Jacob deNobel and Spelunker

Editor’s Note: Jacob deNobel sent me this email on Friday night about an hour after I promised to spread Spelunker’s identity across the internet. What do you think?

Hello, I’m Jacob deNobel, and after everything that’s happened over the past few days, I thought I would try and reach out. (HW: Within an hour of threatening to spread Spelunker’s identity around the internet, you sent me this email, which tells me that you are constantly reading this website.)

Just to start and be clear, I’m not Spelunker, and before a couple of months ago, never heard of him. (HW: Maybe.)

I do understand that my word probably doesn’t mean a lot to you, but I would appreciate if you could acknowledge the uphill battle I have to fight to prove I’m not a man who has made himself anonymous. How do you even do that, outside of a he-said/she-said? (HW: That’s why I sat so long on this information. There was always the chance you are not Spelunker.)

I had figured if I just kept a low-profile, this would all blow over, but between the SPLC contacting me today and your recent post warning Spelunker that you’re going to post my info everywhere, I’m hoping that reaching out to you will help.

I would really like to try my best to argue that I’m not the guy you think I am.

I’ve seen the comments of your “Who is Spelunker” article, and I know you have a tiny bit of doubt that you’ve got the right guy. (HW: I’m not absolutely sure, but the evidence suggests you are the right guy.) I’d like to put forth enough evidence for you to begin to doubt fully and go through with your test of my identity.

First, a bit of backstory to explain some of the attached screenshots and photos I made. (HW: Spelunker is also fond of screenshots.) As someone whose work with the Carroll County Times goes online on a daily basis, I do a lot of Googling myself.

Aug. 1, while trying to find a story I wrote (HW: None of your screenshots are from August.), I came across the Stormfront thread claiming that I’m Spelunker. I was rather surprised by this and spent the next couple of hours trying to figure out how the heck they connected me to this guy. I didn’t find much, but I found the other thread of some photos of me from high school from my Myspace which hadn’t been updated since I graduated. It was then that I deleted my Myspace. Nothing came out of it, and things were quiet so I didn’t pay too much attention to it.

Things next popped up in September when you Tweeted the link to the CCTimes Letter to the Editor to me. I browsed through your Twitter page just to figure out what was going on, and that’s when I noticed you had been Tweeting facts about me — like my RoboCop costume — to the Spelunker Twitter. This gave me a little pause, so I sent an email to the Spelunking blog email (HW: You could easily send an email to your own other email account and take a screenshot of it.), and later that day I also sent a Direct Message to his Twitter account (HW: If you have two Twitter accounts, you could also tweet yourself.), which you had tagged as well. I’ve attached screenshots of both this email and this tweet of my confusion.

The next day, I received a call on my work phone from Daryle Jenkins of the One People’s Project (HW: That’s interesting because it proves you are connected to DLJ.) who said he was sorry to hear about the case of mistaken identity. He told me Spelunker asked him to contact me. He told me they had never heard of me and Spelunker wanted to continue to remain anonymous. (HW: If Spelunker is truly concerned about you suffering on account of his actions, he would claim ownership of his own blog and stop harassing people.) Then he said if I ran into any trouble, I could give him a call. The next day, he sent me a request to connect on LinkedIn which I didn’t accept (I have included a screenshot of this. Note the date is exactly one day after your initial tweet at me). (HW: I’m not connected to all kinds of people who I known on LinkedIn. So what?)

I kept an eye on your Twitter and blog and Spelunker’s blog just to make sure my name didn’t keep coming up, and I was frankly relieved when I saw you were planning on testing the theory that I’m Spelunker, because literally any test at all will exonerate me. If you’re still holding out, please do the test. I insist. (HW: The test was delayed due to an unforeseen turn of events.)

So I’ve been regularly Googling myself to make sure this didn’t keep popping up, and when your “Who Is Spelunker” article came up I called Daryle Jenkins to see if Spelunker would reveal himself now that I’m taking the heat for him. He said Spelunker couldn’t do that (HW: It’s strange that he is so concerned about you, but not concerned enough to take ownership of his own blog.) (which didn’t make a lot of sense to me, since his anonymity is coming at the expense of my own) but he would call the SPLC to see if there was anything they could do.

Today I got a call from the SPLC telling me they were going to be posting an expose of Boy Howdy (HW: Why would the SPLC expose BoyHowdy now except to retaliate against him?), who they said was the first to post my information. They asked me for a quote to go along with the story, and I told them I just wanted to stay out of it. (HW: If you wanted to stay out of it, why bring further heat on yourself by having them post their article?) I have no dog in this fight and don’t want to be quoted. I saw the post go up, and I noticed there was an error (they referred to me as Jewish, which I’m not) so I called the number from earlier today to ask them to change that. You’ll notice an edit was made around 6:45 or so.

That’s my long story, but there are a couple of things I want to highlight seem to suggest, if not definitively prove, I’m not Spelunker. I hope this doesn’t make me look too crazy, but I am a reporter and digging through a ton of info for inconsistencies is what we do for a living. All of this info has come from me browsing through Spelunker’s blog and Twitter, and occasionally searching for “Spelunker” or “Jacob” on Stormfront or your own website just to make sure they’re not popping up too often. I was content to let this stew in the background, because it really hasn’t affected me in real life yet, but comments like “If there is an ugly ending, well, that’s on him” make me want to clear this up.

1: If Daryle and I have been acquaintances for years, why would he try to connect literally the day after I first heard of you? (HW: I’ve known all kinds of people for years … who just recently added me on Facebook. So what?)

2: If you search for me online — a lot of my info is public — you’ll find that I’ve been a Carroll County resident literally my entire life. I grew up here. I live here now, and I work here. I did a few searches on Spelunker’s blog and he has never once mentioned the county or anywhere near where I live. I’m an hour outside of Baltimore City, where his blog says he’s based (HW: Spelunker claims to live in Baltimore, but his IP address indicates he lives closer to Pennsylvania.), and much of his writing covers Frederick, Baltimore and Anne Arundel County. As one of the most conservative counties in the state, I imagine he would easily find things to write about here, but never has, because likely (HW: I could write about all kinds of things in SE Alabama, but I prefer to write about national issues.), he doesn’t know about what’s going on here.

3: I do work as a full-time reporter, and have neither the time, nor inclination to go around harassing folks. We work late hours at the paper, and many of Spelunker’s blog posts have been made while I’m in the office. I will gladly give you to my local editor who approves my time cards to show that I’m busy working when a lot of his posts go up. (HW: I can edit the settings of this post to publish it anytime I wish.)

Most recently, you’ll see Spelunker posted a blog post at 10:34 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 4 — election day — in an article that mentions you. If you check the Carroll County Times Facebook page, you’ll find a post “Have you voted today? Did you have to wait or was it a smooth process?” that was posted at 11:06 a.m. and features live reporting from me from the polls that morning. From 8:30 to 10:40 a.m. I was out at Carroll County polling places talking to our residents about the races they were interested in and trying to get back for an 11 a.m. deadline. There’s no way I would have had the time or inclination to run back, post a blog post as Spelunker (even if it was pre-written) (HW: WordPress can publish this post anytime I wish.) and then write my Carroll County Times story and post directly on the web all by 11.

4: This is a little less tangible, since you don’t actually know me, but I think it comes across in my writing and social media presence. I’m a friendly dude. (HW: Spelunker also claims to “love” us.) I don’t go around bugging people, even those I don’t agree with. I know you know that we probably don’t politically agree on much, but haranguing people just isn’t my style. Anyone who knows me would tell you that I avoid conflict just about as much as possible, and I’m all about finding common ground with folks, not insulting or making fun of them. (HW: This proves nothing. All kinds of people live multiple lives due to internet anonymity.) Even my LinkedIn page which you guys found says “Everything I do, both in my personal and professional life, revolves around connecting with others and trying to make the world a better, or at least friendlier, place.” Does that really sound like Spelunker who seems to go out of his way to poke you guys with a stick every chance he gets. Like I said, honestly you and I don’t have much in common politically, but I’m not Spelunker’s biggest fan either. First of all, his anonymity is coming at the expense of my own, which does not endear him to me, secondly, he seems to be more interested in attacking you guys or bothering folks than building something positive. Like I said, this point is less tangible, but honestly, if you read the tone of anything I’ve published under my own name, I think you’ll see we’re not the same kind of person. (HW: I’m sure most WNs strike a different tone too in real life when they are not posting under an anonymous pseudonym on the internet.)

5: On the Twitter front, Spelunker just began his Twitter account in April of this year despite blogging since 2013. I began Tweeting in May of 2013. If that was the time I decided to get a personal Twitter account, wouldn’t it have made sense for me to also start one for my new blog? (HW: Spelunker has a Twitter account. Maybe you are just too busy, as you say?)

We also share no Twitter followers nor do we follow any of the same people (even entertainers like Stephen Colbert which Spelunker follows and I do not). (HW: This is nothing unusual: lots of WNs maintain two Facebook accounts.) Wouldn’t I be able to convince at least one of my real life friends to following my writing on my Spelunker account? Another Twitter difference between the two of us, is that I use tinyurl to shrink down urls to be postable at 140 characters (https://twitter.com/Jacob_deNobel/status/491314731630596096), while Spelunker posts urls in their entirety.

5: Going through Spelunker’s archives, he got his start posting almost exclusively about goings-on on the Towson University campus, before branching out afterwards. This says to me, he likely was a TU student in 2013 who graduated that year and began blogging more often. (Not necessarily. It proves he first took an interest in Matt Heimbach before branching out to others WNs.)

This last piece might seem a little over-the-top, but I think it’s the most telling. I’m a writer at heart and have a vested interest in questions of grammar and style. If you look at the attached screenshots, I’ve highlighted grammatical quirks that are unique to Spelunker and myself and where we differ. (HW: If you are so grammar conscious, you could also deliberately change your grammar style in your posts.)

1: Any journalist who writes for a newspaper knows you never place punctuation inside a quotation mark. Check the AP Style handbook. If you look through my stories, or the attached screenshots, you’ll find that I’ve never placed a comma, question mark or period outside of a quotation mark; however, Spelunker does it every time he uses them and isn’t copy/pasting someone else’s content.

2: Spelunker uses the abbreviation OK, while I use the spelled out version of “okay.”

3: One of the biggest grammar battles is the fight over the use of the oxford comma (the comma placed before the final item in a series as in the sentence “I bought bananas, apples, and milk.” Again, AP style demands that reporters never use the oxford comma. The habit was whipped out of me in my journalism courses in college, and I haven’t used one in years. Spelunker again, uses the oxford comma.

I’ve seen your comments (again, I’ve been doing a lot of self-stalking since this whole thing started) that say that it was Stormfront who made the connection because of a Google Voice call into a radio show that had my name attached. (HW: Yes, that’s the only way The White Voice and Stormfront could have ever connected you to Spelunker.) This baffled me at first, but I did some research and found that Google switching numbers and names for their users is a common problem with the system. https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/voice/aYfoXMOFrtg

https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/voice/90MaJuq9CB8. For Google Voice, you choose an area code and Google selects the rest, but they have had issues in the past of selecting numbers that are already in use. The Carroll County area code is wide enough to cover almost all of Maryland, including Baltimore City and the rural areas where I am. (HW: It is possible that Google Voice could have reassigned your number to Spelunker. It is also possible that Verizon could reassign my cell phone number to another Southern Nationalists. It is EXTREMELY UNLIKELY though.) The Jacob connection is slightly more coincidental (HW: Spelunker chose to post as “Jacob” on the Hatewatch blog.), but it also has been the one of the most popular name for boys for quite a few years running.

If you still have the audio from that radio show, there are clips on YouTube from my college courses which feature my voice http://youtu.be/b25oLATzeNU?t=36s and if you listen to them side-by-side with the radio call-in (HW: I know WNs who change their voice while doing radio interviews to protect their anonymity), I’d be willing to guess that they don’t sound like the same guy.

Again though. please, whatever you’re big piece of proof test is, do it. I have no fear of it, because it will prove Spelunker is not me. I’d really like to not be worried about people coming to get me for something I didn’t do.

Here’s a guide to the attached screenshots:
OriginalTweets: The Tweet you made to me that first got my attention
First email: My email to Spelunker back before I knew anything about him
TwitterMessages: My Direct Message to Spelunker that I sent the evening I sent the email
LinkedInRequest: Darryle Jenkins requesting to connect on LinkedIn the day after I email Spelunker
Outside Punctuation: An example of Spelunker placing a comma outside of quotation marks
Inside Punctuation: Example of me placing question marks inside quotation marks
More inside punctuation: Me placing commas and periods inside quotation marks
OK: Spelunker using the abbreviation OK
Okay: Me using the spelled out version of okay
Oxford comma: Spelunker using the Oxford comma before “and”
No Oxford comma: My lack of Oxford comma before “and”

I’ve been working on this for a while, collecting information in case I ever needed it. Like I said, I was happy to stay quiet and out of it (HW: If you wanted to stay out of it, why didn’t you tell the SPLC not to run the story on BoyHowdy?), but both sides seem to keep pushing the issue and forcing me to the forefront again (HW: Spelunker and his associates continue to push the issue.). I’d really like to wash my hands of this whole situation. Like I said to the SPLC. I don’t want anything to do with this. You’ve seen my Twitter. I just want to tweet about movies and not have to worry about people thinking I’m someone I’m not. (HW: How many readers of this blog write about their ideological beliefs at their day job?)

I do hope you consider this evidence. If you have any questions or want anything clarified, please email this address, I’ll do my best.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I did not say it at the time, but one reason I initially did not think this guy was Spelunker is that from a stylistic and grammatical standpoint, Spelunker’s writing is pretty weak. At any rate, Spelunker himself can bring some clarity to the situation at any time by being a man and revealing himself.

  2. This seems like just the sort of thing that someone who derives much of their life’s pleasure from harassing people on the internet and doxing people and so on, would do.

    Once caught, throw up a huge dust storm of doubt and contrary-seeming evidence, and hope that people back off.

    Hunter, you said you had more personal info to reveal about Jacob Denobel. I think you should go ahead and reveal it. Worst case scenario it’s a lesson for antifa who choose to harm people while anonymous.

  3. 1) My voice is recorded and is available via a link on my blog. I have pointed this out once before. This is the easiest way to prove this is a case of mistaken identity. Despite that fact, Brad seems disinterested, IMO, because he wants to force my identity to be revealed.

    2) I did not ask the SPLC to write an article. I have never asked anyone to “retaliate”.

    3) I too am trying to clear someone else’s name.

    4) Brad sees proof in coincidences.

    5) I am really hoping this will go away.

    6) My writing, punctuation, sentence structure are horrible. This is a byproduct of my age, not attending College, and just all around not being a good writer. I am not a journalist and I am also not a writer by trade.

    7) I never attended Towson University. I was already blogging prior to the day I listened to Matt Heimbach tell tall tales on the radio, at which time the focus of my blogging abruptly shifted and has remained on “racialists” ever since. You should all thank Matthew Heimbach.

  4. I’m not sure what to think. But I tend to believe Jacob that he’s not Spelunker. I don’t know how we have gotten so bogged down on this dude though. He is one loathsome blogger who spends his time digging up dirt on nationalists and trying to destroy people’s reputation.

  5. I don’t think it even matters. The point is that if genocidal deviants with the privilege of mainstream promotion see fit to “out” or harass normal ethnic-thinking people / conservatives then they should not complain or expect any better when they’re outed as genocidal deviants.

  6. They stalk and terrorize anyone who attempts to advocate for the rights of white people. So why shouldn’t they be revealed to the public who are increasingly disgusted by their ‘anti-racist’ terrorism?

    I personally don’t know anything about all this, but will say that the fact that BoyHowdy was ‘outed’ by SPLC doesn’t seem coincidental, and this alleged victim should be lobbying with them as well as with HW if he’s indeed sincere. As for writing style, that could be entirely purposeful and isn’t conclusive. Someone who takes it upon themselves to stalk someone – anonymously, as Spelunker does – would affect a different writing style on purpose to fool people.

    OTOH, the ‘pro-white’ movement needs to clean it’s house of the sociopaths. Failing to do so simply lands ‘pro-white’ advocacy in the same shitpile that these so-called ‘anti-racists’ inhabit.

  7. Re: Spelunker

    1.) Yes, it is interesting that both you and deNobel have made the same point. When I read that email, I recalled you saying that before in the comments here. BTW, that proves nothing because your voice can easily be disguised, and I know several people who do that all the time.

    2.) You threatened to retaliate against BoyHowdy in your “On My Identity” post which you later removed.

    3.) There’s a simple way to clear deNobel’s name: take ownership of your own blog.

    4.) It is not a coincidence that you called The White Voice using a Google Voice number that was traced to deNobel. Maybe posting as “Larry Jacobs” and “Jacob” could be written off as coincidences, but that is much harder to dismiss.

    5.) If you are hoping it will go away, why do you keep bringing it up? Why is the SPLC retaliating against BoyHowdy?

    6.) If you are grammar conscious, you could easily alter your writing style.

    7.) I don’t believe you attended Towson either.

  8. I think Jacob is lying.

    Here’s why: he sent that email to me within an hour of me threatening to publicize Spelunker’s identity, and his account of how Spelunker came to use his Google Voice number is unpersuasive.

    There’s always a chance that, say, if you get a different cell phone that your old carrier could assign your number to someone else. What are the chances though that your number would be reassigned to your doppelganger?

  9. For the record, we are revisiting this issue because 1.) the SPLC article that retaliated against BoyHowdy, 2.) deNobel’s email above, and 3.) Thomas Rowley dredging it all up again in the comment section.

    If all of the above had just left the matter alone, we wouldn’t be discussing it. We’re discussing it now because THEY keep bringing it back up.

  10. Why doesn’t this person ask the SPLC why they’ve waited to ‘out’ BoyHowdy?

    Why has their doing that immediately followed with BoyHowdy’s exposing of Spelunker?

    Too cute for comfort.

  11. Re: Vick

    I have more personal info on deNobel, but I am not going to post that until I am absolutely sure it is him. As things stand today, I am not buying into the idea that Google Voice randomly reassigned deNobel’s number to Spelunker. I think that is implausible.

    • Anonymous hacked A3P around February 2012.

      So, the SPLC is saying that they have known who BoyHowdy is since that time, but sat on that info for two years before “exposing” him.

  12. Since there’s a lot of ‘noise’ around the pivotal points to consider, could you link the most damning ones for this person to the Google Voice one. What was it about Spelunker using the name Jacob?

    Please very briefly summarize the most damning ‘coincidences’/connections. Because already there are two which strongly support that Spelunker is this Jacob – the Google Voice number and the outing of BoyHowdy for his outing of Spelunker.

    • Re: NYYankees.

      1.) I cracked the “Larry Jacobs” pseudonym. Then I discovered that he was posting as “Jacob” at the SPLC. This could have just been a coincidence, but it aroused my curiosity enough to search around for “Jacob” + “spe-lunk-ing” which is how I found BoyHowdy’s posts on Stormfront.

      2.) After I learned that Stormfront had outed Spelunker as deNobel, I wanted to know why they were so confident it was him, and especially how they connected him to deNobel.

      That’s how I found out about the Google Voice number. He called into The White Voice and they traced the number to deNobel. That’s compelling because I can’t see any other way to link the two. There’s nothing else on the internet that links Spelunker to deNobel.

      What are the chances that deNobel’s Google Voice number was reassigned to Spelunker? What’s more probable? I would day it is more probable that he is lying.

      3.) When Spelunker found out we were on to him, he panicked and wrote that “On My Identity” post on his blog. In that post, he threatened to retaliate against BoyHowdy unless the information was removed from Stormfront.

      4.) The SPLC made good on that threat – why else would they do so? And why now after sitting on that information for two years?

      5.) deNobel sent me this email within an hour of threatening to expose Spelunker’s identity. This proves he follows this blog very closely. It also proves he has ties to DLJ and the SPLC.

      Really, it boils down to that Google Voice number … that is what he can’t explain away.

  13. Just curious…how did SPLC connect BoyHowdy to Stormfront? I don’t even read on there, but it does seem odd that many people who post there wind up being outed both here and in the US.

  14. ETA: both here and in Europe.

    Did the information culled in the 2012 hacking of AFP reveal BoyHowdy’s alias on Stormfront somehow?

    Regardless, fight fire with fire. The era where whites cower in fear of ‘outing’ is coming to an end, very quickly. ‘Anti-racists’ need to understand that their names will too be outed and the white public will stand in judgment of them.

  15. I just read the full SPLC article. They claim that emails that were uncovered in the hack of AFP revealed emails that link BoyHowdy to Stormfront. But none are screenshot or anything, so it’s not implausible that they might be making these claims up to cover for a mole in Stormfront. This is just a sidelight to the main issue, though.

    The two points remain strong evidence. Google Voice and SPLC’s retaliatory ‘outing.’ If this Jacob person weren’t Spelunker, why would SPLC bother responding to BoyHowdy?

    I think you’re showing way more equanimity and mercy than any of ‘the other side does.

    That said, I still think ‘pro-white’ needs to chase out their own terrorists.

  16. Re: The Lamp

    If I am dead wrong, there are two ways you can prove it:

    1.) First, Spelunker can publicly take ownership of his own blog, which would convince us he is not deNobel.

    2.) Second, you can provide a compelling explanation as to why he called The White Voice using a Google Voice number that was registered to deNobel. I will grant there is a remote chance that deNobel’s number was reassigned to Spelunker, but I still think there is a greater chance he is just lying about it.

  17. If I wanted to, I could post deNobel’s address (where I know for a fact he lives), and you could check out his house with Google Street View, but I am not going to do that because I am not absolutely sure it is him.

    I think it is more than likely. I think it is highly probable, but I am not absolutely sure. The key point of evidence is the Google Voice number. It’s just highly unlikely that deNobel’s Google Voice number was reassigned to Spelunker.

  18. The blood of white martyrs who’ve been lynched by ‘anti-racist’ black monsters is all over these cyber-caped ‘crusaders.’

    Let the white public know who this guy is, flash his shit all over, just like the ‘anti-racists’ tell lynchers like the killers of Kim Leto and so many others to do. They think our hands are bound.

    Truth will out. The people will decide.

  19. Why is Spelunker so afraid, if he serves the truth? Can the truth ever be delivered by a source too ashamed to show his face?

    I don’t think so.

  20. If this Jacob person were a true innocent, he would have implored SPLC to take down the retaliatory outing of BoyHowdy.

    But he didn’t.

  21. It boils down to the phone number. It is completely, utterly damning. Their answer for it is laughable.

    He screwed up, period.

    This is what happens to people who play around with multiple internet identities, who become obsessive about their internet “enemies,” who make special websites to harass, dox, and bully people, and try to do it all anonymously so that they never have to take responsibility for the trouble they cause other people.

    They eventually make a misstep and it all comes crashing down.

    Go ahead and release whatever it is you’ve got, Hunter. It’s very unlikely anything will happen to him, but to have him experience just a fraction of the paranoia and fear his victims have felt completely justify doing it.

  22. Brad, you are using and threatening innocent person who has nothing to do with what we do, so you can try to blackmail Splunker into telling you who he is.

    I bet you don’t even know what the Google number was, and I also bet the number was assigned to a lot of people because it is dialing through the computer through the Google system.

    Really, low, even for you Brad, but, you know it is not going to work.

    • Re: Lamp

      1.) Where have I threatened deNobel? I haven’t threatened him anywhere. I’m just not buying his story that his Google Voice number was randomly reassigned to Spelunker. That’s too farfetched.

      2.) If Spelunker wants to prove he is not deNobel, there’s nothing stopping him from publicly claiming his own blog.

      3.) It’s not that much different than a cell phone number. It is true that a Google Voice number can be reassigned. My cell phone number can be reassigned too. But what are the chances that it would be reassigned to another Southern Nationalist in my area code?

      4.) If I wanted to do something really low, I could publish any number of things that I know about deNobel. I’m not going to do that because I am not absolutely sure it is him. Again, I haven’t even said it is him, but I believe it is more likely that he is lying than Google reassigning deNobel’s number to Spelunker.

      5.) BTW, if you people hadn’t brought this back up again, I would still be posting excerpts from my Congo book. I’m simply indulging Thomas Rowley who wants to talk so much about it.

  23. Hey, this is Jacob, I’ve been watching the thread (again, I only have been watching this blog since Brad Tweeted at me. He made the first contact).

    Look, I tried to do my research to prove my innocence. I’ve contacted Spelunker asking him to stop using me as his shield, and he instead has given up blogging. What else can I possibly do to convince you all?

    I know you don’t believe the words I say, but please, put yourself in my position and imagine this impossible task I have. Anything I do and anything I say is twisted to prove I’m him.

    “Why didn’t he ask the SPLC to take down the Boy Howdy expose?” Because then you would say I did it just to save my own butt and that’s the proof that I’m Spelunker. If I do nothing, that’s the proof.

    What can I give you to prove my innocence? I’m open to suggestions.

    • Jacob,

      To be perfectly honest, I am only mildly curious about Spelunker’s true identity and only because this creep spends so much time Facebook stalking us. In fact, I had no plans to discuss the subject any further until Thomas Rowley kept bringing it up over and over again in the comment section this evening.

      It all comes down to the Google Voice number: Spelunker used your Google Voice number to call into The White Voice. Now, I am willing to grant that it is possible your number was reassigned (who doesn’t have an old cell phone number?), but I just find it hard to believe that Google randomly reassigned your number to Spelunker.

      The stuff about posting as “Jacob” and “Larry Jacobs” could be purely a coincidence, but when someone makes a phone call using your number … well, that’s a lot harder to explain away.

  24. Brad, maybe the next time you call and talk to the SPLC you can ask them yourself to take the BoyHowdy article down, but I bet they won’t.

    You’re repeating yourself, it is getting old.
    Splunker is anything but a “pussy” (how 1950’s!) I am not going to get into this anymore, I have hot buttered popcorn here…

    • Re: Lamp

      Keegan told me that he had information which cast doubt on the deNobel = Spelunker theory, but he didn’t say that the SPLC was writing a story about it, much less one that would try to out BoyHowdy.

      I didn’t respond to Keegan because I wasn’t interested in writing any further about the matter – all of this has been dredged back up by the SPLC story, Jacob’s email, and finally by Thomas Rowley. I didn’t respond to Jacob either because I still didn’t plan to write about it until Thomas Rowley started aggravating me earlier this evening.

      The funny thing is, none of this would have been brought back up if y’all had just left the matter alone.

  25. Brad, you threatened Splunker that you would post Jacob’s information unless he revealed who he was. You also threatened him over the SPLC BoyHowdy article.

    You will never know who Splunker is, Jacob will never know who Splunker is, we are going to leave this in the hands of those who know how to handle this situation.

    Jacob- I feel bad for you, you are an innocent person here, but if you are trying to get Splunker to reveal himself it is not going to happen. Good luck, we will keep an eye on you and your situation if you are indeed being threatened by these people.

    • Re: Lamp

      1.) No, I said that unless he got Heidi to remove that article that I was going to publicize his information all over the net. Then Jacob sent me the email above about an hour later.

      2.) I read Jacob’s email, but it was a Friday night and I had a lot going on this weekend, so I took down the post and planned to consider what he said later.

      3.) I didn’t find Jacob’s explanation of how Spelunker came to use his Google Voice number compelling, but I didn’t feel like starting this shit back up again either, so I decided to ignore it.

      4.) Enter Thomas Rowley. He posted a bunch of stupid comments and succeeded in promoting this discussion.

      5.) No one has been able to explain why Spelunker was using Jacob’s Google Voice number.

      6.) If Spelunker is truly concerned about Jacob, he can take ownership of his own blog and stop harassing people. It is hard to sympathize with someone who gets his friends at the SPLC to out others and then throws himself a pity party.

  26. Lamp,
    Because I want out of this stupid pissing match! I contacted Spelunker and got nothing. Daryle contacted me and said he’d help me prove my innocence, but all that’s happened is that he directed me to the SPLC. I told them my story, and they said they’d see what they can do to get the posts taken down. After weeks of hearing nothing from them, they tell me that they’ve got an expose of Boy Howdy written and they want a quote. I tell them I don’t want to be a part of this and to leave me out. Brad threatens to share my information across the web, so I do the last thing I know how which is to reach out with what research I have in the hopes to convince him, because you and Spelunker are always more interested in telling jokes or poking at these guys than you are in actually doing something that will clear my name. I just want out, and I don’t know what to do anymore.
    I don’t want you guys to keep an eye on me if/when I get threatened (because too late) I want you to help me get out of this because this is not my heat to take. If you have some other way of exonerating me, than please let me know.

    • Getting the SPLC to write a story that retaliated against BoyHowdy – following through on Spelunker’s threats – was probably the worst possible way to make it all go away.

  27. They’re shitting their pants, is what I think.

    I really don’t think there’s coincidence going on. For one, the tone of Jacob’s pleas is sort of calm for a person freaked out by the whole thing. For another, if it weren’t him he’d likely be threatening to sue you or report you.

    But he’s not.

    Just sayin.’

    • I told Lamp on Twitter that I was going to test my theory … then and only then would I write about it.

      Well, Spelunker couldn’t restain himself, and his post about Paul Fromm prompted Boy Howdy to out Jacob a third time. At that point, the word began to spread like wildfire across the internet. Even then, I linked to the posts on Stormfront, but I never published what I knew here.

      If I wanted to, I could have published all this two months ago. I haven’t done so because I was waiting for more information, and besides, I am not a busybody who lives to harass people like Spelunker.

  28. I didn’t ask them to do that! I didn’t know they did it until they called me to tell me it was already written! I told them my story because I thought they’d try and get the posts on Stormfront taken down. Like I said, I asked not to be quoted in the expose.

  29. Lamp, then please tell me, what is the way to handle this? Because I’ve been trying to handle this for months now? First I tried silence. Then I tried contacting your side. Then I tried contacting their side. Nothing I do is helping me.

  30. Lamp, are you concerned about what blacks did to Kim Leto? Are you concerned about how jews threatened Kyle Hunt’s family with outing them (from what I hear)? Do you have concern for his innocent family members?

    Would you write to the SPLC, ADL, and the whole organized jewish community pointing out how ‘threatening’ it is for them to try to somehow ‘out’ Kyle Hunt’s family, who stayed ‘out of the fray?’

    I’d really like to know. As it stands, black thugs and jewish lawyers and ‘watchdogs’ are going waaaaay beyond threatening to dox innocent people every day, yet that’s not ‘hate’ or ‘racism’ according to you.

  31. Brad, if you still haven’t done your test, what are you waiting for? Do the test! It will clear my name and I can get out of this.

    • There was an unfortunate and unforseen turn of events that has delayed our ability to test this theory.

      That’s why I held off on publishing your personal information. I wanted to verify that you are Spelunker before publishing anything. There’s always the chance, you know, that you are not him.

      Well, the one thing that I didn’t count on was that Spelunker would continue to antagonize people, and that someone outside of our circle would out you again. That’s what BoyHowdy did on Stormfront which prompted the “Who Is Spelunker” links here.

  32. Am I missing something here? In the interest of truth and justice, a quick private Skype with either of the “two” parties to confirm whether or not the voice matches the face would definitively resolve this matter, no?

    Brad would make for a trusted intermediary, and could be trusted by Spelunker not to use that footage intended to exonerate Jacob to reveal his own non-Jacobite identity.

    Speaking as somebody who’s been repeatedly for years threatened with anonymous threats of death, rape, and even rape of my household pets in conjunction with my work, I can assure Jacob with relatively high confidence that neither he nor his household pets are in any meaningful danger as a result of this Internet feud.

  33. I did some research and found that Google switching numbers and names for their users is a common problem with the system.

    hmmmm…. Starting with the obvious fact that most people don’t have a Google Voice number(only a total of 4 million last I checked), what are the odds that an old Google switch-a-roo would give a number to two different guys who both seem to have the same online mannerisms and semantical structuring, both guys have a “flair” for writing, and that both would be two guys very vocal about being anti-racists and part of the Anti-Racist Network?

    Now all of a sudden a “networked” anti-racist is concerned that he is getting mixed up with nothing more than another anti-racist? Oh the horror! Not me, I did nothing wrong!

    If that’s the best this anti-White douchebag has, then it is absolutely, positively, 100% THE SAME GUY. Either that or it is his boyfriend.

  34. Hunter Wallace thank you for this write-up. This all started when Spelunker/Jacob harassed an AFP candidate in New Jersey who was running for State Senate. Spelunker wrote articles with audio clips of the candidate to damage the credibility of the candidate and injure any chance of his success. And the candidate would often do a show on the “White Voice”… and that is a connection to Spelunker/Jacob’s Google phone number. The candidate asked party members about this harassment and what could be done.

    We found out who he was and in fact Spelunker listed his name and photos on various sites. (Which strangely have suddenly been deleted!)

    Yes the pictures of Jacob deNobel were found on Myspace. According to a notice written by the SPLC “Jacob deNobel was shocked” to see his images on Stormfront and that’s why he immediately called the SPLC.

    Now imagine for a moment. You see public pictures of yourself posted on a “hate blog”. “Oh look they posted pictures of me. I better call the SPLC,” is your first reaction? Really?

    The SPLC and Heidi Beirich went into “damage-control-overdrive” to protect their asset! Their blog appears to be a revenge counter-attack. We suspect they have been sitting on this data for some time and biding their time. Using purloined data from the A3P cyber-hacking incident in 2012 she tried to compile evidence to assemble the identity of “BoyHowdy.” Originally, we were obligated to report the cyber-hacking incident and theft of member credit card info and membership list to the FBI and Secret Service. The hackers stole money from a bank account (since recovered.) I originally (and correctly) suspected Barrett Brown and ARA Hacktivist Jeremy Hammond, now serving 10-years for cyber-hacking.

    Now, here is the upshot of Hate-Heidi’s efforts, they used contraband (in this instance the illegally obtained data from the hack) to assemble an “identity” of BoyHowdy.

    I’m not done either. Several attorneys at American Freedom Party have identified several problems with our opposition which we are going to pursue. More later.

    Finally, NOT once did Jacob contact BoyHowdy and ask to remove the “mis-identified” pictures. Everybody else was contacted BUT BoyHowdy. Jacob knew where BoyHowdy was!? He knows the rogue accounts on Stormfront. Jacob deNobel could have contacted BoyHowdy at once! And he still hasn’t! I’m not an unreasonable person Jacob.

    A funny thing is that Heidi has posted the weirdest “outing”… using dead links that go nowhere and posting wrong information.

    Anyway, thank you all and thank you Hunter!!

  35. Using a voice modifier in a live Skype chat to sound like a different person altogether would be quite a technical feat. The Google Voice thing seems final to me, but I haven’t tracked or bothered to ask about the specifics. It all seems rather sketch, but I’m mindful that this is a lose/draw situation for us. In the highly unlikely event that we’ve got the wrong guy, we make fools of ourselves. If we’ve got the right guy, then he changes his avatar and goes right along doing what he’s doing. Either way, there appears to be no profit to be found in the energy invested in giving a damn, aside from some ephemeral trollulz.

    I, for one, will be on the lookout for first-rate investigative reporting with his trademarked hand-flapping fruity flavor bubbling up from a different well in the near term.

  36. Two completely unrelated anti-racist networked individuals in the same area, with the same writing styles, both relying heavily on usage of phrases like “social justice” and “bettering the global community” to defend their positions, having the same Google Voice number, and both being named Jacob. Yes, yes, yes… the stars have aligned and we have entered into the event horizon of absolute plausibility.

    Tell me, Jacob(Jacob deNobel, not the alter ego Jacob “Spelunker”), what exactly is it that you did with the White Student Anti-Racist Network?

  37. Celestial where are you getting this confirmed tie to a White Student Anti-Racist Network? If that’s an absolute match, game over.

    • http://www.ithaca.edu/intercom/article.php/20100302155931572

      The White Student Anti-racist Network

      What does it mean to be white?

      Most white people think of themselves as not having a race and
      therefore their lives as have little to do with racism. As a result we
      often leave it up to people of color to educate others about race and
      racism. One of the ways that racism reproduces itself is through
      silence, preventing conversation and fostering fear. The White Student
      Anti-Racist network is an attempt to begin a conversation about racism
      among white students: How do white people benefit from racism? How
      does race effect the lives of white people?

      The goals of this organization are:

      To allow white students to begin to think of themselves as impacted by racism
      To develop the language and comfort to discuss race and racism
      To think of how white people might begin to understand themselves as
      allies with people of color to combat racism

      Our first meeting is Thursday March 4, at 8 PM in the Demotte Room of
      Campus Center.

      If you have any questions, doubts or concerns, please contact Matt
      Connolly at mconnol1@ithaca.edu

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