Dr. Michael Hill on The Mike Hewitt Show


Here’s the latest interview with Dr. Michael Hill on the League of the South’s SECEDE billboard in Montgomery:

Note: See also two hostile radio interviews from WAPI with Mike Murphy and Dale Jackson. Click here to listen to a separate Dale Jackson rant in which he doesn’t seem to understand the term “orthography.”

Dr. Hill was also on the Rocky D show in Charleston, South Carolina, but there doesn’t appear to be an archive of that show. He will also be on Alan Colmes Radio Show on Tuesday at 6 PM to talk about the Montgomery SECEDE billboard.

About Hunter Wallace 12411 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hah! He tellingly stated that restrictions on free speech are “un-American.” A very clear-headed leader and without all the useless damyankees and “hate the Negro” baggage. He clearly sees that alliances and support from like minded people outside the South is an essential element to success. When the FedGov goes belly up there is no way in hell there won’t be trade between the different parts of the current United States.

    An extremely wise elder statesman.

  2. We’ve shown that we can get reasonably fair media coverage for League of the South – now we end to start being a bit more selective. Dr. Hill and other LS activists should avoid Dale Jackson and those like him. He isn’t fair, he just rants and raves.

  3. lol, they think Dr. Hill writes articles on SNN? haha.

    The “Red” Star is a joke, and anyone who takes the SPLC seriously should be laughed at.

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