Women and White Nationalism, Redux

anglin-andrewDoes the White Nationalist movement need to include women?

We’ve discussed this old issue before here and here and here and here. Listen to this Daily Stormer podcast and read through the comment section. The view over there is that women have no business in any political movement.

What do you think? Should women be included or excluded from White Nationalism?

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Take my advice…..

    take up a Whiter form of male led partner dancing, practice – get good at it.

    The man leads, the woman follows.

    Women love to dance and will enjoy, love the man who….

    takes the lead.

    If you get good at partner dancing, you will never have a problem finding appreciative female partners in your life.

    It has worked for me.

    Now, there is the serious problem of certain (American) White societies not dancing or even sick religious/political movements that think dancing is “immoral” (Puritan religious, feminists basically the same no fun, no sex mindset).

    But, for the rest of us – let’s dance.

  2. From my experience, women do not have political opinions, or politics, the way men do. Either they like you, or they don’t like you. Politics has nothing to do with it. If they like you they will go out of their way to help you. If they don’t like you forget it.

    In my opinion, smile, be charming, and don’t ask women any hard questions, or give them your political opinions, unless asked.

    The Southern good old boy is going to get a lot farther with the ladies, than Adolf form Michigan or Idaho.

  3. @Take Me Liberty: Thank you. It really helps when people like you speak up. All the filth on Daily Stormer and the Erik’s and the RamzPaul’s of the world don’t matter as long as good White Nationalists speak up loud and clear. Anglin and his vulgar site are bad news. I just never knew other Nationalist groups took Daily Stormer seriously. Sadly, it’s one of the few sites that name the Jew.

    • Here’s what I said over there:

      “IMO, it would have been much easier to say: male spaces are a good thing and in our feminized society we need more of those, and that’s what I want to do here at Daily Stormer, something like an online bar for men, or a frat, or a gentleman’s club or country club.

      No one could argue against something like that without embracing the feminist position on social equality. Those who believe in inequality shouldn’t find segregated spaces, institutions like fraternities, anymore controversial than separate restrooms for men and women. We’re not egalitarian SJWs trying to shatter glass ceilings.

      That’s not even what you are doing here though. You’ve said that women are still allowed to post comments and participate in the, presumably, social and political discussions that will take place here in the future. So you have stirred up a mountain of unnecessary controversy for no real reason.”

  4. 2 WN Women spoke to this issue a few weeks ago before the blow up at Daily Stoner. These women, who are White Nationalists provide an interesting perspective. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/all-nationalist-network/2015/02/28/world-view-conversations

    Interesting that Anglin and most of the WN “thinkers” have no wife or children, yet they seem to know all about women and seek to save our Race. As I say “No successful Political or Social Movement can succeed when it suffers a Gender Gap as wide as the “White Nationalist Movement” does. The National Socialists (NSDAP) in Germany recognized the importance of women to a Movement and enjoyed tremendous support. The American White Nationalist Movement suffers from a severe “Gender Gap” and is arguably hostile toward women.”

  5. If we don’t want women to hop on the white nationalist express then not to worry, a few minutes later the diversity express will arrive with MTV music blaring and they are more than happy to give our women and children a ride. One may oppose Feminism, and rightly so, as one more weapon in the arsenal of Cultural Marxism, but if one takes an anti-woman approach we doom our selves to obscurity. Women should be allowed to join and not relegated to only certain subgroups but if willing to work should be allowed to advance to the highest levels in out movement. (Assuming we eventually have one)

    It may not be a woman’s natural role but on the other hand the beauty of Northernkind females are already being used to sale every product under the sun. How many corporations have attractive white females as the visible face of public relations , or even the complaint department as they know beauty negates anger? Think Elizabeth I and her leadership during the Spanish Armada attack. Otherwise we would all be Mestizos. Look what Marine La Penn was able to accomplish as regards public relations by using her very attractive daughter, Marion La Penn, as the visible face of the Front National. Politics is merely war by another method. Our enemies already use the aesthetic beauty of our own against us. It is time to fight fire with fire, reclaim what is rightfully ours, and use the beauty and sweetness to advocate racial preservation.

  6. You can either have your multicultural morass, or you can have Biblical Morality.
    You can either have the Enlightenment humanist ‘pod’ mentality, or you can have Christendom.

    You can either have the chimera of ‘equality’ or you can have Normalcy.
    Women are ordained to SUBMIT to their Husbands, Elder Brothers, or their Fathers.

    Anything else – ANYTHING else, is a compromise of the Biblical religion.

    And Jews have had their hands in every single instance of ‘equality’ and ‘feminism’ since the early days, whether by Unitarian theology, or vulgar ugly Jewesss like Bella Abzug, or shrews like Susan Sonntag.
    So, who you gonna serve? The Patriarchal God of the Bible, or the Satanic ‘god’ of Equality?

    Women, you are in rebellion against God if you disagree. Think on THOSE things!

  7. The number one rule for all of us should be, act like normal people. Don’t go out of your way to use abusive language, especially racial ones, don’t wear Klu Klux Klown clothes or Nazi inspired regalia, avoid people and groups that have a low view of women and children or normal family life because they think it would take time away from the cause, and definitely stay away from full retards who talk about violence as the main solution to all our problems.

  8. Seems Morris Dees must be laughing his arse off right now, tears rolling down his face. Funny splc or whoever didn’t even have any articles on this Andrew guy until very recently from what I gather. What is the need when the guy is either their daily laugh over tea, or being a willful idiot?

    If I’m correct, and I am not familiar with the various regionality as well, but looking at the splc they’ve attacked the Southern type of Nationalism and this site and even the writers and family continuously. Trust me bruv only happens when you are seen as a conduit for change. Muppets like Anglin are purely their lols for the day.

  9. @Liam – was just wondering how the liberal groups (splc and other american ones) will spin this one? Top writer fired for defending women having a voice as a guest on a radio program? I looked at sites comments and the top guy Andre has changed his opinion several times in the course of less than a day or two, very weird. First he specifically said he wanted no female comments even, now he says he does and their ‘contributions ‘ (obviously) but …..what else is his point? He change so much I can no longer take him seriously, glad found this site.

    And what the female said on the radio programs she was on was disavowing queer marriage and promoting traditionalism, and speaking out against race mixers. Not sure what the problem so with that is? Vast majority of comments were positive for her, they’ve done a very stupid mistake she wasn’t an idiot probably smarter than 99% of the dumb commenters who troll the site constantly.

  10. LOL – considering some of the comments on DS, imagine splc thoughts on how to go with this one – top writer fired for defending women.

    Oh we call this a ènigme – not sure how else to say it but I should search that.

  11. Just in case everyone already don’t know, WN is not an existence outside fringe Americans. We have our own national groups. It will fail because it’s already marginal and now excluding the majority of white population surely this is not coincidence?

  12. This in my opinion, since you asked, is the biggest mistake he has made so far, besides having sex with continual amounts of non white women while being a white nationalist. See how little it means these days? Or maybe always did and I just stumbled across it for awhile and was fooled.

    We don’t go to Daily Stormer to read about feminism, there are literally tens of thousands of blogs for those and updated daily too. We go to read about blacks, JEWS (I thought this was the sites main focus? And that brought me there) and connecting to a broader white audience. His disclaimer says they “seek education through the masses of all people not violence” (paraphrasing) but yet now it’s another manosphere faggy pissing contest. He gets rid of someone over one difference of opinion it seems, so that shows the sites direction.

    Lack of integrity always comes out in the wash, his showed long ago but it seems we are such a quick race to forgive and forget. It’s never stopped.

    Aux revoir

  13. The front end social network can’t exclude women, but that isn’t necessarily what Anglin wants to work on.

  14. What we have here is the same issues that have plagued the “White Nationalist” scene for well over a generation, with no sign of things changing in the near future.

    It is seemingly the end result of attempting to bring together disparate, and often incompatible, forces from a variety of regions, ethnic backgrounds, and cultures, without regard to the caliber of some present in the “movement’s” public eye.

    The idea of isolating and blasting White women, who will likely play a major role in the years ahead, seems ill-advised and bizarre at the very least.

    Then again, perhaps some believe that the “Manosphere” culture will carry the European peoples to victory…

  15. The American Revolution, French Revolution, Haitian Revolution, Bolshevik Revolution, rise of Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany; all of these events occurred because of pissed off and fanatical men. Women have never played any significant part in any revolution or political movement that sought to overturn society other than as wives and companions (Abigail Adams).

  16. I use White Nationalism as a blanket term, because there are so many various factions.

    I just want what’s best for White People. Sigh.

  17. WN Is a Lost Cause HNGRY says:

    ‘And what the female said on the radio programs she was on was disavowing queer marriage and promoting traditionalism, and speaking out against race mixers. Not sure what the problem so with that is?’

    We need many more women like her. She should be encouraged not muzzled. Andrew alienated a great asset (Cicero) and the woman.

    Doesn’t make sense in the big picture.

    The segment of hostile women who will not listen to or take advice from men in this day and age can often be persuaded by other females.

  18. I’m so tired of the ludicrous outbursts that are given platform in this movement, Marcus Cicero and others are breath of fresh air – Thank you for that.

    I find myself constantly disillusioned with all the talk of the illustrious merits of Islamic gender roles including divinely- sanctioned wife beating, polygamy, and purdah, coupled with the endless rant on general female “inferiority”. This is of course always coupled with a conspicuous lack of honest reflection on their own gender’s state of health.

    I really question the base intentions of those that can’t even withhold projectile-vomiting onto nationalist women that would otherwise be their natural ally – are they in this because they think woman-hating is traditional or they actually want a future for their race?

    In this new reality, women voicing any sort of rational disapproval are guilty of “shaming”, so it’s self-reinforcing until a man openly disagrees too.

    This “women shouldn’t be involved in anything political or ideological” meme doesn’t make a lick of sense in a world where Marine Le Pen is pulling our views into mainstream political discourse successfully.

  19. Crimson Tide has done no wrong……….

    Marcus, my dear – a female cohort was apprised of this kerfuffle, and is rightfully cheesed off. She rarely posts online, but does LOTS of stuff in 3D world (Asheville activism cough cough) She was turned on to the DS by yours truly – but your writing is one of THE chief attractions. She sends her love, and I quote “I LOVE his stuff!”. Meaning you, as do I.

    We think Andrew has made a tragic mistake. I have immense respect for what he does, and has done – but this is a major, MAJOR PR mis-step. I have no idea about what’s happening in his personal life….and I hope things get better. It’s tragic because he has a GREAT thing doing – and now he’s really screwin it up. I hope he can get his world back on course….

    Meanwhile – we look forward to reading more of YOU. Cheers!

  20. If we are really intent on restoring a traditional patriarchal society, then men will have to step up and reassume their customary roles too.- HW


  21. In traditional societies, men are responsible for defending their wives, sisters, mothers and daughters. They are responsible for defending the tribe. It was considered shameful not to do so. There were no men’s rights or women’s rights. Men and women were part of an organic whole.

    In the old Confederacy, women would send their panties to men who refused to fight in order to publicly humiliate them. The Old South was an aristocratic, honor based society. That’s the reason WHY it rebelled against the federal government.

    There’s a lot of talk over there about traditionalism, but it is really just modern men venting their frustrations over their failure to control women. That’s not remotely the same thing as traditionalism. In traditional societies, control of women was just one aspect of a larger system. Men had duties and responsibilities of their own.

    It’s hard not to laugh at men carrying forth about “reclaiming masculinity” who are afraid to be seen in public or who are afraid to be associated with their own words. They go around acting like they are ashamed of their own beliefs. What could be more dishonorable or less masculine than that? Bitching on the internet, sharing their hurt feelings, with no intention of doing anything about it.

    Notice how the term “honor” hasn’t come up once over there – men with no sense of honor, who have bourgeois values, will submit to their wives, daughters, mothers and sisters acting in shameful and disgraceful ways. Societies that are based on honor won’t tolerate it.

    It was men who allowed women to act this way. They created the new “progressive” bourgeois society and they ditched the old honor based moral system as outmoded. Things like feminism and women’s rights are a consequence, not the cause, of expanding all that abstract liberal bullshit about “muh freedom” and “muh equality” and “muh rights.”

  22. “They go around acting like they are ashamed of their own beliefs. What could be more dishonorable or less masculine than that? Bitching on the internet, sharing their hurt feelings, with no intention of doing anything about it.”

    1. It is obviously very useful for the pro-white point of view to be present on the internet. It is more than useful, it is necessary!

    2. What could be more dishonorable ?
    – Saying nothing, not even on the internet.
    – Supporting the anti-white side.

    People should really get into White Nationalism. If we manage to get rid of the Jews, it will cure all kinds of problems: third-world invasion, unemployment, economic poor performance, lack of female admiration for White men, poor quality of TV programs… Everything will get better!

  23. Armor – what exactly has WN done in all this time to topple Jewish power? I understand it’s there to wake folks up. In fact, I was starting to wake up to the Jewish issue, which was odd for many people since I was a pro jewish Evangelical type for so long, and I did find confirmation and lots of info on the internet. So I agree it has a place.

    However most of the people involved are just not really interested or even think it’s possible to have a “white ethno state” which funny enough their solution always seems to be to ship all the blacks down and give them the Deep South states. These are the same folk who cry over muzzie Palestinians being ‘displaced’, while not caring about 20 million white Southerners. There is such cognitive dissonance it’s very strange indeed and I think most know they are on a road to nowhere at this point.

    I think the only way it can be saved at this point in any way is regional breakups, where there are at least some connection to each other in terms of culture outside the South, such as the Southwest, the Northwest , but the North East all seem to hate each other so I’m not sure about them. But these are all just fantasies and thoughts for the future, however I find it much more realistic than saying we should set up an ethno state in China just to give one legitimately proposed example.

    But you can’t even get these people to write their senators much less go out and show force. I even write up templates to send off to their various Senators like I did to mine (Sessions, which btw he always writes back addressing each point) and most folks can’t even be bothered enough to copy/paste or pro even look up the name of their Senator.

    I think enough show of force does threaten them and while they might not do exactly what we want at the moment it encourages others and it puts the idea out there that –

    Hey, it’s not just Arabs who can protest ‘democratically’ we can do that too

    In fact I’m not sure the Arab Spring in the beginning was anything the USA wanted at all, they didn’t want Muberak toppled but a mere 25,000 protesters out of a country of 83 million got the job done. Of course the US stepped in and took full advantage and tried to manage the situation etc, but if we had protests like that in every state that could be covered on the news, or our own news – what we really need is a Southern News Channel, they can’t lie so much anymore with everyone and their grandma having a smartphone to record with.

    I agree with Brad that the Internet is a tool but it’s been used by too many to actually become the movement itself. And no tool has that power. Just like no gun has the power to jump up and kill (as the liberals seem to think) it takes a person who is unashamed of their convictions to put themselves out there.

    • It’s been essential in the same way that playing Super Mario Brothers for 15 years is indispensable. Overall, it has been a sponge that soaks up all our time and attention.

  24. The DS was a great site. The Fags are SWARMING all over it now.

    This too, shall pass…

    All because Andrew didn’t have a date for Valentine’s Day.

  25. Did you readthat full-scale EMO meltdown re: the Valentine’s Day post – bitterness and loathing?


    I don’t want to be unkind, or fight with people (excepting hysterical sissy-boy homos like that Bo-ring idiot, on the DS site, or Jews, of course! Hunter – edit this section edit this section if you must!) – so I went very gently on that one…but my visceral reaction was sheer horror, when he posted that.

    You…don’t…..write/post….things….like that….if you are….healthy.

    We all have Dark Nights of the Soul. It’s unwise, and tragic (in the true meaning of the word) to reveal something like that, to the world, especially if you are trying to persuade people, draw people in – or get a date.


    I know young people are VERY screwed up these days, and young women can be horrid – women are confounding at ANY age – HAHA! – but…..that’s not the thing to do.

    Errr….in my dating days – my pals and I knew not to give off the desperate vibe. I used to help a single male pal out, back when I lived in the Big Bad City – by going out on “dates” with him, when he was looking – so he didn’t look like a desperate loser. I always dressed well. We’d go clubs, and I’d dance to the bands with other friends, who were present. I used to know lot of musicians etc. My pal would hang back, and tell the curious gals, who saw his Fashionista “date” NOT dancing with him, would approach and ask him “why”. He’s spin some tale….we did this a few times -until he met a gal that became his girlfriend. We let her in on the joke, eventually.

    When there’s a will to do something – there’s a way.

    Anyway – after a decade – I’ve come to the conclusion that the Real World is the way to go. And that’s what I intend to do. WN, as an online entity, is basically a total freak show.. The so-called Leadership seems to be clueless as to how to lead. I am not slating Andrew at all. He never said he was a leader. He’s been a brilliant troll, and he can be a great writer – but this meltdown over women? Ye Gods.

    This has been going on for EVER . I’m OVER it. It’s just so STUPID, and such a bone-headed PR move it’s mind-boggling. All other non-White racial activists know NOT TO DO SOMETHING that STOOPID. But this is a chronic problem w/ so-called White Activists.

    I’m done.

    I’m still going to be online, as it amuse me – but I’m not going to waste my time with people that are total Social Autists

    Deeds, not words.

    • It’s sad.

      If he had a family, I bet he would feel differently, especially if he had a little girl. My son has brought so much joy into my life.

      I know how bad the dating scene is out there, but that’s no reason to lash out at ALL women. There are plenty of women who are on our side in this.

      The nation is inclusive of both men and women. The family is its bedrock. Polarizing women against men, as feminists do, or men against women, is just purely destructive from a nationalist perspective.

  26. Hunter, I have 3 daughters, I was there when they were born, I missed the birth of my first 2 sons due to deployments. We just lost my first Grandson, watching how that effected my daughter in law is something worse than combat. I can tell you first hand, watching my wife give birth is an experience that ranks in the top 3 cherished events in my life. My wife and daughters are proud Racialists and that any Race/Nation that does NOT value and defend its women does NOT deserve to exist. These guys are vilifying our women. It is obscene that these people are representing the viewpoints of our struggle. I consider them as much an enemy as the Reds and the Non White Hordes.

  27. My hubby and I went out to dinner, and had a lovely evening, on Valentine’s Day.

    You don’t have to make a big deal out of it. Or if you are single – throw a party for all your single pals, and make it fun! An Anti Valentine’s Day Party.

    I think, if you are single, and do not wish to remain so – then you have to really not want to be single….ya have to mean it, and adjust accordingly.

    Yes. Real world connections with REAL family, and kin – that’s the essence of Nationalism

  28. CrimsonTide: “it encourages others and it puts the idea out there that – Hey, it’s not just Arabs who can protest ‘democratically’ we can do that too”

    WN internet discussions are doing the same thing: putting ideas out there. It’s important.

    “regional breakups” (…) “these are all just fantasies and thoughts for the future, however I find it much more realistic than saying we should set up an ethno state in China” (…) “But you can’t even get these people to write their senators much less go out and show force.”

    Andrew Anglin said somewhere on his blog that maybe at some point China would give some of its territory to white people so they would not be completely wiped out from the earth. It’s the same kind of idea as White people setting up a colony on the moon or at the North Pole. Those are not serious ideas, it is mostly a way to express how you feel about the race replacement crisis.

    I agree that there is a disconnect between the ability to think big when the subject is the creation of a White ethnostate, and on the other hand the reluctance to do the basic things that you expect political activists to do: get together with like-minded people to defend White interests, think up a list of concrete things that can be achieved now, write to your senator, try to meet some people in the local administration, in the local newspapers, and so on.

    Maybe also it would be better to discuss with other people how you can be most effective on the internet.

    Without the internet, my guess is that most of today’s internet activists wouldn’t do much in the real world. At the same time, I agree that some of them would do some basic activist work.

    But when Hunter Wallace makes that point, he can’t help but turn it into an attack against fellow internet White Nationalists. It isn’t the best way to put his message across!

  29. As a female White Nationalist, it’s my considered opinion that women should be allowed to share in the struggles of our movement along with our men. White Nationalism benefits White men and women, both. So it’s only fair that we shoulder some of that burden. But, that doesn’t mean women should fill leadership positions. The Catholic church allows women parishioners but it doesn’t allow them to be priests or bishops. This seems natural and I have no problem with it. I don’t think women should share a platform with men of the movement or do any work as foot-soldiers. I’m a traditionalist. It is men who started White Nationalism, and it is them who have suffered most under cultural Marxism so it’s only fair that they lead the fight against it. Our White men deserve some glory and heartfelt appreciation for once. God knows they’ve been deprived of enough already. It’s the least they deserve.

  30. @Rodney Martin: It means so much for men like you to speak out and say how unbelievable this entire issue is. It’s mind-boggling to me. Even though I’ve been awake for years, I’ve been thinking about just leaving this whole “pro-White” nonsense altogether (and I can tell you that’s most likely what people who are just becoming aware think when they see the lowlife, insanely backward crap from pro-White sites as well). I can’t help but wonder what sewer these people rose up from. You can tell they’re badly raised and every one of them begs for money. We’re supposed to be led by a bunch of losers without jobs.

    Thank you. For everything, your service and for expressing yourself. Posts like yours tell me if I can ever find and meet like-minded people in real life, they may be worth investing in, that there are some normal people out there.

    @Hunter: It’s sad that Western men think they have ANY room whatsoever to criticize Western women.

  31. Mr Martin – I wasn’t going to go back on DS – but you posted link….and like Lot’s Wife – I had to look back….Lot’s Wife fared far worse than I did……..

    I made a throwaway comment when I signed off – about Andrew melting down over not having a date on Valentine’s Day.

    The eunuchs are STILL clutching the pearls! I’ve know homosexual hairdressers that were hardier and steelier than that crowd.

    I did make that remark to see what would happen.

    They resorted to called me names…..yawn…..it’s sad.

    They are pathetic. I don’t have to explain to any-one here “why”.

    They are going to Save the White Race – and dominate the EBBIL WYMMENZ. But they won’t marry or have children.

    Ummmm…perhaps the White Race is simply going to dwindle down to online Anime figures…..I dunno…

    Oh God. It’s so sad it’s funny. In a sad way.

    Hunter – I saw your exchanges with Bo-ring. If there were an award for Online Barely Closeted Homo – it’s Bo-ring.

    I think I found a picture of It, training for Anglin’s new World Conquest Team:


  32. Vanessa – you can go over to DS and suck up to the Twinks there……..I’m sure they’d appreciate your sentiments. After you make them a sandwich, and bring them the case of beer you paid for.

    Perhaps they won’t call you names.

  33. “Boing” has got to be one of the more ridiculous characters on the Stormer. I almost wonder if it is the same person continuously posting, as he seems to be on the site at all hours of the day and night.

    Truly the poster-child of a new Aryan Renaissance…

  34. Women are just being women. There are Lesbians and Marxists who are at war with men – but most women are busy being women. White Racialist women are few and far between. “White Advocacy”is the only Racial Movement, or whatever you want to call it, that actively drives women away……….

    The link I posted, in my attempt at snark seems to not pull up anything.

    See if this works:


    Boing, training for the World Domination Army.


  35. “Boing” and a lot of the other extreme users have been posting nonstop for a couple of days. They are most likely Jews, agents provocateurs.

  36. I have 4 children and 1 on the way with a fairly decent woman. She goes to rallies and functions with me, but if she wasn’t married to me she would not be politically active at all.

  37. “Rodney Martin says:

    April 1, 2015 at 1:10 am

    Daily Stormer is the online equivalent of a nigger brawl at Chuck-E-Cheese”

    It wasn’t………..I’m not sure what happened. It’s a real shame. The site was very successful, and fun….but something happened with Anglin. What – I’ll never know.

    It’s become positively deranged.

    The Commentors, that apparently have taken over, are lunatics. Boring’s the WORST. I’ve seen infiltrators, and trolls before – any White site will get them – but that one is seriously nuts. I’ve been making jokes about his proclivities -but there’s truth in jest. His little claque are so worried about “feelings” – I “pick on him” – but then they rain the most vicious and foul-mouthed abuse…..and they don’t understand what the problem is….

    It’s all very rancid homosexual scratching of eyes out. Normal straight males are not that bitchy and hysterical. The HATRED of women is insane. Andre apparently doesn’t understand why people are insulted. The Commentors don’t understand the objections to that very long-nosed, dyed blonde woman, tricked out in Hollywood “Knaaaazeee” porn-anime gear. They don’t understand what wrong about all of this.

    Marcus – I’ve been listening to the radio segments with Crimson Tide and I don’t know what’s wrong with any word she uttered. NOTHING is off base, or out of line – and she was being interviewed!!! Is a woman supposed to remain silent during a radio interview?

    Please let me know where your articles will appear. You are a very gifted writer. Thanks.

  38. Denise, your comments on the Stormer are read and appreciated. I’m not entirely sure how to process what Andrew/Andre? has decided on, but, your input on the articles will be misse if you decide to abstain from said interaction…

  39. You might take a page from the Left and organize a White Women’s Front, aligned with the White Nationalist movement. The Left has done quite well by using front organizations to mobilize women, students, youth, artists and many more. This approach avoids the usual infighting over ideological ends and tactics. It allows for each group to exploit its own strengths.

  40. ** “Boing” and a lot of the other extreme users have been posting nonstop for a couple of days. They are most likely Jews, agents provocateurs. **

    Boing is a troll, but he writes funny short well-written comments. He is probably not a jew. We are told on WN forums, that jews on average “score high on verbal intelligence tests” but I think they usually don’t have a pleasant writing style.

    Maybe he was forced to accept a job working for the jews to help him pay for his wife’s alimony.

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