About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It was a pretty humiliating day for the anti-fa:

    – They were too lazy to even TWEET their opposition to Amren.

    – They were noticeably lethargic this year – no counter conference, 100 people on both event pages said they were coming, but 17 showed up and didn’t stick around like last time.

    – Their petition was ignored.

    – We went to the bar expecting to run into them. They must have gone home.

    – The nuts who came down from the Northern states last time were nowhere in sight.

    – According to Sam Dickson, there were about twice as many people at Amren this year than last year.

    – They left us with the impression that their hearts just really weren’t into it this year.

    – The people coming into the hotel who were not with us were laughing and cracking jokes about them.

  2. Michael,

    You would have loved to see DLJ in action in Tennessee.

    Fortunately, we were expecting them to show up, and we came prepared to film their pathetic little display for everyone on the internet could see it. I’m told we got some real good stuff.

    The park police were adamant that we were not allowed to engage them this year. No back and forth was allowed. Aside from that, you will really enjoy DLJ leading the march on McDonald’s.

  3. As someone who did his best to calmly and civilly “interview” several of the May Day protestors last year, I think the better question would be: what is this rag-tag group of leftists protesting against?

    If we look on the clash in a poetic light, it’s less ideological in nature, than it is a conflation of different aesthetics.

  4. The Anti- fa(gs) should all move to Africa, it has everything they love negros, violence rape, murder and aids.

  5. Shotgun,

    I was hoping that Chris Irwin – better known around here as the guy with the chihuahua from Murfreesboro – would come and that I would get a chance to talk to him. I’ve read some of his stuff online about organizing and found it pretty interesting. I also have no idea what mountaintop removal in Appalachia has to do with OPP.

    In any case, it looks like Irwin enjoyed himself in Chattanooga:


  6. “Shot Gun” – Chad is a drugged out tard and can’t interview his way out of a paper bag. Do you know who Heimbach and friend (perhaps even yourself) are going all the way to DC for? Who are you going to do this big clash with? Do you have a set time and place that this supposed “rag-tag” leftist/commie/red thing is supposed to happen that you are traveling to DC for?

  7. Matt Heimbach is showing up to represent the real American blue-collar working class, offering a traditional voice for real working families in the heartland.

  8. OT, but I assume everyone here has heard about that jew Donald Sterling by now. He owns the LA Clippers basketball team. Sterling is in trouble for making comments about blacks. Spread the word that Sterling is a Jew. Best part is, he was caught on tape saying Israel treats “black jews” like shit. lol.

  9. Liberty Lamp,

    Send me your home address and full name, and I’ll mail you the exact plans for the demonstration. Include a photo of yourself, so I can make sure I’m getting the information to the right person.

    As for who the League and TradYouth will be demonstrating for … well, I suspect it will be for whomever happens to be strolling around Washington D.C. the day of the protest.

  10. Matt Parrott says:
    April 28, 2014 at 2:52 am
    Matt Heimbach is showing up to represent the real American blue-collar working class, offering a traditional voice for real working families in the heartland.

    Jack responds:

    OK. But, unless he is able to recruit some (at least 6 or 7) real, honest to goodness blue-collar working class construction worker hard hats to actually show up ant the protest, confrontation, it is likely to be a fiasco. anarchist , Reds screaming and throwing foul thins at 1 or 2 (press described) RACISTS. You might get arrested and put in the worst Nig&@&$ DC jails.

    Don’t make homemade signs this time.

  11. Liberty Lamp says:
    April 28, 2014 at 2:08 am
    Still, nobody has answered my question: Who and what is Heimbach and friends going to be opposing on May 1 in DC?

    Who died and made you an interrogator in the NKVD ?

  12. ‘Tyranny Lamp’ has such a nice ring to it. Tyranny Lamp says she wants free college education and universal health care, but will take the next best thing, which is more student loans and health insurance coverage through the too-big-to-fail banking and insurance ‘industries’ (crime syndicates).

    You love tyranny. You hate liberty. Liberty is BETTER than health, and money.

  13. Suprisingly, I agree with Rudel about celebrating the height of spring and the coming in of summer at May Day. It’s in our Nordic blood.

    Christian May Day carole: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqSv8gUgyA4 As I’ve suggested many times before, we must be folkish Christians.

    But Ascension Day, on the 29th of May this year, is a much more important spring observance. Even Anabaptists rest from work in the busiest part of planting season every year to recognise the Lord’s glorious ascension to heaven.

  14. Matt Parrott says:
    April 28, 2014 at 7:52 pm

    Don’t make homemade signs this time.

    Buy me some slick professional signs.

    Thanks in advance.

    Jack responds.

    I can do that and have done basic things like that in the past. I need to see solid organization of decent numbers on our side, dressing and acting appropriately.

  15. Who died and made you an interrogator in the NKVD

    Dude you got me. I laughed out loud for real. NKVD would probably be Lamp’s dream job if he knew what NKVD was without having to look it up.

  16. Jack,

    I can do that and have done basic things like that in the past. I need to see solid organization of decent numbers on our side, dressing and acting appropriately.

    If everybody who complained about the lack of bodies at protests showed up at protests, we would be stampeded to death. Keep your money.

  17. Mosin, great May Day music. God bless all of us who value the spirit if this song, despite our differences regarding racial issues and doctrine.

  18. Unfortunately, it looks like I will be unable to attend this year, but to Mr. Ryan:

    All who show up to these events (at least the ones I’ve been a part of) have been blue-collar working folk – speaking for myself, especially. I don’t wear hard-hats, but I do drive tractors and work with other types of machinery all day.

    And, like Parrott, I agree – you can keep your funds. Buy a book on tact instead.

    To Lamp,

    I enjoy lively meal discussion so much, that I’d be tempted to take you up on that.

  19. Thanks for your comment on the music, PGRT. I like this winter solstice song too http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jE6_Y7xPQco and like winter as much as summer, remembering the old fatherland lies further north than this. What do you like?

    PGRT, know that I’m very tenderhearted and friendly toward many who were brought up in the Roman tradition, but then none of my RC friends lives up to their own full standard that REQUIRES them to regard and treat all non-Roman Christians as hell-bound heretics.

  20. Mosin, you don’t understand us Catholics at all. We don’t judge people outside the Church as “hell bound heretics”. We simply don’t know the souls of those individuals, and whether they’re in a state of grace or not. We can only say they’re not Catholic.

  21. Mosin, I tend to prefer spring and fall over summer and winter. Right now I live in a location without extremities in the seasons. I enjoy parts of all seasons though, and enjoy a day out in the snow or a swim in the water on a hot day when I travel during those seasons.
    I think most denominations have elements of their tradition which argue that most people in hell, and other traditions which argue that we can never really know who is in Hell; that is for God to judge, and as the High Church Protestant C.S. Lewis articulated well, hell is the appropriate place for those who cannot enjoy being in the presence of God. In Catholicism we have the concept of purgatory, which I tend to believe most people will enter after they die, since most people are not ready for Heaven yet are also not beyond hope.

  22. ‘you don’t understand us Catholics at all’:

    I understand them very well, as you realize. And I know very well you are lying. You want OTHERS who are less well informed NOT TO understand the nature of the Roman Schism. You are REQUIRED to believe, by your infallible Popes’ infallible pronouncements, that NO ONE is a true catholic or a true Christian except those who are baptised ROMAN ‘Catholic’, and acknowledge HIM and submit to his rule. Thus the baptism of Protestant southerners is invalid and ineffectual — and you should always put Orthodox in quotes (‘orthodox’) or write ‘so-called’, because only the RC are orthodox, and catholic, and all others are UN-orthodox, and heretical, and if not necessarily hell-bound, certainly not heaven-bound.

    The most recent, post-Vat II Popes, or ‘Anti-Popes’ as Traditional RCs call them, might not say you must believe this any more, but Traditional RCs, if they really are pre-Vat II traditional MUST believe it. Dalton, tell us which kind of Popes YOU claim to be following, the pre-Vat II or the post-Vat II? You can’t be on the fence with both kinds regarding the status of the non-RC. Post-Vat II popery treats even Talmudists and atheists with respect as brothers and sisters.

    Note: I never said or thought that the Vatican was ALWAYS heretical and apostate from the very beginning, but we believe it crossed the line many centuries before ‘Vat II’.

  23. I get along well with post-Vat II RC, and also with traditional RC who don’t abide by their full tradition. Like Africans and other alien races and ethnicities, RC can be good neighbours UNTIL they become the majority or the largest minority, or their hierarchy gains control of government. We are approaching that tipping point.

  24. Mosin, if a Non-Catholic baptism is done in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and the baptizer is invoking the Holy Trinity, the baptism is accepted as valid. If the baptism doesn’t invoke the Triune God, like the baptisms of the JW’s or the Mormon’s, only then do we consider the baptism invalid. The Lutherans, and I believe the Anglicans, also consider all baptism invoking the Holy Trinity as valid also.
    If you mean, you get along fine with “traditional RC’s who don’t abide by their full tradition” that they don’t abide by the Apostle’s, Nicene, or Athanasian Creeds, then they aren’t Catholics. Those creeds define what a Catholic is and isn’t. As the last creed mentions, you must believe what’s in it or you don’t really profess the Catholic faith.

  25. You’re with the Vat II movement, then, because ‘before Vatican II, the Magisterium was always very clear: It is not a matter of an individual’s character or traits. No one can be in the Church of Christ without professing the ensemble of the truths of Catholic Faith, being in unity with the Chair of Peter and receiving the same Seven Sacraments. The only Christian is one who accepts Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Church he established. Who can have God for Father and not accept the Church for Mother? (Pope Pius IX, Singulari quidem of March 17, 1856) Who can accept the spouse Christ, and not his mystical bride the Church? Who can separate the Head, the only begotten Son of God, from the body, which is His Church? (Pope Leo XIII, Satis cognitum of June 29, 1896). It is not possible. In short, only those who profess the one Catholic Faith and are united with the Mystical Body of Christ are members of the Church of Christ. And only those members can legitimately bear the title of honor of Christian. The Protestant sect started as a revolt, protesting the Church of Christ and, pretending to accept Christ without Peter, the authority He established on earth. With this split, they left the Church and became heretics. This used to be clearly said and understood, without sentimental fear of offending one’s neighbors or relatives: A Protestant is a heretic because he severed himself from the Body of the Church. He is not a Christian’!

  26. Or else you are a pre-Vat II who is practicing taqqiya here, pretending to accept the non-RC as Christians until you can force them into the universal, global ‘fold’.

  27. Old Jew with a young whore

    Turns out it has been known for years Sterling considers blacks vermin. He must have broken a tacit code of conduct among his fellow Big Jews, and now they’re paying him back.

  28. Mosin, I do not pass judgment on the salvation of those outside the Catholic Faith. I only acknowledge they aren’t Catholic. The stuff you’re throwing out here applies to those people who knows the Church is the mystical body of Christ, and accept or reject it with full knowledge. For all I know Mosin, you might be a member of that mystical body without full knowledge, so I don’t reject your claim of being a Christian, since I can’t read your heart.

  29. “He must have broken a tacit code of conduct among his fellow Big Jews, and now they’re paying him back.”

    Yes, don’t call them “schwartzes” in front of Gentiles.

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