The Simba Rebellion

We’re now several years into independence in the Democratic Republic of Congo:

“Mama Lungeni saw the rebels come to town. In early August of 1964 they took Stanleyville. The stronghold of Lumumba and Gizenga was theirs once more. They went in search of those who had squandered independence.”

Uh oh.

“Evoulues, intellectuals, and the rich became the brunt of their attacks. Around the statue to Lumumba, some 2,500 “reactionaries” were murdered. The Simbas cut out their hearts and ate them, to keep the dead from coming back. Other cities, too witnessed their extreme cruelty. “Butter, butter!” they shouted in Tshombe when a machete split an enemy’s skull and the brains ran out. Babies and children were taken from their parents and laid in the burning sun for days, until they died.”

Is this what Dr. Hill had in mind when he said, “Negro rule is destructive to civilization – history proves this. There is no debate about it; it is a fact.”

“In Kasango they disemboweled a few elderly people and forced bystanders to eat their intestines. In addition they were pronouncedly anti-American, anti-Belgian, and anti-Catholic. The American consul at Stanleyville was forced to tread on the American flag and eat a piece of it. Anyone carrying an object with “MADE IN USA” on it ran the risk of being slaughtered. It became a game to set the beards of Belgian missionaries on fire and then extinguish the flames with a beating. Many of the Simba had a background in the secret Kitawala cult, which had always been prominent in eastern Congo. They bitterly hated white people. Any number of nuns at the missions were raped and murdered; missionaries were sometimes tortured and then butchered.”

Note: This excerpt comes from David von Reybrouck’s Congo: The Epic History of a People.

About Hunter Wallace 12412 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Good Lord! Not to make it sound light, but they’re acting like orcs! Why are there any white people in Africa, after what they’ve done to us? God help the Chinese if they’re planning to colonize the Dark Continent.

  2. Logan says:

    ‘Good Lord! Not to make it sound light, but they’re acting like orcs!’

    They are not acting. They are Orcs.

    Logan says: Why are there any white people in Africa, after what they’ve done to us?

    White people are hopelessly altruistic.

    Logan says: ‘God help the Chinese if they’re planning to colonize the Dark Continent.’

    More like, God help the Orcs if the Chinks take over. They don’t play with YT’s rules.

  3. These savages were only good at massacring unarmed people. The Belgian Paras who dropped in, along with Mad Mike Hoare’s Commando 5 of mercenaries made short work of the Simbas.

  4. The Chinks won’t have any problems in Africa. The Africans will greatly miss YT’s benevolence in the coming years as the Chinese begin to colonize, and extract the abundant raw material wealth in the dark continent.

  5. Can we dispose of the fiction/fantasy that Blacks are ‘just like us’?

    After this?
    After the WBTS/Reconstruction?
    After watching every black nation on Earth, once the white man leaves/abdicates- from Haiti, to the Obamanation?

    Can we start the long hard haul to ‘put them in their place’ once more- forever?

  6. The Simbas massacring prisoners was one of the many reasons that Ian Smith declared Rhodesia unilaterally independent. It was not only about maintaining white rule, but also preventing the country from disintegrating into a terroristic free for all. Since black majority rule bgean in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, we see the usual pattern of Africans wrecking a once prosperous country and ethnically cleansing white people.

    Come to think of it, same thing happens in just about every city and country in which blacks take control. Look at Detroit, Birmingham and now Ferguson.

    The Belgian Paras who dropped in, along with Mad Mike Hoare’s Commando 5 of mercenaries made short work of the Simbas.

    This is so. Also, look at the Foreign Legion paras later clobbering black terrs at Kolwezi, or the South Africans wiping out SWAPO bases in Angola during the bush war. Blacks may be effective against unarmed enemies and wussified whites. They can not stand up to real soldiers.

    Something to think about in the coming insanity ahead.

  7. Remember that a bare handful of Boer farmers on horseback, armed with antiquated muzzle-loading rifles, managed to control vast swathes of South Africa.
    But I don’t think the average American YT is of the same stamp as a Paul Kruger or Deneys Reitz, alas…

  8. Remember that a bare handful of Boer farmers on horseback, armed with antiquated muzzle-loading rifles, managed to control vast swathes of South Africa.

    When I was in South Africa, I had some discussions with former members of the Rhodesian armed forces. They related that white troopies had a tremendous psychological advantage over blacks, termed the “K” (for Kafir) Factor. The K Factor came in part from several decades of white supremacy in Rhodesia, and also from the tremendous kill ratios that white (and white trained) forces were able to inflict on black insurgents. This advantage was useful in winning battles in the Rhodesia bush war, in the Congo for “Mad Mike” Hoare’s mercenaries, and for the SADF up on the SW African-Angolan frontier.

    Point is, white people can triumph over any number of blacks if:
    1: White armies train up.
    2: White people have superior will to power.

    Obviously, there is more to winning wars than winning battles. What sank both Rhodesia and South Africa was their betrayal by white countries in Europe and the USA. The critical front is, as always, here in the West itself. We need to win the agitprop battle at home. The Internet is one front. But being out in the streets marching is another.

    I’d venture to say that Ferguson is but one battle in a much bigger struggle. The blacks in the streets are the cannon fodder. Yes, they are a tactical threat. Yes, people need to prepare for possible violence.

    But the real threat is in the people who are pulling the strings on the “protesters.” They have to be exposed and politically neutralized. Ultimately, we have to win the support of both your average white American and of white elites. It takes a dedicated cadre. Remember what small numbers of whites have accomplished when they set their minds to it, whether it is conquering a continent, landing men on the Moon.

  9. @ Logan, et al. -Well, there is this book called China’s Second Continent. It deals with China’s growing influence in Africa. It would be safe to say that the Chinese will deal with the Africans very differently than the Western powers. I would recommend it as future review material for this site.

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