Review: 2014 League of the South National Conference

The 2014 League of the South conference was held in Wetumpka, AL this weekend.

Compared to the 2012 and 2013 national conferences, the 2014 conference was a consolidation of the changes that have occurred within the League over the past two years: an ideological shift toward ethnonationalism and a strategy of aggressive street activism. Both were on prominent display at the 2014 national conference.

The League debuted its new website: The new website is aesthetically superior to its predecessor, a rarely updated dinosaur from the 1990s, and will be frequently updated with fresh articles, blog posts, book reviews, podcasts, photos, and videos. A FAQ will be compiled which will address issues that tend to come up in media interviews. We plan to spend a lot of time over the next year adding content – particularly photos and video from our street demonstrations – to the new website.

As expected, there were noticeably more young people at the 2014 national conference. The League is growing younger, more radical, and more aggressive with each passing year. There seemed to be more people at the 2014 conference from Arkansas, Missouri, Mississippi, and Louisiana than at previous conferences. This indicates to me that the League is expanding out of its base in Alabama, Georgia, and Florida. There hasn’t been any activism yet in the Western South, but we have people there who are getting organized.

A camera crew from the BBC which is making a documentary on the rise of nationalism in Europe and North America filmed much of the 2014 conference. There was also a camera crew from WSFA, the local NBC affiliate, at League headquarters on Saturday morning. The media, which has taken a greater interest in the League this year, was another striking change over the 2012 and 2013 national conferences. My speech on “Southern Nationalism and the Media” explored how the League’s relationship with the media has changed over the last two years and how we expect it will continue to evolve in year ahead.

Mike Tuggle spoke about the Civil Rights Revolution. Dr. Michael Hill gave a speech that addressed leftists about the consequences of their victory in the United States and elsewhere in the Occident. Michael Cushman’s speech was about how to hold a Southern Nationalist street demonstration. He closed his speech with the “Southern Nationalist address.” Finally, Mike Crane gave a speech about winning state and local elections.

As always, the “real conference” kicked off after the official conference was over with two nights of drinking, socializing, dining at local restaurants, and touring local historical sites in the Montgomery area. Compared to previous years, our conversations this year felt anti-climatic: there seemed to be a consensus that the post-Rainbow League was on the right track and no bold shift in direction emerged from our discussions. There wasn’t any debate about taking what we are already doing to the next level.

What lies ahead? I expect to see more, larger, and better organized street demonstrations, a vastly improved website, more publicity from the media, more activism in the Western and Upper South, and more young people with families joining the movement. I expect to see more people I know getting married, having children and raising them in the movement. I expect to hear less from Rainbows and more from disaffected conservatives who are starting to realize that reform is impossible.

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About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hunter, will all due respect (and I do have great respect for you and your efforts) you
    are not correct that the League used to be a “rainbow” effort; and now has changed
    into an activist group.
    Yes, there were, in the past, some people who clung more to southern heritage
    than to demonstrations…..but I remember well the first LOS conference I went to
    at the Marriot in Montgomery.
    I can’t remember the year…..but it was before 2004. We had Fireeater Macdonald
    King Aston walking amongst us. Basic Gray sang their song about the sodomite
    Moe Sleeze. Dr. Hill was “on fire” then as he is today.
    The Conference ended with a demonstration against SPLC. Larry Sally and
    Robert Hayes were well organized with a mannequin in a toilet and a sign that
    said, “Flush SPLC” That conference and that demo were electrifying.
    I do not deny the fact that the League has fine-tuned itself to commit to getting
    in the street on a regular basis. But, we have always had a core of activists who
    were ready to hit the streets. And now, that is happening.
    But, it isn’t exactly true that the League used to be “rainbow”; and now
    it is not. Some of the same folk who are hitting the streets now were eager
    to hit the streets back then.
    Some of us are older; but have always been “ready to rumble” at a moment’s

    • Maybe so.

      That was my impression. There was a statement on “racism” on the Dixienet website for years. I first heard about the League way back in 2001 or 2002, but never joined because I wasn’t interested in fighting “racism” or Ripley’s Believe It or Not stories about black Confederates.That’s the reason why I spent the last decade in the White Nationalist movement.

      It wasn’t until 2010 that I started paying attention to the League again. Dr. Hill was interviewed by Kevin MacDonald. That’s why I gave the League a second look. Later, I found that the League had begun to change its tune much earlier around 2004, but I wasn’t paying any attention to them because my first impression was the “racism” statement on the website.

      I joined the League at the 2012 conference. There was an epic Facebook debate with Connie Chastain that resulted in the removal of the “racism” statement. Since I have been in the League, there wasn’t any activism until the Starke, FL protest exactly a year ago.

      • Hunter, your experiences parallel my own almost exactly except for a slight difference in dates.

        mjserratt, regardless of what went on behind closed doors, the impression the League gave to outsiders is that it was a Rainbow organisation. I think the League’s abandonment of Rainbow rhetoric (regardless of whether the rhetoric was ever genuine) is a major reason for the increase in activism and the involvement of younger people.

  2. I think it’s quite clear where we are now. My line about ‘the self-evident truth that all men are not created equal’ drew great applause and support. Regardless of what our organisation might once have been, we are now a solidly ethno-nationalist movement that is perhaps the most active Right-wing group in the entire USA (even though we’re only active in our Southland).

  3. Regardless of what the League of the South (LS) was, today we are on firm ground & believe you me people are taking notice. I look forward to seeing an influx of younger & increasingly more dedicated folk filling our ranks, flocking to our banner. With the ever increasing nationalist spirit that we are now seeing not only here but world wide it is an inevitability that this will be who is drawn to us. In this lies the South’s salvation, her most precious resource, her young. It is there that we will cultivate the future of our people.

  4. Hunter, I’m trying to get a core group of people interested in putting together a weekly League podcast. You’re one of the folks I have in mind for a regular participant. A 30 minute show to start with ought to be about right.

    I’m going to start work on Mike Tuggle’s talk tonight.

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