Live Thread: 2014 Amren Conference


Here’s what washed up outside two hours ago at the Amren conference in Tennessee:

Note: The internet signal on my smartphone is terrible inside the park. DLJ of One People’s Project is here with the two neckbeards from Austin Peay and the zen commie. There are about 17 of them in total.

We’re under strict orders from the park police not to engage them this year. What’s more, I promised on this website that next time they showed up in a Southern state that we would film them, and we got plenty of hilarious footage to upload to YouTube.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “The Roman Catholic Church was already in existence before Constantine.”

    No. The entire panoply and non-Biblical cruft that was and is The Roman Catholic Church came into existence with creation of all the hierarchy and bureaucracy that was part and parcel of it being the official church of the Empire. Before that it was an incoherent bunch of Christian sects.

  2. Re: Lamp

    1.) That’s news to me.

    Jared himself has told me that the main reason the conference was held in DC is because it was convenient for people coming from overseas.

    2.) The H.L. Mencken Club holds its conference in Baltimore, right?

  3. Christianity isn’t “Judaic”. It has nothing to do with the Talmud. The Jews of Jesus time (and sadly today) were coming under the influence of the Talmudic Pharisees, with their traditions of the elders that Christ, the Apostles, and the rest of the disciples rejected completely. Christ did teach from the Old Testament, but disputed and ridiculed the Pharisees teachings when they contradicted the law of Moses. He also went beyond the letter of the Mosaic Law. His teaching about marriage is a good example of this. Yes Jesus was Jewish, but his doctrine had nothing to do with the Judaism of his day (or our day) for that matter.

  4. “Yes Jesus was Jewish, but his doctrine had nothing to do with the Judaism of his day (or our day) for that matter.”

    So you reject Genesis and Exodus 20? The entire Pentateuch is the JEWISH Bible. You know that right? It has nothing to do with Roman era Pharisees or the Talmud as it was written down hundreds of years beforehand.

    You can’t logically wriggle out of the fact that if you adhere to the Old Testament you are Judaic by definition.

  5. Rudel, yes there were other sects in the market. They were the heresies that pestered the church in those days. The Ante-Nicene Fathers mention them. BTW, the Ante-Nicene Fathers mention the Bishop of Rome as the senior bishop of the Church.

  6. Re: Lamp

    I’ve been around for 13 years and don’t remember Amren ever having a different tone. There have only been minor changes like switching to the digital format, moving the conference out of DC, and making YouTube videos.

  7. “the Ante-Nicene Fathers mention the Bishop of Rome as the senior bishop”

    Primus inter pares. Doesn’t sound like anything much more than the Archbishop of Canterbury to me. The papacy is nothing but a political invention by secular rulers.

  8. Re: Lamp

    1.) As you know, I have no interest in hyperbolic exaggeration of numbers. I’ve given a pretty accurate account of the number of people who were at our own rallies. Unlike you, I was there and saw how many people were there.

    2.) I’ve seen plenty of kooks at conferences over the past five years and this conference was notable for their absence.

    3.) Jared addressed that subject in his speech.

    4.) No one cares about American politics.

    It’s true that there are lots of bad things happening to us, but I didn’t see any evidence that Amren people were avidly following American politics. Richard Spencer’s contempt for American democracy was pretty much the norm.

    5.) I’m sure your friend DLJ will confirm that the park itself is a very beautiful place. It is a great place to hold a retreat and a much less stressful environment for debating ideas that some metropolitan cesspool like DC or Atlanta.

  9. Re: Anonymoose

    I’ve known Liberty Lamp for years now and don’t mind that he/she is commenting here. I’m actually pretty tolerant when it comes to debating subjects like politics and philosophy. It is people like DLJ who want force everyone in America to conform to their political ideology.

  10. Mosin Nagant says:
    ‘ There WAS a Christian community in Rome before Constantine,’

    Rudel says:
    ‘I never said there wasn’t. What i refuted was your assertion that the Roman Catholic Church existed before it became the state religion.’

    “The Roman Catholic Church was already in existence before Constantine.”

    Rudel says:
    No. The entire panoply and non-Biblical cruft that was and is The Roman Catholic Church came into existence with creation of all the hierarchy and bureaucracy that was part and parcel of it being the official church of the Empire. Before that it was an incoherent bunch of Christian sects.

    Stephen E Dalton says:
    ‘Christianity isn’t “Judaic”.;

    Rudel says:
    ‘So you reject Genesis and Exodus 20? The entire Pentateuch is the JEWISH Bible. You know that right? It has nothing to do with Roman era Pharisees or the Talmud as it was written down hundreds of years beforehand.
    You can’t logically wriggle out of the fact that if you adhere to the Old Testament you are Judaic by definition.’

    I’m surprised by these exchanges. Rudel is showing a far greater knowledge of the subject than I expected. I agree with him on all points. As does the historical record.

  11. Rudel, you obviously don’t understand The Bible or church history too well. Jesus made it plain that he rejected the traditions of the elders which were the basis of Talmudism. he also taught that Christians had to go beyond the letter of the Mosaic Law, to the spirit of the law. See what he said about murder and marriage. Of course Jesus and the disciples used the Old Testament. It was the written word of God. But the way they interpreted the spiritual, moral, and prophetic teachings of the OT was not the letter of the law or the Pharisees bent on it. Most of the New Testament was written to explain the new way Jesus taught. Perhaps if you would start reading out of the New Testament instead of reading into it you might start understanding it.

  12. “Rudel is showing a far greater knowledge of the subject than I expected.”

    I owe it all to my Lutheran pastors and especially my high school Latin teacher Mrs. J. who was kind enough from time to time to give us some respite from the intricacies of the use of an optative clause of the subjunctive mood in order to teach us some Ancient History apart from what we were painfully translating.

  13. Brad- Yes DLJ really did like it down there and had a hard time leaving it. DLJ is a lot different than you perceive him. He is really a good man and very approachable. And one thing you should give him credit it for is that he will show up and he will talk to anyone who wants to have a conversation with him. Other anti-racist organizations are not nearly as approachable as DLJ.
    In fact, I have heard from some pretty hardcore racists that they consider DLJ the real deal anti-racist and they respect him for it, as he is not an ivory tower group who uses racist reporting for a money grab.
    Any WN/racist/whoever can call or approach DLJ for talk time, he is a real person and he will give you the time.

  14. The park was wonderful.

    My biggest regret is that I got there on Friday and was wrapped up with the conference all weekend long. I didn’t have time to go out and about and explore the park. I will probably spend the night there on the way back to Alabama for I can take a look around and enjoy more of the scenery.

    The Southern National Congress had their conference in East Tennessee at Fall Creek Falls State Park. The League might hold a conference there at some future point:

  15. ‘Primus inter pares. Doesn’t sound like anything much more than the Archbishop of Canterbury to me. The papacy is nothing but a political invention by secular rulers’:

    Yes, in the beginning the church of Rome was just another Christian community with a bishop or several bishops. Being in such an important centre must have been tempting to lord it over other churches in smaller places. After political involvement began, the bishops of the two capitals (Rome and Constantinople) were able to pull rank with full military support over all the other churches and bishops from Britain to Mesopotamia to North Africa. With the fall of the western capital, the east became predominant for a short while. Finally, after stopping the Muslim advance at Tours the empire-building Franks caused harm to the White race by making the full-blown Roman papacy possible, and the Great Schism and apostasy followed. Full-blown Romanism imposed itself on all of Western Europe and had fought the Byzantines to a standstill in the Balkans, Poland and the Carpathians by the time the Reformation began.

  16. I hate to say it, but, Herr Rudel nailed it here:

    “No. The entire panoply and non-Biblical cruft that was and is The Roman Catholic Church came into existence with creation of all the hierarchy and bureaucracy that was part and parcel of it being the official church of the Empire. Before that it was an incoherent bunch of Christian sects.”

    I wouldn’t call the early Christian churches “incoherent”, anymore than I would call the New Testament “incoherent”. But, in general, your comment describes the evolution of Roman Catholicism.

  17. The concept of a man/god isn’t really found in Judaism.

    Ambiguity Set In Stone.

  18. Mosin, if it wasn’t for the Franks stopping the Muslims at Tours, the Welsh would be praying in Arabic today.
    Earl, how would you know if Rudel was right or wrong? Have you ever read the Ante-Nicene fathers? I doubt it. I ‘ll bet that you have read Carrol’s silly misinformed “Trail Of Blood” though.

  19. ‘the Welsh would be praying in Arabic today’:

    If it wasn’t for Vatican deception and use of force — pitting one White people against another to conquer all of them — most Britons might still be praying in the language of Arthur today.

    Dalton, when you attack the theology of traditional, conservative southern Baptists and conservative southern Anglicans and Presbyterians, you are attacking southern White culture and striking at the life of the southern people Thousands of conservative congregations in the southern states, and Britain, have held the principles you call ‘silly and misinformed’. Here’s what Robert E. Lee thought of your wisdom:

  20. Mosin, I did not attack ” the theology of traditional, conservative, Southern Baptists and conservative southern Anglicans and Presbyterians”, nor did I “strike at the life of the Southern People.” All I did is criticize Earl Butz’s ignorance. Mr. Butz’s opinion is typical of those who have not studied church history outside of something like “Trail Of Blood”. BTW, as a descendant of two old Southern Virginian families, the Dalton’s and the Mustain’s, how dare you, Yankee trash, who’s always putting down the South in half your posts, dare to falsely accuse me of the same?! Doing a little projection Mosin?

  21. Also a descendent of Finns, and also of Jews, neither being Anglo-Celtic, and both northern and southern, you’re all things to all peoples — and when you strike at that homegrown southern theology in the conservative Baptist and conservative Anglican and Presbyterian settings, you are indeed striking at the best of southern culture — while you SUPPORT its worst faults and failures: the never-ending disaster of African slavery, money-centred Golden Circle elitism and alliance with ‘good, solid southern Talmudism’ — and recommend to them your recently-adopted Mediterranean, Italian theology that requires Anglo-Celtic White southerners to revere and obey an Italian, Mediterranean human ‘divinity’ who is corrupt and false-teaching. I spit on your harmful recommendations to Whites below the Line. ‘The South already has enough of Romanism’, said a real Virginian, R.E. Lee (in case you missed it: ) more than a century ago, and it’s been absolutely deluged with it since.

  22. One of my non-Romanist, non-Talmudic friends is an actual descendent of Robert E. Lee, though living north of the Line.

  23. ‘always putting down the South’:

    Many things at the south are admirable, but I’m rooted in THIS soil and don’t look for greener grass in another man’s field. For example, Hunter has often noted the greater ethnic (Anglo-Celtic) uniformity and Protestant cultural cohesion over larger areas south of the Line than north of the Line. Any Midwestern state has more Finns, and New York alone has more Jews than all of the South.

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