Live Thread: 2014 Amren Conference


Here’s what washed up outside two hours ago at the Amren conference in Tennessee:

Note: The internet signal on my smartphone is terrible inside the park. DLJ of One People’s Project is here with the two neckbeards from Austin Peay and the zen commie. There are about 17 of them in total.

We’re under strict orders from the park police not to engage them this year. What’s more, I promised on this website that next time they showed up in a Southern state that we would film them, and we got plenty of hilarious footage to upload to YouTube.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. In all honesty, when I clicked on those antifa photos I thought I was looking at a group of homeless people standing by an offramp panhandling. Same sort of weird, handmade, insane looking signs and overall unpleasant appearance. They probably smell too.

    Is the $PLC really so stingy they can’t hire a better caliber of pinkertons? I guess they didn’t build that $250 million hedge fund by paying their servants a decent wage. If I were antifa I’d be picketing the $PLC’s poverty palace for a raise.

  2. Mosin, does your second cousin marrying community have a nursing home where the kissing cousins can warehouse their mutant offspring? If not, see if there’s a local Apostolic Christian Church nearby, they might have a nursing home too. BTW, the ACC is one of your ‘pilgrim churches’ (Anabaptist) you’re so fond of.

  3. ‘does your second cousin marrying community have a nursing home where the kissing cousins can warehouse their mutant offspring?’:

    That is a loaded question that can’t be answered yes or no, so read on: Conservative Mennonite groups operate nursing facilities in Pennsylvania for their severely handicapped, and some Anabaptist groups have had a much higher rate of recessive trait genetic diseases than the rest of the population, but only in the most extremely inbred communities. Amish and Mennonites are travelling, relocating and marrying out of their home districts much more in recent decades than ever before, and their rate of genetic disease is declining. They are fully aware of the cause now, and also understand the effect of excessive inbreeding in crops and livestock, where there is a fine line or balance between the best selective line breeding and harmful inbreeding.

    ‘BTW, the ACC is one of your “pilgrim churches” (Anabaptist) you’re so fond of’:

    I’m neither a member nor an attender of any of the Anabaptist churches that you and your cult are so contemptuous of — and fearful of. Even with hundreds of millions worldwide firmly under his control, your Antichrist remains genuinely fearful of and works hard to discredit or destroy, corrupt or convert the few tens of thousands of peaceful, moral and productive White Christians scattered in small communities in rural and mountainous areas who still refuse to acknowledge his supposed divinity.

    I’m not familiar with the Apostolic Christian Church of America, but I see on their website that there is one small congregation in this state, many more in Illinois.

    I’ve read about the ‘Anabaptist’ rebels of Munster, but I doubt that all the Anabaptist groups of the past and present taken together have caused a measureable fraction of the harm that your cult has caused to the White race. Give it up Dalton, God and facts are not on your side.

  4. ‘I’m neither a member nor an attender of any of the Anabaptist churches’:

    Clarification: Not a member of any German church.

  5. “They are fully aware of the cause now, and also understand the effect of excessive inbreeding in crops and livestock”

    Good to see you finally admit to the deleterious effects of second cousin marriages especially when practiced for a long period of time. The genetic load of bad recessive genes is low compared to double second cousin, first cousin, double first cousin, and uncle-neice matings but it is still there and it is still higher than those of the population as a whole. The long term effect is cumulative though so a healthy society would and should discourage it.

  6. @ “….an attender of any of the Anabaptist churches that you and your cult are so contemptuous of — and fearful of….”

    I might join one of those just so I can be sure and stay far, far away from Stephen…

  7. “God and facts are not on your side.”

    The only fact that is not on anyone’, is side is the falsehood you keep re-iterating, i.e. that there were “Welsh Baptists” of your weird cult in Great Britain during the time of pagan Roman rule there.

  8. Mosin, you say the Anabaptists now understand the dangers of close cousin couplings. I got news for you MN. We Catholics understood the dangers of close cousin unions centuries before any of these sects saw the light of day. What took them so long to figure that out?
    So you think my faith has caused “harm to the white race”. Oh, we built the health care and educational system the white world uses, improved agriculture, and took care of the poor, widows, and orphans with our charitable organizations, yet we caused harm to the white race? Sorry Mosin, it’s your radical sectarians, who were the predecessors of what became known as communism in the 19th and 20th centuries that have caused the greatest harm to the white race during the passing centuries. Maybe that’s why we hold them in contempt, and are wary of them. Thankfully, due to the whippings they got from the Catholics and even some of the Protestant groups that were not froth at the mouth radical, they, for the most part simmered down.
    DixieGirl, what’s your problem with me?

  9. Matt-

    I don’t have followers, so I am not sure what you mean here. I am not a leader, heck, I am barely even an activist. I am a research nerd with a handful of other nerds who run a blog. I never claimed to be anything more than that.

    About the show of activists. We can hit this on many levels and sides.

    1. Many of the street activists ran over to the NSM costume drama, as they are like crows who are looking for shiny objects. Hence, the NSM rally had 300 antifa.

    2. AmRen is a very complex concept that is difficult for most street activists to understand, they need to see costumes and theater. They need a punching bag dummy in a brown shirt and an arm band to shout things at.

    3. I am not even sure protesting outside of a building is the best way, in this instance, to get a message across, or to even show opposition.

    If it were up to me, I would organize a private lunch or tea with a few hand picked wonks from our side to site down and have a face to face with a few hand picked wonks from your side. But, there is nobody on my side who would agree to this, and maybe they have a point that it would be a waste of time.

    But, the facts being what they are, and that is AmRen is dying off. Taylor is in his 60’s, his political connections are shrinking, his conference has gone from three hundred to barely a hundred people. When Taylor steps down there is NOBODY to replace him and hence the conference will die off.
    Gottlieb is also at his ending point and Spencer can get along with the beltway. Fran Griffin has about disappeared, Epstein is done, so who is savvy and well groomed enough to carry the torch?

    You think these chuckleheads who are posting their silly childish photos of bar scenes in the post above this one can replace Taylor? Taylor has old school manners and social conduct, Taylor could float through Capitol Hill and fit in, who else among you can pull this off?

  10. Brad- padding numbers does not give credit to this conference. This conference is dying out.

    It used to be filled with real political players with strong ties to the Hill, yet, they are all gone now.

    Now it is filled with old cranky kooks like Sid Secular and a few socially awkward yuppy bloggers.

    Your movement will never go anywhere because it is an attack movement, it is not a movement of building. You have too many people who are obsessed with Jews and false fairytale white homeland concepts to ever get anything solid off the ground.

    The primary reason why Taylor’s conference is no longer relevant on the political scene is because politics, society and the world is changing.
    The Pat Buchanan following is now in pariah mode and any connection to him is election booth poison.

    Taylor having to move his shindig out of his own home town and down to BFE was the worst blow to his conference. It went from a place where someone like Don Black could mingle with Norm Singleton in DC, to a circle jerk of social misfit unknowns in nowheresville, with no influence or any kind of political advantage.

    Pump it up if you like, take silly fratboy photos of yourselves in bars, but, you cannot hide from the fact that there is nothing there and as soon as Taylor throws in the towel it is all over for this conference.

  11. There were far more than 100 people there.

    There was no empty space at any of the tables and several people were sitting in chairs around the back of the conference room. Renee was there last year and agrees that there were fewer protesters and far more people attending the conference this year.

  12. Also, it should be noted that NPI recently had its conference in DC, and now that Amren’s opponents have been defeated it is entirely possible that the conference might be moved back to DC.

  13. Okay, Brad, obsess over your little numbers because in your mind this is how the game is played. Bill White used to do the same thing, so you are in good company *grin*.

    We got the numbers from the security and they said 100, and about the same 100 as last year.

    The same old same old, the same faces who are going no where fast, wasting their dosh on a false sense of camaraderie and boring speeches and lecture. Heck, years back Taylor used to have a dance ball with the conference and a big fancy dinner.

    Now, due the fact that it is political poison for any real players to go and because Taylor opens up the conference to “jooooz” both the politicos and the vanguards have run from it in two different directions. Who is left? 100 misfits in the woods of deliverance.

    And IMHO Renee shouldn’t even be traveling, she has someone else to think about that is a lot more important than wasting money and exerting herself for this nonsense. She is getting into her third trimester now, so it is time to grow up and start being responsible parents! Long car rides and hanging out with drinking fratboys in a hotel room is NOT what a mother to be should be doing. She should be at home with her feet up and eating fresh fruits and veggies while drinking copious amounts of water. I cannot even believe she got her Dr’s okay to do this!

  14. I would much rather have the conference in Tennessee than Washington.

    Why would anyone want to squander their money on going to that cesspool over a scenic and peaceful state park?

  15. You don’t travel in the third trimester, period!

    The baby shower should have been done three months ago, or the baby shower should have been done in your own home town.

    Don’t you know that road bumps can induce labor? You need to be more responsible, this is a tiny helpless little baby here, it is time to focus on him and stop with this shenanigans!

  16. Liberty Lamp says:
    April 27, 2014 at 9:20 pm

    “AmRen will never come back to DC, it can’t, you have no clue about the politics, Taylor is done in DC.”

    What’s wrong LL? Calling in bomb threats, don’t work on public property?

  17. Eric, Taylor is done in DC, he has a bad rap inside the beltway and no hotel will host his conference.

    There was no bomb threat. Someone who is friends with the owner of the Capitol Skyline called them up and explained what AmRen was and they cancelled.

    The hotel in VA knew that they would lose business so they cancelled.

    There is no police record of a bomb threat.

    I just got off the phone with a Republican political consultant about Taylor’s latest stunt at the VA 10th district candidate debate. We had a laugh as Taylor has fringed himself even more in the political world and now nobody wants anything to do with him.

  18. If NPI can hold a conference in DC, there’s no reason why Amren can’t hold a conference there in the future.

    From what I understand, the Amren conference was held there because 1.) it was more convenient to access for foreigners and 2.) Jared lives in Northern Virginia and having it there was more convenient for him. Lots of people also like to go to the bars and restaurants in DC.

    Personally, I much prefer the state park in Tennessee. It is far more convenient for Southerners who are driving. It is peaceful and scenic. It hasn’t been enriched by “diversity.” It is also close to Nashville which has the best bars in the South.

  19. In agricultural breeding, the surfacing of lethal and semi-lethal recessive genes through deliberate inbreeding can be a way of identifying carrier lines and reducing the load of such genes, whereas hybridising with distant lines and races is an easy way out to hide the diseases for the short term.

    Second cousin marriage is not un-Biblical. Did the Inspiration of Scripture not know or did He make a mistake?

    Rudel, when did I say that Welsh BAPTISTS existed in pagan Roman Britain? There wasn’t even a ‘Wales’ then, but only the Brythonic Celts or Britons. Christianity that was orthodox did appear very early in what is now the coasts of Wales and Cornwall, and London, and it was NOT established or directed by the church of Rome (which was, by the way, not yet apostate at that time). I do suggest, as a hypothesis, that a disorganised remnant of pre-RC British orthodoxy and anti-Romanism based on remembrance of the religious massacre endured in the mountains of northern Wales until the fifteenth century, with little or no connexion to ‘similar’ groups and movements on the Continent.

  20. ‘RamZPaul and Sam Dickson both condemned the American Revolution’:

    They don’t need Englishmen’s Rights, and don’t mind paying taxes without representation, then?

  21. Brad- AmRen was held in DC because it had a draw on the Hill who were important attendees for the validity of the intent for the conference.

    IDK if the RR building will be a spot in the future, I have doubts about another NPI conference happening at all, but, I could be wrong about that. I am taking a wild guess that Gottlieb and Regnery make the NPI arrangements and there might be a question whether it is worth it, again, I could be wrong.

    About the “concern”, I actually am sincere in that. If you were anyone else I would be giving the same lecture no matter what side of the political fence. There are a lot of vulnerabilities around pregnancies and they should not be ignored.

  22. The original post-revolutionary confederacy or even the constitutional union with the Bill of Rights, minus the African slavery below the Line, and the Talmudic greed and anti-Christian influence both above and below the Line, would have gotten on very well. ‘The love of Money’, not the imperfections of the Founders plan, is the root of so much evil!

  23. “There wasn’t even a ‘Wales’ then, but only the Brythonic Celts or Britons. Christianity that was orthodox did appear very early in what is now the coasts of Wales and Cornwall, and London, and it was NOT established or directed by the church of Rome (which was, by the way, not yet apostate at that time). I do suggest, as a hypothesis, that a disorganised remnant of pre-RC British orthodoxy and anti-Romanism based on remembrance of the religious massacre endured in the mountains of northern Wales until the fifteenth century, with little or no connexion to ‘similar’ groups and movements on the Continent.”

    There is so much wrong with what you say that it is hard to begin even though I have refuted some of these claims before.

    First of all there were many ethnic groups on the island of Great Britain besides the Britons; Gaels, Picts, and many other non Brythonic speaking groups.

    Secondly, there was no “Church of Rome” until the fourth century. Third you have produced no credible evidence whatsoever that there were any Christians at all in Wales during the time in question.

    You are nothing but a member of a degenerate sect of illiterate “Welsh Tract Baptists” that were granted some swampland by the liberal Quaker William Penn because no other American colony would have you.

  24. AmRen was 100% about the politics and there was a time that RamZPaul would not have asked to be a speaker at all.

    The conference has dwindled down to a strange fringe crowd, it is not what it used to be and there is no way it is going to get back there.

  25. Amren, CofCC, LOS and similar groups are all mainstreaming, and Tyranny Lamp, Spelunkstein et al are only trying to encourage and accelerate the mainstreaming.

  26. ‘First of all there were many ethnic groups on the island of Great Britain besides the Britons; Gaels, Picts, and many other non Brythonic speaking groups’:

    Rudel, you know I wasn’t referring to the northern parts of the island, and ‘Wales’ (including the non-Cymric word for it, meaning ‘strange’) appeared after the Saxon invasion. And it is CERTAIN that at least one church existed in Rome BEFORE the fourth century, or else the Bible is wrong and its heavenly Author lied.

  27. Interesting that the Leftists who protested this weekend’s AmRen conference used the flag of the communists from the Spanish Civil War. Weird choice for a protest in Tennessee. This is good. Demonstrates who the enemy is. I’m glad they’re honest about their ideology of destruction and mass murder.

    BTW, I saw communists in Madrid flying this flag. They were the lowest, worst sort of people in society. The same sort showed up in TN. I had a Spanish nationalist friend at the academy I worked at in Madrid who, when you would mention the communists or other such degenerates, would point and shout ‘To the sea!’ lol He definitely had the right attitude. Maybe it’s time for a righteous crusade to drive the Reds out of the Volunteer State?

  28. “The conference has dwindled down to a strange fringe crowd, it is not what it used to be and there is no way it is going to get back there.”

    American Renaissance was a magazine first and then became a website. The annual conference was never its main focus.

    Why do you keep repeating yourself? Do you actually think this tactic is fooling anyone here? You are in fact losing credibility with each boring repetition and I can find no evidence that your statements are even true including your inaccurate ob/gyn “advice.”

  29. Lamp,


    I don’t have followers, so I am not sure what you mean here. I am not a leader, heck, I am barely even an activist. I am a research nerd with a handful of other nerds who run a blog. I never claimed to be anything more than that.

    You have it easy. I have to be the donor, the researcher, the polemicist, the tech guy, the street organizer, and the street fighter.

    If it were up to me, I would organize a private lunch or tea with a few hand picked wonks from our side to site down and have a face to face with a few hand picked wonks from your side.

    Let’s make this happen.

    But, the facts being what they are, and that is AmRen is dying off. Taylor is in his 60?s, his political connections are shrinking, his conference has gone from three hundred to barely a hundred people. When Taylor steps down there is NOBODY to replace him and hence the conference will die off.

    The promise of mainstream acceptance through beltway influence was a mirage from the beginning. There was nothing Jared or anybody else could have done to circumvent the demise of the last vestiges of the paleocon establishment which some identitarians were capable of cocktailing with.

    While it couldn’t have been circumvented, the problem is being circumnavigated. The Beltway influence game we’re definitely locked out of is itself in decline. We were painted into a dissident revolutionary vanguard corner back then, but the handful of paleocon connections in our circles led us to hold out hope.

    The death of hope for winning the establishment’s game by the establishment’s rules is a victory from my perspective.

    You think these chuckleheads who are posting their silly childish photos of bar scenes in the post above this one can replace Taylor?

    We have camaraderie. We’re having fun. We take our work seriously, but we don’t take ourselves seriously. We’re building relationships and concocting new projects between cheap beers and politically incorrect jokes.

    Taylor has old school manners and social conduct, Taylor could float through Capitol Hill and fit in, who else among you can pull this off?

    Jared no longer fits in on Capitol Hill because it’s no longer dominated by old school manners and social conduct.

  30. “at least one church existed in Rome BEFORE the fourth century”

    While there may have been Christians among the Jews and slaves in Rome, the Roman Catholic Church did not really exist until Christianity became the Empire’s state religion under Constantine and its basic doctrines were ironed out and agreed upon at the Council of Nicaea.

    BTW, you still haven’t answered my question as to how you can possibly claim Christianity isn’t Judaic given that it reveres, teaches, and evangelizes from the Old Testament as well as the New; or are you saying your little devolved Welsh Tract Baptist cult rejects Exodus 20 and the Book of Genesis as God’s Word?

  31. Matt- Maybe we can at least set up an interview or something, I am all for having civilized debate.

    The established paleos are dying off, this is really what is happening.
    Fran Griffin- almost disappeared
    Sobran- passed
    Howard Phillips- passed
    Buchanan- too old
    Bay Buchanan – playing politics
    Ron Paul- nothing more than a $ maker
    Gottlieb – old and tired and even quit most of his projects
    And there are more, but they are quieted down quite a bit.

    The paleo scene is being replaced by pot smoking Ayn Rand hipster libertarians who are too self absorbed to attend anything that won’t give them mobility. I’m not even sure what Leadership Institute’s numbers are looking like or what the face of their new influx is like.

    There is still a degree of manners and conduct on the hill, but it is different than back in the day. I still have yet to see anyone of this new crowd being able to fit in.

    Like it or not, nothing you do will go anywhere sans support from politics.

    You can have your friends, drink your cheap beer and even work it out that you all move into the same town together like how April organized Montana. But, that will be as far as it goes.
    We deal in what is dealt to us. I want universal single payer heath-care and debt free education, instead I am stuck with Obama-care and student loans with shrinking grants. Nothing I can do about this, it is the way things are.
    The world is not going to fit into your fantasy of how you think things should be, and there might even be one or two things we would agree on. You learn to make do and not try not to fall down the rabbit holes of hate and blame and face things with courage.

  32. Like it or not, nothing you do will go anywhere sans support from politics.

    Like it or not, politics and system politics are not synonymous.

    The world is not going to fit into your fantasy of how you think things should be, and there might even be one or two things we would agree on. You learn to make do and not try not to fall down the rabbit holes of hate and blame and face things with courage.

    If anything, we’re clearly climbing out of a rabbit hole of “hate”. All of the young people who matter have moved beyond racial supremacism, racial reductionism, kvetching about double-standards, implicitly condoning hatred, and resuscitating what’s already lost. We’re championing our identities and rallying to perennial principles and ideals.

    Thanks for the advice, but we’re already on it.

  33. (1) There WAS a Christian community in Rome before Constantine, or the Bible is wrong. (2) Orthodoxy that existed in Britain long before the withdrawal of legions and the Saxon invasion (proven by abundant archaeological evidence) was NOT specially established or directed by leaders of the church/es of/in Rome, which existed in Rome even BEFORE Constantine. (3) We are NOT ‘Welsh Tract Baptists’ and don’t reject the Old Testament and are not at all Judaic — following Jesus who also referred to the Old Testament, which did not make Him, in any way, Judaic. I’m very tired of trying to reason with you, Rudel.

  34. I’m all for a single payer healthcare system and a free ride for the top 20% of the high school population.

    Instead I’m stuck paying for parasitic niggers.

  35. ‘moved beyond racial supremacism, racial reductionism, kvetching about double-standards, implicitly condoning hatred, and resuscitating what’s already lost. We’re championing our identities and rallying to perennial principles and ideals’:

    I like your comments, Matt, but some of the passage quoted above seems contradictory, such as not resuscitating and yet rallying to the perennials, and not being racialist yet championing our identities. Mainstreaming (sometimes called ‘Mainstreaming WN’) is either a break with WN or it is not. I recognise it as a break.

  36. Matt, I appreciate your comments on this blog and articles on Tradyouth — and I don’t consider Tradyouth itself as mainstreaming, with such emphasis on Christianity. I’m done commenting for today.

  37. Rudel, there was a church in Rome since the 1st century. Why do you think Paul wrote Romans?
    The Roman Catholic Church was already in existence before Constantine. It’s doctrines are clearly stated in the Ante-Nicene Fathers. They’re the same basic doctrines we have today. The basic doctrines were not “hammered out at Nicea”, Nicea was a dispute over the doctrine of the Trinity. The Nicene Creed, which taught the basic things that the Apostle’s Creed did, but with a clarification on the Trinity, was a restatement of what the Christian Church has taught for centuries before the Council.

  38. “There WAS a Christian community in Rome before Constantine”

    I never said there wasn’t. What i refuted was your assertion that the Roman Catholic Church existed before it became the state religion.

    The Old Testament IS Judaic you moron. It’s the fucking Jewish Bible fer chrissakes!

Comments are closed.