Federal Judge Strikes Down Indiana Gay Marriage Ban


Here are the Top 3 reasons why the US system cannot be reformed:

1.) Federal judges are the final authority on everything, even on the most sensitive questions that exist like the definition of marriage, which makes voting a futile exercise.

2.) The oligarchy that rules America can bribe “reformer” politicians – the real election takes place after the official one when campaign contributions are exchanged for “evolving” on this or that troublesome position. Also, the oligarchy has the resources to take care of elected politicians with plush jobs after they leave public service, so it pays to tow their line while in office.

3.) Even when Congress or the state legislature pass laws (see the Immigration Act of 1996 which is my favorite example), executives can choose to ignore those laws and refuse to enforce them, which is why millions of illegal aliens have overrun our borders.

“In a decision coming from Utah, a federal appeals court on Wednesday for the first time backed gay marriage.

The Denver-based U.S. 10th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a lower-court decision that struck down the state’s bans on same-sex marriage.

The ruling, which was stayed, sets the stage for an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court, which touched off the current round of legal fighting on the issue when it struck down parts of the federal Defense of Marriage Act last year. …”

Note: In a separate decision, the US 10th Court of Appeals has sustained the lower court decision to strike down Utah’s gay marriage ban.

About Hunter Wallace 12408 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The stars on the American flag ought to be replaced with toilet seats, because the USA is going down the crapper!

  2. Each day that goes on, I am more and more convinced that “America,” such as it is, can’t be “saved.” If we don’t get some sort of Vladimir Putin type figure ready to use the pen and the phone to benefit white people, we’re doomed.

    It’s perfectly obvious that the Constitution is dying, and has been for quite some time. The current President has done more than his fair share to kill it, most of the others from Abraham Lenin onwards have had a part for sure. So why waste time campaigning on adhering to a dying document when we can just as well ask white voters to give a patriotic nationalist populist white man the pen and the phone?

    If I was elected President, inaugurated on January 20 after the election, the next day, January 21, I would, in front of live cameras rolling, go to the National Archives, have the curators take the original 1787 Constitution out of its protective casing, then literally with my own hands rip it to shreds. I’d then explain that I did it to save the white race, that the document was dying anyway, that I wanted to kill it while a patriotic nationalist populist white man had control of the pen and the phone (and Federal law enforcement and the military, I might add), and that no document, no words on paper, should ever serve as a racial/ethnic/cultural suicide pact, and that too many right wingers have wasted too much time worshiping and fetishing said (now dead) document.

    And, while a new explicitly ethnonationalist Constitution was being written, debated and eventually ratified, I’d have the pen and the phone, and I wouldn’t step down until a new Constitution is to my liking, and in the meantime, serving as the temporary dictator, I’d have some time to get some things done that needed to be done, punishing traitors, sending our obsolete farm equipment back to its manufacturer, deporting non-white immigrants, breaking up cartels and monopolies, including the media, and so on.

  3. The next LS cause should be “nullification”

    That existing Southern States “Nullify” all unconstitutional Federal judge rulings on Marriage laws, Immigration Laws/policies and Education.

    These three areas will be taken back by existing Southern states – just takes some White Southern Governor with some balls. This is much easier than complete secession , staring a new/old Confederate nation.

    • The states are already nullifying things like Obamacare and federal gun control laws – it’s a waste of time, nothing more than saber rattling for the GOP base. It is a token gesture type of resistance that Republicans use to pretend they are doing something.

  4. ‘sending our obsolete farm equipment back to its manufacturer’:

    That’s exactly the Golden Circlers’ way of seeing them, countenance: to be used as tools or jettisoned as losses, in the process of creating immense wealth, power and prestige by whatever means.

  5. ‘The next LS cause should be “nullification” (…) This is much easier than complete secession, staring a new/old Confederate nation’:

    You are completely overlooking the primacy of the monarchy, Jack. The first step to southern secession is to reveal the rightful heir to the throne of Dixie, properly sanctioned and blessed by the ‘Vicar’ of the only one global denomination. The people of Dixie need to begin to identify with their new dictator and his royal family as soon as possible. Remember: The servile-minded (even White ones) always love and adore a despotism (said Barnwell Rhett) so give them their ‘White’ (ultimately Romano-Talmudic) despot!

  6. ‘it’s a waste of time, nothing more’

    Nullification is not only a waste of time, but extremely boring for the vast majority of electors, who want welfare, license, entertainment and instant gratification. Creating a royal family of Dixie would do quite the opposite of constitutional maneuvering: capture their interest and support!

  7. Here’s good old Mosin, interjecting his anti-Catholic crap. The self described descendant of draft dodging immigrants who didn’t want to fight, advising us on southern secession. My romano-talmudic (whatever the hell that means) was wounded in battle at Chancellorsville with Lee’s Army. So don’t lecture us on southern secession you crackpot yankee troll 🙂

  8. The Founders (bless their hearts) created an aristocratic system in the guise of democracy intentionally.

    That helped them control things, but ultimately lead to the loss of everything when history moved on in the 60s.

    A much more stable system is proportional representation. In such a system the majority always wins. The Founders were afraid of the majority and gave too much power to minorities. This was exploited time and again to the detriment of the average person. The only way to free ourselves is through separation, which is no easy feat.

    Compare the EU parliamentary elections. In that system the parties that actually represent the people get more votes than anywhere else. People who care about aristocratic power wouldn’t like that; people who care about racial survival should.

    N.B. the proper response of the “Tea Party” in Mississippi to the narrow victory of Cochran is to vote in the Democrat in November so they will not have to face a GOP incumbent in 6 years and will take the seat. Such nuance is beyond them, however.

  9. We have to make this personal.

    Names, faces, addresses of these tyrant Fed judges.

    Where do they live?

    Where do they play golf?

    Where do they send their children to posh private schools.

    These arrogant $&@$$ unelected Fed usages have all but gotten a free pass.

  10. Afterthought

    The Founders took a lot of bets and made a lot of assumptions about human nature and (what at the time was taken as) common sense, assumptions which were very safe to make at the time, but which fell apart over time.

    Re Mississippi: I won’t go through the whole litany, my screen name here is a hyperlink to my own blog so you can read what I have to write about yesterday in full. But to make things short and sweet, I am not joining the conga line of conventional wisdom lemmings to run over the side of a cliff to think that black voters made the difference. I do think that Cochran pandering to black voters (even as much as I think it really didn’t make the difference) was outrageous and treasonous enough, and he has to be punished for that, even if it means having to vote for the Democrat in November.

  11. You are completely overlooking the primacy of the monarchy, Jack. ”

    jR responds
    The White South is about to install a powerful pro White monarchy….


    AZ rancher Cliven Bundy has a better chance of getting welfare Blacks in N. Vegas to volunteer to accept slavery!

    Hunter, really glad for your new family, but the OD comments section is collapsing in to Internet lunacy .

  12. ‘self described descendant of draft dodging immigrants who didn’t want to fight’:

    NOT ‘recent immigrants’ but long-standing, early settlers of Penn’s Woods — and not of ‘draft dodgers’, but religious objectors to all the unjust wars. However the few who had settled SOUTH of the Line, in the Shenandoah Valley, DID sort of ‘dodge’. Since Benjamin Judah’s regime wouldn’t exempt them, they hid out in the hills, and even when some were captured they still refused to fight.

  13. Hey Hunter.

    Please post my Vanderbilt College Baseball NCAA World Series post.

    Also, some of my deep thought posts about Cantor, Rand Paul.

    How ’bout them ‘ Dores

  14. Hal Turner did just that, Jack Ryan. Apparently it shook them up. But proceed with extreme caution, anyone doing it. And yes, I know about Turner.

  15. Interesting comment by Afterthought, in FAVOUR of the majority:

    ‘A much more stable system is proportional representation. In such a system the majority always wins. The Founders were afraid of the majority and gave too much power to minorities. This was exploited time and again to the detriment of the average person’.

    Yes, the democratic element is absolutely essential in the mixed polity, the best, most just and most stable form of human government. However without a general revival (Christian and ethnic) of the average person, and a new, truly moral, Christian majority, even the best democratic, representative political strategies and devices will go wrong.

  16. Brutus,

    The other side effectively does this, outed those who gave $ for traditional marriage ballot initiatives , then got them fired from their jobs.

    They didn’t kill pro traditional marriage supporters,more make threats, they just outed them and ruined the employment, social life.

    Our side either does nothing, or buys a lot of guns that are never used or just get us put in jail.

  17. “The Founders (bless their hearts) created an aristocratic system in the guise of democracy intentionally.”

    It was a system of haute bourgeois burghers not “aristocrats.” The South and Virginia in particular was slightly different in that the rulers there were from the minor gentry in England but still were not even close to being nobility.

    The US Constitution was property rights uber alles.

  18. The problem with our Republic, is that Christianity is on the decline. The Founders stated that the only way our Constitution and form of government would work, is if the people held Christian values.

    That’s the problem with this country, and why the Christian South needs to leave the atheistic/secular Yankees.

  19. ‘The problem with our Republic, is that Christianity is on the decline. The Founders stated that the only way our Constitution and form of government would work, is if the people held Christian values’:

    Exactly right, Logan Smith.

    ‘the Christian South needs to leave the atheistic/secular Yankees’:

    The Bible Belt may have shifted south of the Line in the last century, but it still covers some territory north of the Line. If the South would become MORE solidly genuinely Christian (think: revival) it would be in harmony with, not hateful of Christian Whites north of the Line — and you would recognise your REAL enemies are NOT ‘Yankee’ Whites.

  20. Who are the South’s enemies? Hint: They’re NOT the ‘Yankees’ (pure White Protestant Anglo-Celts who live north of the Line http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZubTju7g_s ). Most of the South’s enemies do live north of the Line now, but they’re moving South constantly thanks to the ubiquity of air conditioning and other urban amenities, so you’ll probably be meeting some directly in YOUR small town or suburb, soon.

  21. Sure were a lot of those “pure white protestant Anglo-Celts” north of the line who made up the invading Yankee armies of 1861-1865

  22. I’ve already been meeting Yankee transplants, Mosin. They seem like your every day, stuck up, better than thou, “the heat is awful, the North is better, I’m only here for the cheap housing, I can’t believe people fly the CBF and show pride for their ancestors” Yankees. Is there someone else I’m supposed to be expecting? There are people worst than Yankees?

  23. Logan Smith, you’re describing the transplants I know pretty well. I suppose the transplanting kind don’t have roots anywhere.

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