Investigates Big Poultry

albertville-chickenNone of this comes as any surprise.

Here in Alabama, Big Poultry produces and sells over a billion chickens annually. It is a $15 billion dollar industry that dwarfs every other agricultural commodity produced in this state. Georgia, Alabama, and Arkansas combined produce 40 percent of the total chicken sold in supermarkets in the United States. Much of this is loaded on the docks and exported overseas out of the Port of Mobile.

Now check this out: if you open up this list of Alabama cities by Hispanic population, you will notice a striking correlation. Among other cities, Collinsville, Albertville, Russellville, Fort Payne, and Enterprise are all hosts of chicken processing plants:

“In Albertville, the largest city on Sand Mountain, chicken is everywhere.

Signs from major industrial chicken producers such as Tyson, Wayne Farm, and Pilgrim’s Pride checker the landscape of the city, and it’s not uncommon to see semi-trucks hauling stacks of live caged chickens through the city streets.

About 5,889 Hispanics and Latinos lived in Albertville in 2010 – about double the amount that lived there ten years earlier, census figures show. Whereas Latinos and Hispanics make up about 4 percent of the state, they make up about 28 percent of Albertville.

Leslie McClendon, Albertville City Schools English language coordinator, said Hispanics represented about forty one percent of the student body.

Similarly, students come to the school district speaking Spanish, French, Vietnamese, Korean, Chinese, and Japanese. …”

The League of the South has protested these chicken processing plants before in Shelbyville, TN and Gainesville, GA. It’s the insatiable appetite of corporate agribusiness to exploit cheap, low wage illegal alien labor that is driving changing racial demographics in Alabama and Arkansas.

I see those disgusting chicken trucks on the road (this photo was snapped in Shelbyville, TN) all the time here in Alabama. That’s what is going to end up in the meat section in your local grocery store. Ponder that the next time you have chicken for dinner.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. This is partly why the “organic”/”localist” movement isn’t really left-wing. Granted, over-paying for something after foregoing children is left-wing.

    Richwine’s study found: “The cost of these governmental services is far larger than many people imagine. For example, in 2010, the average U.S. household received $31,584 in government benefits and services in these four categories.”

    So we do pay for these illegals as they consume more services. We just don’t notice it in the taxes. The US tax system is highly redistributive, so the poorest actually receive more from the government than they contribute. Bringing more into the US does not improve the economy.

  2. I must say, this is the best idea for a protest ever (past protests). You’re actually trying to make a difference rather than just be seen, which I don’t think is true of all activists. Great job.

  3. I think this is great! The chicken industry is nasty and cruel. You should really show them and go totally vegan!

    Make some “meat is murder” signs, handout recipes for tofurkey and veggie burgers!


  4. Chicken farming or Chicken ranching as it is also know, is a cheap business to get into. It does not require a big capital investment in machinery & equipment. It uses marginal land.

    The Mexicans etc. have ruined the food processing business in the USA. The FDA, and State Ag agencies must spend their time looking the other way.

    When these chicken farmers and food processors get too big the EPA generally cracks down on them for ground water or stream pollution. Although, they have there hands full with pig & hog farmers and processors.

    A young guy who was a hustler and had some marginal land in a Southern state could make a nice living in the “free range” chicken business…

  5. This is a perfect issue for us as was proven by our/LotS protests against Tyson Foods in Middle TN. It’s reality that most all meat processing plants are disgusting, always have been since the days of Upton Sinclair ‘s “The Jungle”. Get body cameras in these plants. Get animal rights folks and Labor organizers in to these plants. The greedy agribusiness interests will not be as keen to flood Alabama with Latrinos when they experience strikes, bad publicity.

    Buy a little stock in some of the companies, then go to the shareholders meeting and cause trouble.

    Hunter, please list some of the worst agribusinesses that exploit low wage Latrinos , companies that are publicly traded.

  6. You’ll find a lot of allies who also oppose “big meat” and “big dairy”. Unfortunately, most of them are clueless when it comes to the disastrous effects of demographic change. Still, you can make the case that factory farming contributes to human disease and animal cruelty, while also exploiting cheap labor while passing the social costs on to the tax payer.

    Most of the vegans opposed to this industry are probably knee jerk leftwing idiots, but the enemy of my enemy is my friend in this case.

    Rejecting factory farming is a win in all areas: better health, better environment, more humane treatment of animals, better economy, etc. The only winners in the status quo are the treasonous business owners.

    If you watch the documentary Earthlings you’ll be appalled at this industry. It is horrifying.

  7. Occidental Dissent is climbing to the top of my must-read list each day. Keep up the good work! Let’s ratchet up the pressure on these treasonous bastards who promote white genocide out of greed!

  8. Immigrant labor isn’t cheap. It’s just that all the profits are privatized by industry while all the costs such as crime, education, healthcare and cultural degradation are born by the taxpayer. Another way of describing it is fascism or more technically corporatism.

  9. I had planned to hold a protest in Enterprise or Albertville last summer, but that didn’t pan out for various reasons. Albertville is the place that the media always goes to show how illegal aliens are transforming Alabama.

  10. “Rejecting factory farming is a win in all areas: better health, better environment, more humane treatment of animals, better economy, etc. The only winners in the status quo are the treasonous business owners.”

    Very well said.

    It’s also a break out issue for us with usual “Liberals are the enemy”, similar to Michael Vick being a torturer of animals, it forces Liberal Leftists to either break with the worst Blacks, or be forced to being for torturing animals.

    The Muslims doing slavery works well for us in the same way – forces Liberals to either break, take the White side or be stuck on the same side with real slavers in the here in now.

  11. Jack Ryan,

    It seems only 1 share is necessary to attend.

    Chris D.,

    The Bible certainly doesn’t seem to suggest animal cruelty is acceptable, so I think we have a firm footing here.

    People tend to quote the Bible in defence of factory farms, but I don’t read a defence of animal cruelty, only of our being omnivores.

  12. Reg. capitalism, Greenspan and various libertarians have been vocal critics of our current system, but such seems the natural result of a “greed is good” philosophy. Why play fair if “greed is good”? Greenspan etc.’s argument has in part been that long-term investment is not taking place in the US, that investment not wasteful consumption is what grows an economy; but even Greenspan would see population growth (immigration) as helpful for enriching property owners.

    We need a humane society that protects private property (perhaps with limits), offers opportunity to the capable, and protects the weakest elements from exploitation (not the same as putting them on welfare) – essentially we need leaders who act for the whole.

    We see with European history that greed does indeed drive most men. Money is truly the root of all evil.

    We gained near-term prosperity and power from Liberalism but at great long-term cost. Some libertarians seem to be near-anarchists who simply don’t trust any power, but many of them vainly desire their little stock portfolios to rise. A rising stock market is everything to them.

  13. A society without the state, a truly “anti-statist” society, would seem to approximate to Russia’s oligarch gangsters. We find similar gangsters in the old wild Australia and old wild West America.

    People don’t magically play fair just because they’re white. People tend to play by the rule set that advantages them.

    Warren Buffett is often praised for managing to appear like a tame cat when in reality he invests like a heartless lion.

    We need a rule set that everyone abides by but that advantages our survival. Such a rule set is not Liberalism. As Francis put it, capitalism is the enemy.

  14. Didn’t Pat Buchanan come out against factory farms? There for a while there was a movement called crunchy-cons on the paleo-right.

  15. One should see the effect the chicken industry has had on Arkansas. At one time Northwest Arkansas was all white and was usually the place whites from Southern and Eastern Arkansas fled when they tired of the heavily black Mississippi delta region. Now Northwest Arkansas has a visible Hispanic population thanks to Tyson foods. Crime is up as it gang activity. I am told that the school district of Rogers, Arkansas went from 98 % white to 65% Hispanic within a ten year period thanks to Tyson Foods. Tyson Foods is also a prime example of Cartel Capitalism whereby a poultry producer must buy all feeds, supplies, cages, and every other expense from Tyson directly, or approved subsidiaries, even through one could find them cheaper at other places. Failure to abide by these regulations means Tyson will not process your chickens and may even confiscate your chickens as they retain a part interest.

  16. ****It’s the insatiable appetite of corporate agribusiness to exploit cheap, low wage illegal alien labor that is driving changing racial demographics in Alabama and Arkansas.***

    Also, these third-worlders won’t expose the company for its treatment of animals. The Whites in Shelbyville were taking videos and exposing them before they got those gawd-awful Somalians.

  17. Wonderful….I love chicken. I think everyone sees those trucks with chickens and Trussvile used to have the Goldkist chicken plant, but no Mexicans. Maybe that’s why it shut down.

  18. What Conner Galt is talking about is sharecropping. The chicken processor provide everything to raise the birds and gains complete control.

  19. Corporate America loves money more than anything. That’s why they work Illegal Immigrants. They make lots of money exploiting them for their own Profits. These evil corporations could care less about the South much less Illegal Immigrants. These companies should be local family owned businesses working Southerners. That’s the difference between Southern Nationalists and the Corporate USA….we care about the people! Deo Vindice !

  20. HW: “Now check this out: if you open up this list of Alabama cities by Hispanic population, you will notice a striking correlation.”

    Where do you expect illiterate Mexicans to find work, other than in chicken plants? It doesn’t mean that the chicken plant owners made them cross the border to the USA. First the government let them in, and then the plant owners hired them.

    HW: “It’s the insatiable appetite of corporate agribusiness to exploit cheap, low wage illegal alien labor that is driving changing racial demographics in Alabama and Arkansas.”

    Absurd theory. The real cause of immigration is the anti-White government. In other words, it’s the Jews. The immigrants and the chicken plant owners are only pawns. I don’t expect the Jews at to say so, but the ADL and the SPLC are not financed by chicken plant owners. The Jews who buy up politicians in the Republican and Democratic parties do not own any chicken processing plants.

    If the guilty party is agribusiness and not the Jews, you need to explain at least two things:

    1. How does agribusiness go about persuading the government to import millions of immigrants? They don’t even own any newspapers!

    2. How come the rest of the population has zero political power over the problem? How is agribusiness able to achieve that? Does agribusiness finance the antifas? Do they pay people to harass anti-immigration activists and make them lose their jobs?

    Other questions: If agribusiness has the magical power to make the government import immigrants for them, how come they don’t have the power to make the government subsidize their production and completely abolish taxes leveled on agribusiness? Why do they not ask the government to issue work permits that allow the Mexican invaders to work only in agribusiness and nowhere else? I think it would be more effective in lowering the wages. And why not send them back to Mexico after ten years with their families? And if agribusiness is so powerful and cares only about profit, how come they have not yet managed to remove all working regulations for their employees? And how come investors are not relocating chicken processing plants over to the other side of the Mexican border?

    By the way… If the poultry industry did not rely on exportations and was not in competition with other countries, wage levels wouldn’t matter as much to them. They could simply sell their goods at a higher price. We often hear the argument that most people are just as greedy as the average capitalist. The jewsmedia tell us that even small business owners are ready to hire non-Whites at lower wages to make a higher profit. Actually, the employers have little choice but to hire the low-wage non-whites that the government brought in, but they would fare better without them.

    If a US army general stages a coup, takes power and sends the Mexicans back to Mexico, wages will go up. As a result, restaurant owners will simply need to charge higher prices. They will keep making the same profit and won’t lose any business to their competitors. And their customers will be able to afford the higher prices because the country will be less of a third-world basket case and everyone will be more wealthy. I’m not taking every factor into account in my analysis, but I think it’s enough to show that there is at least nothing obvious to the idea that mass immigration makes employers richer. Immigration from Mexico tends to increase the rich-poor gap, but most of all, it makes almost everyone poorer, including most employers.

  21. Where do you expect illiterate Mexicans to find work, other than in chicken plants? It doesn’t mean that the chicken plant owners made them cross the border to the USA. First the government let them in, and then the plant owners hired them.

    Chicken processing plants are magnets for illegal aliens. There’s a chicken plant near here in Bullock County that employs illegal aliens, but there is also a plant farm there that employs them too. Illegal aliens also work as construction laborers. In every case, the common thread is capitalists who want to exploit cheap labor.

    BTW, when we protested Tyson Chicken in Shelbyville back in 2013, Tyson had been sued by the feds for recruiting illegal aliens in Mexico and Central America to cross into the United States.

    Absurd theory. The real cause of immigration is the anti-White government. In other words, it’s the Jews. The immigrants and the chicken plant owners are only pawns.

    I think most people here can see that Jews have no problem building alliances with other groups, especially business oriented groups, to promote things like “comprehensive immigration reform.”

    I don’t expect the Jews at to say so, but the ADL and the SPLC are not financed by chicken plant owners.

    I was right: the SPLC has actually sued some of these chicken plants:

    The Jews who buy up politicians in the Republican and Democratic parties do not own any chicken processing plants.

    Yes, but Big Poultry also buys up its own politicians in Alabama, Georgia, and Arkansas, and it wants to exploit the cheap illegal alien labor.

    If the guilty party is agribusiness and not the Jews, you need to explain at least two things:

    1. How does agribusiness go about persuading the government to import millions of immigrants? They don’t even own any newspapers!

    Through campaign contributions. Tyson, for example, backed Bill Clinton and Mike Huckabee in Arkansas for years.

    2. How come the rest of the population has zero political power over the problem? How is agribusiness able to achieve that? Does agribusiness finance the antifas? Do they pay people to harass anti-immigration activists and make them lose their jobs?

    Because corporate agribusiness is composed of industries which generate billions of dollars in sales, such as the poultry industry, and which can therefore make huge campaign contributions and hire armies of lobbyists to push their agenda in DC and in the state capitals?

  22. Other questions: If agribusiness has the magical power to make the government import immigrants for them, how come they don’t have the power to make the government subsidize their production and completely abolish taxes leveled on agribusiness?

    1.) The government does subsidize their production through the annual Farm Bill.

    2.) Corporate agribusiness does lobby for lower taxes.

    Why do they not ask the government to issue work permits that allow the Mexican invaders to work only in agribusiness and nowhere else? I think it would be more effective in lowering the wages.

    3.) There are temporary guest worker programs which allow foreign workers to stay in the US for a limited amount of time. In fact, most illegal aliens overstay their visas.

    And why not send them back to Mexico after ten years with their families? And if agribusiness is so powerful and cares only about profit, how come they have not yet managed to remove all working regulations for their employees?

    4.) Because there are other countervailing forces in our political system that are opposed to that?

    And how come investors are not relocating chicken processing plants over to the other side of the Mexican border?

    Because they sell most of their product in the American market?

    By the way… If the poultry industry did not rely on exportations and was not in competition with other countries, wage levels wouldn’t matter as much to them. They could simply sell their goods at a higher price. We often hear the argument that most people are just as greedy as the average capitalist. The jewsmedia tell us that even small business owners are ready to hire non-Whites at lower wages to make a higher profit. Actually, the employers have little choice but to hire the low-wage non-whites that the government brought in, but they would fare better without them.

    Lots of small business owners do hire illegal aliens because they lack any sense of racial and cultural loyalty.

    If a US army general stages a coup, takes power and sends the Mexicans back to Mexico, wages will go up. As a result, restaurant owners will simply need to charge higher prices. They will keep making the same profit and won’t lose any business to their competitors.

    Restaurants are notorious for employing illegal aliens.

    And their customers will be able to afford the higher prices because the country will be less of a third-world basket case and everyone will be more wealthy. I’m not taking every factor into account in my analysis, but I think it’s enough to show that there is at least nothing obvious to the idea that mass immigration makes employers richer. Immigration from Mexico tends to increase the rich-poor gap, but most of all, it makes almost everyone poorer, including most employers.

    If you are so confident that this is true, feel free to go tell all these employers to stop hiring illegal aliens and to stop lobbying the government to give amnesty to illegal aliens and bring in even more immigrants.

  23. Armor,

    The tech industry made a huge push for immigration, led by facebook’s Zuckerberg, and Tyson Foods has always been a long-standing supporter of immigration, for as long as I’ve followed immigration.

    It’s not a question: Ask numbersusa who funds their opponents.

    NumbersUSA is funded by average Americans: It’s a rare example of a populist movement that has worked, thanks to Roy Beck I imagine.

    Why else would the US flood itself with immigrants? Are “socialists” out to get us? Jews are far from the only supporters. You can publicly read who joined up with Zuckerberg. He has a website up or did last I checked. Many are not Jewish.

    Wall Street funded the Bolsheviks too, with a profit motive.

  24. Many investors are retirees. Corporations act for profit. If a CEO acts otherwise, he risks lower pay and getting fired.

    The system insists, “greed is good”. Capitalism is the enemy.

  25. I read this on jew-owned

    On a balmy Thursday afternoon last month, workers with the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union stood outside a non-union processing plant in Albertville and handed out flyers to poultry workers leaving work.

    “A victory for Gem Stone Poultry employees,” stated the flyer, in English and Spanish.

    The flyer outlined the basics of Obama’s immigration order and listed the requirements to qualify it, including a $465 application fee. There’s also a promise by the union to assist workers in filling out the paperwork for free.

    Jose Aguilar, a union representative for the RWDSU South Council, is the point man on the project.

    Originally from Honduras, Aguilar has lived in the United States for 15 years.

    So, it’s not only the plant owners who support race-replacement: the trade unions too.
    Does it mean that race-replacement and lower-wages are good things for the workers?

    It is more reasonable to think that the trade unions have been co-opted.

    And the same thing has happened to big business leaders: they have been co-opted.

    By the way, has anyone heard of a big business CEO or a trade union speaking against race-replacement? If there are no known exceptions to the semitical orthodoxy and the support for mass immigration, it means that it must be very strongly enforced. In normal life, you always find exceptions.

  26. Other questions that I’d like to see discussed in newspapers:
    Immigration drives wages down. At some point, wages are so low that White people think it is no longer worth it. What do they do then? stop working completely? And how are legal immigrants able to live on less money than White people?

  27. The unions do speak against free trade, which is something. It’s too easy to buy their leadership though I assume. And I expect unions, as institutions, will grow in power with mass immigration.

    Unions are an attempt at mass man organising, and proletariats are easy to coop.

    We need smaller more homogenous groups that can’t be readily bought.

    I expect we’ll see black groups run by purchased or otherwise profit-seeking blacks, white groups run by purchased or otherwise profit-seeking whites, etc. A guy in CofCC comments claims David Duke gambled some of his donation money, confessed to it in court even. That’s outrageous to me. I assume he has his positives though.

  28. Armor,

    we are seeing fewer work, right now. And worker productivity is down.

    One common way of saving money: share a room, fit more to a house.

  29. I wonder if any one else feels like I do. I used to love chicken and now it makes me gag. I don’t know what they did to it but it’s disgusting. Seems it maybe 5-10 years ago and it got worse and worse. I can’t eat it now.

  30. “… Tyson had been sued by the feds for recruiting illegal aliens in Mexico and Central America to cross into the United States.”

    I see. Kingpins of Southern agriculture want to bring non-white laborers into the region–but this time the Yankee liberals are on board with it. I should think this will bring North and South together at last. (If only Leonidas Spratt had lived to see it … )

  31. Sam,

    in business school a concept is taught, supposedly developed by the Japanese, that you first introduce a quality product, create brand renown, and then you remove expenses from the product that most consumers will notice. The food we’re commonly sold is cheaper, but it’s also of lower quality.

    How “caveat emptor” is to apply when we don’t have time to each become experts on every consumer item is a mystery. Real food still costs a bit more.

    Agribusiness has become like public schools: Subsidised junk we’re forced to pay for, making real food and real education that much more expensive, and raising children properly likewise more expensive.

  32. I mean to say, remove expenses the consumer will not notice. Keep the bells and whistles he’s aware of.

    Anyway, as a result people are willing to overpay to smaller producers of a wide variety of items, not only food, in the belief that unknown corners are not cut. The benefits of economy of scale in our society are lost in the corner cutting and subsidising.

  33. “The chicken industry is nasty and cruel.” – One of the reason that they want the cheap foreign labor is to have someone that will look the other way.

  34. If it wasn’t for the illegal labor, processors would be forced to automate. Much of the slaughtering work can be done via automation now, but illegals require less capital investment. With automation the number of ‘low skill’ jobs is reduced dramatically. The most important work is done by the techs who keep the machines running.

    Years back (mid 1990s) I had a job that required me to travel to various slaughterhouse / meat processors. One plant in PA was already automating (the workers weren’t illegals and as a result the labor costs were higher). Their warehouse was entirely run by robots (no forklift operators) as was a good portion of the slaughterhouse. Embed two videos of the type of automation available.

  35. Hell_Is_Like_Newark,

    an increase in the minimum wage would bring such automation about.

    I just proposed raising the minimum wage at CofCC in order to reduce immigration. No one followed the argument.

    Marxists do anything for power. Our side is trapped by ideology.

  36. “an increase in the minimum wage would bring such automation about.”

    I wouldn’t be surprised if there was some government pressure on agribusiness to dissuade them from investing too much in automation. They will do it at some point anyway, and a few million immigrants will be left without jobs.

    In a racially homogeneous country, it would make sense to delay the automation so that everyone can have a job. But in a White country invaded by Mexicans, automation would be a good way to get rid of some of them.

  37. The two videos I wanted to post apparently didn’t. Links to them below.

    Weaver: I am against government price controls, which includes controls on the cost of labor. Even if we by some miracle reduced illegal immigration levels to a minor issue, you would end up hurting teenager and college students by imposing and aggressive minimum wage. Jobs in McDonalds, the cash register at the local super market, etc.. back in the pre invasion era weren’t even counted in the labor statistics as jobs! They were considered ‘transitory work’ meant for the likes of kids and housewives who needed to bring in some part time cash. They were never living wage jobs.

    Back in the ’80s during my youth, I got hired at minimum wage by a local seafood wholesaler. At 16 years old, I was pretty worthless as I had experience at nothing and was basically unproven material. However, under Reagan, the minimum wage had been frozen for years and under inflation, declined in real terms. I had one advantage.. I was so cheap to hire that it wasn’t much of a risk or cost for my employer to hire me. So he did.

    Months later I was above minimum wage ($10 per hour in today’s dollars at one point) because my employer didn’t want to lose myself and others who showed up to work reliably and were trustworthy. The economy was good and small employers were having trouble filling jobs. We had people coming into the store trying to hire us away (no mass of illegals yet in the job market).

    If the price of labor keeps getting pushed up artificially, you are going to have a lot of unemployed youth. The big fast food chains will be staffed by three people: Two keeping the machines running and another keeping the tables clean. The only thing that prevents that from happening is the machines still cost more than the people.

  38. BTW there was this disgusting thread on Roosh from a while back, people here HAVE TO READ THIS:

    Here is my succinct summation of what happened in a realistic objective manner:

    A Mongoloid gook, who is a failure and unremarkable in his own homeland, comes to Ukraine, a European-White country, sets up shop there at the expense of the natives, takes up jobs there at the expense of the native European White expense of the native European White Ukrainians; while also collaborating with racially unaware Ukranian males to bring inferior Chinese products from China Ukraine at the natives expense.

    He doesn’t pay any manufacturing dues or give any jobs to the native European Ukrainans that this scum mongoloid is parasitically living off in their own home country. Instead of uplifting the local Ukrainian natives or helping the local economy, he floods and depresses the economy with cheap Chinese goods that hurt Ukrainians, while idiot Ukrainians allow him into the country and help him do this.

    This Chinese guy arrives without even speaking the language and still is greeted as though he is actually part of the native population there!! His only loyalties are to his own home country and race, but he wants to take over and invade a European country and it’s genepool. He wants to fuck a young beautiful Ukrainian girl to augment his own genetics and make up his failureness in his home country. Look at that scum’s face!

    The local Ukranian’s help this gook, who doesn’t give a shit about the country, fucks an attractive young feminine prized very fertile and marriageable 17 year old Ukrainian girl, who knows how to cook and wants to start a family at a young age; produces instead a mixed race spawn that does not at all resemble a native Ukrainian while corroding and polluting the native Ukrainian genepool with foreign incompatible inferior mongoloid genes.

    Meanwhile the European population is dwindling fast worldwide, European features being the most aesthetic in the world, and European culture the most refined. Native Europeans are desperately in need to continue and create European families to perpetuate Western civilization, but native European women are not having children but instead this attractive fertile European women decided to have children with another racially inferior race, a race that does not have European features or the potential to produce a European like society.

    This stupid girl is destroying and throwing away her bloodline/culture b/c this inferior mongoloid got rich at the expense of the native Ukrainan’s and is having a mixed race kid and fucking marries at 17 year old, the most fertile female age for marriage!

    Instead of being a wife and having kid’s with a native European and have full European families to continue European traditions, this girl instead decided to marry and be a faithful wife to an invader Mongoloid that doesn’t give a crap about her country except to fuck them over and fuck a young attractive fertile European women for his own gain at the expense of a native European male!

    Are Ukrainians and Eastern European’s girls really this fucking naive and stupid? Do they really not have any self-esteem, any concept of honor and integrity towards one’s own peoples and heritage? Do they really have not have any self-esteem or standards in men or loyalties to their culture? This child will not even look like her or any European. Europeans need female European wombs to give birth to native European kids and rejuvenate the western world, but this girl decided not to!

    This girl decided to breed with a parasitical gook b/c she was impressed by his ping pong skills and this gook’s social circle of Ukrainian European idiots. Instead of continuing European blood, she is having a kid that does not look like her or any of the other European people of the country she occupies and she has eliminated a kid of a racial identifiable heritage. Jesus Christ man what’s wrong with Europeans and especially girls like this? Are these girls really this dumb?

    Look at the disgusting comments in thread. There are gooks/other race scum talking as though Eastern European women are whores and property play things that aren’t human and that Gook Mongoloids and non-Europeans are entitled to them! One gook there is bragging that a 5.4 ugly mongoloid uncle has 4 kids with an Eastern European women, as if they are supposed to be easy fertile sex dolls accessible to everyone. Don’t you think this is de-humanizing? The white idiots on that thread are actually cheering and congratulating the pairing of this unnatural disgusting couple, wtf is wrong with these people?

    Look at the idiots in the comments saying mixing like this is normal! This girl should be severely punished or have something happen to her, holy shit I never knew Eastern European girls could sink to such a low level!

    Wtf how could a girl sink so low and have such stupid low standards in men?

  39. Oh shit my bad!

    I accidentally published these comments in the wrong blog post on this website since I had two window tabs on simultaneously of this blog. I was meaning for these two posts to be on the recent Greg Johnson article on the manosphere and the article on Roosh. Can a mod or the blog writer transfer my comments to that blog post instead please?

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