Oligarchs Circling Republican Candidates

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush Speaks To Long Island Association Event

There have been a number of articles lately which illustrate how the bidding war on the 2016 Republican presidential race has already begun:

“The confidence with which Bush is pursuing his strategy was evident last Wednesday in the Picasso-adorned Park Avenue home of private-equity titan Henry Kravis. It was Bush’s 62nd birthday, and he celebrated in Kravis’ 26-room penthouse with more than 40 of the richest people in New York. Among them were Bush’s cousin, George Walker IV, the chief executive of the investment management firm of Neuberger Berman, and real estate mogul Jerry Speyer, along with Ken Mehlman and Alex Navab of Kravis’ firm, KKR. The admission price: a minimum of $100,000, also the going rate for other Bush fundraisers.”

Guests took an elevator straight to the foyer and noshed on salmon and other hors d’oeuvres while listening to Bush talk about strategy for the upcoming campaign.”

It was these $100,000 a plate dinners that knocked Mitt Romney out of the race, but that’s old news. The oligarchs have signaled that Jeb is their nominee:

“Top Republican donors and party strategists are urging prospective 2016 GOP candidates to follow former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush’s lead on immigration reform.

Spencer Zwick, the finance chairman for Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential run, was among the GOP heavyhitters on a conference call Tuesday who praised Bush for taking a stand on the issue.

“Gov. Bush has decided to lead on this issue,” said Zwick. “It’s very early in the campaign process. We have not yet heard from every potential or likely presidential candidate [but…] I give Gov. Bush a lot of credit.”

The donors didn’t go into a specific critique or endorsement of Bush’s immigration policies, but their message was clear: the 2016 presidential candidates must strike a more moderate tone on the issue and avoid controversial “fringe” remarks to appease to the far right during a primary if they want to win the White House. …”

The oligarchs are demanding that all the other candidates for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination sing the Jeb Bush tune on immigration.

“WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush said on Friday he is giving out more than $100,000 to fellow Republicans, in a sign that he is banking on his fundraising prowess to build allies across the country ahead of a potential White House bid.

The brother of former President George W. Bush and son of former President George H.W. Bush has emerged as an early frontrunner in what could be a crowded Republican field in the 2016 presidential election.

Bush’s political committee, Right to Rise, announced it was handing out $10,000 to Republican state parties in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Nevada and Florida – states that will be among the first to hold nominating contests in the 2016 primaries that decide the party candidates for the election.

His committee also gave out $5,200, the legal maximum, to 14 Republican lawmakers. Among the recipients: Senator Chuck Grassley and Representative David Young of Iowa; Senator Kelly Ayotte and Representative Frank Guinta of New Hampshire; and Senator Tim Scott and Representative Trey Gowdy of South Carolina. …”

They are not even bashful about handing out cash to build alliances to buy the Republican presidential nomination.

“Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) is getting some 2016 encouragement from several of the GOP’s top donors, with Sheldon Adelson signing up as a co-chair for a March 3 fundraiser for the senator’s testing-the-waters political committee, Security Through Strength. …

In addition to Adelson, other prominent donors among the 33 co-chairs include Oracle co-CEO Safra Catz, hedge fund manager Seth Klarman, real estate developer David Flaum and homebuilding magnate Larry Mizel. The invitation asks for a donation of $2,700 to be a co-chair and $1,000 to attend.

The discussion will be moderated by Matt Brooks, executive director of the Republican Jewish Coalition.”

Lindsey Graham’s new PAC, Security Through Strength, is really nothing but a front group for Jewish billionaire warhawks. The recent Supreme Court decisions on campaign finance have obviously paved the way for the oligarchy to have more influence over the outcome of American elections than ever before.

If you are not spending all your time flying across the country to kiss the ass of Jewish billionaires, you are not even in this game. Remember this next time a constitutional patriot insists on haranging you about how the Founders created the greatest system of government ever known to mankind.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Romney was able to raise a lot of money, though nowhere near what Obama raised, but I don’t remember him ever being able to get $100,000 a plate.

    Still, it doesn’t matter. $100,000 of household income puts a household at the 77.5 percentile. This means that one person buying one plate of food at one fund raiser spent more than 77.5% of households gross in income in one year.

    Because Amurrika.

  2. HW

    I’ve said it before that I’d rather the Bush family be classical hereditary monarchs than just a family that keeps winning elections in a democratic republic. Most people miss the point.

  3. I hate the Republican Neo-Conservative Right as much as I do the Lunatic Left! It is not two parties; it is one party with one extreme being the lunatic left and the other being the reactionary right. Republicrats in other words.

  4. Excellent Hunter. Excellent.

    We should try to communicate the truth that we oppose $ billionaires of all ethnic groups, faiths corrupting our elections and we have nothing against regular, Jewish people who are not

    A) $ Billionaires
    B) Bribing our “leaders” to implement suicidal immigration policies and endless foreign wars that have nothing to do with American national interests.

  5. We should now pray for a Muslim terrorist attack, by illegal alien Muslims targeting Jewish $ billionaire Oligarchs in New York City and the Bush family plotting:

    1) Invade the world for Israel
    2) Invite the world – open borders immigration to the USA/White West
    3) In hoc to the world, Jewish oligarchs to pay for 1 and 2.

    It probably would only result in another US strike against Iran or something with Russia, but at least some more White Americans will see that 1 2 3 are bad and we definitely have problems with Jewish $ billionaire oligarchs and their goy stooges.

  6. If we’re going to start choosing hereditary monarchs for America, let’s just not even consider the fatheaded yankee mediocrities of the Bush Dynasty. Now that the Royal Stuart line has merged with the Princely House of Liechtenstein, I’d much rather have a scion of that house, with a long history of brilliance and accomplishment.

  7. I’m on the Committee to Elect Sheldon Adelson President.

    Our Campaign Slogan: “Put a Real Jew in the Whitehouse. Accept No Imitations.”

    Remember our Motto: All Jews, All the Time.

  8. Our Presidential candidates are begging for jewish/israeli money the way abandoned puppies beg to be taken in.

    I believe Kennedy was the last President not totally owned by israel.

  9. Preston
    There are some people who are legitimate documented descendants of John Rolfe and Pocahantas. He brought our first cash crop and asset, tobacco to Europe and the middle east. Without the tobacco the settlers would have gone back to Europe.

    In honor of the tobacco, how about one of them?

    Which is worse, the marxist Clinton hag or the israeli frontman Bush?

  10. Monarchs are usually wealthy enough to exercise a greater degree of independent decision making. Not always though. Point taken.

    The typical US presidential candidate spends most of his time begging billionaires for their support. Consider that Mitt Romney is a multimillionaire and even he was knocked out of the 2016 presidential race for purely financial reasons.

    A monarch or even a straight up dictator would be preferable to someone like Jeb Bush or Lindsey Graham who are financial puppets of a small clique of Jewish oligarchs.

  11. Great post, Hunter Wallace.

    American politicians were bought in the past as well. If anything, they were cheaper.

    A polity built to endure must have a way of thwarting the money-powers.

    Outside of a political solution, we can redevelop extended families and clans, and we can develop self-sufficient institutions that have no need for outside money.

    I just wrote this elsewhere in reply on the same topic:

    Most don’t know much about Graham. Voters are ill-informed. Many in SC assume he’s conservative. It doesn’t matter what he actually does provided he retains the image of conservatism to some extent. Whites vote Republican; blacks vote Democrat. So, if Graham wins the primary, no Democrat can beat him.

    If a powerful few built a machine to oppose Graham, a machine behind a good candidate, it could win perhaps. It would need money though; it would need a lesser evil to support it. Do-gooder mass movements are just entertainment, nearly always ending in failure or with big money manipulating it.

    Graham has big money, and the average voter is a moron. So it shouldn’t be too surprising that Protestant America can’t resist big money. We lack the institutions and clannishness to resist. Even our churches are purchased, so what defenses have we?

    White Americans, especially old-stock white Americans, are presently inferior. And this is why we’re losing.

    I recently saw the TV series Peaky Blinders. The show involved a power struggle between Jews, Italians, Gypsies, and Irish. Perhaps I’m misunderstanding, but the English were viewed as too weak to even count. And similarly today, old stock Americans are largely too weak to even count. We drink beer, we watch football, we shout get er done, and we count for nothing.

  12. The lesson from America:

    Whites make excellent slaves, and Jews are their natural masters.

    White triumphalists should find this reality enraging and figure how we can stop being inferior and weak.

  13. According to Aristotle, monarchs should be from the people they rule.

    If we want to be free of foreign rule, we can be free under a monarch or a republic. But if a monarch, it needs to be one from our kin, who sees himself as one of us, not some quasi-religious god-emperor. A king traditionally led his people into war. Modern war is different, but a king is supposed to be strong. He provides a service. He isn’t simply a parasite.

  14. “If you are not spending all your time flying across the country to kiss the ass of Jewish billionaires, you are not even in this game.”

    Thank you, HW, for FINALLY speaking the Truth about the reason for EVERY PROBLEM that exists in the West.

    The Deicides.

  15. Hunter, we should try a little harder not to spread doom and despair as too many of our people give up and don’t participate in politics in any effect way.

    It’s also counter productive to spread the meme that anti White Jews CONTROL EVERYTHING and resistance is futile or we should stockpile guns and engage in violent revolutionary fantasies, something out of the Turner Diaries.

    I always try to encourage our people to go local, where we can and are competing well. Our enemies, which do include Jewish Oligarchs, anti White Lib media which has always been heavily Jewish, but not exclusively Jewish, nor exclusively pro Israel Zionist.

    It is easier for the money power to buy off or intimidate the top, less so state, county and municipal politics (though it looks like Eric Holder’s Injustice Department will completely destroy Ferguson MO). It’s the same with big media, big tax exempt Christian Churches – anti White enemies now have the top of the Southern Baptists, they have an anti White Liberation Theology Catholic Pope. The top of the once all WhiteChurch of LatterDay Saints is now intimidated, not yet Antifa. But, down at local areas, Whites stil can organize, go to White churches etc.

    This is why the League of the South has been doing well and will grow and grow in success. The LotS knows Presidential campaigns are fixed, pretty much hopeless for us, or else we just can’t participate or we’re pushed off in to even more Ron Paul and Rand Paul campaigns (“let them speak at the convention” nah).

    We should focus on promoting county board chairmen races – the low IQ Black and Latrino mobs are no match for us at county level politics, it usually goes under the anti White, Jewish media radar.

    Yes, let’s go state and local – if Pat Buchanan had done this in 1994 he would still be governor of New Hampshire and grooming all kinds of great populist, Conservative leaders.

    Our side always makes the mistake of putting all our time and money in to Presidential crusades where a savior on a White horse will somehow “save us” – it ain’t happening.

    • I’m not spreading doom and despair at all. I am just saying it is a waste of time to participate in mainstream politics, especially in Republican politics, and fool yourself into believing that you are going to reform the system.

      As for the state and local level, Roy Moore is the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court. He’s trying to resist the gay marriage ruling here. Predictably, Moore is losing even though he is the highest judicial official in Alabama. Why is that? It’s because of what I have been saying for years now: the states, cities, and counties are merely administrative units of the federal government, power is concentrated at the very top of the pyramid in Washington/New York City, all the important decisions are made there, and the only role that anyone can play at lower levels of the system (county commission, sheriff, dogcatcher, etc.) is to implement the decisions that are made at the top.

      How many elections have we had now? Alabama passed an anti-illegal immigration law. We passed a gay marriage ban. We banned interracial marriage. We had hundreds of segregation laws. Every single one of them was gutted by orders from the top down. The only thing that elections accomplish in America is creating the illusion among idiots that voting gives them any form of control over the system. The real election always takes place either before or after the official ones when the billionaires like Sheldon Adelson choose the nominees, choose their positions on the issues, or buy off the winners by stuffing their pockets with cash. Either that or the politician sells out to some interest to become a lobbyist somewhere after leaving office.

      The only way that state or local elected officials could make an impact is to decide to resist the federal government. They could hold a vote to secede, which is what we would advise them to do, and which would be our ideal scenario: a lawful vote to secede. They could force the feds to remove them by force which would delegitimize the federal government and undermine the system. They could publicly embrace our cause and draw attention to it. Aside from that, you are not going to reform a closed system which is controlled by an oligarchy from the top down with an amount of money that Mitt Romney can’t even compete with.

    • Obviously, I don’t buy into the Jews Control Everything point of view.

      I see the USA as being more like an AIDS victim: the HIV is the liberal democratic capitalist system (i.e., republicanism), which weakens the host by destroying any conception of belonging to a greater collective identity (racial, ethnic, cultural, religious, etc.), and which creates a worldview and a political and economic system which is predicated upon the perspective of rights-bearing individualists (the whole purpose of government is to create a proposition society to secure their rights), and which inevitably causes the victim to die of the AIDS, which is all the more cohesive groups that, so to speak, enter the bloodstream like some secondary infection after republicanism has destroyed all its natural defenses and who takeover and dominate the host and eventually kill it off.

  16. Consider that Mitt Romney is a multimillionaire and even he was knocked out of the 2016 presidential race for purely financial reasons.

    That is because the 1% (the Jewish billionaires) are controlling the other 9% (the MEGA multimillionaires) who then rule over the other 90% who fawn over and fall for this WWF-style red team/blue team election scam every four years. These same people will argue to their death bed that this is “freedom” and claim this scam validates the “holy” constitution – the greatest form of government ever created.

  17. Hunter could you share some of your excellent knowledge of Southern history and write about some of the positive things done in the South that finally led up to secession?

    Wasn’t there something in South Carolina called “Nullification” . I know it must have been anti Federal Government, was it tariffs or something else.

    We need to offer Southern people something smaller now, that can eventually lead up to secession.

    I would suggest the South passes “nullification” of all Federal authority over education and marriage laws, also local ownership of the media. All news media talking heads appearing on Southern television must reside 6 months of the year in the Southern state the show is on. Most cities have residency requirements for cops and firemen, there should now be residency requirements for news commentators. If Southern media still has mostly Leftist liars, perverts, Neo con war mongers,then at least they will be local liars and our enemies can’t slander us from the safety of New York City, Southern California. 🙂

    • Nullification is a waste of time.

      1.) First, lots of states have already nullified all kinds of things, whether it is federal gun control laws or Obamacare. All it amounts to is a meaningless, ineffective, and unenforceable token gesture which Republicans push at the state level for various reasons to throw a bone at their base. It’s probably the best example of the sort of rhetorical, purely symbolic style of resistance that you see in mainstream conservative politics.

      2.) Second, the Southern states “nullified” integration back during the Civil Rights Movement. Is there a single public school, restaurant, or hotel in the entire South that is segregated in 2015 as a result?

      3.) Third, nullification didn’t work even in the 1830s when South Carolina had the stones to try it, and it has never worked in the post-14th Amendment Union.

      As long as the Union exists, the states, cities, counties (i.e., “local government”) will be nothing more than little administrative units of the central government. Even the highest offices of “local government” (see the latest example with Roy Moore) are stripped of any power to do anything contrary to the will of the central government. We’ve seen that time and again whether it was with segregation, immigration, gun control, abortion, or lately, gay marriage. If people want to waste their time pursuing that dead end, that’s their business. I wouldn’t advise it though.

  18. HW, JR

    I’m sure you’ve seen the Ron Paul slash secession news today.

    Okay as far as it goes, but it accomplishes nothing if all we do is secede from one democratic republic to form another democratic republic.

    Also, make no doubt about it. I mentally crossed over into the Dark Enlightenment last summer. The straw that broke the camel’s back was the Guatemalan Children’s Crusade; I realized that there was no way we can truly vote or constitution or democracy or republic our way out of this mess. However, even though my mind is in the DE, my body is still in this world where democratic republicanism and elections, as banal and worthless and useless as they are, are still the reality. JR is right; we can’t let ourselves be neutralized. But by the same token, don’t expect our participation in this system to solve all our problems, just make things a little better for us on the margins until enough people and enough of the right kind of people cross over the event horizon into the DE.

  19. IMO the Bush candicy is a fraud meant to take money from rich jews and give it to the Bush hanger ons. Bush has brought on the Iraq war clowns and unless the D party stooge throws the election or the Banksters at the Fed throw us into another manufactured crisis no Republitard will win

  20. Hunter Wallace says:
    February 20, 2015 at 4:29 pm

    “I am just saying it is a waste of time to participate in mainstream politics, especially in Republican politics, and fool yourself into believing that you are going to reform the system.”

    I was listening to Roy on SF radio today and he talked about creating online voting blocks, to monkey wrench the system. Forget loyalty to Republicans, who ever looks like winning in a close election, get your group to vote against them.

    He said this behavior can give a group of a couple of hundred people, real power at the local level. If it works it is genius, because unlike protesting it cannot be stopped.

    See here:

    “Caller Keith gets the hosts’ views on when it’s useful to vote. Roy offers the example of the political power gained by Rev. Jim Jones, of mass-suicide-by-Kool-Aid fame, who organized his Church to vote in bloc so that even with their small numbers they could swing elections. That ability made Jones and his Church courted by politicians, bringing political appointment to Jones and political power to his Church.

    Pro-Whites could organize similar voting blocs on the local level as networks formed on the internet, and the ability of such blocs to provide the swing vote in elections would bring them political power just as it did Jones.”


  21. The reason why getting involved in politics doesn’t matter? BECAUSE NOBODY GETS INVOLVED! If white Americans did get involved – i.e. if they spent half the time calling and writing their representatives as they do watching NFL or tinkering with their ATVs – this would be a whole different country. The Washington-New York-Hollywood establishment gets away with what they do because of the lack of opposition from the masses. Duck Dynasty stood up to the Tyrannoqueers – and the entire esfaglishment backed down within a couple of days! A lesson that seems to have been lost on most people. Duck Dynasty also showed leadership, their treatment sparked mass outrage, tapped into a smouldering public indignation.
    Too many Americans believe they are powerless – and that belief is what allows them to be disenfranchised. Same thing in European countries. Much of the blame may rest with the coddling welfare state and TV brainwashing, but in this age of the internet and alternative media, there is less and less excuse.

    • This was a good article:


      2) Congress listens best to money

      It is more lucrative to pander to big donors than to regular citizens. Campaigns are so expensive that the average member needs a million-dollar war chest every two years and spends 50 percent to 75 percent of their term in office raising money. Think about that. You’re paying us to do a job, and we’re spending that time you’re paying us asking rich people and corporations to give us money so we can run ads convincing you to keep paying us to do this job. Now that the Supreme Court has ruled that money is speech and corporations are people, the mega-rich have been handed free loudspeakers. Their voices, even out-of-state voices, are drowning out the desperate whispers of ordinary Americans

      7) Congress is a stepping-stone to lobbying

      Congress is no longer a destination but a journey. Committee assignments are mainly valuable as part of the interview process for a far more lucrative job as a K Street lobbyist. You are considered naïve if you are not currying favor with wealthy corporations under your jurisdiction. It’s become routine to see members of Congress drop their seat in Congress like a hot rock when a particularly lush vacancy opens up. The revolving door is spinning every day. Special interests deplete Congress of its best talent.

  22. It is more lucrative to pander to big donors than to regular citizens. Campaigns are so expensive that the average member needs a million-dollar war chest every two years and spends 50 percent to 75 percent of their term in office raising money. Think about that. You’re paying us to do a job, and we’re spending that time you’re paying us asking rich people and corporations to give us money so we can run ads convincing you to keep paying us to do this job.

    Sane normal people would read that and conclude that there is something fundamentally wrong with the underlying system that allowed that situation to germinate.

    Now that the Supreme Court has ruled that money is speech and corporations are people, the mega-rich have been handed free loudspeakers. Their voices, even out-of-state voices, are drowning out the desperate whispers of ordinary Americans

    However, this writer thinks that the solution is as easy as band aid fixes of reversing a few court decisions or a few omnibus legislative packages. I think it’s just yet another example of the inevitable degenerative nature of republican systems.

    Congress is no longer a destination but a journey. Committee assignments are mainly valuable as part of the interview process for a far more lucrative job as a K Street lobbyist. You are considered naïve if you are not currying favor with wealthy corporations under your jurisdiction. It’s become routine to see members of Congress drop their seat in Congress like a hot rock when a particularly lush vacancy opens up. The revolving door is spinning every day.

    If only there was some system of governance that is resistant to such corruption. If only there was some system of governance that money could not corrupt, or at least one where money has a lot harder time to corrupt. If only there was some system of governance where voter fraud wouldn’t make a difference.

    Hereditary monarchy, maybe?

  23. Check out EIC’s latest: http://economyincrisis.org/content/the-most-dangerous-yet-least-talked-about-provision-in-tpp

    “It essentially trumps any federal, state, and local U.S. regulation that is deemed a “trade barrier” and strips us from the sovereign right to govern our own affairs. ISDS enables foreign corporations to sue a host country for laws, policies, even court decisions that they find inconvenient and trade impeding. Any corporation could sue governments at any level including the local government level for loss of its future profits.”

    We seem to be moving towards union/mass movements again in the US, and there’s nothing easier to manipulate than masses of people. Even if the masses group by race or faith, instead of as “workers”, they’re easy to buy. Clans can’t be bought so easily though. And if we had ethnic religious leaders who weren’t for sale, they of course could resist, as rabbis resist for Jews.

    Ron Paul recently spoke on secession becoming more likely after the dollar fails, which might be in the next couple decades. Smallness, or at least decentralisation, is freedom.

  24. One thing also:

    Foreigners wouldn’t care to meddle with us if we didn’t have anything worth taking. No one cares much what Iceland or Greenland does, because they’re insignificant. At the same of course, neither could defend themselves well.

    So, one path to freedom might be to become less significant, avoid the powers that be.

    Also, as Kipling wrote, you’ll never get rid of the Dane if you pay the Dane-geld. The only way to get rid of him then is to refuse him his profit. “The nation that pays it is lost.” Sometimes it might be positive to heed the powers-that-be, but if a people make it too difficult by their structure or their poverty to pay, the global parasites might seek blood elsewhere, seek soldiers for their wars elsewhere. Similarly, if we were less difficult to manipulate, for example if we weren’t so plugged in and if we retained our own culture and education, the manipulators might focus on easier targets.

  25. I meant “if we were more difficult to manipulate”, ie. if fewer of our kin were plugged into FOX and the GOP.

  26. I think Hunter is too pessimistic as our most of us. There are many reasons for this, the worst being the media is overwhelmingly against us and works day in, day out to disparage, depress us.

    I have seen lots of improvements in many areas. Criminal Blacks have all but disappeared from Southern California. The worst Black mayors of the 1980s are mostly all gone. The race hustlers like Jessie J and Sharpton are old. black welfare birth rate is way down. Eastern Europe is now solidly back in White nationalist hands.

    The media is as bad as ever, but there are now 800 channels instead of just 4 or 5. Our enemies can’t make the whole country watch “Roots” anymore. sure Oprah and Brad Pitt can turn out a preachy hate Southern White people movie like “Selma” few people go to see it.

    Education is becoming more segregated, not less. Forced busing is mostly a thing of the past.

    Less Red State Conservatives are still gun ghost for Neo Con Jew wars.

    I see lots of good things.

  27. 1. Rand Paul shouldn’t run, and allow a genuine third party to fill the gap. The way Ron is talking, it doesn’t sound like Rand is doing much to muzzle him. Let’s hope Rand has seen the writing on the wall: they will never let him win.

    2. If you want a monarch, get Putin.

    3. Bush winning the GOP nomination will guarantee two things:
    a. a major schism with the populist right
    b. 4+ more years of Democrats in the oval office, likely Hillary, but the actual individual is irrelevant

    both of these things move us closer to the Partition of America by withering the emotional ties of the average white to ‘Murica.

  28. Afterthought,

    are you sure Bush brings us closer to partition?

    As a result of the Iraq War under Dubya, we have all sorts of left-wing antiwar advocates who promote rejecting religion and nationalism as a means of avoiding war propaganda.

    War needs to be seen as a left-wing thing. And a mass proletariat can be as much sheeple as a mass nation. Atheists, who often belong to some “rational” ideology, can be manipulated as easily as the religious.

    The US is better off under a Democrat, most likely.

  29. Democratic populists lately have been calling for more handouts, often in the form of nationalised healthcare. I wonder if that isn’t a good thing: bankrupt the US.

    The US can’t afford guns and butter indefinitely.

  30. These “oligarchs circling Republican candidates”, are they sharks looking for live meat or vultures looking for a corpse?

  31. Weaver, Bush won’t win. The Democrat will win. And hopefully we will have a formal schism like in 1992 with Perot, rather than the sit-on-your-hands approach of 2012.

    As I see it, the base built up by Alex Jones / Ron Paul and other libertarians were lead to believe that Rand would get a fair chance in 2016 if he and Ron played ball in 2012. That is the whole Ron Paul “work within the GOP” approach and it is a failure.

    We have to check the GOP at the presidential level while keeping the Congressional gridlock alive. Sadly, I think that our target audience will only change in response to pain not seen since the fall of the Roman Empire. But we should still try.

  32. hi y’all.. new to the site. have wandered through before.

    i thought i’d add to jack ryan’s list of potential good things. as history tends to repeat itself, and with the advent of ferals in (especially noted, Paris) seemingly gone full throttle, it would appear the clarion call (Bibi) has been sent, signaling to the diaspora, your work is done, the new ‘natives’ are restless, come home.. mission accomplished. hopefully, the call will be answered in the affirmative here in the US as well. The fewer we have in-country, so to speak, the easier to be dealt with.

    ..on the continuation of the bush dynasty hand-puppetry… how can anyone vote for jeb after his “act of love” line about illegals?

  33. A Little Humor: One well known “White Nationalist” intellectual in California thinks I’m serious about starting a “Sheldon Adelson for President Campaign”. Even if I were serious, how could this hurt the cause, any cause. I think the campaign slogan, “Put a Real Jew in the Whitehouse has some merit.” If you think about it. I also think that the Motto, “all Jews, all the time” has some merit too. If a Chinese midget with a bag of cash from Sheldon shows up at my front door I’ll let y’all know.

  34. The firm of KKR has been involved in leveraged buyouts, including the South’s RJR Nabisco. There are all sorts of arguments for and against leveraged buyouts (LBO). It would be interesting to see their impact not just on the Southern working class, but also on politicians. It’s one thing to have corporate leaders who actually build industries, but with LBO you have a different kind of company, one which is devoted to financial manipulation. Do they see countries in the same way–as entities to be taken over, with their assets sold off to raise the quarterly statement and their citizens as a disposable commodity? Thus, they get politicians to open the borders and subordinate local government to distant boardrooms.

  35. Afterthought,

    I appreciate the reply. Every effort helps 🙂

    Even if it’s just activists raising large families and teaching them well, that’s something. Perhaps we should all think smaller, expect less, focus on the nearest things.

  36. HW< I never said the Jews control EVERYTHING. Or, if I did, what I meant was, they have their fingers in EVERY pie, sooner or later, and their presence in a White Land serves no useful purpose.

    As to Civil War (because y'all are finally talking about it, with honest hopes at secession, once again lighting a fire under your behinds), it IS the only solution… save for the Parousia, or the deaths of all the Democrats, and half the RINOS in office. And, if Russia decided a Nuke on DC would help the world overall, well……

    But 'the Jew ye will always have with you.'

    Now, as to a hereditary monarchy, I just read that the Stuart heir line still is in existence, via the royal house of the Grand Duchy of Liechtenstein. And the young Prince is born in England. And, what would make Dalton's heart skip a beat, he's a Catholic, too.


    Bonnie Prince Charlie's ideological descendant as King of a Cavalier South? I'm in.
    (just as long as we don't have to be RC's.- LOL) Just NO house of Rothschild anywhere in sight.

  37. Hunter (Feb 20): “I see the USA as being more like an AIDS victim: the HIV is the liberal democratic capitalist system […] which inevitably causes the victim to die of the AIDS, which is all the more cohesive groups that, so to speak, enter the bloodstream like some secondary infection […]”

    There is not necessarily anything wrong with liberalism, democracy, and capitalism. It depends on how you define it, and how it works in practice. What’s wrong today is that all those ideals have been perverted 180 degrees by the Jews in a pro-Jewish and anti-White direction. If freedom is the idea that the Jews should be allowed to invade your country and gradually buy up big business, the media and the politicians, it can only lead to the death of freedom, like today. But you cannot really blame the European idea of freedom (HIV) for today’s Jewish dictatorship (AIDS). You should directly blame the Jews. I think the idea of freedom still makes sense if we can get rid of the Jews.

    The main problem today is not left-wing misguided idealism, but the hard-nosed Jewish drive to replace White people with non-Whites. It is organized by the Jews out of racial hostility. It has little to do with a natural drift affecting the ideals of liberalism, democracy, and capitalism. We are told that capitalist greed has become so great that it leads big business to organize mass immigration at the cost of our very existence. But the truth is that the third-worldization of the West can only lead to financial losses for the investors. The idea that total faith in equality and democracy is what explains the government’s program of breeding low-IQ races to replace us is equally absurd.

    ZOG gives all kinds of contradictory explanations about why we need more immigrants. Everyone can see it doesn’t make any sense. In a hard dictatorship, they wouldn’t bother making up phony explanations. But in a soft dictatorship, they have to go through the motions of democratic debate, even though they are only filling up public space with nonsense. They will invoke liberal and democratic principles. All of the debaters are Jews or have been vetted by the Jews. And dissenters are not allowed to chime in. I don’t think anyone is really taken in, but there is little we can do if we have no access to public discourse.

    It’s like Andersen’s tale The Emperor’s New clothes. Everyone can see the Emperor has no clothes, but nothing happens until the truth is publicly proclaimed. Maybe the internet will eventually be enough to bring ZOG down, but it would be much faster with a big TV station.

    • Re: Armor

      I completely disagree.

      1.) First, there is unquestionably something wrong with capitalism, which subordinates the nationalist ideal – preserving our racial, ethnic, and cultural integrity as a trust for future generations – to unrestricted greed, the profit motive, and market forces. That’s always going to be a problem regardless of whether there are Jews here or not. In fact, the vast majority of Jews in the United States were brought here during the Great Wave to work as cheap labor. The millions of blacks, Hispanics, and Asians we have here now are all a legacy of capitalism.

      Blacks, of course, were brought here to work on the plantations. Jews were brought here to work in Northern factories and were seen as just another European minority like the Poles, Italians, or Hungarians. Asians were brought here to work on the railroads and Hawaii’s sugar plantations. Hispanics have been allowed to repeatedly flood across the Mexican border for over a century now because employers, initially in Texas and the Southwest, wanted the cheap labor. Capitalism IS NOT inherently racialist or nationalist. It is actually the exact opposite. As the old saying goes, the merchant has no country.

      2.) Second, democracy as a system of government has a natural tendency to expand the electorate. The way that democracy works is by turning power into a numbers game that pits faction against faction within the nation. These factions fight each other to gain a majority to control the government. Because of the nature of the system itself where all votes are equal, there will always be a struggle between factions to a.) expand the electorate and b.) expand the welfare state which can be used to distribute patronage. Even if there were no Jews here, the democratic system would still evolve toward a larger electorate and welfare state over time.

      3.) Third, liberalism is even more problematic than either democracy or capitalism. Liberalism is a destructive worldview that is founded on extreme individualism. Its starting point, whether it is the “state of nature” or the “original position,” is ALWAYS in denying the existence of groups and allegiance to groups, whether is the tribe, the family, the church, the nation, the ethnic group, the race, etc. In the liberal worldview, there is only the individual and his rights. The government exists to secure the universal equal rights of individuals. These rights-bearing individualists live in proposition nations which are created by voluntary contracts called constitutions. In liberal societies, the only thing that is good in life is more liberty or more equality. Tolerance is also good, particularly religious tolerance, because no worldview is inherently better than any other. This is why religion is always pushed out of public life.

      Liberalism is irreconcilable with nationalism. A liberal ethnostate is an oxymoron. A government which exists for the sole purpose of catering to individual rights will inevitably lose its racial, ethnic, and cultural cohesion as individuals use their “rights” to pursue and justify their own private agendas which are hostile to the perpetuation of the nation. The Jewish Question is only the best example of this.

      In liberal societies like the United States, Jews are citizens with equal rights. They had every right to create the Hollywood movie studios, to buy up newspapers like the New York Times, to work on Wall Street, to rise to the top of Ivy League universities, to exercise their “free speech” by giving millions of dollars to PACs in each election cycle. Gentiles who subscribe to liberalism believe all of this is completely justified and don’t think of themselves as a victimized racial group. Jews are just exercising their individual rights and no one, whether it is the government or some private group, has any right to impede them. Remember, the government exists to tolerate them, and to protect their rights from anyone who would object and use force to impede their actions.

      • The downfall of the Yankee in the American North illustrates every point that I made above:

        1.) In the 19th century, crusading Yankee fanatics pushed the abstract doctrines of liberal republicanism to such an extreme that they alienated the South and destroyed the Union in the process. Putting the Union back together again required them to abolish slavery and arm hundreds of thousands of blacks. After the war, Yankees created “civil rights” and imposed the 14th Amendment Constitution on themselves.

        Before the War Between the States, blacks were citizens in only a handful of New England states. They were excluded from parts of the Midwest. After the war, Yankees repealed all their anti-miscegenation laws, repealed their black codes, threw open their borders, and made blacks into citizens with equal rights. It was that combined with the economic lure of the demand for cheap labor in WW1 and WW2, capitalism again, that attracted millions of blacks to the North and West during the Great Migration where almost half of them still live today.

        2.) Already in the late 19th century, Yankees in the Western states were struggling to contain the “Yellow Peril.” Capitalism was drawing Asian immigrants to Hawaii, California, and the Western states – it was doing the same thing in the Caribbean and South America after the demise of slavery there. It was that crisis which resulted in the nationalization of American immigration policy, the Chinese Exclusion Act (which was repealed during WW2), and the Gentleman’s Agreement with Japan. BTW, Hispanics from Latin America were left out of the Immigration Act of 1924 because of the demand for cheap labor from Mexico in the Southwest. There were mass deportations of Mexicans in the Hoover and Eisenhower administrations.

        3.) As for Jews, they were treated from the beginning as just another European religious minority in the United States. The small number of Jews in the United States really weren’t that problematic until the floodgates opened during the Great Wave when millions of them came to the Northern states from Eastern and Southern Europe where Jews had a long history of being involved in radical leftwing politics.

        In the case of the Jews, the lure to America was capitalism (Gilded Age Yankees wanted the cheap labor to work in their factories), liberalism (the pull of religious tolerance from a land where pogroms were common place), and democracy (the equal right of Jews to participate as citizens in American politics). Because America was a liberal capitalist democracy, as opposed to a place like, say, Medieval Byzantium, where Jews were recognized early on as a threat and were contained for a thousand years, Jews flourished to an unprecedented degree here.

        The meteoric rise of Jews in the United States, where they rose to the apex of America’s social pyramid between the 1920s and the 1960s, was due to Yankees treating them as if they were just another dissenting minority like the Baptists, Quakers, Moravians, etc. This is similar to what happened in the Netherlands where Jews also rose in the social scale during modernity for the same reasons.

        No one fired a shot when Jews set up the Hollywood movie studios, pioneered the television networks, or bought up the mass circulation newspapers in order to manipulate public opinion to promote their own ethnic interest in fighting “racism” and “anti-Semitism.” Yankees stood by and saw this as just another case of individuals pursing their sacred, God-Given right to follow the “American Dream.” There was no defense at all to the takeover because liberal republicanism had already crippled the ability of Yankees to perceive the Jews as an ethnic threat and to take action against them.

        Once the Jews were secure in their power at the top of America’s social system, they naturally pulled up the ladder behind them and changed the rules. They have been pushing doctrines which are illiberal like hate speech and Holocaust denial laws. They have taken actions which are authoritarian and undemocratic like having Golden Dawn suppressed in Greece. Now that Jews are an elite, they can even push socialism for blacks in order to patronize a useful electoral ally. But all of this are effects of Jewish power and shouldn’t be confused with its cause.

        The cause was America’s social, political, and economic system which has been adopted as the model by all the other Western countries.

  38. Just to be clear on the RC thing, though.

    Even Bishop Williamson (of SSPX fame) has now said what needs to be said, in a recent missive of his:

    “Today’s Rome is indeed not Catholic.
    [Bishop Fellay is a huge problem. The 2006 General Chapter was implicitly dogmatic. Tradition is not to be made attractive to men, but true to God (mentioned only once, passingly, in the interview). The “Resistance” is far from creating its own “faith.”]

    Just pointing it out, Dalton. Just pointing it out.

  39. Taxpayers of the US, Unite!

    Mike Krieger just posted at ZeroHedge an article suggesting there’s not a dime’s worth of difference between communists and libertarians.


    “[U]nite together in order to achieve a peaceful societal and economic paradigm shift

    Sure, there will always be Neo Nazis and genuine racist crazies out there who hate the government merely because they are small-minded and filled with hate, but they are a small number compared to those who have genuine grievances against the system which are not being redressed.”

    And notice the picture he uses is ultra-white, beckoning to the 1950s. Whites are targeted to become anti-racists.

    And he quotes the Declaration of Independence… a propaganda piece written by a slave-holder in a group of colonies that accepted as citizens only white Christians, and in some states white Jews. And of course white post-Christians, such as Jefferson, were tolerated as leaders as well.

    Few nonwhites are going to hero worship our Founding [Slave-Holding] Fathers. And why the Declaration is so sacred is a great mystery to… everyone.

  40. Ah, I forgot the link:


    It bothers me a great deal to see, across the Internet, expectations that leaders from “the people” can lead a mass movement that will somehow be better than our current order. What motive would such leaders have? They might be better than what we have, or they might be worse. Most likely, they’ll be nigh-identical.

  41. Bp. Williamson is nothing but an oddball troublemaker. His opinions on things (like the Holocaust) that have nothing to do with the faith or the mission of the SSPX are disruptive. His attempts to undermine trust in the leadership of the SSPX is what got his bum booted from that organization. BTW, I don’t know why you even brought this up. Having a slow day with all that cold and snow Pappy?

  42. “there is unquestionably something wrong with capitalism, which subordinates the nationalist ideal (…) to unrestricted greed”

    Rules must be set by the government to protect the general interest, but there is nothing wrong with capitalism, which is the idea of investing money to buy machines that will return benefits. It isn’t serious to argue that allowing people to invest money in machines puts the country on a slippery slope toward unbridled capitalism and mass immigration. If all the rules are lifted for the benefit of the capital owners, it means there is a problem with the government, not with the idea of investing money in machines.

    According to some jewish theories, capitalism works best when there are no rules at all, but capitalism and jewish theories about capitalism are two separate things.

    Besides, hiring Mexicans isn’t the same as buying machines. It isn’t an investment at all. Actually, it has nothing to do with capitalism. And if the employers only care about profit, they should agree with me that the Mexicans need to be kicked out of the country once the harvest period is over. But they are never kicked out, even though it would be in the interest of the employers.

    Having to pay taxes also goes against employers’ interests. But for some reason, the government has not trouble making them pay taxes, while at the same time, it cannot prevent them from destroying the nation by hiring millions of illegal immigrants. It doesn’t make any sense.

    If the government was not under jewish control, it would do one of two things: either it would tell the employers to get used to making lower profits, or it would lower their taxes or give them public subsidies. But it would not choose a nation destroying method to help them.

    Besides, the government has no particular reason to help the employers. As explained in the article above, politicians are bought by Jewish billionaires, not by big employers.

    Besides, most employers are losing money as a result of mass immigration. Low wages are not the only thing. Wages are pretty low in Haiti, and it never made Haitian employers wealthy.

    “the vast majority of Jews in the United States were brought here during the Great Wave to work as cheap labor.”

    No. The vast majority of them were allowed in thanks to jewish racial solidarity and jewish political shenanigans.

    William Pierce, in the article “Background to Treason” :

    Although U.S. immigration statistics prior to 1899 do not reveal the race or religion of immigrants, we know that in 1897 the total Jewish population of the United States was approximately 800,000 – and nearly half of those had arrived in the preceding decade. By 1914 the number had more than tripled, to some 2 1/2 million. The majority of the new immigrants came from Russia, where the Zionist movement was especially strong.

    […] Just as the Palestinians had reacted to the Jewish colonization of Palestine, so did White Americans react to the Jewish colonization of America. The politicians responded with their typical timidity and ambiguity to White demands for a halt to the flood of Jews. In 1897 the U.S. Congress enacted a law requiring proof of literacy before immigrants could be admitted to the United States. The law would have kept out most of the Jews from Russia and other parts of eastern Europe then pouring into the country, but it never had a chance to accomplish its aim, because President Cleveland vetoed it.

    As the growing Jewish presence became more obnoxious to Americans, the pressure on the reluctant politicians to do something grew. Jewish political influence had also grown apace, however, and the Jews were able to counter every effort at legislation intended to keep them out of the country. President Taft vetoed another immigrant-literacy law early in 1913, just before leaving office, and President Wilson did the same thing in 1914.

    The same thing happened in France. In July 1870, Napoleon III declared war on Prussia but was captured in early September with part of his army. A provisional “government of national defense” was created in Paris, with the jew Adolphe Crémieux as minister of Justice. In October, while Paris was besieged by the Prussian army, he signed a decree giving French citizenship to all Algerian jews. Wikipedia says he had previously been friends with Abbé Grégoire, who worked to give French citizenship to France’s jews at the time of the French Revolution.

    “The millions of blacks, Hispanics, and Asians we have here now are all a legacy of capitalism.”

    Not true. The Blacks were brought to America by Jewish (and a few non-Jewish) merchants for financial profit. I don’t suppose the Puritans who established the first colonies brought any slaves. For the same financial reason, Chinamen were brought by railroad companies to do hard work. But in 1924, the US government passed an immigration law to stop immigration from non-White countries. In 1965, that law was removed by Jewish activists for racial anti-White reasons. It had nothing to do with the prospect of financial profits. And it is Jews, today, who do pro-immigration propaganda in the media, select pro-immigration politicians, and go after anti-immigration activists and try to make them lose their jobs. Tim Wise is not a capitalist exploiter.

    “Capitalism IS NOT inherently racialist or nationalist.”

    I agree. Capitalism is not the problem.

    “As the old saying goes, the merchant has no country.”

    I disagree. Unlike jews, most White businessmen are not psychopaths. They want to make a profit, but they don’t want to destroy their country. If they had no moral, they could just as well shoot people in the street to steal their wallets. Young Black men sometimes do that.

    “2.) Because of the nature of the system itself where all votes are equal, there will always be a struggle between factions to a.) expand the electorate and b.) expand the welfare state which can be used to distribute patronage.”

    Today, the best way for both the Republican and Democratic parties to get more votes would be to announce they are going to stop immigration.

    It is obvious that the Republican party, in particular, is doing everything it can to lose the elections. Don’t tell me it is a problem inherent to the democratic system. I have never heard of a democratic system where politicians would rather lose elections than say what the voters want to hear.

    “Even if there were no Jews here, the democratic system would still evolve toward a larger electorate and welfare state over time.”

    Without the Jews, pro-White politicians would emerge, get elected, and try to enforce pro-White policies.

    “Liberalism is irreconcilable with nationalism. (…) A government which exists for the sole purpose of catering to individual rights will inevitably lose its racial, ethnic, and cultural cohesion (…). The Jewish Question is only the best example of this.”

    That kind of liberalism was not prevalent before the jewish takeover of western society. The jews are not just beneficiaries of that world view, they have been its main proponents in the media. Without them, it would soon disappear. Common sense would come back.

    • Besides, hiring Mexicans isn’t the same as buying machines. It isn’t an investment at all. Actually, it has nothing to do with capitalism. And if the employers only care about profit, they should agree with me that the Mexicans need to be kicked out of the country once the harvest period is over. But they are never kicked out, even though it would be in the interest of the employers.

      Where are all these Gentile employers who agree with you?

      Tomato farmers in Alabama? No, they loudly demand to have illegal aliens here, or else “crops will rot on the vine.” Onion farmers in Georgia? No, they sued the State of Georgia to overturn its immigration law. They demand to have the illegal aliens there to pick Vidalia onions. How about the winter vegetables and citrus and blueberry industry in Florida? They were unanimous in wanting illegal aliens in Florida to pick strawberries, oranges, blueberries, and so on. How about all the chicken processing plants in Alabama, Georgia, Arkansas, and Tennessee? They all want cheap illegal alien labor too.

      So do the hotels and restaurants in Florida and other states who want cheap service workers. So do the potato farmers in Idaho. So do the contractors in places like Houston and Atlanta who want to exploit illegal alien construction workers under the table. Not every agricultural crop is as mechanized as corn, sugarcane, and cotton. In the eighteenth and nineteenth century, capitalists wanted black slaves and later Chinese coolies to work in the cotton and sugarcane fields. There is nothing inherently ethnonationalist about the capitalist system at all. It runs completely contrary to the natural inclinations of capitalism.

      Having to pay taxes also goes against employers’ interests. But for some reason, the government has not trouble making them pay taxes, while at the same time, it cannot prevent them from destroying the nation by hiring millions of illegal immigrants. It doesn’t make any sense.

      It makes sense that the business community, which is driven by the profit motive, pours billions of dollars into our political system every year in an effort to lower taxes and evade regulations it dislikes. Wall Street, for example, spent decades trying to dismantle the Glass-Steagall Act. Business owners want cheap labor and high profits, which is why they tend to support “comprehensive immigration reform.”

      If the government was not under jewish control, it would do one of two things: either it would tell the employers to get used to making lower profits, or it would lower their taxes or give them public subsidies. But it would not choose a nation destroying method to help them.

      Why would it do that?

      There’s no inherent tendency in the capitalist system to seek more expensive labor, lower profits, and tighter regulations. Instead, capitalists will fight all of those things because capitalism is inherently individualistic and globalist in outlook. That’s due to the nature of the system itself, not to a Jewish conspiracy, which is why there are so many Gentile capitalists who promote nation destroying activities.

      • Besides, the government has no particular reason to help the employers. As explained in the article above, politicians are bought by Jewish billionaires, not by big employers.

        So what you are saying here is that multinational corporations, Gentile billionaires, and both large and small businessowners DON’T attempt to subvert the government to promote their own narrow and petty financial interests over the national interest? It’s solely the Jewish ones who do that. Well, that’s bullshit. It’s not true at any level of government in the United States whether it is state, local, or federal. Even if Jews vanished tomorrow, there would still be Gentile businessowners driven by the profit motive who would continue to do that.

        Besides, most employers are losing money as a result of mass immigration. Low wages are not the only thing. Wages are pretty low in Haiti, and it never made Haitian employers wealthy.

        1.) It was capitalists who brought millions of slaves to Haiti in the first place.

        2.) The slaves rebelled, killed off the French planters, and banned foreigners from owning land in Haiti until the US occupation in the 20th century. Haiti has never in its entire history had a stable government or the capacity to support large scale industry. Nevertheless, there are a few foreign owned industries there that thrive on cheap labor like the textile industry. This just goes to show that capitalists will go anywhere to seek out a profit. Were it not for the chronic instability of Haiti, there would undoubtedly be many more of them there.

        3.) The organized business community in the United States, Gentile and Jewish alike, has thrown all of its weight behind mass immigration.

    • Rules must be set by the government to protect the general interest, but there is nothing wrong with capitalism, which is the idea of investing money to buy machines that will return benefits. It isn’t serious to argue that allowing people to invest money in machines puts the country on a slippery slope toward unbridled capitalism and mass immigration. If all the rules are lifted for the benefit of the capital owners, it means there is a problem with the government, not with the idea of investing money in machines.

      In order to have a government that promotes the “general interest,” it must be motivated and determined to overcome the resistance from capitalists who will organize themselves into lobbyist groups to subvert the nation to promote their own petty financial interests. The motivation has to come from outside the capitalist system from some other cultural source. There is nothing inherent in the system itself that promotes restraint as countless financial crashes and panics show.

      According to some jewish theories, capitalism works best when there are no rules at all, but capitalism and jewish theories about capitalism are two separate things.

      Capitalism behaves the same way regardless of whether there are Jews or not. Look at the Gulf States like Qatar and Bahrain which are demographically non-Arab now thanks to capitalism engulfing those nations with cheap labor guest workers. Even Israel has a problem with non-Jewish guest workers.

      Besides, hiring Mexicans isn’t the same as buying machines. It isn’t an investment at all. Actually, it has nothing to do with capitalism. And if the employers only care about profit, they should agree with me that the Mexicans need to be kicked out of the country once the harvest period is over. But they are never kicked out, even though it would be in the interest of the employers.

      Having been all across the South, I haven’t seen this from the tomato farmers in Alabama, the onion farmers in Georgia, the chicken processing plants in Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Georgia, the contractors in Atlanta, Houston, and Greenville, the hotel and restaurant owners in Florida or the blueberry, citrus and winter vegetable industries in Florida. The vast majority of farmers in the United States are Gentiles. Everywhere we look though whether it is Idaho, California, or Florida it seems that Big Ag speaks with one unanimous voice in favor of mass Third World immigration and amnesty. The employers all want the cheap labor, the illegals to stay, and more immigrants to come here to lower wages even further.

      Having to pay taxes also goes against employers’ interests. But for some reason, the government has not trouble making them pay taxes, while at the same time, it cannot prevent them from destroying the nation by hiring millions of illegal immigrants. It doesn’t make any sense.

      In the US, the business community pours millions of dollars every year into political campaigns to lower taxes and evade regulations. That happens to be one reason why American politics is so polarized. It’s simply not true that they go along with it and are happy about it.

      If the government was not under jewish control, it would do one of two things: either it would tell the employers to get used to making lower profits, or it would lower their taxes or give them public subsidies. But it would not choose a nation destroying method to help them.

      Why would they do that? There’s nothing inherent to the capitalist system to seek lower profits and tighter regulations. There’s certainly nothing inherent in the system that would promote the “national interest” if it were not for evil Jews. There are plenty of Gentile globalists who are transnationalists who are more than happy to work with Jews to promote their shared agenda. If every Jew in the world were to disappear tomorrow, they would still be a huge problem.

    • No. The vast majority of them were allowed in thanks to jewish racial solidarity and jewish political shenanigans.

      Jews were allowed into the United States during the Great Wave, along with millions of other European immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe, because Gilded Age capitalists wanted an unlimited source of cheap labor to work in their Northern factories. That’s how Massachusetts came to be overrun by the Irish and how the Yankee was swamped by non-Anglos in New England. This went on for over forty years and was only temporarily stopped by the World Wars and the Great Depression. Those capitalists didn’t care if their stoop laborers were Jews or Italians or Poles or Serbs.

      It’s true there was a nativist backlash to mass immigration from Europe. It’s also true that the most ferocious enemies of restricting immigration were the capitalists of those days who wanted the cheap labor. Organized Jewry as we know it today didn’t emerge until the 1920s and 1930s. It wasn’t powerful enough at the time to stop the Immigration Act of 1924 in spite of a herculean effort on their part.

      The same thing happened in France. In July 1870, Napoleon III declared war on Prussia but was captured in early September with part of his army. A provisional “government of national defense” was created in Paris, with the jew Adolphe Crémieux as minister of Justice. In October, while Paris was besieged by the Prussian army, he signed a decree giving French citizenship to all Algerian jews. Wikipedia says he had previously been friends with Abbé Grégoire, who worked to give French citizenship to France’s jews at the time of the French Revolution.

      We’ve already discussed how one of the first actions of the French Republic was to emancipate the Jews, how Napoleon spread Jewish emancipation across Europe, and how French slavery was brought down by the Second Republic. It is the nature of liberal republicanism everywhere it has been tried to marginalize the influence of the Church and to extend tolerance, citizenship, and equal rights to Jews. Then Jews inevitably end up thriving in liberal societies in the same way that some plants thrive in greenhouse conditions or how the HIV virus takes down the immune system.

      Not true. The Blacks were brought to America by Jewish (and a few non-Jewish) merchants for financial profit.

      The vast majority of slaves who were brought to the American colonies, which was only like 6 percent or so of the slaves who were brought to the New World, and which should not be confused with the slave trade in the Caribbean and South America, were brought on English and Yankee slave ships. The idea that Jews were behind the slave trade to the future United States was discredited long ago by historians.

      I don’t suppose the Puritans who established the first colonies brought any slaves. For the same financial reason, Chinamen were brought by railroad companies to do hard work.

      The Puritans enslaved or exterminated the indigenous Indian tribes in New England. Chinese coolies were used not only in the American West after the demise of slavery, but also in the Caribbean, South America, South Africa, and Europeans colonies in the Indian Ocean. Immediately after the demise of slavery, Chinese and Indian colonies became the favorite cheap labor source of capitalists everywhere.

      But in 1924, the US government passed an immigration law to stop immigration from non-White countries.

      Except Mexico and all of Latin America because capitalists in the Southwest wanted the cheap labor.

      In 1965, that law was removed by Jewish activists for racial anti-White reasons. It had nothing to do with the prospect of financial profits. And it is Jews, today, who do pro-immigration propaganda in the media, select pro-immigration politicians, and go after anti-immigration activists and try to make them lose their jobs. Tim Wise is not a capitalist exploiter.

      It’s true that Jewish activists supported the Immigration Act of 1965. It’s also true that the business community supported it too after twenty years of rising wages and a broadening middle class. During the Great Depression, labor was so cheap that mass immigration wasn’t necessary. Then as now, Jews are not the sole actors, but work through a web of alliances with other groups. Of course we know this first hand from traveling all over the South to do our protests where 9 times out of 10 the local bad guys taking advantage of cheap labor turn out to be Gentiles.

    • I agree. Capitalism is not the problem.

      Capitalism explains the demographics of places like Trindad & Tobago, Bahrain, and Qatar. Even if every Jew in the world were to disappear tomorrow, capitalists driven by the profit motive would still pursue their petty financial interest over the national interest, and there would still be a neverending struggle with them over control of the government and immigration and labor policy.

      I disagree. Unlike jews, most White businessmen are not psychopaths. They want to make a profit, but they don’t want to destroy their country. If they had no moral, they could just as well shoot people in the street to steal their wallets. Young Black men sometimes do that.


      How is it then that all of these super patriotic White businessmen seem to be on the opposite side of this issue? How is it that no one who is closely involved in immigration politics has ever noticed that ALL the bad guys are Jews?

      Today, the best way for both the Republican and Democratic parties to get more votes would be to announce they are going to stop immigration.

      Why don’t they do that?

      It’s because of the nature of the system itself. Every liberal democracy that comes to mind has moved over time from a smaller to a larger electorate. Democracies always debase the electorate just like they debase their currency.

      It is obvious that the Republican party, in particular, is doing everything it can to lose the elections. Don’t tell me it is a problem inherent to the democratic system. I have never heard of a democratic system where politicians would rather lose elections than say what the voters want to hear.

      Who are the voters? Apparently, you don’t seem to believe there is a connection between, say, the Voting Rights Act and the demise of segregationists in the South. The majority of the electorate in the United States is non-White and female. That’s because the system itself ALWAYS becomes more permissive with the franchise over time and long ago it crossed the point where White males are an absolute minority.

      Without the Jews, pro-White politicians would emerge, get elected, and try to enforce pro-White policies.

      In Thomas Jefferson’s time, the US was already moving at lightning speed toward a broadening electorate. The same process was underway in Britain and it was later replicated in all of the Western democracies without exception. At the very beginning of the American Republic, the seeds of its eventually demise were already being soon. The writing was already on the wall even then.

      That kind of liberalism was not prevalent before the jewish takeover of western society. The jews are not just beneficiaries of that world view, they have been its main proponents in the media. Without them, it would soon disappear. Common sense would come back.

      Hence my HIV/AIDS analogy.

      The liberal republican system that we had in place in the United States was like a greenhouse for Jews. There were no defenses against the Jewish takeover. No one fired a shot when Jews took over key culturally sensitive positions. Because of liberal doctrines, the actions of Jews were seen as completely justified or nothing to be bothered about. Contrast this with the Jewish experience in a place like Medieval Byzantium or dhimmitude in the Islamic world.

  43. Just as an addition, we see the western states seeking profit while the federal government desires to protect federal lands. There’s a limit to what should be protected, sure; but it’s an example of how those with a profit motive tend to choose the profit.

    That’s interesting reg. who sold slaves. I knew Northerners had traded them, but I hadn’t realised Jews and Dutch weren’t significant traders of the ones sold to us.

    That is a wonderful Jew-neutral set of posts.

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