Women and White Nationalism, Redux

anglin-andrewDoes the White Nationalist movement need to include women?

We’ve discussed this old issue before here and here and here and here. Listen to this Daily Stormer podcast and read through the comment section. The view over there is that women have no business in any political movement.

What do you think? Should women be included or excluded from White Nationalism?

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Seeker – bless you and bless your family. Thank you!

    To clarify – I want men to assume their natural roles as leaders. I’m glad your wife is participating. I’m most pleased to hear of your children! Any man or woman that does NOT grasp the fundamental bedrock nugget that BOTH men and women have a stake in White Survival is deranged.

    NO other political racial group turns away ANY-ONE who wants to help, and prove capable of doing so, in any capacity. We know that men of other Races routinely treat their women horribly – but political activist groups use women to help advance their goals. Jews, Negroes, Mestizo – they are not “emasculated” by the presence of women. Yet alleged White Nationalists? The hatred and disdain routinely directed towards any women that show up is sickening – and guarantees failure.

    I realize that most women are apolitical- because the widespread consequences of Liberal” political policy took decades to manifest, and in the case of Negro Liberation, are only now beginning to play out across a wide spectrum of society. Millions of “average citizens” are going to have to play a game of Life and Death catch-up. White advocates are poised to finally catch the attention of mainstream Whites. The attitudes expressed by the Big Strong Menz of DS, and elsewhere, are going to confuse and bewilder, and DRIVE OFF loads of newly-shaken-awake Whites. It’s a chronic issue, and it’s extremely childish The emotional and intellectual arrested development on display is repulsive to healthy people.

    I don’t know what’s going in with Andrew, on personal level, but if he thinks turning his site into a “Boyz Rulz Gurlz Drulz” site is going to stop White Genocide, and advance the interests of White survival, then he’s lost his mind. This is a diversion from White dispossession, and extermination. Ishe co-opted? An agent provocateur? I have no idea.

    I’m really, really tired of dysfunctional people.

  2. Brsrkr – thanks. I won’t return to the DS. Anglin’s letting the loonies take over – and I don’t want to be associated with that toxic mess.

    Moreland – perhaps. This cyber tempest has simply disgusted me. I’m going to take a break, and re-assess. I want to be productive in the real world. I need to ponder the most useful way for me to do this, after evaluating the resources at my disposal. I’m over online fantasy games.

  3. It’s not even an issue in our group.

    Most of us are married and have children. Women come to our conferences and events. They enjoy talking to each other. I’m excited that so many of my friends are having children, and our children will grow up together and have peers who share their racial values, rather than growing up completely isolated in a terrible cultural environment.

    Then I come on to the internet. I see all this anger, alienation, and rage at the Stormer. More than anything else, it makes me sad. The e-movement has gone off the rails.

  4. Hunter, I think the operative statement is “most of us are married and have wives and children”, or in the alternative have husbands and children, i.e. real life vs those who don’t know what they don’t know and brag about it. We see this demonstrated by Daily Stoners who know all about women and relationships and marriage. These same Daily Stoners who either lust for girls who play with dolls in the form of Essays calling for 12 and 14 year old age of consent laws or have not had a woman since a woman had them and are thus very resentful, hateful and refuse to engage in any form of self reflection, improvement and Aryan responsibility. It must be ALL the White woman’s fault that they are 30, live at home, spend 12 hours per day engaging in electronic circle jerks, have poor manners, poor hygiene, use profanity as a primary language, dropped out of school, view porn as art, do not have a job and are therefore unattractive as a potential mate. Yep, its those White whores fault that they have no GF.

  5. Rodney Martin says:

    ‘Daily Stormer is the online equivalent of a nigger brawl at Chuck-E-Cheese’

    Uh, oh!

    Big chief is on the war- path looking for scalps.

  6. Anglin’s latest (he can’t seem to let go of the attention he’s getting for exploiting gender frictions) is that the Middle Ages really were the good times. No matter that there was no middle class to speak of, or that the jews enjoyed a challenge-free racial as partners with the less than 1% of european royalty.

    It was all good, you see, as is the check he’s cashing from his jewish handlers.

  7. I meant to write a challenge-free racial oligarchy in partnership with 1% of european aristocracy.

  8. Less than 3% of european men could read during the Middle Ages. The Church forbade it and punished illicit book-owning with torture and even death. 97-98% of the jews could read, however, as for them literacy was not only legal but promoted.

    These are the conditions Anglin wants to take european men back to.

    Perhaps someone should stage an intervention. But then, that would imply there was someone with some sense of self to save.

  9. There’s definitely some split-personality contemplation going on at the Stormer right now. We have calls for a return to medieval life, seemingly without comprehension of the short life spans, rampant disease, and serfdom that was a part of such times, as well as praise for the cultural policies of Moslems.

    “Interestingly, most of what he is talking about doesn’t sound that bad. He wants to clean up the streets, get rid of the faggots, put the women back in their place, tear down that sickening “London Eye(sore).”

    “The fact that I like much of what this guy wants to do does not mean that Islam would be good for England, it simply shows how much worse than Islam the current modern system is.”

    And this is why stagnation and immaturity seems to be the end result of the “WN” online community.

    • I see a lot of the same stuff on Facebook.

      There’s nothing particularly new about men griping about women in general or women griping about men in general. Sexual liberalism has confused gender roles and it has produced an enormous amount of failed relationships and unhappiness in my generation. No doubt about that. That’s a legitimate issue.

      Still, I don’t see people like “Boing” on Facebook, who see ALL women as the enemy, who believe they are “at war” with women. The level of bitterness and frustration over there is off the chart.

  10. “Less than 3% of european men could read during the Middle Ages. The Church forbade it and punished illicit book-owning with torture and even death. 97-98% of the jews could read, however, as for them literacy was not only legal but promoted. ”


  11. @tom –

    The source for that exact factoid was a medieval studies prof in college, who had us read The Cheese and the Worms, a famous book based on historical documents about an italian miller in I think the 1300’s. Mennochio was tortured and eventually killed. Book reviews cloud the fact that it wasn’t just his specific views that the Inquisition punished, but the mere fact that he possessed books to begin with.

    Here is a link about how the advent of the printing press revolutionized medieval europe and paved the way for the Enlightenment:


    The printing press spread revolution because it became impossible to totally repress the distribution of literature – and ideas, etc. Peasants for the first time could communicate across geographic limits. Notice the article states that most europeans (whites/natives) were peasants and that most couldn’t read. Rhyming and poetry was ‘in’ during the period as it made things easier to remember, for one.

    Literacy was the province of jews, priests/monks and the aristocracy solely. There was no middle class and the white masses were kept in ‘the dark’ quite purposely.

  12. The internet and digital communication devices could be said to parallel, in some ways, the printing press. It’s democratized access to information and communication channels.

    Just in time, though, world leaders are outlawing speech on it, in a number of dimensions. Here, Hollande and others are supposedly moving to criminalize ‘conspiracy theorizing:’ http://www.darkmoon.me/tag/conspiracy-theories/

    Today’s heretics are ‘the mentally ill.’

  13. huh, so what you’re saying is that don’t really have concrete evidence, a prof told you it (did he have any sources!? Did your prof honestly tell you that books were banned?) and you’re just willing to believe these subversive lies about european civilization.

    You have to be skeptical about anything said about medieval europe because most popular accounts were written by people who thought, uncritically, that it was a poor time in europe’s history, protestant and secular writers would, of course, write negatively about it because it was (for the most part) a time of catholic dominance in western europe. The whole point of using the term “dark ages” is for propaganda. The middle ages was a period of european civilization, just like any other.

    this is often how jews spread their falsehoods. Sometimes they don’t need to create ALL the lies they merely capitalize on those created by sectarians.

  14. @tom –

    This prof was considered an expert in medieval studies. Besides having a PhD in the field, he worked at a high profile museum in a fast track city near our very well known university. I could name him but don’t feel like it. The prof was an italian and a catholic, FYI. I don’t see how it fits in with jewish propaganda. It doesn’t take a genius to accomplish basic literacy, or a dolt race to be repressed for ten generations.

  15. hmm, then perhaps you are misrepresenting him.

    I don’t doubt the 3% illeteracy though.

    what this has to do with jew propaganda is that when europeans are willing to subvert each other, when we’re willing to wholly disown parts of our own history and convince our children to do the same, what is stopping us from throwing out all of it?

    When we uncritically believe myths of savagery, we create a precedent for viewing western culture as corrupt. Jews easily capitalize on this.

    here’s a link: http://www.bede.org.uk/inquisition.htm

  16. Hey Tom, literacy rates have been historically low in Europe bar the nobility and the church clergy. Here’s a good site which shows quite a lot of cited historical literacy data for all European countries in every century basically. For instance, in England 1450-1500 it was only 5%. (All citations are at bottom of page and have checked out for me so far)


    Of course the nobility always encouraged all their children to read and write – daughters and sons, don’t let them fool you otherwise – I see you are a Catholic do you should see what Tomas More the Catholic martyr wrote about this, he was a great advocate for high education of his daughters and bragged on them constantly, but even he did not want to expand it to the commoner.

    It’s always been more of a class divide when it came to education than gender, and in no way could a male commoner speak or look at a lady or girl of rank , lest he be severely punished. Gender roles have always had their overall place in society but class came first before anything else. Would you be ok having to defer to a Baroness or Lady because she told you had to do something just because you were a commoner? Which would be 95% of the population really.

    And it makes sense that Jews have always been much more literate as their only real functions were court scribes, lawyers and printing press owners and publishers later on. This has been the same throughout every European empire, their roles haven’t changed- and obviously of course they were usurers, but that takes an element of literacy and whatnot in itself as contracts were written up by them. Before they were kicked out of England one of the main complaints was that they wrote up unnecessarily long confusing contracts to the largely illiterate common population , and of course added their jewy caveats.

    Jews are wordsmiths to this day and always have been described as so even during the Roman Empire. They promote high literacy to attain high positions and to outsmart the gentile. Same things they do today, nothing has changed.

  17. In the very early Medieval era, the peasants spent their lives trying to feed themselves. As Civilization began to slowly put itself back together, say,,,in the 12th Century, life got much more interesting for every-one. Women had 3 basic options marriage, the Church, and business – which was usually tied to one’s station in life, and one’s choice of a mate.

    Women has business guilds, in the Medieval era. Remember – everything was made by hand.

  18. I’m not catholic. It just seems strange that some are willing to assume the worst about our ancestors.

  19. I am aware that there was a list of prohibited books. And there were different lists in different places. These books were banned because the church or local authorities thought they were subversive. It seems like liberty is saying peasants were forbidden from having books at all.

  20. Anglin and his Beer, Nacho, & Porn Club says he wants to return to the “Medieval era”. First, you have to understand, like his understanding of Religion one can place Anglin’s knowledge of actual history into a thimble and still have plenty of room left over for a thumb. 99% of “Andrewism” is based on his very narrow worldview and his experiences glob trotting around the Third World. But beyond that, Anglin’s statement demonstrates the systemic problem with hobbyists like Anglin and those of his fake name and anon posters who spend hours opining about wanting to return to days gone by and thus have no real and viable alternative to issues of TODAY that plague our people. They fail to understand clocks run forward.

  21. I don’t know anything about that, but there were obviously banned books throughout the Catholic Churches history – including the Bible until the 20th century, although non Catholic Bibles are still on the banned list. The Bible was placed on Rome’s Index of Forbidden Books list by the Council of Toulouse/Toledo in the year 1229. It remained there until the index was discontinued at Vatican Council II (1965). Anyone reading or owning a ‘forbidden’ book was anathematized, or cursed and remanded to hell for doing so.

    However I don’t see much need for peasants to own books if they couldn’t read 1, and 2 they were extremely expensive as they were all handwritten. Most peasants just wouldn’t have been able to afford one let alone read it.

    As a Hunter said, with the advent of the printing press quite a lot of this changed.

  22. Daily Stormer is a complete mess. I read through some comments there, Anglin is filth. Marcus bailed out at just the right moment. I expect DS to be down within a year.

  23. After Anglin’s meltdown, I doubt even Stormfront will have him back for another podcast. He mentioned that he has never had a relationship with a woman that lasted over a month in a recent comment. He might be a homosexual, he certainly hates women.
    His comment section is the worse I have seen thus far. And he is right at home amongst the filth there. I can not express it strongly enough, I was floored by the comment section on his site. He is not to be taken seriously.

  24. Departure of a Cum-cum-cum-cum-rade?
    OR — How I learnt how to look under theyz’ tail and detect that shit wasn’t even remotely non-kosher

    Gotta laugh at how what is an obvious hi-yaller nigger who three years ago was an Anti-Racist Activist who was a sex-tourist in the Philippines three years ago, and had a jewtube video gloating about itz under-age “jailbait” mini-Imelda Marcos a year and a half ago (since taken down) is now taken seriously when it goes all Ernst Roehm on you Internut War-tards.

    In addition to Andre/Apedre “The Nigger” there is a camel-nosed paki playing See-Eye Dentist named Sven Pakishanks who in turn is going ass-to-mouth with a murderous Jersey Shitty jew pig that spent 12.5 years in federal prison for the murder of a Puerto Rican sneak thief named Baal Finck. Baal Finck is a rat finck, who is related on itz purported satannic jew spawner’s side to Matt Lauer and on itz yenta-kikess’ mother’s side to Cousin Markkk Potok. These See-Eye Dentists have recently cum-cum out yapping as coonfirmed “No Devil” Talmudists while pretending to be post-Comparetian Orthodox Dual-Seedliners. In 2009, after getting out of prison, Rabbi Nigger-Nosed Baal Finck was brought in by Capt’n Senility Clifton Emahiser, and Joseph Stalin Kutz-Putz-November James (no relation to Jesse) and the former anti-racist activist Bryan Reo / SwordBrethren / SoredMamzer / Ol’ Niggerlips the Mamzer from Mentor, who is presently suing me for 10,750,000 ZOGbux for posting itz public facebook profile picture and saying like I do that the jewnibrowned mongrel isn’t even remotely white. Or heterosexual, thank D-g.

    Apedre in turn cum-cum into the bowel movement through Mike “The Kike” Delaney, who looks suspiciously like the Fifth Stooge as the truly-jewly mis-begotted Spawn of Curley Howard. Mikey Kikey used to steal hubcaps and autos, but got into White Supremacy and stole a video from another nigger slightly lighter than Apedre the Nigger and a tour bus from a race-mixing tard playing See-Eye Dentist. Now they run a sort of CornCobbian video-hosting for Whiggtards who don’t know how to get under the jewtube radar.

    Of course I should not cum-cumplain of censorsheep too much, but I do. Last October Hunter appointed a fuktard who censored a number of my posts and so I gave up posting for a while and ventured out on a whispering campaign that yes, “Cunthair Walrus” was becummin “Mr. Mom” and letting “Jack Ryan” / Wile E. Hibernigger run this now kosher-Masonic tard corral into the ground. Last month you had that Piercetard Craigslist Skank April Gaede and her fat ugly idiot mongrel meerkkkat Scott Earnest tell everyone how to run a two-tard Pioneer Little jewrope while Wile E. Hibernigger drooled like Wile E. used-to-could over on Axis Skanky’s stanky. I runnt off Axis Skanky when it was revealed that since she wasn’t white, what difference does it make if she is screwing jew-niggers?

    Like I told my own sodomistic poopy dawg Baalzepup Pisser-PossumBane when it was “hung up” like a sodomistic dog with a smaller minpen and I had to jiggle it by the tail to get it loose from the smaller dog’s bunghole, “Why itz not really beastiality when you beasts are doing to it.” For someone who claims to be biological, as opposed to religious racists like me, none of you tards look upon thangs like you claim, most [in]definitely.

    Whigger Nutsionalists need to run-off mongrels and jews and faggots and ZOGbots, whether they is declaiming to 666 fuktards over the Internuts or holding up pathetic signs viewed by 6 ZOGling whigger & mamzer ass-clowns In Real Life. Whigger Nutsionalists or See-Eye Dentists need to look these fuktarded critters that claim to be one of us in they’z burnt-cork eyes or to measure theyz’ snout-to-yap ratio. They even need to sometimes even look under theyz’ tails to see if there is a natural or artificial mangina there. Once that has been done, there will be no more whining and wailing about how nigger/gook/jew faggots don’t want any real live whiggress coontang or not because you done already done runnt them off.

    Does it really matter what Apedre Da Nigger [Non]Anglin says to the whiggress girleys while going all Ernst Roehm tendencies over on Da Daily $permer? If you are Young & Dumb & Full of Cum and pure-blooded whigger then Apedre “The Nigger’s” homo antics should leave more pussy for you as long as you are nice and sit down and keep jewr mouth shut whilst amongst Apedre’s Daily $permers’ Roehmist Rump-Rangers.

    Just a jaundiced eye at stupid ZOGling whigger & mamzer ass-clown antics.

    Hail Victory !!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

  25. I suspect AA is just stirring the pot and getting a rise out of all the pissed off males re jew feminism.

    He’ll most likely start to slowly climb down from his extreme position.

    What I’m curious about is why he would can Marcus Cicero. Has this been a long simmering fallout waiting to happen?


    For my latest blog post, Onward Christian Soldiers – Part 14: Finland click here >>> KATANA


  26. I hope he stays this way. I hope it’s the end for Daily Stormer. Why would you want some very popular pro-White website that just influences Whites to be hateful and sit around all day calling people niggers and rat-faced kikes — or to repel the Whites that are just becoming aware? Nazism was nothing like that.

    It was Clement Pulaski who bailed out just in time.

  27. The worst websites out there are the ones that focus on blacks.

    That’s one of the things that formed my negative view of e-activism: the atrocity posts always get the most attention, and you will notice that the same people return to the site to get their next “fix” of something awful that has happened to White people, but these people have no intention of banding together to do something about it. It is like watching gruesome car accidents day after day and becoming emotionally numb to it.

    It goes something like this: oh, that’s horrible. Next!

  28. Hunter – the Stuff Black People Don’t Like site focuses exclusively on Blacks. I think Kersey’s site is a tremendous asset. The posts are scholarly and detailed, and the Comments are wonderful. I always learn something, when perusing that site.

    That may be the exception that proves the rule, though.

  29. Mr Martin – the DS went haywire, for reasons I’ll never know.

    The comments are a toxic brew, and a boring one, at that.

    The truly bitterly funny thing about the White Man/Asian female thing is that Asian females are ALL about money. Gosh – they make JAPS look like monks. dedicated to a life of poverty an service. Asian women play the game; bat their eyelashes, and giggle, and pretend to be adorable little girls – but once that ring is in the finger – the whip comes out.

    “You go NOW. I need dining room set, and more fingernail polish. YOU GO NOW MAKE MONEY. F#CK YOU YOU NO MAN! Go make MON-EEEEEEEEEEEEY NOW!”

    How can you be a White Advocate if you are ok with Race-mixing?

  30. It’s sad.

    White women are all gold diggers, but Filipino women are not? No, there are gold diggers everywhere, as many a White man who has married a Filipino woman has discovered to his misfortune.

  31. DS stepped in it – purposefully ? To create idiotic dissent ? The interview with Crimson Tide was interesting. She is an intelligent lady. Where was there any problem ? This will likely kill DS.

  32. Hunter Wallace: “It goes something like this: oh, that’s horrible. Next!”

    Posting the atrocity of the day, day after day after day, is useful work.

    The jewspapers would rather focus on “racist” statements made by White people, and ignore the gruesome crimes committed by Blacks. As a result, people are afraid to protest against race replacement, they underestimate the danger of associating with non-Whites, and they fail to see that the jewish media actually encourage Blacks to kill White people.

    The jews want to ban any criticism of jews and non-whites by white people. Their policy includes banning any criticism of the race replacement organized by the jews and of the gruesome murders committed by Blacks.

    Their tactics work well: White people are afraid to speak up publicly. As a result, we live in a surreal world where issues of collective life and death are ignored, like the proverbial white elephant in the room.

    That makes it all the more useful to regularly post the pictures of the latest White victims of Black jewish-encouraged violence.

    I’ve read this nursery rhyme on Daily Stormer:

    Sticks and stones will break my bones,
    But words will never harm me.

    I think it’s a good way to look at things. The problem is the mischief done by Blacks and Jews, not the outrage expressed by White people.

    The normal way to deal with the present situation would be to take arms and repel the jews and the blacks out of our living space. Unfortunately, the jews are in power and can not be expelled so easily. In the meantime, we should express our views politely. But we end up in a situation where Black thugs, Jewish race-replacists, and anti-White politicians like Obama, are seen as respectable people, even though they are killing us! We need to find a more confrontational style. That is what the Daily Stormer is trying to do.

  33. @ Katana 10:49 AM

    I wouldn’t exactly call it “simmering,” although there is far more to the story than is being let on. There are differences in ideology that were impossible to ignore and overlook, such as thoughts on race-mixing, women, future politics, etc…

    Not to mention that the horrible treatment of CT, and the tolerance shown to those who attacked her and other White women in the most vile of ways, put me in a serious moral bind as to my future on the site.

    I want to actually accomplish something in the future, not be a part of the “Manosphere” industry.

  34. @ Observer 3:48 PM

    There was no problem with CT participating in radio programs, as it was originally suggested by DS staff that she appear in podcasts addressing the same issues covered throughout the site’s history.



    However, the complete 180 turnaround by certain critters does make one wonder if there is more behind the scenes than is currently being revealed, not to mention what was said about her, and White women in general, sickened me to the core.

  35. Anglin has posted a 52-page manifesto on his site which can be summed up in a few words — He’s really enraged that someone would dare tell the pro-White men that they shouldn’t call women mudsharks, sl**s and c**ts.

    PS: He wants Crimson Tide to make him a sammich.

  36. Daily Stormer is not a good place for women or normal men. It is good Miss Tide and others are out of that place.

  37. Another AA original – “the beauty is fading as all these sluts are turning into gargoyle like monsters, fat and hunched over”

  38. If you read Anglin and Daily Stoner comments real close, it is not hard to come to the conclusion they are advocating:
    Men/Man Going Their Own Way
    MGTOW is basically the statement of self-ownership and saying that only you have the right to decide what your goals in life should be.
    It is saying that, as a man I will not surrender my will to the social expectations of women and society, because both have become hostile against masculinity.
    Male 1: Dude, why don’t you have a girl friend?
    Male 2: Its not for me bro, I’m a MGTOW.

  39. Rodney – this pattern of thinking is the antithesis of a traditional society which puts the community up as the most important aspect of overall society. It’s nihilism taken to an extreme. When they say they don’t encourage white men and women to get married and have white children because there may be some future burden put on yourself in the hypothetical future, how can that be considered a ‘pro white’ or even pro traditional stance?

    They used to be focused on Jews as the enemy and pointing out how they have made us all individual to an extremely detrimental point, but now what they are proposing with this MGTOW is beyond even what jews and Americanism has done. How can you be expected to be taken seriously as an advocate for traditional or white values when you are putting (for instance)your own theoretical marriage then possible divorce and losing shekels or paying child support above actually being part of a real traditional community and having a white family?

    This is so foreign to me, and most Southerners and I would say pro whites in general, that it comes across as semitic. Considering that movement was founded by a jew, I find it odd that it’s being pushed so hard.

    It’s very hard to trust people who change their platforms every year or two and really have no moral legs to stand on.

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