About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Just a thought on the psychology of ISIS and the illegal invasion of hispanics.

    In both cases the enemy has gotten a wink-wink from our Overlords, but they cannot be said to be controlled by our Overlords at this point. Now they have taken on a life of their own. The average ISIS and hispanic invader are going to be fueled by adrenaline and they are going to notice the lack of resistance of any kind.

    This is probably what the fall of Rome was like.

  2. Well the League of the South doesn’t really need anymore reasons for secession. I think everybody knows how corrupt the American political system is but if your looking for a fresh news story about how dirty politics is (here in Mississippi) check out the following..

    Mississippi attorney involved in the photo scandal of US Senator Thad Cochran was found dead of an apparent gunshot wound to the head. His note he left said he was innocent of the charges….


    Also might want to check out one of the flier that was used to attack State Senator Chris McDaniel and the Tea Party as a whole. Claiming the Tea Party wanted to stop African Americans from voting in the Republican primary for US Senate.


    US Senator Thad Cochran ended up winning because of a large number of Democrats who crossed over and voted for him in the Republican primary.

  3. The Obamanation was in town (MN.) yesterday, and tomorrow is FAG “Pride” days – ugh.

    It also plans to be 85-90 and rain- more rain in an already flooded state, bearing the Wrath of God. I hope we have lightening, and many casualties. God damn the obamanation, and all his minions.

    May God judge this state, and send it more flooding for the abominations/Obamanations it countenances, both for her racial and sexual perversions.

  4. “May God judge this state, and send it more flooding for the abominations/Obamanations it countenances, both for her racial and sexual perversions.”

    Off your meds again?

  5. Brian Pace, Cochran’s assassin didn’t even cover his tracks well. Making his murder look like a suicide? Really? Do they not know he’s a conservative and Christian?

    I hope the police aren’t payed off, so they can find whoever killed that man.

  6. I’m disappointed that Fr John seems to have abandoned the defence of Ethnic Christianity to seemingly line up with Lynda’s propaganda for Roman univeralism. Were you just sojourning in orthodoxy, and are you coming home to Rome now? Please explain.

  7. Rudel, Minnesota is a very liberal state. but I’ll have to agree with you about Fr. John’s statements, they’re over the top. He’s the Fred Phelps of WN and SN.

  8. Like what I’m seeing, guys! Great look to the site.

    When was the decision made to change the LS logo? I think it was a good call. The old one was ok, but unless the stars etc had some real specific meaning, it’s much better to stick with the new symbolism.

    Feels clean and new. By the way, will there be newer and more methods for folks to throw their money at you on the site?

    I logged onto paypal recently, for the first time in years, and discovered I was locked out of my account. CC, Debit Cards, and even bitcoin payment methods would sure put you in with the young crowd! *grin*

    Anyway, looking good!

  9. There goes Mosin again…descendant of draft dodgers who hid in the hills rather than serve the sacred cause during the War of Northern Aggression.

  10. New site looks good. Comment section wasn’t working, but maybe that’s meant to be, no trolling comments.

    Great job.

  11. Hunter, I tried to assess the new LoS site, but I can’t get it up. Is the League having problems (bugs et cetera) with the site?

  12. Get real, Mosin the Bible muppet.

    Our Lord addressed the Evangel to nations – ethne. You know as in “Go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations.” Pan ethne. Maybe you have come across that one while you were constructing the dogmatix of Mosin.

    The holy faith is ethnic ie nations. Therefore a nation founded as a social order upon the faith. And it is universal – the Evangel is addressed to all nations.

    It is foregone conclusion that the Christian nation states are going to form a Christendom. You could call it ‘Romanism’ or romanticism – does not change the historical record or the development of the Christian nation state according to Christ’s great commission.

  13. Mosin- et tu, Brute?

    You seriously don’t get it, do you? I can call Lynda a Romanist heretic, and yet, she has some measure of common grace, to know the reality of the Catholic faith far more than some idiots and ideological (and racial) Jews on this forum- such as Rude and Dalton.

    But that’s the problem with all Westerners. Devoid of the pnevma, they don’t ‘get’ what real Christianity is about.

    As I noted of this article, written from an Orthodox phronema,


    the reality of the interaction of Christianity – REAL Christianity- with the atomistic minds of the West, is all but gone. For it is articles like this, that connect the dots, that make assholes of the Rudes and Daltons of the world. And I bet Lynda gets what this article is about, for she is far closer to the ‘kingdom of God’ than many of the posters on this forum.


    “Absolutely stellar article, of the interaction with the Fathers and luminaries of Holy Orthodoxy informing the modern, a-theistic world!

    What is most perplexing, is the concerted effort to FORBID the ‘return to the land’ on the part of FEDGOV, especially in municipalities where small farming, and raising of chickens, rabbits, and the like (even a ‘family cow’) could EASILY be done. Precedent was set during WWII, with the ‘Victory Garden’ mindset, and Polyface Farm’s model in Virginia clearly shows the symbiotic nature of chicken manure feeding grass, which feeds cows, which produces milk, which feeds the family, etc.

    But that would ‘interrupt’ the CONTROL of the profit makers- and, as we all know, it’s all about control!

    In Wisconsin, for example, organic milk is ILLEGAL to sell… yet marijuana is now legal in Colorado. Why? Because in one state, you have a DAIRY LOBBY stopping local raw milk (which the Weston Price Foundation [ http://www.westonaprice.org ] clearly has shown is far, FAR superior to the vile mixtures called ‘milk’ on your supermarket shelves) whereas in another, the godless state TAXES the drugs, druggies want to buy!

    How is a creation of God [milk] ‘bad’ in one state, while a drug [pot] ‘good’ in another? Departure from the Law, and Reign of God. The quote in this article, “That the apologists for modernity call the peasant yeoman of old “backward” is laughable: their knowledge of the body and the soil is far superior to the modern agronomist” is most telling. GMO’s are banned in Europe, because the White Man knows- this stuff will KILL YOU, because it is a satanic counterfeit of the ‘food of life’, and, in many respects, is the latter-day equivalent of the Mosaic prohibitions of ‘mixing seeds’ and the like in the Levitical Law. You know- seed ‘adulteration’?

    Of course, this is only a small step away from RACIAL adulteration on the HUMAN sphere, and so, it takes but little insight to realize that with the growth of the biological fornication of the Agribiz folk, we see the concomitant ‘command’ (witness French Jew Sarkozy’s ‘metissage message’ a few years ago) to fornicate our White Race out of existence, as ALL OF A PIECE.

    Thus, it is both salutary and necessary that we acknowledge the Orthodox position on agriculture, and their national churches as exemplars of that ‘kind against kind’ model, found in Genesis. From the use of GMO wheat to make a ‘bastard loaf’ of Prosphora (has no one thought of the Frankengrain being used in this blasphemous manner?) to the elevation of Sodomites as logical candidates for ‘Marriage’ all of it is satanic to the core, and goes against the witness of Orthodoxy.

    Thank you for your work in this field. Many Years.


    Mosin, I don’t know where you are coming from, but it isn’t a good place.

    Dalton, you god-damned Jew Romanist heretic. Your allusion of me to the Westboro Baptists is as vile and dastardly, as your claiming to be a Christian. Both are full of shit.

  14. Thank you for posting this link, Fr John.

    This model was also the model of St Benedict of Nursia adopted in the West.

    Little ZOGlings in the gummint skool are not permitted to know that in the West, victorious in the Reconquista, the high Middle Ages of faith – Europe was a patchwork of little kingdoms and principalities and city states. Most people lived and worked on the land which supported the cottage industries (crafts) and guilds. Every estate was a parish. The local abbey or monastery was the library, school from which the people were enriched with Christian culture and arts.

    The people of this civilization – which ruins are tourist attractions for all nations – are always defamed in Jew Hollywood films as ignorant ferals when in fact they had many skills of livlihood and could sing the Psalter in Latin. The Bible was read in the setting of divine worship and everyone had instruction in the faith through the parish and its abbey or monastery.

    To have lived as a peasant in the Engand of St Thomas a Beckett would have been a great blessing.

  15. Fr. John, such language for a Priest! Tsk, tsk, tsk! If your bishop gets wind of this, he may have to wash your mouth out.
    My biological ‘Jewishness’ isn’t as important to me as my spiritual ‘Jewishness’ that the Apostle Paul talks about in Romans. My ancestors religion is just that, their religion. I loathe the Jewish religion because it rejects the Law, the Prophets, and the Gospel, and persecutes the Church Of God. BTW, are you in the habit of calling people you don’t like Jews? Rudel, to the best of my knowledge, isn’t a Jew. I’d be very careful about throwing that around PapaJohn. You may offend the wrong person someday, and end up with a new one being ripped for you.

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