Ain’t That America: Check Your Privilege



Last week, the news broke that Harvard University was supposed to be hosting a “Satanic Black Mass” (it was later called off at the last minute), and this week the news is that Harvard freshmen in the Kennedy School of Government will soon be required take a “check your privilege” orientation class.

Is Harvard University anti-White and anti-Christian? Maybe so, but Ain’t That America these days?

Note: It has been a banner week here in ‘Murika, the home of the degenerate and the depraved, a nation that is clearly in cultural decline:

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. all I can think about in relation to this are the 4chan greentexts about mandatory privilege checking.

  2. I know right? CHEC UR PRIVLEG CIS SCUM lol

    I’m actually more shocked that people didn’t know this was a real thing. No one can make up such Liberal lunacy.

  3. Down is up, out is in, wrong is right, abnormal is normal. Oh, and 2 + 2 = 5. All aboard, or die. The Progressive’s form of progress.

  4. Hey all are you feeling the power of your identity? In between being loser bigots projecting your fears onto the vibrant enrichers? How’s that white priv doing for you?

  5. One must assume that the Jewish kids in the fresher class are chuckling up their sleeves as they encourage the niggers to attack Whittington Cholholmley III and Penelope Winstanley in the White Priv seminar.

    Shmuely Tokostein on cue, “I hate my white privilege! How about you Jamiriquos do you hate YT, like I do? I hate my white skin. I wish I was black too! Hey hey hi hi YT bye bye!”

  6. I think “decline” covered the period from the 1960s. I think we’ve hit cultural freefall now.

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