Antifa Fail In Philadelphia: March Against Racists and Rapists


H/T Tremley

We haven’t seen Daryle Lamont Jenkins of One People’s Project since he showed up with his entourage of communist neckbeards and morbidly obese homosexuals to entertain us back in April at the 2014 Amren Conference in Burns, TN.

“Shutdown Amren 2014” was a humiliating failure for OPP who came to Tennessee with significantly fewer people than who had showed up the year before. It seems though that Daryle has fallen on hard times even in his home turf in Philadelphia!

If you want a good laugh, check out the videos of below of Daryle & Co. getting outnumbered and pushed around by White Nationalists from Stormfront in Northeast Philadelphia. What’s even funnier though to me reading all this stuff is that the Philly Antifa were shunned in their own city:


Not wanted in our community … BURN.

How come? Because are they are “masked superhero wannabees” who run around and break things while chanting silly slogans. In other words, an embarrassment to other anti-racists. Y’all ought to go back home and get a job … in Philadelphia!

Update: Hey look, there’s that Red flag again:


About Hunter Wallace 12392 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The square mask heads the ANTIFA’S wear remind me of the Blockheads from the Gumby show. Their actions prove they’re blockheads!

  2. Damn that must be like the first time in history the good guys outnumbered the antis. Maybe things really are starting to change.

  3. Fathers of daughters can do their part against rapists by insisting that the young ladies shall learn competence with a girl’s-hand-size five-shot small-frame snub-nose .357″Magnum, to degree adequate to kill an attacker to protect her own life. It may be an apocryphal vernacular proverb, but “No one ever raped a .38” Of course further desire after that, for more weapons and related activity, is to be encouraged — but see your kitten has her claws first of all.

  4. by Luke Ford-

    A Rulebook For White Nationalists
    Posted on April 19, 2014 by Luke Ford

    The following is a list of rules to follow during arguments with anti-racists. While all the rules have their uses, by far the most important rule is Rule #14. If there is only one rule you can remember, make it Rule #14. Remember Rule #14!

    Rule #1: Tell people that members of every race prefer to live among their own.

    Rule #2: Tell people that all non-whites prefer to live with whites.

    Rule #3: Do not apply Rule #1 and Rule #2 at the same time. If you are caught doing so, recover by applying Rule #14.

    Rule #4: Tell people that members of every race prefer to reproduce with their own.

    Rule #5: Tell people that all non-white men prefer to reproduce with white women, and all non-white women prefer to reproduce with white men.

    Rule #6: Do not apply Rule# 4 and Rule #5 at the same time. If you are caught doing so, recover by applying Rule #14.

    Rule #7: Tell people that it is morally wrong for any race to displace any other race in their indigenous homeland, or to alter the culture of any other race in their indigenous homeland.

    Rule #8: Tell people about the gloriousness of whites displacing non-whites in the Americas, Australasia and Africa, which was perfectly acceptable because non-whites had no concept of land ownership, and that non-whites should be infinitely grateful to whites for the gift of Western civilization to mankind.

    Rule #9: Do not apply Rule #7 and Rule #8 at the same time. If you are caught doing so, recover by applying Rule #14.

    Rule #10: Tell people that white colonialism is a thing of the past which will never be repeated by a future all-white nation.

    Rule #11: Tell people that group behaviour is a product of race, and hence the same group behaviour will always be expressed by the same race.

    Rule #12: Do not apply Rule #10 and Rule #11 at the same time. If you are caught doing so, recover by applying Rule #14.

    Rule #13: Tell people never to be fooled by Jews who use the term “anti-Semite” to deflect all criticism towards them.

    Rule #14: Use the term “anti-White” to deflect all criticism towards you.

    CHAIM AMALEK SAYS: “Rule 14 is false. Better rule #14: Tie your opinion/conduct to that of Israel, and say you are just urging for whites what seems perfectly acceptable among zionists and if anyone objects, accuse them of being antisemitic. Of course, it took a Jew to point this out.

  5. Thanks Thrombone. From the repeated mention of rule #14, it looks like so called “anti-racists” can’t stand being called anti-White. So I guess we should keep doing it then. 🙂

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