About Hunter Wallace 12414 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. This is Linder’s attempt to respond to my point: after the Jew is named, what then?

    He says the answer is to organize, but Jews crush every attempt to organize – why didn’t Pierce himself realize this? VNN has been around for around 14 years. In that entire period, how many times has Linder been seen in public? Has Linder ever done anything besides “name the Jew” and advocate killing people on the internet? Has Linder ever tried to organize anyone against the Jews?

    No, his plan is to continue to “name the Jew” until the end of time because he can engage in that sort of slacktivism while sitting in his own house shitting himself every few hours. It’s just another variation on the major flaw of WN which is that there is no step beyond education, entertainment, and fomenting outrage. No thought is given to what happens after the Jew has been named.

  2. It’s painfully obvious that Linder is a Federal informant. Odd that so many on his forum have gone on killing sprees, yet he always seems to avoid any meaningful persecution.

  3. Thomas Paine, you are a pinhead. The only way Linder would be prosecuted for a user of his forum going on a shooting-spree is if it could be shown that he told that person to do it, or if a provocateur suggested killing somebody and Linder said okay.

  4. “Unlike Alex Linder, who is an internet personality with a forum and a podcast, I am actually an organizer. In fact, I am getting on the road to go to an event right now, although I won’t be in Georgia where we have another event going on tomorrow.”

    You say this “I’m an organizer, I’m an organizer”, as if reciting from the Scriptures.

    If you define yourself compared to internet losers (of which ther is plenty, everywhere, not just in WN circles), then your self-image is quite weak indeed.

    Don’t compensate, mate.

    BTW, as i outlined earlier, people will never secede over gay mariage, abortion etc. What people may be secede over, is the economic situation: unemployment, shrinking paychecks, mass foreclosures, hopelessness.

    With “down with gay marriage”, you will never get anywhere. It’s just simple politics.
    People care about what they will eat, whether they can get a job, is there a future for them and their children, etc.

  5. BTW, as i outlined earlier, people will never secede over gay mariage, abortion etc. What people may be secede over, is the economic situation: unemployment, shrinking paychecks, mass foreclosures, hopelessness.

    Well, no one was starving in Northern Ireland during “The Troubles.” Also, look up the details of the Cyprus independence struggle led by General Grivas-a purely ethnic affair in a prosperous British colony that never been an independent state in its entire history.

    Just two examples off the top of my head.

  6. Hadding, I wouldn’t be so quick to call someone a pinhead.

    You are culpable for what you facilitate, not simply what you do or say. This is especially true when you start talking about felony crimes. You DO NOT have to tell someone to do anything specific. You only have to create an environment where your audience is inspired or motivated to do things that they might not normally do without your influence. How could someone like Linder not know his words could be taken to the literal extreme when he so prominently displays “exterminate Jews” as a step that must be taken? Always a great idea for someone else, but never for Linder himself. It’s no coincidence that he gives the media exactly the type of caricature they want and need.

    Linder’s little VNN is much more useful to authorities as a honeypot than it would be to just swoop in, harass him and try and shut it down. It really doesn’t matter at this point whether he is a paid informant or just too mentally ill and self-absorbed to comprehend it all. The chances of VNN/Linder being anything other than an informant and/or mentally ill are absolutely zero. ZERO!

    Linder is a big fucking pussy who couldn’t hack it in the real world, so he uses the Internet to try and puff out his emaciated chest and pretend he is some fearless warrior who is inspiring other fearless warriors.

  7. CT, are you not engaging in the same antics as those you accuse Linder of?

    Lord knows, I gave up on VNN years ago, because they refuse to acknowledge or bend the knee to the Truth Claims of Christ, and of the Kingdom. But then, so has HW on this board, because, for all his initial talk about allowing Christ a place at the table, his LCMS pop in law, and his own gelded UMC’ism, really don’t WANT Christ to be King!

    Unlike others in the blogosphere:



    Are we engaging in a battle, or are we merely just ‘talking heads’ – no matter who we are?

  8. I enjoy debating with Linder. Naturally, like all would-be politicians he is somewhat of a blowhard, and on certain subjects he blows as hard and the best Irish Catholic or Jew blowhard.

    Linder doesn’t believe in a soul, spirit or after life. In this he differs even from the ancient pagan philosophers like Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, etc. all of whom believed in a soul and some sort of a continuum or after life of the soul.

    We have gone from being a White Protestant country in 1960, to be becoming a mish mash of races and cults today. A big part of the problem is that Protestantism has attempted to accommodate the cults, even to basic changes in theology, and practice. We have bent over backwards to be more friendly and accommodating to Jews, Roman Catholics, and now Islam, Mormonism, Hinduism etc. You can see it in the average Protestant worship service than is taking on more trapping of the various cults and their sacraments and beliefs.

    Brad, you are on the right track, and stay on it. Lose your fear of fund raising, and let’s face it, you need to raise funds outside of the this website. I’ve mentioned before a heritage mail & phone pitch—which would work after you fine tuned it.

    Linder’s an amusing, bright and talented guy. But, that doesn’t mean he’s actually going anywhere in real life.

  9. Of course you’re right about WN, but are you at yet another Reading of the Essays? And with other essayists who would run you over for a mention in the NY TIMES that bestowed a smart badge? Millions of whites want liberation from PC not another esoteric essay

  10. CT, are you not engaging in the same antics as those you accuse Linder of?

    No, I don’t see how I could be. I don’t think I have ever chastised anyone for not doing something I wasn’t capable of doing or at least willing to do myself. Linder finds a convenient way to praise murderers and malcontents, while always finding a way to contort the agendas and speech of those who don’t see eye to eye with him and his “exterminate Jews” indoctrination. I certainly don’t know of anyone that has gone on to be arrested, murdered or had their lives ruined after possibly being inspired by something I’ve said on the Internet. And I sure as hell don’t have a website where all of this speech and lunacy is nicely squared away for all to see.

    Aside from calling myself a Race-ist, in what way would my speech or persona be considered an asset by the SPLC and various other anti-White entities that need a certain type of caricature to keep the money flowing and to keep their lies and distortions from running off the tracks?

    Why do you find it so difficult to control your religious fanaticism?

  11. Very good links, Fr John.

    Also: http://www.tradyouth.org/2014/10/anglin-isnt-radical-enough/#comment-131507I agree with Matt Heimbach, and glad he’s returned to writing on Tradyouth. Matt says almost exactly what I’ve been preaching: ‘the answer lies in a fervent vanguard of legionary religious zealots who invest at least as much time in the Inner Crusade against our familiar vices as we do in the Outer Crusade against the usual suspects’ and ‘Only a fervent religious awakening (…) will actually work (…) both in our temporal and ethnic context. We Americans have a rich tradition of fervent religious awakenings’.

      • According to Linder, we can’t organize or do anything in the real world because the Jews will get us. That sounds like something someone who hasn’t been seen in public outside his own house in years would say.

        I just listened to an hour long speech about the Jews. Matt Heimbach is here. Funny how the Jews and anti-fa never stop us from doing what we want to do.

  12. “I am actually an organizer.”

    As successful revolutionaries, Lenin and Trotsky have a lot to teach Whites in this regard. Or as Lenin put it: true communism is as much praxis as it is ideology.

  13. Rudel says:
    October 18, 2014 at 6:59 pm

    “As successful revolutionaries, Lenin and Trotsky have a lot to teach Whites in this regard. Or as Lenin put it: true communism is as much praxis as it is ideology.”

    I understand the Communists were very good at fund raising. They would do anything including robbing banks, or marry old women for their money, fleece them and leave them destitute. Such lovely people they were, “the friends of humanity”.

  14. “Funny how the Jews and anti-fa never stop us from doing what we want to do.”

    Go for it Brad but remember that how it was funny that Eisenhower sending Army paratroopers into Little Rock and Kennedy federalizing the Alabama National Guard did exactly that; preventing White folks from doing what they wanted to do, and their advisers can precisely be described as Jews and “anti-fascists.”

    Real organizing as you are doing is absolutely required as a first step. Armed resistance is necessarily the last one. Leninists wisely refer to the premature move to this sort of violence as “adventurism.”

    It is all well and good to be pointing out that Tyson Chicken’s or Bill Gates are depriving native White Americans of jobs; however it is not too early to be advocating intermediate levels of resistance such as jury nullification, state legislature nullification, and non-compliance with taxes as immediate practical steps towards victory over the federals.

  15. “I understand the Communists were very good at fund raising. They would do anything including robbing banks, or marry old women for their money, fleece them and leave them destitute. Such lovely people they were, “the friends of humanity”.”

    Don’t be such an Old America wuss. There are appropriate levels of action that are required at each stage of a revolutionary struggle. No one loved Confederates then, no one loves Confederates now. Man up and do what is called for under the circumstances. Or are you under the deluded impression that overthrowing the federals is not REVOLUTIONARY?

  16. @fnn

    Both Northern Ireland and Cyprus were about religion AND ethnicity(RCC vs. Protestantism, Irish vs. Ulster Brits and Scots; Greeks vs Turks, Orthodoxes vs Muslims)

    therefore both of your examples are WRONG.

    In the case of the South, we dont have religous differences of noticeable degree; nor we have ethnic clashes.

    It is important to note that the Ulster (british) government was very strongly of anti-Irish, and pro-British. The Ulster Protestants could rely on it.

    The US ZOG is nowhere near pro-white, so whites cannot rely on it. As for ethnic differences, the Mexicans are only a problem in Texas.

    Your argument doesnt stand to reason.

  17. Rudel says:
    October 18, 2014 at 7:27 pm

    “Don’t be such an Old America wuss. There are appropriate levels of action that are required at each stage of a revolutionary struggle. No one loved Confederates then, no one loves Confederates now. Man up and do what is called for under the circumstances. Or are you under the deluded impression that overthrowing the federals is not REVOLUTIONARY?””

    Okay, report back when you’ve robbed an elderly woman of her savings, or held up bank for the cause. I’ll be looking forward to it.

  18. “although one far more sophisticated than the usual nonsense on the internet.”

    Look at you how well informed you are! Care to enighten us?

    This is the same elitist liberal haughty attitude that makes my stomach turn.

  19. Hunter Wallace says:

    ‘Listening to another speech that touches upon the Jews … although one far more sophisticated than the usual nonsense on the internet.’

    Could you give us a summary of the ‘far more sophisticated speech’ when you have an opportunity?

  20. “Okay, report back when you’ve robbed an elderly woman of her savings, or held up bank for the cause.”

    How in God’s name did you ever glean from my statements that I was in favor of that? The most radical thing I advocated was jury nullification and tax avoidance. As for holding up banks, any rational person knows the answer to that particular question and the answer is: can you get away with it cleanly because the US Treasury (such as it is) and the Federal Reserve are certainly picking us remaining chickens clean.

  21. “In the case of the South, we dont have religous differences of noticeable degree; nor we have ethnic clashes.”

    You are obviously new here. Look for posts by Earl Butz on religious and ethnic differences. He makes racial distinctions between Papists and Prots among the Gaelic nationalities where the DNA difference between the populations are extremely low.

  22. After reading all the comments, I see we’re no closer to defeating out two biggest enemies. Instead of bashing other whites for their beliefs, we should be joining forces. We can’t win the war on one set of ideas. This is how we got into this mess in the first place. As soon as we have different opinions or ideas,we call the other guy nuts and we weaken our numbers. We don’t have to live with each other or become friends, but we need to come together for a common cause. If and when we retake our nation, we can go our seperate ways. Until then we need all of our brothers. How much longer can we survive as a seperate race? The blacks and others stick together for their common cause, why can’t we? All this infighting is non-productive.

  23. HW: “it is true that Jews are very powerful”

    They are more than powerful, they are in power!

    “other factors like Whites being so individualistic, prone to abstract thinking, materialistic and cowardly”

    If it is the nature of Whites to be like that, there’s nothing we can do about it. But we could do something about the Jews in government and the media who push for race replacement. We could try to get rid of them, for example.

    By the way, I think White people are less materialistic and more idealistic than, for example, the Blacks and the Chinese. And I’m not sure they lack courage. For example, a hundred years ago, millions of them marched to their deaths in WWI, as if their lives counted for nothing. The problem is with the leadership. Our national elites, who used to give us moral guidance, and should have organized the resistance to the Jews, have been displaced by the Jews, who are in the process of destroying us, and who prevent the re-emergence of our natural elites.

  24. “magnified by other factors like Whites being so individualistic, prone to abstract thinking”

    Heaven forfend that we dare to think abstractly! (He said while sending TCP/IP packets through cyberspace.)

  25. “who prevent the re-emergence of our natural elites.”

    I wouldn’t worry very much about the emergence of natural elites, after all they will naturally emerge. The question is will they be well-bred?

  26. I still consider myself new to this movement, and an outlier in many ways.

    But as someone who might be deemed radical by some, even I cannot understand why anyone gives this Alex Linder person the time of day.

    Isn’t there some middleground between ‘exterminationism’ and appeasement?

    Brad, neither Linder nor Rogers has anything to offer a White nation.

    I also don’t get why you veterans continue to simply expose all your infighting and strategy on the internet, especially the strategizing.

  27. ‘I wouldn’t worry very much about the emergence of natural elites, after all they will naturally emerge’:

    In a possible long-term strategy against the ‘oligarchs’ elite, Putin is deliberately (but quietly) re-stocking the lower and middle levels of his government (source of future leaders on the higher level) with young people of POOR, non-elite background from provincial towns and rural areas who would have never had a chance. I don’t know if Russian whiteness is being favoured or if Asian and Euro-Asian provincials are fully represented.

    Off topic: Sunday morning ‘good’ news from the ‘voice of freedom’ (‘Radio Free Europe’): The Federal Global Tyranny welcomes homosexual refugees from ‘persecuting’ Russia. http://www.rferl.org/content/russia-asylum-us-gay-law/26639402.html But Christian homeschooling Whites are deported back Germany where their homeschooling was illegal.

  28. the answer lies in a fervent vanguard of legionary religious zealots

    If that’s the answer, then I will either be asking a different question or asking a different audience who is a little less sheepish and not so full of passive-aggressives yearning to exchange one set of chains for another.

  29. Once again, everyone had a good time this weekend in Memphis, and there was no vicious infighting, negativity, or dysfunction on display. There were speeches about history, race, Jews, Christianity and other topics.

    Several of us who have been following the “beefs” discussions here laughed about the contrast between the relationships we have in real life, where we know each other on a personal basis, and anonymous people constantly fighting and flinging shit at each other on the internet.

  30. “You are obviously new here. Look for posts by Earl Butz on religious and ethnic differences. He makes racial distinctions between Papists and Prots among the Gaelic nationalities where the DNA difference between the populations are extremely low.”

    What are you saying? that Catholics and Protestants should fight each other? to what end? The case of Southern Secession is not a “religious war” as I understand it.

    BTW maybe there are some differences in mentality among these groups, but “difference” doesnt equate with “opposition”.

  31. “Several of us who have been following the “beefs” discussions here laughed about the contrast between the relationships we have in real life, where we know each other on a personal basis, and anonymous people constantly fighting and flinging shit at each other on the internet.”

    Condescending bullshit. Political succes doent mean having fun parties disguised as conferences. How many parties did Lenin throw? How many conferences did Hitler organize?

    I mentioned earlier that even long-term marriages can fail easily. I wonder how many of these attendees would laugh at this statement five years from now.

    • It’s the truth.

      I’m going to write an article about it when I get home. The “beefs” and dysfunctional infighting that is always on display on the internet is just a symptom of low trust/low social capital within the WN movement.

      As for Lenin and Hitler, the internet wasn’t around in their day, so they never had to deal with the problem of communists or National Socialists retreating from reality into an online fantasy world where anonymous strangers pick fights with each other over small differences in ideology.

  32. “The case of Southern Secession is not a “religious war” as I understand it.”

    No, but the rapid decline of Southern Evangelism will surely have an effect on the region’s politics.

    Midterm elections are all about turning out base constituencies. Over the last few decades, there have been few more reliable voters for Republicans than white evangelical Protestants. This year, however, GOP candidates may be getting less help from this group—not because white evangelical Protestants are becoming less supportive or less motivated, but simply because they are declining as a proportion of the population, even in Southern states.

    During the heady days of evangelical prominence in the 1980s and 1990s, white evangelical Protestant leaders frequently noted the decline of their more liberal mainline Protestant cousins, but now white evangelicals are seeing their own populations shrink. In recent years, for example, the Southern Baptist Convention, the largest evangelical denomination in the country, has reported steady declines in membership and new baptisms. Since 2007, the number of white evangelical Protestants nationwide has slipped from 22 percent in 2007 to 18 percent today.

    A look at generational differences demonstrates that this is only the beginnings of a major shift away from a robust white evangelical presence and influence in the country. While white evangelical Protestants constitute roughly three in 10 (29 percent) seniors (age 65 and older), they account for only one in 10 (10 percent) members of the Millennial generation (age 18-29). In the last few national elections, however, because of high levels of voter turnout, white evangelical Protestants have managed to maintain an outsized presence at the ballot box according to national exit polls, representing roughly one-quarter of voters.

    But the fact that there are currently five Southern states—Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, and North Carolina— where polling shows that the Senate race margins are less than five percentage points indicates that 2014 may be the year that the underlying demographic trends finally exert enough force to make themselves felt. These changes are evident in analysis based on the American Values Atlas, a massive interactive online map of demographic and religious diversity in America based on 45,000 interviews conducted throughout 2013, created by the Public Religion Research Institute in partnership with Social Science Research Solutions.

    1.In Arkansas, where Republican and freshman Representative Tom Cotton is locked in a tight race with two-term Democratic Senator Mark Pryor, the white evangelical Protestant proportion of the population has dropped from 43 percent to 36 percent.
    2.In Georgia, where Democratic candidate Michelle Nunn is battling Republican candidate David Perdue for retiring Senator Saxby Chambliss’s seat, white evangelical Protestants made up 30 percent of the population in 2007 but that number is currently down to 24 percent.
    3.The proportion of white evangelicals in Kentucky has plunged 11 points, from 43 percent to 32 percent; here Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell faces the Democratic Alison Grimes, the secretary of state.
    4.In Louisiana, where Republican Representative Bill Cassidy is up against three-term Democrat Mary Landrieu, white evangelicals have slipped from being 24 percent of the population to 19 percent.
    5.Likewise, North Carolina has seen a dip in the white evangelical proportion of its population, from 37 percent to 30 percent; here incumbent Democrat Kay Hagan battles Republican Speaker of the North Carolina House Thom Tillis.


    So in a 6 year period (2007-2013), the white Evangelical population of these Southern states has declined by 20%-25%. That’s astonishing. But I’m not so sure that it directly translates into a Republican-to-Democrat political shift. Will all these former Evangelicals suddenly abandon their conservative principles along with their religious identification? I certainly hope not.

    But come to think of it, the ‘conservatism’ of the Evangelical churches is vastly overstated. They support open borders just like every other Christian denomination, hoping they can evangelize the wetbacks, along with other foolish notions like wanting to prevent black women from having abortions, teaching school children Creationism and, above all, more wars for Israel.

    Evangelical Christianity, to put it bluntly, is nothing more than a Judaized cult. The reasons it is fading away so quickly I believe are twofold: One, because it is based on the absolute literal truth of the Bible, which appeals only to the extremely credulous and superstitious. Two, because unlike Catholicism, Orthodoxy and even mainstream Protestantism, it has no ethnic foundation to hold it in place.

    A Greek may be an atheist or an agnostic, but will likely still identify with–and will have residual loyalty to–the Greek Orthodox church. This is the church of his fathers and his countrymen dating back two millennia, not something as easily discarded as membership in some Southern megachurch. And the same goes for Russians with the Russian Orthodox church, Italians and Spaniards with Catholicism, Swedes and Danes with Lutheranism, Scots with Presbyterianism, English with Anglicanism/Episcopalianism, and so forth.

    I think the Southern Baptists used to perform the same function for the white people of the South, at one time supporting slavery and segregation and Southern particularism in general. But now the SBs are just another multicultural sect, led by a black man no less, so it’s no wonder that white Southerners are leaving in droves.

    In the short term this may lead to the Republicans losing elections in the South, as the Atlantic writer suggests. But in the long term, as the Evangelicals lose influence within the Republican party, it will probably help them gain votes outside the Bible Belt. Ideally, the GOP will eventually drop its heavy focus on social issues and its unconditional support of Israel, both mainly driven by Evangelicals, and become what Peter Brimelow calls the GAP (Generic American Party), focussing on the interests of white Americans in general, especially regarding immigration and border security.

    The writer links to the American Values Atlas which has all kinds of interesting data about religion and demographics in the US. Not surprisingly, the region of the country with the highest percentage of white Evangelicals is the Appalachian-Ozarks belt (Scots-Irish America), with–you guessed it–West Virginia leading the pack.

    West Virginia: 42%
    Tennessee: 37%
    Arkansas: 36%
    Kentucky: 32%
    Oklahoma: 31%

    The only other states with more than 30% white Evangelicals are Alabama (36%), Mississippi (32%) and North Carolina (30%), with most other Southern states well behind. The Appalachian-Ozarks belt also leads the nation in percentages of perhaps the most extreme Protestant sect, the Pentacostals.

    Oklahoma: 10%
    West Virginia: 10%
    Arkansas: 8%
    Kentucky: 6%
    Tennessee: 6%

    So Scots-Irish America clearly leads the nation in religious fanaticism, which goes a long way toward explaining the region’s socio-economic backwardness, particularly West Virginia. But on the other hand the GOP should make big gains in the Senate elections here, leaving the Transappalachian region as a whole with 17 Republican senators and only a single Democrat. The more secular South Atlantic states will probably stick with the status quo though, with the Democrats maintaining their 8-6 edge.

  33. ‘retreating from reality into an online fantasy world’:

    Playing computer games and social networking may be engaging in fantasy, but using the internet exclusively to learn, inform others, and contend for the truth is not!

    ‘over small differences in ideology’:

    What may seem ‘small differences of opinion’ to some, others recognise as immense, crucial, life-or-death, doctrinal issues. Divisions or ‘infightings’ that may appear to some to be ‘childish, selfish behavior’ are recognised by others as the HEALTHY response of firm, mature, settled conviction to serious error and temptation. Splits and divisions are the clearest signs of vigorous life in a movement, while fallings into line behind blind leaders ‘for the sake of unity’ marks the fatal illness of a movement.

  34. Your statistics are very good and helpful. I’ll take a chance now at explaining where I differ: (1) That ‘the conservatism of the Evangelical churches is vastly overstated’ — is, I think, vastly overstated. They have been SIGNIFICANTLY more morally conservative than the mainstreamers. (2) That ‘Evangelical Christianity (…) is nothing more than a Judaized cult (…) is fading away quickly (…) and has no ethnic foundation’ is also inaccurate because the most vigorous, resistant ‘low churches’ have never been infiltrated by the Zionists and the R-s, and are stable or growing not fading away, and ‘low churches’ in general are more ethnic in practice and reality than nearly anything ‘higher up’ in these states. (3) That ‘Scots-Irish America clearly leads the nation in religious fanaticism, which goes a long way toward explaining the region’s socio-economic backwardness’ is I think gotten entirely backwards due to the false premise of ‘fanaticism’ (but I will not discuss theology here). One person’s impression of irrationality or ‘fanaticism’ may be another’s clear understanding of reality and truth, which can do nothing but good. Jeppo, your comments are always worth reading, very well said (unlike my stilted run-on sentences) and full of useful facts.

  35. HW wrote:

    I’m going to write an article about it when I get home. The “beefs” and dysfunctional infighting that is always on display on the internet is just a symptom of low trust/low social capital within the WN movement.

    I respond:

    And the low trust/low social capital found in the WN movement is entirely a function of the fact that it’s not winning anything. And its not winning anything is entirely a function of the fact that it can’t win anything, because it’s casting the net way too widely. A movement that tries to be all things to all white people winds up being nothing to any white people. That is, to the extent that it’s anything beyond a non-stop cavalcade of kvetching about the Jews.

  36. TMT #247 — Why Can’t You Believe Your Eyes? Is it Because You Don’t Really Believe Your Own Bullshit? — 19 October 14

    Time: October 19 2014 11:00 PM EST/10:00 PM CST

    Talkshoe Channel:


    Every so often the bowel Movement has a shitstorm in a piss jug. Two weeks ago in the Whigger Nutsionalist bowel Movement the sundry leadership fuktards bitched at each other over the failed Hungarian meeting in Buda-Pest. Yes, yes, of course it was a failure because there is no reason for Amurrikwan whiggers and jewboys and mamzers to botherate Magyar psuedo-Khazars. But it did unleash the GAIDS Coalition of jews & mongrels & whiggers to Unleash Fuktardivity. All these jewboys and ass-clowns proceeded to shit all over each other, proclaiming that they and they alone have the key . . . to fuktardivity.

    Hunter Wallace is all butthurt over the gut-sick guido-kikenweasel with jew ass-GAIDS/Crohns emptying out the coontents of itz colostomy bag. A good question is what should Rabbi Linder working itz virtual bagel-bakestery and on-line colostomy bag for jewboy and itz meercats do once they have named the jew? This presupposes you not naming the jew as being Rabbi Linder, of course. Having a bleeding and blistered bunghole because jewr own jew asshole got tired of being attached to the rest of a jew asshole does nothing for the furtive little darkening and snout-enlarged jewboy. Looking at Linder’s Fedbook page shows a jewboy trying to becum-cum Ram-butt. My question is why bother to even listen to a jewboy like Linder? Everyone knows that everyone else thinks Linder is a self-loathing jewboy who was resurrected as a cast-off jewboy by Fearless Leader William Pierce running a sort of Elohim Shitty for CreaTards because ZOG/Babylon told the Old Tard to because Pierce took $400,000 in Order loot and ZOG had Pierce by the pancreass. Which explains WhiggerSwill Welass and Hadding the Loveless Mattoid KAS-Fluffing Meercat, even if NOTHING explains Kevin Alfred Strom having a place in the bowel Movement after admitting to being a chomo.

    I look at obvious jews playing See-Eye Dentistry like the Chicago Sephardic jew Eli “jewseph Stalin Kutz-Putz-November” James, the murderous nigger-nosed murderous Ashkenazi jew pig Rabbi Bill Finck, not to mention obvious Cherokee Sephardic melungeon Pisser-Possum Jeromy Visser, or an Ashkenazi melungeon and failed serial polygamist cut-nut eunuch Dan Johns (a Chrons carrier). Is it because, again, a matter of piss-pul not believing theyz’ own eyes because they don’t really believe theyz’ own bullshit. If they really believed theyz’ own bullshit then they would believe theyz’ own eyes now wouldn’t they?

    And we have all manner of anonymous jew and mamzer faggot like “Fr. John” and Celestial Time. They know just enough, like cockroaches, that they will never pass as whigger if they show theyz’ snouts and let us look under theyz’ tails, so they want to play “jewpard” and tell us all how the cow should have ate the cabbage. All when none of us really want to listen to some anonymous ZOGtard tell us this stupid shit when we want to inspect snouts and manginas of these faggot jewpards. What exactly is one of these faggot jewpards hoping to accomplish in the Real Life plain? Obie-gender-bender the Pisser’s poofter-possum was the worst of a rather sorry lot and even cum-cum up with a funny forum, like Two and a Half Mamzers, until falling afoul of Ye Ol’ Melungeon Pisser-Possum over insulting the 3-5% mamzeroid giving Chief Running Lying Pisser-Possum giving his “face-mamzer” ZOGbux. Now everyone, from The One-Eared Dingo on up knows that Obie-gender-bender is one Robert Hancock(less).

    Which goes to show that the worst thing you can do to one of these anonymous mamzer or jew faggots wanting to play See-Eye Dentist or Whigger Supremacist is to “out” the faggot. This week some NIM-Tard named Waggonner “outed” The jewskike/Peterless Goodmamzer and that it lived in Staten Island in jew yawk shitty as opposed to getting Aryaness pussy in Iceland, which everyone already knew. Why would anyone in Iceland know how much the toll fare for the Verrazano Narrows Bridge between Brooklyn and Staten Island and jew jewrsey is? Or care? Aryans in Iceland can tell you the price of sheep or of cod, not how much it costs to cross between boroughs of jew yawk shitty.

    None of the stupid shit which is part and parcel of the bowel Movement matters to the real White racial activists. None of us really give a shit what jewlius Evola wrote or Sanitra Devi or Nutsche or even Adolf Hitler said. We all know that nothing gets done until ZOG/Babylon is done. We actually believe our bullshit so we are able to believe our own eyes. Hence Alex Linder looks like a jew because Linder is a jew. So we would “name the jew”, and since the jew is Linder, would get banned, then cum-cum back as sock-possums, a swarm of them, using TOR browsers.

    By the way, Bryan Reo / SwordBrethren / Ol Niggerlips the Mamzer from Mentor had his bogus fraudulent lawsuit against the National Rifle Association put down with extreme prejudice this past week. From what I gather, none of them are working, all closed, except for the bogus fraudulent litigation that the Cleveland federal judge flushed to Western Missouri against myself.

    I had a Rule 26(f) Federal Rules of Civil Procedure with Newton County Prostitutor Jacob Skouby Wednesday to discuss my litigation with Newton County, Pighook & The Hippo. No settlement is likely.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

  37. Or blacks…;)

    I agree, countenance, that disorganization is a main issue. Europe has some chance but american whites are way too ‘diverse’ even among pro-whites or the majority who wouldn’t call themselves that in spite of wanting whites’ survival and freedom.

    @ HW, people are too spread out to network effectively in person. I don’t think there are any public personae in the northeast.

  38. …and, my experience is that more of the online personae up here don’t exactly take the high road. I meet people all the time who sympathize with various iterations of pro-white yet consider hardcore racialism too alien and extreme to identify fully with. Of the people I’ve met in the entire scene, one third are sociopaths. But they keep pro-white from evolving and branching out across a broader range of adherents.

    Maybe you haven’t run into those types, HW/Brad. One glance at the whole landscape would scare most of the ‘anonymous’ people from doing public activism.

    I frankly don’t think it’s anything to laugh about.

  39. …on third thought, why should anyone go public?

    Look what happened to Kyle Hunt. He did some good work and when he was attacked – publicly – in such a scurrilous fashion no one but me said a word.

    That government worker lost his job after hosting the Republican Club dinner featuring Matt Heimbach’s speech. Didn’t Matt’s family receive a fair amount of harassment and hatemail, etc. after he became well known for the WSU? Another prominent pro-white public advocate I met told me he lost his job shortly after he began his online activism.

    People retain anonymity for fear of losing their livelihoods and reputations; that veil of secrecy, though, lays the ground fertile for sabotage and corruption, which in turn make the collective pro-white voice weaker…and the cycle just continues.

    As long as people can’t maintain jobs in the process of advocating for whites, there won’t be any change. Tons of people I meet are pro-white but no one wants to speak openly, for fear of attacks from within and without.

  40. The New Be[a]st-Selling Book by Counter-Currents Publishing:

    The Jew, The Homo & The Negro


    Masculinist Judaic Meditations on Politics & The Popular Culture from an African-American Perspective

    Based upon the book by James J. O’Meara

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

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