Amanda’s Subway Experience

Amanda rode the subway and had the misfortune to encounter some of the modern day successors of Rosa Parks:

“NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — A woman was viciously attacked by a group of teenagers on the subway in Brooklyn – and she said it all started when she decided to speak up about their behavior.

As CBS 2’s Jessica Schneider reported Monday night, the 21-year-old victim said she was beaten by three teenage girls when her subway train pulled into the Seventh Avenue G Train stop in Park Slope. …”

“White privilege” is an invisible knapsack that should include the privilege of being able to ride the subway you pay for in peace without being harassed or assaulted by packs of violent, feral, foul mouthed black juveniles.

Note: Check out SBPDL’s “Great Moments in Black History: The 1994 Beating in Detroit of Rosa Parks by Joseph Skipper – Netting the Latter $53.” Joseph Skipper cried about robbing and beating Rosa Parks while was in prison. Three years later, he robbed a Livonia church after he was released from prison.


About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Any rational nation would confine these 70 IQ living fossils to reservations…I remember visiting my grandma in Mobile in the 1950s when I was a kid..and all the great “white” and “colored” signs..our southron ancestors sure had these baboons pegged right.

  2. True to form the JewMSM delivers a H8 White media report carefully covering the black chimpout against the White woman – reporting them as ‘teens’. This was a White Out.

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