Elliot Rodger’s Retribution


I just heard the news about the Eurasian loser in California, Elliot Rodger, aka the “supreme gentleman,” who went on a shooting spree after he couldn’t get a date with a beautiful blonde White woman:

Update: Here’s the link to Elliot Rodger’s YouTube channel. Check out “Why do girls hate me so much?” and “Life is so unfair because girls don’t want me” and  “I’m awesome” and “My reaction to seeing a young couple at the beach, Envy.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. This is the future that the left want.

    White (Hollywood type) Dad, Asian Mother, African Stepmother. He travelled so much it’s hard to say that he’s even American. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that he went from Buddhism to Islam to Judaism to Taoism and back again.

    He burst into the Santa Barbara High Street full of Shinto!

    Welcome to the brave new world.

  2. “Why do girls hate me so much?

    He should have got himself a Porsche cabriolet instead of some lame BMW (I bet it’s an automatic) if he wanted to get laid!

  3. “I’m Awesome

    Hahahaha! He listens to 80’s George Michael tunes. No wonder he can’t get a date… (besides being a fruit)

  4. “Life is so unfair because girls don’t want me”

    If he can’t surf then he should have joined the chess club, become the Secretary, and organized a Chess Club Kegger and invited all the sorority girls! The novelty alone would have guaranteed social success.

  5. In addition to the racial angle and the beta/game angle, there is the Illuminati angle:

    The father of Elliot Roger, Peter Roger can be seen in this interview for his debut film “Oh My God” (2009) IMBD: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1326954/


    In this interview we learn that Peter Roger was the son of one of the founders of Magnum Photography, which is apparently a big deal. The history of Magnum is chock full of post WWII Jewishness as one can see in this history:


    We learn that Peter Roger rose rapidly as a commercials director, and then made the leap to feature films in 2009 in the film he wrote and directed, Oh My God. We also learn that Peter Roger is not a fan of what one might call the conventional religion of the Southern people, and that motivated him to make the film. The cast of the film reads like a who’s who of the Illuminati, including such oddities as illusionist David Copperfield and also Bob Geldof (Jewish wife), a pop culture miscreant whose daughter Peaches Geldof recently made news by dying young. She had recently revealed some of the secrets of Ordo Templi Orientis, a major node of the New World Order Illuminati network.

    This is the type of thing that a God-fearing people would not have to put up with; instead we are to be threatened with disarmament, chemical castration with SSRIs, and “Reeducation”. The moral of this story is that we can and must tie everything back to the Partition of America.

    Separate or Die.

  6. From the biography:

    “This revelation about the world, and about myself, really decreased my self-esteem. On top of this was the feeling that I was different because I am of mixed race. I am half White, half Asian, and this made me different from the normal fully-white kids that I was trying to fit in with. …

    My first act was to ask my parents to allow me to bleach my hair blonde. I always envied and admired blonde-haired people, they always seemed so much more beautiful. My parents agreed to let me do it, and father took me to a hair salon on Mulholland Drive in Woodland Hills. Choosing that hair salon was a bad decision, for they only bleached the top of my head blonde. When I indignantly questioned why they didn’t make all of my hair blonde, they said that I was too young for a full bleaching. I was furious. I thought I looked so silly with blonde hair at the top of my head and black hair at the sides and back. I dreaded going to school the next day with this weird new hair.”

  7. http://m.policymic.com/articles/89905/what-elliot-rodger-said-about-women-reveals-why-we-need-to-stamp-out-misogyny

    This writer has a point about the female targeting, but the race of the shooters is surely wrong. Blacks who are enrolled in school are continuously murdring one another.

    No one actually worried that they will fall victim to a white kid. Not much anyway.

    How is it that these journalists ignore the teenage murder rate in the black and Hispanic population? Or ignore the disproportionate Asian stats? Well I know the answer. Do these writers have a shred of decency?

  8. I can’t believe I just read his whole sorry biography. He never once mentions actually talking to a girl or asking one out for a date or even a cup of coffee. Not once in his verbose year by year tales of growing up. He never even mentions any girl by name presumably because he never even talked to any including any of those beautiful blondes he was scared of.

    He never should have quit skating.

  9. He was enraged by the inequality and unfairness of life after puberty:

    “Again, I repeat, that as children we all play together as equals in a fair environment. Only after the advent of puberty does the true brutality of human nature show its face. Life will become a bitter and unfair struggle for self-worth, all because girls will choose some boys over others. The boys who girls find attractive will live pleasure-filled lives while they dominate the boys who girls deem unworthy. Matt Bordier will go on to live a life of pleasure. Girls will throw themselves at him. And I will go on to be rejected and humiliated by girls. At that moment in time, we were just playing together as children, oblivious to the fact that my future will be dark and his will be bright. Life is such a cruel joke.”

  10. “I am not part of the human race. Humanity has rejected me. The females of the human species have never wanted to mate with me, so how could I possibly consider myself part of humanity? Humanity has never accepted me among them, and now I know why. I am more than human. I am superior to them all.

    I am Elliot Rodger… Magnificent, glorious,supreme,eminent… Divine! I am the closest thing there is to a living god. Humanity is a disgusting, depraved, and evil species. It is my purpose to punish them all. I will purify the world of everything that is wrong with it. On the Day of Retribution, I will truly be a powerful god, punishing everyone I deem to be impure and depraved.”

  11. That last paragraph sounds like a chapter from the Protocols of Zion.

  12. Cut the kid some slack.

    “How could an inferior, ugly black boy be able to get a white girl and not me? I am beautiful, and I am half white myself. I am descended from British aristocracy. He is descended from slaves. I deserve it more. I tried not to believe his foul words, but they were already said, and it was hard to erase from my mind. If this is actually true, if this ugly black filth was able to have sex with a blonde white girl at the age of thirteen while I’ve had to suffer virginity all my life, then this just proves how ridiculous the female gender is. They would give themselves to this filthy scum, but they reject ME? The injustice!” -Elliot Rodgers

  13. Rich girls fuck two things.


    Anyone who will piss off Dad.

  14. Me Grandfather photographs dead Jews in piles at Treblinka! And Belsen! Oy de sufferinks! Me? The injustice! A Eurasiatic.

  15. Full Asian men are disgustingly ugly and white girls would never go for you. You’re just butthurt that you were born as an asian piece of shit, so you lash out by linking these fake pictures. You even admit that you wish you were half white. You’ll never be half-white and you’ll never fulfill your dream of marrying a white woman. I suggest you jump off a bridge. – Elliot Rodgers

  16. Afterthought, maybe all these maybe all these big name types’ children are dying as retribution for living so sinful, and trying to destroy us, a God fearing people. Well, either that or it’s because they are raising their children to be materialistic pricks who don’t understand the concept of humility and time. It could really go both ways.

  17. Wow, this Elliot fellow can sure damn write. He could’ve became an author or a movie writer; he had the money and connections. He probably never got a girl, because he never talked to one. I’m sure there was at least one girl who found him attractive, if not for the money alone. He also seems pretty “red-pilled” about race and how the world works. Too bad he took it too hard instead of learning how to lower his standards a notch. He definitely thought too highly of himself. What he should have done was gone to a psychiatrist or talked to his dad about what was going on in his head. It seems like he watched too much anime, with all that melodramatics.

  18. Two questions about this episode:
    1. Where and how did he get the weapon and ammunition he used?
    2. Presence of S.S.R.I.s or other drugs of like ilk?

  19. Teach partner dancing to boys, preferably our boys.

    Boys who are good dancers never have problems getting dates.

  20. Either way, Caucasian male (any type especially Euro gentile) Asian female might be an unstable and dangerous hybrid.

  21. This guy probably had narcissistic personality disorder. If you go to this link, his behavior seems to match up with what this article says about NPD. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissistic_personality_disorder

  22. SSRIs make some people psychotic and most of these nerd shooters are triggered by SSRIs imo. The medicos don’t want to admit it because SSRIs work well on most patients.

  23. He did have NPD, Dalton, but he still knew exactly what he was doing. His actions were motivated by evil and to try to claim he was ‘mentally ill’ as opposed to just an evil spoiled monster is ridiculous.

    His videos are part of a role he played, pretending he was some character like American Psycho. I suspect when the cops interviewed him he was very different. Sociopaths con people easily. His rich family is responsible for giving someone they knew was hateful and entitled so much funding for guns, fancy cars and probably digs. Had the little psycho had that taken away his grandiosity and sense of entitlement/power would have collapsed. I’d suspect it’s hard to get a gun in Ca without money. So I hold them responsible for not preventing this. And him.

    The media’s trying to repress the jewish angle but it’s very likely that both his grandfather and his father are/were jews.

    • I read much of his manifesto last night.

      He was just a sad, sheltered, pampered, socially awkward little brat who was mad at the world because he couldn’t get laid with a blonde white woman or any white woman period.

      It is no more complicated than that. The world is unfair and unequal because the ultimate gentleman, Elliot Rodger, couldn’t get laid. There’s no other angle to the story.

  24. NYYankees, I never said he wasn’t evil, and just not mentally ill. I merely said he had NPD. I have a friend who has a brother with the problem. He’s one of the nastiest persons in the world. He’s perfectly sane, and he enjoys being a prick. And he’s a Baptist minister. I pity his congregation.

  25. test2, I doubt SRRI’s where responsible for Rodger’s rampage. The punk was full of himself, and was angry that people didn’t believe he was God’s gift to mankind. People like him have been blowing up long before SRRI’s ever came on the scene.

  26. http://gma.yahoo.com/santa-barbara-killers-friend-think-hes-really-lonely-121421934–abc-news-topstories.html

    Guns were registered to his name, but free flowing cash still enabled him to buy them (does anyone really think this kid held a job?) He modeled his ‘character’ on one from a movie.

    The cops didn’t find anything wrong with him, which doesn’t surprise me given that cops are notoriously sexist.

    His parents should be sued by the victims’ survivors, Elliot’s access to an endless supply of funds enabled his rampage and if the flow had dried up, he’d probably have lashed out at someone without killing anyone, or at least not as many people, and then the criminal justice system could have whipped his butt into shape.

  27. Stephen E Dalton says:

    ‘NYYankees, I never said he wasn’t evil, and just not mentally ill. I merely said he had NPD. I have a friend who has a brother with the problem. He’s one of the nastiest persons in the world. He’s perfectly sane, and he enjoys being a prick. And he’s a Baptist minister. I pity his congregation.’


    I doubt anyone here takes you seriously.

  28. HW: I read the manifesto as well (am paying for it today being so tired, but ah well)

    He recalled intricate details of his life as far back as “0 to 5” years old. His lack of a father (he was too busy making Illuminati recruitment videos) did not help in the repression of his drives and sublimation, though World of Warcraft did seem to help as a substitute.

    I was struck by the lack of a subconscious. Pretty much every impulse of his psyche was front and center, not hidden in the dark crevasses. One wonders if this wasn’t the biogenesis of his particular disorder. Subtlety wasn’t part of his character as when he tried to push party-goers off of a wall out of uninsulated envy. They responded by pushing him off the wall which broke his ankle. He returned with more anger and the responded by thrashing him, his first encounter with the police.

    Stephen E Dalton: He was prescribed Risperidone (an anti-Psychotic, not a mere SSRI anti-depressive) by Psychiatrist to the Stars Dr Sophy. He read about the drug and refused to take it. (according to his bio).

    Logan Smith: Yes, these people are playing with fire; we need to separate from them so as to not get burned.

  29. Sam, I long for the day when you will actually contribute something useful to this blog, instead of one of your silly, flaming rants.

  30. A half-Asian driven by sexually frustrated homicidal rage against white blondes kills white women. SPLC makes nigs the victim.

  31. He rants about all sexually active men in his manifesto – blacks, the half-Mexican that was screwing his little sister, and especially about a blonde German boy who was kissing girls when he was only 12-years-old.

  32. “Cut the kid some slack.” – he is certifiable. read the last couple of paragraphs of his manifesto. Everyone is jumping on to his hatred of women, but its pretty clear that he hates just about everyone.

  33. http://ajwnews.com/archives/4305



    Elliots’grandfather was photographer at Bergen-Belsen. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Rodger

    Since Brad knows next to nothing about Hollywood and the film industry, I’ll enlighten people. Most insiders are at least half jewish, especially directors and producers. There were Hollywood directors (and film actors from Europe) brought in to produce the holohoax propaganda when the camps were liberated in Europe. This is not a ‘theory;’ it’s been proven with evidence no jew has ever impugned (instead they choose to ignore and repress all the evidence that categorically refutes the occurrence of a ‘holocaust’). Check out youtubes or vimeos by Ry; I’ve seen two hours worth and they are beyond convincing. They expose the fact that american directors and european actors were brought in to falsify the evidence.

    The chances that Rodgers was jewish by his father and grandfather are very high. Jews changed their names all the time in Europe and the US.

  34. This guy is definitely several beers short of a six pack. He looks like a closet homosexual in his videos. The word sociopath comes to mind when listening to his cyber rantings.

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