District of Corruption
Editor’s Note: This article is being updated with photos and video as it becomes available.
by Shane Long
The May Day march in Washington, D.C. was interrupted yet again this year. The League of the South, with members of Trad Youth Network, staged a successful demonstration in opposition to the enemies of all things normal and productive as they made their way through the streets surrounding the White House. Participants traveled from as far away as Georgia and Indiana in a show of solidarity against the anti-white genocide of the Southern people.
The members spent the afternoon Thursday handing out copies of the Free Magnolia, praying and celebrating our Folk with supporters, and answering questions. We were approached by many Europeans who expressed sincere gratitude for our willingness to take a stand. Supporters included Italian and British media, Russian nationals, and a member of the Scottish national party.
Arriving prior to May Day protesters were members of Casa de Maryland, whose chants against deportation were boisterously answered with cries of “Deportation, Yes We Can.” On they marched ahead like a sea of puppets, save for one. One who would stay behind to learn that we had a common enemy as we spoke against the free-trade policies of the United States government. A hypocritical government which has destroyed the economy of Nations the world over, and caused the very people it portends to represent to become in many ways depending upon foreign slave labor. It is a government which has then invited these same third world immigrants to flood our Southern homeland, replacing the Southern population with a people alien to our culture, views, religion, way of life and survival. Indeed, Southern Independence is the answer to all of these problems.
DC police, as well as other police agencies, were on high alert anticipating violence from the May Day protesters. Paddy wagons at the ready, League members were asked to remain away from certain sections of the street where officers seemingly anticipated large amounts of arrests to be made.
Communist protesters were on slightly better behavior during their march from Malcolm X park, which was streamed over live feed – a service much appreciated by Southern Nationalists who enjoyed the added help in showing the world the degenerate nature of those involved. Communist protesters were shocked and angered to discover they had completed their entire march with at least one well-known Southern Nationalist marching in their ranks in plain view. The infiltrator heroically revealed himself, at last joining his compatriots. Of particular note was the light hearted camaraderie of those in attendance for the League of the South and TradYouth, in stark contrast to the blistering animosity for civilisation displayed elsewhere in front of the White House.
Special arrangements were made to ensure that our demonstrators could leave when we planned without leaving undo unrest in our wake for the city to settle. While prepared to defend our position and our safety, we were pleased to see a great reduction in the number of communist participants. Our intel has learned this was largely an intentional move by May Day organisers who feared many of their more outspoken participants were more of a liability than they were worth. Given the conversations our demonstrators made with the general public, we can’t fault the May Day organisers for wishing their marchers didn’t need overseers.
Our demonstrators stood firm with dignity as several of the marchers hurled slurs and spit in every direction, seeming as though the souls of mad men had long since taken control of their every movement. Fending off agitators and imitators, our message was carried through the streets of Washington clearly: We the Southern people have a right to exist, a right to be free, and we are not going away. Our numbers are growing. Our occupiers in Washington and beyond will know that on this ground, the streets belong to us.
Photo Gallery
SEIU/CASA de Maryland Demonstration
Fastforward to 18:42 to see the narrator approach our people:
2014 May Day March
Fortunately, a group called Roots Media was on hand in Washington, DC to film and archive the 2014 May Day March in its entirety for us:
You do well enough at making yourself look like an imbecile without my intervention.
Besides, I haven’t seen any evidence that you are pro-white. Not in the least.
And we just established that you oppose Southern Nationalism but lack the intestinal fortitude to say so. A tiny bit pusillanimous of you, don’t you think?
Where are your bona fides?
I think you are a plant, too. Old cabbage that has been left out in the sun for about a week in the middle of July, by my guess.
I first crawled out of the womb in Boston, Massachusetts seventeen years ago today. I’ve been angry at God ever since for making me an atheist liberal yankee. I’ve lived here in Beantown my whole life. I’m really angry at you right now for making me disclose such a dirty, shameful secret. Don’t worry, I’ll get over it.
Now, why don’t you forget all this nonsense, bury the hatchet, and wish me a happy birthday? All is forgiven. We should be comrades in arms. Hell, we’re both yankees posing as Southern Nationalists after all. Birds of a feather if ever there were any.
Deo Vindice
No, we are not comrades. You are a fake. Anything you’ve seen me type here or anywhere else on the Internet is something I would say right to your face. You wouldn’t dare try your puberty-stricken rants in front of me.
Bless your little heart, you really think I’m buying your pro-White persona.
“You are a fake.”
Well since you are the blue fairy, is there any chance you could turn me into a real boy?
“You wouldn’t dare try your puberty-stricken rants in front of me.”
Sure I would. You are a ridiculous ninny. Any pro-white movement depending on the likes of you is already sunk. Now go start some shit with someone else, pissant.
Deo Vindice
The TRADYOUTH sign looks very good.
Let’s try to come up with some other signs that can be used on a something of a permanent basis at most protests.
This way we can have them professionally done by some on line printing shop like Instaprint.
Can OD readers come up with suggestions for our side signs at future Communist protests?
I like the idea of signs featuring…
Good Communists = Dead Communists
Lenin Dead since 1921
Trotsky Dead (?)
Mao Dead ….
Che dead….
Our side could also learn from the EDL and English soccer fans who can do unified chants, songs :
“Who’s streets? our streets!”
Too long for a sign, but is was effective in its day:
If Communism was so great, why did they build all those walls?
“I’d rather hang out with thought criminals than thought police.”
Thought criminals > thought police.
Thought criminals > Communists.
Celestial Time,
“I have family up north. If there’s a movement that doesn’t take them into account, then it doesn’t take me into account.”
This is Ellis Island Syndrome in another form, which means it’s just a bunch of selfish bullshit. With the exception of my maternal grandmother’s great grandparents, who immigrated from Germany and France in the 1840s, every one of my ancestors immigrated to the United States through Ellis Island. And yet, I can say without the slightest hesitation that the overwhelming majority of European immigrants that came through Ellis Island should NEVER have been allowed to do so.
To rephrase what a letter writer to VDARE said in September 2012: I’m not so self-centered as to think that a policy that was beneficial to me must be beneficial to my country or to my race. And that’s the key. Whites need to realize that immigration, like any other policy issue, is a forward-looking matter, not an exercise in retroactively justifying our family trees.
In other words, it doesn’t matter one iota that you have family from the North. The Southern Nationalist movement isn’t about “what’s good for Celestial Time,” it’s about what’s good for White Southrons as a people. The same is true with nationalist movements in Europe. The future of the English or the French isn’t Jobbik’s concern or Golden Dawn’s concern. Likewise, the future of White Northerners such as your family isn’t the concern of the League of the South or any other SN group.
Once you start playing the game of “my ancestors this” or “my family that,” you end up ignoring the interests of the tribe to which you now identify, which in your case would be Dixie. In the same way that pre-1880 Anglo Saxon America had the moral right to completely exclude White ethnics (Irish, Poles, Italians, Greeks, etc), Dixie has the moral right to completely exclude Northerners. “Inclusion” is a deadly poison to any tribe composed of a unique, genetically distinct people of shared ethnicity (as opposed to shared race, which as Hunter has argued, is too weakly felt to build a tribe around)
“Most people in this country are very much opposed to allowing Chechens/Muslims into the country.”
If only that were true. According to a July 2013 Gallup Poll, support among Whites for more immigration has gone up up up ever since 9/11 even as 1 million non-white immigrants flood into this country every year:
The 22% percent of Whites that support increased immigration levels is an all time high, according to Gallup. Furthermore, when you also consider that 39% of non-hispanic Whites support maintaining the current levels of immigration (over 1 million per year, 91% non-white), that means 61% of Whites support the anti-white immigration system.
By contrast, only 37% of Whites want to decrease immigration, which is an all time low dating back to June 2001. (In June 2002, 52% of Whites supported decreasing immigration, and as recently as June 2005, 50% of them supported decreasing it; note that the economy was much better in 2002 and 2005 then at any point since 2009, which means we can toss away the notion that economic hardship will “wake Whites up.”)
To top it all off, a record high 71% of non-hispanic Whites think immigration is a good thing for the USA, whereas 59% or lower felt so in 2007, 2003, and 2002 (which again had the all time low of 51%). All these stats can be found here:
Summary can be found here:
Bottom line: Close to a supermajority of White Americans love them some non-white immigrants, so don’t pretend that those Bostonians didn’t support the “right” of the Tsarnaev brothers to live in this country, because they DID. On April 17, 2013, they got what they richly deserved.
“How is voting cohenservative a good thing Dan? If anything I would prefer the Democrats, since their policies are less likely to lull us into complacency.”
Whites who vote Republican tend to be married, straight, Christian, and otherwise normal. Whites who vote Democrat tend to be single, ?????, nonreligious (usually atheist), and otherwise abnormal. Put it another way, who do you think is more likely to become race-conscious: Whites in Mississippi or Whites in Vermont? Because in Mississippi, 89% of Whites voted for Romney, whereas in Vermont 66% voted for Obama. The voting patterns aren’t about the what (i.e., liberal vs. conservative policies, however poorly “conservative” is defined), they’are about the who (i.e., the nature of the Whites who vote liberal or conservative).
“In the same way that pre-1880 Anglo Saxon America had the moral right to completely exclude White ethnics (Irish, Poles, Italians, Greeks, etc), Dixie has the moral right to completely exclude Northerners.”
Except that those concerns weren’t even on the table of the powers that be back then or now. The rights of rich capitalists to acquire cheap labor whether it was Scots-Irish indentured servants, Negro slaves, railroad coolies, Irish miners, bohunk factory workers, or nowadays Mexican field hands and South Asian programmers has always trumped everything else.
The immigration restriction league and its leaders, like Henry Cabot Lodge, argued against European immigration on the basis that those people weren’t like them genetically.
Cabot Lodge on August 8, 1891:
“The immigration of the people who have settled and built up the nation during the last 250 years, and who have been, with trifling exceptions, kindred either in race or language or both is declining while the immigration of people who are not kindred either in race or language and who represent the most ignorant classes and the lowest labor of Europe, is increasing with frightful rapidity.”
Carl Brigham, on the Poles:
“…careless thinkers are prone to select one or two striking examples of ability from a particular group…but he can not alter the distribution of the intelligence of the Polish immigrant. All countries send men of exceptional ability to America, but the point is that some send fewer than others.”
The immigration restrictionists pulled no punches on the genetic differences between Anglo-Saxons and White ethnics such as the Poles
The immigration restrictions we had in place from the 1920’s to 1960’s actually favored Europeans over others. They only lasted as long as they did due to the Great Depression and WWII and exceptions were made for Mexican’s during WWII and after due to demand for laborers for the war and Southwest agricultural interests.
I might add that it was the scions of those Northeastern elite Unitarians and Congregationalists along with the Jews who were the core of the liberal congressmen and “outside agitators” who came down South during the 1960’s Civil Rights integration sit-ins and Negro voting rights protests.
Uh, Dan, there weren’t that many Italians in this country prior 1880. And my irish people were hardly ‘excluded’ from being conscripted into the Union Army. Since you don’t even live in the South, what on earth authorizes you to claim ‘Southern Nationalism,’ much less pedagogue to someone whose family has for generations?
Add to these absurd assertions your speculation that I ‘cuckold’ men, and I think it’s safe to say you and your yankee anti-yankee teenage cohort don’t belong anywhere, much less here. All you’ve brought to this forum is a derivative self righteous faux regionalism based on a fantasy that you’re somehow better than the very people you claim to advocate for (if you’re Michigan-based blog still exists).
Whites can and will do better than this. We could, and should, have had dozens to hundreds of people at the May Day counter-protest. Some of us are working on that; others simply score virtual points in a cyber tally only nerds and cowards track.
The left liked to say when I was your age, ‘If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.’
Your posture towards me and other posters on here is clearly destructive and distracting, not to mention juvenile. You offer nothing positive or constructive.
Rudel, please source this contention that anyone but jews really functioned as *the core* of the Civil Rights drive. Sure, there were token whites beyond the hippie anti-Viet Nam student protesters, but I’d like to see this proof that the actual core of the orchestrators and organizers of it weren’t largely jewish, and black.
“The Southern Nationalist movement isn’t about “what’s good for Celestial Time,” it’s about what’s good for White Southrons as a people.”
Jews ask, “Is it good for the Jews?” Folks like Sleepy Time ask, “Is it good for me?”
Now you know why Jewish influence dominates Amurrica.
“The immigration restriction league and its leaders, like Henry Cabot Lodge, argued against European immigration on the basis that those people weren’t like them genetically.”
Exactly. The Immigration Act of 1924 was designed to eliminate immigration from Southern and Eastern Europeans specifically.
“In the 10 years following 1900, about 200,000 Italians immigrated annually. With the imposition of the 1924 quota, 4,000 per year were allowed. By contrast, the annual quota for Germany after the passage of the Act was over 57,000. Some 86% of the 155,000 permitted to enter under the Act were from Northern European countries, with Germany, Britain, and Ireland having the highest quotas. The new quotas for immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe were so restrictive that in 1924 there were more Italians, Czechs, Yugoslavs, Greeks, Lithuanians, Hungarians, Poles, Portuguese, Romanians, Spaniards, Jews, Chinese, and Japanese that left the United States than those who arrived as immigrants.”
As usual, Rudel pops off with his unsubstantiated, uninformed opinion.
Big surprise there.
Deo Vindice
“Since you don’t even live in the South, what on earth authorizes you to claim ‘Southern Nationalism,’ much less pedagogue to someone whose family has for generations?”
The same goes for you. So why don’t you take your own advice and shut up.
Deo Vindice
Rudel says:
May 3, 2014 at 11:34 pm
“Except that those concerns weren’t even on the table of the powers that be back then or now. The rights of rich capitalists to acquire cheap labor whether it was Scots-Irish indentured servants, Negro slaves, railroad coolies, Irish miners, bohunk factory workers, or nowadays Mexican field hands and South Asian programmers has always trumped everything else”
Correct. Under capitalism, making money trumps all other considerations. The cheaper the labor, the greater the profits. They care not if they ruin countries. They will be living comfortably in their gated communities.
I’ve never claimed to be a ‘Southern Nationalist,’ punk. What I do claim is pride in my celtic tribe (and that I actually have one, unlike you), particularly the one from which scots irish originally descend:
“Rudel, please source this contention that anyone but jews really functioned as *the core* of the Civil Rights drive. Sure, there were token whites beyond the hippie anti-Viet Nam student protesters, but I’d like to see this proof that the actual core of the orchestrators and organizers of it weren’t largely jewish, and black”
Maybe you two half wits can get together and then you would have a whole brain.
“Hippie anti-Viet Nam student protesters”, weren’t around then. Try learning some basic history before you start spinning your idiotic conspiracy theories designed to exculpate your very culpable fellow yankees. Chronology is a big word, but it’s really not that difficult.
Deo Vindice
So you want to tell the daughter, niece and cousin of Viet Nam vets, and casualties, all about exactly when the ‘conflict’ started, who protested it, and how it had nothing to do with the Civil Rights era?
Brad, is this a forum for troubled teens or pro-Whites, which would imply adults? Or is the Kid-Without-A-Cause going to start lecturing me on ‘adultism’ or something?
“What I do claim is pride in my celtic tribe (and that I actually have one, unlike you), particularly the one from which scots irish originally descend:”
Your tribe? Are you the chief? I didn’t know there were irish indians.
Oh wait, I found some footage of your tribe:
Deo Vindice
“So you want to tell the daughter, niece and cousin of Viet Nam vets, and casualties, all about exactly when the ‘conflict’ started, who protested it, and how it had nothing to do with the Civil Rights era?”
Doubling down on your mistake is not a wise move.
Some of us were actually alive back then, you know?
“Brad, is this a forum for troubled teens or pro-Whites, which would imply adults? Or is the Kid-Without-A-Cause going to start lecturing me on ‘adultism’ or something?”
Translation: Help! I can’t stop myself from attacking people, posting stupid things, and then getting intellectually curb stomped. Help! Somebody save me!
Bit off more than you can chew?
If you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen, sweet pea.
Deo Vindice
I didn’t know there were 17 year old ‘cool’ ‘studs’ who stayed home Saturday nights harassing adults to pay attention to them…
It’s okay, Apelike, adolescence is a tough time for nerds. It gets better, I promise. Just look at Dan Poole…
Jack Ryan, on May 3, 2014 at 3:17 pm
Can OD readers come up with suggestions for our side signs at future Communist protests?
Quite a few.
This is the simplest and would be the most efficient in today’s environment; if used, it should be the only sign held at a protest and the participants should be able to answer the possible “Why?” (Some stories from the past could be told, but it’s also about “Wiping out the White Race”):
Communism = Racism
The following ones could be used at the same time; together, they give a good picture of what the “Communism” is about:
Communism — a sweet dream, rude awakening.
Communism — the tyranny of elites.
Communism — the mass slavery.
Communism — the killer idea.
Communism — your skin at stake.
Communism — and then they will come after you.
“Rudel, please source this contention that anyone but jews really functioned as *the core* of the Civil Rights drive.”
Wiki the 1957, 1960, and 1964 Civil Right Acts, and the 1965 Voting Rights Act and you will find that some of the strongest support came from the Republican Party most notably the liberal Northeast “Rockefeller” Republicans who were still quite prevalent at the time. These were not Jews but the old WASP establishment.
1964 vote by party and region:
Note: “Southern”, as used in this section, refers to members of Congress from the eleven states that made up the Confederate States of America in the American Civil War. “Northern” refers to members from the other 39 states, regardless of the geographic location of those states.
The original House version:
Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7–93%)
Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)
Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94–6%)
Northern Republicans: 138–24 (85–15%)
The Senate version:
Southern Democrats: 1–20 (5–95%) (only Ralph Yarborough of Texas voted in favor)
Southern Republicans: 0–1 (0–100%) (John Tower of Texas)
Northern Democrats: 45–1 (98–2%) (only Robert Byrd of West Virginia voted against)
Northern Republicans: 27–5 (84–16%)
White college students from up North freedom riding in 1961:
“I didn’t know there were 17 year old ‘cool’ ‘studs’ who stayed home Saturday nights harassing adults to pay attention to them…”
I didn’t either. If you are being “harassed,” shouldn’t you file an EEOC complaint with the federal gubmint or something like that?
Maybe you should get your fat ass off the internet, get back in the kitchen, and fix your husband a sandwich. That would be a productive use of your Saturday night.
What, no husband? Now, I wonder why?
Deo Vindice
“Although there were many diverse groups and elements protesting the US military involvement in Vietnam as it began to escalate, many of the protesters, rightly or wrongly, came to be associated with aspects of the “hippie” movement in the popular view. A number of them had been highly active in the Civil Rights movement in the first half of the 1960s, traveling across the country to take part in sit-ins and marches against segregation in the South…” – under Anti-War Protests section.
@ signs
I thought that TradYouth’s signs were quite effective – accessible and to the concrete point. Concretes would seem to work better than abstractions like ‘communism.’ The working classes especially respond to pragmatic realities. Any ‘ism’ can be corrupted. And unbridled capitalism isn’t too popular right now anyway.
“As usual, Rudel pops off with his unsubstantiated, uninformed opinion.
Big surprise there.”
Wrong again pipsqueak. The figures about quotas fully support my statement that Europeans were favored by the Act. Your own ignorance shows you don’t have a clue about Mexican immigration during and after the war. Read what I say and learn from your betters.
Braceros arriving from Mexico in 1942:
Year # of Braceros Applicable U.S. Law
1942 4,203 (wartime)
1943 44,600 (wartime)
1944 62,170 (wartime)
1945 44,600 (wartime)
1946 44,600 Public Law 45
1947 30,000 PL 45, PL 40
1948 30,000 Public Law 893
1948-50 (79,000/yr) Period of administrative agreements
1951 192,000 AA/Public Law 78
1952 197,100 Public Law 78
1953 201,380 Public Law 78
1954 309,033 Public Law 78
1955 398,650 Public Law 78
1956 445,197 Public Law 78
1957 436,049 Public Law 78
1958 432,491 Public Law 78
1959 444,408 Public Law 78
1960 319,412 Public Law 78
1961 296,464 Public Law 78
1962 198,322 Public Law 78
1963 189,528 Public Law 78
1964 179,298 Public Law 78
1965 20,286 (after the formal end of the program)
1966 8,647
1967 7,703
Stop posting. Your juvenile rants about killing innocent civilians and your inability to read are stinking up the place.
“particularly the one from which scots irish originally descend”
Prior to colonizing the northern reaches of the island the Gaelic Scotii tribe frequently made raids from Ireland upon Great Britain as noted in Roman annals of the time.
This passage seem most pertinent to my presence here:
“Irish and Scottish people share very similar DNA. The obvious similarities of culture, pale skin, tendancy to red hair have historically been prescribed to the two people’s sharing a common celtic ancestry. Actually it now seems much more likely that the similarity results from the movement of people from the north of Ireland into Scotland in the centuries 400 – 800 AD. At this time the kingdom of Dalriada, based near Ballymoney in County Antrim extended far into Scotland. The Irish invaders brought Gaelic language and culture, and they also brought their genes.”
“The immigration restrictionists pulled no punches on the genetic differences between Anglo-Saxons and White ethnics such as the Poles”
With Poles like this I say send more over here!
Madison Grant and Lothrop Stoddard et. al. make for amusing reads but their racial science was all wet. The native English remain to this day approximately 50% Brythonic (and other Celtic ethnicities) on average genetically with a distinct increase on an East to West cline as would be expected given the direction of invasion by Angles, Saxons, and Jutes and the 200 year existence of the Viking Danelaw over the east of the island.
What we need are charity drives for the masses of homeless, hungry whites living in tent cities because blacks and hispanics have usurped the safety blanket europeans created out of their hard work. These settlements exist all over the country.
We also need patrons who might be willing to donate money to help them, and to help us organize protests.
I think this is doable, but will say that some of the edge taken off the angry rhetoric about ‘sluts’ and ‘feminists’ and even ‘gays’ or ‘diversity’ would help whites’ cause.
If “blacks and hispanics have usurped the safety blanket” then angry rhetoric about diversity is completely understandable and totally apposite.
Rudel, people have a tendency to want to help positive causes, as opposed to ones which seem ‘negative.’ I’m not saying I wouldn’t point out that whites are being marginalized and oppressed by the system, in efforts to solicit support for redressing those wrongs, maybe in the form of donations. I personally would not want to stress anger or what could be deemed hateful or vindictive rhetoric in those efforts.
You missed my point entirely about Anglo Saxons vs. White ethnics. My point was that a particular White tribe has the right and duty to exclude all other White tribes from the country in which it resides. Southern Nationalists and nationalist movements in European countries get this, whereas WN’s like you are all like “our race is our nation” bla bla bla. The world isn’t divided between Team White and Team Darkie. There are ethnic/genetic differences between Whites that cannot be ignored and yet are continually ignored by people like you.
“All you’ve brought to this forum is a derivative self righteous faux regionalism based on a fantasy that you’re somehow better than the very people you claim to advocate for.”
I don’t claim to advocate for any specific White tribe, to be perfectly honest. Broadly speaking, I believe in securing the existence of our people and a future for White children, and I believe that can only be done through ethnonationalism, which implies regionalism, tribalism, localism, etc. I utterly reject the notion that our race CAN unite together as one or that it even SHOULD unite together as one. I think this notion of “White unity” is as absurd as the anti-war hippies who troll for “world peace.” Conflict is the natural state of humanity, and anyone who preaches any version of “can’t we all just get along?” is living in a deluded fantasy.
If I claimed to advocate for White American Northerners, I wouldn’t be preaching Linder-esque rhetoric against them. I think our race is long overdue for a serious culling where the dead branches – nay, the poisoned branches that always expand like a cancer across the rest of the beautiful tree – are cut off and cast into the fire. As far as I’m concerned, that means the end of Yankeedom as we know it.
On they marched ahead like a sea of puppets, save for one. One who would stay behind to learn that we had a common enemy as we spoke against the free-trade policies of the United States government.
There are many Americans who end up in leftist ranks because they see the left as the only side opposing globalization, as well as the increasing repression at home. There’s a case to be made here for propaganda directed at those leftists who might defect to a nationalist movement.
Anyway, good job with the march!
‘There are many Americans who end up in leftist ranks because they see the left as the only side opposing globalization, as well as the increasing repression at home’:
Good comment. They end up in either Leftist or Libertarian ranks (if Libertarians have ranks) because the ‘Norman-Cavaliers’ of the Right are ‘of a more martial nature’ and naturally love Elitism and class distinctions, slavery, endless war and repressions.