About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The Whites provoke racial violence from the Blacks simply by the fact of being White. Must be all that priviledge and what not.

  2. Glad to see those black boys beat the hell out of the white boy with the black girlfriend. He had one coming.

  3. Wes, while it was foolish of that white guy to date that black girl, he didn’t deserve to be beaten by those animals. By saying he had it coming, you are quasi-justifying what those thugs did. Our message should be, “don’t date or mate outside your race.” We should be reaching out to fellow whites, who are involved or not involved in interracial relationships, to educate them on the dangers of interracial relationships, instead of attacking them. Attacks like this will push people who might become allies away from us.

  4. If you don’t carry you are inviting a mob assault. The police and courts will do nothing to protect you, the government will not protect you.

  5. If a negro were to hit me, I would hit it to the ground.

    If I were to hit a negro and it hit back, I would hit it to the ground.

    One can clearly see the difference.

    In the first instance, the negro provoked the fight.

    In the second instance, the negro provoked the fight.

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