George William Photos

Here are some recent photos of my beautiful baby boy:

Note: Americanism celebrates homosexuality, gay marriage, abortion, miscegenation, childlessness, adultery, divorce, and sexual promiscuity. Reject the culture of death that surrounds you.

About Hunter Wallace 12408 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Americanism celebrates homosexuality, gay marriage, abortion… childlessness, adultery, divorce, and sexual promiscuity. Reject the culture of death that surrounds you.

    Reject it? A goodly percentage of “white nationalists” want to embrace that culture, or at the very least get the rest of us to shut up about opposing, because don’t you know, Pajama Boy and his “husband” are the next great white nationalist constituency and they’re really hacked off about immigration.

    • Yes, I know.

      We’ve been over the flaws of White Nationalism a million times here. I think we have done a good job of correcting most of those flaws while salvaging the parts that are worthwhile.

      • I don’t understand why White Nationalists hate us Southrons so much. They get mad at us, just because we want to protect our ethnicity by keeping them out of our nation. We’re basically a meta version of them, and they hate us for it. I was just over at Radix, and was called an “anti-white” (or what have you) because I was retaliating to Yankee insults about the South.

        “Stop fighting fellow whites.” Tell the Yankees to stop destroying my culture and belittling my people then.

        It’s ridiculous. Why can’t they just leave us be?

        • Dear Logan,

          White Nationalism is code for, ‘The Internationalist Egalitarian White Brotherhood of Facist-style Communism … in denial ; and, as such, though they seem to have pale complexions in common with some ‘nationalist’ movements, they are, from the perspective of Real Politik, diametrically opposed to the true aims of any such movement.

        • Part of the reason is because we don’t trust that you’ll leave us be, Logan. I don’t know what exact insults you’re referring to, but I can say as a northerner southrons’ inability to locate the jews as the main engine of anti-white scares me and many northern pro-whites that I know. You’ll make a deal with some of these ‘good ‘ole boy’ ‘white’ jews at the end of the day, and it will cost my people dearly. Don’t think we don’t know this.

          • We don’t want war with you, I don’t know how many times we have to say this.

            Just leave *US* alone. We don’t give two hoots about what you do up North.

          • – It is Northerners not leaving us be, not the other way around. Southern nationalists have no interest in dictating policy to the North, which is the exact opposite of what Northern white nationalists wish to do to the South. In fact, many white nationalists openly talk of handing our land over to blacks.

            – The Jews had minimal influence on the attempted genocide of Southerners from 1861-1877. Blaming the Jews for the North’s anti-white policies is a massive and dishonest copout. The Jews jumped on board with the North’s anti-white campaign decades after it got started.

            – Very few Southern nationalists are interested in cutting deals with Jews. The Jews are a hostile people, nearly all of them here have no roots in the South, and they generally can’t be trusted because they always put their own interests first.

  2. “Americanism celebrates homosexuality, gay marriage, abortion, miscegenation, childlessness, adultery, divorce, and sexual promiscuity. Reject the culture of death that surrounds you.”

    What’s wrong with childlessness? I’m sure most whites want to have children someday, but if some of them don’t, what’s wrong with that? Children should be brought into the world because their parents want to give love, not because their parents feel morally obligated to procreate.

      • I can understand why you feel that way. Romantic love tends to decrease over time. Marriages that are founded on shared values and/or common goals will probably outlast marriages that are founded on romantic love alone.

        Anyway, I was trying to find out what you think the purpose of procreation should be. Should all whites do it whether they want to or not? Is it moral to have kids just to raise the population of the white race?

        I think I’ve asked you this before. I believe you responded that it’s natural to reproduce. So I suppose if someone asked you why you want a big family you would say that it’s just natural to reproduce. Am I correct?

        • 1.) We’re all here because we claim to believe in racial and cultural preservation. That’s why so many people are invested in the idea of creating a “White ethnostate” so that our posterity, children and grandchildren born of our flesh and blood, can have a secure environment in which to carry on our collective existence. We feel a sense of duty and loyalty toward future generations which takes precedence over the alleged abstract “rights” of those who are not our own kin.

          2.) Obviously, the single most important act that any individual can make to the cause of racial preservation is to start a family, preferably a large family, and to support cultural values and public policies that encourage fecundity while opposing those which are the product of selfish and sterile American individualism.

          3.) Humans have a natural instinct to reproduce like all other species. The morbid liberal culture of death that I referred to above is a degenerate type of learned behavior. At the exact opposite end of the spectrum, there is a culture of life, another type of learned behavior which complements and channels our instincts, and which is usually but not necessarily centered on religious tradition, which fosters procreation.

        • That’s why I want a big family. The more the merrier. Well, that and they can help me do work.

        • Should all whites do it whether they want to or not? Is it moral to have kids just to raise the population of the white race?

          No and No. The biggest contribution you can make to a society and the progeny of a distinct people is to freely give your time and energy to advance common interests and common goals you share with those distinct people. You don’t have to procreate in order to accomplish this. A woman doesn’t have to become a baby factory in order to make an impact on future generations. There’s simply no biological absolute that says you have to procreate in order to be a nurturing individual who can affect change and give future generations a solid foundation. If you have one kid or one dozen kids, you still have to take into account the wellbeing of millions and millions of other kids who are, by birth, not yours. But those other kids are kind of yours, too, in a way. If you don’t have kids, you still have to devote yourself to bettering the lives of millions and millions of other kids in the exact same way. There’s really no difference. We all have to become the best nurturers and leaders we can be.

          Honestly, once you can instill some kind of real pride and stability in a generation, the whole responsible procreation thing kind of takes care of itself.

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