GOP Caves To Obama On Amnesty

boehner-cave What is there left to say about this?

“The House approved a nine-month funding bill for the Department of Homeland Security Tuesday, breaking a lengthy stalemate over President Barack Obama’s immigration policies that exacerbated the rift between Speaker John Boehner and the conservative wing of his conference.

The measure passed 257-167, with 182 Democrats and 75 Republicans voting to beat a Friday midnight deadline for DHS funding to expire. Voting against the measure were 167 Republicans, many in protest to the lack of language to block Obama’s immigration policies. …”

It was obvious long ago to even the most partisan Republican voters that the GOP had no attention whatsoever of blocking Obama’s executive amnesty.

Elections are meaningless because the fate of public policy issues like immigration are ultimately determined by small cliques of billionaires who can bribe politicians to get their desired outcome. Thus, it was a waste of time for voters to follow or participate in the 2014 midterm elections. Although they vowed to fight “tooth and nail” against Obama’s amnesty, it didn’t matter if the Republicans controlled Congress because this result was always a foregone conclusion. Even if they had managed to triumph in Congress, a federal court would have been found to legitimize Obama’s amnesty.

Note: I’m sure this won’t be the end of all those articles which attempt to “tell the GOP how to win,” desperate partisan Republicans who will vote for any Republican to “stop Hillary,” or people here suffering from the illusion that they have any input in the process from following and discussing meaningless elections.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Absolutely atrocious sell-out. But looking around at all my dumb fellow Americans more interested in their NFL, TV, ATV etc. it’s hard to feel much sympathy as their country is stolen from them.
    I guess there’s only one solution to those of us in the wide-awake minority: join – if not become – the ruling class.

  2. Voting in such elections is even worse than a waste of time; it legitimizes our corrupt system. Why give your stamp of approval to a system that works to destroy you?

  3. Yes terrible.

    Try to punish some of the worst traitors, work to sow discord in the anti White Leftist groups Mexicans vs Blacks, Muslims vs Gays extremists, Gays against Muslims and everybody against the worst Jews (Adelson, AIPAC, Hollywood).

    Maybe consider intermarrying with Whiter Hispanics and learning to speak Spanish,,maybe move to Whiter Hispanic countries, White Hispanic areas of the USA like San Antonio TX.

    Wow, this was terrible . Maybe Muslims will crash jets in to the US Congress.

    Wow. Bad terrible.

  4. The Holy Catholic Boehner led his Judeo-Catholic forces to victory yesterday. The few hold outs were almost all Protestants. One Protestant Congress man from the mid-West apologized to me for the loss—and he was obviously shaken by the vote.

  5. This is all the more reason why we must follow the example of the early Christians and build our own counter-community. Then we’ll just have to wait and endure until the whole rotten Establishment collapses around us. Have faith, my Southern brothers!

  6. Quite frankly America is too big and too diverse to govern itself effectively. I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings but that sacred shibboleth of the reactionary right, the sacred Constitution that they so worship, does not work. It has accelerated, not hastened, the extinction of our people. It is too difficult to amend or to remove scoundrels from office. What we need is Red State secession, enough states to make a viable nation in which the preservation of the race shall be the whole of the law and any future Constitution and government must be constructed around that ideal. This is no longer the 18th century and statements like “All men are created equal” were rendered obsolete and unscientific as soon as the science of heredity and DNA was discovered.

    Face it folks; as regards the United States liberal democracy is merely the facade behind which Plutocracy rules. And I know of no other government known to man as inefficient and hypocritical as liberal democracy. So our loyalty should not be to what America has become (Sorry pseudo-patriots with your yellow ribbons and Support out Troops stickers) but what America was intended to be!

    Patriotism- from the Latin word Pater, meaning father. Thus in its most pristine and original sense it means loyalty to a kindred stock not blind obedience to a nation characterized by a warfare-welfare dichotomy and endless wars for non existent peace.

  7. My GOP rep voted for it. I emailed him a strongly worded letter expressing my displeasure. I’m amazed that we are supposed to be thrilled about Netanyahu giving a speech and get all worked up about Iran while we have open borders and a president holding the gates open for foreign invaders.

  8. Connor Galt,

    increasingly I think conservatives would have been better if we’d acted opposite to what we thought we wanted. Maybe then we wouldn’t have so many immigrants today.

    For decades we called for defence spending, free trade, and tax cuts… And we obsessed over lost battles, like abortion, which is an important moral issue but not as important a national issue, relative to the other issues we faced.

    There are still solid conservatives who say the US could have won Vietnam. For what purpose though? Anyway, the only state we have a motive to war with today is Mexico.

  9. The way to overcome Social Security would have been to pay out everything already promised, print money, and thus close it.

    Mass immigration has been spurred somewhat by the need for FICA taxes, but immigrants do not help the system in the long-run. And they receive a great deal in the near-term, perhaps receiving more than they pay in even in the near-term. Immigrants aren’t likely to be paying much over 30K in taxes per household, which seems to be the necessary hurdle for justifying them.

    We might have been better with increased social spending and less defence spending, with regard to immigration. Perhaps we should focus social spending on the young rather than the old, to further discourage immigration.

  10. This rant led to a worthwhile post, worthwhile for me anyway. The link is in my name.

    Basically: grant free education and improve infrastructure, tax corporations for this, lower unrelated corporate taxes, cut defence spending to cover shortfall.

    As conservatives like to say, “If you subsidise something, you’ll get more of it; if you tax something, you’ll get less of it.” Let’s make immigration unprofitable.

  11. So will we finally see conservatives wake from their trance and realize that you can’t just be a Conservative or a Republican and assure yourself of a sensible, rational and sane society that truly has your best interests at heart?

    You voted The Party into office in November, partly because of the amnesty issue. You gave them a spectacular, sweeping victory, and what did they deliver to you only a few months later?

    You’re a genetic catastrophe and a cancer to the White race if you still believe Right/Left or Conservative/Liberal or Republican/Democrat has a lasting positive effect on your desire to protect your race, culture, heritage and family. Leftists/Democrats might be representative of certain poisons that are obvious to you, but Republicans/Conservatives are simply the cherry-flavored poison that is supposed to help you fight it off and get better. You are beyond the point of just being an imbecile if you don’t understand this by now.

    There are conservatives and there are racialists. Do yourself a favor and wake the fuck up and start rallying around racialism. The Republican party is a dead end. Being a Conservative outside of racialism is a dead end as far as protecting what you believe to be worth “conserving.”

    The American Freedom Party is out there. Use it or find another fuse to light. Do something besides relegating yourself to chattel of globalists and their puppet politicians.

  12. Contact info for the worst White traitor in 150 years!

    Please do not make any threats, be polite, don’t break any laws, don’t advocate any violence. But yes, spread the word. This traitor must become a social pariah.

    DC Address: The Honorable John A. Boehner
    United States House of Representatives
    1011 Longworth House Office Building
    Washington, D.C. 20515-3508
    DC Phone: 202-225-6205
    DC Fax: 202-225-0704
    Contact Representative Boehner:
    WWW Homepage:
    Twitter: @SpeakerBoehner
    Fulltime District Offices:
    7969 Cincinnati-Dayton Road, Suite B
    West Chester, OH 45069 Voice: 513-779-5400
    FAX: 513-779-5315
    to West Chester office from Google Maps
    12 South Plum Street
    Troy, OH 45373 Voice: 937-339-1524
    FAX: 937-339-1878
    to Troy office from Google Maps
    76 East High Street, 3rd Floor
    Springfield, OH 45502 Voice: 937-322-1120
    FAX: Not Currently Available
    to Springfield office from Google Maps

  13. Jack Ryan says:

    ‘Contact info for the worst White traitor in 150 years!’

    I suppose it can’t hurt to do so, but I think he has proven once again that he is nothing more than a shifty, lying weasel.

    He approved of his daughter marrying a dreadlocked nigger for goodness sake. He
    is a reprehensible weepin’ wuss.

    It is plain that the congress has been sold to the highest bidders. The shekels keep coming in and Boehner and McTurtle continue to do do as they are told.

    Oh, and they love Bibi so much!

  14. Don’t overlook the outsized influence of one family on the GOP, the Bushes. Jeb, an avatar of white genocide, is running for President. The word has gone out to not court controversy, especially re immigration. Despite him getting 2 to 3% in polls, he will be bossed in by the money men. The good thing is that it will prompt a formal schism, not just belly aching on the sidelines.

  15. @Connor Galt “Quite frankly America is too big and too diverse to govern itself effectively.”

    Yes. The USA formally became an empire during the terrible immediate aftermath of the failed secession of 1861.

    @Southron “we must follow the example of the early Christians and build our own counter-community”
    Do you mean the Apostolic “all thing in common” communist community that renounced private property? (Acts 4:32ff)
    Please do name at lest one divinely anointed “Christian” Apostle our people could trust to rule the community in our racial interests. I’m serious. Thomas S Monson?

    @Jack Ryan
    John Boehner only represents the special interests who have bought or coerced him. He is elected by a small number of voters in one congressional district in Ohio. He couldn’t possibly care less what you or anyone else thinks about him: welcome to the Empire. DC is a brothel, politicians are whores selling themselves to the highest bidder.

    @Sam “He approved of his daughter marrying a dreadlocked nigger”
    Please post a source for this shocking accusation.

  16. And these same traitors were drooling all over Netanyahu urging us to basically attack Iran. They care more about Israel than preserving OUR country!

  17. Harry Black says:

    @Sam “He approved of his daughter marrying a dreadlocked nigger”
    ‘Please post a source for this shocking accusation.’

    House Speaker John Boehner’s daughter ties knot with Jamaican-born beau.

    Lindsay Boehner exchanged vows with Dominic Lakhan Friday evening in Delray Beach, Fla. Lakhan, sporting dreadlocks that extended down to his waist, was busted for pot possession in 2006.

  18. Hunter – and our best, most loyal readers:

    I think this is a good time to suspend Occidental Dissent for a short/medium period.

    Our people in the United States has suffered cataclysmic defeats this week as the GOP elite has signed off on the Obamanation using completely unconstitutional executive orders to give amnesty to 11-20 million non White illegal aliens, over 80% will vote anti White Left Lib Dem.

    The same week – the leader of the state of Israel, took over our Congress and demanded control of US military, new wars, attacks on Iran. Our “Conservative” GOP leaders were in competition for who applauded the loudest, longest.

    It was a scene straight of the worst days of Stalin, where party members clapped for hours, no one wanting to be noticed as the first person to stop clapping – people even collapsed from exhaustion.

    “Conservative”, “Christian” web leaders in this country made a huge stink that Rand Paul didn’t seem happy, excited enough to be….


    That’s what we are dealing with this week – submission to slavery, anti White Obamanation and the worst anti Christ, Zionist New Conservative war mongering!

    I am sure the leaders of Saudi Arabia will now demand equal privileges and there is much talk of Saudi Arabia and Israel now working to make US military attack Shiite Iran!

    We will soon be slaves to BOTH the Sunni Muslims and the worst Jews! There will be some squabbling of the two groups as to who gets more Nordic, blonde American concubine slaves.


    A very bad week indeed.

    I suggest suspending OD for a short/medium period, concentrating on personal affairs, spiritual cleansing as our world comes crashing down.

    Hunter I know you have special family affairs and your family will probably change (hopefully in a good way) these next few months.

    I have some, lesser family affairs to attend to.

    I don’t see much point in activism – Amren Conferences in this period.

    I/We’re not giving up, just taking a break.

  19. Faith in elections and in the system in general is one of the Southern peoples biggest weaknesses’s. Of course, faith in the USA doesn’t come from our ancestors, it comes from WW2 propaganda and this idea that America is good that was pushed so heavy in the war years. This is especially true of the baby boomer generation which grew up with this propaganda. They will be voting to “stop the liberals” until they take a dirt nap. If they haven’t given it up in 40 years, they aren’t about to now.

    Your right Hunter, the next big thing will be to “stop Hillary” at all costs! That will be their new project.

  20. I never had any confidence in the GOP.

    It would have been stunning if they hadn’t caved. This whole fiasco was for show, a token gesture, pretending to put up a fight. It hasn’t had any effect on me because I never expected any other result.

  21. If Pakistanis were the biggest donors in America, both Republicans and Democrats would be going to war with India.

  22. “Elections are meaningless because the fate of public policy issues like immigration are ultimately determined by small cliques of billionaires who can bribe politicians to get their desired outcome.”

    And what do the politicians do with the money jewish billionaires give them?
    They give it back to the jew-owned media to buy TV airtime.
    The money stays in jewish pockets.
    It’s a circular thing.

    The jewish billionaires and jewish media have the same anti-White agenda.
    They decide who gets elected in government.
    Then the government helps them stay in power.
    It’s circular.

    TV doesn’t just influence elections, it decides elections.
    The same can be said of the jews, since they own the TV stations.
    And they mostly don’t allow pro-White politicians on TV.

    When a politician is fairly elected and later yields to bribery and jewish money, that is one thing. But in the present situation, it seems you must get hired by the jews before you can even be elected. It is worse than a simple problem of bribery.

    What’s unfortunate is not that some of us white people are not completely honest. The real problem is that jews control the system and select amoral racially-unaware people to fill political positions, along with jews.

    Meanwhile, the jewish media are going to keep publishing phony articles wondering if it is not unfair that Iowa has more influence than other states in selecting the presidential candidate!

  23. I think this is a good time to suspend Occidental Dissent for a short/medium period….

    I/We’re not giving up, just taking a break.

    Jack, I don’t understand the point of this suggestion. The reason the pro-White sphere is not what I would consider an effective movement is precisely because most people take too many breaks and there are too many gaps. Activism, for far too many of us, is measured in months and even years. Events are spread out, people are spread out, and there is an anemic number of actual face-to-face encounters with pro-White advocates outside of a very few distinct groups and cliques. Even something like the AmRen conference was a biannual event up until recently. See ya in two years or see ya this time next year is not something people should be content with. Unfortunately, many people are either content with it or they associate “relaxing” by getting as far away from pro-Whites as possible.

    The websites dedicated to pro-White views, the protests, rallies and conferences are supposed to be a catalyst for moving more people to action in their everyday lives. This just hasn’t happened to any great degree. Certainly not anywhere close to what will be needed to put up a strong resistance to fight off the anti-White machine that is in warp drive right now. All of the mediums and events are supposed to be tools to create a widening path to an end goal of White autonomy. They are not supposed to be the end goals.

    There are almost no organizations, groups or individuals who step out of their comfort zones, push aside the heavy-handed proselytizing and gloom-and-doom rhetoric, and then work to build stable relationships that aren’t just hinged on being in a constant state of vitriolic anger against a system that works against White interests. Unless this changes right now, you’ll see nothing but a continuing cycle of mediocrity at its best, and complete race replacement at its very worst.

  24. Celestial Time –

    I am only suggesting a relatively short break, a time for spiritual renewal.

    Hunter (and to a lesser extent) and I have some personal issues to attend to. There has been an important death in the family/movement and people need a period of morning.

    It’s also a time of transition – as a torch needs to be passed to a younger generation, which I hope will prominently include our own Hunter Wallace and his spirited wife and the handsome, charming son.

    But, all the vibes are telling me – I need to step back, regroup.

    I’m not going to be attending Amren in Nashville – if anyone else wants to represent OD, I have some excellent magazines, post cards, propaganda.

    God bless.

    And Celestial Time please understand, there is no way I will ever give up until my last breath, my soul escape my body from a mortal wound in personal combat.

  25. Celestial Time –

    PS. I am using time during my break to improve my skills in Black Magic occult – my first effort in this area is to put an effective curse, spell on Speaker of the House John Boehner, I’ve found a very appropriate spell/curse that will stop his feet from working as he is now…

    moving in the wrong direction.


  26. jack ryan says:

    ‘PS. I am using time during my break to improve my skills in Black Magic occult – my first effort in this area is to put an effective curse, spell on Speaker of the House John Boehner, I’ve found a very appropriate spell/curse that will stop his feet from working as he is now…’

    I hope it works.

    Seriously, I can think of an additional 100 government officials, writers, judges and politicians equally worthy.

    It may be our only recourse since it is obvious the entire system has been corrupted.

    They must be removed one way or another.

  27. Sam says:

    “Seriously, I can think of an additional 100 government officials, writers, judges and politicians equally worthy.”

    Jack replies:

    Start making your list of local enemies, and…….

    Getting Even

    and always remember to have some fun out there. Never give in to this dark age of gloom and doom.

    One thing to do to lift your/our spirits is to read the Jew York Times Obituary Page and read about all our terrible enemies that are dying off like flies.


  28. Hunter (and to a lesser extent) and I have some personal issues to attend to. There has been an important death in the family/movement and people need a period of morning.

    I kind of figured it out from the way you worded it. If I’ve figured correctly, then my condolences to those personally affected.

  29. Thank you CT

    Our situation is very similar to those in the Fellowship of the Ring.

    We lost a key member in the Fellowship and are regrouping.

  30. You’ve got to know when…..

    “On a warm summer’s eve
    On a train bound for nowhere
    I met up with the gambler
    We were both too tired to sleep
    So we took turns a-starin’
    Out the window at the darkness
    The boredom overtook us, he began to speak

    He said, “Son, I’ve made a life
    Out of readin’ people’s faces
    Knowin’ what the cards were
    By the way they held their eyes
    So if you don’t mind me sayin’
    I can see you’re out of aces
    For a taste of your whiskey
    I’ll give you some advice”

    So I handed him my bottle
    And he drank down my last swallow
    Then he bummed a cigarette
    And asked me for a light
    And the night got deathly quiet
    And his faced lost all expression
    He said, “If you’re gonna play the game, boy
    You gotta learn to play it right

    You’ve got to know when to hold ’em
    Know when to fold ’em
    Know when to walk away
    Know when to run
    You never count your money
    When you’re sittin’ at the table
    There’ll be time enough for countin’
    When the dealin’s done

    Every gambler knows
    That the secret to survivin’
    Is knowin’ what to throw away
    And knowin’ what to keep
    ‘Cause every hand’s a winner
    And every hand’s a loser
    And the best that you can hope for
    Is to die in your sleep”

    And when he finished speakin’
    He turned back toward the window
    Crushed out his cigarette
    And faded off to sleep
    And somewhere in the darkness
    The gambler he broke even
    And in his final words
    I found an ace that I could keep

    You’ve got to know when to hold ’em
    Know when to fold ’em
    Know when to walk away
    And know when to run
    You never count your money
    When you’re sittin’ at the table
    There’ll be time enough for countin’
    When the dealin’s done

    You’ve got to know when to hold ’em
    (When to hold ’em)
    Know when to fold ’em
    (When to fold ’em)
    Know when to walk away
    And know when to run
    You never count your money
    When you’re sittin’ at the table
    There’ll be time enough for countin’
    When the dealin’s done

    You’ve got to know when to hold ’em
    Know when to fold ’em
    Know when to walk away
    And know when to run
    You never count your money
    When you’re sittin’ at the table
    There’ll be time enough for countin’
    When the dealin’s done

  31. Barry Soetero had no authority to anesthetize illegal aliens, and by doing so he issued an illegal order that he didn’t even take the time to sign. He bitched slapped congress and the courts and they have all bowed down to this rogue. These people can all be ignored. We are now being ruled by outlaws.

  32. Ah, Hunter Wallace, I was just reminded of something you might not have seen before:

    Economism and the National Prospect.

    John Attarian condemns what he terms the “economite”. You can find related articles online, by others using these terms.

    So, perhaps we should condemn “economites”, thusly indirectly attacking capitalism.

    I just failed at attacking capitalism at CofCC comments debate. I originally thought I wrote a good post, but I should have taken more time.

  33. Are any of our loyal OD readers attending the Amren conference in Nashville TN the second week of April?

    It looks like both Hunter and I will not be able to attend and we should have some representation. I have some excellent OD magazines, postcards which we should sell/distribute.

    God bless everyone.

    • Fitzhugh is the only Southern political theorist that I know of who was willing to think outside the boundaries of the Jeffersonian tradition. Read all of his books. They are very important.

  34. Your comment on CofCC about a genetic dimension to tradition was intriguing.

    Many of our white children are being dropped into a alien environment hostile to their genetic tradition.

  35. What do you expect from a Judeo Masonic Speaker. His daughter married a Jamican Nigger and he went to the wedding… Judeo Masonic Politicians will always obey the Ba Nay Brit Zionist Snakes and will always betray White Race and are are ANTI-WHITE… To hell with ZOG and Anti-Whites….

  36. HW, so far I especially enjoy his anti-capitalism. Unfortunately, it seems he was a Christian fundamentalist of sorts and didn’t view the Negro as inherently inferior (the Negro’s intellectual stupidity is the strongest argument for his enslavement, in my view). However, it seems that he finally adopted the idea of the Negro’s mental deficiencies / inferiority later in life. In terms of slavery, it’s the best argument.

  37. Thanks Harry Black. Race as a tradition is certainly a different approach from those focused solely on eugenics as progress.

    Ron Unz’s minimum wage proposal sounds very HBD (eugenic-oriented); but it doesn’t sound white-oriented, because it seems to want high quality immigrants, including non-white immigrants.

    Unz’s proposal though is admittedly brilliant. I wish we had more whites of his calibre. I don’t think he views himself as white but as Jewish, though not a bad Jew I think.

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