Ain’t That America: 2014 Midterm Elections


Q: In Maryland, what’s worse than being accused of being a racist, a Young Earth Creationist, and an anti-American secessionist with “links” to an “extremist group” that associates with NAZIS?

A: Being labeled a Democrat.

Note: In other news, WN candidate Robert Ransdell has fallen short in the US Senate race in Kentucky. Also, the gubernatorial race in VERMONT – yes, VERMONT – will be decided by the state legislature.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Just voted.

    The place of voting was not obvious or well advertised which tends to reduce the anti-white vote.

    Texas ballot allows straight party voting, and the four parties offered were Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, and Green. I’m not sure I like that, as we do not have a proportional representation system. It also greatly simplifies the processes which is not something I am interested in; I believe that the stupid should have no say in what goes on.

    The ballot was a fill-in-the-bubble paper, but voters had to insert it into a machine to be counted. As they say, it’s not who votes that counts, it’s who counts the votes. My wife made a comment about how screwed up this country is (she refuses to vote) especially the education system; I retorted that the voting system is just as bad, and perhaps the latter allows the former.

    My voter card did not have the place of voting on it, and I could not find it on line either via official state and county web sites, or though civic web sites. Their sample ballots were also grossly inaccurate and incomplete.

    As it was Texas, I had to present my ID; I think I had to present my voter card as well. Both requirements are good for preventing hordes of illegals from voting, as well as idiots.

    The voting was in a Protestant “church” complete with rock and roll music equipment and the like. It’s been a good while since I have been in a church, so that was semi-enriching.

    I saw a fairly heterogeneous cohort of voters, which surprised me. There were a few blacks, and lots of frumpy women and beta males. I thought I would see more of my type of person, which causes me to doubt the solid state of Texas electoral politics. We shall see shortly.

    The workers were all whites with a median age of 60, I would guess. The civic America they represent is long gone.

    I cast 1 vote for a democrat, running against George P Bush for some bureaucratic office. I cast the rest of my votes for Libertarians or Republicans depending on the office. Governor I voted for Abbot as I wanted to send a message against Wendy Davis. For most other offices I voted Libertarian as I can’t quite put my name to the Republicans due primarily to their warmongering, but also to their insider nature.

    I can’t say there was even one secessionist or explicitly pro-white candidate on the ballot. Real issues are not for a vote, thanks to our Constitution which was designed to prevent the majority from ruling.

    My hopes for the election are the most racially polarized election in US history and a bloody lip to the Cultural Marxists leading into 2016. If the Republicans run anyone other than Rand Paul, it will almost certainly lead to schism, which would almost certainly lead to the Democrats winning. Worse is better? I believe that we are ever closer to our goals, but it is going to be a slow, evolutionary process without some catalyzing Black Swans.

  2. Earl, I expect them to all switch sides or leave us white Southrons in the dust to go clamour to their new found voters. They don’t care about us, they care about staying in power.

  3. The minute I saw that fat lipped, shades-wearing dreadlocked ape, I said, “Pass.”

    You’ve nothing to say about the voting for our future, HW, when you use that as a visual on this blog. Even if there were no Whites left to vote for, I’d rather see one of my own race, that that baboon.

    “Can the Leopard change his spots, or the Ethiope his skin? Then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil. – Jer. 13:23

  4. In my 40s with over 25 years of voting GOP/Conservative without fail. Voted for my first Democrat today in Travis Childers over GOP incumbent Thad “cockroach” Cochran due to Thad’s pandering to black democrats to cross party lines in the republican primary and vote against Chris McDaniels & the Tea Party.

  5. I decided to vote for myself, Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt, White Supremacist Write-In Candidate for Congress, Missouri 7th Congressional District

    Since I am not allowed to run for federal, state and local office on the ballot because I’m a “White Supremacist” thanks to TraitorGlenn Miller I am a write-in candidate:

    I also got Roxie on the ballot for Newton County Presiding Commissioner as a LibberToon because I’m the Newton County LibberToon Party Chairman.

    I like it that Rabbi Linder is going to close itz virtual Colostomy Bag & ZOGtard Corral of a forum given that TraitorGlenn Miller is in jail right now but regret that you went all “Accidental Dipshit” kosher-khannedservantive with the jewdaic censorship on me, oy vey.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

  6. NY Times front page also has a decent election tracker, funny how it almost appears as if there are three nations having elections on one night…

  7. I don’t understand with all the clues the GOP is getting that people want them to actually represent them, why they would throw us in the dirt for the Mexican vote. “Well we need the Mexican vote if we’re going to stand a chance in 2016”, if you got rid of the Mexicans, you wouldn’t *need* to pander to them for votes you retard. I hate Fox News.

  8. Hello Hunter:

    I wonder what’s going on between you and Martin Lindstedt. On his recent Talkshoe shows he’s been complaining about being censored on your blog a few times. Martin isn’t too energetic and can get demoralized easily. Is there good reason to block his comments? where do you two disagree?

  9. Logan , you say “if you got rid of…” Who is going to get rid of who and with what force? Maybe it’s time to start thinking more in the scope of the possible and to begin unifying whites as a political bloc that can help vote in or vote out a party that helps or hurts white interests.

  10. Logan: Consider the outsized effect that one family, the Bushes, could be having on the Republican Party. The Bushes are race mixers, and in at least one branch of the family, the Jeb branch, a vivid example of white genocide.

    I voted against Jeb’s son today, but he still won.

    Jeb Bush as the GOP nominee in 2016? Yikes.

  11. From the Guardian:

    Rep. John Barrow, the last white Democrat from the Deep South, has lost his seat in Georgia, the networks are projecting.

    • I’ve been watching it.

      The Democrats are getting whipped pretty good, but the Republicans will use power to give amnesty to illegal aliens, ship jobs overseas, and start wars. I’m waiting to see if Chris Matthews will cry.

  12. “I don’t understand with all the clues the GOP is getting that people want them to actually represent them, why they would throw us in the dirt for the Mexican vote. ” – The donors basically. its not the 8% of the electorate that is trapped in non-swing states, its the people with money that want to bring more here.

  13. Interesting to see what happens down the road.

    Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL):

    “Tonight the American people dramatically repudiated the policies of President Obama, Senator Reid, and Leader Pelosi. It was also a dramatic affirmation of the policies our GOP candidates campaigned on: controlling spending, balancing the budget, repealing Obamacare, unleashing American energy, and boosting wages through pro-worker reforms.

    Republicans in the House and Senate campaigned against the Obama-Senate immigration bill and on the pledge to block President Obama’s unlawful executive amnesty. The immediate emergency facing our new majority will be fighting the President’s disastrous planned actions, and we will have not only a Constitutional mandate but also a popular mandate to do so.

    The last six years of the Obama-Reid majority have been a government of the elites for the elites. Our new GOP Senators will lead the way in returning government to the loyal citizens who sent us here.”

  14. The zomboids who got out and voted thanks to the Obama machine in 2008 and 2012 didn’t pitch – same as in 2010. It goes to show that the hard right is more determined – and numerous – than the multi-culti Bolshevists on the left.

  15. Avoid concerning yourself with America, which is nothing. The only thing of importance is whiteland.

  16. Someone suggested it elsewhere and I thought I’d solicit help here: who has info on how the Republicans/corporations are signing the immigrants up for welfare upon arrival? May have been Amren that had an article months ago about how McDonald’s HR people direct the immigrants right over to the welfare office to supplement their shitty hourly rates, courtesy the white middle class. They even gave them official forms or something…

    Does anyone out there have the skinny on these protocols within corporate America? The white middle class needs to see up close and concretely how the Republicans are selling them out every bit as much as the Democrats are. One side of the The Party gets the votes, the other side the cheap labor, but it’s ultimately one party. Amren had some good articles awhile back about the stats for hispanic and black households and their astronomical rates of welfare, but I don’t think it connected the Republicans to this epic shakedown of the white middle class.

    Anyone who can direct me or others to sources to prove this corporate connection to white middle class fleecing please do so. I personally feel we really need to get the absolute word out that the Republicans are not some alternative.

  17. …I’m not suggesting many to most white middle class people don’t already sorta know the GOP isn’t an alternative, just that they probably don’t fully know both parties have sold them out completely and basically are the same. Now is the time to turn the white middle class decisively pro-white. In my state there has been a near total eviction and diaspora of the white middle class; everyone knows only the very rich (who increasingly include non-whites, BTW) and brown masses are taken care of here. That’s also why those left (who tend to be in the element of middle class who can’t leave and know there’s nowhere to go anyway) are staging fights all over.

  18. Exciting Exit Poll from the NY Times:

    Whites 60% Republican. At current demographics this equates to white control.

    In the future this will have to reach 80%, which is feasible, if the white party stops being a party for the W’s: war and the wealthy.

    Simultaneously, as that racial divide continues the United States will be more and more prone to fracture along racial lines.

    Also, notice how closely the Catholic vote matches the overall vote. The GOP is a predominantly protestant and evangelical party, 77%. They rely on Catholics, mostly white, to win. Democrats have not adapted to the ascendency of Catholics and have been replacing their votes with “others”. The key to getting whites to the 80% unity mark is getting the Catholics that still think Democrats help them break WASP hegemony. That era is gone, replaced by Jewish cabals and white genocide.

    Also notable is that Republican voters think that racial problems are getting worse 61 to 37. They are getting worse, for whites. The brown rabble thinks our dispossession and genocide is proceeding apace.

    Next huge fight: Amnesty. The “Moderates” Big Business and Jews are already trying proclaim how the right wing is pacified which gives the Jeb Bushes and the Romneys room to “strike a deal” on immigration. They have to be thwarted.

  19. Afterthought says:

    Exciting Exit Poll from the NY Times:


    Three quarters of the Democrats approve of Obama’s economic policies. What a laugh! Of course most of them don’t work and are on truckloads of government -gibsmedats.

    A party of deadbeats, criminals, losers, commies, welfare cheats, fags, druggies and anti-White vermin.

  20. “Also, the gubernatorial race in VERMONT – yes, VERMONT – will be decided by the state legislature.”

    This has to do with a number of factors. First, Vermont election law requires that a gubernatorial candidate receive 50% plus one vote to win; most, if not all states require only a plurality to win. The putative winner, incumbent Peter Shumlin, crossed environmental groups on several issues and trust became a factor as a result of a seedy real estate deal and his handling of Vermont’s single payer health care plan. Typically, race and religion were not factors in the election.

  21. 100% of Newly Elected GOP Senators Campaigned on Repealing Obamacare

    ( – Every newly elected GOP senator who won in last night’s election campaigned on repealing Obamacare.
    Sens. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.), David Perdue (R-Ga.), Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), Sen Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.), Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.), Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.), Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) all ran on a platform of repealing Obamacare.

    Gardner touted patient-centered care and a full repeal and replacement of President Obama’s Affordable Care Act (ACA), otherwise known as Obamacare.

  22. What I found interesting about this post’s odd, gratuitous mention of the Vermont gubernatorial election was what was missing – any mention of the TWO secessionists that also ran.

    One, an avowed Marxist who has lost more than 20 previous campaigns, didn’t even, according to unofficial results, garner 1% of the vote. The second, was a three time loser who offered land and homes for support and trolled for her campaign among murderers and child molesters housed at an out-of-state prison in Kentucky for votes.

    In the end more than 98% of Vermonters voted for someone other than either of the two seceshers.


    • The fact that Democrats were struggling in Vermont and trying to eke out a victory in Connecticut after getting beat in Illinois, Maryland, and Massachusetts was a source of a lot of lulz last night.

  23. Vermont is not immune to the vagaries of a mid-term election cycle. While the results are unofficial, this election will probably have the lowest turnout in many decades. If President Obama or Vermont icons Pat Leahy or Bernie Sanders had been on the ballot the turnout would have been enormous and Shumlin would have coasted to an easy win. As elsewhere, Repugs turned out in numbers that belie their actual strength in Vermont. Dems still control nearly 90 out of 150 in the VT House and 20 out of 30 in the Senate. In most states the gubernatorial result would have been an automatic win for the Democrat. Results like that still make Vermont one of the bluest states in the Union.

    I do find it odd that you made, and still make, no mention of the two screwy secesher’s that miserably failed in their gubernatorial efforts. Must hurt, huh?

  24. I’ve always liked White voters in Mew York State, NY City. They are tough, feel as I do about Black criminals, Muslims.

    One of my greatest hours was walking through Italian areas of the South Bronx with David Duke sweat shirt during Duke’s successes in the early 1990s.

  25. It’s odd because of your ties to the racist, secessionist League of the South. Face it, the League’s brand is so tainted that even in the waning days of his campaign the extremist, Dixie singin’ Michael Peroutka sought to distance himself from the League by quiting the group over its anti-miscegenation stance, although I assume he’s still cool with the treason and racism since he’s said nothing about that.

    As a LoSer you should follow Vermont secession since it is emblematic of the fringiness of the whole idea. Every time that USAToday, Time, Salon, etc. do throwaway pieces about secession they go to Vermont seceshers and not the racists at the League.

    Trust me, faith in Democratic principles and economics still runs strong here in Vermont. On that you know nothing. Dems still absolutely control the legislature and executive; the Repug agenda will again be a no starter in the legislative session.

  26. Is OD seeing this as some kind of victory? Or just a short and very limited-in-scope reprieve of a kind…a stalling measure, really?

  27. If picketing companies that hire illegals at the expense of Whites is a good idea, would not supporting and voting for candidates like David Perdue also be beneficial ?


    Senator-elect David Perdue (R-GA) credited border security as “a top issue” that propelled him to a nearly eight point victory over Democratic candidate Michelle Nunn on Wednesday’s “Laura Ingraham Show.”

    “National security around our borders has turned into a top issue…it’s not just an immigration [issue] any longer, it’s a national security issue. People are concerned about jobs, we have to get this economy going and we have to get serious about this debt. Those are the issues we ran on here in Georgia and it worked.” He added that the “number one issue was jobs, and I’ll tell you the number two thing was Obamacare…[and the third] was border security, this national security thing. Safety and security for women in Georgia turned out to be a very important issue, and for all of Georgians, and that’s the nerve we hit.”
    Perdue also discussed the prospect of an executive order on immigration by the president, saying “take it to the people. If he [Obama] does that, he will absolutely secure a Republican in the White House in ‘16. We cannot let him get away with that. The people of Georgia, specifically, are sending me up there to get in a dog fight to make sure that doesn’t happen. This executive order amnesty issue has a got people really, really concerned here in Georgia and we have to use whatever tools we can to stop that.”

  28. Wish we had our own Perdue in South Carolina, instead of that Graham character. I suppose Trey Gowdy’s on our side, but he’s pretty busy with the IRS scandal. I just wish Graham would listen to us, and be against immigration. I don’t understand why he has that view.

  29. I have an idea. Since most of the unemployed wordsmiths in ‘the movement’ can’t seem to apply their brainiac forces in the real world towards actual activism, why not start a meme wherein we start speaking a European language other than English. Recently I made a stand at a job where besides being chronically falsely accused of making mistakes by a Hispanic coworker who’s terrified I’ll take the space of another Hispanic, I also had to contend with the whole lot of them babbling in Spanish when I needed to understand group plans. The sneaky senora even speaks Chilean, which is both the hardest accent to understand for a non-native speaker like me in Spanish and also when she makes half hearted attempts at English. During the epic standoff between me and the Muds (Hispanics and blacks), while I screamed ‘Go home!’ the Colored Chorus kept refraining “This is America, you can speak any language.” Of course, the blacks there didn’t speak on word of Spanish but there was a white gringa bitch to gang up on, so, no problem.

    Anyway, why don’t we here in America take them up on their patriotic suggestion? Ben Franklin pushed for german as the national language, probably to distance americans from the british, as was the trend at the time.

    I really think this has potential. Let’s teach our kids to speak a European language. German or Irish make sense for northwestern Europeans. Force corporate America to post signs in Sears and Target for *us.* Studies show, BTW, that if a child masters two languages in his early years his language skills will always be somewhat better, which was my observation at a fancy foreign language-oriented college.

    The Europeans all speak multiple languages, at least on the continent and in Scandinavia. Let’s do it.

  30. Well, most of the country apparently saw red.

    In Minne-Soviet Union,
    all three bastards rigged (I mean, won) their re=election.

    Mark Dayton – Gov. – best candidate millions of his own fortune can buy.
    Al Franken- Just what MN needs- another East Coast jew Dumb-o-crap
    Keith Ellison – oh, no, Somali Muslims aren’t going to jihad us. (They are why this bastard turncoat apostate traitor was re-elected)

    Mourn for Lake Woebegon. It truly is…

  31. What has to happen for this pos president to realize we need to lock down our borders. Not provide amnesty for more exiles hoping for a free ride. For the love of God.. Obama was called out by an isil member right before he lopped of the head of another American citizen. The presidents answer…? Give amnesty to 6 million people. Are you kidding me. The only answer is to wipe out Muslims once and for all. And to the peaceful Muslim… Convert or be damned. Liberty and justice for all did not have Muslims in mind when the idea was conceived. No regard for human life. Just pure evil. The Koran? What a joke. I am sick of tolerance and political correctness. Call a spade a spade. What do you do when an entire group of people wants to kill you as part of their religious beliefs. … You strike first in the name of peace and salvation in hopes that no more innocent people get slaughtered. If I hear about one more mass killing by some dumbshit that recently converted to Islam, I am going to be sick. The media won’t even report it as a terrorist attack for fear that an entire community of Muslim citizens will be offended. If you are a Muslim and offended if the news reports a mass killing as a terrorist attack in the name of Allah or Mohammed or any other word vomit names they praise, well you need to take a hard look at why you are a part of a disgusting religion that promotes death of innocent people. If that does not make you want to drop the Koran and convert then you are a part of it and should be cast out with the rest of them. Its just pathetic how a black president who was thought to be able to blur racial lines and bring peace., has single handedly divided this country almost back to the days of slavery. As a peaceful law abiding tax paying God fearing white man, I speak for most when I say no more tolerance for black crime. No more sensitivity for muslim terrorists. Call it like you see it so others will open their eyes and listen. As a white society we are not afraid of the black community or the Muslim community , we just don’t want to be around you.

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