About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Funny. We know the world laughs at Christians when they disagree, because they are unregenerate, and hateful humanoids. So, Jews at the SPLC fufill that ‘world’ category.

    But you, HW, and Anglin both claim to be Christians. How is this airing dirty laundry in public, beneficial to your cause, even as you claim to be ‘above it’ or not involved??

    Don’t think Jews and Leftists are a monolithic force. They aren’t. But the right ‘whinge’ has long avoided airing THEIR dirty laundry (and there’s a LOT more, becuase they are dirty little sh*ts, anyway) because ‘youse guys’ thought yourself ‘above that sort of thing.’

    What’s good for the goose, is good for the gander, as they say…. Just sayin’…

    • Hopefully, it will embarrass the parties partaking in these silly feuds to knock it off, and it will encourage those who are not engaged in them to reflect on why there are so many of these “beefs” in the WN movement.

  2. Of course, I have already provided the answer a hundred times now: it is a combination of overreliance on internet, anonymity, and misfits/losers/trolls/cranks taking advantage of that medium.

  3. I think there’s more to your answer.

    In sports and a lot of other things, winning solves everything. Interpersonal beefs and feuds that would otherwise exist are muted, because winning. White nationalism can’t possibly win much of anything because its net is cast too wide. Therefore, without any wins, WNs will do nothing but throw rocks at each other

  4. Re: Question Diversity

    1.) Part of it is genuine disagreement over strategy and ideology.

    2.) Part of it is financially motivated (competition over limited resources).

    3.) Part of it is trolls/misfits/cranks/losers that are ubiquitous on the internet, not just in White Nationalism.

    4.) Part of it is overreliance on the internet and anonymity which as a rule brings out the worst in people.

    5.) Part of it is jealousy, competition, the spirit of rivalry and recriminations.

    6.) Part of it is the lack of a rising tide that would lift all boats.

    7.) Part of it is a lack of a common culture and intellectuals substituting divisive abstractions in their place.

    8.) Part of it is slacktivism, hanging out on the internet, not having anything better to do. Idle hands and personality clashes.

    That pretty much sums it up.

  5. I don’t know if the folks partaking in the “beefs” are embarrassed or not, but I’m sure embarrassed for them.

  6. There’s also excessive idealism that creates all-or-nothing attitudes and demands for purity of thought and intention, frequently on grounds that are shaky for reasons of practicality and epistemology as well as (meta)political strategy. That’s natural enough in any movement animated by the passions of existential crisis, but it also tends to cause misunderstanding and division between the cognitive haves who can generally entertain multiple competing lines of thought without losing sight of their underlying assumptions, and the cognitive have-nots who suffer headaches, irritation, and suspicion from a lack of narrative clarity in their worldviews. In that regard Anglin’s hitlerian treehouse serves to coalesce and propel populist elements with coon joke cartoons and the like while more thoughtful sites use finer instruments to justify and elaborate their positions.

  7. Anglin is also obviously self enamored and a troll alongside whatever else constitutes his metal makeup, and a little reading about his pappy sheds light on where he gets that from.

  8. Logan: “I’m sure embarrassed for them.”

    But what’s your personal opinion of the slogan “With Jews, we lose” ?
    Is it okay to say that? Is it not okay?
    Be careful: if you answer, you become part of the beef…

  9. Success or failure will be the gauge of Ransdell’s efforts. Why worry about it. It’s no skin off anyone’s nose, only Ransdells’.

  10. Well, it seems that your useless and boring threads on “beefs” amused the SPLC. They should send you a cheque for doing their homework for them.

  11. It is interesting that this nonsense seems to entertain the Internet crowd more than real activism. I notice this post immediately gets plenty of comments, easily passing those on the post about the League’s activism in Georgia and almost as much as the post which has been longer on the Political Cesspool conference in Tennessee. There is something truly wrong with the WN movement. Brad and I have talked about this at length. Until its leaders can give up the gossip hour and move on to real activism off the net and begin appealing to average people instead of the (often extremely ideological and nutty) small crowd of Internet ‘warriors’ out there, things will not move forward. The SN movement has less of a problem in this regards but we have the advantage of being united by a common cultural identity and shared identity.

  12. What sums it up, there are no leaders of our race. Everyone is in it for their own cause. Every other race has its lobbies and organizations. All we have is internet sites and facebook, not much to choose from. The most important fact, all we do is talk and play defense. You can’t get 5 whites guys to play poker together.

  13. Hunter, I think you need to be honest here. Have you latched on to the topic of “beefs” because you see something positive to be gained from all of the drama and slap fighting, or do you see it as just an excuse to piggyback off the drama for the sake of ratings and comments? The articles and comments that aren’t centered on drama and incessant complaining have an apparent lack of comments and enthusiasm, which would lead a perceptive fellow to believe your viewership is made up of mostly the exact same drama and drama queens you are pointing to and laughing at. I’m really curious.

    You build on quicksand, you end up sinking just like everyone else.

    • Re: Celestial Time

      I see it as a long standing problem with an obvious solution.

      The main cause of the “beefs” and infighting is a lack of trust/lack of social capital in the WN movement. That’s caused by fragile relationships, which is caused by anonymity and overreliance on the internet, which is caused by allowing fear and individualism dictating one’s behavior. The solution to the problem is to use the internet as a communication tool like you would a cell phone, not as an end in itself.

  14. Re: Palmetto Patriot

    The “beefs” threads are a useful counterpoint to what is going on in real life.

    After all, who is it that is spending all their time fighting with each other, and providing our enemies with so much comic relief? Generally speaking, it is the cranks, the anonymous internet warriors, and people who don’t know each other in real life or who have nothing better to do with their time.

    Do you know what I don’t see? I don’t see people who know each other in real life fighting that much on the internet. Whether it is David Duke and Don Black, or RamZPaul and Jared Taylor, or Sam Dickson and James Edwards, the people who know each other in real life and who work together on a regular basis seem to be much more resistant to “beefs” and infighting.

    The chain of causation goes something like this:

    fear and extreme individualism >> overreliance on the internet and anonymity >> fragile pseudo-relationships/low trust/low social capital >> beefs and infighting

  15. “We shall see on election day.”

    We shan’t see nothing. The purpose of the whole thing is simply to get publicity, not to win the election. The debate will go on after election day, with some people saying that Ransdell had a very positive impact, and others, like Ramzpaul, maintaining that he had a disastrous effect. I’m sure he’s doing very useful work, but it’s impossible to have a precise idea of the impact he’s having.

  16. HW: The “beefs” threads are a useful counterpoint to what is going on in real life.

    About the idea of real life and virtual life :
    If internet discussions are not part of our real life, the same can be said of television. TV is full of nonsense and fantasy. It is controlled by people who share little with us and want to get rid of White people. Even so, it has a huge impact on everyone. The race replacement program could not be implemented without the Jewish control on the TV stations and newspapers.

    Similarly, the internet is a huge improvement for the anti-replacement movement, compared to the situation twenty years ago.

  17. To the people concerned:

    Brad Griffin (“Hunter Wallace”) is a liberal, in the European sense of the term. That signifies a great number of things.

    1) It explains his disgusting condescending behavior (“I’m just laughing at these festering peons”) and arrogant attitude. European liberals are all about their egos all the time. BTW they are jews in a large number as well.

    2) It explains why doesn’t he have the faintest idea about the things he talks about. Liberals are dont bothered by facts, that is an old lesson we Europeans learned a long time ago. Brad G. betrayed his ignorance multiple times, on the subject of finance (including monetary influence) and how the economy works, among other things.

    3) in the case of liberals (and libertarians = right-wing liberals) the essential question of the situation is: what the guy is not talking about.

    What Mr. Griffin is carefully trying to avoid: how this new South would be any different, regarding jewish influence in the society (media, banking/economy, porn, MTV-pop culture, mindless consumerism etc.). In other words: how would he or the Leaue of the South propose to eliminate this problem?

    We look for the answer in vain. Neither of them have a comprehensive answer. They dont even make an attempt to formulate the question.

    The uniform answer of libertarian ideology is: “muh’ big (federal) government” and “muh’ states’ rights”. Which means, if the main controls were restored to the states, they would somehow be able to free themselves from the jew yoke.

    That is dead wrong. Most Southern politicians (of any ilk) are for unlimited and unbridled “free trade” and “free enterprise”, “no government interference in business” which enable the the jews 100% to do whatever the hell they fucking please.
    Furthermore, a great deal of them Southern middle class people are are self-conceited Chrsitian Zios and Ayn Rand-worshippers. If we suppose the a sensible goernment is “of the people” than we can ask: What kind of government would Christian Zio ayn rander scrooges make?

    It would be the same shit (if not worse) than before.

    Home rule in itself doesn’t mean jackshit, if everything else remains the same in character.

    If a comprehensive method that deals with jews is lacking, nothing will ever be accomplished.
    Advocating Southern Secession under these conditions is just a snake-oil trick, nothing more. It is for fooling people.

    • Re: European Light

      Brad Griffin (“Hunter Wallace”) is a liberal, in the European sense of the term. That signifies a great number of things.

      You’re making shit up now. I don’t subscribe to any version of liberalism – classical, reform, libertarian, progressive, or “Objectivist” – and reject the premises of that ideology. I would suggest that you quit throwing around terms that you clearly don’t understand, but we can continue if you want.

      1) It explains his disgusting condescending behavior (“I’m just laughing at these festering peons”) and arrogant attitude. European liberals are all about their egos all the time. BTW they are jews in a large number as well.

      I’m condescending and arrogant. Therefore, I am a liberal. How that’s logic?

      2) It explains why doesn’t he have the faintest idea about the things he talks about. Liberals are dont bothered by facts, that is an old lesson we Europeans learned a long time ago. Brad G. betrayed his ignorance multiple times, on the subject of finance (including monetary influence) and how the economy works, among other things.

      The Federal Reserve controls monetary policy in the United States. I have already pointed out to you several times now that secession would necessarily abolish the authority of the Federal Reserve over the South.

      3) in the case of liberals (and libertarians = right-wing liberals) the essential question of the situation is: what the guy is not talking about.

      What does libertarianism have to do with this conversation?

      The uniform answer of libertarian ideology is: “muh’ big (federal) government” and “muh’ states’ rights”. Which means, if the main controls were restored to the states, they would somehow be able to free themselves from the jew yoke.

      I’m not a libertarian, but I agree that power is concentrated in Washington. See, for example, the recent federal court decisions on “gay marriage.” Every Southern state has banned gay marriage, but those bans are meaningless because federal judges are the final authority on social questions, not the state legislatures. If it was up to the state legislatures, Texas and Florida would still have gay marriage bans.

      What Mr. Griffin is carefully trying to avoid: how this new South would be any different, regarding jewish influence in the society (media, banking/economy, porn, MTV-pop culture, mindless consumerism etc.). In other words: how would he or the Leaue of the South propose to eliminate this problem?

      Haven’t I already answered these stupid questions?

      1.) The states used to have the power to censor the mail, establish moral standards, and even establish a state sponsored religion. Gradually, those powers have been stripped from the states by federal judges in the name of sacrosanct “individual rights” like the “right” of two homosexuals to marry each other, or the “right” to have an abortion, or the “right” to glorify miscegenation which used to be a felony in Georgia.

      2.) The same is true of the banking system which is controlled by the Federal Reserve and regulated by the US Congress.

      3.) The FCC regulates airwaves in the United States and pornography is protected from censorship by the First Amendment and Supreme Court precedent.

      That is dead wrong. Most Southern politicians (of any ilk) are for unlimited and unbridled “free trade” and “free enterprise”, “no government interference in business” which enable the the jews 100% to do whatever the hell they fucking please.

      In the South, pornography used to be illegal, and so was abortion, and sodomy, and miscegenation, and gay marriage. Polygamy and incest are still illegal for now, but the federal courts will assuredly change that too.

      Furthermore, a great deal of them Southern middle class people are are self-conceited Chrsitian Zios and Ayn Rand-worshippers. If we suppose the a sensible goernment is “of the people” than we can ask: What kind of government would Christian Zio ayn rander scrooges make?

      The vast majority of Southern Christians are not “Christian Zionists.” The overwhelming majority of Southerners have never heard of Ayn Rand either. In recent decades, the New South has been pro-business in its approach to the economy, but that is due to a zest to overcome underdevelopment more than anything else.

      It would be the same shit (if not worse) than before.

      As I noted previously, secession would remove 82 percent of the Jews from our national borders, not including the ones that would relocate after secession.

      Home rule in itself doesn’t mean jackshit, if everything else remains the same in character.

      How exactly would everything else remain the same in character?

      If a comprehensive method that deals with jews is lacking, nothing will ever be accomplished.
      Advocating Southern Secession under these conditions is just a snake-oil trick, nothing more. It is for fooling peopl

      Jewish power over the South is due to their leverage over the federal government. 82 percent of Jews live outside the South which is why Jewish interference in our culture comes down at us through federal policies and unpopular court decisions.

  18. Armor, he’s probably not having any impact at all, whether good or bad.

    Celestial Time, I think the other articles don’t get as many comments (although I’m not sure if that’s even true. They seem to be getting many comments from my observation) because there doesn’t need to be conversation in the articles that have recently been written. They’re just descriptive articles, not really conversational articles. I’ve read the article, but I didn’t comment in it. Does that mean the article is any less interesting or does that just mean that it didn’t need a reply? Also, it’s really hard to follow a conversation on this comment section. I prefer Disqus.

  19. I see it as a long standing problem with an obvious solution

    What percentage of the entire pro-White sphere does your idea of a movement[Southern Nationalism] represent? A rough estimate if you had to guess.

    Strictly speaking about the pro-White crowd, how many other ideas floating out there are diametrically opposed to some of the methods and principles your group espouses?

    There’s a lot more going on here than just anonymity and the Internet. I don’t disagree that those two play a major role, but there is obviously a lot more at play than just that. I don’t care how many quaint get-togethers you have in the real world, there are groups, sects of people and personality types that are never going to get along. This is especially true when you are talking about a stigmatized people who are almost completely powerless and without representation on the entire political landscape. That’s why I have previously said that watching this crap is like watching two impotent retards fighting each other to see who gets to impregnate the imaginary woman they believe is right around the corner waiting for them.

    If all of the Net Nazis stood up at this very moment, walked out of their front door and organized and networked like crazy, would your group be okey dokey with them gaining more power and momentum and then pushing their specific mantras and principles onto you and your group? Maybe they stop with the “infighting” after they’ve become acquainted on a personal, face-to-face level. That would definitely curb the drama considerably. That doesn’t, however, translate into no more “beefs” with people who don’t see eye to eye with them.

    Wasn’t it Richard Spencer and Greg Johnson who were planning on doing the exact opposite of anonymity and Internet activism in Hungary? That sure as hell didn’t provide a solution to the problem of anonymity. You got plenty of “beef” with that one, right?

    • Re: Celestial Time

      See the list of eight factors above. I agree the problem is bigger than just internet anonymity.

      There’s nothing anyone can do about the cranks/crackpots/losers/misfits/trolls on the internet. They can be marginalized however.

      In order for that to happen, just one thing really has to change: the generic WN needs to use the internet as a tool, not as an end in itself. By that I mean it should be used as a communications tool by people who know each other in real life.

      I will explain more in my own contribution to this debate.

  20. @PalmettoPatriot

    Don’t get me wrong, I am very proud of the people who participated in the lastest SN rally but it is hard to get excited about 35 people showing up in a small town to hold placards and pass out leaflets. It appears to me that the SN movement is stagnant. More people show up to small town churches on Sundays than to SN rallies. Brad makes a point about the use of personal connections, which I have no problem with. But the challenge facing SN is that it has to reach the minds of millions of Southerners in order for it to be an effective movement and it is nowhere near reaching that many people. None of us have the ability to personally meet millions of people on our own. So the internet is the best tool. Fellowship with a 3-5 dozen people is great but it isn’t getting us anywhere.

    And for the people who you have identified as “ideologically extreme and nutty,” I have far more respect for these people who have at least awoken than the millions of Southerners who are wedded to a political system that works against their interest. The Southern People are in dire need of radicalization. The only solution these Southern US Conservatives can offer is “vote Republican.”

  21. Hunter Wallace says:

    ‘I can’t remember the last time Alex was seen in public. If he has done anything since 2007, I haven’t seen it with the exception on this interview:’

    Love him or hate him he lays it out in the open for all to see. No pussyfootin’ around, no mealy mouthed hedging. I like that about him.

  22. @Jeff

    The fact that we have nationalist activism now going on in towns throughout the South on a regular basis is encouraging. We generally average anywhere from 35-70 people at these events spread out from central Florida to Virginia on over to Alabama and up into Kentucky. This was not going on in the past. We’ve done it for a little more than a year now. It times time to become an institution. We are doing that. I don’t see this happening elsewhere. What I see instead are internet ‘warriors’ (mostly cranks and people who want to nitpick over tiny ideological differences all day) arguing online. They are quick to point out problems with us or how we could have done something better but they never actually go out and do anything themselves. I have little respect for such ‘warriors’ and no time for their spats with one another.

    You go on to compare the ideological cranks online to the masses of Southerners who aren’t ‘awoken.’ While I dislike such language, I understand your point. However, those are not the only two options. I notice that you say it’s hard to get excited about 35 activists taking to the streets of a small town confronting the Mexicans and so forth. But then you contrast the masses to the online cranks and say you prefer the cranks. In contrast to either the activists are far more exciting. If you think there should be more than 35 then come out and join us.

    • Re: Varg

      The “beefs” here are overstated: Spencer and Taylor, for example, aren’t participating in this clusterfuck, although both of them are getting attacked by various other parties like the Fuhrer of Kirksville. MacDonald isn’t participating in it either.

      Like I said, it is mostly the usual cranks, anonymous internet warriors, people who don’t know each other in real life and those who have nothing better to do. There’s a solution to that problem which I will outline in a new article.

  23. The Southern People are in dire need of radicalization.

    Excellent Jeff. Right on point. This is what is wrong with the South and it is also the reason why even though I totally support the Southern cause I cannot get behind these current orgs and their strategy of weak democratic “appealing.”

    This is the same strategy that the citizen’s councils, moral majority, and the tea party have all used to utter failure.

    White nationalists may be fighting but I prefer it over the weakling democratic appealing to people which always tries to be nice, smile, and shake hands with everyone. It’s phony, boring, but worst of all: it will not radicalize the Southern people.

    • Re: Ulfric

      Lots of White Nationalists, or just people who are pro-White, aren’t fighting with each other.

      Contrary to the clusterfuck on display here, which is so amusing to our enemies (see the SPLC thread), lots of WNs know each other, like each other, have no problem working together, or have any desire to rip each others throats out over small differences.

      Perhaps this is “exciting” to some people who are just entertaining themselves and who want to see a dogfight. It inspires no one.

      • Re: Varg

        Some people in the WN movement might say that murdering a 16-year-old White Eagle Scout and his Methodist grandfather while screaming “Heil Hitler” is striking a mighty blow against the ZOG. Others will disagree and find such people, well, disturbing.

  24. European “light” is an idiot. Converting the USA into an authoritarian government / dictatorship as he and so many others seem to be clamoring for will not solve our problems. One lousy “fuhrer” and we’re a multicultural cesspit again. The problem is the beliefs of the general populace (i.e. the “culture”) and not being able to establish a consensus. This is done through media, education, and peer pressure, not through government as so many idiots demand. Individualism in the white context is not a weakness, it is an incredible asset and is what has made us what we are.

    The first thing an anti-libertarian dictator would do is take our free speech and our guns away which are the only things standing between all of us, and gulag camps. I think the problem with the Internet is that it allows complete morons, degenerates, and mini-fuhrers an equal platform with people who actually read and think about what they believe.

  25. @Ulfric

    I agree. Whether we like it or not, this is a world where the aggressor wins the spoils and the meek gets the scraps. Look at the homosexual lobby. They are militant, agressive, and unapologetic. They identified and called out their enemies. Look at the results. They won. Whites, Southerners, Christians have been weak kneed. The results. We have been dispossessed. It’s time for Whites, Southerners, and Christians to develop the same level of anger agaist our enemies as they have for us. Playing nice and hoping for some respectibility from our enemies is a recipe for defeat.

    • Re: Jeff

      1.) Homosexuals used to be closeted. Look at them now. They are anything but closeted.

      2.) Meekness is playing the “I’m-more-radical-than-you-are” game on the internet under a disposable pseudonym and then cowering in fear, hiding out in your house, and observing the prevailing taboos in real life.

      3.) Most Southerners are playing a shell game that they can’t win. See, for example, the recent federal court decisions on gay marriage.

      4.) Who is going to listen to angry people on the internet who run away from their own views in real life? No one. That’s weak to say one thing on the internet, do another in real life.

      5.) Haha, no one expects our enemies to ever treat us as if we were respectable. At the same time, our views are not unpopular in the South, and there is no reason to create unnecessary distractions that only serve to alienate our audience.

  26. Homos have ridden (and continue) to ride the coat tails of big jew. They are nothing without the media that has been meticulously cultivated and consolidated, and consequently monopolized by our chief ethnic competitors. If you control the means of discourse you can afford to be militant, aggressive, and unapologetic toward a resistant majority population.

    Our problem has been our passivity and slow or absent reaction, our willingness to cooperate with and fall into the vices promoted by our opponents, and inability to erect or maintain mass media favoring our message and opposing theirs.

  27. One caveat to your argument HW, when examining human behavior over the broad swathes of history, including before the anonymous internet, many groups were fractious and fragmentary and still successful.

    Just look at the doctrinal battles amongst the Zoroastrian/Jew/Christian continuum over such things as monophysitism and diaphysitism (and other absurdities). And yet they still took power and transformed Europe.

    The Counterculture of the 60s was/is largely fractious, but triumphant none-the-less. I suppose it is a matter of giving The Enemy 10 blows for every blow you give your own people.

  28. Brad G. Is doing great work in the real world. I can attest to this fact as I was in Memphis TN with him this week end.

    Plus he now has arguably THE cutest ~ 6 month old son G. This lad is a real charmer . White women of all ages can not resist young G’s charms. It is really no use to try use reason with most White women, try to get them to accept reasonable positions on politics or history . But, most White women can’t resist a charming White baby boy and they will want one of their own.

    Do any of these Internet Nazi warriors have charming baby boys like G?

    I doubt it.

    Brad G is doing great.

    • If I spent all my time hanging out on the internet, I wouldn’t be married today, and I wouldn’t have a son, and I wouldn’t have met so many great people who are now my friends, and my attitude toward the movement would be completely different.

  29. Re: Jeff

    1.) As a practical matter, what can the average person do to advance the SN movement? We can hold these rallies, distribute our material, recruit new people, integrate them into our real world network, and gradually get better organized.

    2.) Most importantly, we can build stronger relationships in real life than we can ever hope to build on the internet with ideas and outrage alone. Often times, when converts discard one set of ideas for another, they discard one set of people for another, which is why it is so important to have networks in place that reinforce their adopted views.

    3.) No one has any objection to using the internet to get our message out. After we succeed in educating people and outraging them about what is going on, we take the people who have converted to our point of view and as a third step we start building relationships between them in the real world.

    4.) It is not enough to be “awake,” which is to say, you have been educated and outraged. That’s where WN fails. It succeeds in educating people and getting them mad, but once they are “awake,” they just loaf on the internet because there is nothing else for them to do.

    That’s why I keep asking my favorite question: after the Jew is named, what then? Is it just more education, more naming the Jew, more getting angrier and angrier about what the Jews are up to? You can name the Jew a million times, but if you don’t start building relationships between the people you have converted, you will have a lot of people who are just really angry and really educated about Jews. Sound familiar?

    5.) Why do relationships fail? Sometimes it is about unrealistic expectations. I find that is also true of the WN movement. Far too many people pin their hopes on “the collapse of civilization” or a mass movement which will metastasize out of thin air without any effort or having to make any kind of sacrifice. In reality, nothing will happen unless we make it happen, step by step.

  30. Linder has answered my question.

    After the Jew is named, we can’t do anything because … THE JEWS WILL GET US. Maybe this explains why Linder himself hasn’t been seen in public outside his own house all year and, as far as I know, hasn’t done anything in public in at least seven years? As for Varg, he has NEVER once been seen in public.

    When I was in Memphis last weekend, I sat at my table and listened (witnesses here can confirm this) while the Jew was named at some considerable length, and nothing happened. I’ve driven all across the South and THE JEWS have never got me. They’ve written blog posts and cried, you’re a raaaacist, but that’s about it.

    How is it that Matt Heimbach, who is attacked by the Jews all the time, can sit beside me in Memphis, or Don Black at the CofCC conference, but Linder and Varg can’t be seen in public?

  31. “let a hundred flowers bloom, let a thousand schools of thought contend”

    – Mao Tse-tung

    Greg Johnson’s meta-political vaporizings make my brain ache. Anglin’s pictures of an Ann Frank lampshade, or Ebola-chan looming over Mecca, make me laugh with joy. I like being happy

  32. Notice also how Stephen Akins and Fred O’Malley (now at White Nations) agree with Linder on exterminationism, but they STILL can’t get along.

    That’s hilarious. I had precisely those two names in mind (among others) in a reply I was preparing for Sam, who mistakes Linder’s outspokenness for Linder’s having correctly assessed the racial predicament and proposed the correct way forward. Even if Linder could be thought correct (and I certainly don’t think so) if one judges him ‘by his fruits’ he’d have to be called an abject failure.

    The problem in building a network of radicalized cadres is that any WNistic solution to the racial problem could only occur as the outcome of a long-term process of political and social change. It could well be decades. Radicals simply lack the patience to wait that long for an opportunity to strike. They demand action right now. They could, in theory, sit tight, build up the necessary resources (mental and physical, whatever those might be), coordinate with others to radicalize more people, and so forth, but they tend not to.

    The SN rallies and real-world gatherings are definitely a step in the right direction. If the numbers participating are small today that can change very quickly. A fifty percent annual growth rate would see 35-man rallies grow to 2000 strong in ten years. Is that realistic? We know that hot new businesses in their most energetic growth phases often grow at such annual rates, and recruiting people to a political cause is not much different to expanding market share in commerce, so it certainly seems possible. Of course, some will drift away, others will remain politically resolved but cease their participation and so on, but there are not the same inherent risks of self-destruction in the SN approach as there are in the SF/VNN radicalization approach.

  33. HW, you ask questions, but don’t remember your own research.

    We are fragmented and loners, because, as Whites, and as Europeans, we long ago REVOLTED against our leaders, our ‘betters’ (as the WCF notes) and went the ‘lone rebel’ route, in our sinfulness.

    Hell, it’s what gave us the USA, and it was only some uppity, class-conscious Anglicans who kept the whole damn thing together… with a wealthy, word-wise Agnostic named Jefferson writing pretty words on vellum sheets.

    But, your analysis of the ‘American Nations’ clearly pointed out it is our own RACIAL characteristic to NOT have ‘group cohesion’ like Die Juden, that is our greatest weakness, when faced with autocratice, equally (or greater) intellects, and the results of over 100 years of Jewish Propaganda, to further divide our already divided mentality/predisposition!

    Just like the warring tribes of Ancient Israel… which should give us a clue.
    But I digress.

    We cannot hope to win, until and unless we rally behind one leader who has a collective, conscious, and culturally sustainable White European PLAN to restore our race, our civilization, and our Ethnos, in the loving embrace of a non-Protesting, schismatic Christianity.

    That is not Obummer (wrong race, wrong ideology).
    That is not the Pope (wrong ideology – communist, wrong view of normal sexuality – Who am I to judge)
    That is not Hillary (Wrong sex, and wrong ideology)
    That is NOT the Jew (for all the above reasons, and more – Deicide)
    That is not the CZ’s – Jew worshipers, idolators, and ideological idiots.
    That is not the RINOS, or the Dems – same communist, NWO ideology, different day

    You and so many others critiqued Anglin for being both sarcastic, and overtly Hitlerian, but the inescapable conclusion seems to be that it was only AH who actually stood up to the Jew, and it took the ENTIRE WORLD to bring him down.

    I’ve never been a devotee before, but, apart from Putin in modern terms, I see no other [human] model to follow, once you know the REAL man who is the most demeaned individual on the planet, apart (perhaps, and for real reasons) Judas Iscariot… who is merely the model citizen of that accursed race.

    Of course, Jesus is King. I know that. But so few people wish to submit the knee to HIM. We all will eventually, but that’s another story for another day.

    Frankly, Until and unless we change our own racial tendencies toward hyper-individualism, and the pride of not submitting to a better man than we are (than I am) for a greater good/end, the Jew wins. For, ‘with Jews, we lose.’

    Truer words were never spoken.

  34. Exterminating Jews, or any other group, is abhorrent, obviously, but what does it say about people who advocate it as a serious solution without having any means of carrying it out? Idiocy? Hobbyism? Lunacy? Provocation? Sabotage? If anyone discredits WN is people like that. He fulfills all the ADL stereotypes and scares away normal people. After 15 years of online hobbyism, what has Linder and his forum of mental defectives, criminals, the uneployed and unemployable, lunatics, retards…accomplished? He should change his name and get a normal job. His life is a tragedy.

  35. A few more words about Linder. Many (including myself) who disagree profoundly with him – or, perhaps more honestly, are profoundly alarmed by him – continue to some degree to keep tabs on him or feel compelled to respond to him, be it directly or indirectly. I periodically find myself perusing his site, sometimes carefully reading through some of the lengthier threads. Though it is undeniably true that there are copious amounts of bs posted on VNN – which makes it very easy to dismiss the entire enterprise as unworthy of one’s time – some of the discussions also seem to contain kernels of truth, which creates nagging doubts that perhaps at least some of what that very unsavory crowd (but above all Linder himself) thinks contains real-world validity.

    Linder is unique among WNs. People with his level of racial determination are typically fascists/nazis of one sort or another. For them, because the modern world’s attitude towards race is wrong, everything about modernity is wrong. They don’t merely wish to amend racial policy so that whites are spared the doom that awaits them if they continue along the present path, or to restore whites’ pride of place in American culture; they mean to fundamentally alter every aspect of society to ensure that it serves racial ends. They are, in effect, race worshipers who desire to inaugurate a racial religion. This isn’t true of Linder.

    Linder only wishes to ensure that government safeguards white racial existence so that catastrophes such as the present one can never again befall whites; otherwise he is content for people to pursue their own economic and cultural ends largely along libertarian lines. However, Linder’s open willingness to learn from the Nazis – particularly the methods they used to achieve power, according to his understanding – creates confusion and gives rise to suspicions that Linder himself is a Nazi because non-fascistic WNs are usually loath to openly agree with the Nazis on any but the most general points (and even then they hesitate).

    This places Linder in a similar category to Jared Taylor in terms of the ultimate vision he has for what society should look like, although he differs tremendously from the latter in the means he seeks to employ to arrive there. Linder therefore finds himself competing for the same audience with Taylor. Linder believes that by attacking Taylor as a ‘polished turd’ he will demonstrate that Taylor is effectively a ‘pro-Jew traitor’ whose methods cannot hope to save white America, and in so demonstrating believes he will win over the Amren (and much of the alt-right/dark enlightenment) crowd. This is the aspect of Linder that troubles me most: he may well be right. Although his attacks are surely premature – the stuff of ridicule, mostly – and his open praise of Hitler confuses his target audience, it does seem to me possible that there could come a day when his position attains mass appeal.

  36. He’s a queer (spelunker lol) and communist, and it’s clear what he’s up to. Humorously nobody reads his scribbling anyway.

  37. A long time ago, I have been told Spelunker was trolling a pro-White radio show called The White Voice which at the time was hosting a show by George Zimmerman’s friend, Frank Taafe. He was tuning in so that he could transcribe everything Taafe said in order to post it on his blog.

    From what I have heard, Spelunker called into the show using a Google voice number and was oblivious to the fact that his real name – Jacob Elijah deNobel – showed up on their end. After they got his name, it was easy to Google around and see what showed up on his LinkedIn profile about how he was part of the White Student Anti-Racist Association at Ithaca where he edited a journal about white privilege.

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