About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Everything that is going on now, I discussed over at my blog, sometimes years ago- racial awareness, the fallacy of phyletism, the perversion of Orthodoxy under Peter and Catherine to adopt filioquist, universalist models, the 1920’s Metaxakis Modernist schism, the two-facedness of the SCOBADOX.

    It’s all there.

    Matthew and his friends, having joined modernist Orthodoxy, will be excommunicated for something not even found in the Canons of the Rudder, and the Corrupt, WCC/NCC “World Orthodoxy” synagogues of Satan, will sit smugly in their ethnic enclaves, saying ‘We’re not Phyletists’ while thinking that God can only be addressed in Church Slavonic, Greek, or Ay-rab.

    It’s as bad as the ‘fractured communion’ of the Episcopal Church, and merely corroborates Fr. Seraphim Rose’s comment, ‘In the end, ALL the Churches will serve Antichrist.” GOA, AOC, OCA are already well on their Fordham way to hell, and have been for over thirty years.

    Menawhile, they are probably denouncing the nascent nationalism of Putin and the Moscow Patriarchate, even though such is contained and explained under the heading of ‘narodnost,’ and the Church and State being joined via ‘symphonia’ as Dugin and the Patriarch have been at pains to explain to… whom?

    Certainly NOT the Novus Ordo Heretics masquerading as the “Canonical Orthodox Churches of the USA.”

    It’s a total joke.

  2. So, is the Orthodox church going to excommunicate all the Russians, since they’re very nationalistic? I thought the Orthodox were supposed to be cool, man. Why are they acting all uppity, all of a sudden?

  3. The bad news is that White Nationalism is being likened to prostitution and pedophilia.

    The good news is that if prostitutes and pedophiles can repent and be redeemed, then the two Matts can as well.

    So much for mixing Orthodoxy and White Nationalism.

  4. Excellent post, Fr. John.

    Fr. Seraphim Rose’s comment reminds me of that of Pope Pius XII:

    “A day will come when the civilized world will deny its God, when the Church will doubt as Peter doubted. She will be tempted to believe that man has become God. In our churches, Christians will search in vain for the red lamp where God awaits them. Like Mary Magdalene, weeping before the empty tomb, they will ask, ‘Where have they taken Him?’”

    Fr. Seraphim Rose really got to the heart of the matter in his letter to Thomas Merton:

    The way of modernism is the way of death.

    Deo Vindice

  5. Re: ‘reminds me of that of Pope Pius XII’:

    Mentioning Pope Pius XII (formerly Archbishop, Cardinal and Vatican Secretary of State Eugenio Pacelli) reminds me of some other things: First of all (1) The deliberate genocide by the RC of Orthodox and other non-RC Christians in the Balkans in the 1930’s and 1940’s that was overseen and assisted by Pope Pius XII; (2) Pacelli’s assistance (as Archbishop) of the development of the Nazi Party in Germany in the 1920’s ‘to create a financial pipeline to Rome in compensation for losing the Papal States in the Napoleonic Wars’ and to control opposition by Protestants; (3) Pacelli arranged for Hitler to join the DAP (and report to him directly every week) and supported Hitler’s rise to Chairman of the NSDAP in 1921; (4) he also provided finances (gold smuggled from the Vatican) and other support for the paramilitary; (5) his Jesuit priests trained the first recruits of the SA in the Vatican arts of espionage, forgery, counter intelligence, assassination and propaganda, and upon his ascension to the throne, Pacelli secretly gave SS officers the spiritual authority of Jesuit priests (though many were married); and (6) he signed a Concordat with Hitler by which the RC has received billions in tribute (church taxes taken from the German people) from 1933 to this very day. Nice reminder, Apuleius.

  6. Mosin – you have no grasp of these issues. You are always blathering about the Catholic Church – but you, yourself have yet to identify the Confession to which you hold and upon which you base your many opinions.

    You are a Bible reader with your own personal (heretical) ideas about the faith. The Bible was received, written, transmitted and conserved within the Covenant. The Testaments can only become life giving for the faith when one is formed in the faith by the Church, when the sacred text is understood and taught by those who have authority within the Covenant – the Church. It admits of no private interpretation.

    Jesus Christ, the Petrine successors, the bishops, the Fathers of the Church, the doctors of the Church, saints and Councils – all hold the Church to be the ark outside of which there is no salvation. The Chair of Peter in Jerusalem, then in Antioch, then in Rome succeeded the Chair of Moses in Jerusalem when the Old Covenant was finished.

    The Church is one, holy, catholic and Apostolic. Only one Church bears these four marks. Only one Church is capable of building nations upon the foundation of Christ, the Apostles and the prophets.

    The post conciliar new order sect inaugurated after the Vatican Council II has usurped the Chair of Peter in Rome and it does not bear these marks. It is a clear rupture with the Church in doctrine, faith and morals. It might be in occupation of the structures of the Church worldwide, but it clearly is a counterfeit church – in fact the counterfeit with which the Apocalypse is largely concerned. And an anti-pope who manifestly taught the doctrine of Anti-Christ (by strict definition according to St John) for 27 years has just been canonized in Rome. The world has just seen the two horned anti-papacy of Benedict / Bergoglio giving life (pneuma) to the 3D holographic image of the 6th king (who will also be the 8th king – the Beast).

    But you, on the other hand, would not know the difference between an anti-pope who was / is also the Anti-Christ and a true successor of Peter teaching the true faith. You would not see a penny’s worth of difference between a great pope like Pope Pius IX who infallibly defined the errors of the modern age (long before their rotten fruits had completely poisoned nations) and an anti-pope like Paul VI who taught things like the Old Covenant is still in force and the Jews can be saved in that Covenant and so on.

    Since the Church is now in eclipse, the problem and crisis is how to belong to the Church during its eclipse, because it remains the ark outside of which there is no salvation.

    True popes have made many statements about this dire situation centuries before the event. So no one should be complaining they weren’t warned.

    Get clear about this and stop conflating the Church with its Petrine Chair in Rome and the modern anti-papacy together with its counterfeit church which has usurped that Chair and now occupies the institutional structures of the Church worldwide. As extreme as the present crisis is, there is still no such thing as just a private Jesus and me deal for those who deny what the Apostles and their successors have proclaimed as the holy faith. Without faith it is impossible to please God and that faith must be the faith which the Church has always and everywhere (universally) taught – of which you know very little.

    It is not enough just to not venerate (proskuneo) the Beast and his image. You have to hold the faith. Since the subject interests you so much, do get a copy of the Catechism of the Council of Trent and become a catechumen.

  7. I’ve never been a Hitler fan either. Too RC, and bound to invade its rival Russia and kill off millions of Whites. The Popes will always get off Scot-free until Babylon falls. What can we do against such reckless evil?

  8. Lynda, I believe you were likely brought up in Roman Catholicism, and I can only imagine your sorrow in seeing its darkness unveiled. We understand that the mystery of iniquity was at work in the Vatican long BEFORE Vat II, but only now it has become absolutely undeniable even by its most faithful spiritual members. You think we reject ‘what the Apostles and their successors have proclaimed as the holy faith’ in favour of ‘a Jesus and me deal’. But the Faith belongs only to and in THE CHURCH and it can never be a Jesus-and-me or pick-and-choose, ‘individualised experience’ — but your ‘background’ has included many false ‘successors’ who made the Word of God of no effect, twisting and contradicting the teachings of Jesus and His Apostles and true successors. Perhaps if we met in person, all things would become clear. I hope we can meet in heaven someday.

    Meanwhile we seem to polemicise each other. The revival of Christianity is the key missing ingredient for reversal of the decline of Whites worldwide.

  9. Hereward’s statement is excellent, but let’s emphasise that Christian revival stands on its own merit and is NOT a mere tool or weapon for the revival of a race — and also that Race is NOT our religion! Not race but Christ is ‘all’. Thanks to Hunter for a theological topic.

  10. “The post conciliar new order sect inaugurated after the Vatican Council II has usurped the Chair of Peter in Rome and it does not bear these marks. It is a clear rupture with the Church in doctrine, faith and morals.”

    Lynda- Thank you. That’s all I’ve been saying, for lo, these many years.
    Mosin, Apu was being kind, and you slapped him in the face with your comment. While you may be correct, the point is, I would stand gladly with a Tridentine RC, before I’d stand with an Obamaniac.

    One has to pick one’s battles, as they say…

  11. ‘the Church with its Petrine Chair’:

    Back to the ‘polemic’: There is no evidence that Peter ever visited Rome, and there is no need for any, since the plain sense of ‘upon this rock’ has been misinterpreted. The ‘See of Peter’ is an unscriptural human invention. Southron ethnonationalists need to understand why this is important, how this relates to them.

  12. ‘Apu was being kind, and you slapped him’:

    I stand corrected. It was addressed to you, and even when I noticed the plug for the Pope, I shouldn’t have jumped in.

  13. “The deliberate genocide by the RC of Orthodox and other non-RC Christians in the Balkans in the 1930?s and 1940?s

    […more hallucinatory conspiracy theories snipped…]

    the RC has received billions in tribute (church taxes taken from the German people) from 1933 to this very day.”

    While I have no love for Pius XII you really need to put down the crack pipe and breathe some fresh air, Mosin.

    Germany taxes all church members regardless of denomination as do many other European countries. BTW, the 1919 Weimar constitution contained a church tax so don’t blame Pius for all those taxes Lutherans are also paying to their church.

  14. Mosin, your lies in your 05/02/14 post at 11:36 am are a new low, even for you. All of that crap is straight out of the Avro Manhattan/Ian Paisley playbook. Like Manhattan you site no sources for your fables. All that matters to you is to repeat the same old lies over and over again. How you can live with yourself, I don’t know.

  15. “There is no evidence that Peter ever visited Rome, and there is no need for any, since the plain sense of ‘upon this rock’ has been misinterpreted. The ‘See of Peter’ is an unscriptural human invention.”

    His bones lie underneath the altar at St. Peter’s on the spot where he was crucified. They were there long before the scriptures were canonized. They remain there today.

    Were the printing press never invented, Protestantism would not exist. Accident or divine providence? You decide.

    The truth of Christianity rests upon the superior claim of revelation over reason. This does not disclude reason from leading us to the truth, but ONLY when it is informed by the Holy Spirit. Concupiscence and irascibility are very real human appetites, which are combatted by reason, will, and most importantly, God’s grace.

    The church is the refuge of all sinners. The human failings of popes, bishops, priests, religious, laymen, and even Protestant ministers, with their implied doctrine of individual infallibility, in no way contradict the truth.

    His ways are not our ways.

    Revelation occurred even amongst the ancient pagans, demonstrating that God’s grace is mightier than human understanding.

    Acts 17:23
    “For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, To The Unknown God. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you.”

    The way I see it, those who would “immanentize the eschaton” are the cat’s paw of the prince of this world. This category would include all utopians, be they dour yankee abolitionist free love proto-feminist Puritans who lost their religion in the nineteenth century or the more prevalent variety of 1960’s era liberals that cause so much mischief today.

    Like Fr. John, I would rather stand with any true Christian of any denomination than with any of these wolves in sheep’s clothing. I want no part of the type of Christians who would slander and then “excommunicate” someone like Heimbach in order to maintain the vainglorious delusion of their own moral superiority.

    I think we can agree on that, at least.

    Deo Vindice

  16. I know I like to rib my orthodox friends, and they like to rib me back (about being Presbyterian), but I admit, all ribbing aside, this is a sad day.

    Of course, it’s a sad day when one of us Kinists is brought before the elder-board as well, which happens frequently.

    And while I don’t want to wag my finger at my orthodox friends while they’re down – this incident proves that *NO* Western institution (by that, I mean: institutions active in the west, as the Orthodox church currently is), are free from the new syncretic religion of liberalism.

    …none of them are.

    It’s as Lewis says in “That Hideous Strength” … the shadow of the one dark wing, is over all…

    God helps us…

  17. I have been with Orthodoxy in some fashion for nearly a decade, I entered the catechumenate but have yet to make the plunge (an extreme doubting Thomas, cultural conflicts that must be resolved, etc). That said, I applaud Mr. Parrott and Mr. Heimbach and the others involved for doing what I have yet to find in my heart or mind – full entrance into the Church whether by chrismation/baptism. I hope they stand strong, they may soon find themselves heroes to many Orthodox and inquirers. This is one priest, not the entire Church.

    For all those leftist Orthodox that push their socially destructive versions of Gospel calling for us to be weaklings while our nations are destroyed and the sane Orthodox being bullied because of it, I’d like to call your attention to the life of Great Martyr Prince Lazar of Serbia. Before the Battle of Kosovo, an angel came to Lazar and gave him a choice of an earthly or a heavenly kingdom, Lazar chose the latter. The angel DID NOT tell Lazar and his men to lay down their swords and go quietly into the night. Even knowing they would lose, Lazar went to war anyway, dying on the battlefield defending his people (bodily and spiritually) and to this day Lazar’s relics are incorrupt. God liberated the Serbs and the Greeks in time and through the Church protected their culture. Something tells me that “turn the other cheek” doesn’t preclude defending your people – even violently.

    In the comments from TradYouth and requoted for emphasis:

    From the Moscow Patriarchate – “Christian patriotism may be expressed at the same time with regard to a nation as an ethnic community and as a community of its citizens. The Orthodox Christian is called to love his fatherland, which has a territorial dimension, and his brothers by blood who live everywhere in the world. This love is one of the ways of fulfilling God’s commandment of love to one’s neighbour which includes love to one’s family, fellow-tribesmen and fellow-citizens.”

  18. Just checking in. Rudel denies the Balkan genocide, despite abundant evidence (some posted here before) of full Vatican involvement. I’ve known for many years that Lutherans as well as RC are taxed.

    Dalton practices ‘big lie’ rhetoric — calling plain facts ‘fables’, and constantly demanding ‘proof’ when the evidence is already abundant. Re: Ian Paisley: He never fell for any Vatican falsehoods, and opposed the Antichrist himself to his face in Parliament, and is an outstanding preacher (his sermon ‘Fundamentalism’ for example) and although you said he had died, Dalton, he finally pulled through!

    ‘How you can live with yourself’: I couldn’t if I were craven or silent in the face of all these lies.

    ‘Were the printing press never invented, Protestantism would not exist’:

    You wish. But it was, and the truth came out. Every word shall be established.

    ‘His bones lie underneath the altar at St. Peter’s on the spot where he was crucified’:

    Not likely. Most of your relics are fakes. Lies, in other words. No matter how many people repeat them for how many centuries, they’re still lies.

  19. ‘The church is the refuge of all sinners’:

    Christians BEWARE of that ‘church’! Inwardly if not outwardly they are ravening wolves.

  20. I’m not trying to hurt Matt, but, this is all so much Catholic mumbo jumbo to me.

    The only orthodox/eastern orthodox/Greek orthodox church that I think is a real stand up church is this one…http://www.archpitt.org/resources/history/archeparchy-of-pittsburgh

    Some how they elect their own Bishops, and Archbishops, but, but still have relations of some sort with the Pope in that he consults with them. LOL. They are White, nationalistic, independent, anti-communist-socialist and deeply religious if you like all of that Catholic style mumbo jumbo. Matt should check them out if he gets bounced.

    Me, I will stick with good old Protestantism and every man his own priest, or pope. LOL.

  21. “Rudel denies the Balkan genocide”

    Hah! The Balkans are synonymous with ethnic and religious strife. The Orthodox Slavs, Muslims of all stripes, and the Catholics have been at each others throats for a millenium. To put it all on the RC’s or a particular pope is simply nonsense.

    The best thing that could happen to the region is to first drive out the Muslims and then to bring back the Hapsburgs.

  22. “Me, I will stick with good old Protestantism and every man his own priest, or pope.”

    Not every Protestant denomination is without ordained ministers considered to be in the Apostolic Succession, or even deacons, priests and bishops.

  23. Posting that link was very decent, thoughtful and kind, Earl, especially in light of how I know you feel about it. You have my respect.

    Deo Vindice

  24. “There’s no such thing as a Protestant priest—Protestants don’t believe in priestcraft!”

    You’ve never met a Anglican then.


    Also in Scandinavia and the Baltic states Lutheran pastors are called priests although we tend to use the term pastor here. I might also remind you that it was John Wesley himself who said the sacraments should only be administered by ordained ministers in the line of Apostolic Succession.

    You have some very strange notions about just what exactly Protestantism even is. You Pentecostalist snake handlers, illiterate Baptist holy rollers, and such are barely even Christian in my book.

  25. ‘barely even Christian in my book’:

    Which book is that? Someone who doesn’t believe in the Deity and resurrection of Christ, and even doubts Jesus existed at all, CAN’T be a Christian at all, according to THE Book.

    I suppose someone is busy researching the various groups of Russian Orthodox Old Believers now. Yes, some of their congregations have created unusual standards of cleanliness to enforce separation. I have never visited any of these groups, but they appear to be examples of an ethnic/ethnonational church, being strictly for Russians. They are also strictly agrarian, and reproduce at a high rate like the Amish and are healthy.

  26. Rudel, it’s not suprising that the daughters of the Whore have hierarchies similar to the Whore’s.

  27. Yes, Hereward, we may sit down and raise a glass yet.

    As a personal bio – by God’s grace, I became a Roman Catholic in the time of the Great Apostasy. I was not raised in the faith.

    To our sorrow there have been many anti-popes (maybe 40) in the history of the Church. The Petrine Chair has been an object of great debate between the faithful and the declared enemies of the Church who were infiltrating. Outside the present eclipse, the Infiltrators scored their biggest victory when they captured the Chair of Peter during the Renaissance (so called). But the faithful got it back and there were many true popes who proclaimed what the Church has always and everywhere taught in faith and morals – on subjects like Christ, the king of all nations, usury, procreation etc.

    And they defined doctrines that were always implicit in the sacred deposit of the faith but which must be proclaimed definitively in the time of our Revolutionary Era.

  28. Mosin, Christ clearly established hierarchy, order and precedent in the Church. Even a Bible reader can discover this. The fact that the Catholic Church is Apostolic is one of the four true marks. Its bishops are successors of the Apostles and they have canonical authority.

    Jesus did not establish a movement and a democracy with team leaders. He established an order.

    As a Bible reading hothead the least you can do is stick to anyone can verify in the Bible for him or herself.

  29. I read the link, Hunter. I am afraid Matt and his group will be wasting their time in that Universalist, Rome-emulating ‘Orthodox’ setting. I knew it was going to happen, just a matter of time. They wished they were in the true orthodox Church that they know exists somewhere, but wishing didn’t make it so.

    Lynda, Christ certainly did establish an order. The true church is never ‘a democracy with team leaders’. But I don’t mind being called ‘a Bible reading hothead’. There are much worse epithets.

    You write well, Lynda. I’m finally convinced you are genuine. In that case, you’re just in a wrong place like the Tradyouth, still desperately wishing.

  30. The two Matts are taking a “sabbatical” from White Nationalism because their priest told them so. Well I guess we know what their priorities are. Further proof that Christianity makes our race weak. Not only is there no reason to believe that Christianity is true, there is not even a good reason to pretend that it is true, because the values of Christianity are toxic to white survival.

    • To be fair, every mainstream institution in our society – government, the universities, the news media, the military, the churches, and so on – enforces the same ideology. I know people who have been run out of academia and kicked out of the military for being White Nationalists.

  31. Matt Parrott’s last two articles on Trad Youth tend to support Greg’s position. This Orthodoxy thing has become an obstacle to the traditionalist cause.

  32. I feel nothing but sympathy for people who are persecuted for their beliefs. I feel incredulity and contempt for people who will take a “sabbatical” from what they presumably believe is the struggle for the very existence of our race because a priest tells them so.

    I don’t believe in the Christian God, but if I did, and my priest told me that I needed to stop fighting for the survival of my race, I would simply say, “Get thee behind me Satan.”

  33. I’m pretty sure that Matt Parrott was a Mormon a few years ago. I’ve been told that he had a falling out with someone over polygamy of all things.

  34. “I’m pretty sure that Matt Parrott was a Mormon a few years ago. I’ve been told that he had a falling out with someone over polygamy of all things.”

    Was he for it or against it?

  35. I am not ‘desparately wishing’ Mosin. Like all other members of the Church I am persevering in the holy faith at a time of supreme crisis.

    On another note, the Christian does not need to be told to support his or her national identity. One’s nation and ethnic heritage is ‘one’s own’. The history of Christianity is a history of people who loved their people and fought for their own: Islamic invasions, conflicts with other nations invading and especially against the organised forces of anti-Christ led by the Jews – which always predate the host nation.

    Many saints of the Church are warrior saints who entered into conflict, armed conflict, on behalf of ‘the own’. St Joan of Arc who took up arms against the English invasion of France would be a case in point. The saints of the Vendee who took up arms against the infernal columns of the Masonic partisans who overthrew the French monarchy and outlawed the Church would be another. The Scottish highlands took up arms against King William’s invasion and the Jew bank come to settle Cromwell’s debt over Scotland.

    Christians must oppose the forces of anti-Christ currently (the Jewish power elite) ruling all nations of European heritage and ethnicity.

    • http://womenintheology.org/2014/05/02/to-my-white-nationalist-brothers-again/

      “What I cannot agree with is protecting culture at the expense of the lives and livelihoods of others. I also cannot defend aspects of a culture which depend on the subjugation and denigration of others in order to maintain its own power, prestige and privilege. I am only a tiny bit of a Marxist (though members of my Jewish family were card-carrying communists. How about that for some fuel for more fiery comments about me!): while I think Marx’s analysis was insightful and brilliant, his solution was not. Leninism and Stalinism underscore the solution’s failure and its brutality.”

  36. My grandfather moved his irish (and german) catholic family out to NJ from Indiana in the early 30’s. He’d landed a job in a WASP corporation and bought a prime piece of real estate in the ring of ‘mountains’ overlooking Manhattan, in a small town that had partitioned off from a larger WASP revolutionary one. Shortly after building a house and settling into said small town’s newly-formed catholic church, the monsignor announced that there would be a separate mass for children and adults held at the same time in different chambers.

    Poppy drove straight down the ‘mountain’ (very large hill really) on what was then a dirt road, demanded a meeting with the human hierarchically appointed representative of his god, and told him that there was only one father to his six catholic children on this earth, and that he and his family worshiped their god together – as a family. And that he would be taking his children with him and his wife to honor their god in either of the two neighboring WASP towns’ older catholic churches if a lowly priest tried to separate them. Our Lady of Lourdes needed the social and financial support of it’s up and coming somewhat ‘monied’ parishioners, even as Poppy was at heart an engineering nerd who, despite being tracked for upper echelon management, probably didn’t contemplate the full power of his threat to defect.

    At times when I struggled through the horrors of what the catholic church did to me at a certain age, I thought of my grandfather’s principled stand in the face of human frailty and vice, and knew that he had never abandoned me, or his God, or his people. I
    remained proud of him, of the embattled and oft-benighted Irish, and grateful for the the countless children Poppy’s defiance likely spared.

    Young Matt there is a time when a priest is just a man in a funny suit. May God the only Father be your true guide.

  37. Attention the two Matts

    Have a look at these images of King Louis XII of France. Like all the French monarchy since Clovis he is a descendant of the House of David through Zara. And the Jesse tree memorialises this at his burial monuments in Sancte Chapelle at the cathedral of St Denys where the royal house of Blois is interred.



    The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree – does it?

    There is a good reason why France and Russia are the two elect nations of the Christendom. There is a good reason why our Lord desired that France be consecrated to His Sacred Heart and why he desired Russia to be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The fact that these two consecrations were not done is one of the reasons why the Judaic Imperium was able to accede to global power in the dire times of our Revolutionary Era (inaugurated 1789)

    God has a plan. Know the faith. Disobedience to clergy who do not hold with the faith at this time of the Great Apostasy is a matter of holy obligation. Just as at the time of the French Revolution, priests who had sworn a loyalty oath to the French Revolutionary government (and were therefore excommunicated by the Holy Father) ordered the Vendee, the Choans, the Royal Catholic Army fighting the infernal columns of the Masonic partisans to lay down their arms. They did not. They did what the Christian must do at these times – they opposed the Revolution and they fought for their people.
    Queen Marie Antoinette refused the last rites from priests who were loyal to the Revolutionary government of France and commended her soul to the mercies of the Sacred Heart.

    These are our times.

  38. “The two Matts are taking a “sabbatical” from White Nationalism because their priest told them so. Well I guess we know what their priorities are. Further proof that Christianity makes our race weak. Not only is there no reason to believe that Christianity is true, there is not even a good reason to pretend that it is true, because the values of Christianity are toxic to white survival.”

    We all know what your priorities are. Mocking earnest Christians is certainly high on your list. I also fail to see how sodomy promotes the “survival of my race,” since it is inherently sterile, unwholesome, and wholly anti-traditional. Talk about toxicity.

    My race is not my God. That is idolatry. Devotion to God, the source from whom all blessings flow, trumps devotion to “the very existence of our race.” I don’t expect you to understand, since you must attack Christianity to justify yourself. So spin whatever web of lies you feel like you need to, but don’t pretend that there is anything traditional about what you are doing. Your path is the path to extinction.

    You aren’t going to live forever.
    “I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit.”

    Deo Vindice

  39. ‘This Orthodoxy thing has become an obstacle’:

    Matt and his friends were/are moving in the RIGHT direction, though they encountered this obstacle on the way. They know Christianity/The Faith/Orthodoxy is not a tool or weapon to be used or discarded for political purposes. Rather it is the ultimate end in itself. The Tradyouth understand that or they wouldn’t have taken the sabbatical that puts religion before political activity. Now they will learn the meaning and extent of ‘The Great Apostasy’, and soon they will understand and obey ‘Come out from among them and be separate says the Lord’.

  40. Quote from your last link, Hunter: The woman tells Matt a series of half truths: ‘The fact is you and I have very different assessments of the danger to White culture. Not only do I think that White culture is quite safe, I also think that White culture as lived in North America is far more disrespectful and dangerous to non-White cultures than the reverse. I simply don’t believe that ethnic or cultural separation is either practical or ideal in the United Stages. Nor do believe it is historical. The South, for instance, was never entirely white and so it makes no sense to me that it is a natural homeland for whites. Rather, the South has always been multi-racial and multi-ethnic’.

  41. @Maria McDowell

    “while I think Marx’s analysis was insightful and brilliant, his solution was not. Leninism and Stalinism underscore the solution’s failure and its brutality.”

    Lenin didn’t fail. He won; and it would behoove anyone contemplating revolution or rebellion against the federal government to read his works and study his methods.

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