Elliot Rodger’s Retribution


I just heard the news about the Eurasian loser in California, Elliot Rodger, aka the “supreme gentleman,” who went on a shooting spree after he couldn’t get a date with a beautiful blonde White woman:

Update: Here’s the link to Elliot Rodger’s YouTube channel. Check out “Why do girls hate me so much?” and “Life is so unfair because girls don’t want me” and  “I’m awesome” and “My reaction to seeing a young couple at the beach, Envy.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I can also attest to the fact that jews manifest clear hostility issues towards blondes fairly consistently in the areas they dominate in (they probably don’t have as much nerve in places they don’t). As I wrote on another thread last night, every reasonably attractive blonde woman I know who has had to work or just exist around any quorum (usually a majority or plurality) of jews will report hostility as a typical mood emanating from them.
    They harbor anger issues towards blonde women way out of proportion to whites, here, white men, who in my vast experience don’t tend to fixate as obsessively on blondes, unless they have hardcore psycho misogynist problems. But jews, both male and female, consistently express anger issues towards white blonde women.

  2. Ramz really nails it. As a young blonde, I used to dye my hair reddish-brown. It was amazing just that could cut the b.s. you had to put up with in half. The grossest thing (besides no adults reacting to the pandering sick images on t.v.) was how the OLDER PEOPLE would always inquire like about whether I was dating some other race person…but in subtle ways, like play up some dark-haired obviously different race type guy as really hot, etc… “oh bet you’re interested in him…” One teacher, when I talked about wanting to start a family, literally looked at me all happy, and said that was great and I could adopt Chinese. I guess that was trendy then or something, idk.

    When I was even younger, I just didn’t get why people were saying weird things like that. People forget —but before you understand politics, genocide, etc.— it’s just weird adults saying things that make no sense. Like telling you (seemingly out of the blue) that you should adopt chinese people. Um…why? On your own, this would simply never occur to you, (obviously).

    The whole thing is just bizarre, (from a blonde female perspective). Like the slow understanding that whatever you are has all this “meaning” that has absolutely nothing to do with your own experience of yourself.

    Sadly—it’s hard to imagine what life could have been without having to process all that crap…how much life could have occurred instead.

  3. Actually, I just had brown added into my hair last week, lol. So I guess I still do this. But I used to dye the whole thing, (not just put in brown streaking). And I dyed it pretty dark. People shouldn’t have to feel their life is better if they do that.

  4. This kid is clearly a psychopathic narcissist.

    And while the manosphere and Game gets a lot of hate is these circles Roosh is right that this is an instance where it would have helped him. The women in California that spurned him are exactly those here in New York. Girls like Renee are hard to find in these parts and as distasteful as it may seem, the manosphere’s ideas of Game and masculine self-improvement work with “liberated” blue state women.

    This kid was just another loser loose-cannon that went off like notorious school shooters and the guy in the Colorado movie theatre.


  5. http://conservativetendency.blogspot.com/2012/03/english-jewish-surnames-revisited.html

    Elliot’s grandfather was part of the british film elite; the film industry in Hollywood had been dominated entirely by eastern european jews since it’s founding in the early 1900’s. I don’t know much about british film but one can expect that it was similarly jew-dominated. Given the highly classified nature of the project undertaken by the Allies and the jews to falsify a ‘holocaust,’ it is also extremely likely only jewish film people would be tapped to produce the ‘evidence,’ especially since the american jewish filmmakers were most in control of propagandizing, which is proven in the Ry videos.

    There was a book about the jews who founded Hollywood, An Empire of Their Own:

    The author writes about how the jews would pick a white figurehead (like Kirkpatrick in the neo-con movement) who can deflect from the reality that some group and movement is led by jews. The jewish founders of Hollywood did this at various junctures (and changed their names, and still do).

    Brad, do you speak any yiddish, hebrew? If you don’t know what a schmatte is, you might quit thinking you’re competent at figuring out the jews.

  6. “test2, I doubt SRRI’s where responsible for Rodger’s rampage. The punk was full of himself, and was angry that people didn’t believe he was God’s gift to mankind. People like him have been blowing up long before SRRI’s ever came on the scene.”

    Sure, I don’t think SSRIs *cause* these things. I think they make certain susceptible individuals more susceptible.

  7. As an aspiring filmmaker and a former film major in college it is well known Jews founded and run Hollywood. But I gotta say whether this kids was Jewish or not is irrelevant. Like the Columbine shooters, the Virginia Tech shooter, the Arizona shooter, and the Colorado shooter he was a lonely loser who lashed out. I mean he was the son of a Hollywood player (assistant director of The Hunger Games), he should have been rolling in women but wasn’t. He was simply a unhinged loser and went loose cannon.

    To make it about his Jewishness is the equivalent of those who made Columbine about gun control or this about “misogyny” and Game: using the actions of a nut job for their personal politics.

  8. No, it’s quite relevant that the half jewish psycho was hatefully obsessed with blonde women, and increasingly, blonde men. Blonde hair comes from Europe, not the middle east or asia or north africa. His manifesto mentioned blondes 62 times:


    While this whackjob was obsessed blondes specifically, jews and blacks share a hateful
    fixation on blondes and also redheads, perhaps light haired ones who fall on the blonder side of the redhead spectrum.

    This is highly relevant to any blonde or redhead white woman who’s had to exist around both groups. It should be relevant to whites in general.

    Because you, William Rome, are not a fair haired white woman, doesn’t mean your apparent immunity from this hatred and violence makes you somehow ‘better’ or without a personal political agenda.

  9. I do not think this fellow’s father and father’s father are Jewish. They are English freethinkers who have a centuries long alliance with Jews.

    In other news, the euro-skeptics and the European right won big in Europe. Remember, the right wasn’t defeated at the debating podium, they were defeated on the field of battle. As time progresses, the ground is regained through peaceful means.

  10. I have dirty blonde hair and blue eyes which in grad school were commented on by a Chinese girl and a Jewish girl for their beauty. Blondes are held as the universal standard for beauty. A small sign of this is that in Game of Thrones Cersi and Jaimie Lannister (the most attractive woman and man in Westeros) are blonde.

  11. Narcissism is the common thread in most of these incidents, as well as mental instability. He seems like a typical egocentric drug addled loser, and maybe even a closeted homosexual. Of course the odds of dying in such an incident are similar to being struck by lightning, but the parasitic media swarms to them like piranhas to a cow carcass since they see a chance to push their agenda.

  12. Starting on page 57 from the above PDF on british jewish filmmakers:

    “The most significant factor in explaining this lack of Jewish films is that
    British-Jewish film-makers have traditionally been unwilling to expose their
    own stories in the way that Woody Allen, Mel Brooks and others helped to cre-ate American Jewish film archetypes. In fact, many British-Jewish film-makers
    have been content to remain hidden in a way that resembled Hollywood from
    the 1930s until the late 1960s. This is for a variety of reasons, but primarily it
    was most likely because such individuals did not want to draw attention to
    themselves in such a way. As a result, many of these directors and/or their
    work were not publicly recognized or labelled as Jewish, largely because many
    of them did not deal with explicitly Jewish subject matter…”

    That’s just the beginning. From that page on to 62 and even till the end a few pages letter one gets a glimpse into the secretive life of the jews, here in british film. I highly recommend to all the doubting Judases to read it.

  13. DixieGirl, were these Yankee transplants telling you to date outside your race or were you living outside of the South at that point? I just couldn’t imagine a Southron ever trying to convince anyone to mix with another race.

  14. It is no more complicated than that. The world is unfair and unequal because the ultimate gentleman, Elliot Rodger, couldn’t get laid. There’s no other angle to the story.

    That may have pushed him over the edge, but it’s pretty clear he felt racially alienated in life in general. I’ve known people like this. I had a half-Italian, half-Filipino work colleague who used to periodically let on that he felt this way. On balance he looked more caucasoid than mongoloid but he preferred to hang out with asians because they were less likely to racially reject him (or make him feel uncomfortable). The only times he’d hang out with me was if it was just the two of us. If my friends were there (mix of southern euro types) he’d always excuse himself and leave.

    I also have a half-asian niece and nephew. They’re in the their early teens and just in the early stages of figuring out the racial ‘rules.’ The nephew looks like a ‘light paki’ you could say, while the niece looks fully southeast asian. The mother (my cousin, who is a racial nutcase of the highest order) tells me the son is a bit ‘confused’ about his identity and constantly accusing whites of racism. The kid has a lot going for him, but I fear society’s lack of any substantial ‘answers’ to this sort of racial dilemma (besides empty blather about tolerance and anti-racism) may eventually cause him serious personal problems. The niece is a bit younger but she seems to have realized already that her future is among asians. It’s tough on her because her father and his side of the family live somewhere in asia and there’s no one on her mother’s side that she looks anything at all like, whereas her brother at least seems ‘ballpark.’ She seems easygoing and accepting of the situation on the outside, but I think she notices that her cousins are little bit distant towards her at times. It’s hard to say how the resentment this causes may play out as she gets older.

  15. NYYankees, the kid may have been 50% Jewish or he may not. You, however, are certifiably 100% fruitcake.

  16. Just another Hollywood Prince from a lib/democrat/collectivist political environment. And, like all such, felt that his miseries could be laid at Society’s door. So he acted out. See also Holmes, Loughner, Lanza, and the preceeding ad infinitum. The really smart ones, though, go into politics. Then – provided they get control of the guns – they kill millions.

  17. Anyone who isn’t a white female and fairhaired, and living among plurality or majority of jews really has nothing to say about what the experience is like. Every such woman I know reports heightened levels of hatred coming from jews. Even men who aren’t blondes or redheads notice the dynamics in those situations.

    It’s interesting to ponder why people who have no experience of that feel so compelled to *deny* that jews act that way. It’s also curious that people like William Rome clearly haven’t read Elliot’s manifesto yet feel they can opine with such authority on his motivations.

    Nothing changes the truth, however.

  18. Silver says: “If my friends were there (mix of southern euro types) he’d always excuse himself and leave.”

    So…is the reason that you’ve avoided naming your ethnic/racial background when queried exposed in this sentence?

    The northwestern europeans in NY/NJ also avoid having to live among mediterraneans whenever possible…

  19. Logan,

    I was in college in the northeast at the time of most of the comments. In the “new south” you hear it from transplants who have been skinner-style-and-pavlov-dog-trained to think that Godliness & morality comes from being “anti-racist,” which is the only thing they are ever told God & morality ARE— (or from heavily guilted southerners trying to atone for the sin of having had a handful of slaves a billion years ago…um, it’s 2014 now….)

    Having spent time in new york, I can say the men there are just as bad. One man (awhile after the fact) apologized for going on (and on) about the “hot” latina babes in the convenience stores (I will not use “bodega”). He clarified by saying they were only hot in a “really slutty way” and well…he was a guy, could he help not responding to tarts in short skirts with red stilettos and tops hanging out of their shirts.

    The jews were a mixed bag. A lot are blonde-blue, also it’s clearer that the hate is envy. ENVY is a very hard kind of hate to understand (especially when you’re young). Like, everybody wants you, or wants to be with you, but then they seem to hate you, and hurt you in some way…so it just doesn’t make any sense. Why do people hate you so much for what is good.

    And the deadly cycle to envy…is when the envied object just tries harder and harder (without understanding they are hated BECAUSE THEY ARE GOOD. So when they are hated, they try to look better, or act better (or whatever) and this just inspires even more hate, which makes no sense. Anti-white adults (parents, teachers, etc.) cannot be of any council or help, as they have not/ will not confront what is actually happening.

    Eventually, maybe most people wonder what they could have done, how far they could have gone, etc, without all the b.s. one has to work through in such a society, just to keep one’s “head screwed on straight.” Gross!

  20. Another really, really gross thing is when people assume they are hated due to envy, when back in reality, they are just total assholes, lol. A lot of really arrogant people are like that…like they can never even assume at all that there is some fault with them…like this guy in the vid. He’s not even vaguely cute. Why would that guy think women would flock to him? And most do not care all that much about some kid who’s a “director’s son.” A…he is “son of” not a director, so idk, date his freaking dad instead if that’s what you’re after…lol. And B…a lot of people think the assumption that money will buy them is a turnoff (it’s a commentary on them, like saying they have bad character).

    The guy should have taken a good, long look at himself in the mirror and gotten more realistic about what he should get. And the fact is also, that guys like him are NOT part of the anti-white propaganda (to be moral, under that propaganda, the guy would be a jew, a black, or an oppressed indian). The asian women, not men, are typed more that way…like in all those endless movies about vietnam and other asian wars…focus is always some sad woman trying to escape and protect her babies, etc, and the white man who frees her, etc.

  21. Eurasians can be a pretty tough bunch to please. I hope that Rodger Pere nights of Yellow Fever were worth it to him. They got a lot of white guys and gals killed off.

  22. The male standard of handsome is probably blue eyes, a full head of dark hair and around 6ft. A chisel led jaw and aquiline nose. Piers Brosnan.

  23. NYYankees, I’ve been posting here for far longer than you have. Older readers are well aware I’ve never made any ‘secret’ of my racial background. If anything I used to make too much of it. I can’t be expected to preface my every comment with a warning from the Surgeon General about it for the benefit of newer readers

    The northwestern europeans in NY/NJ also avoid having to live among mediterraneans whenever possible…

    I’m glad to hear it. That comes as no surprise to me and confirms the wisdom of my position, which is to be a racialist but to steer well clear of ‘WN.’

  24. Quite interesting.

    His three roomies were Chinese, like himself. His three named victims were Weiss, Cooper and Michael-Martinez.

    This half caste really had some deep seated issues with his identity.

    You have been warned!

  25. One other weird thing…when I was little, and people would make these comments to me, but not darker girls, I did not realize AT ALL it was because the other girls were darker. I thought it was some commentary on me, like they thought I was defective or something, (why else would they suggest I could not go out with somebody who just looked like me, and with whom I had things in common?) So, I didn’t understand why they were thinking that’s what I could get. Why wouldn’t they just assume I’d want somebody like myself? And what was so great about the dark girls that they should have the northwest european protestant types, but not me, when I was way more like them? It was so weird!

  26. Oh, and Logan, when I was little and that happened, it was public schoolteachers, or the guilted southern types. Like in school, you had to be paired with “difference” (like for anything requiring teams.)

  27. DixieGirl, I feel really bad for you. It wasn’t really like that for me growing up in school; I’m 21. We had more free reign to live natural lives, i.e. no one belittled us for congregating with our own kind. Then again, I’m from the back country of South Carolina, which is one of the most Conservative and Christian places left.

    Just be glad you’re amongst your own kind here, and learn from your past so you can raise your children the right way. Spread the word about the Southern Cause amongst your friends and family. I’m glad you didn’t succumb to the Yankee propaganda.

  28. I’m not sure exactly which northerners or ‘yankees’ Dixiegirl is referring to, but it’s not the ones from my area, who tend to go out of their way to congregate with other northwestern europeans. Southern italians are still considered dangerous (and often are) to us; I can’t picture any of my tribe in my region shaming her for having blonde hair or for desiring her own men.

  29. I hear from associates in Connecticut that it is something of a ‘testing ground,’ as radical policies are tested there to see how residents react to them. A college kid recently told me that in grade school blond children were directed to one side of the classroom to play the ‘slaveholders’ while the rest of the students who played the ‘slaves’ were grouped on the other. His college textbook also claimed that 45% of the population is gay, which is a grotesque distortion even according to marxist standards.

    So perhaps attitudes towards northwestern europeans vary considerably in the northeast. In NJ and many parts of NY state northwestern europeans try to stick together and don’t indulge overt attacks against our blondes or any of us. These areas tend to be insulated from the more extreme policies of the marxists, as most would be outraged at anti-blonde (anti-northwestern european) attitudes. If anti-blonde was contextualized in terms of ‘white privilege’ over jews, blacks or hispanics, etc., many italians in NJ and NY would also be offended, although not as deeply.

  30. “like this guy in the vid. He’s not even vaguely cute. Why would that guy think women would flock to him?”

    Apparently quite a few:





  31. I remember travelling in Scandanavia in the 1980’s, a backpacking student just winging it with hitchhiking and all that. The amount of blonde women and very small children amazed me at the time, but since there were so very many of them, they became boring in appearance, especailly since their skin is so sallow, lacking any redness or healthy ruddiness as one finds in the Irish (my own type). Finally, one day, commenting in a youth hostel room to another American traveller about this, he laughed and said, “Are you kidding? These blondies are all bottle blondes. It is only the little kids who are truly blonde. Take a better look!”

    Sure enough, take a look and see it yourself: the Scandanavian men rarely have blonde hair, rather a kind of sandy or darkish blonde hair color at the lightest. The Scandanavian women have a lot of blonde hair. This simply cannot be a true thing – that the males of a population have different hair colors than the females.

    I admit that some people look good even with dyed hair, but if this Eurasian Elliot Rodgers was fixated on females’ hair color, why not just realize that they’re mostly dyed? Then he could calm down. That he dyed his own blonde at 7 is really nuts.

    Good guess, I think, that the killer was in fact gay. Taking that much interest in his clothes and glasses? Not a straight thing to do in Southern California!

  32. There aren’t very many pure towheads although you see a lot more of them in Finland and White Russia. Most super blond toddler’s hair gradually turns various darker shades of blonde, ash, sandy, etc. as they get older. My wife was a blue eyed ash blonde, my kids were blue eyed towheads whose hair grew sandy when they got older.

    Eyes are a whole ‘nother matter. Brown eyed natural blondes are extremely rare, so much so that they are almost non-existent. When you see a brown eyed woman with blonde hair it almost certainly came out of a bottle.

  33. Rudel,

    Rosamund Pike is a Blonde/Brown

    Quite nice too. Always liked her.

  34. What you want to look for is the hint of red in there. Then it’s a natural hair colour.

    Fair haired people are extremely common in Norn Iron and the North of England. Even if some of it is probably bottle blonde.

  35. “Fair haired people are extremely common in Norn Iron and the North of England. “

    That’s largely thanks to the Vikings.

  36. Oh, well they do appear to be dark for some reason. Coulda sworn she had brownish eyes.

  37. It’s by no means unusual for a man to have brown hair and blue eyes in the UK.

  38. No it’s largely to do with the people there. The Vikings came to enslave and kidnap the fair haired maidens. You should already know that Rudel. The Vikings did not come to settle. They came to purchase man flesh and woman flesh.

  39. “It’s by no means unusual for a man to have brown hair and blue eyes in the UK.”

    That’s an entirely different trait. There are many very light-eyed brunettes like myself in Northwest Europe.

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