a hoax would feature a bereaved father screaming out that the killer wasn’t mentally ill, just evil…unless it was an extremely sophisticated form of disinformation added in to silence skeptics like me.

    What I don’t know is to what extent it was massaged, both before and afterwards…how many people were shot in actuality, who really did it, what happened before, yada yada.

    I’m capable of viewing these ‘events’ with skepticism, as opposed to certainty.

  19. Oh and Silver, I’m not a Bundy militia person, so maybe you should take your naivete up with them…

  20. Lew, I don’t know how credible the source is, but sexual misbehavior is quite common among alcoholics. So there’s at least a 50/50 chance this charge is true.

  21. A man that kills Whites, sleeps with black prostitutes and is protected by the FBI as a snitch, couldn’t possibly be WN. Only loons would believe that now.

    I’m really surprised the media has been letting this info out. Its not the story they wanted to tell.

  22. “I know the moon landing happened, even as I also know they had a staged hoax set up to use if they’d failed (I know someone who worked for NASA).”


  23. Hunter Wallace says:
    April 24, 2014 at 6:36 pm

    “Jeff Schoep was with a half-Arab with a mulatto child.”

    Yes, I remember that. It was the same with that JT Ready loon.

    I don’t believe these people ever were WN, for the simple reason they always did the White cause damage.

    Plants yes. WN no.

  24. If you wear a beret with a cross cap badge and Rhodesian looking fatigues and look like a reject from the military wing of the Village People, you are capable of seeing black trannies.

    The man was playing dress up, fer christ’s sake.

  25. I’m starting to think the more extreme they act, the more likely they are to be infiltrators/plants. Around us, they behave how they think a WN should behave, but it’s always a twisted caricature.

  26. The story they are putting together is the typical one.

    The Ernst Rohm syndrome.

    All Authoritarians are coprophilic incestous homos.

    There’s nothing you can do about much of it.

  27. That’s fucked up if it’s true.

    Giles was probably young. Big difference between that and a mature member of the Klan doin it with a black transvestite.

    Dalton, you’re being too kind. There are millions suffering from alcoholism that manage not to commit a triple homicide and pay for sex with black transvestites.

  28. Lew, it’s true that there’s millions suffering from alcoholism that don’t murder or perform perverted sexual acts. However, books like “The Hidden History Of Alcoholism” by James Graham show there are many who do such things under the influence of alcohol.

  29. Anything 80’s, Paris, a pouty mulatta.

    Three of my favorite indulgences, hats off to Jim Giles.

  30. “Rudel, don’t be a daytime drunk…”

    Actually I quite prefer to imbibe during the day rather than at night. A shot of whiskey or an Irish coffee is just the thing before a brisk walk in the morning and leisurely lunches with friends replete with wine or champagne are one of life’s chief delights.

    Plus if you properly hydrate you won’t get a hangover when you restrict your drinking to before 3 o’clock in the afternoon.

  31. Beer in a summer garden in France, Germany, England…around 12-2pm

    Nothing quite like watching the yellow jackets drown in the amber nectar.

  32. Hunter, are you tracking the implications here?

    Are Stormfront donor rolls public?

    If not, did the donor voluntarily release this information themselves?

    If not, did the Stormfront administrator release the information?

    If not, was the information released from or through a financial institution?

    If true, then his private information was protected by federal banking regulations, and this represents a reportable data breach with both civil and criminal implications.

    I’ve never been to Stormfront in my life, but if you know anyone over there, it’s a question I would spare no expense to answer.

    That is if you can bear the thought of Miss Beirich in legal jeopardy.

  33. Tonight on The Movement Turd I discuss how common are sundry jew and mongrel madmen, all infiltraiting the bowel Movement and their enablers. TraitorGlenn Miller, Carolyn Yenta Yeager, Eli James, Bryan Reo, Alex Linder, et. al. No shortage of ZOGbot tards.


    Tonight, 24 April 2014 at 9:00 pm Central time. After the first half hour anyone is welcome to call in.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

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