Live Thread: 2014 Amren Conference


Here’s what washed up outside two hours ago at the Amren conference in Tennessee:

Note: The internet signal on my smartphone is terrible inside the park. DLJ of One People’s Project is here with the two neckbeards from Austin Peay and the zen commie. There are about 17 of them in total.

We’re under strict orders from the park police not to engage them this year. What’s more, I promised on this website that next time they showed up in a Southern state that we would film them, and we got plenty of hilarious footage to upload to YouTube.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “It’s an issue of public safety really, in light of the recent brutal slayings in Kansas City by white supremacist and terrorist Frazier Glenn Cross,” Gilmore said. “He can be connected directly back to AmRen, who’ll be at Montgomery Bell.”

    Searching Miller’s posting’s on VNN, unsurprisingly he denounced Jared Taylor as a kosher conservative.

  2. The Tennessean article was a biased hit piece replete with a swastika. Good effort in commenting Brad. I noticed your most vociferous opponent in that section limited herself to ad hominem attacks. I would have commented myself but I refuse to participate in Facebook.

  3. When are all these “real world events” like Amren going to produce results? When is “mainstreaming” going to produce results? It has been about 25 years of this now and they are just as vilified as ever. Jared Taylor is just as hated as he ever was. I mean hell, he has all the right manners, perfect speech, nicely groomed and all the rest.

    They all go and sit and have dinner and bring on their speakers and it’s the same every year. I thought the suit and tie approach was supposed to bring respect and bring yuppies to our movement in droves? Where are all the people who are sitting on edge waiting to join us if only we wore the right clothes? Why won’t they show up for Amren? Why do they still attack Amren?

    Why hasn’t it worked? I thought it was just the “costumed crazies” that failed to reach people?

  4. @ Ulfric

    Right on. When I encountered pro-White, in the form of Amren, a year and a half ago, I was shocked within a short time that people referred to it as a ‘movement’ when nothing really moves, except fancy white guys’ gums.

    I’ve always thought it strange, and even at times suspect, that there is no activism component for any of the main forums. None at Stormfront, none at Amren…all pro-White seemed to offer in the way of making, as opposed to talking about, change was some sort of dress up day for what’s mostly FBI plants.

    One problem is, race realism divides whites probably more than it will ever unite us. Once IQ is the pivot of determining race, whites are no longer a cohesive group, as there are smarter blacks and plenty of whites with lower IQ’s. Way to intensify class frictions between whites…

    Golden Dawn has become successful because it’s an organized political party. But they also have the benefit of being one tribe originally – Greek.

    Regardless of the differences between whites, activism is the only way we’ll make any progress, even if it’s combined with other strategies.

  5. It hasn’t been that many years ago that AMREN was covered gavel to gavel by CSPAN.

    I think Sir Jared has been a little too nice to Jews, but, I think a navy blue blazer and gray or khaki pants should be in everyone’s wardrobe. After all you are representing others, and should want to look good. Haircut, clean shaven, no visible tattoos, etc.

  6. Ulfric says:
    April 26, 2014 at 2:21 pm
    When are all these “real world events” like Amren going to produce results? When is “mainstreaming” going to produce results? It has been about 25 years of this now and they are just as vilified as ever. Jared Taylor is just as hated as he ever was. I mean hell, he has all the right manners, perfect speech, nicely groomed and all the rest.

    They all go and sit and have dinner and bring on their speakers and it’s the same every year. I thought the suit and tie approach was supposed to bring respect and bring yuppies to our movement in droves? Where are all the people who are sitting on edge waiting to join us if only we wore the right clothes? Why won’t they show up for Amren? Why do they still attack Amren?

    Why hasn’t it worked? I thought it was just the “costumed crazies” that failed to reach people?

    Jack replies:

    All the news isn’t bad.

    We’ve had no more White vs a White wars.

    Even big pushes for new a Neo Con Jew wars haven’t gone through.

    The anti White MSM (mainstream media ) is largely discredited.

    Lot’s of terrible anti White pols like Ted Kennedy or Dick Lugar and ache is Cannon have died or been taken down.

    Sharpton hasn’t had a successful race hoax in years.

    Russia has a pro White Leader Czar Putin.

    We’ve beaten back about 6 amnesties.

    Chicago lost 200,000 Black residents from 2000 to 2010.

    Washington DC is changing from Black to White.

    The news ain’t all bad.

  7. Ulfric,

    Amren is just a successful, intelligent pro a white Internet magazine. That’s all it /they try to do.

    It’s not a political party, paramilitary army.

  8. Ulfric says:

    ‘When are all these “real world events” like Amren going to produce results? When is “mainstreaming” going to produce results? It has been about 25 years of this now and they are just as vilified as ever. Jared Taylor is just as hated as he ever was. I mean hell, he has all the right manners, perfect speech, nicely groomed and all the rest.

    I thought the suit and tie approach was supposed to bring respect and bring yuppies to our movement in droves?

    Why hasn’t it worked? I thought it was just the “costumed crazies” that failed to reach people?’

    Comments made by Linder on a similar thread at his site

    AL : No, contra Kemp, the movement hasn’t failed, the movement has, so far, been defeated. There is a difference. Saying the movement failed means that what the movement did is the reason for the outcome. That may be true in a sense and to an extent, but it pales beside enemy action in explaining the outcome to date. The problem White Nationalism faces is neither one of philosophy (as some maintain) nor of mechanics (as Kemp maintains). It is a technical problem; a power problem rather than a presentation problem. The fundamental problem WN/racialism faces is not how to dress, act or argue, rather it is how to thwart an enemy who controls all the high ground – all the money, all the tv cameras, all the manure-spreaders (GEM – govt, education, media).

    Let me put it this way, and this is an extremely significant point, which almost none of “our” advisers takes into account.

    We are the defeated party. We are minority party. We are the hated, discriminated against, infiltrated and murdered, yes, murdered, party.

    Thus, when you speak about us reforming our behavior, mister, you fail save you begin first with

    OUR BEHAVIOR insofar as we take into account the real-world actions of the enemy, and resist him.

    But 100% of those who advise us argue as if our success is purely a matter of our acting right (ie, the way they advise). They do not take enemy action into account, not even in their arguments. THIS is insanity. It will lead where it always has before.

    Every argument that assumes or pretends the system is fair, and it is our failure to negotiate or operate it properly — which is to say, every mechnical argument — is WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG. It is enemy action, not our arguments, dress or behavior, that accounts for our failure – so far. ‘

  9. I wonder how much the $PLC had to fork over in cold, hard cash, for that propaganda piece? And it is over the top hysterical to read ANY group calling itself the SDS gaining credence in this day and age, with their communist, anarchist, and hippy past.
    But then, they actually put a pic of Potok in the paper. Wonder how many readers in TN. puked seeing that pickle puss?

  10. They do not take enemy action into account, not even in their arguments.

    That is complete bullshit. Who the hell isn’t aware of the opposition that WN/pro-white/race-realism faces? Obviously that opposition is there. Whining about it won’t make it vanish. You simply have to press on despite the constraints, which is what Taylor has been doing. Furthermore, an Alex Linder may not want to admit it, but the more forceful and far-reaching the racial position the fiercer the internal resistance (mental, psychological, ethical). It’s one thing to acknowledge that race is real and it matters; it’s another thing entirely to demand a racially exclusive ethnostate; and it’s something else altogether to put everything on the line in the struggle for one. To think that the achievement of an ethnostate could be anything but a slow, laborious, grueling struggle is to monumentally delude oneself.

  11. “I think a navy blue blazer and gray … pants should be in everyone’s wardrobe.”

    Well yes, as long as you want to look like a security guard (don’t forget the penny loafers!) The khakis or better yet suitably faded Rhode Island Red pants go better with a blazer at the yacht club along with boat shoes. At a cool weather football game a camel’s hair blazer is the better ticket.

    I rather prefer a seersucker suit or white linen when it’s hot and stick and to dark grey or black pinstripes (perhaps with a vest, but then I’m quite old-fashioned) in the winter along with black cap-toed shoes although I must admit to owning a few Glen Plaids and tan Poplins which go well with wing tip brogues.

  12. “‘When are all these “real world events” like Amren going to produce results? “

    When there is a further collapse of the economy.

  13. Who the hell isn’t aware of the opposition that WN/pro-white/race-realism faces?

    The many people who believe the main reason white ideas have not taken off is because of anything WNsts defined as everyone from Taylor to Rockwell have done or not done sure don’t seem aware of its consequences.

  14. Lew says:

    ‘Sam, how about a link?’

    I’ll try to find it. I copied the comments and saved them from a thread where arguments were made on both sides a few years back.

  15. I rather prefer a seersucker suit or white linen when it’s hot and stick and to dark grey or black pinstripes (perhaps with a vest, but then I’m quite old-fashioned) in the winter along with black cap-toed shoes although I must admit to owning a few Glen Plaids and tan Poplins which go well with wing tip brogues.

    Does any of that come in Multicam?

  16. Found it, Lew

    A.L. : The left wins because it identifies, smears, and destroys the opposition. Meanwhile, most of the main figures in WN advise us to stay positive. It doesn’t work that way, and history shows that it doesn’t work that way. Not just the success of the Klan and the NS, but ALL THE SUCCESS OF THE JUDEO-LEFT. Alinsky succeeded. Obama succeeded. The USSR founders succeeded. They didn’t do it by staying positive or loving their race. They did it by attacking, verbally and violently, anyone who resisted.

  17. It has a lot to do with two things:

    Most whites smugly BELEIVE that they still have the upper hand. They may realize like Sheriff Bell in no country for old men, later in life at least, that they are too late and in old age over matched.

    Most whites who are under a bit of pressure and can feel fate breting down their neck still think that there is space to trade for time before they are chopped up too.

  18. Versus all the concern with what kind of suit and shoes to wear, wingtips, etc., I think a work shirt, jeans and practical work boots is good enough for church and anything else. Too bad if ‘They’ don’t approve of it! Form follows function, not worldly fashion. We gave up suspenders years ago because the belt is simpler, and those expensive little strips of cloth called neckties are useless waste. But special costumes ARE in order for preaching, political protests, Pope Night and certain ethnic and religious observances.

  19. Here’s a little trivia. Hugo Boss who makes the sports coats, suits, and slacks found at most department stores in the USA, also made the dress uniforms for the German SS. LOL. I always wondered why Hugo Boss’s black slacks looked and fit good.

  20. John, I thought Hugo’s picture looks a little odd (but Alpine Germans sometimes have that square head) and the family business was linen and lingerie.

  21. The best course is to wear homemade clothes, even if bought clothing is cheap now. Invest in a sturdy non-electronic sewing machine. I don’t sew, but I commend sisters who do.

  22. He meant they were a church requirement for the men and boys. They are expensive, troublesome and get caught in things.

  23. Of course there is no report on the conference, because all you do is report on your footage and confrontations with your opposition.

    Seriously, Brad, is your idea of building your white future of white dreamland going to happen based on youtube footage of people who protest you and your “cause”?

    Really, how was AmRen? How did you all get around the fact that two of your speakers were not even allowed in the country?

    You paid the big bucks for tix and hotel rooms to take photos of DLJ? REALLY?

    Send me $100 and I can send you an autographed photo of DLJ and you can still save some $ from what you spent at being at this conference!

  24. “Going to church is a conference for kin every week of every year.”

    Even second cousin marriage is a genetically unhealthy practice.

  25. ““Going to church is a conference for kin every week of every year.”

    Even second cousin marriage is a genetically unhealthy practice.”

    Actually, it’s not. I read a very well researched piece a year or more ago, that showed historically the most stable marriages, and those from which a higher number of overly-intelligent folk came from, were more than amply demonstrated from some variant of second-cousin unions. It was from a Kinist site, Rude- you know, Trinitarian Christians who actually believe the White race is important in God’s Plan?

    So, of course, you’d know nothing about that….

    Sam, your comment is correct:

    “The left wins because it identifies, smears, and destroys the opposition. Meanwhile, most of the main figures in WN advise us to stay positive. It doesn’t work that way, and history shows that it doesn’t work that way. Not just the success of the Klan and the NS, but ALL THE SUCCESS OF THE JUDEO-LEFT. Alinsky succeeded. Obama succeeded. The USSR founders succeeded. They didn’t do it by staying positive or loving their race. They did it by attacking, verbally and violently, anyone who resisted.”

    Answer a fool according to his folly. The Lord has them (atheists, liberals, sodomites, and fools) in derision. Christ mocked the Pharisees, as did St. Paul, and many of the Church Fathers.

    You don’t use altruism on your enemy. You crush them under your heels, you know? Like Satan under Christ’s heel?

  26. “I read a very well researched piece a year or more ago, that showed historically the most stable marriages, and those from which a higher number of overly-intelligent folk came from, were more than amply demonstrated from some variant of second-cousin unions.”

    Bullshit. The Amish strictly prohibit first cousin marriages yet they still show a much higher incidence of birth defects and genetic diseases than does the general population due to their long established habit of second cousin marriages.

  27. Seriously, Brad, is your idea of building your white future of white dreamland going to happen based on youtube footage of people who protest you and your “cause”?

    Brad will get to the conference, itself, later. Reviewing the erudite and inspired speeches takes time and energy.

    Poking fun at you guys for dropping the ball yet again takes only a few minutes.

    The bottom line is that your followers are, one by one, recognizing that they’re being bullshitted into attacking and protesting vile hateful people, only to find out first-hand that we’re nothing like what you described.

    We can debate whether we’re irrelevant losers or a promising vanguard all day long, and time will tell. But you know damn well we’re not dangerous hatemongers and yet you keep lying to your supporters and they’re burned out on it.

    Really, how was AmRen? How did you all get around the fact that two of your speakers were not even allowed in the country?

    Erm, that makes us edgy.

  28. Another group that has a very high rate of birth defects and genetic diseases caused by close cousin marriages is the Apostolic Christian Church. In my area, their were so many children being born with birth defects and genetic diseases, they had to establish anursing home just to take care of them.

  29. Parrott, that hag Lamp sure is feeling frustrated. Good. I intensely dislike both the far right (the real one, not just “racists”or “WNs”) and the lunatic left, but if I could press a button and make only one of those two groups disappear off the face of the earth I’d pick the loonies, no two ways about it.

  30. Matt nailed it.

    The conference isn’t over. I will post some deeper thoughts when I get to Missouri. Also, the video of DLJ and the neckbeards will be uploaded soon, but we are preoccupied at the moment.

  31. “Really, how was AmRen? How did you all get around the fact that two of your speakers were not even allowed in the country?”

    Do you realize that YOU are a tool of the state? What a conformist.

  32. Arabs do the first cousin thing.

    Why do American girls like English accents though? Cousin culture, even parent culture.

  33. Fr John is right. Second cousin marriage is Biblical and the natural order of small communities. There are usually enough small influxes of blood from genetically-related communities in the states or from a distant fatherland in the Old World to maintain pure pedigrees with excellent health. Heterosis is a flash in the pan, and THEN the price of mixing must be paid….

    Hispanics, with their Land Bridge Asian, Iberian, Marrano, African and other mixed heritage would be the strongest, tallest and healthiest people if heterosis were continuous.

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